Calculate steel wire in meters. List of construction calculators. Instructions for using the calculator

Wire is a universal material used in a wide variety of applications. Cables are made from it, meshes are made from it. Barbed wire is used to protect various fences. At its core, the wire is a metal cord. It is manufactured in special factories from various metals. In addition, the thickness of the manufactured wire varies widely. Knowing the thickness of the wire, it is easy to calculate its weight depending on the required length and vice versa. The calculation is quite simple using a calculator.

Wire steel GOST 3282-74 is manufactured heat-treated (t/o) and thermally untreated (t/n) of normal and increased accuracy, various sizes and technical characteristics. Metal wire GOST 3282-74 low-carbon general purpose used for the manufacture of metal mesh, construction nails, for tying packages of pipes, boards and other packaged materials during transportation, loading and storage, as well as for constructing fencing and other purposes. Wire products are manufactured by factories technical specifications and is supplied in coils and coils weighing up to 1.0 tons with or without galvanized coating.

Wire rod from carbon steel ordinary quality according to DSTU 2770-94 (GOST 30136-95) serves as raw material for the manufacture of wire. Rolled wire is manufactured thermally untreated, uncoated, galvanized, in a cold state, of normal accuracy.

Wire rods of 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.3mm, 6.5mm, 8mm and other thicknesses have always been and will always be considered one of the main products in the metal rolling industry, as it is valued in construction both in itself and as a basis for the manufacture of fittings, staples, nails and other things. It can hardly be said that most modern construction projects can do without wire rod, which can be used as thin reinforcement to strengthen any structures. Specifications cold-rolled wire rod and hot-rolled wire are used for the production of cables and nails; welding wire is also made from it, thus expanding its use in reinforced concrete construction (reinforcement, welded wire), galvanized wire rod is used for lightning protection and grounding, black wire rod is used for the construction of wooden structures (nails, various staples for fastening wooden parts).

How many kg of wire are in a meter?

Calculation of the mass of 1 m of wire is carried out according to the formula:

m = S * g * 1

m - mass of 1 m of wire, kg;
S - cross-sectional area, mm2; S=3.14*d*d/4, where d is the outer diameter;
g is the specific gravity of the metal.

If you need to find out the theoretical mass of, for example, aluminum or copper wire, you just need to substitute the density of non-ferrous metal into this formula instead of the density of steel.

Weight of a linear meter of wire rod. How many meters in a ton

The wire rod can have different cross-section profiles, for example: square or hexagonal. But most often they use round profile wire rod.

The production of wire rod is carried out by hot rolling a steel billet of the desired grade of steel through rollers, which perform crimping and give the usual profile shape. It is then cooled. Cooling can be carried out by single-stage and two-stage accelerated cooling. Natural cooling in air is also possible.

Wire rod in coils is used for the production of wire for various purposes and more. Wire rod is an excellent material for making studs, bolts, staples, and nails. In construction, it is used in the manufacture of embedded products and meshes. It is often used as a material for tying and hauling loads of varying weights. Because of this, the wire rod is presented special requirements to the quality of the produced material. There should be no defects in the form of burrs on its surface. The diameter of the wire rod must comply with the GOST standard.

Table of the weight of 1 meter of wire rod at a given diameter thickness, indicating the number of meters in one ton of wire rod for translation.

Wire rod diameter, mm Weight 1 meter Meters per ton
5 0.154 6493
5.5 0.186 5376
6 0.222 4504
6.3 0.245 4081
6.5 0.26 3846
8 0.395 2531
9 0.499 2004

The most important advantage of wire rod is its cost per kilogram or per meter of rod. The price of this material is not high, which is why it is in such great demand in various fields of activity.

Galvanized and non-galvanized annealed wire is used for tying; therefore, in everyday life, soft annealed wire is called “knitting”. To calculate the weight of the binding wire by length and diameter 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6 mm, use the table of diameter and consumption wire for tying reinforcement.

Low-carbon knitting (heat-treated) wire is a type of rolled product, which is a product rolled to various diameter sizes. Knitting wire is widely used in various fields of activity for the manufacture of ropes, metal cables, springs; tying construction reinforcement, etc. The demand for this building material is determined by low cost, good ductility (due to low carbon content and heat treatment), mechanical strength at low consumption.

The diameter of the tying wire used for tying the reinforcement is of great importance and depends on the diameter of the reinforcement itself. As a rule, wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm - 1.4 mm is used for knitting. It is very convenient to knit reinforcement with a thickness of 8-12 mm with thinner low-carbon wire 1.2 mm, and for thicker reinforcement it will be easier to use thick wire, although there are no specific restrictions here. If you use a knitting wire with a diameter of less than 1.2 mm, then most likely you will not be able to tighten it properly; a thinner wire will burst if it is not of good quality. It is very inconvenient to knit reinforcement with low-carbon wire thicker than 1.6 mm, and most likely it will not be possible to tighten it so that the knot is strong.

The wire consumption for the reinforcement is determined based on the fact that the size of one knitting wire element (for knitting a knot) is 0.3 - 0.5 m, depending on the diameter of the reinforcement, which is usually determined experimentally. So, we take the number of nodes, multiply by 0.5 m, and get the required footage of wire for tying the reinforcement.

Low-carbon steel wire GOST 3282-74 is made from low-carbon steel (st.08KP or 1KP) with a diameter from 0.10 to 10 mm. The entire range is classified according to the processing method (heat-treated, galvanized), chemical composition, mechanical properties, type of firing (light or black firing, without scale), form. To determine how much 1 meter of wire weighs, see the consumption calculation table.

Table. Theoretical weight of wire GOST 3282-74
Wire diameter, mm
Weight 1000 m, kgNominal
diameter d, mm
Weight 1000 m, kg
0,8 3,9458 3 55,488
1 6,1654 3,2 63,133
1,1 7,4601 3,5 75,526
1,2 8,8781 3,6 79,903
1,3 10,419 4 98,646
1,4 12,084 4,5 124,85
1,6 15,783 5 154,13
1,8 19,976 5,5 186,50
2 24,662 5,6 193,35
2,2 29,840 6 221,95
2,5 38,534 6,3 244,70
2,8 48,337 7 302,10

The mass table shows theoretical weight data, which allows you to find out how many kilograms of wire are in a meter, as well as find out how much the coil weighs. For example, if I know the length of the wire in a coil, and also how much a meter of wire weighs, I can calculate how many kilograms of wire are in a coil. Due to the fact that according to GOST standards small deviations (+ or -) in the diameter of the wire are allowed, the weight is 1 linear meter. may also change slightly.

The theorves calculation table will help you calculate how many meters there are in a coil of knitting wire. Divide the mass of the bay by the specific gravity of a linear meter and we get the number of meters in the bay. To quickly calculate footage, the obtained values ​​are summarized in the table below.

How many meters are there in a coil of wire? Calculation of length by weight


Wire diameter, mm

Weight of one linear meter of wire, kg


Galvanized wire is processed by hot-dip galvanizing, which allows us to obtain a high-quality coating that firmly prevents corrosion. Galvanized steel wire is used to form a grounding loop and is used for hanging electrical cables, communication lines, and vineyards. Galvanized wire rod is used to produce wire mesh, bucket handles, etc.
Type of processing of galvanized wire in coils: thermally untreated and thermally treated (knitting, annealed). To determine how many meters per kg of wire, use the table “Wire length depending on the weight of the coil and the diameter of the dart.”


Outer diameter, mm

Weight per meter, kg

We draw your attention to the fact that according to GOST standards, almost any steel wire is manufactured with a “minus” tolerance. That is, the actual diameter, and, accordingly, the actual mass, will be slightly less than the nominal values.

The calculation can be made to determine the weight of the rolled product - in this case, the dimensions and length of the metal are entered, as well as to determine the length of the rolled product - in this case, the weight and dimensions are entered.

The metal calculator works online and is completely free to use. To calculate the weight of steel for a specific rolled product, or the weight of non-ferrous metal, you must:
- select the required metal and brand at the top of the calculator
- press the button with the image of the rental, the weight or length of which you want to calculate
- enter the corresponding dimensions of the rolled sides in millimeters into the fields, and you can move from field to field by pressing the up and down buttons on the keyboard.

The portal’s specialists are constantly updating the range of brands that are calculated on our calculator, and if your website has an informer calculator from our portal, you can make a proposal to add one or another brand you need (the only exception is if this brand is rare and unclaimed), we will definitely add the metal grade to the calculator. ...

When calculating the weight of rolled products using a metal calculator, the specific gravity of this brand is used or pure metal if a specific brand is not selected. The calculation is made as follows: based on the specific gravity of the steel or metal, as well as the dimensions of the rolled product (width, thickness, diameter, wall thickness, etc.), the weight of 1 mm of the length of the rolled product is calculated and multiplied by the length of the rolled product - if the weight is calculated based on the length . If the length is calculated based on weight, then first the cross-sectional area of ​​the rolled product is also calculated, then multiplied by the specific gravity, then the weight of the rolled product is divided by the resulting value and thus the required length by weight is obtained.

It should be noted that the calculation of specific gravity based on the known density of a steel grade or non-ferrous metal is an important element in calculating the weight of rolled products, and significantly depends on the temperature of rolled products, since, for example, steel 10 at a temperature of 20 ° C has a density of 7856 kg/m 3, and at 900 °C total 7594 kg/m3. Our online metal calculator uses the specific gravity and density of metal grades at 20 °C for most grades.

Real rolled products are always produced with slight deviations from the exact geometric dimensions and in large quantities this can lead to noticeable weight deviations. Such points must be taken into account after the calculation, as our online metal calculator calculates based on the exact geometric dimensions, but the actual weight of the rolled products will be slightly different.

Which is better - an online metal calculator or calculator-programs installed on a computer, there are several points of view, we note the advantages of programs running on a portal via the Internet - the calculator on the site is constantly updated with fresh grades of steels and non-ferrous metals, new functions for calculations appear, accuracy and convenience are increased work.

Calculation of the mass of rolled pipe products: produced in the following way, it is known that pipes are produced in several ways - by electric welding from rolls or sheets, strips, also aluminum pipes and others are produced by deformation from a billet. Of course, when welding, a section is added to the mass weld straight or spiral type, but since it is small compared to the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe itself, the cross-section of the weld bead can not be taken into account when calculating the weight of pipes on a metal calculator. Thus, knowing the outer diameter of the pipe and the wall thickness, you can calculate the surface area of ​​the pipe cross-section, then multiplying it by the length of the pipe, we get the total volume and all that remains is to multiply it by the specific gravity of the grade of steel or non-ferrous metal to obtain the required weight of the batch of pipe metal. Often, when selling or buying used pipes, the brand from which the pipe was made is unknown - in this case, you can use St3sp, steel 10, 20 and similar structural grades, since most pipes are made from them. If there is a suspicion that the pipes are made of an alloy alloy, it is better to carry out a chemical analysis of the pipe metal.

Weight of sheets or coils: this calculation is also based on the specific gravity of steel or non-ferrous metals and the overall dimensions of the metal, while our metal calculator receives the thickness and width of the sheet or roll and, based on these data, displays the cross-sectional area of ​​the sheet, then the weight of one meter of sheet length is calculated and multiplied by the number and length of this sheet. if, on the contrary, you need to calculate the length of the roll by weight, then the metal calculator divides the mass by the weight of a meter of sheet and thus we get the required length of the sheet or roll.

Calculation of beam parameters: suppliers of metalworking and trading organizations often have to calculate the weight of beams. Since nowadays welded beams are often used instead of hot-rolled ones, in this case the weight of the beam calculated on the online metal calculator of our portal will be slightly less than the actual one, since a small weld bead will be added to the beam profile, but this addition is extremely insignificant and can be ignored. When calculating beams, more parameters are used than in other types of rolled metal, since there is a wide variety of beam products. These are mainly wide-beam I-beams and conventional beams.

The construction of various structures requires the calculation of certain parameters that determine this process. We are talking, first of all, about construction calculators, the specificity of which is the accurate calculation of actions for the material involved (calculation of painting, comparison of pipe weight, total consumption sealant, etc.). Today the Internet is full of a huge amount sites where it is possible to resort to the help of construction calculators, and this is a very outstanding fact by its standards.

In a few seconds, you can accurately determine all the quantities (mass, diameter, weight) for a particular material, being involved in construction. As an example, a site that tells you how to build a sauna with your own hands, and at the same time measure the weight of the knitting wire, is suitable.

On the resource page (if you follow the link) an online calculator appears where you can calculate the mass of the metal cord by indicating the appropriate items in the boxes provided. In fact, there is nothing complicated in all this, you just need to use the right standards. In addition, on the same site there is a tab - CONSTRUCTION CALCULATORS, by going to which you will find a whole list of these computing mechanisms - more than 30 of them. In addition to the already mentioned wire, here you can calculate the weight of the cable, channel, measure the area of ​​the ceiling, etc. How to put this whole “tool” to use immediately later in the text.

Instructions for using the calculator

So, correctly using a calculator to calculate the weight of galvanized wire along its length on the current website - for building a bathhouse with your own hands - is not such a costly task, even a schoolchild can cope with it. Since there is a large list here online calculators, talk about each of them, and even more so carry out full-fledged instructions - there may simply not be enough time for all this.

As a certain kind of concept, we present only one summarized fact aimed at general instructions for using an online calculator: the user selects the desired source (from among building materials), clicks on it, and then gets to a page with detailed information about the product. Below is a table where you can calculate the final value, be it weight, volume, size. As you can see, everything is relatively simple. You can even calculate the consumption of welding wire, binding wire and nichrome wire.

Online calculators for calculating the mass of knitting wire (calculating the mass of wire by length and calculating the length by mass)

If you need to find out the weight of a linear meter of pipe, fittings or other rolled products, then the most convenient and simple solution is our metal calculator.

First, you select the nomenclature by which you want to calculate meters into tons.

Next, you select the product size.

To make the calculator easier to use, we have developed an interactive search bar that will make it easier to select product sizes

If it is round steel, then the list shows the diameters (rebar 10, 12, etc., circle).

If you want to know the weight of the pipe, then pay attention to the wall thickness.

To find out the weight of the sheet, you need to select the thickness, and then the weight will be calculated per square meters.

Then data in meters or tons is entered into one of the fields

If you enter values ​​in the "meters" field ("square meters" to find out the weight of the sheet), then you will know the total weight of the entire length (for example, the weight of the reinforcement).

If you are interested in calculating length by weight, then you need to enter data in the “tons” field.

You can record and print the results obtained

Our calculator allows you to record your calculations in a special field so that you can easily see your latest calculations. To do this, you need to click on the “Write” button, and the result of your calculations will appear in a special field.

Also, after you have calculated all the necessary data, you can click on the “Print” button and receive a printout of the results in a convenient form.

You can compare prices for selected items from all suppliers.

To do this, you need to write down your calculations. Please note that the field with the recorded results contains positions that are of interest to you. Next, click “Calculate the entire application online”, and the system will take you to a page where the results of processing supplier prices will be shown.

When you need to buy rolled metal, you need to know which transport will be more convenient to transport it. The tonnage of cars or other vehicles for delivery depends on the total mass of metal products. Therefore, the question arises: how to calculate the mass required quantity rolled metal

Once upon a time, solving this issue took a lot of time even for highly qualified specialists. After all, to perform the necessary calculations, it was necessary to know the theoretical mass of the weight of various metals, formulas for calculating the volume of various rolling forms, etc. Such computational complexity required the search for new solutions. This solution was the online metal calculator.

Now, when drawing up any construction specifications, a rolled metal calculator is used instead of many tables, formulas and painstaking calculations. Using our online rolled metal calculator service, you can calculate the mass of the following metals:
- steel;
- cast iron;
- aluminum;
- bronze;
- brass;
- magnesium;
- nickel;
- copper;
- tin;
- lead;
- titanium;
- zinc.

In order to make the calculation, you need to select the type of metal and type of rental in the drop-down menu of the Free Online Metal Calculator program. The calculation is made for the following types of rental:
- corner;
- leaf;
- pipe;
- circle/wire/wire rod;
- square pipe;
- rental;
- channel;
- tape/strip;
- beam;
- hexagon.

For each type of metal, it is possible to select a specific brand. For example, when steel is selected in the “Metal Type” drop-down menu, then in the “Grade” drop-down menu, to the right of the metal type field, you can select any of the standard steel grades. The program also includes all existing grades of metals from which rolled metal is produced.

Next, having selected the type of rolled product, the type of metal and its grade, all that remains is to indicate the main parameters of the product itself. The program clearly displays which parameter needs to be entered for the calculation. Each type of rolled metal is accompanied by a graphic image of its cut with the name of each face, shelf, etc. displayed in the form of letters. The type of rolled metal itself is also shown. You probably won’t confuse the “sheet” type with the “strip” type, or the “square pipe” with the “square” type. For convenience and ease of measurement, the graphical representation of a rolled metal cut shows the names of each shelf, for example, a, b, c. For example, if you are calculating the mass of an aluminum corner, you need to indicate the height and width of its shelves, as well as the wall thickness (thickness of the metal sheet). To calculate mass copper pipe you need to indicate its full diameter and wall thickness. The fields in which you need to enter specific dimensions have the same name as the names in the graphic image.

This data is entered into the metal calculator in millimeters. In addition, indicate the length of a specific metal product in the appropriate field; the length is indicated in meters. Now all that remains is to click on the “Calculate” button and in the “Mass” field the program will display the value of the mass of the specified rolled metal in kilograms, accurate to the nearest gram.

To calculate the total mass of various metal products with different dimensions, perform the calculation for each type of product separately. Then simply add up the results - and you will find out the exact mass of the entire amount of rolled metal you need.

It is also possible to specify the required weight of rolled metal (for example, when you know that you can transport metal using a truck with a certain carrying capacity) and, knowing its basic measurements, determine the total length of the product.