Simple and profitable breeding of partridges at home. Partridge in the home garden

Breeding wild partridges is a very competitive and profitable business, as the demand and prices for meat and eggs of this bird are growing. To make a profit, beginning farmers will only need to properly equip a chicken coop and purchase several adult birds.

It is believed that there is no work in the Russian countryside, so those who want to earn good money must leave for the city. In fact, if you have at least a minimal entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and ingenuity, you can have a stable high income even in the most remote village. In recent years, partridge breeding has become increasingly popular among village residents. And although caring for this bird, somewhat exotic for our villagers, is more difficult than caring for chickens, the market value of partridge meat and eggs is much higher.

Where to begin?

By and large, anyone who has at least a small utility room can start breeding and keeping partridges at home. If you wish, you can even set up this business in a garage, although a country house with two dozen acres of adjacent land would, of course, be better for these purposes. Moreover, if the business is illegal at first, as is often the case with us, it is much easier to hide from the tax authorities in the village than in the middle of a metropolis.

The first thing any commercial project begins with is drawing up a clear business plan. Before purchasing building materials for a chicken coop and looking for poultry suppliers, you should carefully calculate all costs, find out how to sell finished products and current prices for them. Only after making sure that the project will be profitable under current circumstances can you begin to create a farm.

Since not many enterprises are engaged in breeding partridges in Russia (which, in fact, is good, because the competition will be low), you may have to go to another region several hundred kilometers to get the first batch of young animals. It is better to purchase several pairs (unlike most poultry, partridges are monogamous), having received offspring from which in the future it will be possible to form the required number of livestock.

Usually, at the start, 4-5 pairs of adult partridges are purchased, but you can purchase chicks or even eggs. Purchasing adult birds carries less risk, although it will cost much more. On the other hand, an entrepreneur with extensive experience in poultry breeding can safely start with incubation.

For partridges, the same room is suitable as is usually used for ordinary chickens. That is, they can be kept in a spacious enclosure, which is adjacent to a barn where the bird spends the night, and in a completely enclosed room. The second involves breeding partridges in cages without the opportunity to walk freely in the fresh air.

Today, this area of ​​poultry farming has just begun to develop, so there is no consensus among farmers regarding the more preferable technique. Some argue that partridges definitely need to go for a walk, since they are still a wild bird. Others are confident that partridges can easily live in compact isolated cages. Thus, the final choice remains with the entrepreneur himself.

In any case, partridges need a warm room without drafts. The floor of the chicken coop (or cage) must be covered with dry straw or hay so that the bird feels warm and comfortable. The flooring needs to be changed regularly - at least twice a week. If the bird is raised not for meat, but for eggs, laying hens require a room with good sound insulation so that the bird is not frightened by external sounds and lays normally.

It is important to note that, unlike chickens, partridges fly well, so for walks in the fresh air they need not just a pen, but an aviary, even covered with netting on top. At the same time, at the entrance to the aviary it is necessary to arrange a small canopy or vestibule with a second door, so that the bird does not fly out at the moment when a person enters.

The diet of partridges is generally similar to that of chicken, although it has some peculiarities. At the same time, you should also strictly monitor the cleanliness of feeders and drinkers. It is unacceptable for food and dirt to accumulate in them for many days. If you do not clean feeders and drinkers daily, there is a risk of infectious diseases that are quite difficult to fight.

Pros and cons of partridges

From the point of view of organizing the production process, raising partridges is fundamentally no different from breeding chickens, ducks or geese. Partridges have their own specific characteristics that should be taken into account, but in general they are no more difficult to deal with than ordinary poultry. At the same time, the business of breeding them has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. This bird is quite unpretentious in food and living conditions. By and large, raising partridges is no more difficult than raising chickens or geese.
  2. Partridge meat and eggs are valued higher than chicken eggs. In other words, with comparable volumes of investment, the profit margins will be much greater.
  3. The demand for partridge meat and eggs significantly exceeds supply. At the moment, very few farms in Russia are engaged in breeding partridges. Hunters also meet part of the demand. But in general, the level of competition in this segment is simply not comparable to the level of competition in the chicken business.

To be fair, it should be noted that raising partridges also has some negative aspects:

  1. The cost of one adult bird is about a thousand rubles. And to start a business, you need to either buy about a dozen individuals and spend more than a year forming a full-fledged herd, or buy several dozen individuals at once, which will cost a very significant amount.
  2. Since the industry is quite new for Russia, there are no well-developed methods and technologies for breeding partridges at home as such. Each farm develops its own approach.
  3. There are no specialized drugs against infectious diseases in partridges, and therefore it is critically important to prevent outbreaks of diseases in such a farm. Otherwise, the territory of the enterprise will become unsuitable for raising partridges for many years to come.

Planting eggs and raising young animals

While a chicken business can be built entirely on purchased young animals, chicken farming farms are forced to form a livestock exclusively on their own. At the start, you can purchase several adult individuals for breeding, but each time buying young animals from the outside will be too expensive. In view of this, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding partridges should carefully study the process of incubating eggs.

Since the partridge is a wild bird, which today cannot even be considered domesticated, it hatches eggs only from March to July. Under natural conditions, a partridge's clutch does not exceed 15 eggs, but in captivity, a partridge can produce about 60 eggs, which can be turned into chickens using an incubator. True, for a bird to produce so many eggs, it needs a balanced diet and daylight hours of at least 15 hours (that is, it will have to be artificially extended with the help of fluorescent lamps).

Those chicks that have hatched from eggs hatched by the partridge herself can be left with their mother for several days. But then they should still be transplanted into a separate cage. In the future, until they mature, young birds should be kept separate from adult birds.

You can learn more about raising partridges at home in specialized books and magazines.

Expenses and income

Poultry farming is a fairly common type of family business today, not to mention the fact that 90% of village residents keep chickens, geese and ducks to meet their own needs for meat and eggs. However, partridges are wild birds, the breeding of which in captivity has not yet been established. Consequently, those who decide to take up this particular bird species can count on very low competition and consistently high demand. True, consumers of partridge meat are concentrated almost exclusively in large cities, so it makes no sense to look for markets in regional centers.

As for the start-up investments, if you have a village estate with outbuildings, the volume of investments at the initial stage may be limited to the purchase of a batch of adult birds for their further reproduction. And you can adapt any barn as a chicken coop using only available materials and a little wire mesh.

But even if a barn for partridges has to be built from scratch, the cost of a small chicken coop is unlikely to exceed 50 thousand rubles. Adding in 10-12 thousand rubles for the purchase of several pairs of partridges and about 20 thousand rubles for an annual supply of food for them and their chicks, we get about 80 thousand rubles in start-up costs. Compared to other types of business, this is very little.

Now about income. Partridge eggs cost about 15 rubles apiece, which is several times more expensive than chicken eggs. Considering that each female produces about 50 eggs in the first year, the very first batch of adult birds purchased externally will produce 200-250 eggs. In the first year, all of them will have to be used to expand the herd, therefore, in the second year the herd size will be about 200 individuals (we make a significant allowance for marriage). If they are all immediately used up, the average profit from one carcass will be about 1,000 rubles. Gross income from the sale of meat will be equal to 200,000 rubles per year.

Of course, this calculation is very conditional. The specific financial results of raising partridges at home depend on what percentage of eggs goes to expand the population and what percentage is sold. Also, profit margins depend on the presence or absence of other expense items - wages, transportation costs, etc.

Recently, game on the table and on restaurant menus has become more popular. The most delicious and dietary dishes are prepared from a small bird of the pheasant family - partridge. Would you like to have these still exotic birds in your yard? Then read about how to feed them correctly and what surprises to prepare for when breeding birds at home and for business.

Partridges are wild birds that were previously only hunted. Trying their meat at lunch or dinner was a real treat. Recently, more and more farmers have decided to domesticate birds. Today, raising partridges at home is gaining momentum. The fact is that a small bird has very valuable meat from a nutritional point of view: low fat content, essential amino acids and high nutritional value.

Bird eggs, which are superior to chicken eggs in the content of useful nutrients and elements, are also valued. The combination of high productivity - more than 20 eggs in a full clutch - and relative ease of care makes the partridge tempting for breeding for eggs or tender meat. How to properly breed birds and how to care for them?

Getting ready for breeding

Initially, you must understand for what purposes and on what scale you are planning to breed partridges. This could be just a home-grown game, or it could be a potentially large, profitable farm with hundreds of game animals. Initially, we advise you to try it, since partridges, although unpretentious in subsequent care, before starting their breeding you need to prepare significantly and provide living conditions as close as possible to wild ones.

You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard when setting up bird enclosures. It will be more difficult than with geese, but with a lot of desire you can achieve a good result. Initially, you should not count on too large an increase in the number of birds - a laying bird will produce up to 60 eggs per season, but before that it needs to be fed and mated with a male, which is also not easy. Therefore, we advise you to take ten birds as a test for the first season: see if you can provide them with decent living conditions, care and feeding.

Raising poultry at home

Raising partridges requires arranging a yard. They say that you can raise birds in cages, but it is better to avoid this option. The fact is that a partridge is a wild bird; a large, spacious enclosure will create the impression of wild nature, unlike cages, it will give you the opportunity to feel freedom and relieve stress. If you subsequently decide to breed birds for business, you will still have to buy an aviary - every spring males and females get together in pairs and walk in their territory. Only small chicks can be kept in cages.

There are several options for obtaining partridges: hunting, purchasing or hatching. The easiest way would be to just buy small chicks and start breeding by raising them. If you decide to go the more financially accessible, but more difficult route - growing from eggs, then you will have more worries.

It is necessary to organize something like an incubator for the eggs to hatch. They will need to be constantly monitored and changed location. The chicks will not appear soon - this is also a negative side. Catching a bird while hunting is a solution for experienced hunters, of whom there are only a few, so buying chicks from farmers remains a reasonable way out of the situation.

Would you like to start raising partridges?


It is worth taking a particularly careful approach to the formation of the diet of partridges and studying in detail the nutritional composition of the food given. Many inexperienced poultry farmers start feeding chickens with compound feed for chickens - this is wrong, because birds have different needs for caloric intake and its nutritional value. From the point of view of menu formation, partridges are unpretentious birds. Their daily diet should consist primarily of grain crops.

Basically, oats or cake after processing wheat are chosen for the base of the menu. Corn is also added. It is better not to heat-treat food - the digestive system of a wild bird is designed in such a way that it is easier for it to digest raw grain and food. Watch the amount of food you eat. It is impossible to starve partridges, but it is also undesirable to overfeed them. If the average individual in the warm season costs a diet of 270-300 calories, then in winter, the nutritional value drops slightly to 90 calories per bird.


The living room for birds should be given special attention. The area must be large: according to recommendations, it is necessary to allocate at least one square meter to each bird; in conditions where the area is too small, a density of no more than three individuals per square is allowed. The issue with cages is still controversial, but if you have the financial resources to create an aviary, it is better to choose an option that is more spacious for birds.

The room should be equipped for spring walks of partridges in pairs. During this period, males and females live in families, which need to provide sufficient space for mating games, and subsequently for hatching eggs. The advantage of raising game is that there is no need to insulate their place of residence. Adapted to wild conditions, partridges are not afraid of drafts and cold, unlike other domestic birds.

In the video you will see the arrangement of an enclosure for pheasants - the technology is applicable for partridges.

Caring for chicks

Partridge chicks require special care. Birds can be placed in cages - this makes it more convenient to feed them and monitor them. Up to a week of age, the diet can consist exclusively of chicken yolk. Very young chicks should have a separate feeder. Then, undercooked chicken meat is gradually introduced into the diet.

Feeding is best done twice a day at set times. To make it more comfortable for the chick to settle down among the adults and adapt to their lifestyle, feed everyone at the same time. After several weeks, small females and males are ready to live together with other birds.

We breed partridges for business

Partridge business is possible with the correct calculation of risks and a competent approach to breeding. The cost of keeping the birds itself is minimal. The main diet consists of corn and wheat, with oil cake added. Feed consumption per adult does not exceed 30 grams. There are studies that confirm the effectiveness of feeding mixed feeds intended for young turkey poults - to start a business, such a diet will be easier to organize, since it is widely available on the market.

It is better to build a business on an integrated approach: meat + eggs. In the case of partridges, this is especially convenient, since the main productivity of the laying hen occurs in the first year of its life, and the meat also matures just in time for this period. When breeding for business and income purposes, the average life expectancy of a laying hen is no more than a year - from the age of two, the bird lays less eggs, and the meat is less valuable.

Video "Partridges"

In the video you will see the process of chicks hatching from partridge eggs. The information from the video will be useful for beginning partridge breeders at home and for business.


Some farmers farm not only to make a profit. Thanks to this, they have the opportunity to do what they love. For example, raising partridges is quite an exciting activity that brings in good income.

Features of partridge breeding

First of all, you should know that this type of business requires virtually no initial investment, and this is a key point for many beginning entrepreneurs. You can make a profit from selling meat and eggs. Of course, meat trading is a more profitable and profitable direction. But eggs are also no less in demand, especially among those farmers who are interested in raising partridges as a business. If they start from scratch, without eggs, it is difficult to breed a large flock of birds.


The partridge is a wild bird, so it requires special treatment:

The room should be warm, without drafts and with dry bedding. You don't need a large barn for these purposes.

Near the premises it is necessary to equip an enclosure for walking. Some farmers choose to raise partridges in cages. This is a more convenient option, but it is worth remembering that they grow and develop better in an enclosure. It is desirable that various bushes and tall grass grow in it. In this case, the partridges will feel completely safe. Unlike, growing wild partridges requires a lot of space, so this species is not suitable for everyone.

Choosing food for your pets will not be difficult. Any grain is suitable for this. This bird eats little, so there is no need to purchase large amounts of feed.

Business benefits

Some are quite skeptical that wild birds, for example, or partridges, can be freely bred at home, and even get paid for it. And in vain, since the demand for these products is high, and there are insufficient quantities of them on the market. It is worth noting that breeding partridges in captivity is a fairly profitable business. Finding a market for meat and eggs will not be difficult, since such products will be happy to be bought from you in any restaurant.

Let's look at the main advantages of raising wild birds at home:

  • She is unpretentious in maintenance and does not require special care;
  • Allows you to get not only meat, but also eggs;
  • Wild bird meat is distinguished by high taste;
  • Lack of competition;
  • Great demand for meat and eggs.

In addition, for those who do not know what partridge is, breeding at home will be an interesting and exciting activity.

Business registration

Any person who has a private house with outbuildings can engage in breeding partridges. This bird rarely gets sick and is very easy to care for. There will be no problems with it, but the tax office may require you to provide business registration documents. Before you buy partridges for breeding, register as an individual entrepreneur. The area of ​​activity for this type of business is poultry breeding. After this, you can get down to business.


Partridges begin laying eggs at the end of April. This period lasts for them 26 days. During oviposition, females must be kept in the same enclosure with males so that they fertilize the eggs. After about July 15th they need to be separated. One female produces about 60 eggs. In order for healthy offspring to be born, it is necessary to observe the light regime and create all the necessary conditions.

The first days of life, the chicks should be near their mother. After a while, they are placed in a separate cage. When the young are a month old, they can be taken out into the sun, but they must be placed separately from the adult bird. In order for young animals to grow quickly and develop normally, they need warmth, sun and dry soil.

The chicks are fed with mashed chicken egg yolks, as well as yarrow and dandelion greens. 2-3 days after birth they can be given white bread and boiled meat. The amount of food should be increased gradually. There should always be fresh water in the drinking bowl.

Today, raising partridges at home is quite a rare occurrence. This is the main advantage of this business area. The high demand for meat and eggs, as well as the lack of competition, are the main winning points that allow you to get a good profit without large investments.

Raising partridges also benefits your entire family. Thanks to this business, there will always be fresh dietary meat on the table, which is healthy food. Partridge eggs are happily bought by beginning farmers, and meat is bought by restaurants and other similar establishments.

How to breed a bird?

Every farmer who wants to raise partridges or is concerned with the question of where to get the bird to start with? The cheapest and easiest way is to catch it in natural conditions. If you have never hunted partridges and have no idea how to catch them, buy chicks or adult birds from farmers. Some hatch young animals from eggs, but to do this you need to have an incubator.


Poultry farming is a fairly common type of farming. Many entrepreneurs are engaged in geese, chickens or ducks. But partridges are a very rare type of business.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

You should calculate the costs that will be required in order to start breeding partridges from scratch:

  • Construction of a barn. You will have to spend 30-40 thousand rubles on slate, lumber and insulation for a small room. In addition, it is necessary to pay the builders for the work;
  • Purchase of adult birds. 3-4 pairs of partridges cost 8–10 thousand rubles;
  • Stern. You need to spend 15–18 thousand rubles on purchasing feed;
  • Poultry care workers. For salaries, you should allocate 10–15 thousand rubles per month. Helpers will look after the flock, feed it and clean the premises. The average working day is 5 hours.


If you provide the bird with comfortable conditions and a diet, it will quickly gain weight of 500-600 grams. Of course, for many people such meat is considered exotic, but some constantly eat it.

In order to understand how profitable it is to raise partridges, you should highlight some important points:

  • One egg costs 11–13 rubles;
  • A meat carcass costs 1,250 rubles at the market.

One female brings 50–60 eggs a year, which can be sold and get good money for it. You can also put eggs in an incubator and sell the chicks.

You won't be able to sell meat in the first year. But literally from the second year you can make a profit of 50-100 thousand a year from meat. The farm will gradually expand and income will increase accordingly.

Often, enterprising people begin to think about what kind of business to open with minimal investment. Currently, farming is becoming increasingly popular. , poultry, cattle is in other countries. We bring to your attention a guide to running a simple and profitable business - raising partridges, as well as detailed instructions on their care and maintenance.

Partridges are unpretentious and require little investment. In addition, caring for these birds can bring you just as much pleasure and profit as it does. Moreover, income can be received both from the sale of meat and from the sale of eggs.

Where to start raising partridges?

It is necessary to start running any business with planning. You will need to think about the volume of your farm and, based on this, choose the size and number of specialized premises, as well as purchase feed and vitamins. It is also necessary to know that breeding birds and animals is accompanied by mandatory preventive measures in veterinary clinics.

Selecting a room

Most likely, you will have to intentionally build the room from scratch. It should be dry, clean and warm. A very important aspect is regular cleaning and replacement of litter. It is desirable that the building be spacious, otherwise the likelihood of disease and death of birds will increase. This room will also need to have a special extension, an aviary for walking. To do this, you should use a net to prevent the partridges from flying away. Contact with other birds should also be avoided to avoid infectious diseases. Depending on your wishes, you may need more than one room, and then you will need a large plot of land. How much it will cost you can be calculated by.

Feed base

As we have already noted, partridges are an unpretentious and wild bird. Their maintenance does not require large amounts of feed, however, in addition to chicken feed or grain, the choice of which is also not particularly important, and vitamins, it is advisable to give them fresh grass and vegetable trimmings. Poultry needs animal protein. Namely, bugs and earthworms. It is important to change the water in the drinking bowl so that it is always clean. You can use chalk or egg shells as a mineral supplement to food.

Advice: If you don't plan to buy a supply of expensive bird food and plan to feed them from your desk, be careful to keep your food free of salt, chemicals, glass shards, and foreign objects.

Getting offspring

Laying and incubating eggs in partridges at home lasts from March to July. The hatching of offspring can be entrusted to both the birds themselves and specialized incubators, which can be purchased or listed in a catalogue. Moreover, in both cases, the chicks will have to be kept separately from the adult bird. A wooden or cardboard box or cage is suitable for this. At first, the offspring will need warmth, and after about a month, when they get stronger, they will need the sun and dry, clean soil. You don’t have to make a special choice of food, because from the first days the chicks will eat boiled eggs grated on a fine grater. Gradually, it will be possible to introduce small light grass and pieces of dandelion into the diet.

Advice: from the first days, partridge chicks may not be able to eat on their own, but if you lightly sprinkle their backs with grated egg, which will move with them, they will peck it from each other and thus learn faster. In addition to boiled eggs, you can give a little cottage cheese as an element of animal protein instead of bugs and worms.

Where can I get birds for breeding?

Since partridges are found in the wild, they can simply be caught and domesticated. But if you decide to buy them, you won't have to spend a lot of money. You can buy a lot of poultry at once, for example, but first it’s better to take a few partridges “for testing”. It is important that the first batch contains both males and females. Buying four pairs will cost you about 8-10 thousand rubles. There is an option to purchase not adults, but eggs that can be placed in an incubator. However, there is a small risk associated with the fact that not all eggs purchased may produce offspring.

Costs of raising partridges

So, to build houses and enclosures you will need lumber, slate, mesh. You can build this yourself, as their design is quite simple. In general, one such building will cost about 10-15 thousand rubles, excluding labor. Purchasing feed for a small farm will be relatively inexpensive - about 15-20 thousand rubles per year. Agree, the investment is really small.

Sales markets and income

The price for exotic bird meat is about 1 thousand rubles per kilogram, and one egg costs 15-20 rubles. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to sell a lot of meat and eggs in the first year, but every year the number of birds and their eggs will increase, which means that income will also increase. Restaurants will probably be willing to buy partridge meat and eggs from you on an ongoing basis, since competition in this type of farming is minimal. You can also sell products to individuals.

Breeding partridges is a low-cost and profitable activity. It is suitable as a start for novice entrepreneurs, who will later be able to use the proceeds to open, for example, a grocery store or further develop.