Scenario of the competitive entertainment program autumn cafe. Cafe “Autumn mood. Competition "Cocktail of comic questions"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 in Kalininsk, Saratov region"

Scenario family holiday

in the senior group

Cafe"Autumn mood"

Prepared by:

MBDOU teachers

"Kindergarten No. 12


Saratov region"

Frickel E.V.,

year 2013

Target: organizing a joint holiday for children and parents.


Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation between children and parents in the process joint activities.

Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

Foster love and respect for parents; good polite attitude towards peers.

Preliminary work: learning poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, staging songs and round dances, musical games, dances.

Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, baskets, dummies (mushrooms, vegetables and fruits), musical instruments, handkerchiefs and ribbons, vegetable masks, candies with ditties, fake cake, “cocktails” with questions.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Good afternoon, good autumn day, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy cafe “Autumn Mood”

Presenter: Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate Lady Autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments and a joyful mood.

Presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness - it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn it is beautiful and elegant all around.

Presenter: And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the earth is always beautiful, attractive, charming!

And folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.”

So let wonderful music sound for you on this October day, and may your fun never end!

Presenter: So, we are opening our cafe “Autumn Mood”.


  • Autumn brings us to your cafe
  • Today I invited

    So that no one is late

    Autumn asked.

  • And here we are.
  • The hall sparkles.

    Faces are warmed with warmth.

    It's time to open a cafe

    And have fun together.

    Song “Dear autumn rustling”

    Presenter: But where is Autumn?

    What if she forgot the way to us?

    With business, maybe

    Are you a little late?

    Let's call autumn

    Come on, together!

    Together: “Autumn, we are waiting for you to visit”

    Autumn is coming out.

    Autumn: How wonderfully you are having fun!

    Hello, friends.

    On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

    I'm glad to see you.

    I am golden autumn

    My bow to you, friends!

    I've been dreaming for a long time

    I'm talking about meeting you.

    Presenter: Thank you, Autumn, for being with us now.

    And you give us such a bounty of colors.

    We glorify you with songs and poems.

    We admire the beauty of autumn fairy tales.

    We want to please you with poems.

    Guys, come out and read some poems for autumn.


    1.Spun around me

    The rain of leaves is mischievous.

    How good he is!

    Where else can you find something like this?

    Without end and without beginning?

    I began to dance under it,

    We danced like friends -

    Rain of leaves and me.

    2. Autumn is coming

    In our park

    Gives autumn

    Gifts for everyone:

    Red beads - Rowan,

    Pink apron – Aspen,

    Yellow umbrella - Poplars,

    Autumn gives us fruits.

    4. Indian summer has arrived -

    Days of farewell warmth.

    Warmed by the late sun,

    In the crack the fly came to life.

    Sun! What's more beautiful in the world

    After a chilly day?..

    Gossamer light yarn

    Wrapped around a branch.

    Tomorrow the rain will pour down quickly,

    The sun is obscured by a cloud.

    Silver cobwebs

    There are two or three days left to live.

    Have pity, autumn! Give us light!

    Protect from winter darkness!

    Have pity on us, Indian summer:

    These cobwebs are us.

    5. Autumn gives miracles,

    And what kind!

    The forests are depleted

    Gold hats.

    A crowd sits on a tree stump

    Red honey mushrooms,

    And the spider is such a trickster! –

    The network is pulling somewhere.

    Rain and withered grass

    In the sleepy most of the night

    Incomprehensible words

    They mumble until the morning.

    6.If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

    If the birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

    This time of year is called autumn.

    Autumn: Thank you for the wonderful poems.

    Autumn is rich in harvest. Now we’ll find out what vegetables the parents and children grew.

    After solving the riddles, you will see the answers.

    Riddles about vegetables.

    1. A beautiful maiden sits in prison,

    And the braid is on the street. (Carrot).

    2.No windows, no doors,

    The room is full of people. (Cucumber).

    3. Ermoshka stands on one leg,

    He has a hundred clothes on,

    Not sewn, not cut,

    Everything is scarred. (Cabbage).

    4. I also have feathers,

    But I am neither a bird nor a beast,

    I'm the one for you best friend,

    I'm a simple green... (Onion)

    5.Cheeks are pink, nose is white,

    I sit in the dark all day.

    And the shirt is green,

    She's all in the sun. (Radish)

    6.Under the green bushes

    We sit in balls in the ground. (Potato).

    7.Round, red, tasty, rooted in the ground. (Beet).

    8.Growing in the garden

    Green branches,

    Red kids.

    I grow in the garden.

    And when I mature,

    They cook a tomato from me,

    They put it in cabbage soup

    And that's how they eat. (Tomatoes)

    9. It dried out in the hot sun

    And it bursts out of the pods..? (peas)

    Presenter: Our harvest is good

    Born thickly.

    And carrots and potatoes,

    White cabbage,

    Red tomato.

    Autumn: Only for some time now

    They start an argument.

    Which of them, from vegetables,

    And tastier and more tender?

    Who with all the diseases

    Will everyone be more useful?

    Presenter: So that there are no quarrels there

    Shall we listen to the conversation?

    Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

    Presenter: Our cafe invites everyone to try our signature “cocktail” of comic questions.

    Questions, questions

    Autumn has thrown us

    They ask for answers,

    They fly like leaves.

    Competition "Cocktail of comic questions"

    Presenter: Well, now we suggest you rest.

    Musicians come out and entertain the guests.


    Presenter: Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an “Auction” in our cafe. Autumn - seller, guests-buyers.

    Adults and children play.

    Autumn: I'll show you a fruit or vegetable, you name it and tell me what you can cook from it.

    The last person to speak will take this vegetable (fruit).

    Auction “Vegetables and fruits”

    Presenter: And now, my friends.

    It's time to join the circle

    Let's sing a song in autumn,

    Let's start our own round dance.

    Musical game "Autumn round dance"

    Presenter: Golden leaves are falling and flying,

    Golden leaves cover the garden.

    There are many golden leaves on the paths,

    We will collect them and dress up mom.

    Game "Dress up your tree"

    Presenter: Look, I have

    Rowan sprig.

    And in the basket they are

    Beautiful scarves.

    We'll put it on for girls

    Red scarves-

    There will be our girls

    Just like mountain ash.

    Girls' dance "Ryabinki"

    Presenter: You are generous with treats, Autumn.

    What else can you please our guests with?

    Autumn: I have prepared a signature cake for you. And there is a task in it.

    It is necessary to determine by taste what it is made from.

    Competition “Define the taste”

    Presenter: In our autumn cafe, the next surprise awaits you. And again a gift, but not an easy one. In the candies, you will find the last task, this time it is garden ditties.

    These ditties are a pleasure

    Who wouldn't want to sing into a microphone?

    In the hall now we ask for calm,

    Do not interfere with taking the right tone for them.

    « Autumn ditties"

    Presenter: The ditties sang well, they sang well,

    We would really like everything

    So that you clap for us.

    Autumn: You have fun, friends,

    I'm glad to meet you.

    Songs, dances, good -

    I treat you with all my heart!

    You need nuts, fruits, honey -

    Stay healthy all year round!

    Presenter: Nature is beautiful in autumn,

    Fragile, and sometimes proud.

    Like any time of year,

    Always brings us joy.

    For beauty and for wealth,

    Which can be shared with anyone.

    For your mischievous character, Autumn!

    We all thank you.


    1. “Scenarios for matinees for preschoolers” N.A. Amirova, O.P. Vlysenko.

    2. “Children’s ditties” by I.D. Ageev.

    3. Magazine " Musical director» No. 6 2013

    4. Magazine “Musical Palette” No. 5 2010.

    Frickel Elizaveta Viktorovna

    MBOU Vasilsur Secondary School

    Open extracurricular activity as part of extracurricular activities

    "Cafe" Autumn "

    Time: 14.00 h

    Venue: office primary classes

    Teacher: Lebedeva T.V.

    Present: students of grades 1-4, parents, school director, deputy director for educational work, deputy director for educational work, social teacher, other school teachers.

    The office is designed like a cafe. On the central wall - autumn landscapes in drawings by children, artists, paintings of autumn.

    There are tables served with dishes of vegetables and fruits. In the center of the table is porridge baked in pumpkin.

    different jams.

    Russian folk music “Autumn” sounds. Children and guests enter. They are met by the owner of the cafe (teacher T.V. Lebedeva), greeted, and invited to the cafe.

    The children sit at the tables.

    The children are told that they came to school autumn cafe means they learn something new. The learning task is to learn new words.

    Mistress. Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. I am the seller, you are the buyers. Both parents and children play. I explain the game. I show you an apple and ask what you can make from it. The last person to say it takes the apple for himself.

    . (after the apple at the auction there are potatoes and carrots).

    Children are very active, parents help. The game is very lively, fun and noisy.

    Presenter. Our auction is over, we can dance.

    The dance “Autumn” is performed by the dance group “Shoe”

    Mistress. Our holiday continues. Today in our cafe there is a tasting of dishes prepared by your parents. What is tasting? (Children's answers are listened to first.) Then it is summed up:

    Tasting is the determination by several people of the taste and quality of a product. But we know that your mothers and our cooks cook very tasty food, so we will check what products (vegetables, fruits, berries) this dish is prepared from.

    The hostess calls for those interested. The dish (jam) that needs to be tasted stands on a separate table in the center of the room. There are clean spoons and forks nearby. Those who wish come out in groups of three, take a spoon, taste it and say out loud what the jam is made from. If you don't recognize them, the next three are called.

    (Music is playing, all the children want to try the jam, it’s very fun).

    Presenter. Autumn is rich in harvest, you have reaped a rich harvest from your gardens, and our chefs have prepared excellent dishes. Moms also tried to please you with delicious drinks and salads.

    First-graders prepared a project on the theme “Autumn dish.” We invite you to see what they have prepared.

    First-graders go out to music and dance in chef costumes.

    The cafe “waiters” bring them dishes, and the children tell them how they prepared them.

    Mikhailychev Zh. talks about vinaigrette, Krasilnikov N. presents the “Vitamin” carrot salad.

    Kosov S. and Kosov V. offer “Charlotte of Vasilsurskaya”. The boys present their dish, demonstrating each stage of preparation, talking about everything in poetic form.

    Mistress. Well done, you did a great job and have fun. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk!”

    Let's sum up today's holiday.

    Who liked the holiday? (Everyone liked it)

    What new did you learn? (the word is tasting-).

    The hostess brings in the pie.


    And here are the pies for tea! Help yourself.

    Everyone tries charlotte, pumpkin porridge, vinaigrette, salads, apples, compote.

    Tea party with parents from everything prepared.

    self-analysis of the event.

    I have created conditions for self-realization of students, I have correctly and clearly chosen the content, forms and methods of achieving their goals. Very positive behavior of children and their parents was ensured, both of them showed great interest in the event. The actions of the teacher and students were clearly coordinated. The event is aimed at improving the general culture of students and their parents, namely, correcting behavior and developing the speech culture of students.

    The children were very interested in the event, showed their independence and initiative, which contributes to the development of self-government skills. At this holiday they tried to show feelings of comradely mutual assistance and interaction with each other.

    The celebration took the form of a report on work on the topic “ Project activities"and on the teacher’s work on the development of communication as one of the main universal educational activities.

    This event was highly appreciated by parents, guests and students present.

    All children and parents enter the hall to the music and dance together.

    Ved.- Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the Autumn cafe.

    Today in our hall

    We, friends, have gathered you,

    So that on our autumn holiday

    Children's laughter would ring out.

    So that friendship does not end,

    So that the music sounds

    For songs and jokes

    There would be enough for everyone.

    We are glad to meet you again as a guest in our cozy room and talk about autumn. Autumn is rich in its gifts, the gold of the forests, generous with gifts. For this we love and praise the beautiful autumn in poems and songs. (The teacher invites the children to tell poems about autumn.)

    1 child Autumn is a glorious time,

    Children love autumn.

    Plums, pears, grapes -

    Everything is ripe for the guys.

    2 reb. There is also a harvest in the garden,

    Collect whatever you want.

    There are carrots and salad,

    Onions in the garden, sweet peppers,

    And a whole row of cabbage.

    3 reb. And outside the window today is autumn.

    She came so slowly,

    In a scarlet dress and earrings

    So fabulous and good!

    Ved.- Guys, do you know a song about autumn? Let's sing it in a round dance, let our guests listen.

    • Song "Round Dance of Autumn" collection. Bell No. 30

    Ved.- What a delicious song the guys sang just now. And in our cafe you will also be treated to a treat, but a little later. In the meantime, guess our riddles. (The teacher asks the children riddles, attracting parents)

    • Puzzles: Name a mustachioed vegetable? (Peas)

    Which vegetables have a red nose? (carrots, beets)

    Why don't they put Parsley in cabbage soup? (Toy)

    What vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (Peas)

    And now, welcome, they have come to visit us... However, they will introduce themselves.

    • Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

    Girl ved.- How many different vegetables

    They argue about who is more important than whom.

    Carrot - Answer me honestly

    I don't need your flattery.

    The main vegetable is the carrot,

    I jump into your mouth deftly.

    I contain vitamin

    Very necessary carotene.

    Garlic - Don't boast about carotene,

    I have the flu and a sore throat,

    From various colds, illnesses,

    Eat me, there will be no pain.

    Beet - Don't trust garlic, children.

    He is the most bitter in the world,

    I, the beetroot, am simply a miracle,

    So blush and beautiful.

    You will eat beets,

    All the blood will be purified.

    Carrot- Is all the blood cleansed?

    My main vegetable is carrots.

    Dev-Ved. Here comes the cucumber

    He came to them unexpectedly.

    Cucumber - What, you don't need a cucumber?

    Without me, well, what kind of dinner?

    And in pickle soup and salad.

    Everyone is happy with a cucumber.

    Cabbage - I am the thickest cabbage

    Without me there will be no cabbage soup,

    Borsch, salad and vinaigrette,

    They love to eat it for lunch.

    And then remember, children,

    The main vegetable in my diet.

    Zucchini- I'm a pot-bellied zucchini,

    I rested myself in a barrel.

    I'm going to visit today

    And I’ll hug the cabbage. (For group 2)

    Pepper- And about pepper, friends,

    Have you forgotten? - It's me.

    Look how good I am, everyone

    Where else can you find one like this?

    And a whole range of vitamins,

    After all, I am useful, they say. (For group 2.)

    Tomato - Stop this stupid argument

    The most important thing is the tomato.

    Handsome, no matter where,

    I'm not a vegetable, but a star!

    Dev Ved- And the potatoes are so modest,

    Didn't say a word

    But everyone needs potatoes,

    Both big and small.

    Ved.- This debate can be continued for a very long time, but we know very well that all vegetables are important and healthy. Which means they should be friends. I invite you, vegetables, to the dance of friendship.

    • Dance of vegetables. Music from the film. "Mustachioed nanny."

    A cloud child appears with a watering can (without water) and waters the hall. The first verse of the song “Evil Cloud” is played.

    Ved.- Cloud, cloud, what are you pouring?

    Rain on the paths?

    There will be puddles all around here,

    We'll get our feet wet.

    Tuchka - I have to water everything

    To irrigate the land.

    You can't go anywhere without me,

    It will always rain!

    Ved.- Apparently you can't wait out the rain,

    Let's go for a walk anyway.

    I'll give everyone an umbrella

    And we are not afraid of rain.

    • Dance with umbrellas.

    Ved.- Attention, attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. Children and parents play. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you tell me how it is useful. Who can name more? useful properties, he will receive it as a gift.

    • Auction.

    Ved.- The auction is over. And now I invite the musicians to a merry dance.

    • Dance "Merry dance" under. gr.
    • Dance “A Little Man with an Accordion” Art. gr.

    Ved.- Oh yes, well done guys, you made us laugh.

    The holiday can continue

    The harvest in the forest has ripened,

    Everyone takes baskets.

    What are we going to collect?

    On forest paths?

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28"

    Autumn holiday scenario

    for pre-school children

    "Forest Fair"



    first qualification category

    Lytenkova L.I.

    Bodunova E.N.

    music director

    highest qualification category

    Korovina O.S.



    Goals and objectives:

    To promote the development of children's musical and aesthetic taste and feelings,

    enrich artistic ideas about autumn;

    continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other;

    create a festive atmosphere.





    Animals - squirrel, bear, fox, hare, wolf,

    Vegetables - peppers, beets, tomatoes, onions, turnips, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots

    Mosquito, girls - leaves

    The progress of the holiday

    Children enter dancing to the music of “Autumn Waltz”, music. T. Petrova

    Line up in a semicircle

    Leading: Guys, we are in autumn forest. Do you know who is the keeper of the forest?

    Children: Lesovichok

    Leading: That's right guys. And here Lesovichok meets us.

    Lesovichok: Hello guys. I was waiting for you in my autumn forest.

    Autumn walks through the forests,

    He walks and smiles.

    Just like in a fairy tale, here and there,

    All colors change.

    1 child: Katya K.

    If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
    If the birds flew to a distant land,
    If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
    This time of year is called autumn!
    2nd child: Ilya G.

    Autumn has painted golden leaves.

    And she colored the viburnum berries red.

    The autumn sun gives little warmth.

    Migratory birds fly away to the south.

    3rd child: Julia G.
    Autumn paints groves and forests with gold,
    Farewell bird voices are heard
    The scarlet and yellow leaves are torn by the wind,
    A colorful round dance circles and circles in the air.

    4th child: Seva B.

    Outside the window the breeze is having fun

    Either he will jump, or he will hide,

    And the leaves run along the path,

    Like yellow mice and cats.

    Song "Don't be sad"

    m knot G. Drop, lyrics. M. Mirnaya and A. Smirnova

    5th child: Alisa Sh.

    After summer comes autumn.

    The wind sings yellow songs to her,

    He lays red foliage under his feet,

    A white snowflake flies into the blue.

    7th child: Matvey P.

    I’m not at all sad to walk in the kindergarten,

    I want to pick up colorful leaves.

    Raindrops are falling from the sky

    Golden autumn, I love you!

    8th child: Angelina T.

    The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly

    Aspen dresses became gold

    The sun blushes the groves and forests

    Song "__________________________"

    Children garden

    Lesovichok , please sit down in my cafe

    I repaired my house

    I opened a cafe there.

    And rumor spread in the forest

    Businessman - that's me!

    I was waiting for you all to visit,

    I've picked up some cones and leaves.

    Autumn is a wonderful time

    There will be a holiday, kids.

    My cafe is not simple - it’s autumn. Therefore, today all songs, games, dances and competitions will be dedicated to this time of year.

    Lesovichok: In autumn I become so romantic and thoughtful. I really want poetry... Do you know poems about autumn?

    Presenter: Of course, Lesovichok, our guys know poems about autumn, and now they will read them.



    Autumn looked into the garden,

    The birds have flown away

    There is noise in the garden all day long

    Yellow snowstorms.


    Autumn paints gold

    Groves and forests,

    Farewells are heard


    Scarlet and yellow

    The wind tears the leaves,

    Spinning, spinning in the air

    Motley round dance.

    Lesovichok: Well done! You made the old man happy. Can you solve riddles? Well, let's check it now. I prepared the most delicious treat, for which you must guess everything. If you don’t guess, I’ll keep it for myself. Oh, what am I saying, I’m kind, not greedy. Here are my riddles for you:

    I emerge from the garden

    I'm growing smartly.

    Eat me up guys

    Redhead... (carrot)

    The hedgehog was surprised in the field:

    “Here’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”

    And the little bunny gobbled it up with a crunch

    Delicious... (cabbage)

    He warms his side in the sun,

    Gives us tomato juice, people have loved it for a long time,

    Red, ripe... (tomato)

    They're a pod, a beloved home

    Good for the brothers in it!

    Every brother is green and smooth,

    Each ball is delicious and sweet.


    Lesovichok: All my riddles have been solved, here's a treat for you!

    (takes out a plate of rowan berries, acorns, cones, leaves, etc.)

    Eat, help yourself, everything is fresh, the shells are fat, I just picked them up. Well, take it...

    Presenter: We don’t like this treat Lesovichok. We don't eat pine cones or leaves. We eat healthy foods: fruits, vegetables. Here we will show you a skit about one of them.

    Scene "Vegetable Garden"

    Characters:reader, mosquito, tomato, cucumber, carrot,

    Pepper, Onion, Beetroot, Turnip, Zucchini

    Reader 1: This is how everything has ripened in our garden!

    Say: “Thank you!” Russian nature.

    The labors are not wasted, the harvest is ripe,

    Run to the garden and pick it!

    Reader 2: Fat important zucchini

    Fell over on his side, (baby Zucchini comes out and lies down)

    Growing up, lying under the sun,

    And the skin hardened.

    A mosquito flew up to him...

    Mosquito: Oh oh oh! What a nightmare!

    You're so huge

    Thick, heavy!

    How many more days to grow?

    After all, you can’t be carried away!

    Leading: Zucchini in response...

    Zucchini: I have no secrets

    I'm growing and swelling

    I have to go to the kitchen! (rises).

    Tomato: I, guys, am Tomato,

    Your overheard the conversation,

    And at the speech of Komar

    I will say: it’s time for me too!

    I've outgrown and overripe

    Where was my master looking?

    Cheeks squeeze nose

    I feel sorry for myself to the point of tears!

    Cucumber: Well done tomato!

    I heard your older brother

    Yesterday I said that you are a “tomato”.

    And since there is a second name -

    Then you are probably the boss here!

    Pepper: And about Perchik, friends,

    Have you forgotten? - It's me!

    Look how good I am, everyone!

    And where else can you find one like this?

    And there’s a whole range of vitamins,

    And I'm useful, they say!

    Carrot: And I, my friends, are Carrots!

    It is clear to everyone without further ado,

    After all, not even a day goes by

    So that they don't throw me into the soup.

    Children happily chew

    I'll just hit the tooth

    Carrots are needed everywhere and everywhere,

    For any holiday dish!

    Cabbage: And it’s not in vain that I crunch a leaf,

    I am in a complex dish and in a simple one,

    I am for borscht and salad,

    I'm rich in vitamins!

    Onion: Let me! I'm wearing a fur coat, Luk!

    And I treat any ailment!

    Who's undressing me?

    He sheds tears.

    I will destroy all germs

    Don't be afraid of bitterness, try it!

    Beet: Have you forgotten about Beetroot?

    People have been speculating about her for a long time.

    I am a tanned beetroot,

    Both bright and ripe.

    I'm tired of looking under the sun,

    It's time to bake in the oven!

    Turnip: I am a small turnip,

    And with you it’s easy and simple for me.

    I found my friends here

    And it became more fun together!

    I've been asking to go to the kitchen for a long time -

    I can fit in any saucepan,

    And bake until red hot!

    I am amazingly delicious!

    In turn: Since we gathered together today,

    We will not stand still!

    Let's all stand in a circle

    And let’s take the first step:

    First to the right and forward,

    And then - vice versa!


    (children sit down)

    Lesovichok: (Claps to the artists). Bravo!!! Bis!!! Even I couldn’t have played better, well done artists. Oh, it looks like someone is coming here, isn't it Autumn? (starts to preen).

    Autumn comes to the music


    Hello my friends!

    I came to you for the holiday!

    I dressed everything up,

    The dark forest has been enriched!

    It became as bright as day,

    The leaves there are burning with fire!


    Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to see you!After all, it’s so beautiful in autumn, the trees are so elegant, and how many delicious gifts you bring us.

    Autumn: I see, I see, you know how to read poetry and sing songs, but how about dancing?
    Children: we can!

    Autumn days, There are large puddles in the garden,

    The last leaves, The cold wind is circling.

    Dance with leaves (autumn twigs)

    Autumn: Well done! Guys, let me play with you. Let me see if you know what grows in the garden?
    Is cabbage growing in the garden? - Yes!
    Does a tomato always turn red? - Yes!
    Are the onions turning green in the garden? - Yes!
    Are potatoes ripening in the garden? - Yes!
    And on the grass, like on a pillow,
    Is the green frog growing? - No!
    Do you have any sweet peppers in your garden? - Yes!
    And the zucchini grows in the garden? - Yes!
    Are the carrots lined up in a row? - Yes!
    Does chocolate grow in the garden beds? - No!
    Are dill, beans, peas growing? - Yes!
    Growing up a big and angry bulldog? - No.

    Gifted by the guest - Autumn

    Fruit harvests,

    drizzling rains,

    A body of forest mushrooms!

    So let's praise Autumn

    Song, dance and games!

    The meetings will be joyful,

    Autumn, this is your holiday!


    Well, quickly get into the circle,

    Sing a song together!

    Round dance "Autumn-Golden" (Line up in a semicircle)

    (2 children go to the middle of the hall, recite poems)

    1. Today with a blue wing

    A cloud covered the garden.

    And the droplets are transparent

    They hang on the leaves.

    And we go under an umbrella,

    Stomping through the puddles,

    The trees are getting wet, poor ones,

    But they cannot be helped.

    2. It’s raining down the street,

    Wet road

    Lots of drops on the glass

    And there's a little heat.

    Like autumn mushrooms

    We carry umbrellas

    Because it's outside

    Autumn has come.

    Song "Rain"

    (children sit on chairs)


    The rain listened to the song,

    Stopped dripping in puddles.

    The rain ran away behind the forest,

    The sun looks from the sky,

    We'll go to the fair

    And we'll invite all our friends.

    The song "Fair" is playing


    Here we have a forest market:

    Animals sell goods.

    There are jokes and laughter -

    Enough joy for everyone!

    You choose your purchases,

    Play with the animals!

    Several girls approach Belka, talk, look at the beads, and try them on.


    Belka, Belka, make friends!

    We really need beads.

    But what is the price for them?

    Dear, tell me?


    No, the price is not expensive:

    You must play with me.

    Let's play - and I'll give you

    I'll give you the beads right away!

    Children : Okay, squirrel, hands down!

    Game “Sort out the cones and nuts”

    (2 teams of 5 people, 2 baskets, 5 cones, 5 nuts) At the end of the game


    Come here! Come here!

    Look at the mushrooms.

    I typed them myself

    And she brought it to the market.

    Wonderful product -

    Forests are a valuable, generous gift!


    Yes, mushrooms are just awesome!

    Will you charge us dearly?


    Expensive? I ask for a song

    So as not to sit still.

    Children: Well, the price suits us,

    We will pay in full!

    Autumn ditties


    Come to me quickly!

    I worked all summer

    Weaving baskets for the fair.

    For mushrooms and stone fruits,

    For raspberries and lingonberries.

    Buy, don't skimp,

    Pay with honor!

    A group of children approaches the Bear. Examine the baskets and their contents. One child points to a rowan tree.


    Are these rowan berries?

    How beautiful they are!


    There are countless vitamins in them!

    You can eat them with sugar!

    How much does your product cost?


    This is a gift for your dexterity:

    You will dance with me,

    This is the only way to please me!

    Dance-game on wooden spoons to Russian folk music. "From Under the Oak"


    Do more sports

    And eat some mountain ash.

    You will be strong like me.

    Thank you for the dance, friends!

    2 The boy approaches the Hare's counter. He's hiding in fear


    Vegetables! But what a shame:

    Somehow the seller is not visible!

    We would like to buy everything

    But who should pay here?

    Come out quickly, Bunny,

    Get out from behind the tree!

    Hush, hush, don't tremble,

    Show everyone your product!

    The hare looks out and, emboldened, goes out.

    Hare (boastfully):

    How good is my product!

    You really won't find anything better!

    And cabbage and carrots

    I'm a thief. Oh!

    I grow smart!


    What a Hare! Braggart!

    And a well-known coward!

    “Scary” music sounds and the Wolf bursts into the clearing. All the animals hide in fear.

    Wolf: Why are you silent like mice?

    Whose cones hang on the Christmas trees?

    Whose mushrooms grow in the forest?

    I'm the boss here!

    Who called you all here?

    For me, you are all food! ( The wolf growls)

    Autumn: Don't growl, gray wolf,

    We are not afraid of you

    And to the forest fair

    I called the guys!

    Wolf (sarcastically): Why did you call them?

    Autumn: They are cheerful, they can sing and dance.

    Wolf: Yes, I can dance too. And if they ask, I’ll sing it! (

    Howls: “Oooh)

    Autumn: Is there anything else you can do?

    Wolf: I know a lot of riddles.

    I’ll tell you about them now.

    Autumn: Make a wish! Children love to play riddles.

    Wolf: Under the pine tree by the path

    *Who is standing among the grass?

    There is a leg, but no boots,

    There is a hat, but there is no head. (Fungus)

    *In a hanging cradle

    In summer, the resident sleeps in the forest.

    A motley autumn will come -

    It will get on your teeth. (Nut)

    *Autumn has come to the forest,

    The red torch was lit.

    Blackbirds scurry in the flames

    And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan bunches)

    Autumn thanks the Wolf for the fun and asks him to stay at the holiday.

    Lesovichok: Entertainment is, of course, good. But I need helpers in my cafe. For example, chefs...

    Presenter: You just to the address, our guys are good at distinguishing fruits from vegetables, and now they will prepare you borscht and compote.

    Game “Cook borscht and compote”


    We had a lot of fun

    We danced and frolicked

    And now it's time

    Let's say goodbye, friends!

    I grew apples in the garden for you, kids.

    I give you these apples and thank you for everything:

    (hands out apples)

    Ved: Let's say, children, to Lesovik for his wonderful cafe, to Autumn for the gifts - thank you!

    Children: Thank you!

    Lesovichok: Goodbye guys, I'm waiting for you in next year in my cafe.

    Children go to the music

    Autumn: Goodbye friends! Until next year!

    (to the music of “Autumn Song” by P. I. Tchaikovsky leaves the hall)

    Entertainment on autumn theme V kindergarten. Script for senior group. Cafe "Osenneye"

    Integration educational areas: “Music”, “Cognition”, “ Physical Culture", "Health".
    Target: expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

    Tasks: consolidate song and dance skills, ideas about vegetables, and the characteristics of the autumn period.

    Planned results: shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises, sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; the child has developed the skills and abilities necessary to implement various types children's activities.
    Contents of organized activities

    Leading. Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the cafe. Today is our harvest festival. And the hostess at this holiday will, of course, be Queen Autumn.

    Autumn enters with a retinue of vegetables and sings the song “Yellow Leaves.”
    (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Shaferan).

    Autumn. Hello guys! We are very glad to attend your harvest festival. I didn't come alone. I am accompanied by my faithful subjects, vegetables. Now they will introduce themselves to you.

    Vegetables tell riddles.
    Curious red nose
    Rooted into the ground up to the top
    They just hang out in the garden
    Green heels. (Carrot)

    There is a green hook on the fence,
    There is a chest hanging on a hook.
    There are five guys in the chest
    They sit quietly next to each other.
    Suddenly the chest crumbled -
    Everyone scattered around. (Peas)

    There was a green fruit
    Didn't want to be put in my mouth.

    They put him in a bed -
    He changed his clothes:
    Put on the red one
    Ripe for food. (Tomato)

    Red, not viburnum
    Bitter, not aspen.
    Round, not a basket,
    There is a tail, not a cat. (Radish)

    Leading. And now we can all sing together.

    Song “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

    Autumn. We invite everyone to the competition. I’ll ask ten people to come out and divide into two teams.

    Leading. Remember what flowers you know. The team that names the most color names will win.

    Flower garden competition
    Leading. We invite teams for an attraction game.

    Game “Called yourself a load, get into the back!”
    Leading. The hoop is the “body”, you guys are the “milk breasts”. Now let's see which milk mushrooms will get into their body faster. When the music starts, the first “mughead” runs up to the hoop, flies through it, puts the hoop in place and runs after the next “museum”, with whom they run together, also fly through the hoop, then run after the third “mask”, etc. d.

    Autumn. The winning team receives Golden Kingdom prizes (shows potatoes).

    Leading. Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. I am the seller that you are the buyers. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you name a dish that can be prepared from it. Whoever has the last name of the dish takes the vegetable or fruit for himself.

    Car auction “Recipes”.

    Autumn. The auction is over, but you can dance.

    Dance “Sunflowers”.

    Leading. Now let's play the game “Ten Words”. Two people are invited. On command, the players take turns taking ten steps, and for each step they say the name of a vegetable or fruit!

    Game “Ten Words”

    Leading. Now we find out the name of the best cook in our cafe. To do this you need to choose two pairs. There are vegetables on the tables, from which you must prepare any dish and come up with a name for it.

    Competition “Smak”.

    Leading. While our chefs are working and inventing an unusually tasty dish, we will listen to a song.

    Song “Cossacks” (music and lyrics by O. Stupina).

    Leading. I suggest stretching and playing. Get ready, be careful! If I name a vegetable that grows on the surface of the earth, such as pepper, you stand up full height. If I name a vegetable that grows in the ground, such as potatoes, you have to squat down.

    Game "Vegetable Garden".

    Autumn. Let's sum up the results of our culinary competition.

    Tasting of dishes.

    Leading. Hello autumn, paints were spread at the edge of the forest,
    I quietly ran a brush across the larch
    The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,
    The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.
    Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,
    Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

    Song “Walk together with joy” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).