Professions in the field of trade and food. Professional activities in trade and catering. Terms and Definitions

GOST 30524-2013 Catering services. Personnel requirements

GOST 30524-2013


Catering services


Services of public catering. Requirements to the personnel

Date of introduction 2016-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DESIGNED Open joint stock company"All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification" (JSC "VNIIS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 14, 2013 N 44)

4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 1674-st interstate standard GOST 30524-2013 put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from January 1, 2016


Application area

This standard sets out general minimum requirements for catering staff various types all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

The provisions of this standard can be used in the selection and placement of personnel, certification, assignment of qualifications, development job descriptions and standards of work of personnel in the catering services sector.

GOST 31985-2013 Catering services. Terms and Definitions

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the releases of the monthly information index "National Standards" for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

Terms and Definitions

This standard uses terms in accordance with GOST 31985, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 bartender: An employee who serves consumers at the bar and in the hall, producing and serving alcoholic, low-alcohol, hot and other drinks, as well as simple dishes and snacks.

3.2 barista: Specialist in coffee quality, its storage, production and serving to consumers.

3.3 bartender: An employee who serves consumers at the buffet counter and in the buffet, preparing and dispensing simple meals, snacks and drinks.

3.4 wardrobe attendant: An employee engaged in performing basic functions of serving consumers (guests) in the cloakroom of a catering establishment.

3.5 director (manager, manager, manager) of a restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen and other types of enterprises: Specialist dealing organizational issues activities of a public catering enterprise.

3.6 production manager (production manager, chef, pastry chef, workshop manager, deputy production manager, sous chef, deputy workshop manager): Organization specialist production activities, carrying out the organization technological process, selection and placement of personnel.

3.7 engineer (technician) - technologist (technologist, production manager): A specialist who monitors compliance with the technological process and the development of technical documents at the enterprise, as well as monitoring their implementation, use and compliance.

3.8 calculator: Cost calculation specialist, including calculation of costs, prices, product costs, etc.

3.9 cashier: An employee involved in cash transactions and settlements with consumers.

3.10 confectioner: A worker engaged in the production of flour confectionery, bakery products and desserts.

3.11 head waiter (hall administrator): An employee who meets consumers in the hall, ensures order in the hall and monitors the service provided to consumers by waiters (bartenders).

3.12 dishwasher: An employee whose main responsibility is washing (washing) dishes, equipment, containers using manual and mechanized methods in public catering establishments and keeping them clean.

3.13 waiter: An employee who serves consumers in the hall, including setting the table, serving food and drinks, and making payments to consumers.

3.14 baker: A worker engaged in baking semi-finished flour products and culinary products, bakery products, as well as their decoration.

3.15 cook: A worker engaged in the production of semi-finished products, culinary products, dishes and their presentation when dispensing (serving) to consumers.

3.16 Cookery store (department) salesperson: An employee engaged in the sale of semi-finished culinary products, culinary, bakery and flour confectionery products.

3.17 employee of a fast food company (service team employee): A multi-purpose worker involved in the production and dispensing (sale) of simple meals and drinks and serving consumers in fast food establishments, buffets, and cafeterias.

3.18 sommelier: Specialist in classification, quality and selection of wines, their storage and serving to consumers.

3.19 cleaner (steward): An employee whose main responsibility is cleaning the premises of a public catering establishment and maintaining them in proper sanitary condition.

3.20 doorman: An employee whose main duty is to meet consumers (guests) in the entrance area of ​​a catering establishment.

Classification of catering personnel

4.1 The personnel of public catering establishments are divided into the following main groups:





4.2 The administrative staff of a public catering enterprise includes categories of workers involved in organizational and technological issues: director (manager, manager, manager) of the enterprise, engineer (technician) - technologist (production manager), warehouse manager (senior storekeeper), calculator.

4.3 The service personnel of a public catering establishment include the main categories of workers engaged in direct service to consumers: head waiter (hall administrator, hall manager, bar manager), waiter (waiter foreman, senior waiter, waiter assistant), bartender (bartender foreman, senior bartender, assistant bartender), sommelier (wine cellar manager), barista, fast food worker, bartender (senior bartender), cashier (senior cashier), hostess, grocery store (department) salesperson.

4.4 K production staff public catering enterprises include the main categories of workers engaged in the production (production) of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products: production manager, deputy production manager, chef, sous-chef, workshop manager, deputy workshop manager, cook (cook-foreman, senior cook, assistant cook, diet cook), pastry chef, pastry chef (pastry foreman, senior pastry chef, pastry chef assistant), baker, manufacturer of semi-finished food products, kitchen staff(kitchen helper).

Today in Belarus the sphere of restaurant and hotel service. New restaurants, bars, cafes, pizzerias are opening, creative ideas in interior design, original advertising campaigns are being developed. In conditions of competition in the service sector, there is a tendency to fight for each client, which means that the demand for professionals will increase. This situation, according to experts recruitment agencies, will be saved.
In the catering industry, professions such as pizzaiollo, tittester, and barista are becoming popular, the existence of which we had never even imagined before. What kind of professions are these?

The catering industry is developing very rapidly. New restaurant and restaurant establishments are appearing in modern cities. hotel business where you can spend your leisure time. Cafes, bars, pizzerias, restaurants, coffee shops, pastry shops, children's cafes welcome different people within their walls social groups, despite the fact that for most of the population visiting a restaurant remains an event and holiday. However, more and more often Belarusians are developing the habit of dining out. This requires modern enterprises catering with impeccable service. All restaurateurs know the ingredients for the success of an establishment: a professional chef, an unusual atmosphere created with the help of design art, an exquisite menu made according to the best culinary canons. It is well known that the chance to impress a guest good impression given only once.

An important component of success is also a team of professionals. It is the staff who create the restaurant atmosphere that guests like and for which they come again and again.


In every business there are aces, masters, gurus. In a word, people initiated into the secrets of craftsmanship, who know the subject with their hearts and have deep knowledge. Creators with amazing imagination, capable of creating within the framework of strict canons. This is exactly what pizzaiolos are - masters of making pizza.

A pizza preparation specialist can be called differently: either a pizza maker (English version) or a pizzaiolo (Italian version). He is also a pizza chef or pizza maker. All these names have a right to exist.

The history of this profession is connected with the history of pizza itself. Long before the founding of Naples, different parts of the world and different nations had their own recipes for making “pizza”. Thus, in the army of the Persian Empire, cakes with dates, spices and cheese, fried directly on shields, were popular, and in Ancient Greece - flat bread, seasoned with cheese, onions and olives, cooked directly on coals. Something similar could be found in the diet of the Vikings, who also added meat.

Pizza in its current form first appeared in the 19th century in Italy. As the story goes, in 1889, King Umberto I of Italy and his wife Margaret of Savoy, visiting Naples, wanted to try something simple but original. And the best pizzaiolo in the city prepared them a peasant dish - pizza, where the filling of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil symbolized the colors of the Italian flag. Despite the simplicity of the “country” food, the royal couple was very pleased, and after the visit the queen wrote thank you letter to the cook. As a reciprocal gesture, with the queen’s permission, the dish they liked was called “Margarita”. This is where the history of pizza began. Then other types appeared. But one of the most popular types of pizza all over the world today is Margherita.

As the popularity of pizza grew, so did the status of the profession. And now that there are plenty of pizza gourmets, good pizzaiolos have become valuable specialists.

Pizzaiolos, as a rule, are in demand in catering establishments focused on Italian cuisine or fast food, where they hone their skills and gain experience.

A real pizza maker must know all the recipes for making pizza and create his own masterpieces, know the basics of nutrition, the characteristics and biological value of products, signs of their good quality, shelf life and sale of raw and finished products, and master the technology of preparing dough. He must have a developed taste to know what can be added to pizza to enhance its taste. In addition to cooking, it is also necessary to decorate the dish accordingly, acting as a designer and, in a sense, an artist. But all these skills come with experience.


For many, a cup of delicious and aromatic tea is an excellent reason to relax, unwind and chat with family, friends and relatives. However, there are people in the world for whom tea drinking is a profession. These are tea testers, or, as they are also called, tea sommeliers. They make up collections of tea from various varieties. An experienced titester can distinguish up to several thousand flavor and aroma shades. Based on taste, smell and appearance, the tea tester will accurately determine not only the type of tea and the place where it was grown, but also the harvest season, as well as the method of its storage and processing. Determining the taste of the drink, he does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with the infusion, tasting the tea with his tongue and palate, revealing its unique aroma, sniffing an empty tea cup or cooled boiled tea leaves. In addition, a specialist measures the quality of the tea leaf at all stages of its production: the finished dry tea is tasted by touch and sight according to a variety of indicators - shape, fragility, density, quality of harvesting and color. He first determines the aroma of dry tea and only after that tests the tea infusion for aroma, taste, color, brightness, strength, transparency, intensity of the infusion, and degree of extraction. Only on the basis of summarizing the information obtained as a result of testing with ratings for each control item does the tea tester make his conclusion about the quality of a particular type of tea. This verdict will be the final “sentence” of a specialist of the highest category.

To become a good tester, you need to study for at least ten years. We need to study production technology various types tea, practice for several years on tea plantations, tea distribution factories, tea auctions. The tea tester must thoroughly know biology, botany, biochemistry, geography, as well as the economics of the world market, marketing of the tea trade, history and characteristics of all major tea plantations in tea-producing countries. In addition, this person should be distinguished by such personal qualities as accuracy, precision and restraint.


Those truly in love with coffee will be interested in the profession of barista. This a beautiful word are called specialists in the field of preparing coffee and drinks based on it. The barista profession was born in Italy, and then, in the 80s of the last century, it became famous in the USA. It is not yet familiar to Russian ears and is generally unfamiliar. Until recently, there were no coffee shops in cities, and the coffee that was served was prepared by bartenders. Today, even in small provincial towns, you can find a dozen different coffee shops, where behind the bar you will see a person who is fluent in the art of making coffee.

To become a barista, you need to complete a training course that includes theoretical and practical parts. First, future baristas study what coffee is, in which countries it grows, what varieties there are, what affects the taste of future coffee. Then they study the roasting technology, its effect on the taste, etc. Baristas also learn to draw on milk foam and cream, which is obtained on the surface of the coffee during extraction. Since coffee grinders and coffee machines are used to prepare coffee in modern coffee shops, the barista must be well versed in their use. technical specifications. As a rule, the profession of a barista is mastered on the job, in courses conducted by the relevant catering establishment. Also, various associations and unions of bartenders and baristas, both independent, created by individual professionals, and those created by various coffee and restaurant companies, conduct training in their own educational centers.

Highest level in career ladder Barista is the position of coffee master. This is a kind of doctor of coffee sciences, with a subtle, refined taste who knows everything about coffee and coffee drinks.


Another one new profession in the restaurant business - sommelier. Sommelier (translated from French– sommelier) is a restaurant employee responsible for compiling a wine list, purchasing and properly storing wines, and presenting them to the client. This profession is quite rare in Belarus, and you can count the number of professional certified sommeliers on your fingers. Sommeliers usually work in restaurants high level, in wine boutiques, at wineries.

A sommelier is an expert who has the skills to taste wine, knowledge about its production, varieties, storage, serving and compatibility with other drinks and food. He is well versed in the world of wine, understands the typology, regions and varieties of grapes, and also knows how to select wines for dishes, and gives recommendations on the choice of drinks to restaurant visitors. The restaurant’s wine list must be correctly compiled, be unique and take into account all the preferences and nuances of the establishment’s guests, specific features restaurant cuisine and many other factors. This is professional task sommelier.

The sommelier is required to have a thorough knowledge of wines, their geography, and their suitability for various dishes. The sommelier must not only distinguish between numerous shades of taste, but also be able to describe them to the guest in such a way that he will have a desire to taste the drink. He must be able to describe the characteristics and taste of the proposed wine, reveal all the features of its taste in a language accessible to the guest and correctly recommend a drink depending on the choice of dishes, preferences and budget of the client. However, under no circumstances should he impose his preferences on the guests.

The work of a sommelier can be compared to the craft of an actor. Each time a skilled sommelier presents wines well known to him with the same freshness of emotions with which they usually talk about a recent discovery. Every representative of this profession should be a good psychologist. It is necessary not only to find an approach to all visitors to the restaurant, but also to guess their preferences.

A good sommelier is a significant figure in a restaurant; the wine turnover in the establishment largely depends on him. The chef consults with the sommelier, for example, when introducing a new dish that requires a change in the wine list. In a professional tandem with a chef, a sommelier can not only give a high status to an establishment, but also bring consistently high profits.

It takes years to become a professional. A sommelier is an artist; you cannot complete short-term courses and become a master. But if a person is talented, then good courses can become a path into the profession.

In countries where winemaking has long been developed, training in the profession is approached very thoroughly. Training takes place in special sommelier schools, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge about the history of wine and wine-growing regions, future sommeliers learn to sort the aromas of wine into their components and interpret the resulting bouquets. As a result, a professional sommelier is able to determine the quality of the drink, the grape variety, and sometimes the region of origin of the wine and its age by the aromas of the wine. The sense of smell is trained with the help of special sets of wine aromas, with samples of odors found in bouquets. At the same time, the learning process includes many different disciplines, not only winemaking and enogastronomy (the art of combining drinks and food). Future sommeliers study the history of winemaking, soil science, organoleptics (a method for determining product quality indicators based on an analysis of the perceptions of the senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste), various wine-growing regions of the world and their characteristics. After theoretical classes, practice in vineyards and wineries is required.

A sommelier must constantly improve his skills, attend tastings, exhibitions, wine festivals, read literature, and communicate with people who are interested in the culture of winemaking.

Sushi chef

Japanese cuisine has existed in our country for more than twenty years. There are restaurants offering sushi and rolls in every city. Sushi is one of the most popular dishes in Japan, and every day it is more and more recognized by Belarusians. With the advent of Japanese restaurants, the need for professionals who can quickly and efficiently prepare sushi has increased several times.

A sushi chef is a specialist who prepares dishes of national Japanese cuisine. He carries out a full range of work on preparing Japanese cuisine from seafood, rice and vegetables in compliance with strict recipes and technology, cutting, serving and decorating dishes. In Japanese cuisine, the appearance of a dish is given almost more importance than its taste.

Sushi chef is one of the job titles for a chef who specializes in preparing dishes of national Japanese cuisine and has achieved a high level of skill.

A sushi chef must know the recipes and technology for preparing dishes of national Japanese cuisine, food combinations accepted in Japanese cuisine, technology for working with various types of fish, etc. Also, a sushi chef must have a developed taste in order to know what can be added to a dish, highlighting its taste.

Specially sushi chefs educational establishments Belarus is not prepared. As a rule, this is one of the specializations of certified chefs, acquired at practical activities. Often training is carried out directly on the job site. However, there are many specialized courses where you can learn the basics of this profession. Specialists who have trained in Japan are highly valued.

To become a good sushi chef in Japan, you need to take many different courses, have practice and talent. The best specialists in making sushi are considered to be experienced people who have been doing just that for many, many years. A true sushi master is not just a chef, but a creator and artist who creates works of culinary art. When we're talking about about sushi, then the strictest discipline, iron restraint, deep philosophy and true national dignity are added to broad creative abilities. Sushi masters have honed knife skills. They know perfectly how to cut fish, how to cut it correctly so that the dish has a decent taste.

Pizzaiollo, tittester, barista, sommelier, sushi chef... The demand for specialists in these professions will soon be especially noticeable, because today the restaurant service sector is rapidly developing in Belarus, new cafes, bars, pizzerias, etc. are opening. But you should remember that professional success in the field of public catering can only be achieved by those who have discovered the ability to constantly learn and are ready to constantly improve their skills. A good specialist is in high demand everywhere and is simply vital for both high-class restaurants and “democratic” establishments.

Editorial dossier
Today there are more than 12,500 public catering establishments in Belarus, more than half of them (7,500) are various kinds of cafes, bars and restaurants.
Minsk is the most attractive region for development restaurant business in Belarus. Here live consumers who receive the highest incomes and allocate the largest percentage of their consumer basket expenses to public catering services.
About 2,000 catering establishments are located in Minsk, including 350 cafes, 130 restaurants, 285 bars. At the same time, about 100 new establishments open in the city every year. It is expected that by 2020 the network of public catering facilities will increase by a third.
In the capital's restaurants you can try Azerbaijani, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Italian, Chinese, Cuban, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, French and other national dishes.
Of the total number of establishments located in Minsk, Belarusian cuisine can be tasted in approximately 50 restaurants and cafes in the city. The menu and interior of these establishments will help visitors get acquainted with the Belarusian national culture. For example, one of the oldest cafes in the capital, where guests can learn what Belarusian hospitality is, is “Beryozka”. The history of this establishment began back in 1939.
At the beginning of 2018, public catering organizations in Minsk required 275 cooks, 68 kitchen workers, 92 specialist of the quick service facility (restaurant) team.

Dear readers! In this article, we introduced you to professions that are not in the list of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers; accordingly, educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus do not provide training in these specialties. The basics of the profession are learned at professional courses, during internships and on-the-job training.


The most in-demand professions

in the field of catering

Cook's profession - one of the oldest in the world. A restaurant, canteen or cafe is unthinkable without a chef. The importance of this profession is difficult to overestimate. How a person eats affects his health, mood and productivity.

A cook is a specialist who prepares food in catering establishments. Of course, almost anyone can cook something edible. What then is the difference between amateur and professional cooking? Yes, the fact is that a chef can cook something truly delicious from the same ingredients and be able to serve it to the table with taste. Also, a chef is not only a person who knows how to prepare dishes technologically correctly and in strict accordance with the recipe, but also a specialist who loves his work, receives sincere pleasure and joy from it when the results of his work delight his clients.

The profession of a cook has developed along with civilization. Since ancient times, society has trusted the best cooks to prepare food, because tasty and healthy food is not just the satisfaction of a natural life need, it is also a guarantee of health, and, if you want, pleasure. It is not surprising that later professional chefs began to provide food preparation services mainly for rich and noble people, and only with the development of the restaurant business did this profession once again become widespread.

Owners of cafes and restaurants know very well that the success of an establishment directly depends on the skill of the chef, on the variety, exclusivity or exoticism of the dishes offered. This profession has acquired particular importance in our age of speed and constant time pressure. People eat less and less at home, and more and more in public catering establishments. And if we remember that food for humans, as we have already said, is not only a source of energy and nutrients, but also great taste pleasure, then it will become clear that a person who can give food a special taste will always be in demand. In addition, we should not forget that cooks are indispensable not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in institutions such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

Advantages of the profession: variety of activities, creative approach, demand in the labor market.

The profession of a cook belongs to the “Man - Nature” type, as it is associated with working with natural objects (products), it requires a high level of development of observation, attentiveness, and physical endurance.

Also, the profession of a cook can be classified as a “Human - Artistic image“, because it requires showing imagination and aesthetic taste, creative abilities, and imaginative thinking.
The profession of a cook can also be classified as a “Human-Technology” type, since in it one may encounter the operation of technical devices, management technical devices.

The profession of a cook belongs to the “executive” class, as it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, etc.

Cooks work in canteens, restaurants, cafes, and pastry shops. They prepare various dishes and confectionery products in accordance with recipes. The cook controls the quality of products and compliance with the rules of their storage, monitors compliance with hygiene and sanitation standards. The cook must know the basics of cooking, the requirements for preparing various dishes and processing products, food recipes, dietary recipes, and also be able to work with kitchen utensils.

Modern chefs use in their work various machines (automatic and semi-automatic) designed for processing flour and preparing dough, for cleaning and cutting vegetables, as well as all kinds of mixers, mixers, dosers, etc.

A cook is a creative profession. The taste perception of dishes depends not only on what products and spices are included in them, but also on how beautifully they are decorated. The cook is a direct creator Have a good mood for visitors who want to eat tasty and good food.

A cook can work either independently or in a team that may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. These can be the premises of canteens, cafes, restaurants. The work takes place mainly while standing, in motion, using special tools. As a rule, this is a mobile activity associated with activity and physical labor.
A chef in his work is often limited by the requirements of the recipe and the wishes for the final result of the work on the part of the owners of the establishment in which he works. Often, only chefs with their own reputation can dictate their will and show independence in their work.

Confectioner - a specialist with knowledge and skills in preparing confectionery products, and mastering the technology of this process. The skill of preparing delicious delicacies - confectionery - has been valued at all times, and some of their secrets are still kept strictly secret.

Nowadays, the confectionery industry is experiencing a period of growth and is actively mastering new technologies and developments from related areas of cooking. Russian specialists, based on the achievements of the Soviet period, are reviving national traditions. It is interesting to note that the consumption of confectionery products and the love for “sweets” practically does not depend on the state of the economy. During periods of rising income, sales of exclusive products increase, and during times of economic downturn, confectionery products are no less popular, as they help many people maintain high spirits.

Almost anyone can get an education as a confectioner, but not everyone can become a true professional in their field. Artistic taste, the desire for constant improvement and self-education are necessary components of the success of a professional and successful pastry chef.

The work of pastry chefs is not easy. They have to work in conditions of high humidity and temperature and experience physical stress. It is not recommended for people with allergies or an underdeveloped sense of smell to work in the confectionery industry. However, for those who are not afraid of these difficulties and restrictions, prospects for professional growth in this exciting profession open up.
Advantages of the profession: demand in the market, variety of activities.

Limitations of the profession: difficult working conditions, work in production at fairly high temperatures.

The profession of a confectioner belongs to the “Man - Nature” type, and is associated with working with natural objects (food). This profession requires a high level of development of attentiveness, physical endurance, stability and organization.

Also, the profession of a confectioner belongs to the type “Human - Artistic Image”, as it contains elements creative work, requires developed imagination and aesthetic taste.

The profession of a confectioner can also be classified as a “Man - Technology” type, because it requires working with technical devices, good motor skills, physical endurance, and a penchant for manual and technical work.

The profession of a confectioner belongs to the “performing” class, as it involves a large number of work according to a given sample, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions.

A pastry chef produces a variety of confectionery products: pastries, cookies, cakes, desserts, fillings and creams. He decorates finished products and controls their weight.

A confectioner prepares various types of products from chocolate, sugar, dough, creams, fillings; prepares raw materials according to a given recipe: kneads, kneads, rolls out the dough; separates the resulting semi-finished products, cuts, shapes, bakes them; finishes finished products with cream, fondant, chocolate; checks the weight of finished products.

In his work, the confectioner uses hand tools, mechanical and electromechanical equipment. Confectionery production varies significantly in the degree of labor automation: from fully automated production (automated production lines for the production of waffles, cookies, sweets) in large confectionery shops and workshops, to non-automated production ( manual labor using mechanical and electromechanical equipment for the production of cakes, pastries), etc.

The work of a confectioner is often of an executive nature, largely limited by production requirements and wishes for the final result of the work.

Waiter's profession has existed in the world for quite a long time, although in Russia it appeared only 200 years ago, with the advent of taverns and restaurants. Even then, a uniform was introduced for waiters (tailcoats, white vests and gloves).

A qualified waiter is a key figure in any catering establishment. He acts as a cordial and hospitable host: he greets visitors, introduces them to the menu, and takes orders. His responsibilities include setting the table, taking orders from visitors and quickly fulfilling them, paying guests, and collecting dishes. However, this is not all. He must have a presentable appearance, observe the rules of hygiene, wear plates and glasses stylishly, keep the work area in order, communicate correctly and competently with clients, creating a comfortable atmosphere at the table. The waiter is well versed in the dishes of his restaurant and can advise which wine will suit the chosen dish.

An exemplary waiter is characterized by two basic rules:

1) his clients have nothing superfluous on their table and have everything they need;

2) he sells what is profitable for the restaurant.

Experts estimate that if the food in a restaurant is excellent but the service is not up to par, 90% of customers will rate the restaurant negatively. If the food quality is average and the service is excellent, in 80% of cases the restaurant will receive a positive rating.
The job of a waiter is primarily suitable for young and energetic people.

The profession of a waiter is traditionally in demand on the labor market in Sevastopol.

Advantages of the profession: the ability to work part-time and combine work with study; the opportunity to gain useful knowledge and skills in life (etiquette, world cuisine, experience communicating with people); availability of tips; food at work.

Limitations of the profession: extreme mobility; increased psycho-emotional stress due to communication with problem clients.

The profession of a waiter belongs to the “Man - Man” type, it is focused on communication and interaction with people. To successfully perform such work, you need the ability to establish and maintain contacts, understand people, be active, have developed lexical abilities and verbal thinking, and have emotional stability.

the main task waiter: serve customers efficiently so that the visitor wants to come again. He must look neat, be friendly and welcoming, be sure to wish “bon appetit”, and be interested in whether the dishes are deliciously prepared. He prepares the hall for receiving visitors, selects dishes and cutlery, sets the table, meets and greets visitors, offers a menu, fulfills orders, monitors the correct execution of the order and appearance dishes.

The waiter applies the rules of etiquette: how and from which side to serve dishes, make sure that the guests’ glasses do not run out of drinks, be able to place the order from a common dish onto portioned plates, if necessary, listen to the guests’ complaints and somehow defuse the situation, and finally, serve on time bill, invite you to the restaurant again.

The waiter monitors changes in the assortment during the work shift, maintains cleanliness and order on the tables, promptly removes dirty dishes and re-serves the tables. The waiter must inform the administrator of all the wishes and comments of the guests.

While working, the waiter spends most of his time mobile, on his feet (sometimes walking up to thirty kilometers per shift). Usually it is located in a dining room, cafe, restaurant. At the same time, recently more and more seasonal open cafes. The waiter deals with specific objects and their practical use. His work requires manual skills and dexterity. He fulfills clear, clearly defined goals, solves standard, typical tasks.

TO special conditions the waiter's labor should be attributed financial liability for dishes and proceeds; tips as part of the waiter's income (sometimes more significant than wages).


Bryansk technical school

food and trade

Shishova T.T.

The catering industry, like other areas of the service sector, is undergoing rapid development. Therefore, more and more young people are thinking about entering this industry. decided to help with the choice by talking about the most popular professions in the catering industry.

Cook - average salary 26 thousand rubles

This is one of the oldest professions, which over thousands of years of existence has not lost its relevance. One of its advantages is almost unlimited career growth. Starting as a chef's assistant in a restaurant fast food with a salary of about 20 thousand rubles, with some effort, you can become a chef of a restaurant with a salary of hundreds of thousands. Perhaps you are destined to become the first owner of a Michelin star in Russia, immortalizing your name in the history of Russian culinary art!

Confectioner – 26 thousand rubles

Do you like treats? So, why not learn the secrets of their preparation. At first, you will have to work in a confectionery factory or in a small cafe, preparing the most ordinary sweets according to recipes known to everyone. But over time, you, as an experienced confectioner, will have access to your own developments, perhaps even in a private confectionery workshop. By the way, now is the time to master this specialty, because national confectionery traditions are being actively revived in Russia, which is leading to rapid growth of the industry both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Process engineer – 33 thousand rubles

It is these specialists that determine the quality of the product, its organoleptic qualities, safety and, of course, cost. If a chef comes up with a recipe for a new dish, then a process engineer brings it to perfection, optimizing all processes associated with cooking.

Bartender – 22 thousand rubles

If you are not inclined to prepare delicious dishes, but are great with a variety of drinks, becoming a bartender is an excellent choice. Here, as in the culinary industry, you can work all your life in small cafes or perfect your abilities, opening the way to a dizzying career. The best bartenders are valued no less than chefs, becoming the central figures of prestigious festivals and the authors of world-famous cocktails.

Baker – 24 thousand rubles

Bread is the head of everything! IN last years The baker's profession has evolved from a routine occupation into a real art. Good bakeries value creative workers who are able to develop new recipes and improve existing ones. To make baking school graduates into true professionals, they are assigned to experienced specialists who pass on their knowledge and experience over several years.

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Target: Formation of knowledge about professional activities in trade and catering.


  • Introduce students to companies involved in trading activities, with professions in the field of trade and catering;
  • To develop students’ thinking, horizons, and the ability to express their point of view;
  • Cultivate interest in the subject and professional activities.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, multimedia complex (computer, screen, projector).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

View student presentations, listen to messages on the topic of professional activities in the light and food industries.

3. Topic and purpose of the lesson.

1 slide. What word is encrypted?

Today in the lesson we will talk about professional activities in trade, consider the types of trade enterprises, professions and professional requirements for trade workers.

Studying a new topic.

2 slide. The definition of “trade is...”

3 slide. Enterprises engaged in trading activities can be divided into groups.

  • Group 1: convenience stores. 3 slide.
  • Group 2: supermarket. 4 slide.
  • Group 3: specialized stores. 5 slide.
  • Group 4: shopping complex. 6 slide.
  • Group 5: warehouse - store. Slide 7
  • Group 6: stores selling from catalogues. 8 slide.
  • Slide 7: in trade, the professions involved are of the “person - person” type

Consider trade professions. 8 slide.

Consolidation of the studied material.

In front of you is a rectangle with a set of letters, from which you need to find ten words denoting various types of human economic activity. It is impossible for you to recognize them, while the words in the grid are written from left to right and right to left, from top to bottom and vice versa, they break, but do not intersect and are not readable diagonally. Questions are provided to accompany the answers. Don't forget that the number of letters of the correct answer is indicated in parentheses. You need to split into groups. Each group will receive questions.


1. Entrepreneur, businessman (9).

2. Financial plan income and expenses (6).

3. Information about goods and services (7).

4. Rivalry between entrepreneurs and producers of goods and services (11).

5. Sphere of commodity-money circulation (5).

1. Product and services intended for sale (5).

2. Security (5).

3. Specialist in securities transactions (5).

4. A product that fulfills the universal equivalent of labor assessment (6).

5. Management of production and sales of products (9).

Group 3:

1. Money supply of a foreign country (6).

2. Presentation of money and goods on credit (6).

3. Income (7).

4. Cash, allocated to the state budget (5).

5. Professional manager (8).

1. Businessman.

4. Competition.

9. Money.

10. Marketing.

11. Currency.

12. Credit.

13. Profit.

15. Manager.

Which words from types of human economic activity refer to trade?

6. D/Z. Prepare a report on the topic of a profession in the field of trade.