Presentation on the topic of geographical object. Water objects. How are springs formed?

for a lesson in 3rd grade
for the course “The World around us” authors: A.A. Pleshakov UMK “School of Russia” topic “Water objects” teachers primary classes MBOU "Pervomaisky Education Center" Lyudmila Anatolyevna Izyumova Work experience 42 years. 29 years at this school.

Goals and objectives:
To know: different types reservoirs, get to know the reservoirs of our region; differences between a river and a lake; Learn to distinguish between parts of a river (source, mouth, channel, tributary); To develop in children the ability to compare, compare, analyze various phenomena, draw conclusions through practical work on familiarization with the types of reservoirs; Foster a sense of cooperation when performing group tasks, cultivate a conscious, caring attitude towards nature.

How are springs formed?

Mineral water source

Everyone walks around this place. Here the earth is like dough, here there is sedge, hummocks, mosses, there is no support for the feet. What it is?

In a blue shirt, he runs along the bottom of the ravine. What kind of pond is this?

The ribbon in the open space trembles a little in the breeze, The narrow tip is in the spring, And the wide one is in the sea. Guess who am I?

A river is a natural water stream flowing in a depression created by it - the river bed.
Every river has its beginning. Its beginning is always located higher than its end. The place where the river originates, from which there is a constant flow of water in the channel, is called the source. The sources can be different: a swamp, a lake, underground water, a glacier in the mountains, etc.

River structure

Wide in width, deep in depth, It beats against the shore day and night. You can’t drink water from it, Because it’s not tasty - It’s both bitter and salty.

What kind of reservoir is this with floating ice floes - icebergs?

Smaller than the sea, Larger than a pond - What is the name of this middle body of water?

Young birches in front of him straighten their hair. And the month, and the stars - Everything is reflected in it... What is this mirror called?

The Krasnodar reservoir is the largest reservoir North Caucasus, was formed in 1973 and is located in the old bed or on the left bank of the Kuban River. After filling it with water, it merged with the Tshchik Reservoir. The main purpose of this large reservoir, created by human hands, is to irrigate systems in rice fields in the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, as well as to reduce floods and prevent destructive floods.

We'll rest a little, Get up, take a deep breath, Hands to the sides, forward We're on the beach, The sun is burning.
Let's quickly run into the river, take a dip and swim. Oh, what grace! But you also need to know when to stop. Let's quickly run to class. We'll listen to the story.

bodies of water

Reservoirs can be natural or artificial. Natural – those created by nature. Artificial - those created by man.
Why do you think people create artificial reservoirs?

Natural bodies of water.
Spring or key

Artificial reservoirs.

Practical work with the textbook

The ocean is the body of water surrounding the continents and islands. There are 4 oceans on earth. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic. Sea is a part of the ocean separated by land. Sea water is salty and unsuitable for drinking. A lake is a large natural reservoir enclosed in the banks. A river is a constant water stream of significant size with a natural flow along the bed from source to mouth. Stream.

A reservoir is an artificial reservoir formed, as a rule, in a river valley by water supply facilities for the accumulation and storage of water for the purpose of its use in the national economy. A pond is a dammed place, a reservoir in a natural or dug depression, as well as a dammed place in a river. For water supply, irrigation and fish breeding. A canal is an artificial channel filled with water.

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Water resources are waters suitable for use.

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In a broader sense - water in liquid, solid and gaseous states and their distribution on Earth.

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Water resources are all the waters of the hydrosphere, that is, the waters of rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs, seas and oceans, groundwater, soil moisture, water (ice) of mountain and polar glaciers, atmospheric water vapor.

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The total volume (one-time reserve) of water resources is 1390 million cubic km, of which about 1340 million cubic km is the water of the World Ocean. Less than 3% is fresh water, of which only 0.3% is technically available for use.

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Straybulova A. N.

Inland waters of Russia

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4. What applies to inland waters?

  • Lakes
  • Swamps
  • The groundwater
  • Glaciers
  • Artificial reservoirs
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    Our country is rich in significant river systems. All rivers are of great importance for National economy. Rivers are used for navigation, generating electricity, irrigating fields, water supply to populated areas, and fishing.

    The rivers of Russia receive water from rain, melting snow, glaciers and underground drains. Almost all rivers in Russia freeze in winter.

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    In Russia, there are more than two million small rivers, or 99.9% of the total number of watercourses. Only 0.1% falls on medium and large watercourses. Small rivers feed the main arteries, determine their flow, purity and life. Therefore, if large rivers become shallow, the reasons should be sought in their tributaries, since a significant part of the river flow occurs through them.

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    Each river system represents a unity economically, socially and environmentally. Small streams are important local resources. These rivers are widely used in various areas of the national economy: they create small hydroelectric power stations, water mills, and are used for water supply, agricultural production, irrigation and recreation.

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    Rivers of Russia

    • Arctic Ocean basin – 2/3 S of the country
    • Ob (Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol), Lena (Vilyuy, Aldan),
    • Northern Dvina, Olenyok, Khatanga, Yenisei (Angara, Lower Tunguska, Podkamennaya Tungussk), Pechora, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma.
    • Pacific Ocean basin - about 20% of the country
    • Shilka, Argun, Amur (Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri), Anadyr.
    • Inland drainage basin – about 10% of the country
    • Volga (Oka, Kama), Ural, Terek.
    • Atlantic Ocean basin - about 3% of the country's S
    • Western Dvina, Volkhov, Don, Kuban, Dnieper.
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    The influence of topography on rivers

    • Fall – the excess of the river source above the mouth (in meters). Source height – Mouth height = Fall.
    • Slope = Dip (in cm)/Length (in km).
    • Climate influence on rivers
    • Annual flow is the amount of water that a river carries out per year (in km).
    • Water flow is the amount of water that flows through the cross section of a river per unit of time (m/sec).

  • Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in terms of area and depth on Earth. Located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, North and South America in the east, Antarctica in the south. The Pacific Ocean extends approximately 15.8 thousand km from north to south and 19.5 thousand km from east to west. The area with seas is 178.684 million km², the average depth is 3984 m. The greatest depth of the Pacific Ocean (and the entire World Ocean) is m (in the Mariana Trench). The international date line runs across the Pacific Ocean along the 180th meridian. The area of ​​the Pacific Ocean exceeds the area of ​​all land by almost 30 million km².

    Antarctica Antarctica (Greek νταρκτικός the opposite of the Arctic) is a continent located in the very south of the Earth, the center of Antarctica approximately coincides with the southern geographic pole. Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, sometimes unofficially separated into a separate Southern Ocean.

    Greenland Greenland is an island in the northeast of North America. It is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The area of ​​the island is km², it is the largest on Earth. It belongs to Denmark and is part of its autonomous unit Greenland.

    Red Sea The Red Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Indian Ocean located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa in a tectonic basin. In the north, the sea adjoins the Isthmus of Suez, which separates two gulfs: Suez and Aqaba, and is connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. The Red Sea is the saltiest sea that makes up the World Ocean.

    Sahara The Sahara is the largest hot desert and the second, after the Antarctic, desert on Earth, located in the north of the African continent. Extends approximately 4800 km from west to east and from 800 to 1200 km from north to south; has an area of ​​about 8.6 million km² (about 30% of the area of ​​Africa, slightly larger than Brazil)

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    Interesting geographical objects of Altai. Completed by: geography teacher N.I. Telegina.

    ALTAI is a vast mountainous area in Russia, Mongolia and China, replete with geoactive points. It consists of ridges that form the watershed of the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei and rivers of the drainless region of Central Asia, the greatest length of Altai is 2000 km. Particularly famous among tourists and researchers of anomalous phenomena are the magnificently beautiful deltas of the Katun and Biya rivers and lakes Teletskoye and Markakol.

    In terms of the number of glaciers (1,130) and the area of ​​glaciation (890 sq. km), Altai ranks third among the mountainous countries of the world. The largest of them - Myongsu - has a length of 11 km and is located in the Katunsky ridge. Near the Belukha massif there are 169 glaciers with an area of ​​151 square meters. km.

    Mount Sinyukha From the top of Mount Sinyukha a beautiful panorama with rare natural contrasts opens up: on the one hand, the endless Kulunda steppe, on the other, the snow-covered mountain peaks of Altai. Mount Sinyukha has long been considered a place of pilgrimage. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with what many believe to be holy water. A holy spring flows on the northern slope of Mount Sinyukha. Residents of the surrounding villages have long considered this place sacred and, when they fell ill, came here to get healing water. If faith was firm and prayer was sincere, then a miracle happened, and even the hopelessly ill were freed from their ailments.

    One of the most unusual forms of relief is the “Stone Mushrooms”. They can be formed under the influence of glaciers or tides, from the dissolution of surrounding rocks or erosion. It took the “Altai stone mushrooms” in the Ak-Kurum tract several hundred years for them to form under the influence of wind and rain. “White scree” translated from Altai means Ak-Kurum. On the right bank of the Chulyshman, a two-hour drive from its confluence with Lake Teletskoye, there is the Akkurum (Ak-Korum) tract. “Kurums” are usually called accumulations of large blocks and fragments of strong rocks on gentle slopes and at their feet, formed by weathering. A characteristic feature of kurums is their slow movement down the slope.

    There are many lakes in Altai - more than 6 thousand, many of them are tarns or moraine-dammed. It is often said that Altai is a country of blue lakes. The largest ones - Teletskoye, Markakol - are located in basins of tectonic origin. Particularly famous is the picturesque Lake Teletskoye (its length is 78 km, average width - 3.2 km, depth - up to 325 m) with steep wooded and sometimes rocky shores. The largest lake in the Altai Mountains, Lake Markakol (about 449 sq. km.) is also famous for its very beautiful shores and rich in flora and fauna. Kulundinskoye Lake is the largest among all Altai lakes (728 sq. km).

    Maashei is a lake that disappeared in July 2012. As a result of heavy rains, it overflowed, the soil was washed out, and the waters of the lake completely disappeared. The lake was formed no more than 100 years ago due to a powerful landslide that stopped across the bed of the Mazhoy River. It was located at an altitude of 1984 m in the area of ​​the North Chuysky ridge, had a width of about 400 m and a length of 1500 m. Lake Maasheyskoe was rightfully considered one of the most beautiful reservoirs in Altai and was popular among tourists. In its vicinity there are powerful glaciers: Maashey, Kurumbu and Kurkurek.

    Lake Swan is located near the village of Urozhaynoye in the Sovetsky district Altai Territory. This is a small reservoir about 1 km long and an average depth of 1 m, the water in it flows clean and transparent, hence the second name of the lake - Svetloe. Because of large quantity springs gushing from the bottom of the reservoir, the lake does not freeze and in winter the temperature is not lower than +4°C. Every year a flock of whooper swans flies to the swan reserve and stays there for the winter, which is how the name Swan appeared. In addition to swans, birds such as goldeneye, greylag goose, black-headed and glaucous gulls, reed bunting, and blue tit also winter here.

    Entrance - triangular shape Width 7 m Height 4 m Length 90 m Bolshaya Kyrkylinskaya

    Malaya Kyrkylinskaya 50 m from Bolshaya Low and narrow gallery 30 m long.

    And it’s strange and wonderful - everywhere throughout the entire region the Russian Altai is praised. And the mountains are beautiful, and the depths are mighty, and the rivers are fast, and the flowers are unprecedented... Where does this general veneration of Altai come from?! N.K. Roerich