Lesson planning (development of lesson plans) in physics according to Federal State Educational Standards download for free. Lesson planning in physics Physics 10 11 lesson planning

The manual offers lesson plans in physics compiled from the textbook: Myakishev G. Ya., Bukhovtsev B. B., Sotsky N. N. Physics. Grade 10 . - M.: Education, 2004.
The manual is intended for subject teachers working in 10 grades according to the basic curriculum secondary school, students of pedagogical universities and is designed for creative use.

Detailed description


The manual is intended for physics teachers working according to the basic program, and is one of the options for planning the work system of a teacher working according to the textbook by G. Ya. Myakishev, B. B. Bukhovtsev, N. N. Sotsky “Physics. 10th grade" (M.: Prosveshcheniye, 2004).

Lesson planning aims to logically arrange educational material, gradually introducing key concepts. Problem solving lessons complete the theoretical mastery of material on a specific topic, and also serve as preparation for the final test.

It is proposed to study the topic in the following sequence:

1. Theoretical mastery of the material through lectures and seminars.

2. Re-elaboration of the material through group and individual forms of work. The use of intermediate control in the form of test surveys and programmed tasks.

3. Final individual control.

4. Analysis of what has been learned and adjustment of knowledge.

The manual offered to your attention contains calendar and thematic planning, which reflects the elements of the basic minimum education and the requirements for the level of training of a high school graduate. Achieving the required level of preparation is the main goal of each physics lesson. (The material is planned for 4 hours of physics per week.)

The 10th grade physics course now includes a “Mechanics” section; the authors offer 45 lessons on this topic. The test tasks contained in the manual for all sections of physics are compiled using questions used to examine the content, level and quality of students’ preparation in physics during certification of general education institutions.

The authors have developed tests for each topic of the course, a final test on the material of the 10th grade physics course, designed for 2 class hours, physical dictations, independent work for individual paragraphs or topics.

We really hope that the materials in this manual will help the teacher in preparing and conducting modern, meaningful physics lessons

Introduction 3

Calendar and thematic planning for the physics course. Grade 10. 4

Main features of the physical research method(2 hours) 14

Lesson 1/1. Physics and knowledge of the world 14

Lesson 2/2. Classical mechanics n Newton and the limits of its applicability 16

Mechanics (45 hours) 17

Kinematics 17

Lesson 3/1. Movement of point and body. Position in space. Vector quantities. Action on vectors 17

Lesson 4/2. Projection of a vector onto an axis. Ways to describe movement. Reference system. Moving 19

Lesson 5/3. Speed ​​of uniform linear motion. Equation of uniform rectilinear motion of a point 22

Lesson 6/4. Workshop on solving problems on the topic" R uniform rectilinear motion" 24

Lesson 7/5. Instant speed.Speed ​​addition 26

Lesson 8/6. Acceleration. Movement with constant acceleration. Acceleration unit 28

Lesson 9/7. Speed ​​when moving with constant acceleration. Equation of motion with constant acceleration 29

Lesson 10/8. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ R auto-accelerated rectilinear motion" 32

Lesson 11/9. Free fall of bodies. Motion with constant acceleration of free fall 34

Lesson 12/10. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ d movement of a body in a gravity field" 37

Lesson 13/11. Uniform movement of a point around a circle 40

Lesson 14/12. Kinematics of a rigid body. Movement of bodies P backward movement. Rotational motion of a rigid body 42

Lesson 15/13. Dynamics. Laws of mechanics n Newton. The main statement of mechanics. Material point 44

Lesson 16/14. First Law n Newton. Strength 46

Lesson 17/15. Relationship between acceleration and force. Second Law n Newton. Weight 48

Lesson 18/16. Third Law n Newton. Units of mass and force. The concept of a system of units. Inertial frames of reference and the principle of relativity in mechanics 51

Lesson 19/17. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ h laws of dynamics" 53

Lesson 20/18. Forces in mechanics. Forces in nature. Universal gravitational forces 55

Lesson 21/19. h law of universal gravitation 57

Lesson 22/20. First escape velocity. Gravity and weight. Zero Gravity 59

Lesson 23/21. Elastic forces 62

Lesson 24/22. Friction forces 65

Lesson 25/23. Resistance forces during the movement of solid bodies in liquids and gases 67

Lesson 26/24. Laboratory work " And studying the movement of a body in a circle under the influence of elasticity and gravity forces” 69

Lesson 27/25. Problem Solving Workshop 70

Lesson 28/26. Conservation laws in mechanics. Momentum of a material point. Another formulation of the second law n newton 72

Lesson 29/27. Law of conservation of momentum 74

Lesson 30/28. Jet propulsion. Advances in space exploration 76

Lesson 31/29. Workshop on solving problems using the law of conservation of momentum 78

Lesson 32/30. Work of force. Power 80

Lesson 33/31. Energy. Kinetic energy and its change 82

Lesson 34/32. Work of gravity 84

Lesson 35/33. Work of elastic force 86

Lesson 36/34. Potential energy 89

Lesson 37/35. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics 90

Lesson 38/36. Reducing the mechanical energy of the system under the influence of friction forces 92

Lesson 39/37. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ h laws of conservation in mechanics" 94

Lesson 40/38. Balance of bodies 97

Lesson 41/39. Laboratory work " And studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy" 99

Lesson 42/40. The first condition for the equilibrium of a rigid body 100

Lesson 43/41. Moment of power. The second condition for the equilibrium of a rigid body 101

Lesson 44/42. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ with tatika" 104

Lesson 45/43. Problem solving. P preparation for a test on the topic “ m mechanics" 107

Lesson 46/44. Test work on the topic “ m mechanics" (1 hour) 109

Lesson 47/45. Final lesson on the topic “ m mechanics" 111

Molecular physics 116

Thermal phenomena(36 hours) 116

Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory 116

Lesson 48/1. Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory. Molecular sizes 116

Lesson 49/2. Mass of molecules. Amount of substance 117

Lesson 50/3. Solving problems for calculating quantities characterizing molecules 118

Lesson 51/4. Brownian motion. Interaction forces between molecules 120

Lesson 52/5. Structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies 121

Lesson 53/6. Ideal gas in molecular kinetic theory 122

Lesson 54/7. Basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of gases 124

Lesson 55/8. Solving problems using the basic equation mkt ideal gas 126

Temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules 127

Lesson 56/9. Temperature. Thermal equilibrium. Temperature detection 127

Lesson 57/10. Absolute temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules 128

Lesson 58/11. Measuring the velocities of gas molecules 130

Lesson 59/12. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ T temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules" 132

Equation of state of an ideal gas. Gas laws 134

Lesson 60/13. Equation of state of an ideal gas 134

Lesson 61/14. Gas laws 135

Lesson 62/15. Solving problems using the ideal gas equation of state and gas laws 138

Lesson 63/16. Solving problems on the topic " O molecular kinetic theory again" 140

Lesson 64/17. Laboratory work No. 3 " O torture test of the law gey-l yussaka" 141

Lesson 65/18. Repeating and generalizing lesson on the topic “ O molecular kinetic theory again" 141

Lesson 66/19. Test work on the topic “ O again molecular kine-

tic theory" 143

Mutual transformations of liquids and gases 144

Lesson 67/20. Saturated steam. Dependence of saturated vapor pressure on temperature 144

Lesson 68/21. Boiling 146

Lesson 69/22. Air humidity and its measurement 148

Solids 149

Lesson 70/23. Structure and properties of crystalline and amorphous bodies 149

Lesson 71/24. Problem Solving Workshop 153

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 155

Lesson 72/25. Internal energy 155

Lesson 73/26. Work in Thermodynamics 156

Lesson 74/27. Amount of heat 158

Lesson 75/28. First Law of Thermodynamics 161

Lesson 76/29. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to various processes 163

Lesson 77/30. Problem solving 166

Lesson 78/31. Irreversibility of processes in nature 168

Lesson 79/32. Workshop on solving problems using the heat balance equation 170

Lesson 80/33. Static interpretation of the irreversibility of processes 172

Lesson 81/34. Operating principles of heat engines. TO PD heat engines 174

Lesson 82/35. Solving problems on the topic " O thermodynamics again" 176

Lesson 83/36. Test work on the topic “ O thermodynamics again" 178

Electrodynamics(55 hours) 180

Electrostatics 180

Lesson 84/1. Electric charge and elementary particles 180

Lesson 85/2. Basic law of electrostatics. Law to catch 183

Lesson 86/3. Solving problems on applying the law to angle 185

Lesson 87/4. Electric field. Power characteristics of the electric field 187

Lesson 88/5. The principle of superposition of fields. Electric field lines 189

Lesson 89/6. Theoretical seminar " law catch. Electric field strength. The principle of superposition" 192

Lesson 90/7. Problem Solving Workshop 196

Lesson 91/8. Conductors in an electrostatic field 200

Lesson 92/9. Dielectrics in an electrostatic field. Polarization of dielectrics 202

Lesson 93/10. Potential energy of a charged body in a uniform electrostatic field 205

Lesson 94/11. Electrostatic field potential, potential difference 207

Lesson 95/12. Relationship between electrostatic field strength and voltage. Equipotential surfaces 209

Lesson 96/13. Problem Solving 211

Lesson 97/14. Electrical capacity. Units of electrical capacity. Capacitors 214

Lesson 98/15. Energy of a charged capacitor 216

Lesson 99/16. Theoretical seminar on the topic “ uh electrical capacity. Capacitors" 218

Lesson 100/17. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ uh electrical capacity. Capacitors" 222

Lesson 101/18. Independent work on the topic “Work of the electric field. Electrical capacity" 226

Lesson 102/19. Test work on the topic “ uh electrostatics" 229

DC laws 232

Lesson 103/20. Electricity. Conditions necessary for its existence 232

Lesson 104/21. Electrical circuits. Serial and parallel 233

Lesson 105/22. Laboratory work " And studying series and parallel connection of conductors" 235

Lesson 106/23. DC Operation and Power 239

Lesson 107/24. Electromotive force 241

Lesson 108/25. Law on ma for complete chain 242

Lesson 109/26. Problem solving 245

Lesson 110/27. Laboratory work " and emf measurement and internal resistance of the current source» 247

Lesson 111/28. Problem solving. Repetition of material 248

Lesson 112/29. Test work on the topic “ h DC laws" 250

Electric current in various environments 252

Lesson 113/20. Electrical conductivity of various substances. Electronic conductivity of metals 252

Lesson 114/31. Dependence of conductor resistance on temperature. Superconductivity 255

Lesson 115/32. Electric current in semiconductors 258

Lesson 116/33. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors in the presence of impurities. Electric current through the contact of p-, n-type semiconductors 259

Lesson 117/34. Semiconductor diode. Transistor 260

Lesson 118/35. Electric current in a vacuum. Diode 262

Lesson 119/36. Electron beams. Cathode ray tube 264

Lesson 120/37. Electric current in liquids 269

Lesson 121/38. Law of Electrolysis 272

Lesson 122/39. Workshop on solving problems on the topic “ h law of electrolysis" 274

Lesson 123/40. Electric current in gases. Non-independent and independent categories 277

Lesson 124/41. Plasma. Solving problems and summarizing material on the topic “ uh electric current in various environments" 278

Lesson 125/42. Independent work on the topic “ uh electric current in various environments" 280

Lesson 126/43. Test work on the topics " P constant electric current", " uh electric current in various environments" 283

Lessons 127–131. Laboratory workshop 285

Lessons 132–136. Final repetition. 285

Lesson 132. General repetition of topics “ m mechanics", " m molecular physics. Thermodynamics" 285

Lesson 133. General repetition of the topic “ uh electrodynamics" 289

Final test 291

Literature 296

Barkovskaya Svetlana Evgenievna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. rp Kuzovatovo, Ulyanovsk region
Short description works: Non-standard problems require non-standard thinking; their solution cannot be reduced to an algorithm. Therefore, along with traditional methods, it is necessary to equip students with heuristic methods for solving problems that are based on fantasy, exaggeration, “getting used to” the subject or phenomenon being studied, etc.

Sachuk Tatyana Ivanovna
Educational institution:
Brief job description: The presented lesson planning in physics is intended for 11th grade students studying at the specialized level, compiled in accordance with the program for general education institutions recommended at the federal level: Model program of secondary (complete) general education.

Sachuk Tatyana Ivanovna
Educational institution: GBOU Secondary School No. 1 "OC" named after. Hero of the Soviet Union S.V. Vavilova s. Borskoye
Brief job description: The presented lesson planning in physics is intended for 10th grade students studying at a basic level, compiled in accordance with the program for general education institutions recommended at the federal level: Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education.

Physics is a branch of natural science that studies the most general laws nature and matter. In Russian schools, physics is taught in grades 7-11. On our website, materials on physics are located in the sections: Lesson notes Technological maps Control and testing Laboratory and practical Self-tests Preparation for the Unified State Exam Preparation for the Unified State Exam Olympic tasks Quizzes and games Extracurricular activities […]

Lesson plans for physics on the Conspectek portal

Planning the educational process is an integral part of the work of any teacher. A well-designed lesson plan is the key to successful learning educational material by students. The importance and complexity of the process of drawing up lesson plans in physics forces many teachers to look for ready-made developments on the Internet. The “Lesson Planning” section for physics teachers on the Notebook website contains work sent by our readers - teachers with many years of experience. The materials are intended to make teachers' work easier - you can download them for informational purposes and use them as a source of inspiration and new ideas. The developments comply with the principles enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard and reflect the latest trends in education.

The database of our website is constantly updated with new developments, so if you have a ready-made lesson plan or any other material, we will be happy to publish it on the pages of our website.

Grade 10

Introduction. Main features of the physical research method. 1 lesson.

Lesson no.

Lesson topic.



Course of the lesson, main stages



Physics and knowledge of the world.

Opening the chain scientific experiment→physical hypothesis (model) →physical theory→criteria experiment

    Safety precautions




Information analysis.


§1-2, introduction, study notes in notebooks.


Basic concepts of kinematics

    Checking d\z.

    Introduction of new concepts.

    Vector projections.


§2.3 answers to questions.

Speed. Uniform straight motion. RUPD


    Physical dictation.

    Description of the movement.





§4-6 study,

Relativity mechanical movement. The principle of relativity in mechanics.


    Problem solving.

    Frontal work.


Algorithmization of actions.


§7-10 study,

Analytical description of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.

    Physical dictation.

    Frontal work.


§11-13 study

Free fall of a body is a special case of RUPD.

    Physical dictation.

    Individual work.

Analysis and synthesis.


Ex. 4

Uniform movement of a point around a circle.

Problem-search activity.

§19-21 study, prep. To the test.

Test on the topic “kinematics”



    Formulation of the problem.

    Finding a solution.

Mass and strength. Newton's laws and their experimental confirmation..

Independent work. Formulation of the problem.

Finding a solution

P.22-30 study


Solving problems using Newton's Laws.

1. Laboratory work.

Formulation of the problem.

Finding a solution

Exercise 6


Forces in mechanics. Gravitational forces.

    Independent work.

Application of acquired knowledge

P.31-34 study


Gravity and body weight.

P.35 study


Solving problems on the topic “gravitational forces. Body weight."

Ruler; ball; stopwatch; inclined plane

    Practical work

Working with equipment

§36 study


Elastic forces are forces of electromagnetic nature.

    Front work


P.36, 37 study


The study of the movement of a body in a circle under the influence of elasticity and gravity.

L.R. 1


Generalization. Analysis.

Study lesson notes


Friction forces.

  1. Lecture.


Systematization. Search for analogies.

§38-40 study

Ex. eleven


Problems on movement under the influence of forces. Test on the topic “Dynamics. Forces in nature."


    Frontal work.


§36, 17 study

Conservation laws in mechanics.


Solving calculation problems. Law of conservation of momentum.


    Check D.Z.

    Studying the law

    Limits of applicability

5.Lab work


§41, 42 study

Ex. 16.


Jet propulsion

Consider the features of vaporization and condensation.

    Check D.Z.

    Study of thermal processes.

    Applying formulas to problem solving


Research activities.

§43, 44


Work of force. Mechanical work.


    Front work

Chapter 4 repeat


Theorems on changes in kinetic and potential energy

1 Observation

2Analysis of facts.

3Derivation of formulas.



Analysis and synthesis.

Independent work.

§10 study


Law of conservation of energy in mechanics.

The concept of changes in states of aggregation based on MCT; mastering the law and its features


2Front work




§48, study


Experimental study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. L.R. 2

Application of theory to problem solving.

    Frontal work.


§52, 53 study

preparation for credit


Test on the topic “conservation laws in mechanics”

Introduction to the features and characteristics of jet propulsion.




Molecular physics. Thermodynamics.

Lesson no.

Lesson topic.



Course of the lesson, main stages




Basic provisions of MKT and their experimental substantiation.

Form an idea of ​​electrification.



    Numerical characteristics.


§61, 62.

Ex. No. 23


Solving problems on the characteristics of molecules and their systems

Introduce the concept of amplitude, period, frequency.



Sort out the tasks in your notebook.


Ideal gas. Basic MCT equations for an ideal gas.

Testing theoretical relationships in practice

    Practical work.

Testing theory with practice

§63-65 study



Confirmation of the law of conservation of energy.

    Physical dictation.



    Problem solving.

Observations. Generalizations. Conclusions.




Equation of state of an ideal gas (Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation)

    Theoretical conclusion.

    Practical use.


Study lesson notes


Gas laws.

Form an idea of ​​an electrical circuit.

Laboratory work "Assembling an electrical circuit"

§71 study


Solving problems on gas laws, on the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation

Familiarity with the conditions for the occurrence of current and their actions.

    Checking d.\z.


Analysis and synthesis.


Experimental verification of Gay-Lussac's law


Introduction of the concepts of current, voltage, resistance.

    Physical dictation.


    Problem solving.


Analysis and synthesis.

§72, ex. No. 28


Test on the topic “Basics of MCT of an ideal gas”

1Physical dictation.



4Problem solving.

§73, 74 study


Real gas. Air. Steam.

    Checking d.\z.

2.Lecture. Laboratory work

§39.40 study


Liquid state of matter. Properties of liquid surface.

1Physical dictation.



4Problem solving.

§41, 42


Solid state of matter.

    Independent work.

Application of acquired knowledge

Prep. To the test.


Test on the topic “liquids and solids”

Study §42, 44.


Thermodynamics as a fundamental physical theory.

§77 study.


Work in thermodynamics

    Independent work.

Laboratory work

§78 study


Solving problems for calculating the operation of a thermodynamic system.

Study the problems in the notebook


Heat transfer. Quantity of heat.

Study lesson notes


First law of thermodynamics.

§80, 81 study


Irreversibility of processes in thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics.

§82, 83 study


Heat engines and environmental protection.

Assessing students' knowledge on the topic.

Prepare for the test


Test on the topic “thermodynamics”

Laboratory work

§84 study.



Introduction to electrodynamics. Electrostatics.

Ex. 27


Coulomb's law.

§89, 90 study


Electric field. Tension. The idea of ​​close action.

§91, 94 study


Solving problems on calculating field strength. Superposition principle.

Exercise 17 study


Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field.

Assessing students' knowledge on the topic.

§95-97 study


Energy characteristics of the electrostatic field.

Give an idea of ​​the magnetic field as one of the types of matter.

Magnet. Sawdust.




    Analysis K.\R.

Observation. Generalization.

§98, 100

Ex. No. 34


Capacitors. Energy of a charged capacitor.

Magnet. Coil. galvanometer

    Verification work.



    Problem solving.


Analysis and synthesis.


§45, 46

Ex. No. 35, 36. study


Test on the topic “electrostatics.”

Introduce the concept of magnetic field.




Stationary electric field.

Define magnetic flux.


    Independent work.

3. planning results.

4. work with devices.



Ex. No. 38


Electrical circuit diagrams. Solving problems using Ohm's law.

Getting to know the phenomenon.

galvanometer. ammeter.



    Change settings.


    Testing hypotheses.




Ex. No. 39


Solving problems for calculating electrical circuits.

Practical study of the properties of EMR.



Current source.

    Independent work.

2.Planning results.

3. work with devices.

Independent work.


Study of serial and parallel connections. L.R.

Assessing students' knowledge on the topic.

    Independent work.



Ex. No. 40.


Work and power of electric current.

Introduction to the nuclear model of the atom.

    Facts - results of observations.


    Facts-results of experiments.

    Theory based on facts.

    Predictions of properties based on theory.

Logical reasoning.



Study §62, 63.



Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

    Physical dictation.







Exercise 32.


Determination of EMF and internal resistance of a current source. L.R.

Introduction to research methods.




§65, 66


Electric current in various environments.

Introduction to the structure of optical instruments.

    Check D.\Z.




Generalization Conclusions.


Exercise 35



Electric current in metals.

Solving construction problems

    Problem solving.

    Frontal work.

    Individual work.



Application of knowledge.

Study lesson notes


Patterns of current flow in semiconductors

Focal length of the lens.

    Physical dictation.

    Independent work.




Application of knowledge.

Lesson summary



Patterns of current flow in a vacuum.

Develop an understanding of optical instruments.



§66 study.

Lesson No. 1

Topic: Introduction.

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)


For the teacher For students


To achieve awareness of studying physics for future specialists


Understand the essence of physics as a science, its necessity for successful mastery professional competencies future profession.

Know the content of the discipline, its main tasks, connections with other sciences

Know the differences between experiment and experience, their importance for the study of science

Know the definition of a law, hypothesis, postulate.



Strengthen the ability to analyze and draw conclusions



Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, equipment for demonstrating falling bodies. Diffusion.

Lesson type: problematic lecture

Lesson type: learning new material

2. Explanation of new material (75 min)

Basic concepts of the lesson:

Physics is the science of nature. Natural scientific method of cognition, its capabilities and limits of applicability.

Modeling of physical processes and phenomena. The role of experiment and theory in the process of cognition of nature.

Physical laws. Basic elements of the physical picture of the world.

3. Fastening: (10 min)

1. The importance of physics as a science. The main reason for the emergence of this science.

2. The essence of the natural scientific method of cognition, the limits of its applicability.

3. Name the main elements of the physical picture of the world.

4. Prove the importance of experience and experiment in understanding the world.

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10th grade. ş 1-7

Lesson No. 2

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students



What's happened:

Mechanical motion Relativity of mechanical motion. Laws of motion.The concept of a material point and reference system, concept of scalars and vectors.; definitions: Trajectory. Path. Moving


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Practice your skills in working with a textbook.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Strengthen the ability to give examples that prove the validity of the concept of MD relativity. And a material point; analyze, draw conclusions

Learns to specifically answer questions posed.


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.


Lesson type : Combined lesson

Lesson type : learning new material

2. Explanation of new material (40 min)

Basic concepts of the lesson:

Mechanical movement. Relativity of mechanical motion.

Laws of motion.The concept of a material point.

Reference systems: one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional Scalars. Vectors.

Trajectory. Path. Moving

Average speed, instantaneous speed. Relative speed of bodies

3. Fastening: (45 min)

1. Formulate what MD, MT, CO are

2. Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10th grade. ş 1.1-1.3,

1.7, 1.10-1.13, synopsis

Lesson No. 3

Topic: Kinematics of a material point.

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students



What's happened:


Develop skills in using formulas that describe RPD when solving calculation and qualitative problems

Practice skills in working with a textbook and graphic tasks.


Be able to apply formulas when solving problems

Learns to specifically answer questions and draw conclusions.

Be able to work with a schedule and build it


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, equipment for demonstrating mechanical movement

Lesson type : Combined lesson

Lesson type : learning new material and developing skills and abilities

2. Explanation of new material (60 min)

Basic concepts of the lesson:

1.Uniform linear movement.

2. Graph of speed, displacement and coordinates of uniform rectilinear motion (RPM) Equation of motion

3. Fastening: (25 min)

1. Explain the concept of RPD and give examples

2. Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10th grade. ş 1.4-1.6

Control 1, 2, 6

Lesson No. 29

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


To achieve awareness of the importance of studying the heat transfer process, its significance both in nature and in technology


Know the essence of heat transfer, determination of the amount of heat,

Know the formulas that describe the phases of transition of a substance from one state to another

Know the essence of heat balance, its significance


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Practice skills in working with charts.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to construct and analyze a graph of the phase transition of a substance.


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Basic concepts of the lesson:

Heat exchange. Quantity of heat

Graph of changes in the states of aggregation of a substance.

Heat balance equations

3. Consolidation: (30 min)

Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Notes in a notebook

Lesson No. 28

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


To achieve awareness of the importance of studying the adiabatic process as the main process present in the work aircraft engines


Know the essence of the essence of the adiabatic process

Know the formula of the first law of thermodynamics for isoprocesses

Know the essence of irreversible processes. Second law of thermodynamics


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Practice your skills in working with a textbook.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to use formulas to solve problems on a topic


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, test tasks.

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Explanation of new material (45 min)

Adiabatic process. The first law of thermodynamics for the adiabatic process.

Irreversibility of thermal processes. Second law of thermodynamics

Problem solving

Basic concepts of the lesson:

3. Consolidation: (30 min)

Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10 B class. ş 80, 81 notes

Lesson No. 30

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Know what is the specific heat capacity of a substance, specific heat of fusion, specific heat of vaporization


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to use formulas to solve problems on a topic


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.


Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Explanation of new material (45 min)

Specific heat.

Specific heat of fusion.

Specific heat of vaporization

Problem solving

3. Consolidation: (30 min)

Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Exercise 15 ass 8-10 notes

Lesson No. 31

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Know what is meant by gas work, in which cases it is positive, in which cases it is negative, the essence of isoprocesses.


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, problem book

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Explanation of new material (45 min)

Gas work when volume changes.

Gas work in isoprocesses

Problem solving

3. Consolidation: (30 min)

Problem solving

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Lesson No. 32

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Know what is meant by heat engines, their role in aircraft technology.

Know and understand the essence of heat engine efficiency

Know the formula for heat engine efficiency

Know what the essence of the Carnot cycle is


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Strengthen the ability to work with a textbook.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to derive and use formulas to solve problems on the topic.

Be able to find the information you need in a textbook


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be responsible

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, problem book

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Survey (35min)

Heat engines.

Heat engine efficiency...

3. Problem solving


1. Carnot cycle

3. Fastening: (25min)

1, What is a heat engine? Examples

2.Scheme and principle of operation of a heat engine

Heat engine efficiency. Carnot cycle.

4. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10 B class. ş 82, notes

control 15 ass 11-12

Lesson No. 33

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Thermal engines and transport.

Internal combustion engine

Steam turbine

Jet engine


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Strengthen the ability to work with a textbook.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to draw conclusions

Be able to find the information you need in a textbook


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be responsible

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, problem book

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Survey (35min)

Heat engines.

Heat engine efficiency.

Carnot cycle

3 . Explanation of new material (35 min)

3. Steam turbine

Jet engine

4. Consolidation: (25min)

1. Diagram and principle of operation of an internal combustion engine,

Steam turbine, jet engine.

5. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10 B class. ş 82, notes

Lesson No. 34

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Diesel engine.


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to draw conclusions

Be able to find the information you need in a textbook


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be responsible

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, problem book

Type of lesson: seminar

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Survey (85min)

1. Heat engines and transport.

2. Internal combustion engine

3. Steam turbine

4. Diesel engine

5. jet engine.

5. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Lesson No. 34

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (5 minutes)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Know the basic principles of MKT, the basic laws of thermodynamics,


Strengthen the ability to apply theoretical knowledge when solving problems

Develop the ability to analyze graphs


Be able to solve calculation and quality problems

Be able to draw conclusions when analyzing graphical tasks


Develop children's independent activity skills


Learn to be responsible

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, tests for the section “Molecular Physics”

Type of lesson: test

Lesson type : checking the quality of mastery of the material covered.

2. Survey (85min)

Problem solving

Lesson No. 36

Topic: Fundamentals of thermodynamics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Diesel engine.

The role of heat engines and environment


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Strengthen the ability to work with a textbook and the Internet.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to draw conclusions

Be able to find the information you need in a textbook


Develop children's independent activity skills

Develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in children


Learn to be responsible

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk, textbook, problem book

Type of lesson: seminar

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Survey (85min)

1. Heat engines and transport.

2. Internal combustion engine

3. Steam turbine

4. Diesel engine

5. jet engine.

6. Heat engines and the environment.

5. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Preparation for the test in the section “Molecular Physics”

Lesson No. 29 (38)

Topic: Electrostatics

During the classes:

Organizational stage : (3 min)

Explanation and setting of the educational task

Determination of criteria for successful activities.


For the teacher For students


Know the concepts of electric field, intensity, electric field lines.

Know Coulomb's law

Know the voltage of a point charge


Develop skills of observation, attention, ability to compare, draw conclusions.

Practice your skills in working with a textbook.

Develop the ability to engage in verbal communication and participate in dialogue.


Be able to describe a situation using a picture

Be able to answer specific questions specifically.

Be able to use formulas to solve problems on a topic


Develop children's independent activity skills


Learn to be confident in yourself.

Be rational in the process of using resources.

Equipment: multimedia, blackboard, chalk

Type of lesson: combined lesson

Lesson type: learning new material, consolidating skills in using formulas to solve problems.

2. Survey (20 min)

Electrification of bodies. Electric charge. Types of charges. Electrostatic field. Interaction of charges.

Electroscope, its structure and purpose.

Law of conservation of electric charge.

3. Explanation of new material (45 min)

Basic concepts of the lesson:

Electrostatic field. Field strength. Tension units. Electric field strength lines. Homogeneous field.

The principle of superposition of fields.

Point charge voltage. Coulomb's law.

4. Consolidation: (30 min)

Problem solving

5. Home. exercise(2 minutes)

Myakishev 10 B class. ş 89 -92

Lesson No. 28

Physics, grade 10, Lesson plans for textbooks Myakisheva G.Ya., Gromova S.V., Kasyanova V.A., 2007.

Prepared by a practicing teacher and focused on working with textbooks by G.Ya. Myakisheva, B.B. Bukhovtseva, N.N. Sotsky (M.: Education); NE. Gromova (M.: Bustard); VA. Kasyanova (M.: Bustard). The publication includes detailed, detailed lesson plans with reference and additional materials, options for topics and lessons for in-depth study of physics in grade 10. At the end of the book there are tests, physical dictations, tests and independent work in the form of survey cards that can be easily cut out and copied. Demonstration experiments and laboratory works. Can be fully used with almost all physics textbooks for primary school.

The idea of ​​atomism.
Fundamental Interactions
Objectives: to introduce students to the hypothesis of Democritus; consider the four “elements” of nature (fundamental interactions).
During the classes
I. Checking homework
I. What is the subject of physics?
I. What range of wavelengths of radiation, called light, is perceived by the eye?
I. What is called a physical law?
I. What is the value of fundamental laws?
I. In what case does the system have symmetry?
II. Introductory talk
The remarkable English poet and artist William Blake (1757-1827) in his poem “The Saying of Innocence” called: In one moment to see eternity, Huge world- in a grain of sand, In a single handful - infinity And the sky - in a cup of a flower. It turns out that any grain of sand is, indeed, the whole Universe, for it includes almost as many tiny particles as there are stars in the entire Metagalaxy!
These particles make up a stone lying lonely on the side of the road, a small flower that delights us with its natural beauty, and fluffy clouds leisurely floating across the blue sky.


From the author 3
Section I
Lesson developments in physics for the textbook by S.V. Gromova 4
Section II
Lesson developments in physics for the textbook by G. Ya. Myakisheva, B.B. Bukhovtseva, N.N. Sotskogo 90
Section III
Lesson developments in physics for the textbook by V.A. Kasyanova 320
Section IV
Independent and test papers 330.

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