Frame in Photoshop is a tool for cropping photos. Basic principles of cropping images in Photoshop How to properly crop in Photoshop

Using this tool is quite simple. In new versions Photoshop programs When you select “Frames,” the framing boundaries are automatically set along the edges of the photo. The cropping area can be edited by dragging the frame using the handles located at the corners and in the center of each side. As soon as you release the mouse button, the areas that need to be cropped will turn dark.

To move the crop frame while you create it, press and hold the Spacebar. When it's in the right place, release Spacebar and continue drawing the frame. You can expand it by moving the mouse pointer beyond the outer border. The cursor will take the form of a double-headed arrow. Click on the image and move your mouse. The frame will rotate in the specified direction.

Once you have defined your crop boundaries, press Enter. The outer edges of the photo will be removed. If you're cropping an image that has multiple layers, you can do so instead of Photoshop removal will simply hide the cropped fragments. To do this, in the “Options” panel, set the “Clipped” switch to the “Hide” position. Now you can return the cropped area using the “Image” - “Show All” command.

If cropping requires an image of a specific size, enter Width and Height values ​​in the Options panel. You can also keep the original image's proportions or set specific aspect ratios.

How to straighten a photo

If the horizon in the photo is obstructed, you can straighten it using the Perspective Crop tool. It is located under the same button as the “Frame” and is also called up using the hotkey C. To switch between tools, use the combination Shift+C.

Create a cropping frame around the element you want to straighten and drag the corner handles so that they are parallel to the image lines. Press Enter. This technique works well for architectural shots, but don't use it to frame photos of people or animals. The tool distorts the proportions and living creatures will look like in a distorting mirror.

You can use the Ruler tool to straighten your photo. It's hidden in the Eyedropper toolbox and accessed by using the I hotkey. Place the cursor at the point where you want to start measuring and draw a line through the area to be aligned. In the Options panel, click the Straighten button. The photo will be straightened and cropped.

Framing principles

Poor framing can ruin even a good photo. When cropping a photograph, try not to place the subject in the geometric center of the photo - this technique is only suitable for depicting static monumental objects. Don't leave too much space at the top of the photo - the photo will look empty. If you want to show a subject close-up, then as a result of framing it should take up 70-80% of the photo.

If the photo shows a moving object, it should not rest against the edges of the photo. Leave plenty of space in the direction of travel. It is better to place it on the right side of the photo. In this case, the viewer’s gaze and the object seem to move towards each other. If necessary, you can rotate the image using the command “Editing” - “Transform” - “Rotate Horizontal”.

Photos of roads, rivers, and fences will look more dynamic if these objects are positioned diagonally in the photo. At the same time, a composition directed from the upper right corner of the image to the lower left looks calmer.

"Golden Ratio" and "Rule of Thirds"

To create a harmonious image, professional artists use the principle of the “Golden Section”. It has been noticed that regardless of the image format, the four points of the composition always attract the viewer. They are located at a distance of 3/8 and 5/8 from the corresponding edges of the plane. The main objects should be located near these points.

The Rule of Thirds is a simplified version of the Golden Ratio. When used, the image is visually divided into three parts horizontally and vertically. In this case, the horizon should coincide with one of the horizontal lines, and the main shooting objects should be located near the intersection points.

IN latest version Photoshop CC has added another handy feature to the Frame tool. When cropping, the program automatically displays a grid that allows you to divide the image into parts. At the same time, in the “Options” panel you can choose between several types of grid: “Rule of Thirds”, “Grid”, “Diagonal”, “Triangle”, “ Golden ratio", "Golden

If you have previously selected a tool Crop Tool(Crop / Frame), stretch it across your document and click Enter, this Photoshop Lesson may surprise you when you learn about other options that you can use when cropping in Photoshop.

Here are five best secrets tool Crop Tool(Crop/Frame).

1. Rotate when cropping

When applying a crop to an image, you can rotate the selection. Place the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the selection and rotate it as you see fit. Double-clicking inside a selection will simultaneously apply rotation and cropping.

2. Perspective framing

You can set perspective while framing by first selecting an area of ​​the image. Check the box next to the tool settings Perspective(Perspective). Now when you drag the corners of the selection, they will move to whatever position you specify. When you apply a region to an image, it will not only be cropped, but also converted into a rectangular image. You can use this technique to correct the perspective of your image.

3. Cropping without cutting

Once you've selected an area to crop, you don't have to cut it out; instead, you can simply hide the cropped areas.

To do this, you must be working on the image layer, not the background layer, so double-click on the background layer and convert it to a regular layer. Stretch the rectangle on the image and in the tool settings select the option Hide(Hide). After double-clicking, the cropped area will be hidden, but it will still exist.

Take the tool " Move Tool» (Move) and move the image. This technique is useful when you want to cut an image to size 4 X 6 px and want to experiment with different options for composing an image without cutting out areas.

4. Create and use crop settings

When using the " Crop Tool"(Crop / Frame), you can select its various settings, just click on the drop-down menu in the settings window. Select a setting and apply it to your image to create a selection. You can change a vertical selection area to a horizontal one (and vice versa). Stretch the selection on the image and then rotate it to 90 degrees while holding down the key Shift. While holding down the key Shift, your image will rotate clearly on 15 degrees.

To create your own settings, set the width, height, and resolution values ​​in the tool settings, then click in the drop-down menu New Tool Preset(Set new tool parameters).

Give your options a name and click Ok.

They will appear at the very bottom of the options menu, where you can select and use them at any time in the future.

5. Cut with the same size

To crop the image at the same size, select " Crop Tool» (Crop / Frame) and activate the image whose scale you are basing on. Click the button Front Image(External image) to configure the settings " Crop Tool» (Crop) with the dimensions of the given image.

Select your image and drag out a crop rectangle on the image. After double-clicking, your image will be cropped to the same size and resolution as the example image - in some situations your image may become larger in size.

Attention: If " Crop Tool» (Crop / Frame) was not applied as expected by you, press the key Esc to deactivate the tool and press the button Clear(Clear) to reset some parameters if you suddenly forget what exactly you changed in the tool settings.

Final result

The next time you're cutting out an image, remember that there's a lot more to this tool than meets the eye.

Translation: Antsyperovich Alexandra;

Greetings to my blog visitors! Very often, pictures taken with a camera or video frames need adjustments. You can do this yourself using Photoshop. In its menu, among many interesting options, there is a tool - a frame. They are the ones who crop photos in Photoshop.
It is located in the toolbar and the manipulations it makes help achieve the desired result.

What you can do with the Frame Tool

  • Using the “Frame” you can from a photo to full height get a portrait, i.e. improve the composition of the photo.
  • By cropping the sides of the picture, remove unwanted objects caught in the frame.
  • Align the horizon of the picture.
  • Adjust photo size

How to use Frame to crop photos

Using a personal photograph as an example, I will show you how to make a portrait from a large photograph, removing unnecessary details, or, as mentioned above, change the composition of the photograph.

Open in Photoshop the desired photo and click the cursor on the “Frame” icon in the toolbar or activate the Frame tool using the hotkey C.

Next, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+I activate the image size editing window and set the image size to 1280 or 1024 pixels wide. In order for the height to be set in proportion to the width, the corresponding chain icon in the settings window must be activated.

Note! If in the future you plan to use the image only on the Internet, set the resolution to 72 pixels/inch. For printing, set the resolution to 300 pixels/inch.

Using hotkeys Ctrl+1 We increase the image scale to 100%.

Select the desired fragment.

Then, by moving the cursor diagonally, we create a frame of the required size on the image.

Completion of framing is done with the key "Enter" or a checkmark located in the upper right corner of the options bar. The operation can be canceled by pressing "Esc" or by selecting a crossed out circle in the parameters.

In order to set a fixed image size, for example 800×500, in the options menu you need to set the appropriate width and height values ​​in pixels.

Using a key hold:

"Shift"- you can create an even square;
"Alt"- the frame will be expanded from its center;
"Shift"+"Alt"- you can expand the square symmetrically.
With the left mouse button, when the cursor is in the middle of the frame, you can move it in any direction.

Frame rotation and horizon alignment

In the photo, arrows in the form of a semicircle appear in the corners of the frame borders when the cursor is placed on them.
This indicates the possibility of rotating the cropped image and changing its size.

When making a frame at an angle, do not forget that when you click “Save” the fragment will be oriented in a straight position.

This feature is very convenient when leveling the horizon. Of course, you will have to crop the edges of the photo. But if this is not done, then white areas will remain at the corners.

For example, let's take a landscape with a slanted horizon.

Align the frame parallel to the horizon and press Enter.

We get an image with a flat horizon.

That's all.

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Sincerely, Ul Sartakov.

In several lessons, I will show you the simplest techniques for working with Photoshop. Preparing photographs for printing and posting on the Internet. These lessons show the most necessary actions, without which to prepare good photo, is simply impossible. The tools I show are available in all versions of Photoshop. If your version is different from mine, some of the tools may be in a different place, but they are there!

Lesson #1

Attention! Always make a copy of the photograph, just in case, and then “mock” it! Because the original may come in handy when you are not satisfied with the result of your experiments.

Now open a copy of the photo in Photoshop. Press the button " crop"(1) or "Crop" if you have non-Russian Photoshop.

At the top of the properties panel, set the desired width and height of the image. Since we are preparing a photo for posting on the Internet, in order to maintain the proportions of the monitor screen, we will set, for example, the width to 1024 pixels and the height to 768 pixels.

In principle, here you can set any size. Simply, if you want the photo to be used as desktop wallpaper, then set it to 1920x1080, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 800x600.
If the photo does not fit into the wallpaper, or there are several photos on the page, then they need to be made smaller in size, otherwise site visitors may not wait for such a heavy page to load and will go to another site.

By the way, I am often asked how to make an avatar for the forum. And you do the same! Usually the maximum size of an avatar is 90x90. Therefore, set the Width to 90 px, Height to 90 px.

After clicking the "Crop" button, the cursor took the form of a "Crop" icon. Now, by clicking the left mouse button in the upper left corner of the photo, drag the cursor down and to the right. At the same time, the frame will stretch behind it. Release the button and the frame will freeze in place. But you can stretch it - squeeze it by the corners, grab it with the cursor and drag the entire frame from place to place. At the same time, it will strictly adhere to the proportion you set, so you will not be able to flatten the photo. In any case, the size you specify will be preserved!

By the way, if you are not going to maintain the proportion of the photo size, then leave the “width” and “height” fields empty. In this case, by stretching the frame by the sides with the cursor, you can make it wide or narrow, high or low. In short, the photo will be a non-standard size.

As a result of experiments, you will achieve a result when there is nothing unnecessary left in the frame, and the area of ​​future cropping is darkened.

Now press the right mouse button while holding the cursor on the photo. A context menu will appear with the words “crop” and “cancel.” Click the “crop” menu item and you will see a photo of improved quality!

Note: Now you can proceed to the photo saving stage. In the future, when you gain experience, you can do all the steps to improve the photo (the next pages of the book) and only then save it.

Today you will learn how to implement cropping in photoshop. We will work with the Crop Tool. But first, let's find out what framing is and why it is needed.

Cropping is cutting off unnecessary parts of the image that, according to your plan, do not fit into the composition.

For example, this is the original image:

And this is the cropped version:

There are several ways to implement cropping in photoshop. The most convenient one, in my opinion, is the Crop Tool.

Open any image

Now select the Crop Tool, hold down the left mouse button to start the selection and release when the selection is complete. A frame like this will appear:

As you probably noticed, the frame has 8 points. By moving them, you edit the area that needs to be left “in frame”:

Anything outside the frame will be cut off. To confirm cropping, you need to press the Enter key:

This is such a simple tool. For starters, I’ll show you a few more ways to crop in Photoshop.

Crop using selection

Another very good method that I sometimes use. Make a custom selection

Now go to Image -> Crop. That's it, framing is done! 🙂

You can also copy the image (Ctrl+V) with active selection, then create a new document (Ctrl+N), which will already be the right size. And then just paste the copied image (Ctrl+V).


This is the last framing method we'll look at today.

Trimming works on the principle of removing unnecessary pixels. Those. If there are transparent areas around the edges of the image, trimming will cut them off.

Trimming is called up in the Image -> Trim menu:

The Based on parameter specifies on what basis the image will be cropped: Transparent Pixels, Top Left Pixel Color, Bottom Right Pixel Color.

Trim Away determines which side will be trimmed. If all the boxes are checked, trimming will be done from all sides.

This concludes the lesson on cropping in Photoshop. Leave your comments :) I say goodbye to you until the next meeting (which will be very soon :)) on the pages of the site