Correct preparation of a business plan. How to create a competent business plan yourself. Determining the strengths and weaknesses of your project

How to write a business plan correctly? We share recommendations, convenient methods, samples and calculations.

Business plan is the document from which implementation should begin. If you do not first calculate expenses and income, do not take into account demand and the presence of already operating competitors, you can waste your budget. In our article you will find a sample business plan with calculations and learn how to prepare it for yourself.

But when the development of a business plan for a small enterprise is needed specifically for investors, guarantors, and creditors, then the document must comply with the requirements of the Federal Small Business Support Fund. You can learn how to draw up a business plan in accordance with these requirements from, and we will look at the brief structure of the plan here.

Structure of a business plan from the Federal Small Business Support Fund:

If you follow all the recommendations of the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business, then it is quite difficult to draw up your own business plan. But there is another way to calculate the prospects of your project - using the SME Business Navigator.

How to write a business plan yourself

If you decide to open such a store, you will need to find the missing amount of 1.7 million rubles. Of course, you can take out a loan, especially since Business Navigator offers you to choose one of the partner banks. However, we must not forget that such interest-bearing borrowed funds increase the cost of the project and extend its payback period. You need to carefully weigh whether this is worth doing.

If you do not want to attract additional funds to the project, especially borrowed funds, then the navigator will prompt you to select the type of business based on the volume of investment. We go to the corresponding tab and see an extensive list of projects that can be started using only own funds. All that remains is to select several areas that interest you and calculate their payback.

Now you know how to make a business plan with calculations for a small business in a specific situation. On the Internet you will find many more methods for writing and drawing up business plans, samples for different businesses (coffee shop, car service center, beauty salon, etc.). But remember - you need a business plan for your specific business, an individual one, and no one has ever written one for you. This video briefly and succinctly describes how to do this “on the fingers of a milling machine operator”:

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Welcome readers of the “site”! Today we will talk in detail about what is a business plan and why is it needed? , how to draw up a business plan as clearly, competently and succinctly as possible (we will provide a sample with calculations), and also provide links so that you can download ready-made examples for free .

This material will be useful to all novice entrepreneurs and businessmen who plan to attract money from banks (investors).

About how to draw up a business plan for a small business yourself, what rules and procedures for drawing up exist, and where to download ready business plan - read further in the issue

Every entrepreneur comes across the concept of a business plan sooner or later.

Business plan(from English business plan) is a project of your business, in which the goals and objectives of its creation are clearly defined. In it, the entrepreneur must describe his actions over a specific period of time to make a profit.

Business plan structure, objectives and strategy

2. Rules for drawing up (writing) a business plan 📝

Rule 1. Study the market situation in advance

Before starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to analyze the situation on the market as a whole. Collect as much information as possible about the upcoming enterprise or successful implementation.

Rule 2. Create a clear business strategy and follow it

The business plan must include specific actions throughout a certain period of time.

You must write down your actions month, 3 months, 6 months, year and 3 of the year.

Rule 3. Consider both the pros and cons of the chosen business

In a business plan, you need to describe not only your strengths, but also possible losses, so to speak, weaknesses.

For example , strengths include highly qualified specialists, market recognition, bright brand etc. TO possible losses or threats can be attributed to: great competition, high cost of goods or services.

3. How to write a business plan yourself - the procedure for writing and the structure of a business plan 📑

Regardless of your type of activity, the main components of a business plan will be the same.

How to write a business plan - step-by-step instruction with example

1. Introduction

The introductory part should not be too lengthy, but it should describe the most important things:

  • direction of the enterprise's activity;
  • project payback period;
  • specific indicators.

Your potential investor should know the time frame for returning his investment and possible losses.

2) Description of services

In this section, describe in detail the direction of your activity. Decide for yourself which market segment you will work with.

Important! Assess your competitors and your advantages over them.

Decide what you plan to focus on in your activities: low cost with high sales volumes, high service, or maybe something else.

To completethissection you need to do the following:

  • Give a description and characteristics of the company's main and secondary products;
  • Take photographs of goods and services;
  • Create a portrait of your intended consumer;
  • Study and check your target market for the availability of similar goods or services;
  • Organize a service;
  • Provide a pricing model. Assess the competitiveness of your project on the market.

After carrying out such an analysis, you will definitely understand and be able to highlight the differences between your products in the sales market. You will also clearly formulate what you produce and who needs it.

3) Marketing plan

Marketing plan – perhaps the most important stage in the development of your business. A lot will depend on well-designed marketing. You need to identify your main competitors, understand how they are promoting their project, and do it better.

Business promotion methods can be different:

  • Place advertisements on radio, in magazines, on websites. It is only important to determine which format of the advertising project is right for you;
  • Be sure to work on direct sales. Starting with cold calls to your potential buyers, ending with the sale of goods and services with the help of representatives;
  • Encourage your staff to achieve high results. Come up with promotions and bonuses for employees;
  • Find out the most favorable season for your business;

Main, Really assess the situation, do not exaggerate your capabilities. Brainstorm regularly and come up with new routes. Read more about it here.

4) Organizational plan

Specifically write down all the steps of the activity, assign persons responsible for performing certain actions. Limit the deadline for completing the task.

5) Financial plan

When drawing up a financial plan, it is necessary to take into account all the little things, dividing expenses into permanent and one-time ones.

  • Fixed expenses – this is a monthly office, payment of rent, public utilities, Internet, telephone, etc.
  • One-time costs – this is the purchase of equipment for work, For example, computers, scanners, phones, etc.

After compiling expenses, determine for yourself the minimum sales volume that will cover running costs. Everything that is sold from above will be yours profit .

After calculating this, you will determine for yourself break-even point. You could say that this is the purpose of a business plan.

6) Conclusion

The conclusion is intended to attract investors. Optimal partition volume from 2 before 4 pages, which must be indicated:

  • The main vector of your company’s activity;
  • Project profitability;
  • Analysis of the company’s place in the sales market;
  • Company personnel, responsible persons;
  • Expected qualitative and quantitative indicators for each period.

The “Resume” section should provide answers to 2 main questions:

  1. What results can investors expect from favorable business development?
  2. What should investors expect in a worst-case scenario?

Of course, it is better to write a conclusion when the business plan has already been practically drawn up.

4. Sample business plan with calculations using the example of an anti-cafe

Let's take a closer look at a ready-made sample business plan using the example of an anti-cafe .

Business plan structure - example "Anticafe"

1) Overview section

In the table we will see everything general information about the project:

Titles Descriptions
1. Name "Gloss"
2. Organizational form Individual entrepreneur
3. Services available
  • Various programs;
  • Events (trainings, seminars);
  • Birthdays;
4. Location of the organization and sales market Stavropol
5. Operating mode From 11.00 until the last client.
6. Establishment staff Supervisor - 1 people

Administrator – 1 people

Service staff - 3 people

Director - 1 people

security – 1 people

7. Required starting capital 500 000 rubles
8. Expenses 167 000 rubles
9. Return on investment period 10-11 months
10. Competition Small
11. Organization income 216 000 rubles
12. Organizational loss 167 000 rubles
13. Organizational profit 49 000 rubles

2) Goods and services

An amount will be charged for the time spent in the anti-cafe 2 rub./min . For this money the cafe will provide services such as:

  • Mini library, you can retire and read books;
  • Lots of games for large groups (mafia, board games);
  • Game console;
  • Karaoke, projector, tablets;
  • Can be arranged various courses, For example, By English language, Spanish, psychology, makeup training;
  • You can also order banquets, children's birthdays;
  • There is Wi-Fi, any visitor can use it;
  • Tea, coffee and various sweets.

Ideal clients: older people 17 -45 years of age who live an active life; they have an average income; without bad habits; these people like to spend time profitably; they would like to receive good knowledge and great emotions.

The client must be taken to the cafe near 22 hours per month. From this the profit per person is calculated about 3600 rubles per month.

3) Marketing strategy

There is currently one cafe in this segment in the city. It poses a potential threat since they already have an established customer base.

  • Social networks (Instagram, telegram and others);
  • SMS mailings;
  • Discounts, coupons;
  • Radio announcements.

Promotion strategy for a new anti-cafe:

  1. Direct attraction. Search for clients or organizations that will come to us big company. Conducting children's matinees. Discounts regular customers. Advertising in institutions.
  2. Advertising on Odnoklassniki, Agent and many different networks. Reaching a group of people who are at home. Advertising in in social networks allows you to obtain a lot of information from clients and very quickly answer all questions of interest, while requiring very little financial costs.
  3. Building partnerships with companies that specialize in various holidays, show programs, corporate evenings, etc.
  4. Club card. This card gives you the right to spend as much time as you like in the anti-cafe. Price 4 800 rubles, validity period 1 month.
  5. Radio advertising. After a month of work, a story about events in the anti-cafe.

Such a business has seasonality . The anti-cafe has the highest attendance in autumn and winter seasons. And in the summer and spring there are fewer clients ↓.

Therefore, the plan should be drawn up in such a way as to increase profit several times, so as not to go into lesion .

Name Deadlines Responsible Results and notes
1 Study 01.01.14 – 01.02.14 Manager We have proven all our data
2 Recruitment 01.02.14 – 01.03.14 Manager Found employees
3 Search for premises 01.03.14 – 01.04.14 Manager Found a room based on the criteria
4 Repair 01.04.14 – 01.05.14 Manager Repairs made to all requirements
5 We purchase equipment 01.05.14 – 01.06.14 Manager Delivery to your place
6 Approval of the action plan 01.06.14 – 03.06.14 Director Agreements have been concluded
7 We are registering 01.06.14 – 03.06.14 Manager Purchased a cash register and documents
8 Advertising 03.06.14 – 10.06.14 We are hiring a specialist Conducted advertising on all points
9 Opening 12.06.13 Manager Everything went great, there were a lot of competitions and gifts, there were journalists, everyone knew about us

4) Financial plan

Expenses Quantity (pcs.) Cost, rub.) Amount (rub.)
1 Purchase of equipment 50 5 000 250 000
2 Purchase of inventory 100 1 000 100 000
3 Finishing work 1 150 000 150 000
Total: 500 000

5) Conclusions

Name Quantity Cost, rub.) Amount (rub.)
1 Building rental (150 sq.m.) 1 month 40 000 40 000
2 Pay wages 6 people 15 000 90 000
3 Public utilities 1 month 5 000 5 000
4 Products 700 sets 10 7 000
5 Taxes 1 month 15 000 15 000
6 Deductions for depreciation 1 month 10 000 10 000
Total: 167 000

Having analyzed all expenses for the reporting month, we can say that if the establishment’s profit is greater 167 000 rubles, that's what it will be break-even point .


Simultaneous costs = 500 000 rubles
Expense per month = 167 000 rubles

Find: Payback period -?

Solution :

Payback period = One-time costs / emergency per month

1) We find an emergency per month

Emergency per month = Income per month - Expense per month

Profit for the month = (Profit per day) * 30 days = ( 30 Human * 2 hours * 120 rubles/hour) * 30 days = 216 000 rubles
Emergency per month = 216,000 rubles - 167,000 rubles = 49,000 rubles

2) Finding the payback period

Payback period = 500,000 rubles (down payment) / 49,000 rubles (PE per month) = 10 months

*Of course, all calculations made above are approximate and may differ from region to region.

5. Ready-made business plan examples for free + template 📎

We present a ready-made template for writing your plan, into which you can easily enter your data for calculations and overview analytics.


Typically, a classic Business Plan consists of twelve main elements, including a cover page and a confidentiality memorandum.

A well-drafted business plan can either simply become the basis for organizing a business or help raise funds for the development of a project if it turns out to be attractive to an investor or lender. Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to write a business plan, describing its most important elements and recommendations for its preparation.

What is a Business Plan in simple words and example

A business plan is a document that provides a detailed justification for the project and the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of decisions made, planned activities, and answer the question of whether it is worth investing in a given project.

A ready-made business plan includes all elements of the development and functioning of a business for the planning period. How detailed and competently a business plan for starting a business is written depends on how much the idea will be appreciated from the outside, as well as the number of suddenly arising nuances that were not taken into account initially.

We can say that developing a business plan is half of creating a business. It describes the details of the management technological processes, accounting, the state of affairs in the industry, as well as documentation.

Thus, business plan in simple words - This detailed description planned project, containing calculations and expected results for the next few years.

Sample Business Plans (download)

Below you will find several more examples and samples of business plans that you can download and study in detail.

Types of business plans

When deciding how to write a business plan correctly, you must first determine for whom it will be written. There are two main formats for this document:

  1. Interior. This business plan is intended solely for private use among the founders. With its help, expenses, production volumes and necessary inventories are planned, and the like. Such a business plan should be as close to reality as possible and reflect all risks even in the worst case scenarios. Some details of such a business plan that are obvious to the founder can be omitted, since in this case there will be no one to evaluate the unnecessary details.
  2. For external users. Such business plans are prepared for presentation to investors or creditors, as well as to authorities state support from whom funds are expected to be received. This type plan is distinguished not only by greater detail, but also by wider evidence base, big amount calculations. In this case, it is necessary to convince your counterparties of the validity of the calculations and prospects described in the plan. Logicality and consistency in the presentation of information, the quality of its presentation, design and accuracy are important. It is often possible to use the maximum and minimum possible real numbers where it directly affects the result of the calculation and efficiency, in order to increase the attractiveness of the idea for those who can invest in it. It will be good if all the facts and figures contain sources that support their authenticity. A business plan that has visual materials will also benefit.

You cannot write a business plan for yourself and for an investor at the same time, since they have different purposes.

Internal plans should be more meaningful and practical, and the values ​​in the calculations should be closer to the average or even worst case. Plans for external users should be logically and neatly presented, and the values ​​​​in them usually are close to the ideal scenario.

What does a Business Plan consist of - Structure

Depending on the specifics of the business and the purpose of the document, the number and content of business plan items may vary. A typical business plan usually consists of the following elements:

  1. Title page.
  2. Confidentiality Memorandum.
  3. Summary.
  4. Objective of the project.
  5. Analysis of the enterprise's position in the industry.
  6. Description of the product of labor.
  7. Production plan.
  8. Organizational plan.
  9. Risk analysis.
  10. Applications.

Some elements that are required for writing a business plan for a job center or lenders are optional for writing documents for internal use. For example, it doesn't make much sense to create a confidentiality memorandum or cover page for yourself.

At the same time, a business plan for a store may not contain a paragraph describing the product of labor, since in this case all goods are purchased for resale, and the list of services is standard.

Where to start making your Business Plan - Instructions

First, you need to clearly define the scope of activity and the product that will be produced by the newly created enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the market situation in real time and identify niches that are not sufficiently represented on the market. Choosing one of these niches will make it more likely to successfully take your market share in a short time.

Next, you need to collect all publicly available information about this field of activity. The greatest attention should be paid to real stories and reviews from people working in this area. Only they are able to give an idea of ​​the nuances that, at first glance, are implicit.

For popular industries, for example, a cafe or a beauty salon, you can find a sample business plan for reference or even special services that help in its formation. In the case of more specific industries the amount of information freely available may be limited.

If there is a clear lack of data for analysis, it is best to seek paid advice from specialists - they will help fill in the gaps in knowledge.

SWOT analysis

This type of analysis is used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an idea when information about the latter is available. Conducting a SWOT analysis helps to visually correlate the pros, cons and dangers of a future project in order to conduct a holistic assessment of them.

The name encodes the essence of the method as an abbreviation: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is in these four columns that the data is distributed in the SWOT analysis.

  • Towards strengths include the advantages that the chosen niche has.
  • Weak sides should be described in as much detail as possible, as they are needed in order to eliminate them in the future. This column includes all the shortcomings in the theoretical implementation of the plan, from low profitability to the lack of own premises.

Strengths and weaknesses, for the most part, are internal factors that are directly influenced by the founder.

Opportunities and threats, on the contrary, are considered external factors, which must either be used or adjusted and kept in mind. A sample table for conducting a SWOT analysis of a production project for a business plan is presented below:

Writing a resume

One of the elements of writing a business plan from scratch is writing a resume.

This element is always located at the beginning of the business plan and contains some brief information about it, forcing people who decide to read the contents of the document to become interested in it and continue reading it.

This is most important when searching for potential investors and lenders.

Despite the placement of this element in the document, the founder does not begin working on it before writing a business plan for a small business, since the executive summary is the section that provides consolidated information from the rest of the business plan.

Accordingly, work on the resume is the last thing the founder begins - this is, for the most part, business card project for external users of information.

The main points that counterparties want to see in a resume are usually the possible level of profitability from investing in the development of a project, as well as the risks assumed for such investments.

Often the purpose of the project is included in a separate section.

In this subparagraph, it is necessary to indicate the goals and objectives set for the business, as well as argue for the success of the future enterprise. Often at this point the results obtained from SWOT analysis are used.

Analysis of the company’s place in the market

This section usually contains an overview of competition in the selected industry, presented by the number of competing firms and their market shares, product specifics and sales volume, if such data is present.

Also, this section usually includes data on the planned size of the organization being created and competing organizations: the number of employees, production facilities and so on.

  • Check it out (download).

Based on this analysis, a promising place in the industry is usually determined, that is, the market share that is planned to be occupied in the future and in what time frame this should happen. If a business plan is drawn up for external users, then this point is one of the fundamental ones and should be disclosed in detail.

As advantages, you can take into account the experience of hired employees and managers, possible prospects for the development of the organization, various know-how, and so on.

When it becomes necessary to write a business plan yourself, you need to pay special attention to some mandatory elements in its content. In the case of a marketing plan, such elements are tools for product promotion, demand analysis, as well as preliminary sales directions, especially when it comes to production.

Product promotion tools are usually advertising, direct sales, and other options, depending on the field of activity.

In some cases, competent merchandising can be used as a promotion tool. It is also necessary to indicate by what means the promotion will be carried out: will it be a special department, a separate employee, or outsourced services from companies and inviting third-party specialists.

Marketing demand research is an extremely complex and serious job, therefore, if you do not have confidence in your own skills, it is better to leave it to professionals. In this case, the likelihood that such research will be positively assessed by creditors will be higher.

However, if it is important exactly how to draw up a business plan yourself from start to finish, then it is necessary to take into account not only the volume of demand at a particular moment, but also its seasonal fluctuations, elasticity under the influence of the price factor, average prices for goods, and the possibility of stimulating demand.

If there are already preliminary options for selling products, it would be good to indicate them and draw up your own sales program for each, which will include sales volumes for the period, revenue, tax administration (for example, payment of VAT if the counterparty is not its payer etc.), methods and terms of delivery and payment. Here you can specify the rules and content of future promotions and discounts, if there are any developments on them.

It would be good to draw up a forecast sales table with calculations of total revenue for each counterparty or for each product. Tables can have a simple but informative appearance:

If possible, it is better to provide accompanying documentation with the amounts so that prices and volumes are not taken out of thin air. Also, you should not deliberately overestimate the prospects if such documentation is not available - this section should not raise doubts among investors.

Production plan

One of the most important elements of any business plan. It is important to understand that this part of the plan applies not only to manufacturing enterprises– the production plan includes the entire process of functioning of the organization.

An exception may be a business in which no personnel actions are taken with the products at all - for example, a wholesale store that simply purchases products, stores them in a warehouse, and then sells them.

If we consider the business plan of a restaurant or coffee shop, then the production plan includes everything from the purchase of products for cooking and the time of preparation of a dish or drink, to the equipment used, the cost and shelf life of the finished dish, as well as the process Maintenance available equipment and mechanisms.

This paragraph, depending on the field of activity, should include:

  • Costs of raw materials and other production costs.
  • Costs for purchasing equipment and premises.
  • Labor costs.
  • General production and general business expenses - rent, utilities, etc.
  • Overheads.

In addition to costs, this paragraph describes in detail the work processes, the timing of each production cycle and storage of products, the timing beneficial use equipment, mechanisms of interaction between different departments, requirements for employees, planned wages, salary calculation schedule, and so on.

As a result, you can present a production plan outlined in sub-items, starting with the purchase of raw materials and ending with the payment of wages and the sale of final products.

Organizational plan

In this section it is necessary to describe the structure of the company and its management system. This includes organizational structure, staffing table, information about the management of the enterprise, founders, organizational and legal form, planned management mechanisms, distribution of responsibilities.

  • (download in PDF).

This section also discusses the process of documenting activities in the process of its organization, with references to the primary regulations, according to which the registration and operation of the enterprise will take place. As a rule, this item is written in order, starting with the rental of premises and ending with the launch of production.

This section of the plan, regardless of the purpose of the document, must be disclosed in as much detail as possible, since it determines how much planned expenses and income in the future will coincide with real ones.

This item represents the preparation of calculation documentation for planned costs, as well as approximate revenue volumes. The best option the presentation of this information is tabular, with separate explanations, since the amount of information in the financial plan of even a small enterprise is quite large.

It is imperative to remember that the enterprise has fixed costs, independent of production volume, such as rent, and variables determined by output volume. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of maintenance and repair of units, and all this must be taken into account when calculating the unit cost of production. Fixed assets transfer their value to finished products gradually, so their cost is taken into account as part of the cost depending on their useful life in the form of depreciation.

  • (download).

After the cost per unit of production has been calculated, as well as the volume of fixed costs over a period of time, the break-even volume of production is calculated - that is, the amount of product that must be produced and sold at a given price in order to fully cover the cost and fixed costs. A further increase in production and sales volumes will mean increased profits.

Also in this section it is necessary to present the payback period of the project, which in a simplified form is calculated as the ratio initial costs to monthly net profit. The result will be in months.

This section can also include other indicators necessary depending on the scope of the enterprise’s activities. In general, the more detailed information will be presented in this section, the better. For example, in the case of opening an online store, you can create a table like this:

Risk identification

At this point, it is necessary to consider the various risks that are inherent in the industry, region or type of activity, assess their theoretically possible impact on the organization’s activities and possible damage, and also describe in detail how to counter them, highlighting those that will be used in certain situations.

If the business plan is being drawn up for internal use, this section should be made as detailed as possible - this can be very helpful in the future.

When drawing up a document for investors, you can omit some implicit risks, but in no case should you omit the obvious ones - this will be noticed and perceived as a shortcoming or short-sightedness of the founder. When developing this point, the founder will also be helped by a SWOT analysis carried out at the beginning.

Formation of applications

Applications are a mandatory element of a business plan, especially those compiled for external use. All possible documents confirming the points expressed earlier by the founder are attached to the plan as appendices.

It is highly advisable to confirm all figures, for example, with official statistics, reporting documentation of similar companies, letters of guarantee and certificates, and so on.

It is also important to attach to the appendices various agreements concluded with counterparties or other founders, existing company documentation, documents certifying the qualifications and data of the founders and planned management personnel, and in general all possible documents confirming the information and judgments presented in the business plan itself.

Such documents must be referenced in the text of the plan. Here too much can be taken volumetric calculations or diagrams.

Each business plan requires an individual approach, but there are some general recommendations, applicable to most similar documents, according to which you can either draw up a business plan for an individual entrepreneur for internal use, or develop a plan for creditors of an existing large enterprise.

  • Reflect the real situation. If you take into account grossly overestimated profitability indicators or too low prices for raw materials in your plans, you may end up with something completely different. financial results, which was calculated in the marketing plan.
  • Write competently in clear language . If the business plan is written confusingly and with a lot of errors, no investor or lender will consider such a document seriously.
  • Take into account the nuances. It is necessary to pay attention to such things as seasonal changes in prices for certain goods and services, and climatic conditions affecting production. For example, in different regions, the cost of heating workshop premises, especially large ones, can vary greatly.
  • Draw up a business plan succinctly, but without unnecessary volume. The usual length of this document is 20-25 pages, excluding attachments. If it turns out to be much larger, then it is better to include all documents, voluminous calculations and diagrams in applications.
  • Calculate costs as accurately as possible. If the price of a particular product or raw material fluctuates greatly, it is better to take the maximum values, so that in the event of another price fluctuation there is no unpleasant surprise in the form of a loss of profitability.
  • Read similar documents. Working on a plan is much easier when you have an example of writing a business plan at hand. To do this, below are examples of business plans in different areas that can be taken as a basis.


Drawing up a business plan is a rather complex and time-consuming task. However, a well-drafted business plan can be considered half of starting your own business. Each industry has its own specifics in drawing up this document, but there are some general points that must be taken into account when drawing up a high-quality business plan.

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Business plan - detailed description of the future small, medium or large-scale enterprise, its theoretical image - a model that will subsequently be embodied in a firm, company, store, production. This is a kind of extended estimate that needs to be drawn up in order to understand what volume of investments will be needed, their sequence - determining what is needed first, and what things can be purchased later. In this article we will tell you how to create a business plan yourself. A drafting sample will be considered for opening a small business.

Why is this necessary?

Drawing up a business plan demonstrates a serious approach to business and allows you to move progressively, in an orderly manner towards its implementation. A detailed business plan takes into account everything, including possible changes market and economic conditions, which will lead to unexpected expenses.

Another important point– without a detailed description of the project, a thorough analysis, banks will not give a loan to organize your business. In this case, the business plan must take into account all possible points so that bank specialists have no doubts about the success of the enterprise.

From simple to complex

You can create a business plan yourself. It’s not difficult, and this step-by-step instruction will help you master the basics of such an important process for an entrepreneur. The skill of independent business planning will allow you to save money when organizing your own business, and will also become a good source of income if you use the theoretical basis correctly.

To draw up a business plan, you should move from simple to complex, gradually developing and deepening the degree of economic research. This, in particular, concerns the justification of the commercial feasibility of a business through market research.

Sample structure

In order to draw up a simple business plan yourself, for example, for opening of a women's bag store, first you need to know it general structure, study the skeleton, which consists of:

  • A resume is general description future project, which briefly describes the essence of the business plan. A resume is compiled in any form and must be extremely concise, succinct, and concise. Its volume is up to 10 sentences.
  • Tasks and goals, where the goal is the end result, and the objectives are a description of how it is planned to achieve it. Compilation of this paragraph is mandatory, as it is the basis for further research.
  • Description of the end result - this is an already running business. Here we talk about its functionality and visualize what is planned. This is perhaps the most difficult thing; it is necessary that everything is done correctly. The structure of the future enterprise is described here: departments, divisions, their functions, responsibilities. Accordingly, it is necessary to draw up a staffing table. This can be done as a separate sub-item in the form of a diagram so that the structural interaction is clear. Creating such a scheme for a small business is a simple matter; it is much more difficult to create a description of a large-scale project.
  • A financial plan is a voluminous part that implies a detailed description of expenses, including wages and monthly expenses for maintaining the enterprise. In addition, profitability calculations should be included here and the payback period should be determined. The last points are purely theoretical calculations that are based on the desired data. But at the same time they are a guideline for business development. For example, if the actual profit is significantly lower than the calculated one, it is necessary to carry out a deep dive functional analysis, do work on mistakes. This is important both for a large project and for a company with no more than a dozen employees. Sources of funding should also be indicated here. This is equity capital or a loan with calculations of the interest rate on it and the repayment period. Here you will need calculations from the marketing section of the business plan. They largely influence profitability indicators, and therefore determine the solvency of the enterprise. This also includes drawing up a price list or tariff schedule - determining the cost of services or goods.
  • Marketing plan - this section should contain information about what audience the product or service is aimed at. For example, a spare parts store will sell components for foreign cars in the premium or budget segment. It can also be specific brands or even one manufacturer.

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Here the business plan should also answer the questions:

  1. Where will the company, store, or enterprise be located? This item includes a detailed description of the required geographical location. For example, for a beauty salon it is desirable to be located on busy streets, near business and entertainment centers, public transport stops. Drawing up a subparagraph requires studying theoretical material - the fundamentals of marketing policy.
  2. Competition research, which includes counting the number of firms and enterprises providing the same services or selling the same goods. It is advisable to monitor their activities or at least pricing policy. You can do this yourself or hire people. You can create a subparagraph using official economic and social research.
  3. Development directions should be determined. The ultimate goal This sub-item is always about increasing profits, so it’s quite difficult to compose it correctly yourself. Often, most entrepreneurs rely on promotions, but here you should definitely pay attention to the development of the service. Indeed, 100% results will come from innovative ideas that you need to come up with yourself. It is also an excellent option to introduce concepts that have just emerged and have not yet found widespread use.

Drawing up answers to all of the above questions is a justification for the feasibility of organizing a particular type of commercial activities and identifying opportunities for its future development.

  • Organizational plan - effective structural organization company enterprises. Here the business plan answers the questions:
  1. Which employees report to whom?
  2. What responsibilities are assigned to each employee?

At the same time, the division of labor should be as rational as possible, but at the same time reasonable. This means that the workload on workers must be adequate.

The section is intended to create a personnel structure for the enterprise, which will determine its effective operation with the possibility of further development, which implies a certain increase in the workload on personnel without attracting additional specialists. For beginner dummies there is already ready-made templates organizational plans that are easily adjusted depending on specific conditions and tasks. Compilation organizational plan won't take much time.

  • Personnel policy - the main milestones of work with personnel are laid down here. This applies, first of all, to training employees and improving their skills. The subparagraph also provides for education personnel reserve. Definition personnel policy extremely important for large companies with large staff, but for a small store it is not very important. But it’s worth compiling it for yourself if you plan to expand and transform one point of sale to the network. This cannot be done without a well-thought-out personnel policy.

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It’s quite easy to create a business plan using the template above. This practical guide for beginners, where there are no complex theoretical calculations with abstruse terms and complex calculations, everything is extremely clear and easy to understand. It should be noted that production planning is the most complex process that requires a professional approach.

Where to invest 50 thousand rubles

In this article we have collected everything possible options where you can invest your money.

So we looked at how to draw up a business plan yourself. We hope that the provided sample for small business helped you in preparing to write such a document on your own!

For a business to flourish, planning is necessary, and for its dynamic development, it is necessary to develop a business plan. In addition, a competently drawn up plan will help you find an investor or lender to develop your business.

  • Describe your business idea, present it as necessary at the moment
  • Give detailed description future enterprise, what exactly your business will represent
  • Describe the future manufactured products, provision of services to the public or production process
  • Lead sales market analytics, your competitive features: low cost, unusual packaging
  • Compose detailed plan production, outline implementation steps your project
  • Give a description product sales how are you going to organize your sales channels and methods?
  • Compose financial plan . It includes the costs of organizing a business and approximate income from its implementation.
  • Conduct a full analysis of your business project, which will present expert opinions about your project
  • Do development schedules, fill out sales tables, supply diagrams and purchases of manufactured products or provision of services

These are the main stages of drawing up a business plan that will help you get investment for your project.

How to draw up the right business production plan

In many ways, the production process cannot be solved without organizing the planning of the entire production, and it is best to consolidate this in a business plan. In him:

The purpose of writing a business plan is to determine the feasibility of investing in production, whether it will be profitable, and how long it will take for it to start making a profit. First of all, you need to calculate the profitability of the future enterprise, in this way you can avoid problems in the future, and give yourself an answer to the question: is it possible to overcome them yourself.

What needs to be included when writing a business plan?

The first and second parts of the plan consist of a summary and description of the main business idea.

This should remind Commercial offer about investing in your project, sent to prospective partners or investors.

It should display:

  • Goal of your project: what do you intend to release, or what services to provide?
  • Who is your product intended for? Definition sales audience
  • Outline volumes of expected trade turnover in the first year of existence
  • Calculate approximate amount of expenses for opening, establishing production process at your enterprise
  • Define legal form : open, closed or Joint-Stock Company you decide to organize
  • Which the number of employees you are going to involve in your production
  • Define everything sources of financing your project

After carrying out all the necessary calculations, the businessman will be able to form an opinion as to whether it is worth organizing this business, because the risk and ways to overcome it are clarified so that the enterprise does not fail.

The simplest example of how to draw up a business plan, for example for an LLC that is planning to set up the production of sweet baked goods, can be represented by the following diagram:

Designate the goal: Baking confectionery products, mainly cakes, for the urban population. Become a leader in your market segment

Outline the tasks:

  1. Organize the work of a compact confectionery shop
  2. Arrange the supply of necessary raw materials and hire employees
  3. First try to occupy a third part of the market by developing marketing strategy doing business, which will gradually squeeze out competitors low prices and new recipe

Find missing ones cash by taking out a loan secured by existing real estate.

A good example of a business plan for a small enterprise

For example, you are going to open a tailoring shop.

At the beginning need to find out the future this business in the existing market conditions.

  1. We are writing a resume about where you are going to open a small production workshop.
    Describe the form of ownership, for example LLC. The planned payback period of the project is 40 months
  2. Describe general provisions enterprises:
      • purchase of equipment,
      • textiles,
      • finishing items and fittings.

If your own money is not enough to complete the project, write about raising borrowed funds.
Then describe who your services will be provided for:

You can include services for sewing curtains and bed linen for further sale.

  1. Conduct market analytics and compile marketing plan. The plan should develop the necessary activities that will bring your workshop to the forefront
  2. Analyze the costs of the enterprise:
      • payment of salaries to employees,
      • payment of rent for the premises where your workshop is located.

Through the analysis, the payback period of the project is calculated.

  1. Draw up a production schedule, gradually increasing production output to 1000 units per day
  2. Analyzing the investment market: where and how to find partners for joint business
  3. Make financial calculations:
      • calculate the amount of fixed costs for purchasing equipment
      • calculate the amount variable costs for the purchase of materials for production: threads, accessories, needles. This includes rent for the premises
  1. Find out the missing amount to fully open the enterprise, describe the conditions for providing credit funds
  2. Describe the form of ownership and taxation of the enterprise
  3. Calculate approximate monthly and annual revenue
  4. Based financial analysis enterprises, find out the result of the work (it must be positive).

An example of drawing up a business plan for an individual entrepreneur

Financial institutions are reluctant to issue loans to individual entrepreneurs, and recent bank failures have led to the need to submit a detailed business plan in order to receive loan funds.

This is one of the most basic documents, and it must be drawn up correctly, displaying the financial component of the business, conducting a market analysis and prospects for the development of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

How to independently and competently draw up a business plan

Firstly, a competent business plan for individual entrepreneurs should be as detailed as possible, displaying the performed business analytics (various factors should be taken into account, including indicators of the financial component).

Secondly, it should reflect current activities and make a forecast of future development, taking into account interest rates and current exchange rates.

Third, it should reflect the current state of the entrepreneur’s main fund, his market price, and how the funds will move:

Sample business plan for small businesses

To confidently receive loan funds, you can create a simple business plan and give in it Full description planned expenses and income, but the practical value of such a plan will be small for several reasons:

  • It will not be possible to model all the data, and if they change, you will have to rewrite the document again
  • It does not reflect the full state of the business: there are no fixed asset records, equipment depreciation is not included
  • Such planning deprives the entrepreneur of the opportunity to follow previously planned goals.

It is best to draw up a working business plan in in electronic format, using software eg Microsoft Excel. Open the program and enter the table names in the field:

  1. Fixed Assets

The first table should display all the assets of the enterprise that belong to individual entrepreneur and take part in the production of products.

Be sure to enter the form of ownership and value of the assets. Equipment depreciation values ​​for each year should also be entered here.

The main assets include:

  • own real estate and vehicles,
  • equipment and professional tools,
  • computers and equipment necessary for production.

Fixed assets most often act as collateral for bank lending; they reflect the actual situation in the business more clearly than other indicators. Their total cost must be shown taking into account the depreciation process in perspective, for each month, quarter or year.

This indicator is required for the Enterprise Balance sheet table.

  1. Cost of products or services provided to the public

The second table shows the full picture entrepreneurial activity enterprises.

Data is entered every month or quarter.

The data in all tables must be interconnected, because in many ways the cost will directly depend on the purchase prices of the products.

The table includes not only the company’s revenue, but also quantitative indicators of the sales itself.

  1. Sales of products
  2. Enterprise balance sheet

The Balance sheet table displays complete information about the property and intangible assets and liabilities of the enterprise. If the balance sheet is drawn up correctly, then the asset amounts agree with the liability amount, and this will mean that the company has a healthy financial situation and there are no unaccounted cost items.

  1. Dividends received and list of required payments
  2. List of employees and their salaries
  3. Basic indicators