Order on approval of the Procedure for the preparation and approval of annual reports on the professional performance of state civil servants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra. Notice of hiring of a former civil servant Report of a professional

An analytical report is a description of a thorough study of a particular issue upon completion of a certain planning stage. Before drawing up this document, it is necessary to understand the features of its structure and design requirements. The structure of the report is quite simple, but knowing the nuances will greatly facilitate its preparation.


To draw up a report correctly and quickly, you need to follow the order of the following components:

  • title page;
  • contents of the report;
  • introduction;
  • the main part of the document (analytical and design sections);
  • conclusion;
  • list of sources used;
  • applications.

How to write an analytical report?

The title page contains information about the artist. He is the first page of the work, its “face”. The table of contents describes the structure of the report and the page numbers of each section. In the introduction, it is necessary to provide arguments in favor of the choice of topic, the relevance of the research, and list the methods and methods used to study the problem. The introduction provides an analysis of the sources that were used to study the topic. It is important not to forget about the goals and objectives set during the work on the analytical report.

The main part of the report, as a rule, contains several sections and subsections that are logically related to each other. Each chapter or paragraph should clearly and clearly express the material. We must not forget about references to the literature used.

Conclusions about the work done are made in conclusion. It is necessary not only to list the results of the study, but also to provide explanations for each of them. compiled alphabetically. An analytical report for the year may contain appendices; they include large information blocks, each of which must be accompanied by a link in the text. The report is accompanied by documents and sources used in its preparation: tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs and others.

Problem Analysis

The main secret to correctly compiling an analytical report is to conduct an in-depth analysis of a specific problem. The description of its results must be clear and supported by argumentation. By drawing parallels and comparing phenomena, one can draw qualitative conclusions based on the research conducted. Following simple tips will help you create an interesting and reliable analytical report on the Federal State Educational Standard in the shortest possible time.

How to set a goal?

The goal must be formulated briefly and as precisely as possible. In terms of meaning, it expresses the main task facing the specialist and the expected results. For example, a pedagogical goal should be aimed at the development of the child; the occurrence of the expected result must be assessed and measured. Tasks help to specify and develop a goal - these are actions for its implementation, which are listed in order in the report. Thus, the process of achieving a goal is divided into stages. They are formulated as tasks: mastering technology, creating a system of work, monitoring and other actions.

The analytical annual report must reflect all areas of activity provided for by work plans and journals. The analytical report of the teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard (or teacher) includes qualitative and quantitative indicators for each type of work. It can combine several types of analysis.

  • Comparative - comparison of phenomena that are the same in nature and general characteristics. It is required to compare external, internal characteristics and conditions of effectiveness.
  • Analysis of the structure allows us to identify the role and significance of one or more factors for the successful functioning of the structure.
  • Correlation is the establishment of the dependence of one element on another. A relationship can occur in a situation, process, or system. "Correlation" is translated from Latin as "mutual dependence of phenomena."
  • Functional is a characteristic of an object in terms of its functions and identification of their relationship.
  • Systemic - allows you to identify the structure and ways of interconnecting objects.
  • Determinative allows you to establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, events, and objects.
  • Critical analysis is the identification of the pros and cons of an activity or personality.

Analytical part of the report

The analytical part describes the results of work. For a teacher, this is self-development, the development of pedagogy in theory and practice, and the results of students’ education.

The report provides the result and criteria for its evaluation. Among the latter, procedural and performance indicators are distinguished. Procedural ones include:

  • carrying out professional activities;
  • realizing your own professional potential;
  • organization of activities and communication;
  • means of influence that promote or hinder the achievement of a goal.

Effective indicators include the results achieved in quantitative and qualitative dimensions. They are a priority in assessing the effectiveness of activities. Therefore, the author of the report needs to correlate the achieved results with the subject of design.

Project part

The project part indicates problematic situations and difficulties that the specialist encountered in the course of his activities. The directions and stages for improving work, the problem, topic, object and subject of the next reporting period are described.

In the final part, one’s own analytical activity is assessed, directions for self-development are noted, and self-improvement in a professional direction is planned.

Teacher's analytical report

The importance of the teacher is confirmed during certification. This event allows you to determine the teacher’s qualification level. In order to provide the professional community with the results of their work, the teacher has to compile an analytical report. The results of professional activities can also be assessed during the inter-certification period.

A teacher’s analytical report is a document summarizing the results of professional activities for a certain period. This form allows you to systematically study your own activities, their effectiveness, adjust your work, and open up new opportunities for self-development. In the report, the teacher analyzes the results of the work and its effectiveness. The results of their work are assessed in accordance with the goals and objectives set for the period. The purpose of the analytical report is to conduct self-analysis and self-assessment of the teacher’s professional activities over the past period.

Psychologist's report

The professional activity of a psychologist, as well as a teacher, requires constant analysis of his own actions and the characteristics of the people with whom he works. The conclusions drawn allow the specialist to design the next steps to improve his work. The psychologist's analytical report is secondary and is based on general data obtained on the basis of an operational or ongoing analysis of the activities carried out.

The object of the report is the activities of a psychologist: examinations, prevention, diagnostics, research, correctional, developmental activities. The subject is the analysis of professional actions, the study of properties or indicators.

When compiling a report, the educational psychologist must comply with the principles of anonymity and confidentiality, that is, he provides information in the form of general results. Analysis of completed tasks involves a description of emerging difficulties and problems, which, as a rule, become tasks for the new academic period. New analysis tools make it possible to prescribe the prospects for future work activity.

Certificates and conclusions

The analytical report of the psychologist is accompanied by a statistical certificate for the reporting period established in the organization. Data in the form of conclusions and results by type of activity are an addition to official documentation. Conclusions on areas of work may include:

  • individual psychodiagnostics;
  • group psychodiagnostics;
  • individual developmental or correctional work;
  • group developmental or correctional work.

The conclusion can be drawn up in free form or based on standard forms.

Teacher's annual report

The teacher’s analytical report for the year contains the following sections:

  • General characteristics of the group.
  • Results of the implementation of educational programs. Activities to prepare for school and its priorities. Formation of children's personality. In what types of activities are the goals achieved? This is a variety of gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic activities. Directions of work for a teacher.
  • The teacher’s analytical report for the year must contain an answer to the question of what has been achieved in terms of the physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic development of children.
  • Activities with children and their brief description.
  • Report on the results of work with children. Project activities.

By what criteria is the report assessed?

  1. Is the relevance of the topic justified? There must be regulatory materials confirming the importance of the topic and evidence of the need for its development.
  2. Is the problem or contradictions that the analytical report is aimed at resolving justified? Purpose of the report, hierarchy of tasks.
  3. Evaluation of the report content. General cultural, methodological, legal justification, effectiveness in socio-economic terms and psychological and pedagogical basis.
  4. System of partner interactions.
  5. Results, their analysis and evaluation, correlation with goals, objectives and forecast.
  6. Level of information culture for presenting results. How is the analytical report of the preschool educational institution designed?
  7. The prospects and applicability of the report in practice in professional activities.

Certification and protection of the analytical report

Defending a report can be a form of certification. The presentation will take 10 to 15 minutes, plus answers to questions from experts. What should be included in the report?

  1. Analysis of recommendations from the previous certification.
  2. The problem, its formulation and relevance with links to new documents.
  3. Object - what will be studied, reality (level of knowledge, upbringing, educational process, etc.).
  4. The subject is what is used to influence changes in the object (teaching methods, activities, tasks, approaches, etc.).
  5. The topic formulation should include the subject and the object, showing their relationship.
  6. The goal is the result that is expected, specific and simple (creating conditions).
  7. Objectives (actions to achieve a goal).
  8. Hypothesis (not always required, sometimes just a planned result) - a scientific justification for a way to achieve a goal, an idea, a central thought.
  9. Strategy and mechanisms to achieve goals. The analytical report of the teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard (or teacher) involves a story about what the teacher did throughout the entire period before certification to achieve the goal. This is the biggest and most important point. Here you need to talk about all your actions and show that the work was performed in the system.
  10. The result, i.e. what is actually received. The parameters and criteria for evaluating the result are determined by the specialist himself who draws up the report (they are stated in the goal).
  11. Public speaking on a topic, published works, and other provision of experience.
  12. Conclusion, conclusions: has the goal been achieved, to what extent, what has been done, what has been proven, what is the significance of the work.

The labor process consists of setting tasks by the manager and their implementation by the company employee. From time to time, each employee writes a report on the work done. The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. Do not underestimate the importance of this document for management.

In this article we will look at how to properly prepare a report on the work done, a sample of filling out the document and some tips for drafting it.

Why you need to be able to report on your work correctly

The work process can be represented as a complex mechanism in which each employee of the company is a gear. In this example, the head of the organization acts as an engineer who is responsible for ensuring that all mechanisms work smoothly and as quickly as possible.

In real life, it is quite difficult for bosses to evaluate how well employees are doing their jobs if they do not see the results of their work. Therefore, in almost all enterprises, management obliges each employee to regularly prepare a report on the work done. Often this document is created at intervals of 1 week. In this way, management can see what employees have been doing, as well as how useful they were to the enterprise.

Wrong example

The document is drawn up in free form. Perhaps this is why there are a large number of reports that do not tell management anything or make them think that the worker is not coping with the functions assigned to him. At the same time, a particular employee can be a real hard worker and exceed his plan. The culprit is an incorrectly compiled report on the work done. A sample of such a document is given below.

Type of document: report on the work done for the period from 02/15/16 to 02/19/16.

The following was done:

  • the working hours of the production workshop were timed;
  • the timing results were entered into the work program;
  • new time standards have been calculated;
  • responded to requests from labor safety inspectorates, as well as several clients;
  • took part in a conference on improving labor efficiency at the enterprise.

Date of compilation: 02/19/16

Signature: Petrov Yu. R.”

If an employee draws up a report on the work done in this way, then management will consider that he is not busy enough.

What are the mistakes?

The above example clearly shows standard errors when drawing up documents of this kind.

The main ones are:

The above requirements must be used both when preparing weekly forms and when generating a report on the work done for the year.

Suitable option

It is likely that you will not be able to produce a high-quality report the first time. To make it easier for you to do this, we give an example of how it was necessary to write a report to the manager on the work done, indicated in the first example:

“To: Head of the planning department Ivanov P.M.

From: 1st category economist of the planning department Yu. R. Petrov.

Report on labor results for (02/15/16-02/19/16)

For the reporting week, I was assigned the following tasks:

All assigned tasks were completed, namely:

  • 5 timing tests were carried out and the same number of new standards for the work of the production workshop were drawn up;
  • took part in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached.

Work was also carried out with incoming documentation, namely:

  • 2 responses to IOT requests were compiled.
  • Answers to letters from gr. Yuryeva A. A., Zhakova S. I., Mileeva K. B.

A business trip is planned for the period from 02/22/16 to 02/26/16 to check the work of the structural unit of the Pechersk branch.

Date of compilation: 02/19/16

Signature: Petrov Yu.R.”

Agree that this version of the report is better read, and management can see how well one of the employees is working.

How to write reports for longer periods?

Of course, it’s not difficult to write a period of one week beautifully on paper. It is more difficult to prepare a report on the work done for six months or even a year. However, this is easier to do than it might seem at first glance. For example, if you have weekly reports for the required period, you can safely use them.

Maximum volume - 1 sheet of A4 format

At the same time, it is worth trying to enlarge the information somewhat so that the result fits on 1-2 pages. In the event that the organization does not hold weekly results, but you are required to create a report on the work done for the year, do not panic and become hysterical.

All the information is available around you: look at the history of messages in document logs or in email, open the folder with your reports, study travel sheets. All this will help you remember the feats that you accomplished during the working year.

Let's sum it up

Above we have given some examples of how to write a progress report. The main thing is to describe the operations performed, indicating quantitative characteristics (so many times or such and such a number of pieces, etc.). This way, you will let management know exactly how much work you have completed.

We must not forget to indicate at the beginning of the report a list of specific tasks that you were given to complete. An important part is the completion of the report. Be sure to write down what you want to implement at work in the near future. This will show that you look more broadly than just the area of ​​your immediate responsibilities and functions that must be performed according to the job description.

You can also consider the example above.

To make it easier to prepare such reports, you can write down the work done daily in a notebook or electronic document. You will spend only 3-5 minutes a day on this little thing. It's not that much. However, thanks to such records, you can easily create a report on your work for any period in the future.




About approval The procedure for the preparation and approval of annual reports on the professional performance of state civil servants

“____” ________ 20___ No. ______

Based on the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, in order to increase the objectivity of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the professional work activities of state civil servants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, as well as to streamline the presentation of state civil employees of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra annual reports on professional performance I order:

1. Approve The procedure for the preparation and approval of annual reports on the professional performance of state civil servants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure)(attached).

2. The heads of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra should be guided by this Procedure when organizing work on the preparation of annual reports on the professional performance of state civil servants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the head of the Department of State Civil and Municipal Service of the Department of State Civil Service and Personnel Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Samokhvalova Larisa Vladimirovna.

And about. Director of the Department

state civil service

and personnel policy of the Autonomous Okrug I.A. Astapenko

Appendix to the order

Department of State Services of Ugra

from "___" _________2015

preparation and approval of annual reports

about professional service activities

state civil servants

public authorities

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

1. This Procedure, developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 47 with Article 48 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 110 “On Certification state civil servants of the Russian Federation", establishes the rules for the preparation of annual reports on professional performance (hereinafter - annual reports) of state civil servants of public authorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter - civil servants), as well as the procedure for their approval and submission.

2. The annual report is one of the documents on the basis of which the suitability of a civil servant for the civil service position being filled is determined during the regular (extraordinary) certification.

The data contained in the reports is taken into account when conducting certification, a competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service of the public authority in which the civil servant is serving, or a competition for the formation of a personnel reserve for filling a position in the civil service in the order of job growth, encouraging a civil servant.
3. The annual report is also used to solve the following tasks:

implementation of intermediate control over the professional performance of a civil servant;

receiving proposals from a civil servant to improve the activities of the government body of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter referred to as the government body), its structural unit;

conducting an analysis of the actual distribution of job responsibilities in a government body and its structural unit;

obtaining additional information when drawing up an annual report on the work of a government body or its structural unit.
4. The annual report reflects the actual results of the execution by a civil servant of official regulations for the year, namely information (information):

about the work done in accordance with the job responsibilities provided for by the job regulations;

on prepared draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions;

on compliance with the deadlines and procedures for preparing and reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing on and adopting these decisions;

on participation in the provision of public services provided to citizens and organizations in accordance with the administrative regulations of the state body;

on the implementation of performance indicators and effectiveness of professional work activities (if any);

other information indicating the fulfillment of job duties in accordance with job regulations.

The report may contain a description of the problems encountered by the civil servant in the performance of official duties, and proposals for solving them, as well as proposals for improving the efficiency of the duties performed, the activities of the government body and its structural divisions.

It is allowed to present graphs, charts and other graphical data in the report.

5. Civil servants holding positions in the state civil service in the categories “managers”, “assistants”, “specialists”, “supporting specialists” prepare an annual report in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Procedure.

6. The annual report is prepared annually no later than February 25th of the year, following the reporting one. The head of the public authority, taking into account the actual workload of specialists, independently determines the exact deadlines for submitting annual reports and informs them about this at least two weeks in advance.

7. Annual reports are not submitted by civil servants holding positions in the state civil service in the “managers” category, with whom a fixed-term service contract has been concluded.

8. The reporting period when preparing an annual report by civil servants is the calendar year. If a civil servant began to perform his official duties after January 1, then the annual report includes the period from the date he actually began performing his official duties until December 31 of the same year.

9. In the annual report form, the civil servant independently indicates the necessary information about himself and fills out sections I and II, III.

10. When preparing an annual report for civil servants:

Section I contains information about the most significant completed instructions and prepared draft documents in the implementation of which he was directly involved, the degree of responsibility for their implementation (executor or co-executor) is noted, and in relation to unfulfilled or partially completed instructions, the reasons for their non-fulfillment are indicated;

in section II, in free form, information is indicated on the work done in accordance with job responsibilities established by the job regulations (using quantitative performance indicators of performance (if any), as well as on compliance with the deadlines and procedures for preparing and reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and making these decisions on public services in the provision of which the civil servant took part;

Section III contains information about the results and timing of the implementation of activities provided for in the individual professional development plan;

Section IV may indicate factors that make it difficult for a civil servant to perform his official duties, as well as proposals to improve the efficiency of the work of a public authority or its structural unit.

If necessary, the civil servant may submit an addition to the annual report.

A report on the work of the structural unit for the corresponding year is attached to the annual report of the head of a structural unit of a public authority.

11. To the head of a structural unit of a government body to obtain more objective data when filling out section I annual report, it is recommended to quarterly summarize the interim results of the professional performance of civil servants under his direct subordination.

12. A civil servant bears disciplinary liability for violating the established deadlines for submitting the annual report.

If the deadline for submitting the annual report is missed for a valid reason (illness, business trip of a civil servant, etc.), the annual report is submitted on the next working day following the day the circumstances that caused the missed deadline cease.

13. The immediate supervisor of a state civil servant (hereinafter referred to as the immediate supervisor) is obliged to study in detail the annual report submitted by the civil servant, and in Section IV of the annual report to draw conclusions about his professional performance.

14. The conclusions of the immediate supervisor consist of a general objective and comprehensive assessment of the professional and organizational skills of the civil servant.

If the immediate supervisor assesses the professional performance of a civil servant as not meeting the established requirements of the job regulations, he must additionally provide a written reasoned justification.

15. The immediate supervisor is obliged to familiarize the civil servant with the conclusions contained in Section IV of the annual report, against signature.

16. A civil servant has the right to express his disagreement with the assessment of his professional performance and, within five working days from the date of familiarization with the conclusions of his immediate supervisor, apply in writing to the manager supervising the structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the supervising manager) with a reasoned request for their revision.

17. If a civil servant disagrees with the conclusions of his immediate supervisor about his professional performance, the final decision is made within a month by the supervising manager.
18. The supervising manager in section VI of the annual report form makes a note of agreement or disagreement with the conclusions about the professional performance of the civil servant.

If the supervising manager disagrees with the conclusions of the immediate manager about the professional performance of the civil servant, he must justify his decision in writing in Section VI of the annual report form and bring it to the attention of the civil servant and his immediate supervisor.
19. If the report includes a description of the problems encountered by a civil servant in the performance of official duties and proposals for solving them, the immediate and (or) supervising manager, together with the civil servant, develop a set of measures aimed at solving these problems.
20. If the report includes proposals to improve the efficiency of job duties, the activities of a structural unit of a government body, a government body, the immediate and (or) supervising manager considers these proposals and takes them into account or gives appropriate instructions aimed at implementation of these proposals.

21. Prepared annual reports of civil servants are sent by the immediate supervisor to the department for state civil service and personnel matters before March 1 of the year following the reporting year.

22. A civil servant who disagrees with the assessment of his professional performance based on the results of the annual report has the right, in the prescribed manner, to contact the head of the public authority regarding the issue of conducting an extraordinary certification.

23. The information contained in the annual report of a civil servant is proprietary information.

24. The right of access to the materials of annual reports of all civil servants has:

supervising manager and his deputies;

Head of the department for state civil service and personnel issues.
25. The head of a structural unit (direct manager) has the right to familiarize himself with the annual reports of all civil servants of the relevant structural unit.

If necessary, members of the certification commission may be familiarized with the annual reports of civil servants subject to certification.

26. The head of the unit for state civil service and personnel matters independently determines the circle of civil servants of the unit for matters of state civil service and personnel who have access to annual reports, and, if necessary, gives instructions for the head of the public authority and his deputies, heads of structural divisions to familiarize themselves with annual reports of individual civil servants.

27. Reports are stored in the personnel service of the government agency for three years and then destroyed.

28. Familiarization of a civil servant with his annual reports stored in the department of personnel and legal work is carried out in the manner established for familiarization with the personal file of a civil servant. Copies of reports are provided to civil servants upon their written request.

to the Procedure for preparation and approval
annual reports on professional performance
activities of state civil servants
public authorities
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

about professional service activities

for the reporting period from ________ to _________20______of the year

  1. Information on the most significant completed assignments and prepared draft documents
___________________________ __

Name of the order, draft document

Execution period

Completion mark (fully completed, partially completed, not completed (indicating the reasons for non-compliance)


II. Information about the work done in accordance with job responsibilities established by the official regulations (using quantitative performance indicators of official activities (if any), about compliance with the deadlines and procedures for preparing, reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and making these decisions, about government services in which the civil servant took part

III Execution of an individual professional development plan

IV. A list of problems that a civil servant has encountered in his professional activities and proposals for solving them:


V. Conclusions of the immediate supervisor on the professional performance of a state civil servant
Subordinate to the manager assessing professional performance, the state civil servant was:

less than one year from one year to three years more than three years

The quality of work performed (assignments) fully meets the established requirements

subject to compliance with their deadlines.

The quality of work (assignments) performed generally meets the established requirements, however, there are cases of delays in the completion of tasks.

The quality of work (assignments) performed corresponds to the average level of established requirements; there are also cases of delays in completing tasks

The quality of work (assignments) performed is below the average level of established requirements while meeting the deadlines for their completion.

The professional work activity of a state civil servant does not meet the established requirements of the official regulations (additional justification must be provided).

Application: on sheets.

(job title) (signature) (signature transcript) (date)

VI.Note on familiarization of the state civil servant with the conclusions of the immediate supervisor

I agree I disagree I will submit a reasoned appeal within five days

(job title) (signature) (signature transcript) (date)

VI. Conclusion of the supervising manager

I agree with the conclusions of the immediate supervisor of the civil servant
With the conclusions of the immediate supervisor of the civil servant

I don't agree
Evaluation of the official activities of a state civil servant by the supervising manager

(job title) (signature) (signature transcript) (date)

Project dossier

Explanatory note

In accordance with paragraph 14 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 N 110 “On certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 6, Art. 437; 2013, N 12, Art. 1242; 2014, No. 12, Article 1263; 2015, No. 35, Article 4970) I order:

Approve the attached Procedure for conducting reports on the professional performance of federal civil servants of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury.

"____" __________ 20__


from "___"________ 20___ N _____

The procedure for conducting reports on the professional performance of federal civil servants of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury

I. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with paragraph 14 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 N 110 “On certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 6, Art. 437) and defines the legal and organizational principles for conducting reports on the professional performance of federal civil servants of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury and deputy heads of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as civil servants).

The purpose of the report on the professional performance of civil servants (hereinafter referred to as the Report) is to carry out regular monitoring of the passage of the federal public civil service and the professional achievements of civil servants by checking the quality of their professional performance.

1.2. The report is carried out with the aim of improving the selection and placement of personnel, developing initiative and creative activity of civil servants, determining their potential, and the need for advanced training; career planning, improving the process of planning and organizing activities of both civil servants and the Federal Treasury as a whole, identifying organizational problems and promptly responding to them, analyzing the implementation of job regulations of civil servants.

1.3. The report is carried out in accordance with this Procedure, no later than the 14th working day of the month following the assessed period (for the purpose of applying this Procedure, the assessed period is taken to be equal to one calendar year).

Reports of deputy heads of the Federal Treasury, head of the Legal Department of the Federal Treasury (his deputies), assistant to the head of the Federal Treasury, adviser to the head of the Federal Treasury, deputy heads of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure and approved by the head of the Federal Treasury.

Reports of the heads of departments of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury (their deputies) are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure and approved by the supervising deputy heads of the Federal Treasury in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities between the head of the Federal Treasury and his deputies.

Reports of civil servants of departments of departments of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury are accepted and approved by the corresponding head of the department of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the head of the Department), in which civil servants fill positions in the federal state civil service (hereinafter referred to as civil service positions).

1.4. In case of temporary absence of the head of the Department (temporary disability, vacation, business trip, etc.), the report is accepted by the Deputy Head of the Department.

1.5. The report is not accepted for civil servants:

a) who have worked in their current position in the civil service for less than one year;

b) who have reached the age of 60 years;

c) pregnant women;

d) those on maternity leave and parental leave until the child reaches the age of three;

e) filling civil service positions in the categories “managers” and “assistants (advisers)”, with whom a fixed-term service contract has been concluded;

e) within a year from the date of passing the qualification exam.

1.6. When conducting the Report, the job regulations of civil servants, activity plans of the central office of the Federal Treasury and departments of the Administration are used.

1.7. The report is carried out in accordance with the criteria and indicators of the quality of work of civil servants, which are divided into general (characteristic of all civil servants) and special (depending on the characteristics of the work of each department of the Department). The specified criteria and indicators are associated with specific activities and expected results. The list of criteria and indicators of the quality of work of a civil servant is defined in Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

1.8. The report must be carried out in an atmosphere of trust and fairness, on the principles of legality, transparency, openness, objectivity, impartiality and equality.

II. Organization and conduct of the Report

2.1. The procedure for conducting the Report consists of the following stages: preparatory period, assessment, interview and signing of the results of the discussion, approval by the Head of the Department of the assessment results, the final stage.

2.2. The preparatory period includes: analysis by the head of the department of the Department and the civil servant of the fulfillment of assignments and duties defined in the job regulations, regulations on the Department, the Department, unscheduled work, as well as the establishment by the head of the Department of the interview date.

2.3. The assessment is carried out by a civil servant through self-assessment, followed by an assessment by the head of the Department, the results of which are entered into a Report drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.

2.4. The assessment method must ensure the active, constructive participation of the civil servant in the assessment procedure. The civil servant must express his point of view, identify problematic issues, and also set for himself a specific goal in improving professionalism. The Head of the Department evaluates the civil servant’s fulfillment of official regulations, individual instructions, tasks, checks the timeliness, quality, and effectiveness of their implementation, and finds out the reasons for extending the deadlines for completing work.

2.5. The assessment must be justified, based on specific examples, noting the positive performance indicators of a civil servant, the level of his knowledge, skills, professional and business qualities, shortcomings in work, as well as ways to overcome them. Based on the results of assessment and self-assessment, a final grade is assigned.

2.6. The final score could be:

low - a civil servant must improve his work in order to avoid constant interference from his manager to correct the result of his work;

satisfactory - a civil servant has achieved certain results, has a certain amount of skills and habits necessary to perform official duties, and must direct his activities to those components that force the manager from time to time to make adjustments to the results of his work;

good - the civil servant achieved results, made it impossible for the manager to interfere with the results of his work, and directed efforts to introduce an innovative style of searching for solutions;

high - the civil servant exceeded the expected results, showed a high level of knowledge, and applied an innovative style in performing his duties and assignments.

2.7. An interview between the head of the Department and a civil servant is conducted to discuss the results of the assessment of his work for the reporting period and the achievement of indicators for the next reporting period regarding the performance of duties, identifying the need for advanced training, taking into account the priorities of the Department as a whole.

2.8. The discussion should be structured, informal and advisory and explanatory in nature, taking into account the self-assessment of the civil servant.

2.9. When conducting an interview, it is necessary to maintain a balance between a positive assessment of the work and criticism of certain areas with appropriate justification.

2.10. The interview ends with the approval of the Report by the Head of the Department and the civil servant, confirming that the results of the Report have been discussed and an individual professional development plan has been drawn up for the next calendar year.

2.11. Completed and approved Reports are sent no later than seven days to the Department of State Civil Service and Personnel of the Administrative Department of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Personnel Service) for inclusion in the personal files of civil servants.

2.13. The HR service analyzes and summarizes the results of the annual assessment and prepares draft relevant decisions on HR management issues. These conclusions are taken into account when determining the annual and long-term need for personnel, forming applications for training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants.

III. Report Results

3.1. The results of the Reports must be taken into account when certifying civil servants, considering issues of assigning the next class rank in the federal state civil service, establishing monetary remuneration, allowances, bonuses or changes in their amounts provided for by law, when deciding on extending the term of stay in the federal state civil service, and forming a personnel reserve and other issues of passing the federal state civil service.

IV. Final provisions

4.1. In case of disagreement with the assessment, the civil servant may, within ten days, submit a statement to the head of the Department, expressing comments and justifying them.

Information about the civil servant's disagreement with the assessment is reflected in the Report.

Appendix No. 1
to the Procedure for conducting reports on professional
official activities of federal
state civil servants
central office of the Federal
Treasury, approved
by order of the Federal Treasury
from "___"______ 20__ N___

List of criteria and indicators of the quality of work of the federal civil servant of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury

N p/p Criteria Level of quality of fulfillment of duties and assignments
Short Satisfactory Good High
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Carrying out duties and assignments
1 Scope of work performed Does not meet expectations, deadlines increase Meets established deadlines Fully meets deadlines, has time for additional work Constantly completes tasks in an accelerated time frame, completes additional tasks
2 Quality of work The results of the work must be constantly fundamentally corrected The results of the work require almost no corrections The results of the work can be used The results of the work are of high quality, have an innovative nature in solving problems
3 Work planning Low level of planning of the working day, haphazard steps regarding the execution of orders are allowed Knows how to organize his work, the work is completed in compliance with deadlines (but sometimes with the risk of missing deadlines) Able to organize his work, constantly improves his own planning culture; work is carried out rationally, consistently meeting deadlines High level of organization and composure; work is organized purposefully
2. Professional competence
4 Professional knowledge Knowledge is superficial, not systematic, professional tasks are difficult to solve independently Possesses specialized knowledge sufficient to satisfactorily resolve assignments of a professional nature Possesses special knowledge to solve creative assignments of a professional nature Possesses deep, strong and comprehensive knowledge, has a holistic understanding of systematicity, flexibility of thinking makes it possible to solve complex problems of a theoretical nature in the professional field
5 Professional skills and abilities Insufficiently developed, requires constant assistance from a manager They are mediocrely developed and provide the necessary level of fulfillment of professional assignments when providing assistance. Developed and provide the necessary level of independent performance of professional assignments Ensures that practical assignments of a professional nature are carried out at a high level, and can provide certain consultations to another performer
6 Ability to formulate a point of view (orally and in writing) difficult to understand, limited vocabulary, documents need to be reworked, mistakes are made in the Russian language when preparing documents easy to understand, sufficient command of Russian, minor changes are made to documents expresses thoughts clearly and convincingly; documents do not require corrections logically constructed statements, precise choice of normative vocabulary and formulations, documents always contain ordered, freely expressed thoughts
7 Willingness to take action, initiative mostly passive, lacking initiative, elements of a creative approach to work do not appear; constant work guidance required works freely, shows initiative, but is not marked by activity and a creative attitude to business shows initiative, is active, has a creative approach to work, persistent proactive, creative in solving practical tasks, able to generate ideas and proposals that deserve respect, and contributes to their implementation
8 Efficiency of thinking is slow to accept new tasks shows displeasure when tasks or routine circumstances change adapts to new tasks and work situations accepts new tasks, readily understands their essence and the problems associated with them, orients himself in new situations quickly perceives new tasks and situations, determines the factors influencing them and gets to the heart of the matter
9 Work capacity and endurance work capacity is low, increasing workload worsens the quality of work, loses confidence work capacity is satisfactory, an increase in workload, as a rule, does not affect the quality of work able to work, increased workload does not affect the quality of work work capacity is high, can withstand prolonged workload, responds with activity to increasing demands
10 Responsibility shows indifference, irresponsibility, a tendency to fail to fulfill duties and assignments the manifestation of a sense of responsibility is unstable and requires constant monitoring a sense of responsibility is constantly demonstrated highly developed sense of obligation; Excellent executive discipline, reliable in completing assignments in daily activities
11 Independence Does not make independent decisions; intervention is required to resolve minor problems Capable of making independent decisions, but they are not always justified; shows indecisiveness in critical situations In decision-making, as a rule, he is independent; able to analyze and predict events; in critical situations, capable of decisive action; completes tasks without assistance highly developed ability to make thoughtful independent decisions; has foresight skills; in critical situations, capable of thoughtful and decisive action; on one's own
solves complex problems
12 Leadership Ability He does not have leadership qualities, and does not try to have them; invisible in the team Capable of positively influencing people, but rarely uses this in practice Able to positively influence people and has leadership qualities Has highly developed abilities to positively influence people, leadership qualities are clearly manifested
13 Ability to accumulate and creatively apply professional experience Professional experience accumulates slowly, professional tasks are solved only by traditional methods, professional innovation is not applied or is resisted Professional experience accumulates and updates as needed, basically works according to a template Works to improve and update professional experience, conscientiously, effectively, has an innovative approach to professional activities Actively, purposefully, systematically and effectively works to improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities; able to implement and support new things in the professional field
3. Ethics of conduct
14 Ethics of behavior, communication style The level of culture of behavior and communication with people is low, allowing elements of tactless, rude attitude towards others; behavior does not correspond to the specific situation (unconfidence, impoliteness, insolence) The level of culture of behavior and communication with people is satisfactory, but not always adequate to the relevant situation Cultural, tactful in his behavior with people, tactful in communication, friendly Possesses a high level of culture of behavior and communication with people; inherent flexibility in choosing communication styles and behavior, in critical situations always behaves correctly and at the same time with understanding
15 Cooperation Rarely provides assistance, often does not inform others Collaborates with others and provides assistance Collaborates fruitfully with others and provides assistance Reveals the ability to work well in a team, gives valuable impulses to achieve final goals
16 Discipline Violates official routine Adheres to work routine, but requires supervision Disciplined, follows official routine without violations Highly disciplined, strictly and accurately carries out official routines
4. Criteria for the category "managers"
17 Ability to negotiate Unable to hold a personal point of view, argumentation is uncertain, unconvincing presents his point of view professionally and specifically Can convincingly argue his point of view Purposefully conveys his point of view and does not ignore counterarguments
18 Ability to organize the work of subordinates does not help streamline the work process Carefully examines purpose and priorities; distributes work tasks efficiently defines purpose and priorities; ensures regular information to subordinates; rationally distributes work tasks clearly defines goals and priorities, optimally organizes the work process, distributing tasks, and achieves maximum efficiency
19 Professionalism in managing the work of the department Unclear formulation of instructions Doesn’t always explain and provide the necessary information and professional clarifications Clearly explains assigned tasks; provides necessary information and professional explanations Explains tasks clearly, in detail, provides timely consultations, is able to act adequately in situations with a high degree of uncertainty, overcome stereotypes, make non-standard management decisions, rethink his personal experience of interaction with subordinates
20 Control Control is absent or ineffective Periodically monitors the implementation of assigned tasks Systematically monitors the implementation of assigned tasks Controls skillfully and unobtrusively
21 Employee evaluations and rewards does not realize the achievements and capabilities of employees, does not know their abilities and interests, does not support professional development activities, and interferes with employees’ manifestations of independence Knows about the achievements and capabilities of employees; tries to evaluate abilities; supports professional development activities Knows about the achievements and capabilities of employees, correctly evaluates abilities and merits, supports professional development activities, stimulates independent thinking and action Carefully and in detail studies the achievements and capabilities of employees, purposefully stimulates their interests and abilities, effectively encourages independent thinking and action

Appendix No. 2
to the Reporting Procedure
about professional service activities
federal state civil
central office employees
Federal Treasury, approved
by order of the Federal Treasury
from "___"______ 20__ N___

Annual report
on the professional performance of a federal civil servant of the Federal Treasury

1. Information about the civil servant

2. Self-esteem

2.1. How successfully, in your opinion, are you fulfilling your job regulations? Give some examples.

2.2. Indicate the number of instructions completed by the civil servant and draft documents prepared by him during the reporting period (as a percentage), planned assignments that were completed and those that were not completed. Note the number of unscheduled tasks you performed. (Organization of seminars - meetings, speaking at meetings - seminars, with revenue administrators, with the main managers and recipients of budget funds, participation in comprehensive audits, drafting review letters, responding to letters and requests from third-party organizations, participation in the implementation of technological regulations and testing of software products , other).

2.3. What particularly important tasks (tasks) that were of key importance for the work of the Department or Directorate were you assigned? Have you been involved in work in groups developing programs and local regulations?

2.4. Provide information on your performance indicators during the reporting period (with the attachment of the Tables of performance indicators of the federal civil servant holding the position of the federal public civil service in the central office of the Federal Treasury for the reporting period).

3. Assessment by the Head of the Department

3.1. Assessment of the civil servant's performance of job duties defined in the job regulations, as well as the degree of participation in the implementation of individual assignments.

3.2. The level of knowledge, skills, professional qualities, and abilities of a civil servant in the context of performing the tasks and responsibilities assigned to him.

_________________________________________________________________________ _

_________________________________________________________________________ _

_________________________________________________________________________ _

Final grade ________________________________________________________

Signature of a civil servant _________________________________________________

Signature of the head of the department _________________________________________________ _

Date of_________________________

4. Approval by the head of the Department of the results of the annual assessment of the performance of official duties and assignments by a civil servant

Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(last name, first name, patronymic in full)

Date _________________________

Document overview

A draft order of the Federal Treasury has been presented, which regulates the issues of generating reports on the professional activities of civil servants of the central apparatus and deputy heads of territorial bodies of the Service.

The purpose of compiling the report is to regularly monitor service performance and professional achievements by checking the quality of their activities.

The results of the reports are planned to be taken into account when certifying civil servants, when considering issues of assigning the next class rank, establishing remunerations, allowances, bonuses, etc.

A report on the work done will allow the manager to evaluate the quality and speed of the secretary’s work. The article contains samples of reports on the work done. Use the step-by-step instructions to correctly compose your report.

Download a useful sample

Why do you need a progress report?

The manager sets a task, the employee completes it - this is the essence of the labor process. The fact that the task was completed is recorded in the form of a report on the work done. Each employee periodically draws up such a document. The frequency of reporting and its form depend on the company's internal rules.

Who needs a progress report and why? The leader needs him. This document allows you to evaluate how well and how quickly an employee completes a task. Reporting documents of all employees provide an opportunity to create an overall picture of the company's work and facilitate tactical and strategic planning.

The employee himself also needs the report. Firstly, a well-written final document helps to present the results of your work favorably to management. Secondly, the report is a useful self-control tool. At the end of the reporting period, you see your successes and failures. This will show you the directions in which you need to develop.

Report on the work performed by an employee with a traveling nature of work: sample

Download the full sample in the magazine

What to write in a progress report

There is no single standard sample report on the work done. The document is drawn up in free form. It depends on the nature of the tasks performed. The disadvantage of free form is that many workers do not know how to write a progress report. An employee will not receive an adequate assessment of his work if he does not have the skills to competently write a report.

You cannot force employees to write truthful reports, but you can teach them to competently present their successes and achievements. There are no difficulties in drawing up a reporting document. You need to avoid the mistakes that many people make.

Let's look at a sample of an incorrectly compiled report on the work done for the week and look at typical mistakes.

Bad option

To whom:
From: Secretary of Communication Technologies LLC Petrova A.S.
Document type:

The following was done:

  • letters were written to the tax and labor inspectorates;
  • preparations were made for the meeting with representatives of HR-consulting LLC (invitations were sent out, necessary materials were collected, a draft agenda for the meeting was prepared);
  • responses to requests from the labor inspectorate and a number of clients were compiled;
  • took part in a conference on problems of optimizing the use of working time.

date: 26.04.2019.
Signature: Petrova A.S.

Why is this report bad? After reading such a document, the manager will get the impression that the secretary is not overloaded with work. In addition, the text is difficult to read - the structure of the report leaves much to be desired.

Report structure

The sample above is missing the essential elements of a good report. It should contain:

  • a list of tasks that the employee must perform;
  • specification of these instructions;
  • analysis of the work done;
  • plans for the next reporting period;
  • suggestions on what to change, improve, optimize.

The set of structure elements depends on the length of the reporting period. A daily or weekly progress report does not need to contain analysis and suggestions, but a monthly progress report or annual report document should have these elements.

A good report on the work done

To whom: to the head of LLC "Communicative Technologies" Smirnov Yu.P.
From: Secretary of Communication Technologies LLC Petrova A.S.
Document type: progress report for the period from 04/22/2019 to 04/26/2019

For the reporting week, I had the following tasks:

  • prepare letters: to the tax inspectorate about clarification of the tax payment and to the labor inspectorate on the complaint of P.P. Smirnov;
  • prepare information support for the meeting with HR Consulting LLC, send out invitations to participants, prepare a draft meeting program;
  • take part in a conference on the problems of optimizing the use of working time, prepare questions and suggestions.

All assigned tasks were completed, namely:

  • letters to the tax and labor inspectorates have been prepared and sent;
  • Information materials for the meeting with HR Consulting LLC have been prepared, invitations have been sent out, and a draft meeting program has been drawn up.

Download the full sample report

How to submit a report

If there are no other requirements, a report on the work done is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001. GOST regulates the basic requirements for the preparation of a reporting document. It contains standards that determine the formatting method, font type and size, spacing, and margin size.

What may be the requirements for a progress report?

Since there are no standardized requirements for document preparation, the employee’s main task is to improve the perception of the text and increase its readability. For this:

  • use no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;
  • alternate long and short sentences;
  • break up the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page;
  • leave space for comments on tables and graphs;
  • If the report is lengthy, then make a conclusion at the end.

Note! To draw up a report on the work done on a business trip, use a special sample. This is a unified form No. T-10a. Download the finished form

Form No. T-10a:official assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation

Download the form and sample filling in the Personnel System

How to write a report: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Make a rough outline of the document. A report for a short period should not take more than 1-2 pages. If you report regularly, prepare an electronic document template for each case:

  • sample daily progress report;
  • sample weekly progress report;
  • sample report on the work done for the month.

Step 2. Make a list of your tasks. If there are many tasks, group them into semantic blocks.

Step 3. List the tools and resources that were used during the completion of tasks - additional labor, financial costs, travel, materials.

Step 4. Present the results of your work. Describe how they meet the objectives. If the task is not completed, explain the reason. Give your assessment of the situation. Draw conclusions.

Step 5. Formulate goals and objectives for the next reporting period.

Step 6. Insert tables, graphs and diagrams into the text. Often the manager skims through the reporting document. Try to make the table or graph provide an opportunity to evaluate your work.

Use Google Docs to create diagrams

How to Create a Chart in Google Docs

Step 7 Carefully re-read the text, pay attention to grammar and style. Highlight key facts in bold or italics. Prepare an electronic version of the document and a printed version. If you need to report orally or in a presentation, prepare a short version of the text in advance, including the most important points.