Work as an elevator mechanic in new Cheryomushki. Training to become an electrician in elevators. We also offer training and receive

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Cost: 3000 rub.

Electrician for elevators is a worker who performs work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment.

During the learning process you will master everything necessary knowledge for qualified performance of work, in accordance with ETKS and the professional standard of this profession.

Characteristics of work

Filing surfaces, deburring parts. Correction of threads using dies and taps. Marking using a template for simple parts. Manual cutting of steel ropes. Washing and lubricating parts. Replacement of lighting lamps. Visual inspection mechanisms, components and electrical apparatus of the elevator. Checking the presence and serviceability of lighting in the shaft, cabin and machine room, as well as the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator car in the event of a sudden stop. Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment under the guidance of a more highly qualified elevator electrician.

Must know

Techniques for metalworking parts; purpose and conditions of use of metalwork tools and linear measuring tools; main thread dimensions of fasteners; name and purpose lubricants; basic information about the structure and purpose of the elevator and its components; purpose of electrical devices; brands and cross-sections of wires used in elevators.

Characteristics of work

Mechanical processing of parts for 11 - 14 qualifications. Unwinding the rope from the coil and measuring the required length. Preparation of pipes for electrical wiring according to the finished markings. Refilling the tool. Marking and cutting out gaskets according to drawings and sketches. Disassembly and assembly of mechanical and automatic locks, gates, limit switches, floor switches, calling devices. Determination and elimination of faults in lighting, signaling and elevator drive control circuits in relay-contactor elevator control systems. Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment under the guidance of a more highly qualified elevator electrician.

Must know

Techniques and sequence of operations for machining parts; the procedure for disassembling and assembling elevator components and mechanisms; general information about tolerances and fits and the procedure for indicating them on the drawings; installation of lifting mechanisms (winches), blocks, pulleys, drums; basic information about the design and purpose of typical elevators; electrical circuits lighting circuits, alarms and elevator drive control systems; basics of electrical engineering; arrangement of alternating current electric motors; rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers; intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations as they relate to the operation of elevators.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment. Checking and adjusting mechanical and electrical equipment of elevators in single control mode. Determination and elimination of faults in lighting, alarm and elevator drive control circuits. Mechanical processing of parts for 7 - 11 qualifications. Installation, alignment, connection of electric motors. Cutting and soldering of cables and wires with various solders, laying them in pipes or bundles in the shaft and in the machine room. Replacement of steel ropes with their fastening to the suspension units of the cabin and counterweight. Riveting parts.

Must know

Technical requirements for the dismantling, repair and installation of elevator equipment; circuit diagrams control elevators in single mode; methods of connecting, terminating and joining wires and cable cores; sequence of disassembly and assembly of mechanical components and electrical devices; device asynchronous motors, transformers, relays and magnetic starters, sudden braking arresters; rules for using electrical measuring instruments and means of linear-angular measurements; basics of electrical engineering; rules for the design and safe operation of elevators; rules for the design of electrical installations in terms of requirements for electrical equipment of elevators.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment. Inspecting, adjusting and testing elevator equipment in a group of up to two elevators. Disassembly and assembly of the winch. Replacing the worm pair in the gearbox. Production of installation and marking templates. Using a megger to check the insulation condition and measure its resistance in electric motors, transformers, cable networks and control system circuits. Preparing the elevator for technical inspection. Maintaining necessary technical documentation.

Must know

Technology for disassembling and assembling elevator equipment components; schematic electrical diagrams of serviced elevators; arrangement of semiconductor circuit elements; methods for dismantling, installing and replacing electrical wiring of lighting, alarm and control circuits, technical requirements, presented to them; brands and cross-sections of wires, rules for assembling wires, fuse-links and protection devices depending on the current load; basics of radio engineering; operating principle of two-way loudspeaker communication for dispatch control of elevators.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment in a group of up to three elevators. Inspection, regulation and testing of elevators with a control system for a group of up to three elevators. Identification and troubleshooting of elevators with a control system for a group of up to three elevators, including the use of printed wiring of electrical control circuits with electronic microelements. Periodic and partial technical inspection of elevators.

Must know

Technical requirements for testing elevators; requirements for the quality of repair, installation and testing of mechanical and electrical equipment of elevators; service life of parts and assemblies and methods of taking measures to increase them; regulations on the system of scheduled preventive maintenance; structural design of elevator equipment; schematic, electrical diagrams for controlling a group of elevators up to three; basics of radio-electronic technology.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out work on dismantling, repairing and installing elevator equipment in a group of elevators up to six and high-speed elevators. Inspection, adjustment and testing of elevator equipment with a control system for a group of up to six elevators. Identification and elimination of faults in mechanical components, lighting, alarm and control systems in a group of elevators up to six and high-speed elevators. Characterization of electronic boards.

Must know

Technical requirements for the installation and repair of high-speed elevators; basics of radio electronics; schematic electrical diagrams for controlling a group of elevators up to six; arrangement of oil buffers; diagrams of internal connections of windings of DC electrical machines, generators, thyristor regulators used in high-speed elevators; rules for using the control and measuring instruments used; methodology for testing elevators in group mode.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out repair work, maintenance and testing of elevator equipment. Checking, adjusting and adjusting elevator control systems using microelectronic and microprocessor technology. Diagnostics of electronic components and boards with precision down to the electronic element. Disassembly of devices, components of elevator equipment and their repair with replacement of parts and electronic elements. Inspection, repair, regulation and adjustment of electric drives of elevators. Preparation of equipment for variable frequency electric drives of elevators for testing. Setting up programs in electronic devices ah control of elevators during testing and in operating modes.

Must know

Design, electrical and other features of electronic devices based on microprocessors; microprocessor programming system in elevator control devices and frequency converters of electrical devices of the main drive and elevator door drive; methods for diagnosing and repairing microprocessor devices and elevator equipment; device, purpose and possibilities of using control, measuring and diagnostic equipment when checking and adjusting electronic equipment of elevator control systems; technical requirements for the repair of electronic devices of elevator control systems based on microprocessor technology; fundamentals and principles of constructing distributed microprocessor control systems for elevators. Average required professional education, work experience as an electrician for elevators of the 6th category for at least one year or work experience for at least two years in other occupations of microprocessor equipment maintenance workers.

Characteristics of work

Carrying out work on the modernization of elevator equipment, including equipment with program control based on microprocessor technology, programmable control devices for electric drives of elevators. Comprehensive maintenance, inspection, repair, adjustment and testing of local controllers of a distributed elevator control system. Diagnostics of microprocessor equipment, electronic control equipment, local controllers and data transmission equipment based on microprocessor circuits of a high degree of complexity. Repair and parametric adjustment of variable-frequency electric drives for elevator winches and door drives. Complex regulation of electronic devices of microprocessor control systems for elevators.

Must know

Algorithms for the functioning of electronic equipment and microprocessor systems for electric drives and elevator automation; design features of elevator control systems and fault data transmission systems local networks elevator control systems and global networks elevator operation monitoring systems; methods and methods for re-adjusting electronic equipment of electric drive systems and elevator automation. A secondary vocational education is required, at least 2 years of work experience as an electromechanic in elevators of the 7th category, or at least three years of work experience in other occupations of workers in the maintenance of microprocessor equipment.

  • Primary training for the 2nd category (vocational training) - 160 academic. hours;
  • Advanced training for the category;
  • Periodic knowledge testing - 16 academic. hours (carried out for the purpose of updating knowledge, as well as after the expiration of the certificate), frequency - once a year.

Upon completion of training, the graduate receives:

  • Certificate for the position of electrician for elevators;
  • A protocol of a meeting certification commission, with assignment of rank.

The training program for a construction hoist operator has been developed taking into account regulatory documentation on the operation of equipment and safe working conditions:

  • Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated December 20, 2013 No. 754n “On approval professional standard"Electromechanic for elevators";
  • Fire safety rules for energy enterprises RD 153-34.0-03.301-00 (VPPB 01-02-95*);
  • Interindustry rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 N 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”;
  • National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 54999-2012 (EN 13015:2001) "Elevators. General requirements to the elevator maintenance instructions."

Training center NOCHU " ODPO TRADE CENTER» will help everyone who wants to master the profession of electrician of elevator equipment.

The work of an electrician in elevators involves daily control and high responsibility for quality service for passengers and their safety, therefore, when taking the course, special attention is paid to studying the requirements of labor protection, fire and general safety.

Our center conducts vocational training, which will allow you to become a specialist in your field. Upon completion of the program, you will receive all the necessary certificates and certificates required to work as an electrician in elevators in residential buildings and in production.

Training program

Prepared in accordance with regulatory documentation for the operation of equipment and safe conditions labor. Additionally, issues of labor protection, occupational safety, electrical safety and fire safety knowledge are studied.

We will teach:

  • Operate and repair elevator equipment;
  • Carry out installation and testing of elevators;
  • Diagnose malfunctions of elevator equipment;
  • Perform metalworking and assembly work using necessary equipment, tools and devices;
  • Troubleshoot elevator equipment;
  • Carry out operational and technical maintenance of dispatch equipment and teleautomation.

Subsequently, the future electromechanic will be able to freely understand automation and maintain all certified equipment in good condition.

Forms of preparation:

  • On the basis of the training center NOCHU "ODPO VOCATIONAL CENTER";
  • With the teacher visiting the enterprise;
  • Distance learning.

The training course is intended:

  • For workers servicing mechanical components and electric motors of elevator equipment;
  • For workers who already have a profession as an electrician in elevators, and those who want to get it.

Employees who have:

  • Age over 18 years;
  • There are no medical contraindications - a medical commission is required;
  • You must be qualified as an electrician, as well as have a clearance group of at least III for electrical safety;

We also offer training and receive:

  • Certificate of fire technical minimum for fire safety of residential buildings;
  • Electrical safety certificate III-V tolerance group;
  • Elevator certificate
  • Occupational safety certificate.

By contacting our The educational center, you will be able to complete the required training course in a convenient form. Training is carried out by teachers with many years of practical experience.

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Work in Moscow as an electrician for elevators

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Avito vacancies Moscow

Jobs as an electrician for elevators on the website in Moscow, vacancies for an electrician for elevators from direct employers in Moscow. Jobs in Moscow without work experience and highly paid ones with work experience. Vacancies for electrician in elevators for women.

We always present on our website a large number of latest current vacancies. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in your chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies based on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most important skills for employers that you need to successfully work as an electrician for elevators in Moscow:

Top 7 key skills you need to have to get hired

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: reading electrical diagrams, diligence and a category B driver's license.

As you prepare for your interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only please the recruiter, but also get the job you want!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the results of an analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 44,424. The average maximum income level (indicated “salary up to”) is 62,708. It must be borne in mind that the figures given are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary level depending on the applicant’s work experience

The elevator industry in Russia has over a million elevators. Most of them are located in residential apartment buildings and requires regular maintenance. As a matter of fact, it was precisely because of this that the profession of an electrician for elevators, or in common parlance, an elevator operator, became a separate specialty.

Responsibilities of a lift operator in his work

So, elevator operators are usually called a special category of electricians who specialize in repairing faulty elevator equipment. Although this profession correctly sounds like “electrical mechanic for elevators.” There is no such profession as a lift operator in any official document.

The main unit of the elevator is an electric motor, as well as various auxiliary mechanisms, so it is logical that the repairs are carried out by electricians with the appropriate electrical safety clearance class.

The responsibilities of an elevator electrician (elevator) come down to several things:

    Installation, dismantling and repair of elevator equipment;

    Adjustment of operation, testing during commissioning of new elevators;

    Diagnostics of faults (mechanical components, control system, lighting) and unstable operation;

    Checking the correct operation of elevator equipment.

In reality, in practice, an electrician working on elevators has even more work to do. As a rule, he works according to requests from the population, which means he never sits in one place. There can be from two or three to a dozen trips per day, depending on which area the elevator operator serves. In some cases, he responds to emergency calls when it is necessary to get a person out of a stuck elevator.

A lot depends on the deterioration of the elevator equipment. Repairs in old houses objectively take elevator operators much more time than in new housing stock.

In this case, repairs are accompanied by a mandatory procedure. First, the elevator operator takes the request to the dispatcher, then warns the owner about the start of repairs and the approximate time frame, then turns off the power to the elevator equipment. If necessary, an elevator electrician supervises the work of other repairmen. In this case, all data is entered into the logbook and elevator passport (causes of breakdown, time frame for elimination, etc.).

The situation is different if the elevator operator’s work involves the installation of new equipment. Typically here we're talking about about contract services as part of a team of installers.

Finally, the third option is when an elevator electrician works at an enterprise. He is in charge of the elevator facilities of administrative buildings, lifts at production sites, etc.

One way or another, most often a lift operator works in shifts and, as a rule, with a partner or in a team of specialists. At the same time, the elevator operator bears personal responsibility for the quality of repairs and in the event of accidents, breakdowns, or deaths of passengers, he is the one who is asked to answer.

How to get a job as an elevator operator

In his work, an elevator electrician is constantly in contact with electricity, so he must strictly follow safety precautions. In general, to get a job as an elevator operator, you will need:

    obtain special education and a certificate as an electrician in elevator equipment;

    successfully pass the certification exam;

    pass the medical commission and receive a certificate of no contraindications;

    obtain group 3 electrical safety clearance for independent work With electrical equipment. However, for this you need to work as an assistant lifter for at least six months.

If all the necessary permits have been obtained and the documents have been collected, then finding a job as an electrician in elevators will not be difficult.

However, there is no need to explain that for any working specialty It’s not the pieces of paper that are much more important, but the experience and skills. Elevator electricians are no exception. To a good worker it is necessary to thoroughly understand electrical equipment, know plumbing, be able to read drawings and technological diagrams, and much more.

Training to become a lift operator: possible options

As you can see, getting a job as an elevator operator just won’t happen. You must have a special education, which can be obtained at a college or specialized technical school.

In this case, the option of professional retraining is also possible if the employee has another specialty related to electricity. In this case, he will have to retake the qualifying exams.

Electromechanical categories for elevators

The ETKS lists eight qualification categories electromechanics for elevators - from 1st to 8th.

With minimal experience, the lifter can only perform auxiliary work (thread cutting, replacing light bulbs, turning parts, etc.).

An elevator electrician of the 8th category can work with elevator software equipment, carry out comprehensive service equipment, etc. However, to obtain this rank, a specialized secondary education and work experience of at least 2 years in the previous 7th rank are required. An option is also possible for electronics specialists without special education.

Elevator vacancies on the labor market, average salary

An elevator electrician is a highly sought-after profession. Typically, employers require skilled workers who are engaged in the installation of elevator equipment. Vacancies for lift operators in this area are the most lucrative. Average good master can earn up to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Vacancies for electrician mechanics for elevator repairs are also found, but less frequently. Here, as a rule, the salary is agreed upon with the employer.

Pros and cons of working as an elevator electrician

Some of the advantages of working as an elevator operator include:


    decent salary if you have experience and qualifications;

    possibility of quick retraining in a related specialty.

Disadvantages of work:

    high responsibility;

    hard work;

    risk of accident at work.