Presentation on the topic of division with remainder. Presentation for the lesson "division with remainder". Primary school teacher Dementyeva O.A.

MBOU Ankovskaya secondary school

"Division with remainder"

Math lesson in 3rd grade

Teacher primary classes Dementieva O.A.


  • Read the numbers.
  • Arrange the numbers in ascending order.

3. Name even numbers, odd numbers, two-digit numbers. Prove it.

4. Name the numbers that are divisible by 4 and 5.


8, 20, 36, 50

8, 20, 36

15, 20, 50


LOTTO game

"Division with the remainder"

Learn to solve examples and problems involving division with a remainder.

What are numbers called when divided?

30: 5 = 6

X : 5 = 6

30: X = 6

Practical work № 1

The guys hung 4 feeders in the garden. They flew to them

9 birds. These birds need to be distributed equally

for each feeder.

9: 4 = 2 (remaining 1)

Practical work No. 2

11 butterflies to distribute

3 flowers equally.

11: 3 = 3 (remaining 2)


When dividing with a remainder, the result is written in two numbers. The first number is called the partial quotient, the second is the remainder.

11: 3 = 3 (remaining 2)


The remainder of a division must always be less than the divisor.

11: 3 = 3 (remaining 2)

2 3

Physical education minute for eyes

Group work

1 group: Perform division with remainder

9: 6 = 15: 6 = 18: 5 = 12: 9 = 9: 4 =

2nd group: Solve only those expressions in which division is performed with a remainder:

14: 6= 81: 9= 10: 4= 30: 5= 9: 5= 10: 3 =

3 group: Find the remainder:

9: 2=4(rest...) 15: 6 = 2(rest...) 8: 3= 2(rest...)

11: 2=5(rest…) 21: 5=4(rest…)

What rung of the ladder of knowledge are you on now?

The lesson is useful

All clear

Just something

a little bit unclear.

Still have to work.


Good luck with it


Thanks for your work in class.

Sources ›

Let's count orally

4. Find the quotient of the numbers:

  • Increase the number 17 by 3 times;

50 and 2; 48 and 4; 87 and 3

double the number 36

1. Help the bunny through the maze

  • Calculate the sum: 13 + 17 + 13 + 17 + 13 + 17
  • Solve the puzzle
  • My son is 4 years old, and my dad is 24 years older than his son. In

How many times is dad older than his son?

How to divide?












Lesson topic

Division with remainder

The purpose of the lesson

The guys hung 4 feeders in the garden. 9 birds flew to them. How can they be distributed equally to each feeder?

= 2

( ost. 1 )

9 : 4

Rule 1

When dividing with a remainder, write down the result

two numbers

The first number is called incomplete private ,

second – the remainder

9: 4 = 2 (rest. 1 )

How can you distribute 14 butterflies equally among 3 flowers?

1 4 – 9

1 4 – 1 2

( ost. 5 )

= 3

= 4

1 4 : 3

( ost. 2 )

2 3

Rule 2

Remainder when dividing there must always be

less divisor

14: 3 = 4 (rest. 2 )

2 3

How to perform division with a remainder?

1. Orally find the greatest dividend before the given one, which is divisible by the divisor without a remainder

9: 4 14: 3

2. Divide the greatest dividend find partial quotient

9: 4 = 2 14: 3 = 4

14 – 12

3. Verbally and from the given dividend, subtract the greatest dividend, find the remainder

9: 4 = 2 (rest. 1 ) 14: 3 = 4 (rest. 2 )

4. Check solution: With equalize received remainder And divider

1 4 2 3

13 – 10

(rest. 3 )

13: 5

Choose a task for independent work

1. Do the division making drawings And writing it down on a line. Compare resulting remainder and divisor

7: 3 8: 2 9: 5

2. Do the division writing down examples per line. Complete the check

15: 6 10: 5 21: 5

3. Write it out and decide writing in a column, only those expressions in which remainder is not 0. Complete the check

20: 6 81: 9 11: 4 9: 5 30: 5

check yourself

7: 3 = 2 (rest. 1) 8: 2 = 4 (rest. 0) 9: 5 = 1 (rest. 4)

2. 15: 6 = 2 (rest. 3) 10: 5 = 2 (rest. 0) 21: 5 = 4 (rest. 1)

3. 20: 6 = 3 (rest. 2) 11: 4 = 2 (rest. 3) 9: 5 = 1 (rest. 4)

Lesson topic

Division with remainder

The purpose of the lesson

Learn to do division with remainder

Rating scale

I know very well

I know almost without errors

I know, but sometimes I make mistakes

I don't know well, I make a lot of mistakes

Don't know


Textbook, information Mathematics - repeat ,

3, № 5 With. 26

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Slide captions:

Division with remainder. Consolidation. Math lesson 3rd grade

B U M big car

b4, a3, d1, a3, c2, d5, b1, d3! 5 V U L I 4 F P Z B 3 0 A C E 2 K R G N 1 D T F M a b c d HELP!

The coins jingled in Kolya’s pocket. When he ran, they sang a song. 10 kopecks were 6 coins, 40 kopecks were spent on lunch and I lent 8 kopecks to friends. There was only a little left in my pocket. How many kopecks does Kolya have left?

1) 10 6 = 60 (kop.) 2) 60 – 40 =20 (kop.) 3) 20 – 8 =12 (kop.)

12:3= 36:9= 42:7= 54:7= 72:8= 35:7=

12:3= 36:9= 42:7= 54:7= 72:8= 35:7= 7 (remaining 5)

12:3= 36:9= 42:7= 54:7= 72:8= 35:7= 7 (remaining 5) 4 4 6 9 5

True or False Test: The remainder of a division must always be less than the divisor. 23:3 = 6 (remaining 5) When divided by 3, the remainders may be 0, 1, 2. When divided by 8, the remainders may be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 30:60 = 0 (remaining 30)

True or False Test: The remainder of a division must always be less than the divisor. (+) 23:3=6 (-) When divided by 3, the remainders can be 0, 1, 2. (+) When divided by 8, the remainders can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (-) 30:60=0 (rest. 30) (+) (rest. 5)


1 dm = 10 cm 10 8 = 80 (cm 2) Answer: S = 80 cm 2

Physical education minute

Problem The sailors caught 81 fish. They decided to divide it equally among the sailors of the 3 ships. How many fish will each sailor receive if the crew of 1 ship consists of 5 people?

Problem 5 m. 5 m. 5 m. 81 fish

Independent work 1. Find the meaning of the expressions. 8:7= 1 (rest. 1) 50:9= 5 (rest. 5) 2. Insert the sign, =. 7 m 8 dm = 78 dm 5 dm 7 cm > 7 cm 5 mm 3. Complete the calculations 19+19 · 0= 19 18+18 · 1= 36 17+17 · 2= 51 16+16 · 3= 64 4. Solve the equations x = 92

Homework Page 32 No. 9 and 10

Test “True or False” If, when dividing with a remainder, the dividend is less than the divisor, then the quotient is equal to 0, and the remainder is equal to the dividend. 11:12=1 (rest. 11) 54:97=0 (rest. 54)

Test “True or False” If, when dividing with a remainder, the dividend is less than the divisor, then the quotient is equal to 0, and the remainder is equal to the dividend. 11:12=1 (rest. 11) 54:97=0 (rest. 54) (+)

Test “True or False” If, when dividing with a remainder, the dividend is less than the divisor, then the quotient is equal to 0, and the remainder is equal to the dividend. 11:12=1 (rest. 11) 54:97=0 (rest. 54) (+) (-)

Test “True or False” If, when dividing with a remainder, the dividend is less than the divisor, then the quotient is equal to 0, and the remainder is equal to the dividend. 11:12=1 (rest. 11) 54:97=0 (rest. 54) (+) (-) (-) THANK YOU!

“Evaluation sheets” from 17 to 20 points – receives “5” from 15 to 16 points – receives “4”

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Division with remainder. Solving problems involving division with a remainder.

Math lesson in 3rd grade.

Savelyeva Natalya Alekseevna,

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 11 with in-depth study

individual items

Zelenodolsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan."

Lesson objectives:

    Continue studying the technique of dividing numbers in cases where a remainder is obtained.

    To consolidate knowledge of the connections between the components and the result of multiplication and division, the ability to perform extra-table multiplication and division, and solve problems.

    Develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, attention, memory, stimulate interest in the subject.

    Develop mutual respect, the ability to listen to the opinions of others and defend your own.

Lesson type: improving knowledge, skills and abilities.


    Multimedia equipment (Microsoft Power Point);

    Cards with the task “mathematical lotto”;

    Encyclopedia for children. Volume 11/Ch. ed. M.D. Aksenov. – M.: Avanta+, 2002.

    Textbook "Mathematics" 3rd grade. At 2 hours. Part 2. / M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova. – M.: Education, 2007.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Mathematics became a science only with the advent of numbers. After all, at first people did not know anything about numbers and did without counting. In ancient times, when a person wanted to say, for example, that he had five objects, he said: “As many as there are fingers on his hand.” Only as a result of a very long development did people come to understand that various groups of objects - “five fingers”, “five apples”, “five houses” - have a common property - the same number, which can be expressed using the concept of “five”. This is how the numbers appeared.

One of the greatest Greek mathematicians of antiquity, Pythagoras (580-500 BC), believed that numbers are very important for human life. (Slide 2.)

(The called student selectively reads from the encyclopedia about Pythagoras.)

According to the Pythagorean definition, a number is a set made up of units ( Greek"arrhythmos"). The Pythagoreans recognized only positive integer (i.e. natural) numbers, dividing them into two types: even and odd. Pythagoras considered numbers to be living entities, reflecting the properties of space, energy or sound vibration. The main science of number, arithmetic, was inextricably linked with geometry.

How do you understand his words “The world is ruled by numbers”?

Pythagoras also developed the theory of music and acoustics, creating the famous “Pythagorean scale” and conducting fundamental experiments on the study of musical tones: he expressed the relationships he found in the language of mathematics. The School of Pythagoras first suggested the sphericity of the Earth. The idea that the movement of celestial bodies obeys certain mathematical relationships, the ideas of “harmony of the world” and “music of the spheres” first appeared in the School of Pythagoras.

    Updating knowledge.

1. Work in groups.

1 gr.: work with cards. Game "Mathematical Lotto". (Application).

2nd group: game “Magic Wand”.

Checking the work of group 1.

2. – By what rule are these numbers written? (Slide 4.)

3, 7, 15 (Increase by 2 times and add 1).

Continue this series by three numbers, observing this pattern (perform independently, two students write at the board).

Check: 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127.

What can you say about these numbers? (naturals, arranged in ascending order, odd, 3 and 7 - single digits, 31 and 63 - double digits, 127 - three digits, ...)

Reduce these numbers by 3 times. Write down only the answers (do it independently, two students write at the board)

Check: 1, 2(rest.1), 5, 10(rest.1), 21, 42(rest.1) (Slide 5.)

What rule should you remember when dividing with a remainder? (When dividing, the remainder must always be less than the divisor.)

3. - What is the largest number up to 31 that is divisible by 6 without a remainder? at 7? at 8? at 9?

What is the largest number up to 63 that is divisible by 5 without a remainder? at 6? at 8?

4. - How many servings of 3 pancakes will there be if you baked 18 pancakes in total? 19 pancakes? 25 pancakes?

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- What steps did you perform when finding the value?

Today we will continue to solve examples of division with a remainder and solve problems.

    Work according to the block diagram. (Slide 6.)

Substitute each of the numbers 60, 77, 75, 45 for A into the diagram and follow the steps indicated.

What should you remember when dividing with a remainder?

2.Physical education minute.

Are you probably tired? Well, then everyone stood up together. (1 student invited)

Palms up! Clap! Clap!

On the knees - slap, slap!

Now give me a pat on the shoulders!

Slap yourself on the sides!

We correct your posture

We bend our backs together

To the right, to the left we bent,

They reached their socks.

Shoulders up, back and down. Smile and sit down.

3. Working from the textbook p. 27 No. 2.

Read the problem statement.

What does the problem say?

What is known about airplanes?

What do you need to know? What action will we take to solve the problem?

(Two students decide at the board).

Examination. 20: 3 = 6 (t.) (rest.2) (s.)

Answer: 6 three planes can take off and 2 planes will remain on the ground.

    Task. (Slide7 .)

The sailors caught 81 fish. We decided to divide it equally into 3 ships. How many fish will each sailor get if the crew consists of 8 people?

What does the problem say? What is known? What do you need to know?

(1 student solves at the board with commenting)

81: 3: 8 =3 (r.) (rest.3)

3 – remainder on each ship

Can this problem be solved in another way? (another student explains the solution to the problem)

81: (8 * 3) = 3 (r.) (remaining 9)

9 – the remainder on three ships.

Answer: Each sailor will receive 3 fish and there will be 3 fish left on each ship.

    Independent work. (Slide8 .)

- I prepared tasks of different levels. Choose any of the three tasks that you think you can handle.

Option 1. Perform division with remainder:

Option 2. Write down and solve only those expressions in which division is performed with a remainder.

60 : 5

Option 3. Fill in the missing numbers to make the entry correct.

2  : 3 = 7 (remaining 2)

 9: 2 = 19 (remaining 1)

4 : 7 =  (remaining 5)

9: 7 = (rest. 3)

77:  =  (rest.5)


V . Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What have you learned?

What rule should you remember when solving examples of division with a remainder?

Which task did you like the most?

Which task was difficult? What should you do to understand the topic well?

Homework: p. 27 No. 6, task of ingenuity.


    « Primary School"Supplement to the newspaper "First of September". 1998 No. 35- p.28.

    “Primary School” supplement to the newspaper “First of September”. 1998 No. 9-p.10.


Game "Mathematical Lotto".(The principle of solving circular examples)

Children take cards out of envelopes, put the card with the shaded answer in first, then everyone else. The examples are solved sequentially. When all the examples have been solved, the students, at the teacher’s command, turn the cards over. If the word is correct, then the examples are solved correctly.

40: 8

54: 9

42: 6

72: 9











Game "Magic Wand".

A magic wand (pen, pointer, etc.) is passed from hand to hand in the classroom. The sender names an example from the multiplication table, the receiver names the answer. If the recipient does not answer correctly, the stick returns to its original position and again “goes” to the same student or changes the “address”.