Sample diagram of a business plan for cow breeding. Construction of cattle breeding farms. What documents are needed to open

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

When purchasing a business plan template, you need to keep in mind that it is advisory in nature and serves as the basis for developing your own strategy. A good example The owner of a dairy mini-farm from the Kaliningrad region, Elena Vladimirovna Mazhitova, shared the use of an inexpensive business plan.

Dairy farm business plan

How a coincidence of circumstances can change our lives

I do not belong to the category of people who are not satisfied with their lifestyle, place of residence, and any move is like death for me. And if it weren’t for life’s circumstances, I would still live in Kazakhstan and work as a teacher in a kindergarten.

But it so happened that I had to move with my two children to my parents in the small town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. I understood perfectly well that without a garden and my own household I would not be able to raise children. Therefore, I purchased a house with a plot in a nearby village.

At first I sold vegetables and pickles at the market. own production, then started raising chickens, and then raised money for a cow.

My brother, who lives in Germany and had by that time created a small construction business, helped.

Gradually a circle formed regular customers who trust my products.

But I never even thought about turning this activity into a profitable, highly productive business.

My brother came up with the idea of ​​starting my own dairy farm.

But then I had no idea how to organize all this.

In addition, it seemed to me that selling a large volume of milk was simply unrealistic. But at the same time, I was literally fired up by this idea, and the thought of creating my own, at least a small farm, never let me go.

There were a lot of questions, but not enough knowledge.

Long digging on the Internet added confusion and fog to my thoughts. I tried to ask questions on the forums, but it seems that there are no professionals there, only losers talking about the unprofitability of this business.

This continued until there was a clear understanding of the need to highlight key points and calculate the required amount of investment. I had no experience in constructing such documents, nor was it possible to order a plan for crazy money.

Therefore, it was decided to buy an inexpensive template, on the basis of which I could calculate how much money it might require to create a mini-farm, when and what kind of income I can expect from it.

The business plan template helped me get my bearings and get a clear picture of practical steps on organizing my business:

  • Determine the number of livestock and breed of cows;
  • Find a room for their maintenance;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of feed;
  • Attracting personnel;
  • Search for a sales market.

In fact, it turned out like this: first, a room was found - a former cowshed with an area of ​​almost 1000 square meters. m, designed for 50 heads.

It had to include all the necessary sections:

  • To accommodate dairy cows;
  • To accommodate dry cows;
  • Maternity ward;
  • Milking shop;
  • Calf compartment.

All these sectors required appropriate equipment. In addition, the premises were in need of renovation. The walls, floors and ventilation were in unusable condition.

Taking into account all this plus feed, the funds needed for the launch turned out to be quite large - more than 12 million rubles. - an unrealistic amount for me at that time.

Even taking into account the loan at low interest rates, I would not be able to afford the monthly payment. But payments must be made from the first month. Therefore, it was decided to start with a population of ten dairy cows with the possibility of development in the future.

I had small savings, my brother promised to transfer some of the funds, but most of them had to be taken on credit. Based on the approximate business plan, I described all the smallest nuances point by point and independently calculated the amount needed to start.

Today, the livestock of my farm is more than 50 animals, including heifers and calves. The main share of milk is purchased by the local dairy plant, a small part is sold on the market.

There are indeed many difficulties in this matter, but the goals that I have set for myself thanks to the business plan are gradually being realized.

Free dairy farm business plan

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a dairy farm business plan:

Milk production business plan

The emerging need for import substitution food products made it possible for domestic dairy and cattle farms to feel more free in the market and increase production volumes.

In the new conditions, this business becomes especially attractive. Strengthening government support at the federal and regional levels is also aimed at the emergence of new dairy farms.

If you have decided and are ready to devote yourself to this particular type of activity, then the first and mandatory step should be drawing up a business plan.

It will clearly show what is needed to achieve the goals of the project and how much funds will be required for this. It depends on the goals set and the planned production size.

This business plan defines the following goals:

  • Creation of a self-sufficient farm capable of recouping the investment within two years;
  • Filling the market with quality products;
  • Making profits.

The necessary loan funds to launch the project are 9,900,000 rubles.
Interest on the loan provided – RUB 674,520.
The planned profit for two years is 157,060,323 rubles.

Project Description

To create a dairy farm, you need a room. His choice must be proportionate to the number of livestock, taking into account that for 600 animals, according to the standards, there must be at least 40,000 square meters.

You can start with a livestock of 100 cows that are milking at a given time, excluding heifers, heifers and bulls, etc. These hundred heads will be the main source of income at first, until the heifers calve.

It is best if, in addition to the milking herd, heifers are purchased rather than heifers, since the former are able to generate income within 3-4 months, while the return from the latter will take much longer.

The cost of heifers is around 12-20 thousand, and if we are talking about elite breed– reaches 60 thousand rubles.

By the way, despite the high prices, a herd consisting of highly productive cows is ultimately much more profitable:

  • milk volume is twice as high;
  • costs for feed, premises, milking equipment, and maintenance personnel are halved.

Table No. 1. Potential of milk consumers in Russia

A building for a farm can be built, purchased or rented. The most profitable option is to rebuild an old, abandoned cowshed, of which there are plenty in our country. If you need to build from scratch, it is better to choose a frame hangar. It can have windows and ventilation.

It is necessary to distribute cows into 4 workshops according to physiological criteria during a given period.

Each of the workshops is focused on its own functions:

1. Caring for dry cows - creating a special diet;
2. Calving department;
3. Milking and insemination;
4. Milk production.

Providing feed

At first, you need to ensure the necessary supply of feed, and later it is worth organizing your own feed production. In this regard, it is planned to sow pastures and hayfields with perennial cultivated grasses.

For a complete diet you need:

  • alfalfa-cereals;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • clover-cereal plants;
  • bulky feed;
  • feed - you can organize your own feed mill.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the milk production market in Russia

Equipment for milk processing business plan

  • milking parlors – “Herringbone”, “Carousel”, or robots for voluntary milking;
  • milk cooling tanks;
  • milk line;
  • feeding line;
  • automatic brushes for cows;
  • hoof care machine;
  • systems for drinking and heating water, etc.

Dairy products are one of the most popular on the market. The situation for farmers is now the most favorable in terms of state support and low competition.

And most importantly, do not miss the chance to join the ranks of the first entrepreneurs who came due to the need for import substitution. Right now it will be easier to establish partnerships and a sales market - before so many offers have appeared that the demand for the product will disappear.

Breeding dairy and beef cattle is a branch of livestock farming in our time, unfortunately, not particularly profitable. However, with the right approach to business, it is still possible to get a relatively good profit from such an enterprise.

In order to get things going well, the farmer needs to take care of choosing the most suitable breed of cows, build a comfortable barn for the animals and provide them with high-quality feed. Also, a novice entrepreneur will need to draw up detailed business plan for cattle breeding.

Where to start: registration of an enterprise

Before starting to build a farm, an entrepreneur needs to take care of its legalization. Most often, such enterprises are registered either asKFC ( peasant farm) orPrivate household plot (personal subsidiary)or simply as an individual entrepreneur. A cattle breeding farm must be registered according to special code(livestock). In this case, taxes in the future will not have to be paid too much.The most advantageous view farmers currently consider CPK registration. The owner of such an enterprise can also choose the most suitable system taxation.

RBreeding cattle for dairy and meat in our time -supported including by the state. The owners of such an enterprise can even count on small financial support (about 60 thousand rubles). Funds for organizing a barn are given mainly to individual entrepreneurs. You can get money from your local employment office.

Area of ​​activity

Most often, cows in our country are bred to produce milk. However, sometimes these animals are also kept for meat. Before starting to build a farm, an entrepreneur, of course, needs to decide on the direction of the business. If there are large enterprises in the vicinity for the production of sausages, stews and other similar products, it may make sense to organize a “meat” farm. Otherwise, it is better to focus on such a popular product as milk. There are enterprises for its processing in almost every city in Russia.

Choosing a site for a farm

Composingbusiness plan for cattle breeding,this issue should also be given maximum attention.Place underbarn neededchoose correctly. Sheds dmust be located, of course,at some distance from residential buildings and areas of settlements. Before you buy a plot or enter into a lease agreement, you should make sure that there is water for a well in this place.

Also, when choosing land, the farmer should take into account the expected livestock. It is believed that per cow there should be:

    perennialgrass meadows - 0.5-0.7 ha;

    annual and silage - 0.15-0.25 ha.

Also, agricultural enterprises engaged in the cultivation of root crops and grains should be located near the farm.


Breeding cows as a business is a complex matter. And it will most likely be impossible to cope with it alone. In addition to building a barn and determining where to purchase feed, an entrepreneur who decides to start raising cattle will also need to think about hiring workers for the farm. It is believed that an enterprise of such specialization cannot do without:



In some cases, the owner of the farm can take on some of the responsibilities (record keeping, sales).

Profitability calculation

The costs of organizing a cattle farm are usually significant. So, building a cowshedsmallsizes(for 7 cows and 3 bulls) will costapproximately at200 thousand roubles. Breeding adult animals cost about 200-300 rubles. per kilogram of mass. The weight of such cows is on average 700 kg. That is, for 10 animals you will have to pay about 200 thousand rubles. Decor entrepreneurial activity will cost about 20 thousand rubles. Thus, the actual organization of the farm will cost no less than 420 thousand rubles.

Breeding cattle for dairy production, just like meat production, also involves costs for animal feed and wages for employees.

Farmers usually purchase about 40-45 thousand rubles worth of feed per cow per year. Thus, for 10 heads you will have to spend 400-450 thousand rubles. Employees will need to be paid:

    one milkmaid - at least 15 thousand rubles. per month;

    one handyman 13 thousand;

Total per month is approximately28 thousand roubles.,and per year -336 thousand roubles. That is, the cost of maintaining the farm per year will be 450,000 +336 000 = 786 thousand rubles. The farmer will also have to pay taxes (depending on the chosen scheme) and spend money on equipment repairs.

When drawing up a business plan for cattle breeding, you should also calculate your expected income. They will depend on the cost of products supplied to the market. The retail price for a kilogram of milk on the market is approximately 50 rubles. One breeding cow can produce 4000-6000 kg per lactation. Consequently, when selling milk at retail from 7 animals per year, you can get about 1,750,000 rubles.

Based on these figures, it will not be difficult to roughly calculate the profitability of a dairy farm. The cost of keeping beef cows will be about the same. Income is determined taking into account the cost of a kilogram of meat. The average price for this product on the market is400 rub. Weightbulls of slaughter age are 500-800 kg (live). The meat yield in this case can be equal to 50-65%, that is, about 300 kg. Thus, the income from one animal will be 120,000 rubles. From 10 bulls you can get 1,200,000 rubles.

Business plan for cattle breeding: which breed to choose

So, the net profit from a cattle breeding farm of 10 animals per year can be approximately 500 thousand rubles. However, not every cow can produce 6000 kg of milk, and not every beef bull can gain 800 kg of weight. Therefore, a farmer who wants to make a profit from his enterprise must approach the choice of breed responsibly.

The most productive dairy cow today is, of course, the Holstein. With good care, such cows can produce up to 9 thousand kg of product per year. Also popular among Russian farmers are the following breeds:

    red steppe;


    Kholmogory, etc.

All these cows, depending on the conditions of detention, produce 4-6 thousand kg of milk during the lactation period. Of course, it is most profitable to keep Holstein cows on the farm. However, cattle are, unfortunately, quite demanding in terms of care. Therefore, a novice farmer should most likely choose a “simpler” breed. In the future, you can think about buying Holsteins.

Breeding beef cattle will be the most profitable business when choosing bulls of the following breeds:



    white Aquitanian.

Construction of cattle breeding farms

The productivity of cows will also depend on how good conditions the owner will provide them with maintenance. Therefore, the construction of sheds should be approached with all responsibility. The size of the farm is determined based on the fact that there should be approximately 20 m 3 of free space per animal. The barn plan should include:

    stalls with manure, feed and cross passages;

    feed preparation room;

    rooms for storing equipment, vaccinations, personnel.

A cattle farm for meat production must also be equipped with a mini-slaughterhouse and a refrigeration compartment.

Of course, in the winter, barns must be heated. Therefore, the barn will need to be equipped with a boiler room. Also, the farm design must include a ventilation scheme for the premises.

It will, of course, be problematic for an entrepreneur to build even a small barn for 10 heads on his own. In any case, you will have to hire a construction team. To build a large farm, you may also need specialists who are ready to draw up a barn project for a fee.

It is believed that inexpensive foam blocks are the best material for building a farm. Also today on the market there are ready-made barns made of metal structures. Their advantages are speed of assembly and relatively low cost.


To get a lot of milk or meat, the farm owner will have to develop a suitable diet for the animals. Cows are fed:



    root vegetables.

Cereals or special compound feeds are usually used as concentrates. Roughage is primarily hay. Juicy - beets, carrots, potatoes. This diet is provided for cattle in winter. In the summer, cows are usually driven out to pasture. The cows are in the meadow all day. The owner of a small farm can negotiate grazing with a shepherd from a nearby village. The owner of a large enterprise will most likely have to hire such an employee separately. In summer, cows are given concentrated feed and root vegetables in the morning and evening.

In addition to grain, hay, grass, beets and silage, cows should also receive vitamins, as well as microelements necessary for their body. Therefore, the farm owner will need to purchase various kinds of premix additives for them.

Often barn owners include in the diet of their pets and prepared according to special recipes industrially compound feed. When using them, raising cattle and maintaining them is more expensive. But the productivity of cows also increases. When using mixed feed in the diet, it is not necessary to include additional premixes. They are included in industrial compositions initially.


In addition to stalls and utility rooms, the barn design should also include a room for young animals. Dairy calves are taken from their mother almost immediately. They are fed artificially. After all, milk in this case is the main product of the farm. At meat enterprises for breeding cattle, young animals are left with the cow to suckle. This contributes to faster weight gain in calves and reduced mortality.

Vaccinations and sanitation rules

The benefits from maintaining a farm can be obtained, although not too great, but quite acceptable. However, often beginning farmers are faced with such a serious problem as the death of livestock, and, accordingly, the loss of funds invested in the business.

Some cattle diseases are fatal, others can lead to significant reductions in productivity. Moreover, infections usually spread very quickly in barns. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to the sanitary condition of cattle premises. The cattle farm must be cleaned daily. In addition, animals need to be vaccinated.

Hiring a veterinarian on a small farm is, of course, unnecessary. In most cases, the owners of such farms, if vaccination is necessary, simply invite specialists from the nearest veterinary clinic for a fee. On a large farm, a doctor of this specialization, of course, must be hired on staff.

The most common diseases in cattle are:




    mad cow disease;


It is worth finding out exactly what diseases cows should be vaccinated against in a particular region and with what frequency in the regional veterinary clinic in the epidemic prevention department.

Creation of a farm: sales of products

Thus, organizing a cattle breeding enterprise is quite difficult. This is also a relatively expensive matter. But nowadays it’s even more difficult to find sales markets. The cost of milk and meat given in the article above is retail. If the farm is designed for only 10 animals, perhaps its owner will be able to find direct markets. When expanding an enterprise with retail sales, certain difficulties may arise. The owner of a large farm will most likely have to sell products in bulk to enterprises of the appropriate specialization. In this case, the price per liter of milk or kilogram of meat will be much lower. When calculating possible profits, this must be taken into account.

Sale of calves

Owners of a farm with cattle can make a profit not only from the sale of milk or meat. Many owners of such enterprises are also engaged in such business as cattle breeding. Pedigree calves are quite expensive today. There are always quite a lot of hunters to buy such animals. The price of one purebred calf on the market today is about 12 thousand rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, building cattle farms is a rather complex and responsible matter. Of course, you can make a profit from such an enterprise. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on organizing a business of such specialization. In any case, of course, you need to have certain skills in keeping this type of farm animal. Such a business is most likely suitable only for a person who is familiar with the basics of keeping cattle first-hand.

In this material:

A business plan for a dairy farm for 20 heads requires careful adherence to all points, including market analysis and searching for sales of products. The demand for milk and dairy products is constant regardless of the season. Due to the foreign policy situation in the country in last years The demand for domestic goods, including dairy, has sharply increased. Besides, domestic politics state is now aimed at developing domestic Agriculture. The supply provided by existing dairy farms is not enough. It's about not only about the receipt and sale of milk, but also other dairy products. Due to this dairy business won't be a loser.

Project profitability and payback period

Undoubtedly, the dairy business is a profitable business, but how much, and is this profit worth the effort? The costs of opening and developing a dairy farm will be as follows:

  1. Registration of the farm in accordance with current legislation. The regional average amount that may be required varies within 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent or construction of premises where the cattle will be located. The average cost of a month's payment for a farm will be 150 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair work and subsequent disinfection. This cost item will cost approximately 300 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment costs will amount to about 1920 thousand rubles.
  5. Purchase of 20 head of livestock. On average, one cow costs 40 thousand rubles. 20 heads will cost 800 thousand rubles.
  6. You will have to prepare 950 thousand rubles for feed and rent of pastures.
  7. On average, 165 thousand rubles will be spent on wages for workers.
  8. Utility bills and taxes. Considering that the farm will be located outside the city, where the cost of housing and communal services is much lower, this expense item will average 50 thousand rubles.

Just for opening you will need an amount of 4385 thousand rubles. This is a significant investment for many entrepreneurs. Please note that some expenses will be repeated monthly: wage, housing and communal services, tax payments, etc. The average payback period for a dairy farm is 31 months. After this time, the farm will begin to generate a stable income.

The figures are given for a farm with a small herd of 20 heads of cattle. In order for the work and worries to be justified, it is worth opening a farm with at least 150 heads of livestock. With such a number of cows, the profit will be sufficient. The larger the herd, the greater the profit, but also the higher the initial investment. These points need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a dairy farm.

Starting a business

Project development begins with the registration of the enterprise in accordance with current legislation. First you need to decide on the form of ownership of the organization - legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Having decided, it is necessary to formalize the organization legally. Next, a personal account is opened at the bank in the name of the entrepreneur.

The rest of the documentation is completed after renting the premises, purchasing livestock and equipment. Before the farm begins to operate, it must undergo fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological and veterinary inspections. The result of the control must be documented and kept by the owner of the company.

Before opening, you need to get your accounting in order. The accountant will have to draw up documents financial statements, which will be provided to the appropriate government bodies. This matter must be approached responsibly, since incorrectly compiled reporting may result in criminal penalties. An accountant can be hired on a permanent basis or only for reporting.

Another important document that will be drawn up during work is a report on the regular inspection of livestock by a veterinarian. The doctor may enter permanent staff farm staff or as a casual employee.

After the company has been registered, you need to start looking for a place to keep livestock. The livestock may be located in the nearest suburb or far from the city. There are several scenarios for the development of events: purchasing a place on which a farm will be built, purchasing an existing but abandoned farm.

The appropriate option should be selected based on the available funds, the planned number of livestock and the time expected to open the farm. If the plot is purchased or leased, there will be costs for the construction of outbuildings. When working with an existing farm you will need complex works for its repair and disinfection.

  1. Tractor for transporting feed, manure and other household needs.
  2. Mower, rakes and other equipment required for making hay.
  3. A vehicle for delivering products to the buyer.
  4. Milking machines.
  5. Mini-workshop for processing milk into various dairy products. Its acquisition can be excluded if there are not enough funds for it.
  6. Equipment for obtaining and processing milk.

When buying cattle, you need to pay attention to its breed. You should not save on this point, since cows of an expensive breed, as a rule, produce high-quality milk, which can be set at a high price.

You can additionally organize the breeding and sale of young purebred calves.

To feed the cows, pastures are rented and special concentrated feed and hay are purchased.

The costs of keeping cows include their insemination and periodic inspection, treatment by a veterinarian.

Dairy farming is a win-win idea. If there is sufficient starting capital and patience, constant and increasing profits can be achieved.

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Dairy cattle breeding is one of the largest industries livestock farming Organizing a mini-farm begins with drawing up a business plan. It includes the farm design and selection of livestock, possible expenses and much more.


In order for several people to manage a private farm, it is necessary to correctly draw up a project for a livestock farm for 100 animals. A dairy farm business plan includes many important points.

Among them:

  • Selection of milk herds,
  • Construction of cowsheds,
  • Determination of technological parameters,
  • Determination of cow housing schemes,
  • Organization of milking and delivery rooms,
  • Veterinary and sanitary requirements, etc.

Choosing an animal breed

The economic viability of a dairy farm depends on the quality and quantity of milk produced.

And for this you need to take into account:

  • Breed,
  • Conditions of detention,
  • Quality feed,
  • Veterinary services.

The most popular dairy breeds:

  • Red Danish,
  • Montbeliardskaya,
  • Kholmogorskaya,
  • Ayrshire,
  • Yaroslavskaya,
  • Red steppe,
  • Kostromskaya,
  • Simmentalskaya,
  • Holstein,
  • Jersey,
  • Finnish.

Good housing conditions will allow each animal to produce from 4 to 12 thousand liters of milk with an average fat content of 3.5% per year. Cows reach their maximum milk yield only by the 5th lactation. But organizing proper milking and launch is important from the first year.

Cow placement schemes

There is a classification of farms according to the keeping of cattle: breeding and commercial. Commercial livestock farms are divided into:

  • For dairy
  • Meat and dairy,
  • Meat,
  • For rearing young animals,
  • I will fatten the calves.

Breeding farms specialize in raising and selling young animals, working on the genotype and breeding new breeds.

The size of farms depends on the focus: breeding farms are built for 400, 600, 800 and 1200 heads, and commercial farms are built for 2000, 1600, 1000, 800, 400 and 200 heads. Cows can be kept either tethered or loose.

A properly organized dairy business takes into account not only the size of the livestock farm, but also:

  • Level of feed procurement intensity,
  • Providing the dairy farm with the necessary resources,
  • Ecological state of the area,
  • Installed milk production system,
  • Animal housing system
  • feeding system,
  • Manure disposal options.

Construction of a cowshed

Breeding cows as a business involves building a barn and outbuildings. The main building for a dairy herd for 100 heads is made with dimensions of 26 * 54 m, and two symmetrical blocks are built for 200 heads. This area is enough to keep animals both in boxes and on abundant bedding. When housing in stalls, the boxes are arranged in four rows, and for bulls, double stalls are made in the middle.

The 4.5 m wide feeding table is located in the center. For watering, either automatic individual drinkers or a group drinker for 10 - 12 animals are used. The internal passage is made 2.7 m wide and equipped with automatic gates to separate the herd. This is needed for beating animals during milking, for veterinary procedures, culling or sale. Materials for construction are selected based on the terrain and climate, but usually brick, cinder blocks, foam blocks or reinforced concrete blocks are used.

Milking shop

Construction of a dairy farm is impossible without organizing a separate milking block and pre-milking area necessary for animals awaiting milking. There are also gates that allow several cows to be sent to the maternity section or for insemination at once. The selection section is located at the exit from milking parlor and has an area of ​​25 sq.m. It consists of two stalls and an insemination machine, as well as a narrow stall for castration of young bulls and collection of sperm from breeding bulls.

On a farm of 100 heads or more, it is optimal to use Euro Class Herringbone equipment.

It allows you to completely mechanize the milking process and service the entire herd in 4 working cycles. To operate the installation, 1-2 people are needed. The advantages of the device are control of the amount of milk production, direct flow of milk into the receiver and cooling tank, the ability to keep records of daily, weekly and monthly milk yields from each cow.

Maternity unit

Cow breeding as a business involves the sale of both milk and breeding stock. Therefore, the farm must have a maternity ward. Most often, it is equipped in the same building with a milking and dairy shop. The maternity block can be connected to the main barn by a covered passage. The department is equipped with ten separate stalls for deep-calving cows, and several calving stalls are installed. Maternity boxes are made 3.5*3.5 m in size.

A solid partition demarcates the room for calves, in which boxes for 10 animals are located. The size of each calf stall is 1.5 * 1 m. A feed kitchen is located nearby - this simplifies the preparation of mixtures and mash for feeding newborns. The calf is kept in the maternity ward for the first month of its life, after which it is sold or transferred to a barn.

Microclimate organization

Milk production directly depends on creating the right conditions for the life of cows. This includes not only feeding and watering, but also the organization of ventilation, maintaining the desired air humidity and temperature.

In winter, a comfortable temperature for cattle is from -15 to +10 C. Availability is required fresh air and constant ventilation of the room. To do this, when building a farm for cows, a certain angle of the roof is laid, and blocks of mesh and polycarbonate are made in the walls, covered with special curtains.

Additional heating is only required in maternity ward and milking parlor.

In the main building the cows themselves excrete required amount heat for heating. Additional buildings can be heated either with a heat gun or with a system of water pipes.

Veterinary and sanitary requirements

A successful dairy farm as a business must comply with veterinary and sanitary rules. Otherwise, the veterinary station will not issue accompanying documents for sending raw materials to the dairy plant. Exists single register rules for dairy farms and collective farms, private dairy farms. The main one is that all milking livestock must be registered with veterinarians. According to the schedule, a blood test is collected for tuberculosis, brucellosis and other diseases characteristic of the region.

If milk or meat products are supplied to kindergartens, schools, boarding houses or camps, then the farm must be classified as safe and not have infected animals within a radius of 25 km. All livestock are checked every two weeks by the supervisor veterinarian. A form on the health status of the livestock, along with test results, is provided monthly to the chief district veterinarian.

Veterinary and sanitary rules for dairy farms stipulate the isolation of sick animals for a period established by the quarantine requirements of the region. Milk from infected individuals is manually milked into a separate container and destroyed.

Another important point is the isolation and disposal of cows suffering from diseases dangerous to humans. These include brucellosis, anthrax, plague, foot and mouth disease.

All dairy premises must be kept clean. The territory, in accordance with veterinary requirements, is fenced, and a disinfectant barrier is installed at the entrance. The manure storage facility is being built according to a standard design, at a distance of 100 m from the dairy block.

Financial expenses

The dairy business requires investment, but proper organization pays off pretty quickly. The main component of the cash expense item is the purchase or rental of land and the construction of a barn. For a small family farm of 100 heads, the minimum plot area is 1000 sq.m. Ideally, there should be meadows for grazing animals near the farm area.

Renting ready-made buildings is cheaper than building a farm from scratch.

The cost depends on the area, the building area and pasture lands, the condition of the cowsheds, and communications. The advantages of renting are that old Soviet farms for keeping cattle meet all necessary standards.

Construction of a typical mini dairy farm for 200 heads will cost approximately 12 - 15 million rubles. A separate expense item is the purchase of milking equipment and inventory. The average cost of setting up a milking area is about 5 million. An important part financial planning- purchase of livestock. Depending on the breed, adult dairy cows cost from 60 to 120 thousand rubles, and three-month-old heifers cost from 10 to 45 thousand. It is more profitable to buy heifers, but you will have to wait two to three years for the first milk yield. It is also worth considering whether to buy the entire herd, or leave room for development and replenish the herd with heifers from self-repair.

Another important expense item is the purchase of feed. You can calculate the costs for the entire herd based on a simple calculation: on average, one cow eats 25 thousand rubles worth of feed per year. The amount includes hay, silage, grain, root crops, salt and feed. You can reduce the amount if you have the opportunity to independently produce hay, straw and haylage.

Required documents

Livestock farming as a business requires a mandatory package of official documents. If the farm is small, then the simplest form of registration is a private farm. This best option For family business. The average cost of registration across the country is about 2,000 rubles, and the process takes no more than 5 working days. When choosing the type of taxation, you should give preference to the unified agricultural tax. In this case, the farmer pays from total profit only 6%.

To breed cattle, you need permission from the veterinary service, and to sell finished products, you need a quality certificate.

To obtain it, a milk sample is regularly sent for testing to a laboratory and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Sales of products

When drawing up a business plan, it is important to take into account both how to make a farm, but also how it will work. This requires a market. A dairy unit organized on the farm will allow not only to receive, but also to cool milk. The refrigerated product is much easier to send to factories and processing plants, as well as to sell in markets. Farmers with up to 200 head of livestock can open a small store and sell their own products. Another sales option is sale to resellers or agents who will carry out subsequent sales.

According to the estimated set of consumer basket approved for 2016, the consumption rate of meat and meat products for the average Russian is about 60 kg per year, milk and dairy products - about 300 kg per year. Actual figures are usually an order of magnitude higher. If you look at these figures from the perspective of not a consumer, but an entrepreneur, you can see a favorable ratio and the opportunity to make good money in the production of meat and dairy products.

Breeding cows on a personal farmstead as a business

When preparatory stage passed, and suitable conditions have been created for the animals, young animals can be purchased. Let's consider sample business plan breeding cows using the example of the most common dairy breed in Russia - black and white.

To start a small home farm, you can purchase 4 heifers and 1 bull. Calves must be purchased from large farms. Healthy, normally developed animals bred from highly productive cows should be selected. The suitable age of a cow for forming a herd is 1.5 years, when the animal reaches sexual maturity.

Business Starting Costs

The cost of a one and a half year old heifer is about 12 thousand rubles, a bull - 18 thousand rubles.

Thus, it will cost you 66 thousand rubles to purchase young animals.

Cows will need compulsory vaccination from various diseases, and periodically it is necessary to conduct tests for brucellosis and tuberculosis. About 5 thousand rubles will be spent on veterinarian services per year.

One of the most important issues livestock breeding is the organization of feeding at different times of the year. In summer, the bulk of a cow's diet should be fresh grass. In winter, the animal must be fed with pre-prepared hay, silage, vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes), and mixed feed.

Feed consumption rate calculated for one cow per year:

  • hay – 2 tons – 7 thousand rubles;
  • straw – 1 ton – 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • silo – 4 tons – 4.8 thousand rubles;
  • green mass – 10 tons – 10 thousand rubles;
  • root vegetables – 2.5 tons – 10 thousand rubles;
  • concentrates – 1 ton – 7 thousand rubles.

It turns out that in order to feed one cow for a year it will take about 41 thousand rubles. You can save money if the farmer has his own land, which can be used as pasture in the summer and sown with grass for hay.

Attention! It is mandatory to give a cow at least 100 g of salt per day. This will help maintain the acid-salt balance in the animal’s body.

In order to milk cows 2 times a day, you should purchase a special machine, which will cost approximately 27 thousand rubles. However, you can save on this point if you organize the process manually.

If you do the calculations, it turns out that it will take the entrepreneur about 300 thousand rubles to launch a small farm for breeding cows and the first year of work.

When to expect profit

The farm will begin to generate real income only by the end of the first, and more often - in the second year of its existence.

A cow can give birth once a year in the amount of 1 calf. Lactation lasts on average 300 days. Moreover, in the first time after calving (2-3 months), 50% of the cow's milk will be used to fatten the calf.

On average, 1 cow produces 10 liters of milk per day. Thus, during the first 90 days of the lactation period, the farmer will be able to sell about 5 liters of milk per day from one cow. From four cows – 20 liters respectively.

The remaining 210 days of sales will take all 10 liters per day from one cow, which means 40 liters from the entire farm.

The average price of whole cow's milk in 2016 is 60 rubles. for 1 liter.

Consequently, in one lactation the farmer will be able to earn 153 thousand rubles. from one animal and 612 thousand rubles. from all livestock. And this is only when selling the primary product, that is, milk. If you engage in the production and sale of cream, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter, your income may increase.

In addition, the calves brought in can either be sold as young animals or fattened and slaughtered with subsequent sale of beef. At the same time, young animals can be sold immediately after weaning from the cow, and raising calves for meat will require about another year of fattening.

Attention! The average weight of a dairy cow at one year of age is 300 kg, and that of a bull can reach up to 400 kg. The slaughter yield of beef is approximately 50%. Price for 1 kg – 300 rub. That is, from the sale of meat you can earn from 45 thousand rubles. up to 60 thousand rubles.

If we compare the costs of maintaining a farm and possible revenue, it turns out that raising cows is a profitable activity, which, although it does not pay off so quickly, in the future brings a lot of money and has many development options.

From a personal farmstead to a real cattle farm

Activities in the field of agriculture today are also beneficial because every farmer has the potential opportunity to receive real assistance in developing the economy from the state.

Thus, every year, considerable funds are allocated from the federal budget to promote in the regions a targeted program for the development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms. As part of this program, entrepreneurs are allocated:

  • grants for the creation and development of a farm;
  • subsidies that provide compensation for costs already incurred;
  • preferential loans.

To participate in the competition, a farmer must fulfill a number of requirements, more details of which can be found in the regional authority of the Ministry of Agriculture.