Sturgeon breeding in UZ literature. Natural or artificial pond. Main tasks in the growing process

Breeding sturgeon at home

RAS - closed water supply installation. Equipment for such an installation will require significant financial investments.

But, breeding sturgeon at home, without resorting to purchasing expensive equipment, does not require large financial costs. Let’s look at the last option in more detail. In order to start breeding sturgeon at home, you will need: a heated room and containers where the fish will be kept, special equipment and fry, as well as fish food.

First things first initial stage You can use a small container (mini-pool) for breeding sturgeon. The depth of such a pool should be 1 meter, and the diameter can be 1.5-2.5 meters. In a pool of this size, up to 1 ton of fish can be grown within one year. Do not forget that the pool must have good filtration and aeration, and as the container becomes dirty, it must be cleaned periodically. To do this, we need to purchase a pump and compressor, a filter. Additionally, you can buy an automatic feeder. This is an additional cost, but it will save a lot of time.

When choosing a pump and compressor, you need to pay attention to the volume that they technical specifications, will be able to process. It is better to buy them with a small margin so that the equipment does not work under extreme loads. This way it will last us longer without replacement. To save extra money when starting your business cash, you can make a pool yourself. At the initial stage, one pool will be enough for us. Over time, the number of containers can be increased.

Obtaining sturgeon fry at home is quite problematic. For this you need special conditions and special skills. The easiest way is to buy fry. To do this, just visit a large fishery that breeds sturgeon. It is better not to save on purchasing fry, because your profit will depend on their quality.

The faster the fish grows, the faster we can get our first profit. Now about fish food. It has its own characteristics and nuances. You will need to purchase food of various sizes. For small fish, food should be small size. As the fish grows, the size of the feed should increase. We should not forget that this type of fish feeds from the bottom. The sturgeon searches for food using its sense of smell. It is for this reason that you should buy food that sinks in water and has a pleasant smell. In addition, sturgeon food needs high-calorie food. It should contain up to 50 percent crude protein, about 25 percent fat, and about 3 percent fiber. Lysine and phosphorus are also needed.

When purchasing food, it is better to purchase one specifically designed for sturgeon fish. Another feature of sturgeon breeding is temperature. Sturgeon feeds best, and therefore grows, at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. To obtain maximum results, it is this temperature regime that must be maintained.

Let's look a little at the growth process of the fry. As a rule, fry weighing 5 grams are purchased. Sturgeon grows unevenly. Some fry by the age of six months can reach a weight of half a kilogram, but this is only about 15 percent of the total number of fish. Sturgeon weighing half a kilogram or more is best suited for sale. Fish can be sold through supermarkets or restaurants, as well as on the market. After the first sturgeons have grown to the above mass, the average sturgeons grow in about a month and a half. Thus, after 9 months the whole process can be repeated. On the second round, you only need to purchase fry and food.

It should be noted that sturgeon breeding can be done not only in a house or apartment, but also in an insulated greenhouse, on your summer cottage.

Sturgeon breeding in RAS

Finally, let’s talk a little about sturgeon breeding in RAS. Installation of a closed water supply - several pools (tanks) equipped with filters and connected to a regular water renewal system. The water needs to be updated regularly to ensure it has the right amount of oxygen. Such devices are most often used when breeding sturgeon in regions with harsh climates. Thanks to this system, it is easy to maintain the water temperature and oxygen concentration.

When growing fish in a RAS, sturgeon can reach marketable weight by the end of the first year. Even when breeding sturgeon in closed water supply systems, you need to remember the technologies, standards and requirements for growing this type of fish. Only if they are fully observed can you count on success, and therefore on making a profit.

Let us remind you that, without fail, for the full breeding of sturgeon it is necessary:

  • provide fish required quantity oxygen in water;
  • regularly replace the water in the pool using special biofilters; plant fry evenly every time after removing fish that have reached marketable weight; Do not exceed the planting density in the pool. For 1 square meter no more than 60 kilograms.

The Russian sturgeon is one of the most numerous representatives of the genus Acipenser. This fish can be successfully bred on your own mini-farm using closed water supply systems - RAS (they can not only speed up the process, but also increase productivity) or in an artificial pond. If you have knowledge of breeding technology and maintaining optimal conditions, you can create a highly profitable business based on this idea.

How to grow sturgeon at home?

Sturgeon inhabits the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas and the rivers flowing into them, creating local fish stocks. The body of the individual has an elongated, spindle-shaped shape, the snout is short and blunt. The color can vary greatly, as a rule, it is grayish-black, grayish-brown.

Breeding sturgeon at home is only possible if optimal conditions are provided environment. They can be created in an artificial pond or by installing a closed water supply installation. To install the latter, you will need a plot of land with a room or an insulated frameless hangar. The area should not be less than 30 m², the best option– 100 m². The building must be provided with electricity, water supply, sewerage, and heating (this can be done with your own hands).

But when creating a sturgeon reservoir, you need to pay special attention to the layout of the soil bed, the provision of good water supply and the possibility of water discharge. It is good if the land plot has a natural depression or the shape of a ravine with a gentle slope and a slight longitudinal slope. If in winter it is not possible to maintain the optimal water temperature, then the sturgeon should be moved to the pool and returned to the pond only in the spring (a few days before this, the salinity of the water must be increased to 5%). In addition to these options, sturgeon can be bred in thermal settling tanks near power plants. This makes it easier to ensure optimal temperature conditions. The growth rate of the fish stock is uneven, but on average they gain 500 g in 6-8 months.

To turn sturgeon farming into profitable business and to do this legally, you need to legally formalize your activities. Owners of home fish farms work under the second tax group on a single tax. Species classifier economic activity(KVED) – freshwater fish farming, aquaculture. The SES will not check the home farm, but for the veterinary service you need to prepare a certificate of form No. 1 for planting material, feed certificate and know that a water sample will be taken. To obtain a veterinary inspection permit authorizing the trade of sturgeon, you need to provide several kilograms of product for analysis. will not be held, since from January 1, 2016 until the end of 2018 it is prohibited scheduled checks organizations, individual entrepreneurs in the field of small business.

Commercial sturgeon farming has begun to actively develop over the last 10-15 years. This was first done in countries where natural reserves are limited (USA, Western Europe). Opening a fish farm is a profitable enterprise, because in many regions it is very limited, and sales are seasonal or spontaneous. There are many examples of successful implementation of this business idea in Russia.

Advice: to reduce the effect of stress factors - the use of feeds that are not typical for fish, the impact of fish farming manipulations (weighing, sorting), it is advisable to include probiotics in food.

Equipment for breeding sturgeon at home, price

The closed water supply installation consists of the following parts:

  1. Pools for sturgeon (one costs about 14 thousand per 3 m³, you will need 4-10 of them). They look like containers made of fiberglass and other materials, sometimes with windows for observation. Pools should allow you to quickly clean the water, clearly see the herd and not create traumatic situations (uneven rough surface, sharp corners).
  2. Pipelines (about 5 thousand rubles).
  3. Filtration system and pumps (100-500 thousand). It includes an oxygen generator, a mechanical and biofilter, and a UV installation. Needed to remove excess food and feces from the water.

Also, at home, an emergency sturgeon life support system and a water treatment unit (for disinfection, temperature regulation, and oxygen saturation of water) can be installed. There are ready-made fish breeding modules available for sale. The price (depending on performance) varies from 200 to 750 thousand rubles. Electricity consumption averages 3.7-5.5 kWh. In addition to the basic components of the system, you will need containers for transportation and disinfection of equipment, tables, cages, trays for breeding fry and hatching larvae, fish barriers, and foam traps. An artificial pond for sturgeon breeding also needs to be equipped. Required components: filters, pump, ultraviolet lamps.

Experienced fish farmers say that to create a home farm you will need about $3 thousand to purchase equipment and an average of $1000 to purchase fry and feed.

Advice: It is quite possible to make some equipment for breeding sturgeon with your own hands (swimming pool, biofilter, heating system). Manufacturing instructions can be found online on specialized forums, websites, and in specialized literature.

In order to minimize risks and clearly understand the stages of development of a sturgeon farm at home, it is worthwhile, where all the nuances, the necessary costs will be taken into account and the expected profitability will be calculated.

DIY sturgeon food

The speed and quality of fish growth directly depend on nutrition. Special equipment will help you accurately dose each meal at home, and special filters will promptly purify the water from food residues and waste products. All processes in closed water supply installations are automated, and sensors monitor the hydrochemical parameters of water. Most novice fish farmers prefer to provide adults and young fish with dry granulated commercial feed. But you can make them yourself.

Advice: optimal temperature for breeding sturgeon – 20-22°C.

There is no consensus on what proportions and composition of feed are best. Every experienced fish farmer has his own opinion on this matter. But the optimal nutrition schedule has long been developed. Fry should eat up to 12 times a day, adults - 6, preferably at the same time, then the frequency of meals is reduced. The daily intake is calculated using special feed tables, for example according to Ponomarev. Food is given in small portions, monitoring the palatability. It is important to know that different foods have their own particle or granule sizes:

  • starter (for larvae, young animals);
  • production (for commercial sturgeon).

They must contain a sufficient amount of protein, fat, fiber, lysine, and phosphorus. If you have experience, you can make nutritional mixtures yourself. Fingerlings (young fish) of sturgeon feed on brine shrimp, tubifex worms, oligochaetes, and daphnia zooplankton. After gaining weight of more than 35 g, starter feeds are started. At the initial stage it is better to use industrial products. Over time, adult individuals can be fed with nutrient mixtures made with their own hands at home. They are prepared from minced fish, special flour, egg powder, yeast and premix (a mixture of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals to enrich food). Also, different recipes often include wheat, peas, and soy sprat. The diet can be enriched with silkworms, brine shrimp, and chlorella.

It is convenient to organize a fish farm in a country house or in a village where there is the required area and the necessary conditions. In addition to this option, there are other opportunities to start, for example, working on vegetables, strawberries in a greenhouse,.

Is breeding sturgeon at home profitable?

Before opening your fish farm, it is important to determine target market. Sturgeon is considered an industrially valuable fish. It makes it possible to obtain products such as:

  • meat (raw, frozen, salted, dried, smoked);
  • caviar;
  • glue (swim bladders are used for production);
  • food product vizigu (dorsal string).

As a rule, sturgeon is grown at home to a weight of 500-600 g and sold. This product is relevant for owners of restaurants, shops, supermarkets, wholesale organizations; it can also be successfully sold on the market. Due to the downward trend in sturgeon stocks, prices for fish farm products are rising every year. In America and European countries, the market price for 1 kg of sturgeon meat is $18-22. On the domestic market, the cost of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles. According to experts, a fish farm with a productivity of about 5 tons per year gives the owner a profit of up to 2.5 million rubles, and profitability can reach 50-60%. In addition to meat, fish farmers successfully sell caviar and whitebait.

If the owner is not in a hurry to return the investment, then it is more profitable to keep sturgeon for caviar. According to reviews from fish farmers, 1 kg can earn you $700-900. If necessary, RNKB Bank can issue a “For Business Development” in the amount of 500,000 to 70,000,000 rubles. (repayment period – 6-60 months).

You can create a profitable sturgeon farm by installing a closed water supply. It makes it possible to provide optimal conditions for the rapid growth of sturgeon in artificial conditions. The cost of a ready-made technological project for breeding, for example, 5 tons per year (including consultations and specialist visits to set up and launch the system) is not cheap. But you can create it yourself at home. Breeding sturgeon in closed water supply systems can greatly accelerate the growth of fish and reduce mortality compared to natural conditions.

The main conditions are compliance with sturgeon breeding technology in a closed water supply cycle, optimization temperature regime. It is these parameters that provide favorable conditions for productive consumption, use of feed, increasing the rate of growth and development, and oxygen consumption. It is important to remember that significant temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of young animals. Also, for the intensity of production at home, the parameters of planting density of individuals, oxygen saturation of water, and the stability of hydrochemical parameters are very important.

The efficiency of artificial reproduction of sturgeon can be increased by changing the timing of obtaining reproductive products and breeding larvae and young animals. Therefore, mini-farms must be equipped with special modules with controlled temperature conditions. It is advisable to keep the broodstock and breed young animals in water with high salinity.

In addition to meat, the farm owner will be able to sell caviar. But the process of growing it has its own characteristics. It is necessary to determine the sex at an early stage and separate the females into a separate herd. Under RAS conditions (as opposed to natural ones), the process of their maturation occurs faster due to year-round maintenance in water with an optimal temperature.

Modern technologies make it possible to create automated sturgeon production at home with minimal losses and good profits. A fish farm must be equipped with equipment that will create the maximum comfortable conditions for breeding sturgeon. Knowledge of technology and a preliminary search for a market will allow you to turn a business idea into a very profitable business.

And again about import substitution. Western politicians, apparently, did not even suspect what an invaluable service they would provide by introducing their sanctions against Russia to literally all sectors of industry and production in the country. It's hard, no doubt about it. But many domestic entrepreneurs are now talking about their desire for these sanctions to be extended for some more time, because domestic products, previously crowded out, have finally begun to be in demand. imported goods, many farms, which only a year ago were thinking about bankruptcy, perked up. Crafts that were previously traditional for the country began to revive: breeding sturgeon fish, trade in furs, jewelry, grain, and timber. So, for now, all the imposed sanctions are hitting not only Russia, but also the European countries themselves.

Breeding guppy fish in a home aquarium for sale is, of course, a good business. What can you say about a more serious business that generates income hundreds, thousands of times more? Breeding sturgeon, or as they are also called “royal fish” - a world-recognized delicacy (both meat and the most valuable product - black caviar), is a long-term project. So those novice entrepreneurs who, after reading the article, get excited about the idea, should be patient.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:2,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: no limits
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: from 3 years

A completely logical question arises: what do fish farms have to live on for 6-8 years until the first eggs appear? This is exactly how long it takes for sturgeon to begin spawning under the conditions of a closed water supply system - RAS (I will tell you what this is a little lower). Under natural conditions, this period is several years longer. True, there is a variety of Ob sturgeon that begins to spawn faster - after 3-4 years.

But this period is also very long for a fishery, which every day needs to spend decent sums on feeding fish, providing installations, and other needs. Therefore, enterprises engaged in sturgeon breeding make a profit from the sale of fish meat, and products and semi-finished products obtained from them. For example, the products of a sturgeon fishery may look like this:

  • Live fish. Now a kilogram of sturgeon is sold in stores at prices ranging from 700 to 1,300 rubles.
  • Smoked fish. Requires own production by smoking. A kilogram of products is sold at prices ranging from 1,900 to 2,500 rubles.
  • Canned sturgeon. It also requires organizing its own canning shop. Price varies.
  • Soup sets. They include heads, tails, and other parts of fish remaining after processing for the needs of other production. Price from 350 to 450 rubles per kilogram.
  • Sturgeon glue. This product is used in painting, restoration work, jewelry, and modeling. Price varies.
  • Viziga. This is the name given to the cartilaginous spine of sturgeon, which is used in baking pies, kulebyak, and other native Russian products.
  • Liver. This is also a delicacy that is served to customers in restaurants for crazy money.
  • Semi-finished products, for example, sturgeon cutlets, made mainly from waste obtained from other industries.

As you can see, the list of products is very impressive, but the long-term goal is still to obtain black caviar, the cost of which can reach up to $1,500 per 1 kilogram (the price depends on the size of the eggs and some other criteria).

Many of my colleagues, when describing various business ideas, write that it is possible to breed sturgeon at home. I don't agree with them. Apparently, they have never seen with their own eyes what they are writing about, in this case, sturgeon breeding farms. Firstly, you need to immediately clarify that we are not talking about an apartment in apartment building. How do you imagine a RAS installed in an apartment?

In your own home in the countryside, breeding sturgeon is, in principle, possible, but it requires a solid plot of land to build the main premises for keeping fish, auxiliary storage facilities, etc., plus production space if you start manufacturing products that I overpowered above. You won't last long selling just one live fish. Organizing a breeding business requires building a small mini-farm, which over time can grow into a large fishery.

Species of sturgeon

First of all, you need to remember that sturgeon is listed in the Red Book, and its fishing in natural reservoirs is prohibited. It was this shortage, coupled with the taste of sturgeon, that made his sturgeon breeding business such a profitable endeavor.

The fastest growing and fastest maturing sturgeon species are used for breeding:

  • Siberian sturgeon
  • Amur sturgeon
  • White sturgeon
  • Sterlet
  • Bester (beluga-sterlet hybrid)

Beluga, stellate sturgeon, thorn, Russian sturgeon are also bred in fish farms, but in smaller quantities due to their longer growth time. For example, the first “portion” of beluga caviar can only be obtained after 17-18 years, and although market price 1 kg of beluga caviar costs over 10 thousand dollars; very few undertake its cultivation due to the time required.

What is RAS

The closed water supply device is intended for sturgeon breeding in “artificial” conditions. It consists of:

  • From several pools with a round or rectangular shape. Typically, two types of pools are used - portable (made of polypropylene, metal with an enamel-coated inside, or collapsible, with a frame; and stationary - concrete, or tiled with ceramics. The cheapest are round pools made of polypropylene with a depth of up to 1.5 meters, with a diameter - up to 2.5-3 meters. They are most often used in fish farms. By the way, such pools are ideal for breeding crayfish at home.

  • Oxygen generator.
  • 3 types of filters for water purification - drum-type mechanical action, carbon, and biological.
  • Pumps for water circulation.
  • Ozonizers and flotators for water purification
  • Oxygen pressure sensor
  • Air compressor
  • Lamp with ultraviolet light for the disinfection process
  • Devices for heating or cooling water
  • And, pipe systems

You can see everything in more detail in this photo.

The entire water supply system is flowing. After the process of purification and enrichment with oxygen, water is supplied to the pools in thin streams, and not in one continuous stream for greater oxygen saturation. Part of the water is pumped into the reservoir, again goes through the entire cycle of purification and enrichment, and again enters the pools. After a certain period of time, some of the water goes into the sewer, and new water is pumped into the system from the water supply.

All year round, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the pools, the most optimal for fish breeding - 18-20 0 C. The air temperature in the room should also be maintained, if possible, at the same level. It is these conditions that contribute to the rapid maturation of sturgeon.

By the way, it will be much cheaper not to buy a ready-made RAS, but to assemble it yourself from components that are commercially available.

Natural breeding

Sturgeon can also be bred in natural conditions - in a pond. Of course, it will take much longer for the fish to mature, but this is compensated by a significant reduction in costs. A pond can be either a natural formation or an artificial one. In the first case, you just need to clean it, in the second - liming. The bottom of the pond, which, by the way, should be cup-shaped, must be covered with a layer of lime, then extinguished by filling it with a layer of water, and then rinse everything thoroughly.

For spawning, fish from the pond are transplanted into another, specially prepared pond. Then, after the eggs or fry appear, they are transferred back to the first pond. you can find out the technical side of the issue, how you can rent a pond.

Purchase of fry

Today, the cost of sturgeon fry ranges from 15 to 20 rubles per piece. You must calculate the exact quantity to purchase yourself, based on your financial capabilities and the number of pools. Oster is a bottom-dwelling fish, so the density of its planting in the pool is measured by the number of pieces (or kilos of live weight) per 1 square meter. The enterprise I visited before writing this material plants approximately 300 fry weighing 5-6 grams per 1 square meter in a round pool with a diameter of 2.5 meters. meter.

Before landing, the water temperature in the pool must be equalized with the temperature of the water in the containers in which the fry were brought.

Growing conditions

The food of fish living in a pond must contain natural food that is familiar to it - various vegetation, aquatic insects, worms, and mollusks. In swimming pools, all this is replaced with special food, for the selection of which there are certain criteria:

  • The size of the feed granules should be appropriate to the age and size of the fish.
  • Sturgeons eat from the bottom, so the food must sink.
  • For the fish to grow quickly, the food must contain a lot of calories.

Boiled eggs of aquatic birds and minced fish can be added to sturgeon’s food, and for adults, fry of other fish can be added to the pool. Often, as sturgeon grow older, they are given various special hormones to stimulate spawning.

Sturgeon breeding as a business promises to be very profitable: this is evidenced by examples of farms operating successfully in many regions of Russia. Sturgeon meat and caviar are in stable demand in restaurants, so there should be no problems with sales. Moreover, the number of fish farms is small, and competition in this business is still small. In addition, sturgeon is an unpretentious fish, and to grow it you do not need a lot of special knowledge.

How to grow sturgeon?

There are several species of sturgeon in Russia: beluga, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, Russian and Siberian sturgeon. All of them are listed in the Red Book, which is why the price of sturgeon is high. In Europe and America, this fish has been grown on farms for a long time, and this business is quite widespread there.

Which species should I choose for growing?

The Siberian freshwater sturgeon is considered the most unpretentious. All care for him consists of timely feeding and cleansing of the reservoir.

This is important - the water in the pool must be constantly clean, at a constant temperature of 18-20 degrees. The sturgeon lives at the bottom of flowing water bodies: this means that it will not live in stagnant water and may die.

How does the sturgeon survive winter in natural conditions? Decrease in temperature winter period slows down growth and possibly prolongs the life of sturgeon, but for the farmer any delay is fraught with unnecessary costs. Therefore, in captivity, sturgeon grow all year round in heated pools.

Prospects in numbers

The natural decline of fry kept in captivity is up to 30 percent, this is considered the norm. In nature, only three percent of eggs survive and become adults.

The fish gains a weight of 500-600 grams by about six months of age, at which time it is sold to restaurants. Because it is from such fish that it is most convenient to make portioned dishes.

Fry of the same age gain weight unevenly - first the dominant males grow more actively, and then the rest gain the required weight. After about 8-9 months, when all, even the smallest fish, have reached the required weight, the first cycle will be completed, and it will be possible to buy a new batch of fry.

This matter cannot be accomplished without control. For the SES, water and sturgeon will need to be tested twice a year. Also make sure that all documentation for the fry and food is in order.

Breeding sturgeon at home as a business has its own characteristics, for example, a long payback period and a high percentage of profit from initial costs.

Methods for growing sturgeon at home

As already mentioned, sturgeon loves clean running water with a high oxygen content: maintaining such conditions in natural reservoirs is quite difficult. It is much easier to control the artificial one.

What is RAS?

There are fish farming modules specifically for growing sturgeon, the so-called recirculating water supply units (RAS). They consist of:

  • swimming pools;
  • oxygen generator;
  • water purification filters;
  • compressor;
  • various sensors;
  • UV lamps for water disinfection;
  • heat exchange systems;
  • pipelines.

The water in such a system is constantly in a circular motion - it passes through filters, is enriched with oxygen and returns back to the pool. Some of it flows into the sewer, so it is necessary to constantly replenish the volume from the water supply.


But for starters, a homemade installation with a pool made of any material is quite suitable. This will help you reduce costs. You will need a pool, equipment for cleaning it - filters, pump, compressor. To maintain the required temperature, the pool must be located in a heated room.

Area about 30 sq. m. should be quite enough. If there is no such thing, you can build a greenhouse and provide heating there. Be sure to purchase a generator so that an accidental power outage does not ruin all your work.

The depth of the pool should be at least one meter, but the diameter can be small - 2-2.5 meters. If you really want to, the equipment can be installed in a residential area. Bright lighting is not needed - the sturgeon lives at the bottom, in twilight.

The fry will have to be fed six times a day, at regular intervals. In six months, when they grow up, it will be possible to switch to four meals a day. Automatic feeders make life easier for fish farmers: they save your time, although they require additional costs.

If business goes well, it will be possible to expand by purchasing and installing several more pools.

Food for breeding sturgeon

Another important point- nutrition. Be careful when choosing food: it should not become limp in the water, but sink, because the sturgeon lives and feeds at the bottom. The food pellets should retain their shape in water for at least half an hour. And, of course, the food must contain all the necessary substances, especially proteins.

Because the fish will grow unevenly, they require different sizes of food. To facilitate the feeding process, all livestock are divided into three weight categories every 10 days and fed in different sections.

First, it makes sense to buy special food, and then you can learn how to make it yourself.

Buying fry

When the fish house is ready, you can buy fry. Breeding them yourself is quite difficult, especially for beginners. The fry should weigh approximately 5 grams.

How many fry can be stocked at the same time? For each cubic meter of the pool there should be no more than 60 kilograms of live weight. Before purchasing, consult with specialists to purchase high-quality, healthy fish.

One of the problems in this matter can be the transportation of both fry and adult fish. Sturgeon does not really like to move from place to place, and temperature and oxygen conditions on the road must be observed.

Breeding sturgeon is a business that promises quite a lot of profit. Anyone can do it, no matter what region they live in. This is possible thanks to the use of closed water supply units (RAS). When creating them, it is only necessary to ensure optimal conditions, as well as the required area. In this case, the fishery is formed from hangar-type buildings in which swimming pools and a water purification system are located.

Introductory information

Sturgeon farming in RAS is a multi-tank system approach. They are equipped with filters and devices that promote constant renewal of water. This approach makes it possible to breed fish even in harsh climatic conditions. The presence of a closed and customizable system makes it easy to achieve the optimal parameters necessary for successful fish farming (temperature, amount of oxygen, etc.). Breeding sturgeon in a RAS makes it possible to reach the required weight for sale after just one year of life. In addition, caviar, which is very valuable and is not cheap due to its valuable nutritional qualities and relatively small supply, can also be sold.

How profitable is this?

Breeding sturgeon in RAS as a business has proven itself well - if you work tirelessly and in accordance with the opinion of reason. Thus, the cost of one kilogram of products is about 600 rubles, which allows you to make a profit of up to 400 rubles. Thus, a farm that produces approximately five tons of fish per year has a turnover of about five million rubles. Of these, up to two are pure profit. Having an enterprise with a profitability level of 30-60% is quite possible. It takes only two to three years to achieve net profit and full payback of the project. Moreover, it should be taken into account that you can get not only the fish itself, but also caviar. In other words, breeding sturgeon in a RAS as a business is quite feasible. But how to implement this?

What is needed for this?

Let’s imagine that we are faced with the task of organizing a fish breeding farm that allows us to produce about five tons per year. How to achieve this? What kind of RAS equipment is needed for sturgeon breeding? In short, this result allows you to get:

  1. A room with an area of ​​about 125 square meters, provided with water supply, sewerage, heating and electricity.
  2. The feed coefficient is 1.4. That is, 7 tons of food are needed per year.
  3. The volume of water is 2100 cubic meters for twelve months.
  4. Electricity consumption is about 5.5 kW. 48 thousand kW is needed per year.
  5. At least two employees per wages 60 thousand rubles per month.
  6. Necessary equipment, which will cost approximately three million rubles.

How is sturgeon breeding carried out in a RAS? The complete diagram below can be used either as family business, and to create a full-fledged enterprise.

Swimming pools

First of all, you need to take care of the equipment with which the fish are kept. Of course, swimming pools come first here. Depending on their cost, capacity and manufacturer, this item will cost at least two million rubles. The following containers are suitable for use:

  1. Frame structures.
  2. Polypropylene.
  3. Made from ceramic tiles.
  4. Metal containers coated with enamel.
  5. With solid concrete walls.

To grow fish up to 300 grams, you need to take care of a rectangular or round pool. It is enough for it to have a diameter of 1.6 m and a depth of up to 90 centimeters. For those fish whose size ranges from 0.3 kg to 2 kg, you should provide a pool with parameters of 2.2 m and 1.3 m. It should be borne in mind that 1 square meter allows you to grow up to 60 kilograms of sturgeon. Care must be taken to ensure that the sturgeon lives in favorable conditions. For it, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees Celsius. Therefore, heating is necessary in winter, and cooling in summer. For this purpose, the system provides the possibility of using a heat exchanger.

Water purification technology

Since the business plan for breeding sturgeon in a RAS does not provide for their free range, and living in the same water is problematic, it is necessary to provide a solution to the problem of the quality of their living environment. How should water purification be carried out?

At the first stage, it undergoes mechanical filtration. For this purpose, micromesh drums rotating in the housing are used. Periodically, they need to be cleaned of various solid particles, such as uneaten food, fish feces, and so on. Mechanical filtration allows you to remove such harmful substances like nitrates and sulfates.

Then you can proceed to the second stage. It carries out biological water purification. The equipment for this is made in the form of a concrete container buried in the floor. It is filled with special elements - bioloads. Their cost is about 20 thousand rubles per piece. The concrete container is filled with water, after which aeration begins. This process removes carbon dioxide from the pool. After all, it is necessary to remember that fish can also breathe, and they need it.

The third stage involves denitrification. It is carried out using a closed type filter. This stage is necessary in order to reduce the amount of nitrates, which will inevitably occur after biotreatment. Methanol is used to decompose these compounds. This filter has low throughput. This fact must be taken into account.


Growing sturgeon requires constant water circulation. For this, a pump is used, which will cost 20 thousand rubles. With its help, fresh water is taken, after which it is mixed with the main liquid. Its quantity must be equal to the flow to ensure uninterrupted circulation of water in the system. The technology of sturgeon breeding in RAS pays special attention to this point; one should not ignore it and assume that only cleaning the liquid used is sufficient.

Additional points

The following equipment is also used for growing fish:

  1. Ultraviolet lamps. They are necessary for water disinfection.
  2. Oxygenator. Allows you to saturate the water with the required amount of oxygen.
  3. Ozonizer. Necessary to provide the living environment with ozone.
  4. Incubators. Required in cases where fish are bred for caviar.
  5. Feeders. Allows you to provide dosed power supply at the required time.

Purchasing fish

First you need to acquire livestock. Fry are used for breeding. Their acquisition is the first stage of activity. First of all, you should get at least ten thousand fry. Why so much? The fact is that even with experienced specialists, their death rate reaches about 60% of the total. It is possible to reduce this value, but this is a difficult and costly matter. Fortunately, their cost is about 20 rubles per piece, and their weight is several grams. Therefore, there should be no problems with their acquisition and transportation.

By the way, it’s better not to skimp on your first fish. Of course, even if you buy dried fry and provide them good conditions, they will get better over time. But time will be lost, more funds will be required for their maintenance, and we should not forget about the case. Therefore, it is better not to skimp on quality.

How to grow fish?

Many years of experience and experimentation have allowed us to select several optimal methods. Two of them are described below:

  1. Kiselev's technique. It involves stocking the pools with fish twice a year. It also involves harvesting once every six months. The disadvantage of this technique is that it is difficult to gain a lot of weight over such a significant period.
  2. Krasnoborodko's technique. Provides such an approach to fish breeding, when the harvest is harvested from in small intervals, but in small quantities. This system allows for uninterrupted operation thanks to numerous water purification filters, water disinfection devices, pumps and periodic fluid renewal. This technique involves exclusively one-time stocking of pools with fish. It allows you to minimize the area required for breeding in terms of placement of equipment, as well as the number of pools.

Getting caviar

Breeding sturgeon in RAS is used not only to produce fish meat. Sturgeons also make it possible to obtain such a delicacy as caviar. In this case, it is necessary to make two independent closed water supply installations. The former is used for broodstock, while the latter is used for breeders. The peculiarity of the latter is that they must be in cold water.

In the first year, the harvest is not particularly impressive in size - females produce up to eight percent of their own weight. Not too much. But in the second year this figure can reach 20%! This is what breeding sturgeon in a RAS is like. Technologies and drawings will allow you to create an idea of ​​how everything should be. And the implementation will allow you to create devices for absolutely every taste.