Registration MICEX electronic platform. Registration of a new digital signature on the electronic platform of the MICEX “Government Procurement. Government procurement on the electronic platform of the MICEX “government procurement”

Accreditation for ETP is the process of registering a legal or individual on electronic platform for further participation as a bidder.

Recently, forms of bidding that are conducted electronically have become increasingly popular among commercial and government procurement. But to carry out such purchases, an electronic trading platform (hereinafter referred to as ETP) is required, which provides all the necessary activities for carrying out such purchases, provides the appropriate services and tools.

And the accreditation procedure refers to such a service function, during which some elements of verifying the participant and his ability to participate in the procurement are taken over by the ETP, removing such questions from customers. Accordingly, accreditation at the sites is a necessary condition for participation in any procurement that is carried out at the corresponding ETP.

Currently, the number of ETPs is more than one hundred, but the most popular official ETPs for state and municipal procurement are:

  • Sberbank-AST -;
  • ETP EETP -;
  • RTS-Tender -;
  • ZakazRF –;
  • National electronic platform -;
  • Russian auction house -

Accreditation is prerequisite to obtain admission to the auction and after its completion, registration on the electronic platform will be received.

The procedure for participant accreditation on the site

In order for accreditation to be carried out on the ETP, you must first submit an application for accreditation on the website of the corresponding site, attaching the documents discussed below.

The accreditation period on the electronic platform usually takes no more than five working days , some ETP operators carry it out faster. After reviewing the application, to the specified email a letter is received from the site operator informing about the successful completion of accreditation, or about the reasons for refusal of accreditation.

It is worth noting here that it will be most effective to undergo accreditation in advance on several of the most popular sites, since if a tender of interest is identified that is taking place on an ETP that does not have accreditation, its completion will not allow you to submit an application for participation in the tender in a timely manner. And pre-accreditation will allow you to participate in all auctions that interest you.

Despite the fact that the registration procedure on trading platforms does not pose any particular problems, some organizations turn to third-party specialists for appropriate services. These accreditation instructions will save you time and protect you from being denied accreditation.

First of all, you need to make sure that the software and hardware you use provide you with the ability to work with electronic signatures. For this, most ETPs have a special service that checks your existing equipment and software for compliance with site requirements. This will allow you to put everything in order before filling out and sending the application.

After the compliance check procedure established requirements platform, you can proceed to the process of completing and submitting an application. To do this, you need to go to the website of the ETP you are interested in, where in the open part you can fill out an application in electronic form.

The application form provides a field with the ability to select a certificate electronic signature. After selecting such a certificate, a number of fields will be automatically filled in. This information will be taken from the certificate itself. It is worth noting here that such information cannot be edited, which ensures full compliance of the information specified in the application and the information contained in the certificate.

When filling out the fields about the location address and legal address, you should use an address classifier, which will allow you to bring the information into machine-readable form. In addition, you will also need to enter information about bank details and an authorized person.

This will be followed by the stage of creating a login and password, which will subsequently be used to enter the closed part of the ETP. The accreditation application process is completed by attaching scans necessary documents, which will be discussed in the next section.

List of required documents for accreditation

Documents for accreditation must be prepared by you in advance. If you plan to participate in state and (or) municipal procurement, then the list of documents for accreditation is the same for all sites, since it is established by the Law on the Contract System No. 44-FZ.

List of documents for accreditation

1. For a legal entity: a copy of an extract from a single state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), received no earlier than six months before the date of filing the application for accreditation.

For individual entrepreneur: a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP), also received no earlier than six months before the date of filing the application for accreditation.

For an individual: a copy of an identity document (passport).

For foreign persons: duly certified translation into Russian of documents on state registration a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state.

2. Copies of constituent documents for a legal entity, as well as changes to the statutory documents, if any. The individual will once again be required to copy of identity document .

3. Copies of documents confirming authority:

If the electronic signature used to sign the application for accreditation belongs to the head of the organization, then in this case you will need to provide a copy of the protocol or decision on the appointment.

If the electronic signature belongs to an authorized person, then a copy of the corresponding power of attorney should be sent. It is worth noting that if the power of attorney was issued by way of delegation, then the original power of attorney of the person who delegated these powers will also need to be attached.

4. Copies of documents on the authority of the manager , which may include a protocol or decision on the appointment of a manager, or other relevant documents.

5. Decision on approval or execution of transactions based on the results of electronic auctions. It is worth noting here that, depending on the organizational and legal form of the organization, such a decision is made by the relevant corporate collective or individual bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When the necessary documents are ready, you will need to scan them. But to do this, you should take into account several recommendations that will protect you from being denied accreditation.

Check that all documents are stamped if required. Make sure that your extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are up to date. If you do not have the original and only have a copy, this copy must be certified by a notary.

The biggest problem when passing accreditation arises with the quality of scanned documents, since unreadable documents are equated to their absence. Therefore, when scanning, you should set the resolution to at least 100 dpi. The format of the scanned document can be: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .jpg, tiff.

Please note that you must scan all pages of any document, even if they do not contain any information.

A prerequisite is also to confirm your email address.

Validity and renewal of accreditation

The accreditation period on the electronic platform is three years .

Three months before graduation given period A notification will be sent to your email address stating that you will no longer be able to participate in new purchases. This is necessary in order to, on the one hand, give you time to finish necessary actions for already announced purchases, and on the other hand, to prevent negative consequences due to unexpectedly ended accreditation, and to give the opportunity and time to prepare for the accreditation renewal procedure.

The possibility of extending accreditation arises for the procurement participant six months before the expiration of the accreditation and it is carried out according to the same rules and procedures as the initial accreditation.

That's all. If you still have questions, ask them below in the comments to this article.

For the purpose of conducting public procurement, including procurement from small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), the Government of the Russian Federation included in the list eight operators of electronic platforms (EP) that have the right to conduct procurement in accordance with the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-ФЗ (44-ФЗ), which meet the established requirements. The corresponding Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2018 No. 1447-r was published on the website.

Now the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service have until October 1 current year confirm the functioning of the ES included in the list according to the new rules by signing work agreements with the ES in accordance with the new requirements of 44-FZ. Until the agreement is signed, electronic signatures operate according to the old rules.

The list of eight operators also included ETS JSC, which performs the functions of the operator of the National Electronic Platform (NEP, And is a 100% subsidiary of LLC(operator of the electronic platform “Fabrikant”). Electronic platforms "Fabrikant" (), NEP, Spetsstroytorg, Oborontorg, Gazneftetorg are part of the NEP-Fabrikant group of companies.

NEP (formerly the MICEX ETP “Government Procurement”) has been a reliable partner for state and municipal customers in organizing and conducting e-procurement. NEP provides customers with the opportunity to conduct all types of procurement in accordance with 44-FZ and the Federal Law “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities" dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-ФЗ (223-ФЗ), by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2016 No. 615 (tenders in the field of organizing major repairs apartment buildings), and also provides the opportunity to conduct property auctions. NEP is also included in the list of platforms for the sale of state and municipal property in electronic form (according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2015 No. 2488-R).

The Fabrikant trading portal has been successfully operating in the trade and purchasing industry market for 13 years, being the market leader in electronic trading systems and a center professional competencies in conducting competitive procurement procedures. It brings together more than 590,000 companies from various sectors of the economy. Tens of thousands of suppliers of goods and services use our platforms to find their customers and expand their sales markets.

Clients of the Fabrikant trade portal who are not subject to 44-FZ and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2014 No. 1352 “On the peculiarities of the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” continue to work as usual mode.
And from October 1, 2018, those clients of the Fabrikant trade portal who are required to make purchases from SMEs in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2014 No. 1352, will be able, without switching from Fabrikant, to place their purchases on NEP. For this purpose, integration will be carried out between NEP and Fabrikant, as a result of which it will be possible to easily and effectively publish purchases among SMEs (15% of the total purchase volume, the remaining 85% of purchases will not be affected by changes).

All clients of the NEP-Fabrikant group of companies will be able to conduct all types of purchases on sites, fully complying with the law. Also, all clients receive a user-friendly interface, personal support, free training, prompt legal and technical support. NEP-Fabrikant creates additional opportunities for the effective organization of procurement management work, offering users new services aimed at reducing time and financial costs, while ensuring information security of trading procedures, which is an advantage over its main competitors.

NEP-Fabrikant also provides information and methodological support to clients in terms of preparing materials on regularly changing procurement legislation (223-FZ and 44-FZ).

Federal Law of December 31, 2017 No. 504-FZ Amendments have been made to 44-FZ, which change the form of procedures for determining a supplier (contractor, performer). In particular, open tender, tender with limited participation, two-stage tender, request for proposals and request for quotations are transferred to electronic form. It has been established that starting from January 1, 2018, customers have the right to carry out these procedures in electronic form, and from January 1, 2019, they will be required to carry out such procedures exclusively in electronic form.

Federal Law of December 31, 2017 No. 505-FZ Amendments have been made to 223-FZ, which stipulate that competitive procurement, in which only SMEs can participate, is carried out electronically.

Electronic trading platform (ETP) Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) “Government Procurement” is one of six federal platforms accredited to conduct electronic trading in government and municipal procurement. Combines a complex of information, organizational and technical solutions in compliance with the principles of openness and transparency of interaction between all participants in the procurement process.

History of education and development

ETP "MICEX" was formed in early October 2010 and is a subsidiary product of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.

Since October 1, 2010, the MICEX, an electronic trading platform, the official website of which was registered on the domain, passed the examination of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which confirmed compliance with the requirements terms of reference for the selection of sites for holding auctions in electronic form.

Until February 2014, the ETP operator was MICEX Information Technologies CJSC (MICEX Group), a structure that provides various exchange services from trading to clearing and settlement of various transactions.

Within the framework of the MICEX there is a currency exchange, commodity market, the stock market, as well as corporate and regional bonds.

Since February 26, 2014, CJSC MICEX - Information Technology» renamed to JSC "Electronic trading systems", and from August 8, 2015 - to ETS JSC, which is currently the operator of ETS.

From January 19, 2017, the commercial name of the MICEX “Goszakupki” (electronic trading platform) was renamed to JSC ETS “National Electronic Platform” (hereinafter referred to as NEP). After this, the MICEX trading platform changed its official website from to

The General Director of NEP is Evgeniy Vadimovich Ellinsky.

Main directions

The site is used in the following areas:

  • procurement in accordance with 44-FZ -;
  • procurement in accordance with 223-FZ -;
  • carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings in accordance with Resolution No. 615 dated 07/01/2016 -;
  • property trading section -


In addition to automating the process of conducting electronic auctions, NEP has the ability to generate reports on organized and completed auctions, provides an automated register of unscrupulous suppliers, support for customers and suppliers on the functioning of the ETP, as well as the possibility of obtaining a tender loan and a bank guarantee.

Consultations are provided on complex issues of law enforcement practice, information and methodological support, creation of expert opinions and analysis of documentation related to procurement.

NEP experts conduct seminars and conferences for customers and suppliers, issue a “Review of the practice of resolving disputes under Law No. 44-FZ”, “ reference book procurement organizer”, which not only reveal in detail the functionality of the ETP, but also help resolve controversial issues that relate to antimonopoly legislation or judicial acts regarding procurement activities.

At the initiative of NEP, the website operates services that help customers prepare and conduct tenders. Among them are calculators for auction timing, calculation of the initial (maximum) contract price and others.

Useful statistics

NEP has a territorial coverage of clients that is not limited to Russia, as well as a network of regional centers.

In 2016, the trading volume on NEP amounted to more than 300 billion rubles. More than 100,000 suppliers and 90,000 customers are registered.

The process of participation in electronic auctions and tenders for the execution of government orders provides for a certain procedure, a sequence of actions that each of its participants must go through. In this article we will look at key points this process, using the example of one of the five Russian electronic platforms (hereinafter referred to as ETP), namely the question “ETP MICEX government procurement electronic platform and its features.”

The main emphasis is placed on the process of conducting electronic government orders, from the point of view of such a participant as a supplier or contractor.

Currently, the MICEX ETP is part of the group of companies of the Fabrikant trading portal. It is a subsidiary of this group.

For a more complete picture, here are a few more well-known enterprises that are part of the same group. These include: TS "Oborontorg" (purchases for the Russian Ministry of Defense), TS "Gazneftetorg" (purchases for the country's oil and gas industry enterprises).

The year of creation of the site is considered to be 2010 and initially it belonged to the largest holding company “Moscow Exchange”. The site passed to the current owner in 2014 through the purchase of 100% of the company’s shares.

According to Russian information sources, the transaction amount was about 300 – 440 million rubles. General Director site is Gabestro S.V., who also occupies leadership position V expert council on issues of investment and government procurement, working under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Stages of participation and their features

Government procurement of the MICEX ETP, like any other, provides for several successive stages that must be completed by participants in order to fully work on it in the future. The key ones are shown in the photo below.

Accreditation and registration

These steps are very important in the overall process of participating in an electronic tender. Without obtaining accreditation (registration) on the ETP website (see), the supplier simply will not be able to take part in this or that government order.

It should be noted that in order to carry out actions that are legally significant, the MICEX electronic trading platform for government procurement also requires its participants to have an electronic signature. It can be obtained from certification centers that are partners of the site. A complete list of which can be found on the ETP website.

If we consider this issue briefly, we will focus on only two points. First: the list includes about 97 centers that operate in all regions of Russia.

The second point is the “TOP 5” of them:

  • Federal Treasury Centers;
  • TC "CenterInform";
  • "Rus-Telecom";
  • "UC "BUTB";
  • "UC Tensor".

Advice! For those suppliers who plan to work with government contracts not only on the MICEX ETP, but also on others, they should choose the Federal Treasury CA. The electronic signature certificates they issue are listed on all Russian platforms working with government orders.

The application for accreditation is submitted on the official website of the ETP. To do this, select the item shown in the figure below in the main menu.

In addition to the completed form, the participant is required to provide documents. The list of which will depend only on the type or organizational and legal status of the person submitting the application (individual or legal entity).

Below is a list of required documents for an entrepreneur (IP):

  • extract from the Unified State Register (USRIP);
  • a copy of the passport or other equivalent documents proving the identity of the individual entrepreneur;
  • in case of registration by another person who acts on behalf of the entrepreneur, documents confirming his authority are provided.

The stage of obtaining accreditation can be considered successfully completed for the participant after receiving the corresponding notification by email. This letter also indicates the account and its details, which is opened by the platform specifically for a specific supplier for the purpose of its further use in electronic auction operations. The period for making a decision, according to the regulations, is no more than 5 days.

Attention! After receiving accreditation, the participant can conduct operations on the site by logging into his Personal Account on the website. In this case, an assigned login and password or a previously obtained electronic signature can be used to log in.

Applying for participation

The MICEX government procurement electronic trading platform provides all accredited suppliers with the opportunity to submit an application for participation in the selected auction by submitting it on the website in your Personal Account.

Key points to pay attention to at this stage:

  • the application is sent to the site operator for consideration and verification in the form of two electronic documents;
  • it must be confirmed by an electronic digital signature;
  • it is prohibited to submit more than one application by the same supplier/executor;
  • applications from suppliers are not accepted, the accreditation period is coming to an end (less than 3 months left);
  • the period for consideration of the first part of the application is no more than 7 days from the established deadline for their acceptance;
  • After sending for verification, the amount is blocked on the supplier’s account as security for participation fees in the event of winning the auction.

Conducting an auction and concluding a contract

The main essence of the event electronic auction: Each participant offers a contract price, and the winner is the one whose price is the best (lowest). Submission of price proposals takes place in in electronic format through the form available in your Personal Account. The auction winner is included in the register, and the results are recorded in the protocol and posted on the ETP.

After choosing the best price offer the procedure is as follows:

  • the protocol and the second parts of the applications are sent by the site operator to the customer;
  • the customer reviews them and makes a decision on the basis of which the final protocol is formed;
  • through the operator, the draft contract is sent to the winner within 5 working days;
  • if there is no disagreement on both sides, the project card is signed with an electronic signature;
  • funds (participation fee) are debited from the winner’s account.

Attention! The contract can be finally signed no earlier than 10 days from the date of publication of the final protocol.

The NEP electronic trading platform (MICEX) was founded in 2010 and is still operating today, being one of eight federal electronic trading platforms that are accredited for the right to conduct tenders to fulfill state and municipal needs.

On January 19, 2017, the commercial designation of the site was changed to National electronic platform(NEP).

Sections of ETP NEP

The NEP trading platform has several sections where you can find the auction of interest under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and property tenders. Bidding for government needs is held within the framework of 44 federal law, also NEP “Government Procurement” conducts commercial procurement of organizations in accordance with Federal Law 223.

The “Property Auctions” section includes the “Privatization” section, which is regulated by 178-FZ, as well as the “Rent” and “Sale” sections of property. Within the framework of this section, bankruptcy tenders are held, both closed and open.

The NEP platform (MICEX ETP) provides its users with registers of customers under 223-FZ and procurement plans, so each participant can familiarize themselves with the entire volume of information and choose exactly the direction that interests the contractor.

NEP site - accreditation

To participate in bidding on the NEP “Government Procurement” platform, you must be accredited.

From January 1, 2019, to participate in procurement under 44-FZ, It is impossible to obtain separate accreditation on the site. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in a unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is automatically assigned to it after confirmation of registration in the Unified Information System.

The data that the participant fills in when registering in the Unified Information System is sufficient to submit an application for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation for the ETP NEP. But Personal Area The ETP has more fields for filling in information about the participant, so you can also fill them out if desired.

Automatic accreditation at the NEP site must take place within 1 business day after successful registration in the Unified Information System.

Because united Information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successful or not), then for verification you can use the register of accredited organizations and a single register participants.

Important: In order to register in the Unified Information System, the user (the head of the organization) must first pass authentication in the Unified Identification and Information System (the State Services portal). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then you must first register with the Unified Identification of Authorities and Authorization.

List of documents required for registration:

  1. SNILS (for State Services);
  2. passport data (including for State Services);
  3. telephone, mail, postal address;
  4. the amount of the maximum (large) transaction;
  5. Timezone;
  6. charter;
  7. decision/protocol on approval of a major transaction.

Providing an application for the ETP NEP

To participate in bidding on this site, you must submit an application security.

From October 1, 2018, the application security is deposited into a special bank account. We provide lending on ETP NEP with transfer Money directly to your special account and it only takes a couple of hours.

Details about preferential lending conditions on the National Electronic Platform can be found on this page.

Advantages of the National Electronic Platform

The NEP “Government Procurement” trading platform has certain advantages compared to other federal operators:

    On average, more than 4 applications are submitted for each procedure performed on the site, which is an indicator of competition - above average.

    On the ETP NEP, auctions of the Republic of Belarus are held, i.e. it covers not only the Russian Federation.

    There is a direct transition to corporate procurement at the Fabrikant site, which may be convenient for certain contractors.

from February 1, 2017, the official website of ETP NEP -

Submitting an application for the ETP NEP

The RusTender company has long been cooperating with the electronic platform of the NEP “State Procurement” and can offer high-quality preparation of documents for accreditation and obtaining an electronic signature, with a 100% positive result. Our specialists have prepared for you detailed instructions, how to apply for this ETP. You can get acquainted with the information by watching the videos below:

OOO ICC"RusTender"

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