Training program for electrical technical personnel before certification. JSC "tsrsipk" - educational program - electrical safety. Permission to work independently

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On State Energy Supervision”. System of state energy supervision in the Russian Federation. Tasks, functions and structure of Mosgosenergonadzor. Relationships between state energy supervision authorities and electricity consumers. Features of training and testing the knowledge of electrical personnel. Goals, content and sequence of studying the course. Guidelines on preparation for testing of knowledge and registration of test results.

Section 1. Electrical management

Topic 1.1. Training of personnel for operation of electrical installations

Duties and responsibility of consumers for compliance with the norms and rules for the safe operation of electrical installations. Selection of electrical and electrical engineering personnel. Periodic medical examinations workers. Conducting training on labor safety and fire safety. Training and testing of knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel. Ensuring labor safety of personnel, environment when operating electrical installations. The procedure for appointing the person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy. Features of assigning responsibilities for the safe operation of electrical installations to the Consumer's manager. Responsibilities of electrical and electrical engineering personnel. Assignment of electrical safety group I to non-electrical personnel. Assignment of electrical safety group II (III, IV, V) to electrical and electrical engineering personnel. Mandatory forms of work with electrical and electrical engineering personnel. Types of knowledge tests. Requirements for the commission to test the knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel.

Topic 1.2. Electrical control system

Organization of development and maintenance necessary documentation on the operation of electrical installations. Organization of operational maintenance of electrical installations and emergency response. Operational development of the Consumer's power supply scheme to meet his electricity needs. Improving energy production and implementing energy saving measures. Introduction and development new technology, technology of operation and repair, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor. Operational management of electrical equipment. Use of automated control systems in the energy sector. Procedure for compilation general schemes electricity supply Completing workplaces in electrical installations.

Section 2. Electrical installations

Topic 2.1. Basic principles of electrical engineering

DC electrical circuits. Classification of electrical circuits. Potential distribution in an electrical circuit. Sources of electricity. Ohm's law. Kirchhoff's laws and their application. Calculation methods and properties of electrical circuits.

AC electrical circuits. Representation of sinusoidal functions in various forms. Electrical elements and parameters of electrical circuits. Circuit power. Three-phase circuits. Multiphase power supplies. Parameters of a three-phase electrical circuit. Power balance. Branched electrical circuits. Rotating magnetic field. The principle of operation of electric machines.

Electrical circuits of non-sinusoidal current. Nonlinear electrical and magnetic circuits. Symmetrical components of a three-phase system. Measurements of electrical quantities.

Topic 2.2. General provisions electrical installation rules

Terminology in the electric power industry. Alphanumeric and color designations in electrical installations. Classification of premises in relation to the danger of electric shock to people. Categories of electrical receivers to ensure reliability of power supply. Classification of electrical installations in relation to safety measures. Characteristics of electrical installations of TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, IT, TT systems. Measures to protect against direct contact. Protective measures for indirect contact. Grounding devices for electrical installations. Insulation of electrical installations.

Topic 2.3. Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings

Input devices, distribution boards, distribution points, group shields. Internal wiring. Internal electrical equipment. Protective security measures. General requirements to electric lighting. Implementation and protection of lighting networks. Emergency lighting. Interior lighting. Outdoor Lighting. Illuminated advertising, signs and illumination. Lighting control. Lighting devices and electrical installation devices. Electrical installations of entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports institutions. Electrothermal and electric welding installations.

Topic 2.4. Electrical equipment of switchgears of substations and electrical networks. Mobile electrical installations

Electrical equipment of switchgears in electrical rooms, production premises and outdoors. Open and closed switchgears and substations. Converter substations and installations. Installation of electrical equipment in electrical rooms. Protection and automation of electrical networks, telemechanics. Secondary circuits of electrical installations.

Cable power lines (selection of installation method; selection of cables). Connections and terminations of cables. Laying cables in the ground, wells, tunnels and cable structures.

Overhead power lines. Wires and fittings. Arrangement of wires on supports. Dimensions, intersections and convergences. Passage of overhead lines through populated and unpopulated areas. Security zones VL and CL. Mobile electrical installations. Features of connecting electricity consumers to mobile electrical installations. Portable electrical receivers. Classes of electrical receivers. Features of connecting portable electrical receivers to the electrical network. Electrical equipment for special installations.

Section 3. Operation of consumer electrical installations

Topic 3.1. Technical operation of electrical installations

Maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installation equipment. Drawing up annual schedules for repairs of capital equipment. Technical diagnostics. Providing the Consumer with spare parts and materials. Exploitation power transformers, reactors, switchgears and substations, overhead and cable power lines, electric motors, relay protection, electrical automation, telemechanics and secondary circuits, grounding devices, electric lighting. Technical operation of special-purpose electrical installations. Procedure and standards for testing electrical equipment and devices of the Consumer's electrical installations.

Topic 3.2. Admission of electrical installations into operation, elimination of accidents and failures in the operation of electrical installations

The procedure for admitting new and reconstructed electrical installations into operation. The procedure for admitting electrical installations with seasonal maintenance. Acceptance tests of electrical installations.

Instructions for investigating and recording violations in the operation of energy facilities of electricity consumers. Types of accidents at energy facilities. Procedure for eliminating accidents in electrical installations. Accounting for accidents and other violations of the normal operation of electrical installations. Failures in the operation of electrical equipment. Organization of repair of electrical equipment.

Section 4. Methods and means of protection in electrical installations

Topic 4.1. Methods of protection in electrical installations

Application in electrical installations of basic insulation of live parts. Maintaining safe distances to live parts. Application of fencing and closing devices. Application of device locking and fencing devices. Ensuring reliable and fast automatic shutdown of emergency mode of electrical installations. Application of proper voltage in electrical installations. The use of devices for signaling the strength of electric fields to acceptable values. Use of warning alarms, inscriptions, posters.

Topic 4.2. Protective equipment in electrical installations

Classification of protective equipment. Use of protective equipment and devices. The procedure for maintaining, monitoring the condition and using protective equipment. Requirements for protective equipment and devices. Frequency and standards for testing dielectric protective equipment. Requirements for electrical laboratories. Means of protection against high-tension electric fields. Individual protection means. Rules for the use of protective equipment. Standards for equipping with protective equipment.

Section 5. Electricity metering and energy saving

Topic 5.1. Use of electricity

Limits of responsibility between the consumer and the energy supply organization. Contents of the agreement for the use of electricity between the subscriber and the energy supply organization, and between the subscriber and the sub-subscriber. Power outage conditions. Responsibility energy supply organization in front of the subscriber. Responsibilities of the subscriber when using electricity. The procedure for connecting a personal household to the network. The procedure for limiting or stopping the supply of electricity to the consumer. Procedure for payment for electricity. Electricity tariffs, the procedure for their regulation.

Topic 5.2. Electricity metering

Power quality indicators. Acceptable calculated consumer contribution to the quality of electricity. Features of consumption (generation) of reactive energy. Program for organizing power quality control. Electricity metering devices, requirements for them. Organization of operation of electricity metering devices. Metrological supervision of electricity metering devices.

Topic 5.3. Energy saving

Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving”. Federal program "Energy Saving of Russia". Energy efficiency indicators. Directions for increasing the efficiency of energy use in an organization. Renewable energy sources. Alternative views fuel in the energy saving program.

The duration of the internship is set individually depending on the level of professional education, work experience, and profession (position) of the student.

During the internship, the employee must:

— understand the requirements of operating rules, labor protection, fire safety and their practical use at work;

- study diagrams, production instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in a given position (profession);

- practice clear orientation in your workplace;

— acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;

— study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the equipment being serviced.

Occupational Safety and Health

On-the-job training program for an electrical repairman

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The internship is carried out under the direct supervision of experienced and qualified

employees and specialists of the enterprise who are appointed by order of the enterprise.

During the internship, an employee must learn:

design features, operating principles of complex equipment and installations

methods and rules for regulating the operation of complex electrical machines, electrical devices and electrical appliances

techniques and methods for dynamic balancing of armatures of electric machines of all types with the installation of balancing weights.

An employee during an internship, under supervision qualified worker must learn:

Accuracy testing, testing and regulation of complex electrical machines, electrical devices and electrical appliances.

Dynamic balancing of the anchors of electric machines of all types with the installation of a balancing weight.

Testing and adjustment of electrical remote control systems

In addition, the internship program includes employee familiarization;

  • With a workplace.
  • With the territory adjacent to the workplace.
  • With equipment, devices, tools that are used in work.
  • Instructions with safety requirements of manufacturers of equipment on which the employee will work.
  • The main production factors that arise during this technological process.
  • Dangerous zones of machines and mechanisms on the site.
  • Instructions of the enterprise on labor protection.
  • Instructions of the enterprise with fire safety.
  • Enterprise instructions on electrical safety
  • Explicit means of individual and collective protection.
  • Requirements of internal labor regulations.
  • Location of fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Location of the medical first aid kit.
  • Place for emergency disconnection of equipment from the electrical network.
  • Safety requirements when working with lifting equipment.

During the internship, the employee must:

  • Learn and practice safe techniques and methods for preparing the workplace.
  • Learn and practice safe methods and techniques in the process of performing work.
  • Learn and put into practice safe techniques and methods of work after finishing the main job.
  • Learn and master safe techniques and methods of action in case of fire and emergency situations.
  • Learn and master safe methods and techniques for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current and providing first aid.
  • Learn the device and understand the principles of operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment and learn how to use them.
  • Practically master safe techniques and methods of work without violating labor protection requirements.

We are creating an internship program at the workplace - sample

Workplace Internship Program - Sample This document is often required by personnel officers. It describes in detail the knowledge and skills that an employee should gain during the internship. Let's figure out what is needed to create such a program.

When are on-the-job internship programs required by profession?

The need for an internship is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, Art. 212 of this code, among other responsibilities assigned to the employer, mentions the need to train employees in safe ways of working, including through briefings, internships and final testing of acquired knowledge and skills. It should immediately be noted that internship is the responsibility of not only the employer, but also the employee: Art. 214 of the code indicates that the employee is required to undergo training in labor protection, including internship.

Internships are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mandatory by law. It must be passed by workers in the professions for which they are required to special requirements according to security measures. In accordance with clause 2.2.1 of the Labor Safety Training Procedure (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29), employees engaged in blue-collar professions must undergo training. At the same time, clause 2.2.2 of the same act indicates that the internship is carried out where there are harmful or hazardous conditions work. Also in this matter, you can be guided by the standards of the current GOST 12.0.004-2015 (approved by order of Rosstandart dated 06/09/2016 No. 600-st).
  2. Established by the internal regulations of the organization. The management of the enterprise has the right to tighten measures relating to labor protection and, accordingly, expand the list of professions that require an internship before starting independent performance of duties.

The internship can be carried out both during initial employment and during transfer to new job, the execution of which is regulations requires an internship. For example, when training drivers, the guiding document RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Automobile Transport, adopted in the RSFSR, is used. Despite the fact that the document was approved back in 1986, it is still used today, since it has not been canceled or replaced. For example, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, when making a decision on the administrative case dated September 22, 2014 No. 34-AD14-5, among other acts, was guided by the provisions approved by this governing document.

To conduct an internship, it is required that the enterprise has a program in place for employees to undergo internships. Moreover, the program is necessary in all cases, because without it it is impossible to competently and correctly determine the stages of the internship and its content.

Typical internship procedure

Regardless of the reasons for which an internship is required, it is usually carried out as follows:

  1. An employment contract is drawn up with the employee according to the rules established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is also possible to design additional agreement To employment contract, if the employee is not hired for an open vacancy, but is transferred within the organization to a position that requires an internship.
  2. Instructions are provided regarding methods and techniques for the safe performance of work functions. Unlike an internship, instruction should be carried out for all employees of the enterprise, and not just for those engaged in dangerous work.
  3. An order is issued from the manager to send the employee to an internship. The same order appoints a curator (internship director), under whose supervision this event will take place.
  4. The internship itself is carried out. Its duration is determined by the on-the-job internship program approved by the enterprise, and completion is recorded in occupational safety logs.
  5. At the end of the internship, the employee takes a knowledge exam theoretical foundations safe work in the position.
  6. If the exam is passed, an order is issued to allow the employee to work. It is this document that allows him to carry out labor functions independently, without the supervision of a curator.

How is a typical workplace internship program structured?

In order for the program to begin to be applied, it must be developed and approved by the management of the enterprise. However, the specific procedure for its development and approval is not determined by law.

In practice this usually happens as follows:

  1. The division of the enterprise in which the internship is to be conducted develops a draft document.
  2. The project is coordinated with the labor protection department (or with a specific employee responsible for compliance with safety regulations, if there is no such department in the organization’s structure).
  3. The agreed project is approved by order of the enterprise management.

A different procedure is also allowed - in accordance with the rules of office work in force at the enterprise. The main thing is that the program is approved by the director or other person acting on behalf of the organization.

Contents of the internship program, stages of internship by an employee

State regulations do not contain requirements regarding what exactly the internship program should contain and what structural parts it should consist of. In practice, a certain approach has been formed, according to which such a program includes sections describing:

  1. The purpose for which the internship is being conducted. Usually it is indicated here that the purpose is to familiarize yourself with the structure of the unit in which the work activity worker, and the technological and production processes. Also mentioned among the goals is the development of safe execution skills. labor responsibilities and consolidation of theoretical knowledge related to safety precautions.
  2. General requirements. This section of the program specifies a list of what the employee must learn during the internship (safety instructions, hazardous factors when performing work, etc.). It also indicates that the internship is carried out under the guidance of the internship supervisor (supervisor), appointed by order of the organization from among the managers or specialists of the enterprise, and also determines the procedure for admitting an employee to undergo an internship.
  3. The content of the program itself, indicating the number of hours or shifts during which the internship should take place.

The article contains how to conduct training for a group on electrical safety, sample programs and an explanation of how to develop them.

Read in the article:

Electrical safety - why training is needed

Electrical safety training is essential to ensure safe conditions for employees when performing their duties. Equipment modern enterprise gets more complicated every year. Technology is being improved, new materials and technologies are being introduced. Therefore, the importance of measures designed to ensure the safety of workers, the environment and the working environment is increasing.

In the Labor Protection System you can download the pre-exam preparation program for group III electrical safety

Any electrical equipment. The employer has no right to allow production activities personnel who do not have the necessary special training in electrical safety (ES). If this legal requirement is ignored or violated, he faces a fine or even suspension of activities. This means that the educational process cannot be formal.

Electrical safety cheat sheet

Electrical safety training for managers and specialists

If to execute official duties employees need to obtain and confirm certain qualifications, then the level of knowledge of those who directly supervise them cannot be lower than that of their subordinates.

To carry out competent management, the boss must have an electrical safety group higher than that of the employees.

This point must be taken into account in the list of personnel who need to receive gr. according to EB: it includes specialties and positions taking into account the hierarchical structure of the enterprise.

However, the head of the organization himself, the technical director and Chief Engineer may not have a qualification group if they are not directly involved in managing operational personnel. These officials receive gr. as needed in the usual manner.

Group electrical safety training

ES qualifications are divided into groups in order of increasing complexity from I to V.

Training of employees can also be carried out in an organization, provided that it has created a commission to test knowledge on electrical safety consisting of at least five people who have a qualification group in electrical safety and have passed the knowledge test in the state energy supervision commission.

The commissions of state energy supervision bodies test knowledge of:

  • members of knowledge testing commissions within organizations;
  • those responsible for electrical equipment;
  • deputies responsible for electrical facilities;
  • occupational safety specialists, in;
  • employees, if the company's staffing levels do not allow the formation of an ES commission.

After passing the exam, the employee is issued a certificate in the prescribed form.

Training activities also include:

  • briefings;
  • upon hiring, on-the-job training and duplication (for operational and maintenance personnel).

If the company has only a small electrical equipment (input distribution device, lighting fixtures and portable devices with voltage up to 380 V), there is no need to allocate individual, the manager takes responsibility for electronic security.

Advanced training in electrical safety

If there is a need for one reason or another to get more high level qualifications, this is formalized based on the results of appropriate training at the training center and knowledge testing. For example, an employee with Group II must undergo re-training, successfully pass the exam, and only after that he is issued a Group III certificate. Please note that the length of time you have worked with the EB group also matters. Thus, you can move from group II to III only after 3 months of activity, and between III and IV, at least six months of experience is required.

Electrical safety training - frequency

The acquired knowledge on electronic security should be regularly updated and checked. That is why the requirements for ensuring electrical safety in production establish the need for regular retraining and confirmation of personnel qualifications.

For most employees this must be done annually, group I is no exception. But administrative and technical personnel, including labor protection specialists who have the right to inspect electrical installations, are inspected once every 3 years. It's obvious that

  • "On amendments to the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n."
  • Program for training electrical personnel for qualification level. compiled in specialized training centers having required licenses. Within the organization, the head of the department or is responsible for the development of the program.

    Download sample pre-exam preparation programs:

    What should a training program for electrical personnel according to the new rules include?

    The training program contains several parts:

    • Methodological goals and objectives.
    • Requirements for students.
    • Legal basis of the program, list of documents on which it is based.
    • Detailed training plan indicating the number of hours and topics.

    Every person who has chosen a profession related to electricity and energy must periodically test their knowledge of electrical safety. This is mandatory for everyone and there are no exceptions. Thanks to compliance with this rule, people do not die and are not maimed en masse at the enterprises of our Motherland.

    The knowledge test is carried out by a person or special commission. These people are well trained and have many professional knowledge and qualities.

    As a rule, when testing knowledge, the test taker is asked to pass test tasks in writing or orally answer certain questions from the assessors. It will not be possible to automate oral certification yet, because you need a quantum computer and artificial intelligence that understands the answers and meaning of the questions asked, and the execution Test tasks can be automated without problems.

    There are many on the Internet software solutions for this purpose, but not all of them will be able to satisfy picky users in terms of interface and functionality. Electrical safety testing programs should be convenient and understandable to any person undergoing testing.

    On this site we have our own development, suitable for many power engineers, electricians and electricians -. This electrical safety testing program contains almost all the necessary functions for conducting quality certification, these are:

    1. A rich, minimalistic interface in which there is nothing superfluous, all controls are located in the correct position and the user will never get lost in them.

    2. Using a variety of databases with tests will allow you to take tests with different questions and tickets.

    3. The test editor is designed as a separate application, using it you can create your own test databases.

    4. The program can use several testing modes: Exam (testing with the output of the result), Preparing for the exam (in this mode all available questions in the test are given for their subsequent solution), Working on errors (the mode is available after the exam, in which the user answers to previously incorrectly answered questions), Preliminary preparation for the exam (a mode in which the test taker is given literature that he can read for a certain time before the exam).

    5. and much more...

    Watch this video that shows the installation and work with the electrical safety testing program:

    Requirements for personnel allowed to service electrical installations. According to clause 1.4.1 of PTEEP, the operation of electrical installations (EU) must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

    Maintenance of electrical technology installations(electric welding, electrolysis, electrothermy, etc.), as well as complex energy-intensive production and technological equipment, the operation of which requires constant Maintenance and adjustment of electrical equipment, electric drives, hand-held electrical machines, portable and mobile electrical receivers, portable power tools must be carried out by electrical engineering personnel. He must have sufficient skills and knowledge to safely perform work and maintain the installation assigned to him.

    Electrotechnological personnel production workshops and areas that are not part of the Consumer's energy service, operating electrical technological installations and having electrical safety group II and higher, are equal in their rights and obligations to electrical engineering.

    Managers directly subordinate to electrical personnel must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel.

    The list of positions and professions of electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group is approved by the head of the Consumer.

    Personnel authorized to operate and maintain electrical installations must: - have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of professional training, such employees must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers;

    Pass a medical examination. The health status of electrical personnel servicing electrical installations is determined by a medical examination upon hiring and then checked periodically within the time limits established by health authorities. Electrical workers should not have persistent injuries or illnesses that interfere with production work;

    Before being allowed to work independently, undergo training in methods of freeing a victim from the effects of electric current and providing first aid in case of accidents;

    Complete on-the-job training to the extent necessary for the given profession (position).

    Electrical staff Before being allowed to work independently or when moving to another job (position), as well as during a break in work for more than one year, he is required to undergo on-the-job training. The industrial training program is drawn up by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the department and approved by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise;

    Pass a knowledge test of MPOT (PB), EEC, PTEEP and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions for technical operation, fire safety, use of protective equipment, installation of electrical installations) within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession. He must be assigned the appropriate electrical safety group and issued a certificate of the established form;

    Complete an on-the-job internship lasting at least 2 weeks. Admission to internship and independent work for engineers is issued by order of the organization, for workers - by department;

    Obtain permission to work independently (in writing).

    1.2.3. Permission to work independently

    Again accepted employees or who have had a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, receive the right to work independently after completing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and testing of knowledge, duplicating the requirements of the “Rules for Working with Personnel...”.

    Permission to work independently is issued administrative document head of the organization or structural unit.

    During a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level of professional training of the employee, his work experience, job responsibilities, etc. In this case, in any case, unscheduled briefing must be carried out on occupational safety.

    Before admitting personnel who have had a long break from work, regardless of the forms of training provided, they must be familiar with:

     with changes in equipment, circuits and operating modes of power plants;

    - with changes in instructions;

     with newly introduced regulatory and technical documents and other materials.

    In case of prolonged downtime of equipment (mothballing, etc.) or changes in its operating conditions, the procedure for admitting personnel to its management is determined by the head of the organization.

    1.3 Qualification groups for electrical safety

    Assignment of an electrical safety group is a necessary condition for obtaining permission to service and operate

    existing electrical installations. This requirement also applies to non-electrical personnel working in electrical installations.

    Electrical personnel who have undergone medical
    examination, special training and knowledge testing, an electrical safety group is assigned (from II to V, table 1)
    depending on work experience in electrical installations, education, theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with registration in a journal of the established form (Appendix B).

    Initially, a person in electrical engineering may be assigned group II. Electrical safety groups can only be assigned sequentially; you cannot “jump” over a group. Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to be assigned to a group higher than II.

    The requirements for personnel regarding electrical safety given in Table 1 are minimal and can be supplemented by the decision of the head of the organization.

    Group I applies to non-electrical personnel. List of professions and jobs requiring classification production personnel to group I, determined by the head of the organization. Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group I with registration in a journal of the established form (Appendix D to these Rules). Assignment to group I is made through instruction, which, as a rule, should end with a knowledge test in the form of an oral survey and (if necessary) a test of acquired skills in safe working methods or providing first aid in case of electric shock. Assignment of group I is carried out by an employee from among the electrical technical personnel with group III, appointed by order of the head of the organization.

    Group III can be assigned to employees only upon reaching 18 years of age.

    When starting a job (transferring to another work site, replacing an absent employee), the employee, when testing his knowledge, must confirm the existing group in relation to the equipment of electrical installations at the new site.

    When transferring an employee engaged in servicing electrical installations with voltages below 1000 V to work servicing electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, as a rule, he cannot be assigned an initial group higher than III.

    Requirements to

    1. Basic technical knowledge of the electrical installation and its equipment

    2. Clear understanding of the danger of electric current, the danger of approaching

    to live parts.

    Minimum work experience in electrical installations, months.


    Institutes and technical godfathers (college-jays)

    not standardized

    Vocational schools

    Personnel of organizations

    With higher electrical engineering education

    With secondary electrical and higher technical education

    With secondary education

    After completing the program for at least 72 hours

    Without secondary education

    Electrical Safety Group


    3. Knowledge of basic precautions when working in electrical installations.

    4. Practical skills in providing first aid to victims

    1. Basic knowledge of general electrical engineering.

    2. Knowledge of the electrical installation and its maintenance procedures.

    3. Knowledge of general safety regulations, including rules for permission to work and special requirements relating to the work performed.

    4. The ability to ensure safe work and supervise those working in electrical installations.

    5. Knowledge of the rules for freeing a victim from electric current, providing first aid and the ability to practically provide it to the victim


    3 in previous group


    6 in previous group


    1 in previous group


    2 in previous group


    2 in previous group


    3 in previous group




    1. Knowledge of electrical engineering in the scope of a specialized vocational school.

    3. Knowledge of these rules, rules of technical operation of electrical equipment, electrical installations and fire safety within the scope of the position held.

    6. Knowledge of the rules for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current, providing first aid and the ability to practically provide it to the victim.




    2 in previous group


    3 in previous group


    3 in previous group


    6 in the previous group




    1. Knowledge of electrical engineering in the scope of a specialized vocational school

    2. A complete understanding of the dangers when working in electrical installations.

    3. Knowledge of these Rules, rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment, rules for using and testing protective equipment, electrical installations and fire safety within the scope of the position held.

    4. Knowledge of electrical installation diagrams and equipment of the serviced area, knowledge of technical measures to ensure the safety of work.

    5. Ability to provide instructions, organize safe work, and supervise team members.

    6. Knowledge of the rules for releasing the victim
    from the action of electric current, first aid and the ability to practically provide it to the victim.

    7. Ability to train personnel in safety rules and practical first aid techniques




    3 in previous group


    6 in previous group


    12 in previous group


    24 in the previous group



    2 The effect of electric current on a person

    2.1 Negative effects of electric current on


    There are three types of negative effects of electric current on the human body: thermal, electrolytic and biological. Thermal the effect manifests itself in burns of parts of the body, heating of blood vessels, blood, nerves, etc. Electrolytic the action manifests itself in the decomposition of blood and other organic fluids of the body and causes significant disturbances in their physical and chemical state. Biological the action manifests itself in the form of disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system and leads to irritation and excitation of living tissues of the body, to involuntary convulsive contractions of muscles, including the lungs and heart.

    Electrical current can cause two types of injury: local electrical injury or general electrical injury, called electrical shock.

    Local electrical injuries include: electrical burns, electrical marks, skin metallization, electroophthalmia and mechanical injuries.

    Electrical burn – the most common electrical injury. There are two types of burns: current (contact) and arc. Electrical burn is caused by the passage of current through the human body as a result of contact with a live part and is a consequence of the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy. Electrical burns occur at voltages no higher than 1...2 kV and are in most cases first- and second-degree burns (redness, blistering). An arc burn occurs at higher voltages between the live part and the human body, when an electric arc is formed (arc temperature above 3500 0 C), which causes an arc burn. Arc burns are usually severe - III or IV degrees.

    Electrical signs – clearly defined spots of gray or pale yellow color on the surface of human skin in places where electric current is applied. In most cases, electrical signs are painless and can be easily treated.

    Metallization of leather– this is the penetration of tiny particles of metal melted in an electric arc into the upper layers of the skin, as a result of which burns occur. This can happen during a short circuit, a switch is turned off, and other cases.

    Electroophthalmia– eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation from an electric arc.

    Mechanical damage occur as a result of convulsive muscle contractions under the influence of electric current, which leads to rupture of the skin, blood vessels, nerve tissue, and can also lead to dislocation of joints, torn ligaments and even bone fractures. These same electrical injuries include bruises and fractures obtained when a person falls from a height while exposed to current.

    Electric shock- this is the excitation of living tissues of the body by an electric current passing through it, accompanied by continuous convulsive muscle contractions. According to the severity of the consequences, electrical shocks are divided into four degrees:

    – first – convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness;

    – second – convulsive muscle contraction, loss of consciousness, breathing and heart activity persist;

    – third – loss of consciousness, disturbance of cardiac activity or breathing, or both;

    – fourth – clinical death, i.e. lack of breathing and blood circulation.

    It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of clinical (imaginary) and biological (true) death due to electric shock. Duration clinical death determined by the time from the moment of cessation of cardiac activity and respiration until the onset of death of brain cells. In healthy people exposed to electric current, the state of clinical death does not exceed 7–8 minutes. When a person remains without signs of life for a longer period of time, irreversible changes occur in the cells and tissues of the body, i.e. biological (true) death occurs.

    The damaging effect of current on the human body depends on many factors: the magnitude of the current, the duration of its effect, the type and frequency of the current, the path of the current in the human body and the individual properties of the person.

    Current value passing through the human body is the main factor determining the severity of electrical injuries. There are three degrees of influence of current on the human body and three threshold values ​​corresponding to them: tangible, non-releasing and fibrillation effects.

    Sensible current- an electric current that causes noticeable irritation as it passes through the body. A person begins to feel the effects of alternating current at industrial frequency
    (f= 50 Hz) in the form of a slight “itching” and slight tingling when it is
    the value will reach 0.6...1.5 mA. Direct current is felt at values ​​of 6...7 mA. A tangible current causes mild (or painful) irritation in a person, and a person can independently free himself from a wire or live part that is energized. The current values ​​indicated are the threshold perceptible currents.

    Non-releasing current- an electric current that, when passing through a person, causes uncontrollable convulsive muscle contractions. The value of the threshold non-releasing current is for alternating current from 10 to 15 mA and for direct current from 50 to 60 mA. At such current values, a person can no longer independently disconnect from the electrical circuit.

    Fibrillation current- an electric current that causes cardiac fibrillation as it passes through the body. The threshold value of fibrillation current is 100 mA for alternating current and 300 mA for constant current with a duration of action from 1 to 2 seconds along the “arm-arm” or “arm-legs” path.

    Cardiac fibrillation is chaotic multi-temporal contractions of cardiac muscle fibers (fibrils), during which blood circulation stops.

    The danger of electric shock due to cardiac fibrillation depends on which phase of the cardiac cycle coincides with the time of passage of the current through the heart area. If the duration of current passage is equal to or exceeds the time of the cardiac cycle (0.75...1.0 s), then the current “meets” all phases of the heart (including the most vulnerable), which is very dangerous for the body. If the time of exposure to current is less than the duration of the cardiac cycle by 0.5 s or more, then the probability of the moment of current passing coinciding with the most vulnerable phase of the heart, and therefore the risk of injury, is sharply reduced. Reducing the duration of exposure to electric current reduces the risk of injury to a person due to certain features of the heart.

    Picture 1 Cardiocycle of one period

    In every cardiac cycle (Figure 1) there is a period of systole (from the Greek systole - abbreviation), when the ventricles of the heart contract (QRS wave) and push blood into the arterial vessels. During the time corresponding to the ventricular Q-R-S-T complex, the heart muscle is inexcitable. Phase T corresponds to the end of ventricular contraction, and they enter a relaxed state. During diastole (from the Greek diastole - expansion), the ventricles fill with blood. Phase P corresponds to atrial contraction. It has been established that the heart is most sensitive to the effects of electric current during the T phase of the cardiac cycle, and vice versa, electric current is least dangerous for the heart during the R period, and that fibrillation most often occurs if the moment of electrical injury coincides with the increasing part of the T phase, the duration of which is 0. 15…0.2 s. As the duration of exposure to electric current decreases, the likelihood of such a coincidence becomes less, and therefore the risk of cardiac fibrillation decreases. This circumstance is used in high-speed residual current devices, in which the response time is less than 0.2 s.

    electrical installations. (*) Officials...
  • Document

    ... atoperationelectrical installations atoperationelectrical installations...towards personnel electrical safety

  • Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations with amendments and additions


    ... atoperationelectrical installations atoperationelectrical installations...towards personnel electrical safety

  • Document

    ... atoperationelectrical installations(2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989) and Safety Regulations atoperationelectrical installations...towards personnel electrical safety are minimal and the decision of the manager...

  • Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations pot r m-016-2001 rd 153-34 0-03 150-00


    ... atoperationelectrical installations(2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989) and Safety Regulations atoperationelectrical installations...towards personnel electrical safety are minimal and the decision of the manager...

  • Personnel authorized to operate and maintain electrical installations must:

    Have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of professional training, such employees must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers;

    Pass a medical examination.

    Before being allowed to work independently, undergo training in methods of freeing a victim from the effects of electric current and providing first aid in case of accidents;

    Complete on-the-job training to the extent necessary for the given profession (position). Electrical technical personnel, before being allowed to work independently or when moving to another job (position), as well as during a break in work for more than one year, are required to undergo on-the-job training. The training program is drawn up by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the department and approved by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise;

    Pass the knowledge test of MPOT (PB), EEU, PTEEP and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions for technical operation, fire safety, use of protective equipment, installation of electrical installations) within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession.;

    Complete an on-the-job internship lasting at least 2 weeks. Admission to internship and independent work for engineers is issued by order of the organization, for workers - by department; - obtain permission to work independently (in writing).

    Assignment of an electrical safety group is a necessary condition for obtaining permission to service and operate existing ones. Electrical personnel who have undergone a medical examination, special training and knowledge testing are assigned an electrical safety group (from II to V) depending on their work experience in electrical installations, education, theoretical knowledge and practical work skills. Initially, a person in electrical engineering may be assigned group II. Electrical safety groups can only be assigned sequentially; you cannot “jump” over a group. Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to be assigned to a group higher than II.

    Types of effects of lightning on humans and industrial facilities

    Lightning is an electrical discharge several kilometers long that develops between a thundercloud and the ground or some ground structure.

    The effects of lightning are usually divided into two main groups: primary, caused by a direct lightning strike, and secondary, induced by nearby lightning discharges or carried into the object by extended metal communications. A direct lightning strike causes the following effects on an object:

    Electrical, associated with electric shock to people or animals and the appearance of overvoltages on the affected elements. The overvoltage is proportional to the amplitude and slope of the lightning current, the inductance of structures and the resistance of the grounding conductors through which the lightning current is discharged into the ground. Even with lightning protection, direct lightning strikes with high currents and steepness can lead to overvoltages of several megavolts. In the absence of lightning protection, the paths of lightning current spreading are uncontrollable and its strike can create a danger of electric shock, dangerous step and touch voltages, and overlap to other objects;

    Thermal, associated with a sharp release of heat during direct contact of the lightning channel with the contents of the object and when lightning current flows through the object. The energy released in the lightning channel is determined by the transferred charge, the duration of the flash and the amplitude of the lightning current; and in 95% of cases of lightning discharges, this energy (calculated for a resistance of 1 Ohm) exceeds 5.5 J, it is two to three orders of magnitude higher than the minimum ignition energy of most gas, steam and dust-air mixtures used in industry.;

    Mechanical, caused by a shock wave propagating from the lightning channel, and electrodynamic forces acting on conductors with lightning currents. This effect can cause, for example, thin metal tubes to flatten. Contact with a lightning channel can cause sudden vapor or gas formation in some materials, followed by mechanical destruction, such as splitting wood or cracking concrete.

    Secondary manifestations of lightning are associated with the effect of close discharges on an object in the electromagnetic field. Usually this field is considered in the form of two components: the first is caused by the movement of charges in the lightning leader and channel, the second is due to the change in lightning current over time. These components are sometimes called electrostatic and electromagnetic induction.


  • Spurs for the Clinic of Intellectual Disabilities (Crib Sheet)
  • PTE and PTB (in questions and answers) (Document)
  • Educational posters - Electrical safety at voltages up to 1000 V (Document)
  • (Document)
  • Alekseev S.S. (ed) Civil law in questions and answers (Document)
  • Demidov A.I., Malko A.V. Political Science in Questions and Answers (Document)
  • Kokhanovsky V.P. etc. Philosophy of science in questions and answers (Document)
  • Mukhamedzhanova N.M., Boguslavskaya S.M. (ed.) Cultural Theory in Questions and Answers (Document)
  • n1.doc

    Question. What is the procedure for training personnel for independent maintenance of electrical installations?

    Answer. Persons hired to perform work in electrical installations must have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of such training, they must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers according to a special 72-hour program that meets the requirements for the knowledge of Group II personnel in electrical safety.

    Before being allowed to work independently, electrical technical personnel must be trained in how to free a victim from the effects of electric current and provide emergency resuscitation and first aid.

    Upon completion of training, employees are tested on their knowledge of the Rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers, Inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations, operational, job descriptions and instructions on labor protection.

    After testing the knowledge, each employee of the operational and maintenance personnel undergoes on-the-job training (duplication) for at least 2 weeks under the guidance of an experienced employee, after which he can be allowed to work independently.

    The trainee can carry out operational switching, inspections or other work in the electrical installation only with the permission and under the supervision of the trainee.

    Responsibility for the correct actions of the trainee and his compliance with safety regulations lies with the trainer and the trainee himself.

    Admission to internships and independent work is carried out for engineering and technical workers by order of the enterprise, for workers - by order of the workshop.

    No duplication is required for maintenance personnel.

    Professional training of personnel, advanced training, testing of knowledge and briefings are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state and industry regulations on the organization of labor protection and safe work of personnel.

    An employee’s health status is checked before being hired, and also periodically, in the manner prescribed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

    Question. What are the deadlines for regular tests of knowledge of Safety Rules and operating rules for personnel operating electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and higher?

    Answer. Work in existing electrical installations is carried out along with approval, by order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

    Unauthorized work is not allowed, as well as expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order or order. Carrying out work on electrical installations in the coverage area of ​​another work order must be coordinated with the person conducting the work on this work order or issuing the work order. Approval is completed before the workplace is prepared

    A note in the margin of the order (near Table 2) reads “agreed” and the signature of the person approving.

    Repairs of electrical equipment above 1000 V, work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations above 1000 V, as well as repairs of overhead lines regardless of voltage, as a rule, must be carried out according to technological maps or a work execution plan (WPP).

    Question. What conditions must be met when working under voltage in electrical installations up to 1000 V?

    Answer. In electrical installations up to 1000 V, when working under voltage, it is necessary to protect other live parts located near the workplace that are energized, which may be accidentally touched, to work in dielectric galoshes or standing on an insulating stand or on a rubber dielectric carpet, to use an insulated tool for work ( Screwdrivers must have an insulated shaft), use dielectric gloves.

    It is not allowed to work in clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, or to use hacksaws, files, a metal meter, etc.

    Question. What organizational measures ensure the safety of work in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V?

    Answer. Organizational measures to ensure safe work in electrical installations are:

    Registration of work with a work permit or order or list of work performed in the order of current operation;

    Permission to work;

    Supervision during work;

    Registration of a break from work, transfer to another workplace and termination of work.

    Question. What is a work permit for work in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V?

    Answer. The work order is a written assignment for work in electrical installations, defining the place, time of start and end of work, the conditions for its safe conduct, the composition of the team and persons responsible for the safety of work.

    Question. Who has the right to issue orders and give orders?

    Answer. The right to issue orders and instructions is granted to persons from the electrical technical personnel of the organization who have electrical safety group V in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and IV in installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

    In the absence of persons who have the right to issue orders when working to prevent accidents and eliminate them, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by workers with group IV from the operational and maintenance personnel of a given electrical installation. Granting this personnel the right to issue work orders is formalized in writing by the head of the organization.

    Question. Who are responsible for work safety?

    Answer. Responsible for safe work performance are:

    Issuing work permit, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation;


    Responsible work manager;

    Work producer;


    Team member.

    Granting the rights of the issuer of an order, order; allowing; responsible work manager; work producer; observation is carried out on the written instructions of the head of the organization.

    Question. What is the responsibility of the person issuing the order or issuing the order?

    Answer. The person issuing the order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of performing the work safely. Responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order, for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of responsible persons, as well as for the compliance of the work performed with the electrical safety groups of the workers listed in the work order.

    Question. When is a responsible manager appointed and what is he responsible for?

    Answer. A responsible work manager is appointed when working in electrical installations above 1000 V. In electrical installations up to 1000 V, a responsible manager may not be appointed. The responsible work manager is responsible for the implementation of all safety measures specified in the work order and their sufficiency, for the additional safety measures taken by him, for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the team, including those carried out by the permitter and the manufacturer of the work, as well as for organizing the safe conduct of work.

    Administrative and technical personnel with group V are appointed as responsible performers of the work. In cases where individual work (stages of work) must be performed under the supervision and control of the responsible work manager, the issuing order must make an entry about this in the “Individual instructions” line of the work order.

    Question. When performing what kind of work in electrical installations is a responsible work manager appointed?

    Answer. A responsible work manager is appointed when performing work using mechanisms and lifting machines; with disconnection of electrical equipment (except for work in electrical installations where the voltage is removed from all live parts, in electrical installations with a simple and clear diagram); on cable power lines and cable communication lines in areas where communications and heavy traffic are located; when two or more teams are working simultaneously; for repair of overhead lines. The need to appoint a responsible work manager is determined by the issuing order, who is allowed to appoint a responsible work manager for other work besides those listed.

    Question. What are the responsibilities of the admitter and what is he responsible for?

    Answer. The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the brigade briefing he conducts.

    Admitters are appointed from the operational and maintenance personnel. In electrical installations above 1000 V, the permitting device must have group IV, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V - group III. The admitter must be admitted to operational switching administrative document of the head of the organization.

    Question. What is the work contractor responsible for?

    Answer. The work performer is responsible for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions of the work order, additional safety measures required by the working conditions; for the clarity and completeness of instructions to team members; for the availability, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, equipment and devices; for the safety of fences, posters, grounding, and locking devices in the workplace; for the safe conduct of work and compliance with safety rules by himself and the team members; for constant monitoring of team members.

    The manufacturer of work carried out alongside in electrical installations above 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V - group III, except for work in underground structures where the appearance of harmful gases is possible, work under voltage, work on re-tensioning and replacement of wires overhead line up to 1000 V, suspended on line supports with voltage above 1000 V, for which the work operator must have group IV.

    The manufacturer of work performed by order may have group III in all electrical installations, except for measuring the voltage on the shaft and the insulation resistance of the rotor of a working generator, which must be performed by two workers with groups IV and III.

    Question. In what cases is a supervisor appointed and for what is he responsible?

    Answer. An observer is appointed to supervise teams of workers who do not have the right to work independently in electrical installations.

    The observer is responsible for ensuring that the prepared workplace complies with the instructions of the work order; for the presence and safety of groundings, fences, posters, and drive locking devices installed at the workplace; for the safety of team members in relation to electric shock from the electrical installation.

    An employee with group III can be appointed as an observer.

    Responsible for safety related to work technology is the employee leading the team, who is part of it and must be constantly at the workplace. His last name is indicated in the “Separate instructions” line of the order.

    Question. What are the members of the brigade responsible for?

    Answer. Each team member must comply with safety rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work, as well as the requirements of local labor protection regulations.

    Question. Is it possible to combine the duties of responsible persons?

    Answer. One of the combinations of responsibilities of those responsible for safety is allowed:

    outstanding outfit Can combine the duties of: responsible work manager, work foreman who allows electrical installations without local operating personnel;

    responsible work manager - a manufacturer of work who allows electrical installations to be carried out without local operating personnel;

    work producer from operational and repair personnel - allowing in electrical installations with a simple and clear diagram;

    work producer with group IV of the personnel servicing relay protection devices, electrical automation - allowing, while he determines the safety measures necessary to prepare the workplace; such a combination is permitted if the preparation of the workplace does not require disconnections, grounding, or installation of temporary fences in the electrical installation above 1000 V.

    A member of the operational and repair staff may perform the duties of a team member.

    On overhead lines of all voltage levels, it is allowed for the responsible manager or repair personnel to combine the duties of a person in charge in cases where, to prepare the workplace, it is only necessary to check the absence of voltage and install portable grounding connections at the work site without operating switching devices,

    Question. What is the procedure for obtaining a permit?

    Answer. The permission slip is issued in two copies, and when transmitted by telephone or radio, in triplicate. In the latter case, the issuing order issues one copy, and the person receiving the text in the form of a telephone or radio message, fax or e-mail, fills out two copies of the order and, after checking back, indicates his surname and initials at the place of signature of the issuer of the order, confirming the correctness of the entry with his signature .

    In cases where the work performer is appointed at the same time as an admitter, the work order, regardless of the method of transmission, is filled out in two copies, one of which remains with the person who issued the work order.

    Question. How many orders can be issued to those responsible for work safety?

    Answer. The number of orders issued to one responsible work manager is determined by the issuing order. The permitter and the work supervisor (supervisor) may be issued several orders and orders at once for alternate admission and work on them.

    Question. What is the validity period of the order?

    Answer. It is allowed to issue a work order for a period of no more than 15 calendar days.
    days from the date of commencement of work. The assignment can be extended once for a period of not
    more than 15 calendar days from the date of extension. During breaks from work
    the series remains valid. The employee who issued the order can extend the work order.
    this work order, or another employee who has the right to issue a work order for work in this electrical installation. Permission to extend the work order can be conveyed by telephone, radio or courier to the permitting, responsible manager and foreman of the work; who in this case, with his signature, indicates in the work order the surname and initials of the employee who extended the work order.

    Question. For which jobs is the work order valid for one day?

    Answer. It is allowed to call one outfit for one day to alternately carry out the same type of work at several substations or several connections of one substation. Such work includes: wiping insulators; lift contact connections; sampling and adding oil; switching branches of transformer windings; testing of relay protection devices, electrical automation, measuring instruments; high voltage test from an external source; checking insulators with a measuring rod; Finding the location of the cable line damage.

    Admission to each substation and each connection is issued in a work order. Each of the substations is allowed to be put into operation only after complete completion of work on it according to this work order.

    Question. Is it allowed to work in electrical installations up to 1000 V one at a time at all connections?

    Answer. In electrical installations up to 1000 V, with the voltage completely removed from all current-carrying parts, it is allowed to work one at a time on switchgear busbars, distribution boards, assemblies, as well as on all connections simultaneously.

    Question. For which jobs is it permissible to issue one work order?

    Answer. One work order for simultaneous or alternate performance of work at different workplaces of one or several connections of one electrical installation may be issued in the following cases:

    When laying and relaying power and control cables, testing electrical equipment, checking protection devices, measurements, blocking, electrical automation, telemechanics, communications, etc.;

    When repairing switching devices of one connection, including when their drives are located in another room;

    When repairing a separate cable in a tunnel, collector, well, trench, pit;

    When repairing cables (no more than two), carried out in two pits or switchgear and a nearby pit, when the location of workplaces allows the work manager to supervise the team.

    At the same time, the dispersal of team members across different workplaces is allowed. Registration of transfer from one workplace to another is not required in the work order.

    All workplaces are prepared before admission. It is not allowed to prepare for switching on any of the connections, or test electric motors until the work on the job is completed.

    If the team is dispersed among different work places, one or more team members with group III are allowed to stay separately from the work foreman. Members of the team who will be separated from the work manager must be brought to the workplace and instructed about the safety measures that must be observed when performing work.

    Question. How is work organized in switchgears on cable line sections?

    Answer. Work on terminations and terminations of cable lines located in switchgears is carried out according to orders issued by the personnel servicing the switchgear. Permission to work on cable lines is carried out by personnel servicing the switchgear.

    Work on cable lines passing through the territory and cable structures of distribution devices is carried out according to orders issued by personnel servicing cable lines. Admission is carried out by personnel servicing cable lines after receiving permission from the operational or operational maintenance personnel servicing the switchgear.

    Question. How is an order issued for work on electrical installations?

    Answer. The order is of a one-time nature, its validity period is determined by the length of the executors’ working day. If it is necessary to continue the work, if its conditions or the composition of the team changes, the order is given again. If there are breaks in work during the day, re-entry is carried out by the work manager. The order and permission to work are documented in the Work Record Book for work orders and orders and in the Operational Journal.

    The order for work is given to the work contractor and the permitter. In electrical installations without local operating personnel, in cases where access to the workplace is not required, the order can be given directly to the person performing the work. Work, the execution of which is provided for by order, may, at the discretion of the person issuing the order, be carried out according to the order. An order may be issued for work in turn on several electrical installations (connections).

    Question. What work according to the regulations can be carried out in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V?

    Answer. By order, emergency work lasting no more than 1 hour can be carried out in electrical installations above 1000 V by operational and maintenance personnel or under their supervision, excluding the time for preparing the workplace.

    A senior person from the operational or operational-repair personnel, a work performer or an observer performing work or supervising those working in electrical installations above 1000 V must have group IV, team members - group III.

    Before work, all technical measures to prepare the workplace, determined by the person issuing the order, are carried out.

    It is also permissible, by order, to carry out work on an electric motor from which the cable is disconnected and its ends are closed and grounded; on a generator, from the terminals of which the buses and cables are disconnected; in switchgears on evacuated switchgear trolleys, in which the compartment curtains are locked.

    One employee with group III is allowed to:

    Landscaping of the outdoor switchgear area, mowing grass, clearing snow from roads and passages;

    Repair and maintenance of wired - radio and telephone communication devices, lighting wiring and fittings located outside the switchgear chambers at a height of no more than 2.5 m;

    Renewal of inscriptions on equipment casings and fences outside the chambers of switchgears;

    Monitoring the drying of transformers, generators and other equipment taken out of service;

    Maintenance of oil purification and other equipment when cleaning and drying oil;

    Work on electric motors and mechanical parts of fans and oil pumps of transformers and compressors.

    Question. What work according to the regulations can be carried out in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V?

    Answer. It is allowed to carry out work on orders in electrical installations up to 1000 V, except for work on the busbars of distribution devices and on connections through which voltage can be supplied to the busbars, on overhead lines using lifting mechanisms, including maintenance of the external lighting network.

    In electrical installations up to 1000 V, located in premises, except those that are especially dangerous in terms of electric shock to people, an employee with group III, who has the right to be a work performer, can work alone.

    Are you interested in the procedure and possibility of returning insurance after repaying the loan? We will consider in detail the situations in which a refund is possible. Money, we’ll tell you about some of the features of receiving compensation when lending at Sberbank of Russia, ba

    Life insurance, income insurance, as well as collateral belonging to the person who took out the loan, is one of the conditions for the implementation of the credit program of numerous banking organizations. At the same time, many borrowers are interested in a reasonable question - can they

    OGBPOU Smolensk College railway transport,

    communications and service.


    OP.09. electrical safety

    by profession 190623.01 Locomotive driver

    Smolensk 2016

    Program academic discipline is a variable part of the main educational program for the profession of primary vocational education 190623.01 and was introduced at the request of the enterprise.

    Developer Sedneva E.I. Chairman of the Methodological Commission, Master of Industrial Training.

    Labor safety engineer Novikova E.S. (locomotive depot Smolensk).






    conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline


    Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline


    1. passport of the ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE PROGRAM

    "Electrical safety"

    1.1. Scope of the program.

    The academic discipline program is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession 190623.01 Locomotive driver.

    The program of the academic discipline can be used in additional vocational education And vocational training workers by profession:

    16856 Assistant driver of a diesel train;

    16878 Assistant locomotive driver;

    16885 Assistant driver of an electric locomotive;

    16887 Assistant driver of an electric train;

    18507 Mechanic for inspection and repair of locomotives at maintenance points;

    18540 Rolling stock repairman.

    1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: discipline of the general professional cycle.

    1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

    be able to:

    Apply protective equipment used in electrical installations, determine their suitability, provide first medical care in case of electric shock. Carry out the necessary shutdowns and take measures to prevent the supply of voltage to the work site.

    As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student mustknow:

    Types of electrical installations and organization of operation, legal and regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, danger of electric shock.

    the maximum educational load of a student is 108 hours, including:

    the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 72 hours;

    independent work of the student - 36 hours.


    2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types academic work




    Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)



    practical lessons


    Independent work of the student (total)



    preparing messages or presentations


    Final certification in the form of a test

    Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline

    OP 09. Electrical safety

    Content educational material, practical lessons,

    Independent work of the student.


    Hours volume.

    Level of assimilation.

    Topic 1

    Types of electrical installations and equipment.

      classification of electrical installations (by voltage, neutral mode, location);

      electrical installations - operating, not operating;

      distribution devices;

      classification of premises (according to the risk of electric shock and fire hazard);

    Chapter 1.7 PUE (7th edition)


    POTRRM-016-2001, PTEEP terms, definitions

    g.l. 2.3-2.4 PTEEP

    Ch. 2.2 PTEEP

    Section 4. PUE

    Chapter 1.1. PUE

    Preparing messages using additional literature and Internet resources.

    Sample Topics : Which electrical installations are considered operational, their division according to electrical safety conditions.

    Classification of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock. Organization of safe working conditions.

    Topic 2

    Organization of operation of electrical installations.

      main types of work in electrical installations (operational maintenance, maintenance, inspection, emergency work, construction, installation, adjustment and repair work, special work);

      legal and regulatory technical documents on labor protection;

      control and responsibility for the state of labor protection in the organization, execution of work, instruction;

      requirements for electrical technical (electrotechnological) personnel;

      testing knowledge of norms and rules for working in electrical installations;

    Practical lesson Preparation of abstracts for main documents.

    Chapter 1.5. PTEEP

    Chapter 1.8. PTEEP

    Chapter 1.2, 1.7 PTEEP

    Ch. 2.7. POTRM-016-2001, PTEEP

    Chapter 1.4. PTEEP

    Chapter 1.4. PTEEP

    Independent work of students .

    Preparation of messages, presentations using additional literature and Internet resources.

    Sample Topics :

    What categories are the works divided into, their characteristics. Characteristics of documents for work in electrical installations.

    Topic 3

    The procedure for using protective equipment used in electrical installations.

      electrical protective equipment and requirements for them;

      individual protection means.

    Practical lesson Use of protective equipment, determination of their suitability.

    Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations No. 261, chapter 1.1-2.1

    Preparation of messages using additional literature and the Internet.

    Sample Topics : Organization of electrical safety measures when performing work.

    Protective means.

    Topic 4.

    Basic concepts about the danger of electric shock during the operation of electrical installations (basics of electrical safety)

      danger of a person approaching live parts that are energized;

      current spreading during a ground fault;

      types of electric shock;

      the main factors determining the outcome of a person being injured by a current passing through his body;

      action of a railway employee transport when detecting a break or hanging objects from the wires of overhead lines, contact wires, and wave communication lines.

    Independent work of students.

    Sample Topics : Technical requirements to the maintenance of electrical equipment. Control of electrical installations.

    Topic 5

    Protective measures in electrical installations.

      grounding, grounding, protective shutdown;

      low voltage;

      use of insulation, including double;

      warning alarms, inscriptions, posters;

      complex use protective measures.

    Practical work Implementation of the procedure for applying protective measures in electrical installations.

    Electrical Safety Guide (Q&A)

    Independent work of students.

    Preparing messages using additional literature and the Internet

    Sample topics: Documentation at the workplace of operational personnel.

    The procedure for storing and issuing keys.

    Topic 6.

    Organizational measures to ensure work safety.

      order of interaction between different

      railway services transport to ensure worker safety;

      types of work allowed to be performed in electrical installations by workers with group II.

    Ch.1-2 TsE-346

    Chapter 2.6- 2.8 POTRM-016-2001

    clause 2.2-2.12 POTRRM-016-2001

    Chapter 2.1 POTRRM-016-2001

    clause 2.3.13, 2.3.15, 2.5.1 POTRM-016-2001

    Independent work of students.

    Preparing messages using additional literature and the Internet.

    Sample topics: Operational management.

    Documentation at the workplace.

    Topic 7.

    Technical measures to ensure the safety of work with stress relief.

      making necessary shutdowns and taking measures to prevent the supply of voltage to the place of work;

      hanging prohibiting posters on drives and keys of switching devices;

      checking the absence of voltage on live parts that must be grounded;


      the display of directional posters is “grounded”; fencing, if necessary, workplaces and live parts remaining energized; posting warning and instructional posters.

    Practical lesson . Determining the places and methods of hanging warning and ordering posters and signs.


    Ch. 3.1.

    Ch. 3.2.

    Ch. 3.3.

    Ch. 3.4.

    Ch. 3.5-3.7.

    Independent work of students.

    Preparing messages using additional literature and the Internet.

    Sample topics: Forms operational management electrical equipment and the procedure for their installation.

    Rules and instructions for electrical safety.

    Topic 8.

    Providing first aid.

      freeing the victim from the effects of electric current;

      determining the condition of the victim;

      resuscitation of the victim;

      providing assistance to victims of fractures, burns, poisoning,

      frostbite, snake bites;

      transportation of the victim;

    Practical lesson . Providing first aid to victims of electric shock.

    Independent work of students.

    Preparing messages using additional literature and the Internet.

    Sample topics: C schemes for including a person in electrical network. Electrical injuries and electrical injuries..




    To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

    1 – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties).

    2 – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance).

    3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

    3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

    The implementation of an academic discipline requires the presence of a classroom

    Classroom equipment:

    seating according to the number of students;

    workplace teacher;

    visual aids, educational literature;

    technical training aids:

    computer with license software and a multimedia projector.

    3.2. Information Support training.

      Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations. (PTEEP) dated June 13, 2003. No. 6.

      Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations). POTRM-016-2001 (RD 153-34.0-03.150-00) dated 01/05/2001. order No. 3

      Safety rules when working with tools and devices.

      Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE) edition 6.7.

      Electrical safety rules for railway transport workers on electrified lines railways(CE-346) dated 09.22.1995

      Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations No. 261 dated June 30, 2003.

      Intersectoral instructions for providing first aid in case of accidents at work.

      Handbook on electrical safety (questions and answers). 2012.

    4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Discipline

    Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes,execution homework(messages or presentations)

    Learning outcomes

    (mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

    Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes


    Classify electrical installations by type,

    apply individual means protection, determine

    their suitability.

    Provide first aid

    victims of electric current.

    expert observation and assessment during a practical lesson


    Legal and regulatory technical documents on labor protection, main types of work in electrical installations.

    expert observation during a practical lesson,oral survey,assessment of homework (message or presentation)