Production of the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane. A fairy tale in a new way (using phraseological units). With. Mares of the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region

Olesya Emelyanova

Fox and crane

Russian folktale
for reading and presentation

Duration of the performance: 1 minute; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox was going hunting,
I met a crane.

Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to lunch
And treat you like a king.

Why not come?
Treat me to semolina porridge,
I really like her.

I will try my best!
I'll wait for you tomorrow at three o'clock.

I'll be on time, fox!


The crane did not eat or drink for a day,
Everyone walked back and forth -
Put on a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to lunch
He was having a conversation with himself.

There is no better friend in the world!
I'll order a fox portrait
And I'll hang it over the fireplace,
As an example for my daughter and son.


Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
I cooked semolina porridge,
Yes, I spread it over the cup.
I prepared it and here it is
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.

Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring lunch quickly!
I smell the smell of semolina porridge.

Help yourself, welcome guest!


The crane pecked for a whole hour,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a single crumb got into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Slowly licks the porridge -
She doesn't care about the guest
She took it all and ate it all herself!

You must forgive me
There is nothing else to treat.

Well, thanks for that.

It's a pity that there is no more porridge.
Don't blame me, godfather.
And by the way, don’t forget -
It's your turn, neighbor,
Invite a friend over for lunch!


The crane harbored a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a jug
With a neck arshin long,
Yes, he poured okroshka into it.
But no bowl or spoon
He didn't save anything for the guest.


Hello, dear neighbor,
You're not a homebody at all.
Come in, sit down at the table,
Help yourself, don't be ashamed!


The fox began to spin,
Rubbing your nose on the jug,
It will go like this, then like this,
No way to get food.
The smell of treats teases,
Only the paw won’t get through,
And the crane pecks itself
And his soul sings -
A little from the jug
He ate all his okroshka!

You have to forgive me
There is nothing else to treat.

Nothing? You ate everything yourself!
Did you want to deceive me?
I'll show you!
I'll tell everyone in the forest
About your hospitality.
This is not lunch, this is disgusting!


They fought like that for a long time,
And they bit and rushed
Whatever was at hand...
And since then their friendship has been apart!

Svetlana Saraeva

Participants: Fox, Crane, Storyteller.

Attributes: Clearing, fox house, house crane.

Musical accompaniment: birdsong, Russian folk music.

Storyteller: Made friends somehow fox with crane.

Fox: Crane, dear, come visit me tomorrow.

Storyteller: Prepared fox porridge delicious, and smeared it on the plate. coming the crane visits the fox.

Crane: Hello, Foxy!

Fox: Hello, dear guest! Try my treat.

Storyteller: The crane was pecking, pecked his nose at the plate, but couldn’t try anything.

Crane: Well, now I’m waiting for you to visit, little fox.

Storyteller: Coming for another day the fox visits the crane. And he prepared okroshka and poured it into a jug with a narrow neck.

Crane: Hello my guest, help yourself.

Storyteller: Fox walks around the jug, pokes his nose, sniffs, licks, but cannot eat anything. Since then the fox has Friendship apart!

Publications on the topic:

“The Fox and the Crane” Preparatory group Lesson on retelling what you read Goal: Learn to retell close to the text, convey with intonation.

“Plasticineography as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children.” The master class is designed to work with older preschool children.

Summary of a lesson on developing retelling skills using a spatial model based on the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” Goal: creating a social situation of development by retelling a fairy tale using a spatial model. Create conditions for: - development.

Presenter: Once upon a time, long ago, there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Alyonushka, good and pretty. Grandfather, grandmother and Alyonka come out.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” Dramatization of the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” Purpose: Development communication skills through theatrical activities. Objectives: Development.

The lesson began with the fairy handing over a magic chest to the children; to open it, they had to solve riddles. They hid inside the chest.

Re-enactment of the fairy tale “Zaikina’s Hut” in preparatory group Our dear viewers, what fairy tale we will show you today, you will find out.


Russian folk tale

"The Fox and the Crane"

(To the left and right of the stage there are two tables with tablecloths on them.)

Music is playing. The author comes to the middle of the stage and announces:

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane".

The heroes Fox and Crane come out from both sides:


The fox and the crane became friends.

(The characters walk towards each other, hold hands and walk to the edge of the stage)

* * ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄ *

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and invited him to visit her.


Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!


Thank you very much, gossip! With pleasure!

(The heroes went to their respective sides. The Fox placed the plates on the table. The Crane took the flowers and goes to the Fox.)

The Crane is going to a party, and the Fox has cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated.


Eat, little darling! I cooked it myself!

The crane tap-tap with its nose on the plate - knocked, knocked - nothing hits!

And at this time the Fox is licking and licking the porridge. So she ate it all herself.


Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!

(The crane gets up from the table and bows):

And thanks for that, godfather! Come and visit me too.

(The crane goes home. The fox collects the plates and begins to preen itself.)

The next day the Fox comes to the Crane, and he prepared okroshka, poured it into a jug with a narrow neck and put it on the table.


Eat, gossip! Help yourself!

The fox is running around the jug, fussing. It will go this way and that way. And he will lick it and smell it. Are you going to get into it? Your head won’t fit into the jug: you won’t get anything. Meanwhile, the Crane pecks and pecks itself. He kept pecking until he had eaten everything.


Well, godfather, don’t blame me! There is nothing more to treat.

(The fox chuckled.)

Lisa was annoyed. I thought that I would have enough to eat for a whole week, but went home without a slurp.

(The fox wagged its tail and stepped aside.)

(The crane chuckled and walked away in the other direction.)




Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox was going hunting,
I met a crane.


Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to lunch
And treat you like a king.


Why not come?
Treat me to semolina porridge,
I really like her.


I will try my best!
I'll wait for you tomorrow at three o'clock.


I'll be on time, fox!


The crane did not eat or drink for a day,
Everyone walked back and forth -
Put on a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to lunch
He was having a conversation with himself.


There is no better friend in the world!
I'll order a fox portrait
And I'll hang it over the fireplace,
As an example for my daughter and son.


Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
I cooked semolina porridge,
Yes, I spread it over the cup.
I prepared it and here it is
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.


Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring lunch quickly!
I smell the smell of semolina porridge.


Help yourself, welcome guest!


The crane pecked for a whole hour,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a single crumb got into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Slowly licks the porridge -
She doesn't care about the guest
She took it all and ate it all herself!


You must forgive me
There is nothing else to treat.


Well, thanks for that.


It's a pity that there is no more porridge.
Don't blame me, godfather.
And by the way, don’t forget -
It's your turn, neighbor,
Invite a friend over for lunch!


The crane harbored a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a jug
With a neck arshin long,
Yes, he poured okroshka into it.
But no bowl or spoon
He didn't save anything for the guest.

Fox and crane.

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"

Scenario for a performance where there are no more than two students in the class.

Goals: introduce to Russian folk tale, teach how to dramatize a fairy tale.

Develop speech and memory. Foster a culture of guest behavior and friendship.

Equipment: crane and fox mask, 2 plates, 2 narrow-necked jugs, table, chairs, tablecloth.

Fox.(The crane and I became friends. So I decided to treat him and invited him to visit me.) /The fox goes to the crane to invite him to visit/

Come, kumanek, visit me today. I'll treat you.

Crane. Thanks for the invitation, I'll come.

The crane comes to visit the fox. /knock on the door/

Fox. Who's there?

Crane. It’s me, the crane, who came to visit you.

Fox. Come in, kumanek, sit down. Help yourself, kumanek, I cooked it myself. Ah, delicious porridge. /eats porridge, the crane also tries to eat/

Crane. Not a single drop gets into your mouth.

Fox. Don’t blame me, kumanek, there’s nothing else to treat me with.

Crane. Thank you, godfather, and that's it. Now come and visit me yourself. Goodbye.

/The fox comes to the crane. Knock on the door/

Crane. Who's there?

Fox. It's me, Lisa, who came to visit.

Crane. Ahh, godfather, it’s you, come in, sit down. Eat, kumanek, eat.

Fox. The okroshka is delicious, but it just doesn’t give me a headache.

Crane. Don't blame me, godfather, there is nothing more to treat.

Fox. Thank you, kumanek, I thought we’d eat for a whole week, but I’m going home hungry.

Crane. As it came back, so it responded.

Fox. Since then we have not been friends.

Has this ever happened to you guys?