Project on the theme of migratory birds. Project “Spring. Migratory birds. Listening to music works


" Migratory birds"

Objective of the project: summarize children's knowledge about migratory birds, their lifestyle and distinctive features, consolidate knowledge about nature, and cultivate curiosity.

Project objectives:

Physical development line

  1. Help children develop rhythmic motor skills.
  2. Develop fine motor skills.
  3. Improve coordination of movements.

Socio-moral line of development

  1. Foster activity and a desire to participate in general work, follow the rules of conduct.
  2. Develop the ability to carry out basic actions of self-control and mutual assessment.

Emotional-value line of development

  1. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Cognitive line of development

  1. To promote the development of cognitive activity and the formation of a desire to expand your horizons with knowledge about birds.

Speech line of development

  1. Contribute to the activation of the dictionary (consolidate the names of birds, their features and qualitative characteristics; improve understanding of the semantic side of speech; learn to select words with opposite and similar meanings).
  2. Develop understanding and use of grammatical means in speech (learn to use spatial prepositions - in, above, under, from; teach in different ways word formation using suffixes, by merging two words).
  3. Develop coherent speech (develop skills in writing a descriptive story; teach children different types of statements with components of reasoning; strengthen the ability to convey the intonation completeness of a sentence, correctly convey the intonation of a question; improve the expressiveness of speech)

Artistic and aesthetic line of development

  1. Cultivate interest in folk art.

Creative development line

  1. In order to develop thinking abilities, develop the ability to ask questions.

Predicted result:This project will allow children to develop a cognitive interest in the life of birds and develop a caring attitude towards their feathered friends.

Project duration: 17 days

Project participants: children senior group, educators, parents.

Project implementation plan:

Stage 1 – motivational (2 days)

Stage 2 – informational (4 days)

Stage 3 – reproductive (4 days)

Stage 4 – final (3 days)

Stage 5 – creative (3 days)

Stage 6 – reflective-evaluative (1 day)

First stage (motivational)

You can do everything, you just have to want it.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

- Create motivation that contributes to the transformation of the pedagogical task into the desire of children to explore and create, as well as the internal activity of children.

Specify your pedagogical objectives for the period of project implementation, taking into account individual characteristics each child in the group.




To provide knowledge about how this holiday is celebrated around the world. Expand children's understanding of birds, consolidate the characteristic features of wintering and migratory birds. To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena occurring in nature. To promote the development of cognitive activity and the formation of a desire to expand your horizons with knowledge about birds.

Bird watching

Learn to notice changes in nature, establish relationships between living and inanimate nature, note what changes have occurred in the life of birds.

A. Tolstoy "Magpie"


"Starlings are great"

"Polite Jackdaw"

Cultivate interest in works of art, develop the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge from the content of works of art.

Practical activities

“We meet the birds and treat them to delicious food.”

Cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends and a desire to help them.

Together with children and parents, organize an exhibition of books about birds.

Cultivate interest in works of art, develop a desire to obtain the necessary knowledge about birds from books.



Working with parents:

Preliminary joint work on the manufacture of feeders and birdhouses;

Introduce parents to the beginning of a new topic;

Place the information “Introducing children to migratory birds” in the parent’s corner

Give children knowledge that on International Bird Day, adults and children hang houses and feeders for birds that return home from warm countries;

Develop interest in doing a common task with parents.

To cultivate environmental awareness and environmental behavior in nature, an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Second stage (informational)

Don’t say “I can’t”, but say “I will learn”.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

- To promote the development in children of a desire to learn new things;

To develop in children the ability to learn, the desire to support all the endeavors and suggestions of the teacher;

Develop children's cognitive interest and creative abilities.



Thematic lesson

« Migratory birds»

To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about migratory birds, their habits, lifestyle and distinctive features, to cultivate curiosity and a desire to learn new and interesting things.

Reading works of fiction:

V. Sukhomlinsky “The Rook has arrived”;

V. Bondarenko “The Crane Has Returned”;

L. Poltava “Where our birds live”

I. Bondarchuk “House for Birds”;

K. Perelesnaya “Swallow”;

Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about birds.

Cultivate cognitive interest in works of art, consolidate the ability to listen carefully to a work, and analyze the content.

Excursion to search for birds in nature

Studying the conditions and lifestyle of birds, observing methods of movement and feeding; listening to birdsong, developing the ability to distinguish the voices of birds.

Conversation “Meeting migratory birds”

Deepen children's knowledge about nature native land, about migratory birds, to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people related to birds.

Musical classes:

Learning Ukrainian Folk song

“Oh, at the cherry orchard”, songs “Turn around, lastivko” (music by V Vermenich, lyrics by M. Sigaevsky),

songs “Zozulenka” (music and lyrics by N. Veresokina);

Learning the song-dance “Oh, Zozulenka flew”, the musical game “Skvorushki”;

Listening to the romance “Lark” by composer A. Alyabyev.

To form children's interest in musical creativity, to develop a positive emotional response to various types of musical activities.

Develop figurative movements.



Introduce the distinctive features of the song of the following birds (swallow, rook, starling, nightingale, cuckoo, lark). To develop the desire and ability to distinguish birds by their voices.

Didactic games:

“Who lives where?”, “Guess the bird”, “Who eats what?”, “Find the chick”, “Whose nest?”, “Guess by the voice”, “Who requires our care?”.

To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds, their lifestyle and distinctive features, to explain their dependence on natural conditions and people. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

A tour through the pages of the photo album “Birds of Migratory”

To develop children's cognitive interest in the lifestyle of migratory birds.

Learning poems about birds.

To develop in children the ability to convey the characteristic features of birds in poetic form, cultivate interest in the artistic word.

Safety precautions

Introduce children to the rules of behavior with birds in their immediate environment, explain the unsafety of communicating with unfamiliar and sick birds.

Working with parents:

Offer parents an information consultation “Meeting Migratory Birds”

Ensuring continuity in the presentation and consolidation of children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Third stage (reproductive)

It's easy, you can do it! Anyone who is confident in himself and his abilities can do a lot for himself and for people.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

Help each child try out their capabilities, comparing them with their desires;

Induce a feeling of self-confidence, the ability to accept the results of children's activities with joy and pride;

Create conditions under which children have a desire to be creative;

Track the dynamics of each child’s development in comparison with his personal previous achievements.



Compilation descriptive stories about birds.

Strengthen children's ability to write descriptive stories about birds (appearance, distinctive features what it eats, where it lives, what nests it builds, how it takes care of its offspring, what song it sings, features of interaction with humans); develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.

Didactic games:

Arrange the birds according to their habitat;

Recognize the bird by its description;

Name the chicks.

Strengthen children's knowledge about birds.



Paper construction “The rooks have arrived”

Develop paper design skills according to a pattern.

Learn to follow the sequence of completing the craft suggested in the diagram.

Learn to decorate a craft, “revive” it with the help of drawing or appliqué.

Develop an interest in the art of origami.

Making little books

"Birds are our friends"

Learn to reflect familiar information about migratory birds in the content of little books, and present it colorfully and attractively.

Drawing birds.

Learn to convey characteristic features in a drawing appearance birds.

Modeling larks from salt dough.

Introduce children to folk traditions and customs.

Outdoor games:

“Birds” - children walk around the feeder and run away at a signal.

"Frogs and Herons" - jumping and walking with high knees.

“Sparrows and Hawk” - similar to “Cat and Mice”.

“The sparrow flew, the sparrow flew” is a folk game.

Develop figurative movements, create interest in physical activity.

Musical game “Bird Melody”

Teach children to select the sounds of different musical instruments to the image of a particular bird.

Production of wall newspapers:

- "International Bird Day"

- “That’s interesting to know!” (unusual facts from the life of migratory birds),

- “How we met birds” (photo report)

Teach children to apply their knowledge when compiling various types of newspapers.

Experimental activity.

Collect a collection of bird houses. Collect with your children the materials from which they are made.

To form cognitive activity in children.


Hang feeders on trees growing around kindergarten. Pour food, crumbs, and grains into the feeders.

Cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them.

Working with parents.

Offer to make a booklet or presentation about migratory birds together with your child.

Develop interest in doing a common task with parents. Ensuring continuity in consolidating children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Fourth stage (generalization, analysis and systematization of knowledge)

No one was born wise, but learned.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

  • Find out whether changes have occurred in the development of each pupil;
  • Summarize and systematize the skills and abilities acquired by children during the previous stages.



Quiz game “What do we know about birds.”

Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about migratory birds and their seasonal behavior.

Evening of mysteries “Our feathered friends”.

To clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about migratory birds,

Didactic games:

"Disassemble the Birds"

"The fourth odd one" (which bird is the odd one out?)

“Who eats what? » (pick up food)

"Find your group"

Strengthen the ability to classify birds as migratory and wintering. Learn to compare and generalize.

Solving crossword puzzles about migratory birds with children.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the names of birds and the features of their appearance.

Independent artistic activity. Drawing on the theme “My favorite bird”

Strengthen the ability to convey in a drawing the image of a bird and its characteristic features.

Musical educational game

Strengthen the ability to distinguish birds by their voices.

Dramatization for younger and older children middle groups“I’m friends with birds, and I’ll tell you about them.”

To consolidate children’s ability to convey their knowledge about migratory birds in theatrical activities.

Didactic exercise “Recognize the bird.”

Strengthen children's ability to guess the bird using questions.

Travel game “Visiting the Birds”

To consolidate children's knowledge about birds, their way of life and distinctive features,

Fifth stage (creative)

Don't be afraid to dream, fantasize and create!

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

  • Believe in the creative potential and abilities of every child;
  • Create a favorable atmosphere for their development;
  • Fill the creative process with positive emotions;
  • Use ideas from children, parents, and employees in your work.



“Composing creative stories on the theme “My favorite bird”,

“What interesting things do I know about rooks?” “One day in the life of a swallow...”,

“This amazing bird is the nightingale”, etc.


Learn to apply acquired knowledge about migratory birds when composing creative stories. Develop children's speech activity, creative imagination and fantasy.


Creative images of birds using non-traditional techniques (cereals, fabric, threads, feathers, clay, dough, thermomosaics).

Develop creative visual skills when conveying the image of a migratory bird.

Coming up with a fairy tale on a theme

"The Unusual Journey of a Swallow." In the work, use the algorithm for creating a fairy tale familiar to children - an adult gradually draws the plot of a fairy tale invented by the children.

Develop children's creative imagination.

Involve children in the design of the photo album “Birds are our friends.”

To form positive emotions in children when performing creative activities.

Together with the children, develop sketches of bird costumes for the holiday.

To develop in children a desire to demonstrate design skills in practical activities.

Making paper birds as a gift for kids.

Develop creative skills in paper construction while conveying the image of a migratory bird.

Competition for the best reader of poems about birds.

Develop expressive speech skills and create a positive emotional attitude.

Working with parents.

Organize a competition “Best still frame” (bird photograph)

Develop interest in doing a common task with parents. Create a favorable atmosphere for the development of children's creative abilities.

Sixth stage (reflective-evaluative)

We notice and rejoice at everyone’s successes.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

Learn to characterize both your personal development and the mental and moral development of students;

Select for further work pedagogical methods and techniques that gave the best results.

Bird themed holiday.

Clarify children's knowledge about migratory birds and their distinctive features.

Strengthen the ability to recognize birds by size, color, and sounds made.

Expand children's horizons about national holidays.

Develop coherent speech, promote vocabulary activation.

Teach children the elements of word creation.

Develop a positive emotional response to various types of speech activity.

Enrich the emotional and sensory sphere.

Tatiana Lebedeva
"Migratory birds". Project in the senior group with a compensatory focus

municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 39"


« Migratory birds» .


Teacher I qualification

Arzamas 2014

1. Information card project.

2. Summary project

3. « Migratory birds»

4. Passport project.

5. System web project.

6. Summary of joint activities of the teacher and children senior preschool age with ONR on the topic « Migratory birds» On air TV show"nature experts".

7. Definition of prospects.

8. Literature.

9. Application.

Information card project.

View project: cognitive and creative.

Duration: 7 days.

Participants: educators groups, preschool specialists, parents, children senior group with OHP.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Problem: The concept of migratory birds. Incompetent parents’ knowledge on the issue of forming an ecologically holistic personality in children, i.e. a personality associated with the surrounding world of living nature.

The teacher says children:

Guys, an artist I know loves not only to draw nature, but also to photograph it. And then one spring, he managed to see and photograph several birds. But the problem is, the film is stuck in the camera and you can get the photo only when you name it correctly bird. Will you help me find out birds and get some photos? Children look at photographs birds. The teacher puts before them a problematic situation and asks questions:

How can you call all these in one word? birds? (migratory) .

Why are they called that?

Why in the spring the birds are returning?

What do we know about birds of our region?

Do you need help? birds in spring living next to a person?

Who and what will help us find out about birds?

Relevance: children with speech disorders have insufficient understanding of migratory birds, about their cubs, features of appearance, living conditions, habits. They find it difficult to compose a coherent statement about a subject because they do not have sufficient knowledge and vocabulary; they need the help of an adult in planning a story. Children's participation in project« Migratory birds» will enrich knowledge and ideas about migratory birds and their young, their characteristics of life; develop coherent speech and creative abilities of children; develop self-control over correct sound pronunciation.

Target: creating conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities in the process of developing child-adult educational project« Migratory birds» ; formation of preschoolers' ideas about life migratory birds, their relationships with environment, identifying benefits and harms during observations and conversations.


For children:

Learn to formulate a goal project, plan your activities;

Increase your knowledge about migratory birds.

Develop self-control skills, the ability to work in a team, cooperate, and negotiate.

For teachers:

Expand your understanding of migratory birds, their image life: establish a connection between changes in natural conditions and arrival birds. Introduce names into speech birds: starling, nightingale, cuckoo, swan, stork.

Continue work on teaching the agreement of words in a sentence in gender, number, case on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To teach mastery of origami techniques, to improve children’s skills and abilities in modeling and drawing birds;

Encourage children to develop emotional interest in activities and positive interaction skills with peers and adults;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, teach them to express their care for them in useful activities.

For parents:

Help children acquire new knowledge and skills in the process project activities ;

(enrichment and deepening of ideas about migratory birds of our region).

Be involved in joint activities with children when creating products project activities.

Form and name of the final event project:

unconventional occupation - TV show"Nature Experts"

Products project

For children:

Drawings, crafts, group work.

For teachers:

Making didactic games on the topic,

For parents:

– joint production of wall newspapers and baby books by children and parents, with the compilation of a story about migratory birds, making birdhouses.

Expected results project.

For children:

Acquisition necessary knowledge and ideas about migratory birds;

Ability to solve proposed problems in joint activities;

The child's desire to participate in design research and creative activities;

Demonstration of emotional responsiveness to the results of one’s activities;

(cognitive, search, creative, gaming activities);

Children’s mastery of the necessary communication skills and skills of interaction with adults and children;

The desire of children to show curiosity and activity in the proposed activities (cognitive, search, creative, gaming);

Voluntary regulation by children of their actions and emotional states;

Children's mastery of ways to make a general decision.

For teachers:

Realization of the main goal project, its full reflection in project.

Increasing the level of children's knowledge on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Activating the dictionary by lexical topic « Migratory birds» .

Formation of skills in modeling, drawing, origami;

For parents:

Establishing emotional contact with children;

Productive interaction between parents and children in the process of joint activities.

Natalya Novikova
Senior group project “Migratory Birds”



Senior group

Completed by the teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 132"

Novikova Natalya Vladimirovna


Subject: « Migratory birds»

Type project: cognitive-speech.

View project: group.

Participants: children, teachers, parents of secondary groups.

Children's age is 5-6 years.

Implementation deadlines: short-term (April).


Expand children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Develop interest in life birds.

Relevance project:

The relationship of man with nature and its inhabitants - actual question modernity. It is feasible if each child has a sufficient level of environmental culture and environmental awareness, the formation of which begins in early childhood and continues throughout life.

The townspeople have very limited capabilities communication with nature, therefore, I consider one of the important tasks of environmental education to be introducing children to the natural objects of their immediate environment.

Animals or birds we most often see in our cities and forests? Certainly, birds. Here, in the big city, birds live side by side with us and delight us with their presence.

I think children need to be told as much as possible about life activities birds, why they fly away and why they come back...

The infinitely diverse world of nature awakens children's keen interest, curiosity, and encourages them to play and perform artistic and speech activities.

Impressions of the native nature received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime and often influence a person’s attitude towards nature, towards the Motherland.


"Educational area"

Cognitive development:

Introduce children to life migratory birds in natural conditions: nutrition, adaptation to the environment.

Strengthen the idea of ​​appearance and body parts.

Speech development:

Activate names in speech birds and chicks.

Practice using comparisons and selecting definitions for a given word.

Social-communicative development:

Practice using the acquired knowledge in independent gaming activities.

Develop role interaction.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Form the prerequisites for skill using familiar means of expression transmit characteristic features of appearance birds.

Cultivate a desire to listen to musical works about birds. Transmit using movements and voice features birds.

Physical development:

Develop children's motor activity through play exercises.

Stage 1 - preparatory:

Working with parents:


1. Involve parents in equipping the subject-spatial environment in group on this topic.

Prepare material for consultations on topics:

- “Tell your children at home about birds» ;

- "Riddles about birds» ;

- "Remember the verses about birds» .

2. Involve parents in equipping the subject-spatial environment in group on this topic.

3. Introduce parents to the work carried out with children on this topic, placing all the material in the corner for parents.

4. Post everything required material in all areas of development to attract children to this topic, the desire to learn something new about birds.

Stage 2 - main:

"Let's find out while playing"

Target: Learn and remember migratory birds in a playful way.

Looking at illustrations migratory birds.

-Conversation: “Who came to us in the spring?” And “Why do they come back to us? birds

Migratory birds- In winter they fly to warm countries, here they are cold and have nothing to eat. Those who winter are not afraid of the cold and stay here.

Flying away birds have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, so in search of food birds fly away to warmer climes.

Migratory birds live here in summer, build nests, hatch chicks, and with the onset of cold weather they fly away to hot countries for the winter, only to return to their native places in the spring.

Listening to a tape recorder "Singing birds» , "Sounds of nature".

-Didactic games:

« Birds»

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to recognize and name migratory birds.

“Call it in one word”

Target: Form the prerequisites for the ability to generalize birds by characteristics.

« Birds and their young»

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to name plural and singular nouns.

"Write a story about bird»

Target: Develop coherent speech in children.

“How many birds?”

Target: To form the prerequisites for the ability to count to ten.

"The Fourth Wheel"

Target: Form the prerequisites for skills group birds by characteristics.

Stage 3 – final.

"Let's find out migratory birds»


Systematize children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Together with the children, make a collage on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Ability to portray bird, highlighting characteristic features.

Parents and children making children's books on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Expected Result:

Children develop a system of knowledge about migratory birds;

Create the necessary conditions in group on the formation of a holistic view of life migratory birds.

Make children want to help and feed birds all year round.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the GCD on ecology “Migratory Birds” in the senior group Abstract of the GCD on ecology “Migratory Birds” in the senior group. Goal: formation of environmental thinking and education of environmental culture.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Petrozavodsk urban district “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority.

Objectives: 1. Introduce children to migratory birds, find out why they are called that, 2. Develop children’s active and passive vocabulary;

The lesson notes for the senior group on the technology of the activity approach correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard. Topic: “Migratory and wintering birds” Compiled by.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on ecology “Migratory Birds” Objectives: 1. Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about the arrival of birds. 2. Introduce children to the concepts of “flying in a wedge”, “chain”, “flock”.

Gurcheva Tatyana
Environmental project in the senior group “Migratory Birds”

Ecological project« Migratory birds»

Senior group

Made up: teacher Gurcheva Tatyana

Participants project: children senior group(5-6 years old, parents, teachers, music director.

By dominant activity: educational, playful, creative.

By duration: short-term (4 weeks)

Formulation of the problem:

On our planet, in recent years, serious violations of the mechanisms of self-regulation of systems at different levels, up to the biosphere, have been increasingly observed. The reasons for this are wasteful, often illiterate. Human activity in nature. That's why. In order for a person to think about his attitude to the world around him, we, preschool teachers, must give children knowledge about nature from early childhood, maintain interest in understanding the world around them, teach them to realize that we do not have the right to destroy what nature has created and that, by destroying nature , we destroy ourselves.

Behavioral monitoring showed that not all children know what benefits they bring birds, as well as what for harmful to birds, and what is useful.

Introducing preschoolers to environmental culture is impossible without getting to know the culture of your people. Memorizing chants, nursery rhymes, and jokes immerses children in the origins folk culture. But it is through folklore were transmitted from generation to generation knowledge about the environment, including nature: they record observations accumulated over centuries of the characteristic features of the seasons.

Therefore, it was decided to introduce the children to migratory birds through connection with Russian folk customs and rituals.

Target project: formation of children’s ideas about the features of life

migratory birds, development of cognitive interest in native nature, fostering a careful and caring attitude towards birds; developing children's interest in folk culture.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and lifestyle migratory birds;

Introduce the concepts of flying "wedge", "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop observation skills;

Arouse interest in oral folk art (chants, nursery rhymes, round dance songs, etc.)

Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Integration of educational regions: cognition, communication, reading art. literature, music, art. creativity, socialization.

Expected Result:

Children will develop knowledge about migratory birds; sustainable interest in wildlife;

Children's knowledge of n. T. ;

Creating a presentation « Migratory birds»

Application of acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Stages project:

1. Organizational.


activities Objectives Implementation deadlines

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic Determine children’s current knowledge about migratory birds A week before the start project

Selection methodological literature Methodological support project Within a week before start project

Selection fiction Information Support project Within a week before start project

Production and selection of teaching aids on the topic Provision project visuals Within a week before the start project

Writing a GCD outline Planning upcoming work Within a week before the start project

Stage 2. Activity planning.

Di "Name migratory birds» « Birds and chicks» "Oh yeah bird» Activate names in speech migratory birds and their chicks

Reading stories by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck", G. Snegirev « birds of our forests» , V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", "Whose nose is better", poetry. Practice using comparisons, selecting definitions, synonyms for a given word. Develop expressiveness and beauty of speech.

P/n « nesting birds» , "Flock", "Birds in Nests", "Larks" Teach children to imitate voices birds

Riddles about migratory birds Learn to solve riddles based on description and comparison

Compiling a story based on a picture "The Rooks Have Arrived" A.K. Savrasova Develop coherent speech. Activate vocabulary

Application « Migratory birds» Teaches to portray birds using an application

Exhibition of books on the topic « Migratory birds» with illustrations Create interest in the book.

Conversations about life migratory birds Build knowledge about lifestyle migratory birds

Application of non-traditional shape Continue learning transmit characteristics birds using an application

Learning nursery rhymes, chants, finger games Develop expressive speech and hand motor skills

Creating an album for review with parents « Migratory birds» , creating a presentation with the same name Summarize ideas about the characteristic features migratory birds

Stage 3. Final.

Project activity tasks

Demonstration event "They're flying migratory birds» Summarize ideas about the characteristic features migratory birds

Exhibition of drawings and applications Present the result of creative activity

Presentation « Migratory birds» Promote the desire to talk about birds express your feelings and thoughts

Performance evaluation:

During implementation project« Migratory birds» certain results:

Sustainable knowledge about life has been formed migratory birds and their meaning in nature and people’s lives;

Interest in oral folk art has been created;

Partnerships have been established between children and parents.

Project "Migratory Birds"

Senior group No. 2

Children's age: 5-6 years

Project type: educational - playful.

Project participants: older children, teachers, parents.

Implementation period: from 16.10 - 27.10.2017

Relevance of the project: It was not by chance that we chose environmental education for preschoolers by means of introducing them to birds. We are so used to birds that sometimes we don’t notice. But they are nearby and often need our attention and protection. There are probably no more amazing creatures of nature in the world than birds. Looking at their flight, a person always strived for the sky. There are birds that are well known to all people. These are crows, jackdaws, sparrows, rooks and some others. There are birds that we know about and only hear their voices in the forest. And there are also those that we have never heard of, and perhaps we will never hear about again - they have become so rare.

Nowadays, the question is more acute than ever environmental education preschoolers. We are deeply convinced that a love of nature should be instilled from a very early age.

Objective of the project:

Create conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of the varieties of migratory birds, and develop a caring attitude towards them.


Cognitive development:

Introduce children to the life of migratory birds in natural natural conditions: nutrition, adaptation to the environment.

Strengthen the idea of ​​appearance and body parts.

Speech development:

Activate the names of birds and chicks in speech.

Practice using comparisons and selecting definitions for a given word.

Learn to write a descriptive story about birds using diagrams.

Continue to teach listening to fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles about birds; memorize short poems, make up riddles and descriptions on your own.

Social and communicative development:

Practice using the acquired knowledge in independent gaming activities.

Develop role interaction.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Learn to convey the characteristic features of the appearance of birds using familiar means of expression.

Cultivate a desire to listen to musical works about birds. Convey the characteristics of birds using movements and voice.

Physical development:

Develop children's motor activity through outdoor games and play exercises.


1 Preparatory

2 Main

3 Final

Actions of teachers

Children's actions

Actions of members


(problem statement

Planning, forecasting results, project products)

Determine children's current knowledge about birds. , to arouse interest in solving the problem.

Methodological support of the project.

Information support for the project.

Providing the project with visual materials.

Planning upcoming work.

Determine the level of knowledge on this topic through conversations and surveys.

Demonstration of illustrations on the topic.

Selection of fiction, videos, educational cartoons, musical works by foreign composers (M. Glinka “Lark”, S. Maikapara “Dance of the Birds”);

Production and selection of teaching aids on the topic


Look at the illustrations. They are discussing

They speak out on this topic. They watch birds on walks and on weekends with their parents. Under the guidance of teachers, they decide to check the correctness of their answers.

Together with the children, they look at illustrative material and observe the object of research - birds. Read the proposed fiction.



project activities, phased assessment)

Objectives: Summarize children’s ideas about the characteristic features of birds.

Develop expressive speech and hand motor skills.

Form the idea that birds adapt to changes in weather conditions. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Conducting classes and conversations about migratory birds;

Discussion of stories about birds. Definition of play space, play motivation;

Selection of games;

Participation in games with children.

Organization of a drawing competition;

Preparation and holding of a reading competition.

Getting to know the birds;

Excursion to the park and around the territory of the kindergarten.

Discussion of illustrations, postcards about birds;

Reading and memorizing poems about birds; Singing the songs “Andrew the Sparrow” by E. Telecheeva, “Where do the finches winter?” M. Plyatskovsky, “Bird House”. Yu. Razumovsky.

Writing stories and riddles for children about birds. Participation in the game: “Guess what kind of bird?” (shadow images);

Participation in didactic, developmental, speech, outdoor games (“Owl”, “Mouse Kite”). Reading competition: “Poetic lines about birds.”

Participation in an excursion;

Help in making figurines, shadow images of birds. Reading poems about birds. Making riddles about birds. Participation in games;

Assistance in the production of manuals for games Participation in a drawing competition;

Assistance in making decorations;

Participation in the recitation competition: “Poetic lines about birds.



Develop creative abilities. Foster independence in various types activities. Increase the degree of socialization of the individual.

Posts information about the project and its results. Organizes an exhibition of children's works for parents and children. Quiz “Bird Day” Organize a discussion of new knowledge and skills. Decide on the prospects of the project.

Show your work to your parents. Under the guidance of a teacher, they consolidate new knowledge about birds. Participation in the Bird Day quiz

Get acquainted with the products of children's activities.

Photo report:

Making up stories based on pictures

Preparation for the exhibition “Birds”

Modeling with plasticine “Birds” (finch and tit)

Collective collage “Birds are our friends”

Outdoor game “Kite and Mice”

Quiz “What interesting things did I learn about birds”

“Titmouse Day” in our group

Exhibition of crafts with parents “Such different birds”

The final stage
- Exhibition of children's drawings “Birds are our friends”
- Making a collective collage “Birds of Migratory”
- Conducting a quiz “What interesting things did I learn about birds”

Results of project activities:
- children’s active vocabulary on the topic “Migratory Birds” has significantly increased;
- children began to treat birds more carefully and came to the conclusion that they need to be taken care of in winter period time;
- all parents were involved in the educational process.