Radar medicine directory official contacts contacts. What is the difference between grls and radar? Removing Passive Interference

The amount of funding for the railway approaches to the Crimean Bridge may increase due to poor preparation of the project. Law enforcement will check the design company on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak

Photo: Sergey Malgavko / TASS

The project for the construction of railway approaches to the Kerch Bridge from the Crimea, which was developed by Lenpromtransproekt, required modification, sources told Kommersant and a source confirmed to RBC.

"Performance construction work on the railway approaches to the Crimean Bridge (from the peninsula) is difficult due to the “poorly conducted” engineering and geological surveys and prepared design documentation by the general designer, Lenpromtransproekt,” a source familiar with the materials of the meeting, which was held under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak in Simferopol last week. According to the source, these data were presented by Deputy Minister of Transport Evgeniy Dietrich, estimating the need for additional funding at 2.9 billion rubles.

RBC's source says that, according to Dietrich, according to the conclusion of independent expert organizations, a revision of the technical solutions adopted in the project is required with repeated geotechnical surveys and redesign. Discrepancies were identified for the following projects: railroad bridge through the right tributary of the Melek-Chesme River, a railway overpass across the Northern Bypass of the city of Kerch, a railway overpass at 14 km of the Kerch - Arshintsevo line. (all these objects are located on the peninsula).

"About the quality problem design work We know from the approaches to the bridge. This problem was discussed, among other things, at a meeting in Crimea. It is possible to adjust the project,” Kozak’s office told RBC.
According to his representative, some of the work was of inadequate quality and there are questions for the design organization. Law enforcement agencies, on behalf of Kozak, will check design organization, he said

The representative of the Deputy Prime Minister noted that it is premature to talk about changes in the cost of approaches to the ports until the project documentation is finalized.

A representative of the Ministry of Transport told RBC: “ Technical solutions the project of railway approaches to the Crimean Bridge from the Crimea will be clarified to ensure the proper level of its implementation.”

“The need for adjustments was caused by poor-quality engineering surveys carried out in 2015 by one of the subcontractors of the Lenpromtransproekt company,” he says.

According to the interlocutor, the builders, having begun preparations for construction and installation work on the Kerch Peninsula in 2017, found out that the actual geology of the area does not correspond to that identified during the geotechnical survey and approved by the designers.

“Roszheldor” (the state customer of the project) has already sent an appeal to the prosecutor’s office to conduct an investigation into the fact of poorly executed engineering surveys and take measures,” says a representative of the Ministry of Transport. According to him, the general contractor of the construction, Stroygazmontazh (STG), carried out repeated engineering surveys and began to refine technical solutions.

The construction of the railway approaches from the peninsula is being carried out by Stroygazmontazh of Arkady Rotenberg, who is also building the bridge itself worth 223.1 billion rubles.

A representative of the general contractor told RBC that all work would be completed on time.

A representative of Lenpromtransproekt told RBC that the company had indeed developed design documentation for the facility and received a positive conclusion from Glavgosexpertiza in June 2016. “Positive conclusions both on the technical and price audit, and on the technical and estimate part of the project indicate that all the work was carried out by Lenpromtransproekt with high quality,” says a representative of the design company.

According to the interlocutor, geotechnical surveys were carried out by the subcontractor Krymsetenergoproekt, and design decisions were made based on its data. At the start of construction, it turned out that the properties of the soil differed from the indicators that were in the materials of Krymsetenergoproekt. “The soil is partially unsuitable for the construction of an embankment, but it can be used by stabilization, which requires Extra time", he says. Lenpromtransproekt has already filed a lawsuit against the subcontractor. As a result, Lenpromtransproekt has already re-conducted all the necessary studies at its own expense and expects the Glavgosekpertiza to pass in the near future.

RBC sent a request to Krymsetenergoproekt.

A representative of the Crimean Railway confirmed to RBC that project documentation, provided by Lenpromtransproekt, “has a number of shortcomings and errors.” “Currently, the Crimean Railway is carrying out work aimed at resolving the current situation,” he said.

The cost of work on railway approaches is 16.95 billion rubles. According to the project, the length of the railway approach will be 18 km, it will be adjacent to the single-track section Kerch - Dzhankoy. The projected cargo flow is 13.5 million tons per year, passenger traffic is 14.4 million people. There will also be construction of 40 buildings, 29 artificial structures and one tunnel, reconstruction of the Bagerovo station, construction of a park at the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station, a base for the deployment of firefighting and recovery trains. Railroad traffic should be launched a year later than road traffic - in December 2019.

As the head of the Ministry of Transport, Maxim Sokolov, previously stated, the price will be limited by the limit of project documentation.

On April 19, at the 21st international exhibition on transportation, transport and logistics “TransRussia”, the Ministry of Transport of Crimea presented a video on the construction of railway approaches to the bridge across the Kerch Strait. The visualization video shows the new railway junction as the designers see it, a new station with an underground passage, an overpass over the road to Arshintsevo, a bridge over the Melek-Chesme river and other structures.

A section of the new railway line will run along the North-Eastern part of the peninsula from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The designed approaches are a double-track railway line with a length of 18 km. The total length of the laid tracks is 47 km.

Interesting observation. In the Lenproekt video, the M62 diesel locomotive is shown in a modification from the BZHRK - DM62 (Molodets railway missile system). The bogies are jawless (although the springs were “forgotten” during visualization), blocky buffer lights (rectangles) and, most importantly, the communication and control panel (the box under the serial number)... so the diesel locomotive is a combat locomotive and this is not accidental. Another reminder: we are peaceful people, but our ARMORED TRAIN is on a siding.

It is planned to build a new park for the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station, located 3 km from the transport crossing. At the existing Kerch station, it is planned to build a base for fire and recovery trains, necessary to support the designed and existing railway infrastructure.

The new park of the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station will accommodate the reception, departure, and passage of freight passenger and commuter trains, as well as the boarding and disembarking of passengers. For the safety of passengers, the construction of an underground pedestrian tunnel is planned.

The project provides for the reconstruction of engineering communications falling into the construction zone. To intersect at different levels the existing Kerch-Arshintsevo railway line and the projected Kerch-Yuzhnaya section - Bagerovo station, a single-track railway overpass was designed for 14 km of the Kerch-Arshintsevo line.

Due to the difficult terrain on the site, it was necessary to provide a large number of artificial structures.

Employees of JSC Lenpromtransproekt designed a technically complex modern artificial structure - a double-track railway tunnel with a length of 1 km, designed for seismicity of 9 points.

A bridge on a curve with a radius of 1,500 meters is provided across the right tributary of the Melek-Chesme River.

For the passage of agricultural machinery and the passage of cattle, it is planned to build a double-track, single-span overpass with a length of 44 meters.

In the area of ​​the village of Bagerovo, it is planned to build a railway overpass over the planned road bypass of the city of Kerch.

It is planned to reconstruct the Bagerovo station, which will allow processing freight trains all directions, as well as serve passenger and commuter trains.

CJSC Lenpromtransproject carries out engineering surveys and develops design estimates for the construction of railway approaches on the territory of the Republic of Crimea to the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait.

Location: Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district

The purpose of the design is to ensure the connection of the existing railway network of the Crimean Peninsula with the bridge across the Kerch Strait. A section of the new railway line will run along the northeastern part of the peninsula, from the Kerch Strait to Bagerovo station. The designed approaches are a double-track railway line with a length of 17 kilometers with the possibility of subsequent electrification.

The project provides:

  • develop basic design solutions and technical and economic indicators for several route options, based on which, offer the Customer the most optimal option;
  • design a new railway line according to the option proposed and agreed by the Customer
  • design related engineering infrastructure facilities to ensure normal operation
  • design an additional park for the Kerch-Yuzhnaya station, taking into account the provision of suburban and passenger traffic
  • develop a project for a double-track railway tunnel with a length of 1 kilometer, designed for seismicity of 9 points

Customer: State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Railway"


JSC "Lenpromtransproekt"

Excerpt from the Federal Target Program for the Development of Crimea:

Radar station(radar) or radar(English) radar from Radio Detection and Ranging- radio detection and ranging) - a system for detecting air, sea and ground objects, as well as for determining their range and geometric parameters. Uses a method based on the emission of radio waves and recording their reflections from objects. The English acronym term appeared in the city; subsequently, in its writing, capital letters were replaced by lowercase ones.


On January 3, 1934, an experiment was successfully carried out in the USSR to detect an aircraft using the radar method. An aircraft flying at an altitude of 150 meters was detected at a distance of 600 meters from the radar installation. The experiment was organized by representatives of the Leningrad Institute of Electrical Engineering and the Central Radio Laboratory. In 1934, Marshal Tukhachevsky wrote in a letter to the USSR government: “Experiments in detecting aircraft using an electromagnetic beam confirmed the correctness of the underlying principle.” The first experimental installation "Rapid" was tested in the same year; in 1936, the Soviet centimeter radar station "Storm" detected the aircraft from a distance of 10 kilometers. In the United States, the first military contract with industry was concluded in 1939. In 1946, American specialists - Raymond and Hacherton, former employee The US Embassy in Moscow wrote: “Soviet scientists successfully developed the theory of radar several years before radar was invented in England.”

Radar classification

By purpose, radar stations can be classified as follows:

  • detection radar;
  • Control and tracking radar;
  • Panoramic radars;
  • Side-view radar;
  • Meteorological radars.

Depending on the scope of application, military and civilian radars are distinguished.

By the nature of the carrier:

  • Ground radars
  • Naval radars
  • Airborne radars

By type of action

  • Primary or passive
  • Secondary or active
  • Combined

By wave range:

  • Meter
  • Centimeter
  • Millimeter

Design and principle of operation of the Primary Radar

Primary (passive) radar mainly serves to detect targets by illuminating them with an electromagnetic wave and then receiving the reflections (echoes) of this wave from the target. Because speed electromagnetic waves constant (the speed of light), it becomes possible to determine the distance to the target based on measuring the signal propagation time.

A radar station is based on three components: transmitter, antenna and receiver.

Transmitting device is a source of high power electromagnetic signal. It can be a powerful pulse generator. For pulsed centimeter range radars, it is usually a magnetron or pulse generator operating according to the following scheme: a master oscillator is a powerful amplifier, most often using a traveling wave lamp as a generator, and for meter range radars, a triode lamp is often used. Depending on the design, the transmitter operates either in pulse mode, generating repeating short powerful electromagnetic pulses, or emits a continuous electromagnetic signal.

Antenna performs focusing of the receiver signal and formation of a radiation pattern, as well as receiving the signal reflected from the target and transmitting this signal to the receiver. Depending on the implementation, the reflected signal can be received either by the same antenna or by another, which can sometimes be located at a considerable distance from the transmitting device. If transmission and reception are combined in one antenna, these two actions are performed alternately, and so that the powerful signal leaking from the transmitting transmitter to the receiver does not blind the receiver of a weak echo, a special device is placed in front of the receiver, closing the input of the receiver at the moment of emission of the probing signal.

Receiver Performs amplification and processing of the received signal. In the simplest case, the resulting signal is fed to a beam tube (screen), which displays an image synchronized with the movement of the antenna.

Coherent radars

The coherent radar method is based on isolating and analyzing the phase difference between the sent and reflected signals, which arises due to the Doppler effect when the signal is reflected from a moving object. In this case, the transmitting device can operate both continuously and in pulse mode. The main advantage of this method is that it “allows you to observe only moving objects, and this eliminates interference from stationary objects located between the receiving equipment and the target or behind it.”

Pulse radars

Operating principle of pulse radar

The principle of determining the distance to an object using pulse radar

Modern tracking radars are built as pulse radars. Pulse radar transmits only for a very short time, the short pulse is usually about a microsecond in duration, after which it listens for an echo while the pulse propagates.

Because the pulse travels away from the radar at a constant speed, the time elapsed from the time the pulse is sent to the time the echo is received is a clear measure of the direct distance to the target. The next pulse can be sent only after some time, namely after the pulse comes back, it depends on the detection range of the radar (given transmitter power, antenna gain and receiver sensitivity). If the pulse were sent earlier, the echo of the previous pulse from a distant target could be confused with the echo of a second pulse from a close target.

The time interval between pulses is called pulse repetition interval, its reciprocal is an important parameter called pulse repetition rate(CPI) . Low-frequency, long-range radars typically have a repetition interval of several hundred pulses per second (or Hertz [Hz]). Pulse repetition rate is one of the distinctive features, by which it is possible to remotely determine the radar model.

Removing Passive Interference

One of the main problems of pulse radars is getting rid of the signal reflected from stationary objects: the earth's surface, high hills, etc. If, for example, an airplane is located against the backdrop of a high hill, the reflected signal from this hill will completely block the signal from the airplane. For ground-based radars, this problem manifests itself when working with low-flying objects. For airborne pulse radars, it is expressed in the fact that reflection from the earth's surface obscures all objects lying below the aircraft with the radar.

Methods for eliminating interference use, one way or another, the Doppler effect (the frequency of a wave reflected from an approaching object increases, and from a departing object it decreases).

The simplest radar that can detect a target in interference is radar with moving target selection(PDS) - a pulse radar that compares reflections from more than two or more pulse repetition intervals. Any target that moves relative to the radar produces a change in the signal parameter (stage in the serial SDC), while the interference remains unchanged. Elimination of interference occurs by subtracting reflections from two consecutive intervals. In practice, noise elimination can be carried out in special devices - through-period compensators or algorithms in software.

CRT operating systems have a fundamental weakness: they are blind to targets with specific circular velocities (which produce phase changes of exactly 360 degrees), and such targets are not imaged. The speed at which a target disappears to the radar depends on the operating frequency of the station and the pulse repetition rate. Modern PRFs emit multiple pulses at different repetition rates - such that the invisible velocities at each pulse repetition rate are captured by other PRFs.

Another way to get rid of interference is implemented in pulse-Doppler radars, which use significantly more complex processing than radars with SDC.

An important property of pulse-Doppler radars is signal coherence. This means that the sent signals and reflections must have a certain phase dependence.

Pulse Doppler radars are generally considered to be superior to SDC radars in detecting low flying targets in multiple ground clutter, this is the preferred technique used in modern fighter aircraft for airborne interception/fire control, examples being the AN/APG-63, 65, 66, 67 and 70 radars. In modern Doppler radar, most of the processing is done digitally by a separate processor using digital signal processors, typically using the high-performance Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to convert the digital data of the reflection patterns into something more manageable by other algorithms. Digital signal processors are very flexible and the algorithms used can usually be quickly replaced by others, replacing only the memory (ROM) chips, thus quickly countering enemy jamming techniques if necessary.

Design and principle of operation of the Secondary Radar

The principle of operation of the secondary radar is somewhat different from the principle of the Primary radar. The Secondary Radar Station is based on the following components: transmitter, antenna, azimuth marker generators, receiver, signal processor, indicator and aircraft transponder with antenna.

Transmitter. Serves to emit request pulses into the antenna at a frequency of 1030 MHz

Antenna. Serves to emit and receive reflected signals. According to ICAO standards for secondary radar, the antenna emits at a frequency of 1030 MHz and receives at a frequency of 1090 MHz.

Azimuth Mark Generators. Serve to generate Azimuth marks (Azimuth Change Pulse or ACP) and generate North Marks (Azimuth Reference Pulse or ARP). For one revolution of the radar antenna, 4096 small azimuth marks (for old systems), or 16384 Small azimuth marks (for new systems), also called improved small azimuth marks (Improved Azimuth Change pulse or IACP), as well as one North mark, are generated. The north mark comes from the azimuth mark generator, with the antenna in such a position when it is directed to the North, and small azimuth marks serve to count the antenna rotation angle.

Receiver. Used to receive pulses at a frequency of 1090 MHz

Signal processor. Serves to process received signals

Indicator Serves to display processed information

Aircraft transponder with antenna Serves to transmit a pulse radio signal containing additional information back to the radar upon receipt of a radio request signal.

Operating principle The principle of operation of the secondary radar is to use the energy of the aircraft transponder to determine the position of the aircraft. The radar irradiates the surrounding space with interrogation pulses at frequencies P1 and P3, as well as a suppression pulse P2 at a frequency of 1030 MHz. Aircraft equipped with transponders located in the range of the request beam when receiving request pulses, if the condition P1, P3> P2 is in effect, they respond to the requesting radar with a series of coded pulses at a frequency of 1090 MHz, which contain additional information such as Board number, Altitude, and so on. The response of the aircraft transponder depends on the radar request mode, and the request mode is determined by the distance between the request pulses P1 and P3, for example in request mode A (mode A), the distance between the station request pulses P1 and P3 is 8 microseconds, and upon receiving such a request the aircraft transponder encodes its board number in response pulses. In interrogation mode C (mode C), the distance between station interrogation pulses is 21 microseconds and upon receipt of such a request, the aircraft transponder encodes its altitude in the response pulses. The radar can also send a request in a mixed mode, for example Mode A, Mode C, Mode A, Mode C. The azimuth of the aircraft is determined by the angle of rotation of the antenna, which in turn is determined by counting Small Azimuth marks. The range is determined by the delay of the received response. If the Aircraft does not lie in the coverage area of ​​the main beam, but lies in the coverage area of ​​the side lobes, or is located behind the antenna, then the Aircraft transponder, upon receiving a request from the radar, will receive at its input the condition that pulses P1 ,P3

The advantages of a secondary radar are higher accuracy, additional information about the Aircraft (Aircraft number, Altitude), as well as low radiation compared to Primary radars.

Other pages

  • (German) Technology Radar
  • Section about radar stations on the blog dxdt.ru (Russian)
  • http://www.net-lib.info/11/4/537.php Konstantin Ryzhov - 100 great inventions. 1933 - Taylor, Young and Hyland come up with the idea of ​​radar. 1935 - Watson-Watt early warning radar CH.

Literature and footnotes

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Radar Duga
  • RMG

See what “radar” is in other dictionaries:

    Radar- Russian Logistics Service http://www.rls.ru/​ Radar radar station communications Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 p., With ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Radar official website- this is the official website of the RLS group of companies (medicine register), Home Encyclopedia of medicines and pharmaceutical assortment of goods of the Russian Internet. All information about medicines, dietary supplements, medical products; medical news, reference books for doctors, information on prices for vital drugs, as well as a pharmacological and medicinal reference book are posted on this Internet portal.

Radar official website. Home page

You can find information on the website in the following sections: “Encyclopedia of Medicines”, “Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements”, “Other TAAs”, “Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs”, “News and Events”, “Medical Institutions” and “Library”. In addition, we bring to your attention materials posted in the headings “Articles on pharmacotherapy”, “Patient’s ABC”, “Drug Safety” and “Portrait of a Pharmacological Group”. Chapter "Encyclopedia of Medicines" contains a description of active ingredients, information on drug interactions, dosage forms, drug manufacturers, and a reference book of diseases. Also in this section you can find an alphabetical index of medications, but you should pay attention to the disclaimer that medications should be used only after consultation with a medical specialist.

Section "Encyclopedia of Medicines. Alphabetical Index"

The directory, as well as the classification of dietary supplements, is contained in the section "Encyclopedia of dietary supplements". To make it easier to find the required drug or information about it, the information in the section is placed in alphabetical order.

Section "Encyclopedia of dietary supplements"

The section “Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs” contains information about prices for vital drugs, the manufacturer, the registration certificate, and even the rate of permissible wholesale markup.

Section "Prices for Vital and Essential Drugs"

A detailed list of medical institutions is presented in the section of the same name. Information is classified by region. To display data on the screen, simply click on one of the specified regions. If the desired location is not in the list, you can enter it in the search bar and get the data.

The differences are fundamental. The State Register of Medicines (SRLS) is a state database containing information from officially approved instructions on the medical use of medicines registered in the country. Radar is an accessible online directory containing information about pharmacy products and medications, including those currently unregistered in the Russian Federation, and is an exclusively commercial product.

In the process of preparing work on the applications, several sources of information were considered until the conclusion was made: the text of the official instructions for the medicinal product attached to the registration dossier has absolute priority. During the procedure for examining submitted materials, specialists from the Ministry of Health, or rather the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NTsESMP”, check the quality and reliability of the information, and also make appropriate changes and additions. During the circulation of a drug on the Russian market, there is often a need to make changes to the text of the instructions (for example, the emergence of new information about the effectiveness and safety of the drug), which also undergo appropriate examination.

Information from the instructions is available in the database of the Ministry of Health, which maintains the State Register of Medicines (GRLS). This activity is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation, as well as by order of the Ministry. It is on the texts of instructions from the State Register, which include all officially approved changes, that the work of CORDAG is based.

At the same time, a large number of sources are available on the Internet providing information on the use of drugs taken in the instructions. These are international and Russian commercial companies, as well as those whose authorship is unknown. However, as our experience shows, they do not always update their databases on time, so the information presented on these resources is often out of date. There were cases of exclusion of registered drugs for unknown (commercial) reasons, inclusion of drugs unregistered in the Russian Federation, as well as editing of text and exclusion of entire sections of instructions. Of course, this could not but affect the trust in these resources, and therefore we decided to refuse to use them in our work.

Thus, in our work we focus on the data of official instructions presented in the State Register of Medicines, the texts of which are not indexed in search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.), because presented in the form of scanned pages, i.e. in the form of graphic objects.