Increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year. How much do police officers earn? Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It is known that several years earlier the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was adopted. Today it is in its final stage. This, in turn, forces employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to think about the issue related to the possibility of increasing wages in 2018.

For many people not related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the changes were visible only in the name. Everyone noticed that the police no longer existed, they were replaced by the police.

But the innovations affected not only the abbreviation. To this day, transformations continue to occur in the structure. For example, all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are required to undergo a recertification procedure.

It is worth noting that this procedure made it possible to weed out some of the employees who could not complete it. 2016 was marked by a period of staff reduction.

Thus, some positions were cut, which made it possible to achieve a strict number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is no more than 900 thousand people. In 2018, they also plan to increase salaries using the procedure for optimizing staffing.

See also:

What are the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on?

Police pay is determined by several components:

  1. Salary.
  2. Bonuses for rank.
  3. Regional coefficient.
  4. Length of service.
  5. Payment of additional payments for complexity and tension.

The above components, with the exception of salary, are individual, which means they are established taking into account the specifics of the work, place of service, as well as the risk to life, etc.

Remuneration of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 - 2018

The size of the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today is not a stimulating factor for citizens’ decision to get a job.

According to some reports, the amount of wages in the authorities will increase significantly. But is this really so?

Video about low salaries in the police

Today, ordinary employees whose length of service exceeds 5 years should receive a salary of 25 thousand rubles, while officers with the same length of service should be paid a salary of 36 thousand. If an officer has 15 or more years of service, then his salary should be 42 thousand rubles.

See also:

In 2018, inflation in Russia will return to 4%

It is worth noting that the salaries of officers and management personnel differ significantly. Remuneration for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs located on leadership position, ranges from 80 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

Police pay in 2018

The President clearly stated in his decree that wages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 should increase by approximately 150%.

But these indicators are not allowed to increase police salaries, since the country has been in an economic crisis since 2014, which means there is nowhere to find such funds.

Therefore, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not count on a significant increase in wages next year. Presumably, 2018 will bring a slight increase in pay:

  • Employees whose experience is less than 5 years will receive from 26 to 27 thousand rubles per month.
  • Those who have been in the authorities for more than 10 years will be able to receive from 28 to 29 thousand.
  • Employees with more than 15 years of service can expect a monthly income of 32 to 33 thousand rubles.

Next year, police officers should not expect to be allowed to travel for free on public transport, nor to receive a refund of their wages.

See also:

How to sell an apartment with a mortgage in 2018: 4 simple ways

Accrual of additional benefits to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

The lack of an increase in police pay in 2018 does not bring joy, but nevertheless, benefits will remain available to employees that will compensate to some extent for the losses in financial terms:

  1. Adding additional vacation days.
  2. Queue for official housing.
  3. The opportunity to receive a trip not only for the employee himself, but also for his family.
  4. Getting free medical care, as well as conducting operations.
  5. Obtaining a room in a dormitory upon joining the service. If an employee has a family, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must provide him with a separate room.

Salary indexation in 2017-2018

Already in the bill will be considered in October 2017, which involves indexing salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by about 5.5%. This salary increase can help overcome the negative consequences of inflation, which ranges from 5 to 6%.

If the new bill is approved, police officers should expect an increase at the beginning of 2018. It is also planned to allocate funds intended for repair work of premises, the purchase of equipment, as well as for improving the skills of employees.

Policeman is a special profession. We will not say that these people are treated with special love, but it is their help and protection that we hope for in difficult moments, when our lives and safety are threatened by offenders. How are police officers paid for their hard work? Is the risk to health and life and the restless atmosphere of their duty taken into account?

First of all, it is worth noting that the salary of Russian law enforcement officers depends not only on their position, but also on their rank and how many years of service they have behind them.

Statistics show this situation:

Woman police officer

1. By position

The monthly salary of various departments is approximately 100,000 rubles;
Employees occupying lower positions receive about 30,000 rubles

2. By length of service

Police officers with five years of experience have an average salary of 25,000 rubles;
With a ten-year-old - 28,000;
If the length of service is at least 15 years - 30,000.
Employees with officer ranks and work experience of at least five years - 36,000 rubles;
With ten years of experience - 41,000;
15 years of service - 42,000.
That is, the longer the track record, the higher the police officer’s salary.

3. The impact of qualification requirements on police salaries

Law enforcement officers with the rank of major, lieutenant colonel, colonel and higher ranks must certainly have higher education, this is a guarantee of maximum earnings;

Middle managers must have at least secondary specialized vocational education;

For junior commanding officers, secondary education is mandatory.

A government decree in 2011 determined the maximum salary of a police officer (excluding any allowances and social benefits) - 45 thousand rubles. This is the level of deputy minister.
The minimum salary is 6 and a half thousand rubles (for a cadet).

It had a negative impact on the financial situation of police officers: there is now no “thirteenth” salary, compensatory bonuses for kindergartens, and the amount of annual financial assistance has become smaller.

How much does a Moscow policeman earn?

Moscow police

Just like in the country as a whole, each metropolitan policeman’s income is different, and it depends on several factors.

  • 1.Salary depending on position. In 2014, for example, an investigator, inspector, and expert have a salary of approximately 16 and a half thousand rubles. This does not take into account the length of service in the police.
  • 2.Salary for rank. A junior lieutenant receives 9 and a half thousand rubles, a lieutenant - 10 thousand, and so on, ascending: the higher the rank, the higher the salary.
  • 3. Bonus for length of service. If service in the police ranged from three to 25 years, the policeman is awarded a salary increase based on his position and rank from five to forty percent.

There are other allowances:

  • for work with secret documents (for operational workers it is quite substantial, for district inspectors it is insignificant),
  • for particularly complex and intense activities,
  • and material aid, various awards.
  • There is also a 10 percent Moscow salary increase.

As a result, the minimum salary of a police officer in the capital until recently was approximately 40 thousand rubles.

Federal and Moscow allowances

Of course, 40 thousand is not much, like Moscow. However, a few months ago, the capital’s law enforcement officers increased the amount of salary bonuses for special conditions services and risk. For example, Moscow police officers who work irregular hours, in an atmosphere of social tension, and have access to classified information, now have an additional payment of up to 35 percent; police officers serving in high-risk situations - up to 60 percent. All this concerns, first of all, department employees own safety, criminal investigation, private security, economic security, OMON,.center "E". But dog handlers receive only a 20 percent increase.
All these pleasant changes are of a federal nature. But Muscovites received an additional 35 percent salary increase.

Police salaries in the regions

In fact, they are not much different from Moscow. A list of the highest employee earnings was recently published in the press. law enforcement in some regional centers. So, in Irkutsk the record figure is 51,250 rubles. Six thousand less - in Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Penza, Saransk, Voronezh, Cheboksary, Kursk, Belgorod. .

How are police officers paid in the USA?

The profession of law enforcement officers in the United States is one of the highest paid. According to 2014 data, a police officer’s salary ranges from $40,000 to $70,000 per year, translated - 130,000-230,000 per month. This is the basic salary, plus overtime and bonuses.

The increase in police salaries in 2016 is still not a resolved issue. Department budget for next year laid down with a deficit of 40 billion rubles, which means that the police will have to tighten their belts. If we consider that 90% of all money allocated for the police goes to pay salaries, it becomes clear that a significant increase in earnings cannot be expected.

What is the salary of the police in 2015

The reform of the internal affairs bodies began several years ago. Since then, the police have been renamed the police, and employees began to receive slightly increased salaries. IN this year average earnings An ordinary police officer is equal to 30 thousand rubles, and managers receive up to three times more. Employees' earnings consist of pay based on position and length of service. Service length of 5, 10 and 15 years increases payments. In addition, regional payments and other amounts of money paid for special conditions may be added to the salary.

In 2016, salaries will remain at the same level, but given the crisis in the economy and the budget deficit, the police will have to abandon the following payments or significantly reduce them:

  • financial assistance - no more than once a year, otherwise this payment will be cut altogether;
  • compensation for travel to the vacation destination;
  • “thirteenth salary”;
  • amounts for advanced training and training;
  • housing subsidies.

Will there be a salary increase in 2016?

Traditionally, employee salaries are indexed at the rate of inflation. Officially, for 2016 this figure is predicted to be 5.5 percent, however, real inflation could reach 12 percent or even more. Theoretically, in 2016, police salaries will be indexed by 5.5 percent, most likely this will happen in October. But to ensure this increase, reserves will have to be found. For example, almost all training programs will be cut, benefits for police officers will be provided only if they serve in the police for 5 years, etc. There will most likely be no reductions in the police force in 2016, especially considering the current difficult political situation.

1. The monetary allowance of employees is the main means of their material support and stimulation of their performance official duties.

2. Provision of monetary benefits to employees is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, legislative and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation.

3. The monetary allowance of employees consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the position being filled (hereinafter also referred to as the official salary) and a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned special rank (hereinafter referred to as the salary for the special rank), which constitute the monthly salary salary (hereinafter referred to as the monetary salary maintenance), monthly and other additional payments.

4. Salaries for standard positions of employees and salaries for special ranks are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve. The salary amounts for other (non-standard) employee positions are established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which the employees serve, in relation to the salary amounts for standard positions.

5. The amounts of salaries are increased (indexed) in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year and for the planning period, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexate) salaries is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Employees are provided with the following additional payments:

1) monthly bonus to salary for length of service (length of service);

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for a qualifying title;

3) monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service;

4) a monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

5) bonuses for conscientious performance of official duties;

6) incentive payments for special achievements in service;

7) bonus to the official salary for performing tasks directly related to risk (increased danger) to life and health in Peaceful time;

(see text in the previous edition)

8) coefficients (regional, for service in high mountainous areas, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses to pay for service in regional areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, in high mountainous areas, desert and waterless areas provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. The monthly bonus to the salary for length of service (length of service) is established in the following amounts for length of service (length of service):

1) from 2 to 5 years - 10 percent;

2) from 5 to 10 years - 15 percent;

3) from 10 to 15 years - 20 percent;

4) from 15 to 20 years - 25 percent;

5) from 20 to 25 years - 30 percent;

6) 25 years or more - 40 percent.

8. The procedure for calculating length of service (length of service) for payment monthly bonus specified in part 7 of this article is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The monthly bonus to the official salary for a qualifying title is established in the following amounts:

1) for the qualification title of third-class specialist - 5 percent;

2) for the qualification title of second class specialist - 10 percent;

3) for the qualification title of first class specialist - 20 percent;

4) for the qualification title of master (highest qualification title) - 30 percent.

10. The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service is established in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary. Payment procedure and maximum dimensions monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service, depending on the conditions of service and the nature of the tasks performed, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific amounts of the specified monthly allowance are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which the employees serve.

(see text in the previous edition)

11. The monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret is set at up to 65 percent of the official salary. The procedure for paying the specified monthly allowance and its size depending on the degree of secrecy of information to which employees have documented access to legally, as well as the powers of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, to establish the amount of the specified monthly allowance for certain categories of employees admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis, are determined by the President of the Russian Federation .

(see text in the previous edition)

12. Bonuses for conscientious performance of official duties at the rate of three salaries per year are paid in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve.

(see text in the previous edition)

13. Incentive payments for special achievements in service in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary per month are established in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve. The head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, within the limits of the federal budget allocations for the salary of employees, has the right to establish the amount of incentive payment for special achievements in the service in excess of 100 percent of the official salary.

(see text in the previous edition)

14. An additional salary for performing tasks directly related to risk (increased danger) to life and health in peacetime is paid in the amount of up to 100 percent of the official salary. The payment procedure and maximum amounts of the specified allowance, depending on the conditions for completing tasks, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specific amounts of the bonus to the official salary for performing tasks directly related to risk (increased danger) to life and health in peacetime are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve.

(see text in the previous edition)

15. For the pay of employees serving in the regions of the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, coefficients are established (regional, for service in high mountain areas, for service in desert and waterless localities) and percentage allowances for service in the regions of the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, in high mountainous areas, desert and waterless areas, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To apply the specified coefficients and percentage allowances, the following are taken into account in the monetary allowance:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) official salary;

2) salary for a special rank;

3) monthly bonus to salary for length of service (length of service);

4) monthly bonus to the official salary for a qualifying title;

5) monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service;

17. Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, in addition to the additional payments and allowances provided for by this Federal Law, may establish other additional payments and allowances for employees. The specified additional payments and allowances are established differentially depending on the complexity, volume and importance of the tasks performed by employees.

18. The procedure for providing employees with monetary compensation is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which the employees serve.

(see text in the previous edition)

19. To employees temporarily serving outside the territory of the Russian Federation, part of their salary is paid in foreign currency in cases, according to the norms and in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

20. Part of the salary in foreign currency established for employees in accordance with Part 19 of this article is not taken into account when calculating payments (including pensions and insurance amounts) determined in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation based on salaries content.

21. For employees captured or as hostages, interned in neutral countries, as well as for missing employees (until they are recognized in established by law in the order of missing persons or declared dead), monetary allowance is retained in full. In these cases, the monetary allowance of these employees is paid to the spouses or other members of their families in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, until the circumstances of the capture of the employees as prisoners or hostages, the internment of the employees, or until their release or until they are recognized in the manner prescribed by law as unknown absent or declared dead.

(see text in the previous edition)

22. An employee temporarily performing duties in another position is paid based on the salary for the temporarily filled position, but not less than the salary for the main position, taking into account additional payments established for him for the main position.

23. An employee who is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body in which employees serve, its territorial body or an organization included in the system of the said federal body, until the expiration of the period determined by the federal law governing service in the internal affairs bodies, a monetary allowance is paid, calculated on the basis of the official salary for the last position filled, the salary for a special rank, as well as a monthly allowance to the salary for length of service (length of service) and coefficients (regional, for service in high mountainous areas, for service in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses provided for, respectively, paragraphs 1 and 8 of part 6 of this article. An employee who is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body in which employees serve, its territorial body or an organization included in the system of the said federal body, and performing duties for the last position filled, in accordance with By order or order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which the employees serve, or the head authorized by him, the monetary allowance is paid in full. By decision of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the head of another federal executive body in which employees serve, or a manager authorized by him, an employee at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, another federal executive body, in in which the employees serve, its territorial body or organization included in the system of the specified federal body, and who does not fulfill the duties of the last position filled, taking into account the actual volume of official duties performed by him, additional payments may also be made provided for

27. Features of providing monetary allowances to certain categories of employees are determined federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

28. Employees performing tasks to ensure law and order and public safety in certain regions of the Russian Federation or serving under martial law or a state of emergency, armed conflict, conducting a counter-terrorism operation, eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural and man-made disasters, other emergency situations and in In other special conditions associated with an increased danger to life and health, a change in the working time regime and the introduction of additional restrictions, increasing coefficients or allowances are established in amounts determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

29. Employees seconded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to state authorities and other state bodies (hereinafter referred to as state bodies) are provided with monetary compensation in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

30. Employees seconded to organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are provided with monetary compensation in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the amounts of official salaries of employees seconded to organizations and additional payments to such employees are established by the heads of these organizations in agreement with federal body executive power in the sphere of internal affairs.

(see text in the previous edition)

31. The amounts of official salaries for calculating pensions for persons who, upon dismissal from service in the internal affairs bodies, were assigned pensions based on the salaries for the positions they filled in government agencies both organizations and their family members are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is considered one of the most important structures in Russia. It’s truly impossible to imagine life without law enforcement, but the earnings of an ordinary internal affairs officer a few years ago did not exceed 12,000 rubles.

However, in 2012, a reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, as a result, police salaries in 2019 exceed average level around the country.

The salary of people who serve in the Russian police consists of two parts: the official salary, as well as an allowance for rank. The salary depends not only on the position, but also on factors such as the location and the level of workload of the site.

Police officers in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region receive an additional 10% bonus to their salary.

In addition, length of service is taken into account, as well as special working conditions (threat to health, irregular schedule, regular work with information constituting a state secret). Additional bonuses are also due to those who are awarded state awards. Their size also depends on the type of activity. For example, the bonus for local police officers will be 30% more than the remuneration of a traffic police officer.

Police salaries will increase by 4% from 2019

True, social benefits were reduced as a result of the reform. Thus, salaries and benefits for kindergartens for children of police officers were canceled, and the amount of financial assistance provided was reduced.

In addition, the state is trying to make the approach to each employee individual. For each closed case, a specialist can receive a salary increase of up to 40%. When determining the amount of allowance, management tries to take into account not only the length of service, but also the additional hours spent at work. Plus - regional coefficient up to 20%.

At the same time, there is also a system of fines. For various violations, for example, leaving work for more than 4 hours, the boss may deprive the bonus; there are other sanctions. It is planned to cut down unscrupulous employees and those who could not pass certification: the number of police officers in the country is still quite large.

Average police salary by region

As for earnings in Russian regions, the average salary of police officers in Russia in 2019 is 40,000 rubles. It is highest in Kamchatka, about 73,500 rubles. Further across the country, police salaries are distributed as follows:

As this table shows, the most high level Police salaries, as always, are in the capital, in the north and eastern regions of the country. The central part of Russia traditionally lags behind in this indicator.

The rank bonus is the second most important indicator from which the salary of a police officer in Russia is determined. The salary of a junior police lieutenant is about 9,500 rubles, a lieutenant is 10,000 rubles, a senior lieutenant is 11,000 rubles. Thus, the salary of an ordinary police officer is 40,000 rubles. For those who are senior in rank, salaries increase proportionally.

Additionally, staff are awarded bonuses for length of service. A person who has worked in authorities from 3 to 25 years is paid from 5 to 40% of earnings.

In addition, qualifications also affect salary.

Those employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have the rank of major, lieutenant colonel, colonel must have a higher education.

The private who dreams of becoming a general must take this into account. An ensign or captain must have a specialized secondary education, and for sergeants a secondary education is sufficient.

Here is some more information on the earnings of law enforcement officials:

According to funds mass media, a convoy is one of the most vulnerable places in the law enforcement system. Salaries there are still low, and the work is no less dangerous. As a result, old employees quit, and new ones are in no hurry to join the convoy.

Table: wage Russian police officers

Title/positionAverage monthly salary (expressed in rubles)
Senior Lieutenant11 000
Lieutenant11 500
Captain12 500
Major13 000
Colonel13 500
Major General22 100
Lieutenant General24 800
Senior investigator26 000
Colonel General26 600
General29 700
Deputy head of department32 300
Head of department42 700
Deputy minister47 200
Private6 000
Minister52 100
Sergeant7 200
Lance Sergeant7 500
Staff Sergeant8 100
Sergeant Major8 200
Ensign8 600
Senior Warrant Officer8 700
Ensign10 000