The presentation is an interesting activity for a 12 year old child. Presentations for kindergarten

A series of educational discs for playback on a computer and DVD player. Children's presentations on all sections of the program in accordance with educational standards, electronic games, exercise equipment, clips. Allows you to conduct classes, holidays and extracurricular activities using a multimedia projector or interactive whiteboard.

Electronic educational resources according to the Federal State Educational Standard! More than 1000 bright voiced children's presentations, games, fairy tales for the computer, interactive whiteboard and DVD player!

Abstract of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts for children middle group 4-5 years “Visiting Bim and Bom”

Author: Razzhivina-Nesterova Valentina Leontyevna, teacher-speech therapist of the highest category, MAUDO “Kindergarten No. 10” Tyumen region, Yalutorovsk slides for the lesson.ppt (9.74 MB)

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Presentation for a senior class, preparatory group kindergarten. Acquaintance with the most famous and age-appropriate museums of St. Petersburg. Purpose of the lesson: introducing preschoolers to the history and culture of their hometown. At the end of the presentation there are questions to check the degree of mastery of the material.

Summary of a drawing lesson with children of the senior group “Still Life”
Job objectives:
1. Develop children’s abilities for visual arts (sense of color, composition)
2. Encourage children to independently convey images, using the means of expression available to them (color, shape)
3. Continue to introduce children to painting genres.
4. Continue to develop fantasy and imagination.
Materials: multimedia presentation, wax crayons, sheets of paper, fruit or fruit replicas.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher and the children examine the brought fruits.
What shape, what color, how it feels.
The teacher invites the children to listen to one story that happened with these fruits and includes a presentation.
“Once upon a time there were four friends - Apple, Apricot and two sisters Plum. But one day there was a quarrel between them because each decided that he was the most beautiful and the most delicious.
“I am the most beautiful,” said Apple and walked away from his friends. “No, I’m the most beautiful,” said the apricot and also stepped aside. “No, no, we are the most delicious, the most elegant and the sweetest,” the Plums shouted, but no one heard them, because the friends ran away different sides. But then Orange came to them and said that each of them was beautiful and tasty in its own way. Orange reconciled friends.”
The teacher invites the children to draw a fragment of this story (two fruits together, one to the side, three together, etc.)
After the children finish drawing, the teacher asks the children the name of the picture that depicts flowers, fruits, vegetables, and dishes.
After the children’s answers, he sums it up: “Yes, still life is correct. Today we all painted a still life. Look how different they turned out, despite the fact that we depicted the same fruits. It all depends on how we arrange objects on a sheet of paper. It's called composition"
The teacher invites the children to come up with their own story with fruits at home and draw a fragment from it.

The target audience: for preschoolers

Presentation to extracurricular activity for the preschool class. Objectives of the event: to develop children's knowledge of ordinal counting within 10 (forward and backward counting). To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the properties of geometric shapes. Develop the ability to compare numbers. Improve children's ability to navigate in space. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to work in a team.

Target audience: for preschoolers

This presentation provides material about spring fires. They talk about the dangers of burning grass and the consequences of fires. The material is provided in a clear, accessible language for children preschool age.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The multimedia didactic manual “MUSICAL COUNTRY GUESS” is an interactive musical and didactic game for the development of auditory perception in children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

Dasha the traveler from the cartoon of the same name welcomes the children and informs them that today they are going on a journey through the musical country “Guessing Game” with the help of a magic map.

Purpose of the game: to activate children's auditory perception.

  • develop the ability to distinguish by ear the nature of music, genres of music, timbres musical instruments;
  • develop the ability to independently make decisions and choices;
  • arouse interest in the process of music perception.

Can be used music directors, teachers both in music classes and during subgroup and individual lessons, as well as parents.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The interactive coloring book “Find the Number” is intended for children of senior preschool age and 1st grade students. The resource was created with the aim of consolidating knowledge of numbers, developing attention, memory and perseverance. The resource can be used during individual or frontal work at the stage of consolidating knowledge in mathematics lessons and at extracurricular activities. Consists of 13 slides, the transition to the next slide is carried out only if the answer is correct. Work done in the program Microsoft Office Power Point" 2007.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The presentation is designed for children of older preschool age (5-6 years old). This presentation is used as additional material on the development of logical relationships in children in working together with a teacher or parents. The goal of the game is to teach children to classify geometric shapes according to two characteristics simultaneously (size, shape), to identify those figures that correspond to these characteristics

Recently in Russia there has been a rapid development of new information technologies, which leaves a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern child. Information technologies are penetrating deeper into human life, and information competence increasingly determines the level of his education. Use of information technology in educational process Preschool educational institution is one of the new and current problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

The relevance of its solution is due to the urgent need to modernize the preschool education system and improve its quality. Multimedia technologies are gradually being used in preschool education, and this is understandable, because they have advantages over traditional classes. Our group is attended by preschoolers with mental retardation. Children have serious problems with the development of motor, sensory functions, mental processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking, spatial concepts. They often experience increased fatigue and voluntary regulation of activity suffers, which requires finding additional ways to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with them. Scientists note that the use of multimedia technologies in joint and independent activities of adults and children is one of effective ways correction of existing mental problems, personal development child: activate and restore higher mental functions, increase the motivation of activity and its regulation by the child. In addition, they are a means of ensuring the individualization of education and training of students.

We are creative teachers and keep up with the times, so we found an opportunity and purchased a monitor with a computer.

The use of cartoons, multimedia educational games and presentations in the correctional process helps to activate compensatory mechanisms in our children based on intact types of perception (tactile and auditory), allows us to achieve stable attention and support children’s interest in the phenomena being studied throughout the entire learning process; children better perceive the material being studied due to the fact that cartoons on the topic, multimedia educational games and presentations carry a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers who cannot read and write; Pupils’ motivation to work in class increases due to the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects. Movement, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time; the acquired knowledge remains in memory for a longer period and is easier to restore for use in practice after a short repetition; multimedia presentations, games and cartoons allow you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (the flight of a rocket or satellite, the transformation of a chrysalis into a butterfly, etc.). (Information sources used:



  1. Cartoon "Tales of Suteev. Petya the Cockerel" (Theme "Poultry")
  2. Cartoon "Cockerel, golden comb" (Theme "Poultry")
  3. .
  4. .
  5. Musical physical exercise "Heel and toe".
  6. Musical physical exercise with Masha and the bear.
  7. Fun multi-charging 3.
  8. Funny cartoon exercise "Guilty Cloud"
  9. Fun exercise "Sunny" (with Plush)
  10. Fun exercise "Do exercises"
  11. Cartoon "Tales of the Old Oak" (Theme "Trees")
  12. Cartoon "Orange Neck" (Theme "Wintering Birds")
  13. Cartoon "Gray Neck" (Theme "Migratory Birds")
  14. Cartoon "Magic Shop" (Theme "Professions")

Lesson summary On the topic: “Meadow insects - butterfly” (senior group) Author of the work: Anna Vyacheslavovna Gracheva Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU Novotalitsky d/s No. 1 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo district, Belyanitsy village. Explanatory note to the lesson: Educational area: Cognitive development Topic of the lesson: Insects of the meadow...

Role-playing games(senior preschool age) 1. “Home, family” Objectives: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. To reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and collective...

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Children’s fears” “My child is afraid.” A psychologist often hears this phrase from concerned parents. Reasons for concern can be very varied - the child has terrible dreams, refuses to be left alone in the room, is afraid of the dark...

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"Let's help Cinderella get to the ball!" (plus notes)

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We're going to Kazan

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