Advanced training for managers and specialists of the enterprise. Further education programs Advanced training courses for university managers

IBDA offers a wide range of programs to improve the qualifications of executives, managers and employees of companies.

Our courses include the best teachers of economic and management disciplines, well-known business consultants, as well as top managers, top managers, and leading specialists from successful Russian companies. Thanks to this, students of our programs not only receive a significant amount of theoretical knowledge, but also have the opportunity to glean a lot of valuable ideas based on the practical experience of experts working in the business field.

The 6 programs are MBA modules that you can study separately, independently of each other.

Advanced training in IBDA

Pre-MBA Program

A program for mastering basic knowledge of the laws of the market and the business environment, the basic technologies of modern management. Recommended for managers who do not have an economic or managerial background.

Duration: 152 ac. hours

As part of this program, students receive concentrated knowledge of the basic laws of the market economy and business environment, as well as basic management technologies, which form the basis of university economic and management education.
This knowledge is a necessary condition for effective mastery of practical management tools within the framework of any practice-oriented business education program.

Program: Corporate Finance Management

Advanced training course for managers, directors and deputies of companies in economics and finance, heads of economic and financial departments of companies, employees of these departments applying for management positions.

The program gives students knowledge of modern technologies for analyzing the financial condition of a company, developing and implementing its financial strategy, tools for attracting and effectively using financial resources. Particular attention is paid to anti-crisis financial management and financial and economic technologies for overcoming the crisis.

Program: Entrepreneurship and Company Management

A training program for business owners involved in management or exercising control functions, for managers with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The program is aimed at developing the skills and abilities to carry out entrepreneurial activities and manage a company at different stages of its life cycle, and different stages of the economic cycle: during the period of crisis decline in production, depression, subsequent revival and recovery in the economy.

Program: Marketing and Sales Management

A training course for company managers, commercial directors, heads of marketing and sales departments, and employees of these departments applying for management positions.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The marketing course program examines modern technologies for market research and forecasting, managing a company’s marketing activities, effective methods for increasing sales in retail and B2B markets, and developing skills in the formation and implementation of a company’s marketing strategy.

Program: Human Resources Management

A training program for leading company managers, HR specialists, heads of HR departments, managers and employees of these departments applying for leadership positions.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The advanced training program is devoted to the study of effective technologies for managing people and work teams at all stages of the movement of labor resources: selection and hiring, training and development, results management, training a personnel reserve, career planning, dismissal. Particular attention is paid to psychological technologies for managing people and issues of building an effective motivation system.


The Company Operations Management program is recommended:

  • business leaders and managers looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their business; those who realized the need to use modern tools of production and operational management and rely on the best management practices in the difficult conditions of the economic crisis;
  • engineering and technical workers of industrial enterprises related to solving management problems of optimizing production processes;
The program includes the study of the theory of constraints in production management and project management, principles of optimization of business processes based on lean manufacturing technology, quality management based on the 6 Sigma system, methods for optimizing procurement management and demand forecasting in supply chains. Curriculum

6 programs:

Why successful people choose IBDA programs

  • AACSB International - global association for the development of management education
  • EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development
  • Executive MBA Council - international Council of Executive MBA programs
  • GMAC (General Mamagement Admission Council) - a global center for analytical research in business education
  • CEEMAN – Central and Eastern European Management Associations
  • RABO - Russian Association of Business Education
  • IBSA – International Business School Alliance
  • NACDOBE - National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education
  • Association of Managers of Russia - one of the leading business associations in Russia?
  • PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is an organization whose mission is to support business education to form a new generation of managers guided by universal values, capable of coping with the complex challenges of our time.

According to the results of the internal ranking of the Academy

  • all Academy schools were divided into three levels
    (international, national and local),
  • and programs based on “stardom”
    (from 1 to 6 “stars”).
The group of leaders – “Schools of International Level” – was headed by the Institute of Business and Business Administration.
The MBA and EMBA programs of IBDA received the highest rating – six “stars”.

IBDA traditionally occupies top positions in many domestic and foreign rankings, including in terms of the most important indicator of the quality of a business school – the success of its graduates:

  • According to a study by Eduniversal, a leading European expert and rating agency in the field of education, IBDA programs are among the best programs in the world in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
  • IBDA is the leader of the national ranking of Russian business schools for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.
  • – 181 students, graduates and teachers of IBDA.

According to the results of a study by the Russian MBA League, studying in an MBA program contributes to serious career growth and a significant increase in salary.

  • Graduates of the IBDA MBA program note an increase in their own income by 69% 2-4 years after completing the program.
  • The study includes leading business education programs that provide graduates with the highest income and most successful careers. The survey involved 940 graduates of 27 leading Russian business schools from 5 federal districts

“We are proud of this indicator, because for six years the Institute of Business and Business Administration of RANEPA, according to the “People's Rating of Russian Business Schools,” has traditionally taken 1–2 places in increasing the income of its graduates... This suggests that we are able to help our listeners will receive the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experience, influence their mentality so that they are successful,” noted IBDA Director Sergei Myasoedov.

Evidence of successful completion of programs

Evidence of successful completion of programs 396 862

Result of completing the programs

  • Practical knowledge
    • After completing executive education, you will be thoroughly prepared to solve strategic and tactical business problems.
    • Experience-based learning provides the opportunity to generalize and discuss real-life cases with peers.
    • Gain new knowledge and systematize your existing experience, improve your qualifications and value in the labor market.
    • You will acquire valuable knowledge on modern management tools, useful practical tools and skills, which will help you rapidly rise through the ranks of your career.
  • Networking
    • The IBDA Alumni Association has more than 35 thousand members: it is called a community of successful people.
    • Friendly connections and the possibility of joint projects with other business school students.
  • Freedom and confidence in decision making
    • You will develop the skills to make successful decisions in company management, based on an understanding of processes and a vision of the business as a whole.
    • You will be able to communicate with other students in the same professional language and make useful business contacts: our study groups are homogeneous in composition, we select the most capable and promising.
    • Develop leadership qualities.
  • The advanced training course for managers of state (municipal) institutions is aimed at developing management competencies and gaining knowledge in the field of law, finance, personnel management, marketing, necessary for successful work in their position

    For heads of budgetary institutions and all interested parties

    Short description

    The program of this advanced training course is not industry-specific and contains general rules and requirements for organizing the activities of state (municipal) institutions in any field: education, culture, healthcare, social protection, sports, etc.

    The course covers issues such as:

    • regulatory and legal support for the activities of state (municipal) institutions;
    • financing of institutions: state (municipal) assignment, organization of paid services;
    • management of the institution's property;
    • organization of procurement activities;
    • practical classes to develop managerial skills, including team management skills;
    • Internet opportunities for the development of a budgetary institution;
    • legal status and responsibility of the head of the institution, as well as professional standards for heads of individual areas of activity.
    1. Regulatory and legal support for the activities of state (municipal) institutions.
      General characteristics of changes in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in relation to 83-FZ and other regulations. Changes in the legal regulation of the activities of state (municipal) institutions. Correlation of 83-FZ with sectoral federal laws. Interaction between the institution and the founder. Powers of the founder.
    2. Introduction of professional standards.
      Bringing local regulations of the institution into compliance with professional standards. Responsibility of the manager for violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the field of application of professional standards.
    3. Financial management of a state (municipal) institution.
      3.1. State (municipal) task.
      • Calculation of the cost of state (municipal) services. Determination of the volume of subsidies. Budget estimate, procedure for its approval and maintenance.
      • Financial and economic activity plan: procedure for formation, approval and maintenance.
      • Control of the founder over the implementation of the FCD plan and the quality of provision of state (municipal) services. Financial control in the light of changes to the RF Book Code.
      3.2. Organization of provision of paid services.
      • Legal registration of the process of providing paid services (reflected in the institution’s charter and other internal documents of the institution). Registration of contractual relations with consumers of services.
      • Registration and possibilities of spending funds from income-generating activities.
      3.3. Property of a state (municipal) institution as a source of additional financing.
      3.4. Attracting resources from other additional sources. Work with sponsors, philanthropists, volunteer organizations, with Russian and foreign donor funds (including in the format of project financing).
    4. Organization of public procurement for the needs of a state (municipal) institution.
      Responsibility of the head of the institution. Conclusion, execution and termination of a civil contract with a supplier. Protection from unscrupulous suppliers.
    5. Changes in wages for employees of the institution. "Effective contract"
      Establishment of a guaranteed part of wages and incentive bonuses. The maximum ratio of the manager's salary to the employees' salaries.
    6. Modern technologies of personnel management in state (municipal) institutions.
    • Formation and development of the management team.
    • Personnel Management. Motivation techniques in conditions of funding shortages.
    • Working with internal conflicts in a team.
    • Personnel performance assessment.
  • Legal status and responsibility of the head of the institution.
    Provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the legal status and responsibility of a manager. Consequences of dishonest and unreasonable actions of a manager. “Effective contract” with the head of a state (municipal) institution. Expanding the list of grounds for dismissing a manager. Legal mechanisms for protecting the manager and minimizing his risks.
  • Visual image of the head of a state (municipal) institution.
    • Competent and persuasive speech is one of the key skills of the head of an institution.
    • Business etiquette and image of the head of the institution.
  • Application of anti-corruption legislation in state (municipal) institutions: monitoring of property status, activities of commissions to resolve conflicts of interest.
  • Protection of the rights of state (municipal) institutions when interacting with regulatory authorities.
  • Possibilities of the Internet for the development of state (municipal) institutions.

Often, when looking for a job, a job seeker comes across managerial vacancies that involve anything from cold calling and cleaning to managing companies and departments. Therefore, the question regularly arises: is management training so necessary, or does the work of a manager do not require any special qualifications?

Profession: manager

Management most often defined as the science of effective management of various socio-economic systems. Planning and processing of information make it possible to optimize the regulatory process both in a commercial organization and in government agencies.

Regardless of the area in which the activity is carried out, management implies a complex system that connects both the organizational and economic aspects of the company’s activities and the psychological motives of the individuals who are the subjects of management. Competent management allows you to maintain a balance between all components and optimize the organization's strategy.

Advanced training for managers

Managing an organization, division or separate structure requires a specialist to have a wide range of skills:

    calculation of significant socio-economic indicators and indicators of management efficiency makes it possible to determine the development model in advance;

    knowledge of the legal aspects of conducting business and the legal norms governing the activities of the organization can help avoid making obviously wrong decisions;

    the fundamentals of psychology facilitate interaction with the main subject of management - people; increasing the company's competitiveness in the long term is carried out using strategic management tools.

The manager, defining the goal that the organization needs to achieve, analyzes existing conditions, chooses a course of development and motivates employees to develop the development necessary to increase operational efficiency.

Management training possible both in institutions of higher and secondary education, and in advanced training and retraining courses. A separate area of ​​education in the field of management - business administration - is a confirmation of the skills necessary for top management.

Training program for advanced training courses in the Management program

Advanced training courses in the Management program cover the following topics:

  • Use of information technology in the management process;
  • Project and process management;
  • Management Theory;
  • Fundamentals of micro- and macroeconomics;
  • Psychology of business and HR management;
  • Anti-crisis management and strategic management.

Training format: distance learning

Management training is provided at remotely. The use of distance learning methods allows the student to choose their own schedule and combine training with work.

Duration of courses for managers

The advanced training course in management takes from 72 to 140 academic hours. Upon completion of the training, the student who successfully passes the final certification receives document (certificate) of the established form about completing a refresher course and confirming the possibility of working in the field of management.

Reasons to choose management training at MASPC

  • The ability to take a management course remotely allows the student to create an individual training schedule depending on needs;
  • High educational standards;
  • Obtaining current knowledge in the field of management;
  • Highly professional teaching staff.
Upon completion of the course, the student is issued a state-issued certificate of completion of the advanced training course

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during the submission of an application for information and consulting services/admission to educational programs.

2. I confirm that the mobile phone number I indicated is my personal phone number allocated to me by the cellular operator, and I am ready to bear responsibility for the negative consequences caused by my indicating a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

The Group of companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSh", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
2. MBSH Consulting LLC, legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 29, office 520.
3. CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training/receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Group of Companies Website
(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, email address).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is the legal representative of an individual under 18 years of age, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who has filled out an Application for training/for receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing his intention to take advantage of educational /information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The group of companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application form) and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for conducting admission to training/receiving information and consulting services from the Group of Companies and organizing the provision of educational/information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The collected information allows you to send information in the form of emails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) to the email address and mobile phone number specified by the Client for the purpose of conducting a reception for the provision of services by the Group of Companies, organizing the educational process, sending important notices such as changes to the Group's terms, conditions and policies. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and the organization of educational and training admission process to the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies, by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying a party under agreements and contracts with the Group of companies, communicating with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the Client’s personal data, the Group of Companies is guided by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. “About personal data.”

9. I am informed that I can unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by sending an email to: . You can also unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive SMS newsletters to my specified mobile phone number by sending an email to the following address:

11. The group of companies takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.

12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Group of companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and accept the conditions indicated in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of provision of the Services and the Client’s access to the personalized services of the Group of Companies Website.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

It is traditionally accepted that regular improvement of the level of professional skills is important only for specialists engaged in the implementation of certain types of work. However, advanced training is no less important for business managers. It is the management of companies that bears the responsibility for compliance with fire and environmental safety requirements, labor protection rules, and the organization of safe working conditions for each employee of the organization. Therefore, improving the qualifications of managers is a prerequisite for high-quality and successful conduct of the activities of individual departments and the enterprise as a whole.

What opportunities does advanced training for managers provide? For construction companies and their management, completing training becomes an important step towards joining self-regulatory organizations and obtaining permission to carry out work - SRO approval. When applying for membership in a self-regulatory organization, a package of documents is provided for verification, which includes information about the level of qualifications of the manager and specialists. If the established requirements are not met, it is impossible to join an SRO and obtain permission to carry out construction, design or survey work.

How to get training

To sign documents

Based on the application, we will prepare an agreement

Pay the bill

After signing the contract we will issue an invoice for payment

Improve your qualifications

Obtain a standard certificate.

If we are talking about improving the qualifications of managers in the field of fire and environmental safety, then the training course provides for the study of topics related to organizing the effective and safe operation of an enterprise in each of these areas. Enterprise management must have up-to-date information about current legislative norms in order to plan and carry out their work in accordance with them.

In the field of labor protection, advanced training of managers is also very important. In small enterprises where the staffing table does not provide for the presence of a labor protection specialist, these functions are performed by senior management or a specialist appointed by special order of the manager. Knowledge of the provisions of regulations in the field of labor protection and safety in the workplace, as well as labor legislation, allows you to painlessly pass inspections by supervisory authorities and avoid administrative and other types of punishment. Most often, violations recorded during scheduled or unscheduled inspections relate to improperly organized work in the field of labor protection. In addition to orders to eliminate violations, enterprises are also subject to other forms of influence: the imposition of monetary fines or even suspension of activities for a certain period. The reason for this is often the lack of basic knowledge among enterprise management. Timely professional development of managers helps change the situation.