It is not a sign of official business style. Business text. Other examples of texts in business style

Russian language and culture of speech: course of lectures Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 Features of official business style. Business man speech

Features of official business style. Business man speech

1. Features of official business style.

2. Business communication culture.

3. Conditions for successful business communication.

4. National characteristics of business communication.

Everyone knows the tale of two bear cubs who shared the cheese they found. They didn't trust each other and asked the fox to share the cheese. As a result, the fox ate all the cheese, but the bear cubs got nothing. Also instructive is the story of two sisters who had only one orange. They cut him in half. It turned out that one of the sisters needed the peel, and the second needed the juice. Each of them would receive twice as much if they took into account each other's interests.

For success in communication, it is very important to take into account the interests, values ​​of the addressee, his expectations and goals, as well as the scope of communication. This principle is especially important in business communication, which serves the official business style.

Official business style serves the sphere of official business relations, i.e., relations that arise between state bodies, between or within organizations, between organizations and individuals in the process of production and legal activities.

In the official business sphere, the language of people connected by the interests of the business is used, who have the necessary authority to establish business relationships and resolve business problems. That's why they talk about business communication.

Oral business speech is addressed to the interlocutor and implies the possibility of influencing him. For this purpose, in addition to verbal, non-verbal language is used. Business communication has its own lexical, grammatical and stylistic specificity.

The vocabulary of official business speech uses a large amount of international vocabulary, standardized expressions, cognates, nouns with a generic meaning, also abbreviations, compound words. Verbs and verbal formations are widely used - participles, gerunds, verbal nouns and adjectives.

Syntax is characterized by the presence of incomplete, impersonal sentences, addresses, connecting constructions, simple sentences, introductory words and phrases. Prepositions and passive constructions, a large number of homogeneous members of the sentence are used.

Business communication requires strict use speech structures, standards, jargon is not allowed, etc. Business communication presupposes knowledge of professional language, knowledge of terms specific to a certain area of ​​communication (legal, diplomatic, managerial).

The main requirements for the oral speech of a business person are as follows:

– accuracy and clarity (using words in the correct meaning, excluding foreign words used unnecessarily),

– brevity (no repetitions, tautologies),

– specificity,

– correctness,

– normativity,

– logicality,

- argumentativeness,

– standard speech formulations.

Business communication may be necessary (when, without interpersonal contacts, the implementation joint activities impossible), desirable (certain contacts contribute to more successful implementation of tasks), neutral, undesirable (makes it difficult to achieve the goal).

Business people have to constantly communicate with people at different levels of the career ladder. That's why they talk about vertical and horizontal relationships. Vertically, these are subordination relations; they are determined by social status, administrative and legal norms and are characterized by the subordination of the junior to the senior in rank. In Russia, a vertical dialogue has historically developed.

Horizontal relationships involve participation in joint activities on the principles of cooperation, mutual understanding, taking into account common interests. Currently, in the business life of Russia there is a transition to subordination and partnership relations.

A specific feature of business communication is its regulation, i.e., subordination to established rules and restrictions. There are so-called written and unwritten rules behavior. Regulation (protocol) presupposes compliance with standards business etiquette, which reflects the accumulated experience, moral attitudes of certain social groups and people of different nationalities. The protocol prescribes how to behave in a business setting, at a meeting, negotiations, as well as how to dress, what to give, how to behave business correspondence and much more. A very important place is given to speech etiquette. Currently, a whole system of speech formulas has been created for each speech situation.

The regulation of business communication also means that it is limited in time. Business meetings have strict regulations. To do this, the range of issues to be discussed is outlined in advance and careful preparation for the meeting is carried out.

When communicating, it is very important to create a favorable psychological climate. For this it is recommended:

– Greet the interlocutor with a sincere smile, a friendly look, address him by his first name and patronymic or using the address customary in a particular country.

– Show your desire to understand the interlocutor’s position, focus on the result expected by the interlocutor.

– Try to identify the positive qualities of the interlocutor.

– Consider the emotional state of the interlocutor.

– Emphasize the equality of positions, behave calmly and confidently.

– Emotionally support the conversation.

– Express sincere approval (all people love when they are praised and talked about their merits).

- Give compliments. Any business conversation, commercial negotiations can begin with them. The more compliments a person gives, the more he receives.

An important feature of business communication is the strict observance of role roles by its participants: boss - subordinate, partners, colleagues, etc.

According to psychologists, each of us represents one type or another in communication. Depending on the role in communication and the type of character, different groups are distinguished. Currently, entire systems have been created for determining personality type based on various characteristics.

Thus, American psychologist Everett Shostrom believes that there is a manipulator inside every person. He identifies the following types:

– dictator (dominates, orders, controls),

– victim of a dictator (obeys orders),

– calculator (deceives, lies, tries to outwit),

– clingy (craves to be the object of concern, forces you to do everything for yourself),

– hooligan (exaggerates aggressiveness, controls using threats),

- nice guy (kills with kindness, moralist),

– judge (does not trust anyone, is critical),

– protector (takes care of others, overly emphasizing this). Based on them, 4 types of people in business communication are identified:

– active – plays the role of a person full of strength;

– passive – pretends to be stupid and helpless (“orphan of Kazan”);

– competitor – a fighter in a tournament;

– indifferent – ​​plays a role, extracting concessions.

A curious thing is the so-called psychogeometric approach to personality typology, which was substantiated by the American psychologist S. Dellinger. This approach is based on which geometric shape a person prefers.

For example, a “square” loves to work, loves stability and order, and lives according to plan. His speech is logical, consistent, detailed, monotonous, with cliches and terms.

“Triangle” is a leader, energetic, decisive, pragmatic, ambitious, non-self-critical, a detonator of interpersonal relationships. Speech is logical, clear, focused on the essence of the matter, and fast.

The “Rectangle” is dissatisfied with itself, inconsistent, and tends to be supportive. Speech is confused, emotional, unclear.

The “Circle” strives for harmony in relationships, is friendly, strives to empathize, tries to please everyone, and is often indecisive. Speech is often deviating from the main topic, smooth, emotional.

“Zigzag” likes to sharpen the conflict, is witty, strives for independence, feels the mood of people, is unrestrained, expressive, and does not follow through. Speech is inconsistent, associative, bright.

Successful business interaction is determined by how the goal is set, the interests of the partners are determined, and the strategy and tactics are chosen.

In business communication, qualities such as commitment, loyalty to one’s word, organization, and adherence to moral standards are valued.

IN practical activities There are different forms of business communication: conversation, negotiations, meetings, presentations, telephone conversations, briefings. They all have their own characteristics and scope of application, but the process is approximately the same.

As a rule, the following stages are distinguished in business communication: establishing contact, orientation in the situation, discussing issues, making a decision, achieving a goal, leaving contact.

Establishing contact is very important. Sometimes a person is prevented from establishing contact by:

– halo effect – everything good is attributed to a positive person, while with a negative attitude towards a person everything bad is attributed, even his positive actions are regarded in this case as negative;

– typification effect – a judgment about a person is made from the point of view of one’s own experience or the opinions of others;

– the primacy effect – the first impression of a person is the strongest and is difficult to change.

Business communication demonstrates both pros and cons individual characteristics person. Therefore, in business communication, introspection and constant monitoring are needed. In ancient Rome, according to custom, a slave was placed behind the triumphant commander, who during the procession shouted the phrase: “Be careful not to fall,” thus reminding him that he was just a man.

In the process of business communication, various techniques are used to help achieve the goal. (Cialdini described them in his book The Psychology of Influence.)

The principle of contrast, when differences are exaggerated. (Excellently used by sellers. They show first an expensive product and then a cheap one, first a bad house and then a good one, but not the best one, but the one that needs to be sold.)

The principle of mutual exchange. People try to pay for services provided. (They give a gift to try, then force them to buy something they don’t need at all.) In this case, the person feels obligated and often gives more than what was given to him.

The principle of social proof. People focus on other people in a similar situation. The principle of participation in advertising of famous athletes and politicians. This principle takes into account that only 5% of people are initiators, the rest are imitators.

The principle of benevolence. People are more willing to comply with the demands of those they like or know. This is primarily due to physical attractiveness. In this case, the person is automatically attributed positive qualities. We like people who are similar to us.

Lunch method. While eating, people are more willing to make positive decisions and make concessions. Therefore, many contracts are signed and decisions are made during a business lunch or dinner.

In the oral speech of business people, it is necessary to take into account etiquette norms. Experts advise: never talk about your personal life or ask about someone else’s. And politely avoid conversations on personal topics. Thus, when communicating on business, it is not recommended to carry on conversations about politics, religion, or ask questions about income or salary.

The pace of internationalization of the economy, new electronic means connections lead to the expansion of international contacts, the emergence large quantity joint ventures, interaction between representatives of business circles from different countries. Currently, knowledge and understanding of the national characteristics of all participants in communication is the most important condition for effectively solving emerging problems.

Each nation has developed its own traditions of business communication, which are expressed in language, movements, gestures, etc. Thus, the culture of the United States is characterized as informal, individualistic, materialistic, and focused on the value of time. In Japan and China, more time is spent on the group rather than the individual. Subordination and cooperation are more important there. In Latin America or Saudi Arabia, great importance is attached to tradition and ceremony; there it is customary to first talk about unrelated topics and only then move on to the issue of discussion.

Every nation has traits that need to be taken into account in business communication.

The characteristic features of Americans are energy, independence, enterprise, and hard work. They are patriots. Their philosophy is to earn as much as possible as quickly as possible. Their style is highly professional; they are individualists and like to act without regard to their superiors. They are democratic, often behave informally, love jokes, value honesty and frankness, they save time and are punctual. They do not like pauses, they make decisions quickly and rarely change them.

The British are considered honest, reasonable, and courteous. They are characterized by restraint, isolation, efficiency and enterprise. They prefer not to touch on personal topics, they are conservative, and their national passion is gardening. They solve problems not over the phone, but, as a rule, through letters. Their word can be trusted. Verbosity is regarded as a violation of the rules of communication, imposing one’s opinion.

The Japanese are very polite, so they don’t say “no”, making eye contact is considered bad manners, bows are not accepted handshakes, the more important the guest, the more bows. They negotiate as a team and never make decisions right away. If they are treated with politeness, they usually make concessions. Russian journalist V. Tsvetov in his book “The Fifteenth Stone of the Reanji Garden” gives an example of negotiations between Japanese and American companies. When the Americans talked about their company, about the possibilities and benefits of cooperation, the Japanese nodded their heads and listened decorously. And then they started asking questions that seemed irrelevant. The Japanese believed that the Americans were putting pressure on them, and the Americans were surprised by the requests of the other side and their questions. Negotiations were stopped.

Thus, business communication presupposes knowledge of speech etiquette, rules for constructing business conversations and meetings, knowledge of the norms of literary language, and the use of the necessary speech formulas according to the situation. The effectiveness of business communication also depends on knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual, which are reflected by language, and on knowledge of the national characteristics of business people.

1. About What do you need to remember when preparing for a business conversation?

2. What techniques are most often used in business communication, what techniques do you use to achieve your goal?


Sample interview questions

1. Why do you want to work in our company?

2. What work experience do you have?

3. What can you say about the company and its leader?

4. Are you ready to work as long as it takes?

5. What salary do you want to receive?

6. What kind of student were you?

7. What goal do you want to achieve?

8. How do you spend your free time?

10. Why did you leave your previous job?

11. Your strengths and weaknesses.

12. What is the most important thing in life for you?

13. Do you like to work in a team?

When writing a resume

1. All information must fit on one page.

2. The text of the resume is typed on a computer.

4. Titles must be highlighted.

5. The resume is presented beautifully and on good quality paper.

6. All names are written in full.

7. Give information that highlights your strengths and can influence the employer’s decision.

8. Numbers are written in reverse chronological order.

9. Eliminate unnecessary random information. 10. Avoid blots and grammatical errors.

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Section 4 Culture of official business speech

From the author's book

Lecture 3 Features of written speech in business communication. Types of documents, their design, language and style Plan1. Document standards (text and language).2. Speech etiquette of the document.3. Language and style of private documents.4. Language and style of service documentation. Currently

Economy, military industry, advertising, communication in official institutions, government activities. Substyles: legislative (used in the field of government, the volentivity of the function is manifested); administrative and clerical (maintenance of personal business papers, institutional documents, emphasizes the nature of administrative relations - loans, advances); diplomatic substyle (at the international level, relations between the government and diplomats).


Among the bookish styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes caused by the nature of the content itself, but many of its features, historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, and syntactic turns give it a generally conservative character.

A characteristic feature of the official business style is the presence of numerous speech standards in it is a cliché. If in other styles stereotyped phrases often act as a stylistic flaw, then in an official business style in most cases they are perceived as a completely natural part of it.

Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of material, and this undoubtedly makes them easier and simpler to use. It is no coincidence that in certain cases of business practice they use ready-made forms, which you just need to fill out. Even envelopes are customarily labeled in a certain order (different in different countries, but firmly established in each of them), and this has its advantage for both writers and postal workers. Therefore, all those speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication, are quite appropriate in it.


Official business style is the style of documents: international treaties, government acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc.

Despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style is generally characterized by a number of common features. These include:

  • 1) conciseness, compact presentation, economical use of language;
  • 2) standard arrangement of material, frequent obligatory form (identity card, various kinds of diplomas, birth and marriage certificates, monetary documents, etc.), the use of clichés inherent in this style;
  • 3) widespread use of terminology, names (legal, diplomatic, military, administrative, etc.), the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), inclusion of complex abbreviations and abbreviations in the text;
  • 4) frequent use of verbal nouns, denominative prepositions (based on, in relation to, in accordance with, in fact, by virtue of, for the purposes of, at the expense of, along the line, etc.), complex conjunctions (due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.), as well as various stable phrases that serve to connect parts of a complex sentence (in case ...; on the basis that ...; for the reason that ...; with that the condition that ...; in such a way that ...; the fact that ...; the fact that ... etc.);
  • 5) the narrative nature of the presentation, the use of nominative sentences with listing;
  • 6) direct word order in a sentence as the predominant principle of its construction;
  • 7) a tendency to use complex sentences that reflect the logical subordination of some facts to others;
  • 8) almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means;
  • 9) weak individualization of style.


The heterogeneity of topics and the variety of genres make it possible to distinguish two varieties in the style under consideration: the official documentary style and the everyday business style.

In turn, in the first one we can distinguish the language legislative documents related to activities government agencies, and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations.

In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content, genres and the nature of the language used.

The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology state law, civil law, criminal law, code of labor laws, code of laws on marriage and family, etc. Adjacent to it is vocabulary and phraseology related to the work of administrative bodies, official activities citizens, etc.


Examples of documents of this type of official business style include the following excerpts.

Regulations on elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Article 3. Every citizen of the USSR who has reached the age of 23 can be elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, regardless of race and nationality, gender, religion, educational qualifications, residence, social origin, property status and past activities.

Another type of official business style - everyday business style - reflects official correspondence (business letter, commercial correspondence), official business papers (certificate, certificate, act, protocol), private business papers (application, power of attorney, receipt, autobiography, account, etc.). All of them are characterized by a certain standardization, which facilitates their compilation and use and is designed to save language resources and eliminate unjustified information redundancy.

Samples of some business papers.

Statement I ask you to give me a week's leave to travel home for family reasons. Enclosed is a letter informing me of my mother's illness. January 10, 1974 (signature)

Another example:

Receipt. I, Anton Ivanov, a student of grade 5 "B", received 1 (one) copies of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova from the school library for a Russian language lesson. I undertake to return the books on the same day. March 23, 2000 A. Ivanov


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See what “Official business style” is in other dictionaries:

    Formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) is a functional variety of modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    OFFICIAL BUSINESS STYLE- OFFICIAL BUSINESS (from Latin officialis - official) STYLE. One of the functional styles of literary language serving the sphere of written official business relations... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) One of the functional styles of the modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, administration, ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Formal business style- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) One of the functional styles of the modern literary language, serving the sphere of law, power, ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    formal business style- a type of literary language: one of the book styles of speech, serving the spheres of legislation, office work, administrative legal relationsDictionary of literary terms

    Business style- This article is about clothing style; other meanings: Formal business style. Business style is one of the clothing styles designed for business sphere life of society and characterized by rigor, restraint and conservatism in the choice of fabric, color ... Wikipedia

    style- [manner] noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? style, why? style, (I see) what? style, what? style, about what? about style; pl. What? styles, (no) what? styles, what? styles, (see) what? styles, what? styles, about what? about styles 1. Style is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    speech style- ▲ style of presentation; style of speech; character of presentation. conversational style. book style. art style. journalistic style. scientific style. scientific. formal business style. clerical style [language]. protocol style. protocolism...... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    STYLE IN LINGUISTICS- STYLE IN LINGUISTICS, a system of linguistic elements united by a certain functional purpose, methods of their selection, use, mutual combination and correlation, a functional variety of literary language. Compositional speech... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    style- I; m. (French style) see also. in style, stylistic, stylistic 1) a) A set of characteristics, features that create a holistic image of art of a certain time, direction, individual manner of the artist in relation to ideological content and... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Official business style of speech (general characteristics)

Formal business style is a style that serves the legal and administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government institutions, court, as well as in different types business oral communication.

Among book styles, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features: historically established genres, specific vocabulary, morphology, syntactic phrases - give it a generally conservative character.

For formal business style characteristic dryness, lack of emotionally charged words, conciseness, compactness of presentation.

In official papers, the set of linguistic means used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is language stamps, or so-called clichés (French. clich ).

Formal business style– this is the style of documents of different genres, such as:

  • international treaties,
  • government acts,
  • legal laws,
  • resolutions,
  • statutes,
  • instructions,
  • official correspondence,
  • business papers, etc.

But, despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by general and the most important features. These include:

1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of interpretation;

2) locale standard.

These traits find their expression:

A) in the selection of linguistic means (lexical, morphological and syntactic);

b) in the preparation of business documents.

Lexical features of official business style of speech

Lexical (dictionary) system of official business style, in addition to common and neutral words, includes:

1) language stamps (bureaucracy, clichés) : raise a question based on a decision, incoming and outgoing documents, control over execution is assigned upon expiration of the deadline.

2) professional terminology : arrears, alibi, black cash, shadow business;

3) archaisms : I certify this document.

In a formal business style unacceptable use polysemantic words, and words in figurative meanings, A synonyms are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, belong to the same style:

supply = supply = collateral, solvency = creditworthiness, depreciation = depreciation, appropriation = subsidy and etc.

Official business speech reflects not an individual, but a social experience, As a result, her vocabulary is extremely generalized. In the official document, preference is given to generic concepts, for example:

  • arrive (instead of arrive, arrive, arrive etc.),
  • vehicle (instead of bus, plane, Zhiguli etc.),
  • populated area (instead of village, town, village etc.) etc.

Morphological signs of official business speech style

To morphological characteristics of this style applies repeated (frequency) use of certain parts of speech (and their types). These include the following:

1) nouns - names of people based on a characteristic determined by the action ( taxpayer, tenant, witness);

2) nouns denoting positions and titles in the masculine form ( Sergeant Petrova, inspectorIvanova);

3) verbal nouns with a particle Not-(deprivation, non-compliance, non-recognition);

4) derived prepositions ( in connection with, due to, by virtue of, to the extent of, in relation to, on the basis of);

5) infinitive constructions: ( conduct an inspection, provide assistance);

6) present tense verbs in the meaning of a commonly performed action ( behindnon-payment will be subject to a fine… ).

7) compound words formed from two or more stems ( tenant, employer, logistics, repair and maintenance, above, below and so on. ).

Usage specified forms explained by the desire business language to the accuracy of conveying meaning and unambiguity of interpretation.

Syntactic features of official business style of speech

TO syntactic features official business style include:

1) the use of simple sentences with homogeneous members, and the rows of these homogeneous members can be very common (up to 8–10), for example:

fines as an administrative penalty may be established in accordance with Russian legislation for violation of safety and labor protection rules in industry, construction, transport and agriculture;

2) the presence of passive structures ( payments are made at the specified time);

3) stringing the genitive case, i.e. use of a chain of nouns in the genitive case: ( results of the activities of the tax police authorities… );

4) the predominance of complex sentences, especially complex sentences, with conditional clauses:

If there is a dispute about the amount of amounts due to the dismissed employee, the administration is obliged to pay the compensation specified in this article if the dispute is resolved in favor of the employee.

Genre diversity of official business style of speech

According to the themes and variety of genres in the style under consideration, two varieties are distinguished:

I – official documentary style and II – casual business style .

In turn, in the official documentary style one can distinguishjthe language of legislative documents related to the activities of government bodies (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws, charters), andkthe language of diplomatic acts related to international relations (memorandum, communiqué, convention, statement). In everyday business style there arejthe language of official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, andkthe language of private business papers - on the other.

All genres of everyday business style: official correspondence (business letter, commercial correspondence) and business papers (certificate, certificate, act, protocol, statement, power of attorney, receipt, autobiography, etc.) - characterized by well-known standardization, facilitating their compilation and use and designed to save language resources and eliminate unjustified information redundancy.

Questions and tasks

1. What areas of activity does the formal business style serve?

2. What are the common features of formal business style?

3. List the linguistic features of the official business style (lexical, morphological, syntactic).

4. Name the main genres of official business style.

Structural and logical diagram "Official business style of speech and its varieties"

Formal business style of speech


Snezhana Ivanova

The official business style of speech is used in the interaction of people in the field of business and management. The focus of the official business style of speech is broad.

The official business style of speech is used in the interaction of people in the field of business and management. The focus of the official business style of speech is quite broad: jurisprudence, criminal and administrative law.

The peculiarities of business writing are such that it must be built according to certain rules. No free impulses or independent introductions are allowed here. The need to follow clear standards helps to become a successful and respected person.

It may seem to some that the official business style of speech is characterized by excessive rigor in design, but it should be noted that this is a necessary requirement that is observed for better delivery and perception of information by the opponent. But, once you have mastered a certain template, you can create several hundred similar requests.

Official business style of speech. Signs

The features of the official business style of speech are quite recognizable and easily applicable in any area that involves following established norms and procedures. Learning how to write business letters may seem like a daunting task at first, but once you learn the parameters, you can master formal messages much faster than expected.

Ultimate accuracy

Perhaps this is the most main characteristic, which determines the success of the entire enterprise. The main feature of the official business style of speech is its stability, consistency in the composition of phrases and figures of speech. Once you have mastered this complex language, you will no longer experience significant difficulties: you will have ready-made templates to various situations in which you can safely act.

You need to be very attentive and interested in the matter in order to avoid any mistakes when drawing up an important document. Extreme precision completely eliminates the possibility of interpreting written words in two ways. For this reason, the official text can hardly be understood differently, or put into it a different meaning than the one that the interlocutor wants to convey to you.

Strict nature of presentation

In business letters you will not find any individual focus or even interest in the individual. From the outside, the official language looks deliberately dry and pragmatic. Don't expect a lot of creativity or strong emotions from an official document. A business letter or speech has a clear purpose - to convey specific information to the interlocutor. It is best to do this precisely when there are no lyrical digressions or distractions. The strict nature of the presentation guarantees an extremely accurate understanding of the main meaning.

Stereotypical phrase construction

As a rule, all official papers are somewhat similar to each other. This impression is created because the text is written based on an existing template to facilitate its composition and subsequent perception. If people approached every insignificant document as if they were creating an original work of authorship, they would have neither the energy nor the time to work. In official business documents you can find quite common phrases, such as: “Based on the above”, “It should be noted”, “Please note”

Consistency and logic of presentation

In business speech you will not encounter chaos or any exceptions to the rules. All necessary information is always provided depending on the specific goal and tasks that need to be solved. The chance of getting confused in the presented material is negligible. Official - business style of speech always implies a logical presentation of information and according to a strictly defined template. Perhaps people of creative professions will not really like this, but from time to time they also need to conclude contracts and sign important papers. Knowledge of business communication will never be superfluous!

The information is prescriptive in nature.

To an outside observer, it may sometimes seem that such an overly dry style contains only instructive information and has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Actually this is not true. It’s just that the official style requires a detailed and scrupulous immersion in the situation, a detailed consideration of all the details.

Genres of official business style of speech

It is traditional to highlight the following main directions. All of them are strongly interconnected, but each individually also deserves attention.

  • Clerical focus. This includes business papers, office notes, official letters customers and suppliers of goods. Managers of serious enterprises know from their own experience how much work it sometimes takes to compose such a text and how much effort needs to be put into it. Creating competent, constructive content is the key to the success of the development and prosperity of your business. With the help of business letters, you can advertise your services and expand the boundaries of your activities.
  • Diplomatic focus. Drawing up contracts and creating special appeals addressed to other companies also requires serious preparation and knowledge of certain things. It is necessary to present information as accurately, clearly and consistently as possible, highlighting the main thing and identifying the positions of each interested party. Diplomatic orientation often helps people find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Legal orientation. This may include rules, laws, criminal and administrative codes. To correctly draw up all these legal and other forms of documents, you must have special knowledge. Drawing up contracts is notoriously difficult. A competent specialist needs time to master this information.

Thus, the official business style of speech finds wide application in jurisprudence, banking and investment. To a business person you need to be able to correctly draw up contracts, draw up documents, communicate productively with clients, plan work time. And all this cannot be achieved without special knowledge.

Official business (business) style serves purely official human relationships: relations between state authorities and the population; between countries; between enterprises, organizations, institutions; between the individual and society; between a person and various organizations.

The official business style of speech can be divided into two varieties - two substyles:

a) official document, that is, the language of diplomacy, laws: international treaty, note (diplomatic appeal from one government to another), communiqué (official message, mainly on international issues), memorandum (diplomatic document detailing the government’s views on some issue), law , charter, civil act, official message, etc.;

b) everyday business, that is, clerical (instructions, orders, official correspondence, business papers: application, characteristics, autobiography, power of attorney, receipt, certificate, report, protocol, memo, etc.).

The main, defining feature of such a text, the dominant of the official business style as a whole, is the extreme precision that does not allow for misinterpretation. This determines such features of style as strict tonality and standard means of expression. In general, the official business style is characterized by stylistic uniformity and rigor, objectivity and partly impersonality of presentation. Emotionality, subjective assessment and conversation are contraindicated for him. Business texts are characterized by content completeness, accuracy, clarity, and cumbersome structures (due to the desire for accuracy). In this respect, business style approaches scientific style.

However, there is no identity between these styles. For business texts, these requirements, unlike scientific ones, are vital. Without them, a business text cannot become a document. Actually, a document then becomes a document when it is drawn up and certified in a certain, standard form. It is no coincidence that special forms, forms, etc. are so widely used in business communication.

Language means Examples
Language level: Vocabulary
Common literary words that have received special meanings (names of persons according to their function; documents and their parts; designation of actions of officials, official procedures). Plaintiff, defendant, taxpayer, investor, tenant, contractor, order, order, instruction, telephone message, act, personal account, agenda, present, listened, approve, do not object, agreed.
Stationery (that is, words that are not used outside business style). Proper, above, undersigned, named.
Low-frequency, often archaic (outdated) vocabulary used in diplomatic documents. His Highness, His Excellency.
Complex abbreviated words, graphic abbreviations with strictly established rules for their abbreviation. Technical supervision, Ministry of Energy, Rayfo, region.(region), head(manager), Corresponding member(corresponding member), etc.(and so on), cm.(Look).
Standard forms of document presentation (stamps). Pay attention to; for security purposes; during the reporting period; The following shortcomings are noted; in a spirit of mutual understanding; contracting parties; listening and discussing; bring to justice; Based on the foregoing.
Language level: Morphology
The predominance of nouns (especially verbal ones, which often form phrases with incomplete verbs). Execution, decision, instruction, acceptance, delivery; take part, express regret, have application, influence.
Stringing frequency genitive cases dependent nouns (and adjectives). Importance strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime; sanitary maintenance common property residential building of the municipal housing stock.
Almost complete absence of personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons and corresponding forms of the verb (the exception is statements, powers of attorney and other special documents, as well as orders where the form is used - I order). I, Petrova Nina Vasilievna, I trust Petrova Anna Ivanovna... receive my scholarship...; I beg free me from classes...
The frequency of verbs in the indefinite form, as well as the predominance of present tense forms with the meaning of obligation and prescription. Enroll, dismiss, appoint, approve initiative, recommended to be retained, should be considered.
Using masculine forms when naming women by profession. Teacher T.P. Sosnovskaya, boss plot I.G. Khokhlova.
Replacing simple prepositions ( because of, by etc.) nominal. In view of lack of food, due with the start of the heating season, according to order.
Mandatory use of capital letters in personal and possessive pronouns. I beg Your his agreement, I appeal to To you with the request.
Language level: Syntax
The use of complex syntactic structures with a large number of isolated and clarifying phrases, homogeneous members, introductory and inserted constructions. I, Svetlana Pavlovna Ivanova, 1st year student of the Faculty of Philology of Kuban state university, I trust Anna Ivanovna Petrova, living at the address: Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 3, apt. 5; passport: series 63 00, No. 354974, issued by the Komsomolsky Department of Internal Affairs of Krasnodar on May 3, 2002, receive my scholarship in the amount of 1200 (one thousand two hundred) rubles.
Widespread use of impersonal sentences with the meaning of prescription, order, necessity. It is necessary to improve, entrust it to the headman, provide a certificate, consider it necessary, strengthen control.
Lack of replacement of a noun with a pronoun and, accordingly, repetition of nouns and phrases. Turnout defendant hearing the case in absence is also mandatory defendant allowed only: 1) with express consent defendant; 2) if it is proven that defendant has evaded serving a summons to appear in court or is hiding from court.