Scenario for a holiday in the world of good fairy tales. Scenario for an extracurricular activity in an elementary school “In the world of fairy tales. Competition "encrypted fairy tale"

Tatyana Zvereva
“In the world of fairy tales” Graduation party scenario


Graduation party scenario for the preparatory group

compensating orientation

The celebration is accompanied by a slide show.

Solemn music sounds, leading educators and a speech therapist enter the hall.

1 Presenter: There is always a commotion in our garden in the last days of May,

After all, the kindergarten sees off its children - graduates.

Speech therapist: You will remember this moment

The days in the garden flew by in a flash!

There were preschool children yesterday,

And now they are first-graders!

2 Presenter: Let the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light

Today he enters this hall.

Play music to the whole planet,

We are starting our graduation party!

Children enter with balloons to the song “CHILDREN’S WORLD” and dance. At the end, the balls are released upward and lined up in pairs in a checkerboard pattern.

1 child: There are different holidays throughout the year,

And today is our holiday.

Soon we will become first graders,

We say goodbye to the garden now!

2nd child. Time flew by quickly

Will not come back to us again.

Kindergarten ik, goodbye!

The school will welcome us!

3rd child:“Preschool child, preschool child!” -

I can hear it almost from the cradle,

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me that:

I'll get up early tomorrow

And in the morning I’ll become a “school kid”!

4th child: We must remember everything

That school is also work:

Persistent, painstaking.

They expect success from us.

5th child: You'll have to wake up early

Even if you don’t want to get up...

But we must train -

Strengthen your will!

6th child: There is a proverb, friends,

We must not forget it:

"For those who want to know a lot,

You need to sleep less in bed!”

7th child: The joyful hour will soon come -

School doors will open for us!

Let's say: “School! Here we are -

All: Your first-graders!”

1 Presenter: How moving these lines are:

Schoolchildren - sons and daughters!

Moms groan, sigh,

Dads help moms.

After all, I recently went to kindergarten

Bring your guys!

Parent (from the seat): The years flew by quickly

There were joys and hardships.

We all didn't notice

How our children grew up:

They know how to do everything themselves,

They don’t cry and don’t get sick.

Everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts:

All parents:

You look very pale...

So why are you sitting?

Please, come out!

He puts a thermometer on one parent, listens to another’s pulse, takes a third’s blood pressure, gives commands to everyone - stand up, sit down, left, right, stretch out your arms and touch the tip of your nose with your finger.

Aibolit: Yes, dear parents, unlike children, your precious health is a little crazy. I recommend:

In summer, relax more and sunbathe on the grass,

Strengthen your nerves and take vitamins.

(parents leave for their seats)

Aibolit: Children, you know, to be healthy, you need to eat vitamins. I have many colorful vitamins. If you collect them, you will become healthy and strong.

The game “COLLECT VITAMINS” is played. Children collect balls of a certain color into baskets.

Aibolit: Well done! Everyone is healthy and cheerful!

Always remember, guys:

“Whoever loves sports is always healthy and cheerful”!

I wish you success in your studies,

Awards and good grades,

Let someone grow up to be a scientist,

And some are doctors and athletes.

(Aibolit says goodbye, leaves to the music)

Speech therapist: Do you guys remember how 4 years ago

Have you come to our kindergarten as kids?

9th child: We came to kindergarten like this - it’s awkward to remember!

They spoke incomprehensibly, did not know how to draw,

They ate poorly, slept poorly, and offended each other,

If we didn’t receive something, we immediately shed tears!

10th child: And now we are not little kids, we have already become big,

How many songs we learned, how many new things we learned!

What is school to us! We'll go to college straight away!

Speech therapist: You guys are unrecognizable! You have become big!

And other kids came to congratulate you.

(Children of 1 ml. group with a teacher enter to the music)

Educator: You guys from the heart

The kids want to congratulate!

1. We washed our cheeks and nose,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2. You are going to first grade,

Maybe you can take us?

Graduates: No, you need to grow up

It's early for you to go to school!

Educator: We wish that at school

You all got excellent grades.

And, of course, with warmth

Remember kindergarten!

Saying goodbye to you

We want to dance!

Dance with kids “MUSI - PUSI”

Educator: All the little ones say goodbye

They will tell you together...

Kids: Goodbye!

(The kids leave the hall to the music)

2 Presenter: Traditional game with spectators. We have two words on the screen - the name and surname of the famous Swedish writer - the author of fairy tales beloved by children and adults. I ask you to name these two words!

(Parents call Astrid Lindgren)

So, final game! The next word, children, has 7 letters. This is a character from one of Astrid Lindgren's fairy tales. Listen to the prompt:

“Taking a jar of jam for refreshment,

A little helicopter man takes flight"

(Children guess, a picture appears on the screen - Carlson)

(Music sounds, Carlson “flies” into the hall and shouts):

Carlson: Stand aside! Let's land! Let's land, I say!


Well, what strange people have become! I shout to them, “let’s land,” and they laugh. Well, what do you want to laugh about! Such a long-awaited guest has arrived to them! I hope you recognize me?

Children: Yes! You are Carlson!

Carlson: That's right, it's me - your friend Carlson! Let's say hello! Do you know who the best health person in the world is? Of course, Carlson! Come on, put your palms up. Now I’ll say hello to everyone in one fell swoop!

(Children stand up and put their palm forward. Carlson runs near the children and slaps each one on the palm)

Carlson: Hello everyone from my old boots!

I couldn’t stand it, I couldn’t sit on my roof!

I heard songs, laughter, fun, jokes!

So the holiday is not a joke!

(Walks around, looks everywhere, as if looking for something)

Where are the candies, cookies, chocolate, lemonade?

2 Presenter: Carlson, it’s not Jam Day here, it’s “School Graduation”!

Carlson: Oooh, I'm the most unhappy Carlson in the world!

(sits on the floor, grabs his head)

So what, you don’t even have a small jar of jam?

2 Presenter: Unfortunately, Carlson, no!

Carlson: Well, I don't play like that.

(gets ready to leave, having come to his senses)

Did I say "playing"? (Yes)

Carlson: Well, then let's have fun and frolic!

I'm the best fun specialist in the world!

1 Presenter: You know, Carlson, we also love to have fun and frolic, but today we are not having too much fun, because we are saying goodbye to our children: they are leaving us for school.

Carlson: To school? Is this something very, very scary?

1 Presenter: What are you saying, Carlson, not at all! The guys and I will sing a funny song and you will find out what school is. I think that parents also know this song and can sing along with their children.

Children sing the song “WHAT THEY TEACH AT SCHOOL.” Parents sing along with their children or sing along certain phrases

Carlson: So, will you be going to school soon? (Yes)

Will you find friends there? (Yes)

Will you study at school? (Yes)

Fight with your friends? (No)

Will you sleep during class?

Will you play with dolls?

Will you solve problems?

Will you become students?

Will you do the homework yourself?

When should you play?

Songs to sing and dance?

Children: Yes right now!

Carlson: Hurray!


Children remain standing in a circle. Freken Bock's voice is heard: "Baby! Baby!"

Carlson: Calm! Only peace! It seems that Freken Bock is coming here - a real housekeeper! Let's quickly get to our places!

(Children run to their seats. Carlson sits down with the children)

(Music sounds, Freken Bock enters)

Freken Bock: What kind of dancing, what kind of noise? The holiday has started! You need a governess, that's without a doubt! So: the governess is me! Allow me to introduce myself: Miss Hildur Bock! And I’m not just a governess, but a housekeeper! (looks around)

Is this your apartment? (Yes) The apartment is suitable. There's even a piano. You know, I really like to play all sorts of symphonies. Well, who needs to be educated here?

(Looks at the children). What are these, all your children? (Yes OK!

(Rubs hands) . My children quickly become silky. EVERYTHING turns silky for me!

Speech therapist: Freken Bock, do you like children?

Freken Bock: can I say...crazy...simply crazy. But I have never tried to raise such a bunch of kids at once! I will work with everyone individually! Girl, say hello to your aunt!

Girl: Hi! And two greetings in the morning!

Freken Bock: Well, well, well... Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Baby, say hello to your aunt!

Boy: If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!

Freken Bock: Sooo... Now give it to me in-o-o-n that overgrown!

(points to Carlson, he approaches Miss Bok) .

Say hello to your aunt, baby!

Carlson: Hello - from my old boots!

Freken Bock: Yeah... Children are neglected, but not lost. I’ll take them seriously while they’re small and soft, like wax, then they harden - it’ll be too late!

(Strokes Carlson’s head, then slaps him, he screams: “Ay!” and, rubbing the bruised area, steps aside offendedly)

Speech therapist: No, no, our children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor. They were joking.

Freken Bock: I will eradicate my sense of humor in the bud! Got it, comedians? Let's do some vocals!

(Addresses M/R): Don't bother me raising my children. Children, sing: “La, la, la...” (presses a key). And now with accompaniment

(presses all the keys in a row, sings out of tune) “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago...” Children, I can’t hear you! Sing with me! Did a bear step on your ear?

(children laugh). Your children can't sing at all!

Music supervisor: You are mistaken, Miss Bock! Our children sing and dance wonderfully and can play instruments very well. Listen here!

The song “GOLDEN DROPS”, singing is accompanied by playing bells and tubes

Freken Bock (surprised): Indeed, they sing and even play!

You guys are a miracle, really!

You did your best!

Well done, it’s not boring with you,

You will become... professors!

2 Presenter: By the way, Freken Bock, do you know what grades future professors received when they were still in school?

Carlson: What are “marks”? What is this, candy?

Freken Bock: Nightmare! What is this Kid saying?

I will start raising him immediately!

Carlson: I'm not the Kid, I'm Carlson, who lives on the roof!

Freken Bock: Well, then everything is clear to me! You should not live ON the roof, but UNDER the roof!

2 Presenter: Carlson, grades are numbers that will be used to mark and evaluate the children’s knowledge.

Carlson: Aaaaand...Got it! I think I saw numbers like these here!

(runs up to the table, takes cards with the numbers 5 and 2, shows the children 2 and says): It's five!

Children: That's two!

Carlson (shows 5): No, that's two!

Children: It's five!

Carlson (shows 2): And I like this one better! She is beautiful, she looks like a swan!

Freken Bock: What a nightmare! What is this Carlson saying?

1 Presenter: Let's play a game now and see which grades will be our children's favorites.

2 Presenter: I think that there will be no poor students among the guys.

Freken Bock: Now let's see... I also invite parents to participate in the game. Now we will find out what kind of students they were!

Game “WHO GET THE MOST GOOD GRADES”: children play together with their parents. Upside down score cards are placed in two hoops. Moreover, in the hoop for parents, the grades are from 1 to 5. And in the hoop for children - only 4 and 5. Music sounds, everyone walks around the hoop - “they go to class.” Pause - everyone quickly raises their cards. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

1 Presenter: Congratulations, moms and dads! All your children will be excellent and good students!

Freken Bock: Ha-ha-ha, but not all of our parents were good people!

2 Presenter: Freken Bock, we have such a good one holiday - graduation! And you're nagging. Parents are just a little worried today. For you, dear parents, a musical gift: we have an orchestra in the garden, it will play for you now.

Orchestra "CHARLESTON"

Freken Bock: And now quickly sit down, all straight, hands on your knees, straighten your back and don’t move, otherwise you’ll give me a headache and spoil my mood.

(sits in a chair and begins to doze)

Child: Carlson, please save us from this housewife, she wants us to sit quietly and not move.

Carlson: Calm, just calm. After all, I am the world’s best specialist in raising housekeepers. Go dance and I'll think of something!

Dance "YOU AND ME"

Freken Bock: What kind of chatter is this? Children, you've gotten away with it again!

(children run to their seats)

Carlson: Freken Bok, your milk has run out!

Freken Bok (Sniffs and calmly): Yes, it really does smell burnt...

(Suddenly she began to fuss): Oh my god! My cheesecakes! The buns will soon turn into coals! Okay, I ran, and you’re here watching me!

(she shakes her finger and leaves. Carlson imitates her gait)

Freken Bock (looking around): Ay-ay-ay, what an ill-mannered boy!

(Approaches Carlson) . Come on, quickly follow me to re-education!

(Takes him by the collar of his shirt and leads him to the exit)

Carlson: Guys, don't be bored without me. Maybe we'll see you again! Do well in school and don't forget to have fun! (Leave)

Speech therapist: We continue the game, and on our screen...

Children: The letter "P"!

Speech therapist: And what would that mean

Children: Prize!

(One of the presenters brings a bright box on a cart)

1 Presenter: Shall we continue the game or choose a prize?

Children: Let's choose a prize!

1 Presenter: Fine! Then I ask you, our dear graduates, to come out to our hall!

(Children come out and line up in front of the guests)

1 Presenter: Our game is over. Children, parents, thank you for such a wonderful game! Well done! Children, today you are saying goodbye to kindergarten. But you don’t say goodbye to childhood, and therefore to fairy tales! Believe in miracles and they will definitely come true!

2 Presenter: We want to wish you, dear guys,

Learn, grow, meet new friends.

We will always be very proud of you,

Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Speech therapist: The children are leaving along the school road,

But a part of us remains in them!

From kindergarten to school threshold

We accompany them to school:

Together: Good morning!

1 child: Goodbye! Goodbye!

We are telling you today.

Only our favorite kindergarten

We don't want to forget.

2nd child: We learned a lot of fairy tales here

And they got smarter every day.

And for that we are grateful to you.

The kindergarten was our home!

3rd child: Our good garden! Soon, we know

We will step beyond your threshold.

We wish you happiness and joy

To everyone who helped us grow!

Children: Goodbye, kindergarten!

And thanks from the guys!

Children sing the song “GOODBYE, KINDERGARTEN”

1 Presenter: It's time to open our “Prize”! We leave it to Galina Vasilievna to do this.

(Congratulations, presentation of gifts)

2 Presenter: A word of congratulations to the parents!

(Parents come out and congratulate their children)

(The presenter invites the children to take the balloons, make a wish and release them into the sky. The presenters invite everyone to a tea party)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Holiday script, dedicated to the Day child protection, for children of senior preschool and primary school age

Postman Pechkin
Life-size puppets – Crocodile, Fox, Alf, Lion, Bear, Luntik.
Music sounds and Luntik comes out.
Luntik - Dear guys! I'm glad to see you at the holiday. Today we will sing, play, laugh and travel through fairy tales! After all, you love fairy tales, right?
(Children's response)
Amazing! This means our holiday will be a success!
(There is a knock on the door, Pechkin appears on the threshold).
Pechkin _ Everything is in place! So, I made it on time. Hello! - I brought you a telegram!
Presenter - Hello, dear postman Pechkin! Who is it from? Give it to us, please.
Pechkin - Yeah, so I gave it to you!!
Presenter - Why don’t you give it back, Igor Ivanovich?
Pechkin - I closed my purse, but I lost the key, and it’s magical, if you answer all the riddles correctly, then the purse will open!
Luntik - Riddles? I really love riddles, and you guys too! Truth? Make a wish!
Pechkin - Guess whose letters are in my bag!
 In summer the fur coat is gray, and in winter – white,
Carries a jumping, timid one... (bunny)

 It is not a dog who lives under a strong shell,
Not a cat, not a mouse, lives... (turtle)

 A funny fat man lived in a hut in the forest
His neighbor, Pyatochok, was inseparable from him.
He read the cries out loud to his friends,
Tell me quickly, who is he? (Winnie the Pooh)

 He was the kindest of all doctors,
I wanted every animal to be healthy.
Treated all diseases: measles, mumps, bronchitis,
Tell me quickly, who is he? (Aibolit)

Pechkin - Wow, miracles, the purse opened, I’ll have to give you a telegram!
Luntik - Come on, dear Pechkin, we can’t wait to find out who this telegram is from!
Pechkin Do you have documents?
Luntik - What documents?
Pechkin I won’t give you away without documents, it’s not allowed!
Luntik - Why did you come then?
Pechkin - My job is to deliver correspondence, and since you don’t have documents, that means I can’t give it to you!
Luntik - Igor Ivanovich, instead of documents, let us fulfill any of your wishes!
Pechkin - My most cherished wish... I love fairy tales, and I would like to go on a trip with the guys!
Luntik - Would you guys like to find yourself in a fairy tale? Let's close all our eyes, say the magic words and go straight to fairyland!
Oh-oh-oh, hello! – (Repeat!) Oh-oh-oh, hello!
Bam, bala, bala-e! - Bam, bala, bala-e!
0, kikiris bamba, - 0, kikiris bamba,
0, sals savimba! - 0, sals savimba!
Magic sound
Music is playing. Lev Boniface comes out. Luntik leaves
Leo - I think I'm in the wrong place again...
Pechkin: - Hello, Dear Lev Boniface, where do you want to go?
Leo: How to go! I went to the lake to fish, and ended up again at a children's show!
Pechkin: HURRAY!!!
Leo - What a “Hurray” there can be! My vacation is ending, and I still haven’t managed to go fishing.
Pechin - Don’t be upset Boniface, because there are such wonderful guys at our holiday, they can do everything! And even fish!
Leo - Guys, do you really know about fishing?? Okay, then I'll test you a little! Name me a fish starting with the letter P,
(piranha, gudgeon, whiting...),
Well done! And now the name of the fish starting with the letter M (pollock, moray eel...)
The two guys who answered first are called to the stage. A “Fishing” COMPETITION is held with them
Leo - Thank you guys! You truly made me happy! I enjoyed going fishing with you! And now, goodbye! It's time for me to return to my grandmother, she is waiting for me for lunch, with a whole bucket of fish!
Pechkin - Goodbye, Boniface! And it’s time for you and me to continue our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales! Let's cast the second magic spell!
Ooh, I eat bananas, Ooh, I eat bananas
And I eat oranges. And I eat oranges.
Ri-ri-ri-ri-em, - Ri-ri-ri-ri-em,
Ri-ri-ri-ri-em! - Ri-ri-ri-ri-em,
Am! - AM!
Children repeat. Music is playing. Crocodile Gena and Shapoklyak come out.
Shapoklyak - What a mess this is! What a mess this is! But they forgot about me! Shapoklyak was not invited!

Karkusha. These are my friends!
FOX. Oh, really, how clean and washed everyone is, probably polite and not reluctant. ... So they will help me now. (Quietly, so that Crow does not hear, he addresses the children). I need to steal this bird and take it to my hut. My little foxes, nice kids, love to play with birds and sort out feathers.
Karkusha. Candy kids, don't listen to Fox! If she takes me to her hut, she will roast me for dinner. If you don’t help me deal with the cunning Fox, I’ll be lost!
Fox. I'm the cunning one! Yes, I am the most honest and affectionate!
Karkusha. Okay, little fox-sister, there’s nowhere to go. Go comb your ponytail for now, and then hurry up to your date.
Lisa leaves.
Children, help me! Protect from the cunning Fox! If I say that I hear horses stomping, stomp your feet; if I say that the horses are close, shout “yoke - yoke.” When I say that a man is riding a horse and coughing, cough, and when I say that the dogs with him are hounds, you bark like a dog, and we’ll scare the Fox! Let's rehearse. Horse tramp! Well done! The horses are neighing close by! Smart guys! The man is coughing! Everything is correct! Hound dogs! It turned out great!
FOX. I’m ready, I have a new fur coat, ears on top of my head, and a fluffy tail. Fly to me quickly, girlfriend, let's go to the meadow!
Karkusha. Wait, Fox, I saw something there, weren’t the horses galloping? Come on, children, look.
Children imitate the stomping of a horse.
FOX. Who else do you see? You sit high up and look far away!
Karkusha. I see horses close - close!!! Really, kids???
Children imitate neighing
And also a man on a horse with a gun! The guy is obviously angry, coughing loudly.
Children imitate coughing.
The fox begins to get scared and changes its tone.
FOX. Tell me, Crow, are there any dogs next to him?
Karkusha. There are no dogs, only hounds are running.
The children start barking.
FOX. Oh, goodbye, Karkusha! Next time we'll go for a walk! We must hurry home! (runs away).
Karkusha. Thank you kids, you helped me out!
Music is playing. The postman Pechkin is coming.
Pechkin - My heart senses that while I was away, something happened here!
Karkusha - All's well that ends well, thanks to the guys - they helped me out, and now it's time for me to return home to the television center! Goodbye!
Pechkin - It’s time for us to go to the next fairy tale! Let's say it loudly - ONE-TWO-THREE! Fairy tale come visit!
Where are we now, guys? Seems to be on the edge of a fairytale forest?
The Bear comes out.
Pechkin - Hello, Mishutka!
Bear - Hello!
Pechkin - Why are you so sad?
Bear - I'm bored!
Pechkin - Mishutka, how can you be bored when there are so many friends around!
Bear: Friends…..What is this, friend????
Pechkin - A friend is not what, but who... I think that the guys will help you, explain who a friend is and what friendship is...
I will name qualities, and you, if a friend should have this quality, clap your hands.
If this poor quality for a friend - you stomp your feet.
A good friend knows how to forgive - let's clap
Calls him names
Helps... to write off a test
Will support you in trouble
Can do something nasty
Screams that he is the most important
Comes to the rescue on time
Rejoices at your successes with you
The bear starts crying loudly...
Pechkin - Mishutka, what happened? Why are you crying. Today is a holiday, everyone should just rejoice!
Bear - I... (roars) I... have no friends..... Nobody needs me.....
Pechkin - I think this can be fixed! Look, look how many guys we have here!
Pechkin - And they are ready to become your friends! Really, guys?
Bear - That's great! And in order for friends to find each other easier, I want to give them balloons!
Pechkin - Well done, Mishutka! You got it right! He who goes to friends with kindness will find more friends!
The bear takes out the balls.
Pechkin (throws them into the auditorium) Pass the balls to your friends! – Red balls are wonderful friends!
Bear - Blue balls are strong friends!
Pechkin - White balls are skillful friends!
Bear - Purple balls are friendly friends!
That's how many friends I have now! Now I will never be sad! Thank you guys!
The bear leaves, Luntik comes out!
Luntik - Dear Pechkin, we kept our promise, and now you!
Pechkin - We had such a good fairy-tale adventure, keep the telegram!
Luntik - I’m reading!
“Good afternoon everyone! Today is a holiday - Children's Day! It is celebrated by all children on our planet.
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
And the signature is your friends! Children from all over the world!”
Pechkin - Time flies so quickly... and our fabulous journey, alas, has come to an end...
Luntik - The fun hour is over.
It always turns out this way:
As soon as you play out, it’s time to go home!
Pechkin - But is it time to be sad?
Only the first summer day ends
And summer continues, which will bring joy!
Luntik - Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We tell you: goodbye!
More precisely -
Together: See you again!

Scenario of a theatrical holiday for older children preschool age"There are many fairy tales in the world"

Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher additional education for theatrical activities of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

A fairy tale brings us joy,
He who knows will understand
The fairy tale has a lot of meaning,
And love walks close there.

There are many adventures in the fairy tale,
Very joyful excitement,
Good wins in her,
After all, it is stronger than evil.

The one who respects fairy tales
Surely grows
Transforming into a sage
He believes very much in miracles.

And a miracle comes to visit,
Doesn't pass by
The main thing is to believe in him,
And it's already with you.

A fairy tale is a wonderful piggy bank,
What you accumulate, you take,
And without a fairy tale in this life -
You will definitely disappear. E. Stepanova

Meaning fairy tales in raising children is difficult to overestimate. By accumulating the wisdom of previous generations, they acquire truly magical power: teaching, developing, healing...
It is no secret that children best perceive information presented in a playful form. Lengthy, serious moral teachings from adults quickly tire children and fail to achieve their goal. At the same time, with the help of a fairy tale, you can explain to them all the same common truths, but do it in an easy, understandable form for children...
It is through the example of fairy tale heroes that important life information is best learned...
And a holiday on the theme of fairy tales - what could be better for children? Some continuous positive emotions! Moreover, accompanied by funny characters familiar to children - Toffee and Klepa!
So, I propose a script for a theatrical celebration "There are many fairy tales in the world" for children of senior preschool age. The development may be useful for teachers (educators, music directors, additional education teachers) working with preschool children.
It is possible to hold a holiday with one or several groups of preschool children.

Target– creating a good, positive mood in children during a fabulous journey in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

- in a playful way, clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar fairy tales, their content, and the characteristic features of the characters;
- develop reader interest;
- continue to develop the ability to improvise to music, using expressive movements that characterize a given character;
- promote the development of speech, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence, associative thinking when solving riddles, and children’s singing abilities;
- to cultivate in children an interested and respectful attitude towards fairy tales.

- music center, discs;
- multimedia;
- a chest with coloring books.

Preliminary work:
- preparation of presentation;
- selection of musical material;
- preparing costumes for the characters;
- preparing coloring books and gifts for children;
- reading fairy tales, listening to audio recordings of fairy tales, guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales, singing songs from fairy tales.

Heroes (adults): Klepa the clown, Iriska the clown.
To the melody of “Come, Fairy Tale” by V. Dashkevich, children enter the hall decorated with illustrations of fairy tale characters(SLIDE No. 1), meets them musical director dressed as a Storyteller.

Storyteller. Hello guys! An extraordinary journey awaits us today. And where, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
There is magic, there are miracles,
Baba Yaga is there,
Heroes act smart
And friendship conquers evil (fairy tales)

There are many fairy tales in the world -
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
This is a beautiful country
She is full of miracles...

We are on the very threshold of Fairytale Land. You can even see some of her heroes. Children, who do you recognize here? (children name fairy-tale characters whose illustrations decorate the hall)
Storyteller. Well done! Tell me, where do fairy tales come from? (They are invented by people, written by writers, wizards, storytellers).

The clowns Klepa and Iriska enter to the cheerful melody. Greet the children.

Storyteller. Klyopa, Iriska, what are you doing here?
Klyopa. How is this what?
Toffee. How is that???
Klyopa. Yes, Iriska and I are the best storytellers in the world!
Toffee. Yes, yes, we know all the fairy tales!!! Want to listen? Klyopa, start!
Klyopa. Kolobok lay on the window, the mouse ran, waved its tail, Kolobok fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate every last bit. This is the fairy tale I know!
Storyteller. You got everything mixed up. What kind of fairy tales are these? (“Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).
Toffee. Okay, then I’ll tell you a fairy tale: “Once upon a time, there was Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and they had a granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood...”
Storyteller. And you, Iriska, got everything mixed up! Where and with whom did Little Red Riding Hood live? (Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother in the village). We’ll have to take you with us to Fairytale Land so that you stop getting confused in fairy tales. Shall we take Klyopa and Toffee with us, guys?
Storyteller. Look, the castle (SLIDE No. 2). To open it and get into Fairyland, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words.
Tili-bom, tili-bom,
Open up, fairy tale house.

Klepa says words with the boys, Iriska with the girls. Then all together.

SLIDE No. 3 – opening the lock
SLIDE No. 4 – “Magic Country”

Magic music sounds

Storyteller. Here we are in a fairy tale. How beautiful it is here!

Children smile and enjoy listening to magical music.

SLIDE No. 5 – open book

Klyopa. Look, a book!
Toffee. Since this is a book, then there must be something written there!
Klyopa. Toffee, let's read quickly!

Toffee reads the inscription(SLIDE No. 6):
“Good afternoon, dear guests of Fairytale Land! I, the great Wizard, am glad to welcome you to my kingdom! Many different interesting fairy-tale challenges await you here! If you read my Magic Book to the end, you will become real experts in fairy tales! I wish you success!"

Klyopa. Wow! I so want to become a real connoisseur of fairy tales! What about you guys?
Toffee. Let's start reading the magic book! So, the page -

"Guess the fairy tale"

(SLIDE No. 7). You need to guess the name of the fairy tale.

Who didn't listen to his sister,
He drank water from his hoof.
Who was looking for whom then?
He called from the lake mud.
Answer without prompting
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”) - SLIDE No. 8-9
At Alyonushka's sister's
The birds took my brother away.
They fly high.
They look far away
(Geese-swans.) - SLIDE No. 10-11
He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -
Didn't swallow anything
And I was left with my nose
(“The Fox and the Crane”) - SLIDE No. 12-13
The beautiful maiden is sad
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears!...
(“The Snow Maiden”) - SLIDE No. 14-15
There lived fat brothers
All three noses are snouts.
Big brother is smarter than everyone else
The house was built from stones.
Answer me guys
Who are those brothers? ...
(“The Three Little Pigs”) - SLIDE No. 16-17
A girl appeared
In the cup of a flower.
And there was that girl
A little bigger than a marigold.
In a nut shell
The girl was sleeping.
This is the girl
How sweet she is!
(“Thumbelina”) - SLIDE No. 18-19

Toffee. You guys are great! You know everything! Let's continue! Next page –

"Who said?"

SLIDE No. 20

SLIDE No. 21-23

1. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!”(Fox from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”)
2. “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?”(Morozko in the fairy tale “Morozko”)
3. “Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.”(Bear in the fairy tale “Apple”)
4. “Apple tree - apple tree, tell me, where did the geese and swans fly?”
5. “Grandma, why do you have such big hands?”(Little Red Riding Hood in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)
6. “Dear guests, help,
Spider - kill the villain!”

7. “Stove - mother, hide me”(Mashenka in the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”)
8. "The butterfly is beautiful,
Eat jam
Or don’t you like our treat?”
(Fly in the fairy tale “Tsokotukha Fly”)
9. “Tuff, bang! They take the old man’s daughter in gold, but they don’t marry the old woman.”(Dog in the fairy tale “Morozko”)
10. “Don’t blame me, godfather, there’s nothing else to treat me with”(Crane in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”)
11. “Calm, just calm!”(Carlson from the cartoon “Kid and Carlson”)
12. "Guys let's be friends!"(Leopold the Cat from the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”)
13. “Farewell, dear swallow! Goodbye! Thank you for singing so wonderfully to me this summer!”(Thumbelina from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen)
14. "Hey you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate:
You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Go home!"
(Fedora in the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief")
15. “Of course, I’m smarter than everyone else, I build a house out of stones”(Naf-Naf from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”)
16. "Fly, fly petal
Through West to East
Through north through south
Come back in a circle
As soon as you touch the ground
It’s my order!”
(girl Zhenya, “The Seven-Flower Flower”)

Klyopa. Well done, you guessed all the fairy tale heroes! Or maybe you can portray them?
Page –

"Magic Transformations"

SLIDE No. 24

Children guess riddles about fairy-tale characters, but they do not pronounce the answers, but depict them.

1. Near the forest, on the edge.
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Show without prompting.
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? – SLIDE No. 25

Children portray bears to musical accompaniment. SLIDE No. 26

2. The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Show me without prompting
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? – SLIDE No. 27

Children pretend to be piglets to the accompaniment of music. SLIDE No. 28

3. It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
Rolled along the path - SLIDE No. 29

Children portray Kolobok to musical accompaniment. SLIDE No. 30

4. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Simply a good little thing!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter’s name was - SLIDE No. 31

Children portray Thumbelina to musical accompaniment. SLIDE No. 32

5. In a deep forest in his hut
An old woman lives all alone.
She doesn't sweep the floor with a broom,
Broom - old lady's plane - SLIDE No. 33

Children portray Baba Yaga to musical accompaniment. SLIDE No. 34

6. We were waiting for mother with milk.
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children? – SLIDE No. 35

Children pretend to be goats to the accompaniment of music. SLIDE No. 36

Toffee. Page

"Musical Riddles"

SLIDE No. 37
Includes musical fragments that characterize any fairy tale characters, children guess.

Klyopa. Page –

“From what fairy tale?”

SLIDE No. 38
(Children are shown pictures depicting objects from fairy tales. They must name the fairy tale.)
Golden Key(“The Adventures of Pinocchio”) - SLIDE No. 39
Thatched house("Three piglets")
Little Red Riding Hood("Little Red Riding Hood")
Apple("Swan geese")

"Say the name"

SLIDE No. 40. We need to say the names of fairy-tale characters. Shall we try? - SLIDE No. 41

Doctor(Aibolit), Fly(Tsokotukha), Red(Cap), Dad(Carlo), Crocodile(Gena), Vinny(Pooh) Woman(Yaga), Koschey(Immortal), Ivan(Tsarevich), Old woman(Shapoklyak), Chit(Raccoon), Postman(Pechkin), Old man(Hottabych).

Klyopa. And we flipped through this fabulous page! Let's continue! Page

"Fairytale Song"

SLIDE No. 42

Children need to remember and sing one verse of the songs that were sung fairy-tale heroes: Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok, Little Raccoon, Goat, Crocodile Gena, Bremen Town Musicians, Vodyanoy, Cheburashka. While children sing, soundtracks of songs are played.

Toffee. There was a page “Fairytale Song”, and now

"Happy Dance"

SLIDE No. 43.

Outdoor game "Fixies"

Klyopa. Guys, do you live together? In fairy tales, heroes also live together. Page:

"Fairytale Friend"

SLIDE No. 44

Carlson- Baby
Crocodile Gena– Cheburashka
Winnie the Pooh– Piglet
Pinocchio– Malvina
Fox Alice- cat Basilio
Snow White- seven gnomes.

Toffee. Page

"Fairytale Birds"

SLIDE No. 45-46

1. Which bird saved Thumbelina in Andersen's fairy tale?(Martin)
2. What was the name of the duck that fell behind its flock and spent the winter in the wormwood?(Grey neck)
3. Which bird defeated the Cockroach?(Sparrow)

Toffee. Page

“A fairy tale has both a beginning and an end”

SLIDE No. 47-48
How do fairy tales usually begin? (“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman...”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”, “Beyond the forests, beyond the mountains...”, “Once upon a time...”.
Klyopa. How do they end? (“That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!”, “And I was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth”...)
Toffee. Let's try to guess the fairy tale from the beginning and end.
- This tale begins with snow woman, and ends with a white cloud("Snow Maiden")
- This tale begins with an arrow and ends with the death of Koshchei("Princess Frog")
- This fairy tale begins with planting a vegetable and ends with the help of a mouse.("Turnip")
- This tale begins with the forbidden drinking from a hoof and ends with the death of a witch.(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)
- This fairy tale begins with baking and ends on the tip of the fox's nose.(“Kolobok”)
- This fairy tale begins with a fish and ends with a ride on a beaten wolf(“Fox - sister and gray wolf”)
- This fairy tale begins with a rolling pin and ends with a severed tail.(“Fox with a rolling pin”)

Toffee. Page

    Order on holding the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”.

    Regulations on the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”.

    Scenario for the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”.

    Application for participation.

    Request for materials.







ORDER No. ____


About the eventcompetitive

program “In the world of fairy tales”


In accordance with the work plan for DUOO named after. K. Babina I order:

Conduct a competitive program “In the world of fairy tales” for pupils of the secondary education school named after. K. Babina according to the camp program and plan - a grid of events.

1. Responsibility for organizing, providing conditions and conducting the competition should be assigned to methodologist L.N. Ganich, deputy director for economic affairs A.V. Berezan. and Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V.

2. Methodist Ganich L.N., art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V., equipment maintenance operator Korotenko I.A.

2. 1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) the Regulations regulating the conduct of the competitive program “In the World of Fairy Tales” among pupils of the Secondary Educational Institution named after. K. Babina.

2.2. draw up a script for the event and select musical accompaniment.

2. 3. select the Organizing Committee for preparing and holding the competition, the jury.

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales” is assigned to teachers and team leaders. Conduct a safety briefing with students against signature.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4. 1. Draw up a schedule of those on duty in the territory during the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales” from among the employees of the secondary educational institution.

5. Dr. Petrenko S.I. DUOO named after. K. Babina will provide medical support during the competition.

6. Execution control of this order entrust to the methodologist of the secondary educational institution named after. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of signing.

Director of DUOO named after. K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Korotenko N.V.

Petrenko S.I.

Kondratyev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Kosolapova N.B.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Boklach D.V.

Dotsyak M.A.

Shapovalova E.K.

Korotenko I. A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Chaly D.O.

Nadtoka S.V.

Sereda E.R.

Titarenko O.V.

Getun B.D

Toshoporan Yu.V.

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Voronina E.K.

Novak A.V.

Moiseenko A.M.

Dotsyak M.A.

Iskra E.A.

Gladkaya E.O.

Samus E.V.

Gladkikh. A.G.

Titaeva D.A.





on the holding of the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”

These Regulations determine the procedure for conducting the competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”

- instill in children a love of fairy tales;

To instill spiritual and moral education in children.

- continue introducing children to fairy tales;
- cultivate positive character traits using the example of fairy tale heroes;
- develop creative thinking in children;
- introduce pupils to rich centuries-old traditions through the theatricalization of folklore;

Develop moral values ​​among children's audiences;

Identify and support young talents;

To form spiritual and moral values: patriotism, loyalty to the traditions of national culture, careful attitude to the creative heritage of ancestors.


All pupils of the preschool educational institution named after. K. Babina and camp staff.


The event is held by the club on the territory of the secondary educational institution named after. K. Babina

Form of conduct

Fabulous - theatrical, musical performance

Organizing committee and jury of the competition

The general management of the preparation and conduct of the Competition is provided by the Organizing Committee; the jury includes representatives of the administration of the DUOO named after. K. Babina


Competition numbers selected by the jury as the best. Winners and prize-winners are awarded certificates.




Progress of the event


Presenter 1: Good evening Babens.

Presenter 2: Good evening guys and dear guests!

Presenter 1: We are starting our competition program “In the World of Fairy Tales”.

Presenter 2: Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy-tale characters.

Presenter 1:

Today is a magical day and no less fabulous people came to visit us to see and appreciate our work. How we love and honor fairy tales written by “folk” authors.

Presenter 2: Let me welcome our fabulously competent jury to the judging table.




Jury presentation


Competition "Fairy Tales Among Us"

Presenter 1:

Maybe they will come to us again.
From a distant land of gnomes.
After all, they love so tenderly
Dear Snow White.
The gnomes came at a happy hour,
Like a leisurely year,
Everyone began to ask tiredly:
"There is little time left,
Without her there will be no fairy tale,
And winter will not take off its masks,
So that everything is as before,
There is only one hope for you,
Let Snow White return.
There’s an hour left until the fairy tale.”

Presenter 2:

In this room today
Miracles await.
Do you hear? They come alive here
Good voices of fairy tales.
There was a magical forest all around.
There's a sweet house in the clearing.

Presenter 1:

The door is open, treats.
There are also singing on the table.
It is heard in the morning.
Who lives, tell me, there?
Blue eyes, white face
Like a sister to the dwarf brothers.
This fairy tale is familiar to everyone -
Snow White and...

Audience: dwarfs.

Presenter 2:
Right! Squad 2 is invited to the stage. Applause to the 2nd squad!

(2nd squad enters the stage, a song about gnomes sounds)

Presenter 1: The legendary English humor penetrated not only into the life of the peoples of England, but also into folklore, firmly entrenched in English folk tales, most often funny and amusingly instructive. Original English folk tale inspired the whole people. He's dramatizing a fairy tale for us.

"Lazy Jack" 1 squad. Applause to 1st squad!
(1 squad enters the stage)

Presenter 2: Do you know this girl?
She is sung in an old fairy tale.
She worked, lived modestly,
I didn’t see the clear sun,
There is only dirt and ash around.
And the beauty's name was...

Viewers: ... : Cinderella.

Presenter 1: Right! She is beautiful and sweet, her name comes from the word “ash”. Applause to the 3rd squad!

(Squad 3 goes on stage, a song about Cinderella plays)

Presenter 2: Egypt is the name of the country
What has been lying in those parts for a long time,
There is no rain and a lot of sun,
There are many pyramids in Giza.
There's the Nile River through the desert
Flows from South to North,
Tomatoes, dates and melons -
What doesn’t grow there!
Egypt awaits all year round -
They know how to welcome guests there,
It's great to relax there
And you'll get five rest!
There is a desire on a parachute
Fly over the red sea?
By jeep up a steep mountain?
Should I look at the corals at the bottom?
In Egypt your every desire
They will come to life without difficulty,
You just have to leave doubts
Saying “yes” to your desires!
In Egypt, vacation is just a fairy tale,
Egypt will make you fall in love with itself,
The sun, bliss, caress await you there,
Your days will not be wasted there!
How a tourist will visit Egypt,
He will experience pleasure forever.
And the third detachment comes to us

With the fairy tale “The Cricket and the Cockroach.”
Applause to the 5th squad!

(Squad 5 enters the stage)

Presenter 1: The nose is a round snout.
It’s convenient for them to rummage around everywhere.
The tail is a small hook.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them, and to what extent?
The brothers are similar to each other.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of our fairy tale?
Audience: The Three Little Pigs.

Presenter 2: Right! The 6th squad performs with the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.
Applause to the 6th squad!

(Squad 6 enters the stage,

there is a song about three little pigs)

Presenter 1: With luxurious floor-length hair,
The princess lives in a fairytale kingdom,
We dreamed of having girls like this,
Who will name that princess?

Audience: Rapunzel.

Presenter 2: Right! We invite the 4th squad to the stage


(4th squad, a song about Rapunzel plays)

Presenter 1: The jury counts the points, and we continue the competition program.


Assignment: guess the fairy tale from its beginning.

1- Nowhere, in the thirtieth kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon,
From a young age he was formidable.
And the neighbors every now and then
Boldly inflicted insults...

(“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin)

2- Behind the mountains, behind the forests,
Across the wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in a village.
The old lady has three sons:
The eldest was a smart kid,
Middle son and this way and that,
The younger one was a complete fool...

(“The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershev)

3- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a merchant, an eminent man. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive overseas goods, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best...

(“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov)

4- One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but didn’t find it, but came to a house in the forest. The door was open: she looked at the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered...

(“Three Bears” by L.N. Tolstoy)

5- The bear came and knocked.

Whose house-teremok. Who lives in the mansion?

I am a fly - a grief

I'm a squeaky mosquito.


6-She ran for a long time through the fields and forests. The day is approaching evening, there is nothing to do, we need to go home. Suddenly he sees a hut standing on a chicken leg with one window, and turns around.

("Swan geese")


Task: find out a fairy tale using a set of keywords.
1. Snow, winter, glass, mirror, roses, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")
2. Grass, nettle, toad, shirt, birds, patience. ("Wild Swans")
3. Burrow, water, field mouse, wings, elf. ("Thumbelina")
4. Winter, stepmother, chest, Frost. ("Morozko")
5. Winter, girl, January, snowdrop. ("Twelve months")
6. Baba Yaga, swamp, arrow, frog. ("Princess Frog")


Assignment: draw a horse blindfolded in the following sequence:
1. head,
2. tail,
3. front legs,
4. hind legs,
5. hooves,
6. eyes,
7. torso.


1. What was the name of Tsar Saltan’s son?

2. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas Theater cost?

4 soldi.
3. How did the king die in the fairy tale Boiled into the Little Humpbacked Horse?

4. A tale about the benefits of collective turnip.

5. Faithful page and agent of the fabulous Marquis of Karabas?

6. Thumbelina's fiance? Elf.
7. What did the fairy use to make Cinderella’s carriage?

From pumpkin.
8. Baba Yaga's thrifty friend?

9. A “blind” scammer with a tail and mustache?

Cat Basilio.
10. Who hired Balda as a worker?

11. Old man with a magic beard?

Old man Khatabych.

12. A young man flying on a carpet airplane and controlling the gin of their jug?


In this competition, fairy-tale characters will ask you riddles. Imagine: a well-known fairy tale, but its plot will be retold by one of the fairy tale characters. Your task: guess the name of the fairy tale and the hero on whose behalf the story is told.

1 fairy tale.

“I decided to just travel around the world and didn’t know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandmother and Grandfather. But it turned out that evil, cruel, and cunning people live in this world...”
(Kolobok; “Kolobok.”)

2 fairy tale.

“What a tail this Mouse has! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me. I wish I was lying in the most visible place..."

(Egg; “Ryaba Hen.”)

3 fairy tale.
“It is very harmful for me to be in the water so much. Thanks to this curious and naughty boy. If it weren’t for him and the turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom?”
(Golden Key; “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”)

4 fairy tale.
“I stayed alive only thanks to this little fragile Girl. She warmed me, fed me, gave me water. What a wonderful life! Enjoy the sun, wind, warmth!”
(Swallow; “Thumbelina.”)

5 fairy tale.
“When I found myself in the city of little Lilliputians, I felt like a huge giant. Thanks to them, I became an adult."

(Gulliver's Adventure).

6 fairy tale

“I fly on a cannonball, pulling myself out of the swamp. I love adventure and often risk my life."

(The Adventures of Boron Munchausen."


The conditions of this competition are very simple: a phrase is given in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to guess this phrase. For example: " Good morning, old men!" - This " Good night, kids!
1. Kikimora under a watermelon.

Princess on the Pea.
2. Dog in mittens.

Puss in Boots.
3. Rubik's cube.

4. Stupid Vasily.

Vasilisa the wise.
5. Green shoe.

Little Red Riding Hood.
6. Rusty lock.

Golden Key.
7. Gray bush.

The Scarlet Flower.
8. Deceased fat man.

Koschei the Deathless.

9. Thin sockets.

Three piglets.

10. Sandal.


11. Multi-storey building with different residents.


12.Miracle Yudo fish whale.

Gold fish.


Presenter 1: While our contestants are preparing to go on stage for the final verdict of the jury, we would like to invite one representative from the squad to the stage. Now we will hold a fan competition. The jury evaluates this competition as well.

One child from the squad takes the stage

Presenter 2:
1. Who was the son of the old tin spoon?
(Tin soldier.)
2. In which fairy tale does the hero achieve happiness with the help of dogs?
3. A daring Novgorod merchant who visited the sea king.
4. Resident of a hut on chicken legs.
(Baba Yaga.)
5. A boy with an icy heart?
6. The name of the old woman’s pet is Shapoklyak.
7. Shorty in a blue hat.
8. The crocodile’s eared friend.
9. “Airplane” by Baba Yaga.
10. Emelya’s favorite place in the house.

11. Princess with an arrow.

(Princess Frog).

12. A girl born on a flower.


Presenter 1: Thanks to all the teams for participating in our journey through fairy tales. We remembered fairy tales. They themselves were the heroes of the fairy tale. This concludes our competitions.

Leading 2 : We will ask our distinguished jury to sum up the results. And while the jury is counting the points and signing the certificates, we will watch another fairy tale that our counselors prepared.

A fairy tale about a girl born on a flower. Meet our counselors with a fairy tale - Thumbelina

Speech by counselors (fairy tale on new way- Thumbelina).

Presenter 1: Our jury is ready to sum up the results of all competitions and select the winners.

Summing up and rewarding.

There's a song about fairy tales


Competition "Fairy Tales Among Us" greetings


1-7 competition



Please provide ____________ the following materials for registration of the event:

Released L.N. Ganich methodologist

Received by the teacher (counselor)

Application for participation in competitive program


Title of the tale______________________________________________________________




Counselor, teacher


    “The best reproduction of a fairy tale” (theatricalization).

    “The best musical fairy tale” (musical).

    “Fairytale Country” (for friendship and team unity).

    “A fairy tale through the eyes of children” (for originality).

    “Creative fairy tale” (a fairy tale in a new way).

    "Bedtime Stories" (fairy tale for young children).

"In the world of fairy tales"

Teacher. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will remember your favorite fairy-tale characters, take part in fun competitions. Many fairy tales are filled with all sorts of miracles. Either an evil sorcerer turns a beautiful princess into a frog, then geese-swans steal a brother from her sister, then naughty Ivanushka, after drinking water from his hoof, turns into a baby goat, then an apple tree rewards a girl with silver and golden apples, then a brown cow helps the girl... (Music sounds)

We will grow up and become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will greet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale for our children.
We will tell you again in good time.

(The storyteller comes out)
I hasten to greet you,
My funny friends!
We are gathered in the hall today!
Or rather, not in the hall, but in the forest.
Did you happen to see a wolf?
Or maybe you met a fox?
All this is a saying, not a fairy tale,
After all, the fairy tale will be ahead.
But there is little time left.
Are you ready to come with me? (Children answer “yes”)

Teacher Let's open the curtain - veil
And before us for a moment
The wonderful forest spread its branches
We, holding back the excitement slightly,
Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles. (The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” is performed)

Storyteller Miracles await us in this hall today.
Do you hear? They come alive here good fairy tales vote.

(The Storyteller comes out, holding a casket in his hands.)

Good afternoon and good evening!
I am a cheerful storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales
I found the way myself!
And about what will happen next,
I don't even know myself.
I only know every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.
In classrooms, in your school
There will be more miracles!

Storyteller. What do you have in your hands, Storyteller?

Storyteller. The casket is magical, but I just can’t open it. Wait, wait, what is this letter? (Opens and reads)
“... You will open the casket when everyone has arrived,
Who are they? Call them here
Your friends will help us."

Storyteller. A lot in the world wonderful fairy tales, but among them there are the most beloved and expensive ones. I will read riddles - couplets, and you will tell me the answer to each question.

1. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He's famous, famous
This is the doctor... (Aibolit, slide).
2. Unknown to many for a long time,
He became everyone's friend.
An interesting fairy tale for everyone
The boy is an onion sign.
Very simple and short
It's called... (Cipollino, slide).
3. Grandmother loved the girl very much
Gave her a red cap
The girl forgot her name.
Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood.)

(Little Red Riding Hood comes out, dance)

Little Red Riding Hood
Hello, I came here
I’m coming to you for the holiday, friends!
But tell me first
Am I too late yet?
Little Red Riding Hood
Calls the kids.
I was walking through the forest
I was almost eaten by a wolf.

4. Calm down, calm down, evil witch,
Don't get your hopes up,
I met seven dwarfs in the forest -
Ours will be saved... (Snow White).

(Snow White comes out, dance)

Snow White. Oh hi my friend
How is your old lady doing?
That you are not yourself?
Did someone scare you?

Little Red Riding Hood
Yes, while I was walking through the forest,
The gray wolf caught up with me
He crept close to me
Haven't you met him?

Snow White
No, gnomes are friends
They led me through the forest
But I, Snow White,
Let's meet, friends!

5. He always loves everyone,
Who wouldn't come to him?
Did you guess it? This is Gena, This is Gena... (Crocodile, slide).

6. And I did laundry for my stepmother,
And sorted out the peas
At night, by candlelight.
And she slept by the stove.
As beautiful as the sun.
Who is this? (Cinderella.)

(Cinderella comes out, dance)

Oh, girls, trouble.
Hide me quickly!

Little Red Riding Hood
What happened, what is it,
Was the wolf following you?

Was there a wolf walking? Nonsense!
My stepmother scolds me.
Trouble speaks to me
He hits me with a big broom.
Everything is not enough for her, everything is not enough for her,
And she didn’t let me in for the holiday,
I cleaned everything in the house
And I too many peas.

7. She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
She showed skill in any matter.
She danced like a white swan,
Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa the Wise, slide)

8. He is both cheerful and not angry
This cute weirdo.
The owner is with him, the boy Robin,
And a friend - Piglet.
For him, a walk is a holiday,
And he has a special nose for honey.
This plush prankster
Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh, slide)

9. I’ll tell you what, friends!
I was a frog.
If it weren't for Ivan - a fool,
I wish I were a frog like that. (Frog Princess, slide)

10. She is as easy as walking on a tightrope
He will walk along a thin rope.
She once lived in a flower.
Well, her name is... (Thumbelina).

(Thumbelina comes out, dance)

Thumbelina And my destiny was
Marry a mole.
Live underground forever
And be friends with snails.
How good is it?
It's so bright in our hall.
To you, my friends
Thank you all for coming.

11. He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But there are no such people in this world
There is no one else.
Because he's not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a tit,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.
But filmed for film
And everyone has known for a long time
This cute little face
And it's called... (Cheburashka, slide).
(The storyteller opens the casket. She takes out the message and reads it.)

"Let's have fun together,
We will sing and dance, -
To find yourself in a fairy tale
You need to call me!” Guys, you guessed who this is about we're talking about?

The guys answer:"Yes, about the fairy"

Of course, it's a fairy. Let's call her.

Performing the dance “Little Fairy”

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom (slide)

Baba Yaga. Beware! Disperse! All over the place, stop!
What kind of gathering are you having?
At an inopportune winter hour?
Where have you seen me
Is there any fun here?
That's enough, it's over, friends.
Hey, unclean one, come here!

Storyteller. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our children want to have fun!

Baba Yaga. What do I care? I do what I want!

Storyteller. The guys and I called the fairy. Where are you taking her? There is no way for us to travel through fairy tales without her.

Baba Yaga. And you answer my questions, then I’ll tell you where your fairy is. Determine which fairy tales the excerpts are taken from.

1. And her owner had three daughters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle one was called Two-Eyed, and the smaller one was called Three-Eyed. (“Khavroshechka”)
2. The girl lay down on the largest bed, but it was hard and uncomfortable. ("Three Bears")
3. An old man and an old woman lived near the blue sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
4. The needlewoman began to whip up the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and meanwhile, her, poor thing, her hands were numb and her fingers turned white. (“Moroz Ivanovich”)

Baba Yaga
I saw your fairy
At Koshchei's palace.
I can replace it for you
I'll change my face now. (Takes out powder and powders herself.)
I am a fairytale element,
I have a document
I fly on my broom
And I scare the kids.

What are you, Babushka Yaga,
Scary things are not allowed for children
We need to help out the fairy.
Should we send you?
(Addresses Baba Yaga.)

Baba Yaga
I won't even think about it.
Give me my broom. Although... I’m glad to help you in trouble,
But I expect a reward from you.

Grandma, don't waste time
And you fly after the fairy.

Baba Yaga
What a shameless man, what an impudent man!
Where did you see grandma?
I'm younger than all of you together.
I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.
Gore you, deprive you,
Move away and don't disturb. (Sits on a broom and runs away after the fairy.)

You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,
Evil is laziness of the soul.
Let everyone in the morning
As soon as he wakes up
He will hurry to do good.

Storyteller. While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for the fairy, I suggest you remember the fairy tales you have read. I will show you the things I found, and you think and answer whose thing it is and who it belongs to, who is the author of the fairy tale. Whoever raises their hand first and answers correctly will receive a prize.

a) Toy telephone. (K. Chukovsky “Telephone”)
b) Puss and Boots. (C. Perrault “Puss in Boots.”)
c) Basket with pies. (Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".)
d) Mirror and apple. (A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

Baba Yaga and Fairy enter.

Baba Yaga
For the heat, for the snowstorm,
Everyone scolds me, the hag,
And there is no more harm in me,
Than daisies in a meadow.
What, are the kids tired of waiting?
Take it. Here she is.

Oh, so many kids -
Both girls and boys!
Evil Koschey took me away -
I was scared to tears.
I wanted to throw a ball like
But now I'm free!
Alone and at peace
All our heroes are dozing
On the pages of your books.
Let's call them soon!
Why should they suffer from boredom!
All heroes love work!
Friends, and cards in your hands,
Let the heroes come to life!

(Fairy-tale characters come out and sing ditties.)

1.I am a toothy gray wolf,
I click and click with my fangs,
In winter I am completely hungry.
Don't be afraid, I won't eat anyone.

2. I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
Round side, ruddy side,
The bun rolled.

3. A cunning cheat,
red head,
The fluffy tail is a beauty,
And my name is Lisa.

4. Long-eared mischief maker
I'm used to going to the garden,
And he began to jump around the beds,
I trampled all the cabbage.

5. Like Baba, Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one

6. I am a cheerful Pinocchio,
My nose is sharp
My nose is long
And today at this hour
I sing songs for you.

7. A very harmful old woman,
Everything is bad for her, everything is wrong.
Annoying as a fly...
Who is she?

Children: Shapoklyak!
(Old woman Shapoklyak appears, dance)

Shapoklyak I'm an old woman no matter what:
Both smart and young.
My rat is with me
Named Lariska!

Questions: 1. A villain waiting for children in Africa? (Barmaley)
2. A house that couldn’t support its residents? (Teremok)
3. Favorite dish of Enikov-Benikov? (Dumplings)
4. Fabulous washing machine? (Trough)
5. A boy who specializes in growing trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio)
6.An ungrateful listener of songs? (Fox from the fairy tale "Kolobok")
7.Cave master key spell? (Sim-sim)
8.The material from which Papa Carlo created his son? (Log)
9. The hero of a fairy tale, bursting with laughter? (Bubble)
10.The symbol of the family that Pinocchio pierced with his nose? (Hearth)
11.Seven wishes on one leg? (Seven-flowered flower)
12.Fairytale veterinarian? (Aibolit)

(Children who answer correctly receive prizes)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
My young friend!
Take it with you on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
They will help you at the right time
Find your dream and make your life brighter.

Fairy. Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.
May good triumph over evil forever.

Teacher. Now the moment has come to say goodbye,
My speech will be short;
I tell you: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!”

All heroes bow.