Scenario of the holiday “How Emelya made Princess Nesmeyana laugh during Maslenitsa week. “Let’s make Nesmeyana laugh” material (senior group) on the topic Who made Princess Nesmeyana laugh in a fairy tale

Scenario for April Fool's entertainment "Let's make Nesmeyana laugh."

Compiled by teacher Reshtanenko I.N. according to Internet resources.

Introduction. Two clowns in comic outfits run out.

Bom :-“Hey, hi Bim! »

Bim: - “Hello Bom! »

They greet the guys in chorus: “Hello, guys! »

Bom : - “Bim, what is that on your nose? "(pulls Bim's nose)

Bim : - "What do you mean where? "(trying to look at the nose)

(Bom laughs at this time)

Bom: - “Bim, look, your pants are torn. »

Bim : - "Where where? "(trying to look)

Bom laughs: “I don’t trust anyone on the first of April! »

Bim : - “And, what is the First of April? »

Bom: - “You don’t know what April Fools’ Day is? This is a day of jokes and laughter, on this day you should joke and have fun! "(jumps and jumps in place) "Guys, do you like to joke and laugh?

Clowns sing a funny song:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,

They beat the porridge with a hammer,

They beat and beat, didn’t bother,

We washed it down with milk.

The table is set for the king,

It's poured into a saucer for the cat,

And the pig in her trough,

Bon appetit.

Bon appetit.

Grandfather and woman ate porridge,

Once upon a time there lived a hammer

They ate and drank, did not grieve,

We washed it down with milk.

Bim: - “Oh, how fun this is!” (Spins and dances).

Bom: - “You know, Bim, there is one girl who doesn’t laugh at all and doesn’t know how to joke, she’s sad all the time. »

Bim : - "Quite quite? And there’s no way to cheer her up?

Bom: - “I think we should try it, what do you guys think? »

A girl sits by the window to sad music and is bored.

Clowns approach the girl.

Bim: - “Girl, what’s your name? »

Girl: - “Nesmeyana”

Bom: - “What is that on your nose? "(tugs nose)

The girl starts crying and leaves.

Bim : - “Yes, it’s not so easy to cope with here, only magic will help. »

Bom: - “Hey friends, come out to help, we’ll make Nesmeyan happy. - Do you guys like laughter, fun, jokes? Do you like to play? Now we'll find out!

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am! So!

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?


What about the baskets?

Who loves cake?

What about ice cream?

What about chocolate?

What about marmalade?

And who loves treasure?

What about the slaps?

Who loves sunbathing?

Who likes to scream?

Swimming in a muddy puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves to sing and dance?

What about playing?

Well, then let's play, kids.

Nesmeyana sits on a chair and watches the children's performances.

Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,

Dimples, lumps;

All day until night

Smile your cheeks!

Vasin's dad is very proud

Because Vasya loves sports!

That sport is called -

"Who can eat mom's cake faster"

The chicken took the comb

Come on, I'll do my hair.

And then I'll buy perfume

To attract roosters!

Bom: - “Yes, not an easy task. Next number"

Guys, let's make funny faces at her?

Competition "Funny Faces"

And Nesmeyana cries even more.

Bom: “You know, Bim, what a bad girl we got! »

Maybe I should sing ditties for her?

Comic ditties

Oh, girlfriends, ditties

We'll sing today.

Let them remember for all the years,

How joyfully we live.

I painted it myself

Black paint blanket.

The red cat slept on it -

Became a striped tiger.

Vova was lazy in the morning

Comb your hair

A cow approached him.

She combed her tongue.

Allah is at the table today

I dozed off at the plate

Pinocchio sat down with her

I ate compote and porridge.

Smoky pan

Julia cleaned with sand.

Two hours in Yulya's trough

Grandma washed it afterwards.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad

And now we would like -

So that you clap!

Nesmeyana is crying.

Bim : - “Well, how can I cheer her up? Let's guys play some fun games?

Game "Who will laugh who?"

Game "Catch the Tiger by the Tail"

Game "Sack Run" (bags without bottom)

Game “Jumping on balls.

Nesmeyana laughs.

Bom: - Well, our princess laughed.

Nesmeyana : - Thank you guys, I have so much fun with you. I don’t want you to call me Unlaughable. Now call me Laughter and come visit me again.

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Just think how great God’s light is! Rich and poor people live in it, and there is room for all of them, and the Lord looks after and judges them all. The luxurious live and celebrate; the miserable live and work; everyone has their share!

In the royal chambers, in the princely palaces, in the high tower, Princess Nesmeyana adorned herself. What a life she had, what freedom, what luxury! There is a lot of everything, everything the soul wants; but she never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

It was bitter for the king-father to look at his sad daughter. He opens his royal chambers to everyone who wishes to be his guest.

“Let them,” he says, “try to cheer up Princess Nesmeyana; whoever succeeds will have her as his wife.

As soon as he said this, the people at the prince’s gate began to boil! They are coming and going from all sides - princes and princes, boyars and nobles, regimental and ordinary; The feasts began, the honey flowed - the princess still did not laugh.

At the other end, an honest worker lived in his corner; In the mornings he cleaned the yard, in the evenings she grazed the cattle, and was in constant labor. Its owner is a rich man, truthful, and did not offend him with money. The year had just ended, he put a bag of money on his table:

Take it, he says, as much as you want!

And he himself walked through the door and walked out.

The worker comes to the table and thinks: how can I not sin before God by not giving extra for my work? He chose just one piece of money, squeezed it into a fistful, and decided to drink some water, bent down into the well - the money rolled out and sank to the bottom.

The poor man was left with nothing to do with it. Someone else in his place would have cried, groaned and folded his hands in frustration, but he didn’t.

Everything, he says, God sends; God knows who to give what: who he gives money to, and who he takes away from whom. Apparently, I didn’t work hard, I didn’t work hard, but now I’ll become more diligent!

And back to work - every task in his hands burns with fire!

The term ended, another year passed, the owner put a bag of money on his table:

Take, he says, as much as your heart desires!

And he himself walked through the door and walked out.

The worker again thinks, so as not to anger God, not to give extra for the work; took the money, went to get a drink and accidentally let it slip out of his hands - the money fell into the well and drowned.

He set to work even more diligently: he didn’t get enough sleep at night, he didn’t eat enough during the day. Look: whose bread dries out and turns yellow, but his owner’s bread is in disarray; whose brute's legs are twisted and he is kicked along the street; whose horses are being dragged downhill, but he can’t even be held back by the reins. The owner knew who to thank and who to say thank you to.

The term is over, the third year has passed, he has a lot of money on the table:

Take, worker, as much as your heart desires; your work, yours and money!

And he walked out.

The worker again takes one piece of money, goes to the well to drink water - and lo and behold: the last money is intact, and the previous two have floated up. He picked them up and guessed that God had rewarded him for his efforts; he was delighted and thought: “It’s time for me to look around the world and recognize people!”

I thought and went wherever my eyes led me. He walks through the field, a mouse runs:

Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me some money; I will be useful to you myself! Gave her money. Walking through the forest, a beetle crawls:

I gave him money too. Swam along the river and met a catfish:

Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me some money; I will be useful to you myself!

He didn’t refuse him either; he gave him the last one.

He came to the city himself; there are people, there are doors! The worker looked around, turned in all directions, and didn’t know where to go. And in front of him stand the royal chambers, decorated with silver and gold, and Princess Nesmeyana sits at the window and looks straight at him. Where to go? His vision became clouded, sleep came over him, and he fell straight into the mud.

Wherever a catfish with a big mustache came from, followed by an old bug, a haircut mouse; everyone came running. They look after and please: the mouse takes off her dress, the beetle cleans her boots, the catfish drives away flies.

Princess Nesmeyana looked and looked at their services and laughed.

Who, who cheered up my daughter? - asks the king. He says: I; other: I.

No! - said Princess Nesmeyana. - There's this man! - And pointed to the employee.

He immediately went to the palace, and the worker became a fine fellow in front of the royal face! The king kept his royal word; what he promised, he gave.

I say: didn’t the worker dream about this? They assure that no, the real truth happened - so you have to believe.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a King. And the King had a daughter, Princess Nesmeyana. She grieved all the time, cried and never smiled once since birth. The Princess turned 16 years old - it was time to marry her off. But the Princess did not look at anyone. Then the King issued a decree: “Get together all princes from all kingdoms-states. Whoever makes the Princess-daughter laugh will be her husband, my successor.”
Overseas princes, princes and princes began to arrive. Feasts and fun began in the Castle. Everyone brought a funny act with them, staged entire omic performances, circus performances. The whole Castle, young and old, laughed from morning until late at night...
But only the Princess was silent and from time to time small tears rolled from her eyes...
So more than one month passed in joy. Many princes, princes and queens asked for the hand of the beautiful Princess, but she never smiled, and everyone returned home with nothing.
There was not a single prince, not a single prince or prince in the whole world who did not try to cheer up the Princess. The laughter in the Castle stopped. Then the King issued a new decree: “Noble and rich people of the whole world! Come to my Castle. Whoever makes my daughter laugh will be her husband, my successor.”
There is noise and commotion in the Castle again. Laughter and fun. Princes and boyars, marquises and barons, merchants and clergy - everyone came to entertain the royal daughter. But the Princess was still silent, sad and crying.
The performances lasted a long time, but not a single noble and rich applicant remained in the Castle - everyone went home with nothing.
The third time the King issued a decree: “Whoever makes my daughter Princess Nesmeyana laugh will become her husband and my successor.”
What started here in the Castle! Circus performers and acrobats, actors and comedians and just merry people began to arrive. The world has never seen such grandiose performances! But the Princess was still silent and sad.
Once upon a time there lived a Peasant. He worked in the field from dawn to dusk, grew grain, and in the fall he took the grain to the Castle and stayed there until early spring, until the sowing season - after all, everyone is interested in seeing performances. But the Peasant looked not only at princes and circus performers: he was very fond of the one who was sad and silent all the time. Her white face and blond hair, her majestic figure and immobility reminded him of those mountains that are visible from his field and from behind which the Sun rises.
So the flow of commoners began to thin out. Many left for home, saying: “This Marble statue should not be laughing!”
Again in the fall the Peasant brought bread to the Castle. And he came to the palace square to admire what was popularly called the Marble Statue.
But there were no people playing and having fun, and there was no Princess on her balcony. The Peasant thought, the Princess truly laughed and gave her away in marriage. He then went to the right wing of the Castle, to where the Princess’s chambers were, in the hope of seeing her smile. But in the windows he could not see her, he could not hear her voice, and, sad and almost crying, he wandered through the garden... Suddenly, in the gazebo among the flowers, he saw the one who was still sitting like a marble statue, pale and sad.
“Why are you sitting here alone again, quiet and sad? Doesn’t your husband make you laugh every day?”
“No... no one could make me laugh... But what are you doing in my garden?” - asked the Princess, a little embarrassed, - after all, before that she had never spoken to anyone except her father and nannies - her cheeks were covered with a light blush.
"ABOUT! your cheeks turned pink, like the tops of those snow-white mountains that are visible from my field in the early morning when the Sun rises. But the mountains are still not as beautiful as you. Is it really me who made your cheeks rosy like the sun?”
“Yes you are...” the Princess said even more embarrassed. “But I have never seen how the snow-white mountains turn pink when the Sun, like you, appears at the appointed hour...”
"Come with me! I'll show them to you!" - the Peasant exclaimed, surprised - what he saw every day, what gives him strength and courage to do his business and live without grieving, is unknown to the Princess.
He took her hand. They walked all day and night, without stopping, without talking, only squeezing each other’s hands more and more tightly. Before dawn we reached the field. He sat her down on a haystack facing east.
Meanwhile, the Castle became alarmed when they noticed the disappearance of the Princess. The king sent messengers in all directions. They found out that the Princess had gone to the Snowy Peaks. The king himself went in pursuit of his daughter...
And the Sun was already waking up - a new day was beginning!
From the first rays, the tops of the mountains turned pink, like the Princess’s cheeks at that moment in the garden. The sun rose slowly, painting the entire horizon pink. It rose higher and higher, becoming lighter all around. The mountains burst into flames, turned gilded and scattered with golden sparks. The birds woke up and sang a song glorifying the new day and the Sun that brought it.
Then the Peasant looked at the Princess - she was smiling! She smiled like a child, rejoicing at the new day, the singing of birds and the fact that next to her was he, her Sun, the one who, at the sunrise of their friendship, made her cheeks pink, like snowy peaks...
The King arrived. He barely recognized his daughter: her clothes, her regal posture, but her face was no longer marble-sad - it shone with a smile of happiness and shone with the golden rays of a new life! Her eyes, which had been shedding only tears for so long, radiated love. The princess was always beautiful, but now she has become simply dazzling. Next to her was he, her Sun, the one who kindled the flame of life in her, Like the Sun lights a new day.
The king hugged his daughter, hugged her lover - for the first time, and he understood what happiness was!
Soon they had a wedding, which was celebrated for more than one day - everyone wanted to see this couple, because the rumor about their sunny, radiant love flew all over the world. People who saw them sitting next to each other and shining like two Suns were transformed and became kinder and more joyful. The palace did not shake with laughter - no! He glowed with golden love, for which there were no barriers. Oh, how much more pleasant it was to be there now than in those “funny times.” After all, now they smiled from the happiness that burned in their hearts. From endless heavenly love!..

Scenario “Princess Nesmeyana”

(The game “Show the answer” is played)

Storyteller: Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles! And today, I invited you to visit for a reason, I want to tell you very an interesting fairy tale! Want to listen?
Well, then put your ears on top of your heads,
Listen carefully.
I'll tell you a story
Very wonderful!

(Music sounds)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
A fairy tale is knocking on our door,
Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in!”

(Music sounds)

Once upon a time there lived a princess.
The princess is not easy, she is so capricious!
It was obvious from everything -
I don't know why-
No one will please her
Everything is roaring and screaming!

(A scream and cry is heard from behind the scenes. Nesmeyana appears and cries)

Nesmeyana: I don’t want to wash my hands!
I don't want to eat!
I'll whine all day long
Don't listen to anyone! (Crying)

Storyteller: She roared like that all day
And she’s not too lazy to cry!
Our poor father is our king.
He allowed everything to the princess.
And he consoled me all the time -
I read her bedtime stories.
He goes to her this way, this way and that,
It's not like that, not like that.

King: What happened to our princess? She cries, screams, doesn't want to do anything! I'll try to talk to her and console her!
Daughter, let's go for a walk! Look how nice the weather is, listen to how merrily the birds are singing!

Nesmeyana: I don’t want to good weather, I want a bad one! Let it rain! (Crying)

Tsar: Well, what are you talking about, daughter! After all, if it rains, you will get wet!

Nesmeyana: I want to get wet! (Crying)

King: Or maybe you’re hungry? And I’ll feed you delicious sweets. Hey, nanny, bring sweet, soft, fragrant candies for the princess!

Nesmeyana: I don’t want anything: neither candy, nor cutlets; no tea, no milk, no cocoa. (Crying)

Tsar: Would you like some ice cream? Creamy…

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

Tsar: Or maybe chocolate7

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

Tsar: Well then, strawberry...

Nesmeyana: I don’t want ice cream or cake! (Crying)

King: Maybe you're cold? Hey, nanny, bring a scarf for our princess: warm, downy.

(The nanny runs in and runs up to the princess)

Nesmeyana: I’m neither cold nor hot! And I don't need anything! (Crying)

(Nanny sighs heavily and leaves)
Tsar: You don’t need anything, you give up everything! Why are you screaming and crying then?

Nesmeyana: Why do I keep screaming?
What do you care?
I do not want anything,
I'm tired of everything!

King: What to do?
What do i do?
How to make a princess laugh?

Storyteller: And thinking, at that same hour,
The king issued such a decree!

Tsar: “Listen to the Tsar’s decree
And hurry at the same hour
To carry out the order,
Fill the kingdom with joy.
Who will make the princess laugh?
He will live in the palace,
I will give him gold
I’ll make him rich!”

Storyteller: And ends in all countries
Messengers have been sent!

How much time passes?
Petya the cockerel comes.
Sings a song loudly
He's going to make the princess laugh!

Cockerel: (sings a song)
1. I am a loud rooster,
I have excellent hearing.
I'll sing a song loudly
I won't make you laugh.
Etc. Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I sing songs loudly!
Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I won't make you laugh.
2. I wear spurs on my feet
And I walk along the fence,
In the morning I get up with the sun,
"WITH Good morning! - I say!
Etc. same

Cockerel: I am Petya the Cockerel,
Golden comb.
I heard your decree,
I hurried to you at the same hour.
I will entertain you
On musical instruments play.

Nesmeyana: Well, come on, have fun. Play your musical instruments!

Cockerel: (takes out a rattle)
This is a rattle
A ringing toy.
Very fun ringing
Everyone around is having fun.

(Music sounds - Rooster plays on a rattle)

Nesmeyana: Put away your rattle: it doesn’t ring happily, and it doesn’t amuse anyone. (Crying)

Cockerel: And I have something else! (takes out spoons)
I went to the fair
I bought the spoons cheaply.
Voiced, carved
Painted spoons.
From dawn to dawn
They make people happy.

(Music sounds - Rooster plays spoons)

Nesmeyana: Your spoons gave me a headache. (Crying)

Cockerel: Well, don't cry. Don’t cry, I’ll show you something else now (takes out a tambourine).
A cheerful ringing tambourine,
We won't be bored with him.
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,
The game makes everyone happy!

(Music sounds - Rooster plays the tambourine)

Nesmeyana: But I’m still not happy! (Crying)

Storyteller: Guys, let's help Petya the Cockerel make Nesmeyana laugh.

(Children play musical instruments)

Nesmeyana: Stop rattling and ringing! I don't want to listen to your music! (Crying)

Storyteller: Petya - Petya - the cockerel hung his head,
He became completely sad.
He failed to make Nesmeyana laugh.
And then he decided that he would live and not bother!

(Music sounds - Cockerel leaves)

Storyteller: How much time passes?
A new guest comes to the kingdom.
To make the princess laugh
The red fox is hurrying towards us.

(Music sounds - Fox appears)

Fox: 1. I am a little fox
Forests of wondrous beauty
I'll make you laugh if you don't laugh
And I will receive half the kingdom.
Etc. La-la-la-la-la-la-la
I'll make you laugh if you don't laugh
And I’ll get half the kingdom!
2. I'm a funny fox
I came here to visit you.
Laugh, play
And see the princess.
Etc. same

Fox: I'm Little Fox
Red-haired beauty.
I heard the decree
I hurried at the same time.
I will sing songs, dance,
I dare not entertain.

Nesmeyana: Well, let's have fun!

(It sounds like “Apple” - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is very fast music! I don't like this dance! (Crying)

Lisa: Maybe you’ll like this dance?

(“Gypsy” - Fox dancing)
Nesmeyana: Stop spinning around, you’re making me dizzy! (Crying)

Lisa: Well, I can’t please you, but maybe you’ll like this?

(“Waltz” - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is a very sad dance! (Crying)

Storyteller: Guys, let's try to help Chanterelle! Maybe together we will be able to make the princess laugh!

(Russian folk music sounds - all the children dance)

Nesmeyana: Stop this disgrace! Don't make noise, don't stomp! (Crying)

Storyteller: The little fox is sad
She lowered her sad eyes.
I couldn’t make Nesmeyana laugh,
And get half the kingdom.

(Music sounds - Fox leaves)

How much time passes
Petrushka comes to us.
Promises to surprise -
I can't make you laugh.

(Music sounds - Parsley appears)

Parsley: 1. I am Parsley the merry fellow
I will jump and jump.
I'll have fun frolicking
Have fun with Nesmeyana.
Etc. Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
I'll have fun frolicking
Have fun with Nesmeyana!
2. I am cheerful and funny,
It's a lot of fun with me.
Nesmeyana smile
Dance with us.
Etc. same

Parsley: I am a funny toy - wonderful Parsley!
I heard that Nesmeyanushka lives in this kingdom
Everything is roaring, she is roaring.
And it doesn’t give you life.
And I’ll try to help you -
I'll make the king's daughter laugh!

Nesmeyana: Well, try, make me laugh! (Crying)

Parsley: Well, then listen to Nesmeyan, jokes and jokes,
And don’t forget – you must answer jokes.

(Parsley plays the game “Say a word.” First he turns to Nesmeyana - she cannot answer or speaks incorrectly, then Parsley turns to the children)

1. They read books about the war
Only the brave... (boys)

2. Sew vests for dolls
Needlewomen - ... (girls)

3. If it suddenly becomes difficult,
That will come to the rescue... (friend)

4. They can’t live without each other
Inseparable... (girlfriends)

5. Both for business and for beauty
Hanging on the wall... (clock)

6. When leaving, my friend, check
Is the door locked tightly?

7. She’s everyone’s friend to Sonya.
Soft with down... (pillow)

8. All kolobok made of yarn
It's called... (tangle)

9. About all the news in the world
We will read in ... (newspaper)

10. Every day I am early
I chew with milk... (steering wheel)

11. I put all my toys aside
I eat it with cottage cheese... (cheesecakes)

12. Only the guys sat on them -
Spun... (carousels)
13. They love bright clothes
Wooden ... (matryoshka dolls)

14. Fidgety, jumping,
Live by the water... (frogs)

15. In the morning he looks at us through the window
And the ray tickles... (the sun)

Nesmeyana: Well, that’s enough! I don't want to listen to your jokes anymore! (Crying)

Storyteller: And Petrushechka could not make Nesmeyana laugh
He turned around and headed back!

(Music sounds - Petrushka leaves)
(The king appears)

King: What should I do? What do i do?
How can Nesmeyanu make him laugh?
You guys, help and make the princess laugh!

Storyteller: Guys, we need to help the father - the king! Let's think about how we can make the princess laugh? Maybe we can tickle her? (Tries to tickle the princess - she cries). No, it doesn’t work, but maybe we’ll show her funny faces. (Children show funny faces - the princess is crying). No, nothing happened again. Guys, let's try to tell Nesmeyana about how fun you are in kindergarten. Let's sing her a song about our kindergarten.

(Children sing the song “Our Garden”)

Nesmeyana: It’s really so interesting in your kindergarten!
Father, I also want to go to this kindergarten and be friends with the children! It turns out to be so interesting there! (Laughs, rejoices)

King: Oh, guys, thank you. You have performed a real miracle. My Nesmeyana is no longer Nesmeyana at all. She smiles and laughs.
Well, Nesmeyanushka, let’s go quickly and tell the nanny about the kids, about the kindergarten and how they cheered you up!
Goodbye guys!

Storyteller: That’s the end of the fairy tale,
And whoever listened - well done!
This is the fairy tale I told you,
This is the fairy tale I showed you.
And now it's time to say goodbye -
It's time for me to return to my fairy tale!


Princess Nesmeyana

The hall is decorated with balloons and colorful ribbons. Scenery: palace hall; on the throne is Princess Nesmeyana. She is sad and crying.

Leading: Hello guys! Welcome to our holiday... Oh, who's crying? Princess Nesmeyana is upset about something and is very upset... Guys, if you don’t help me cheer her up, then we will listen to this cry throughout the entire holiday... And what kind of holiday is there with tears?! There are no such holidays! Guys, can you help me dispel the sadness of Princess Nesmeyana?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Fine! That's how many assistants I have! I’m sure we will definitely make our Nesmeyana laugh!.. Guys, do you know why Nesmeyana began to be called that?

Children: No!

Leading: I'll tell you now how it happened! Listen carefully! In one kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived a king. And he had a daughter, a beautiful woman! But the trouble is, the princess was always capricious! And this is not so for her, and this is not like that! All that could be heard in the palace was her screaming and crying! But one day a terrible misfortune happened: the king quarreled with Baba Yaga. The insidious Baba Yaga decided to take revenge on him and bewitched his daughter. Since then, the Princess constantly cried and was sad. And no one in the whole kingdom could cheer her up and dispel her sadness... Guys, all hope is on you! Let's try to disenchant the unfortunate Princess together!

At this time, the Princess began to cry louder.

Leading: Guys, look how bitterly our Princess is crying! Let's have fun soon! (Addresses Nesmeyana.) Hello, Your Highness! How are you feeling today?

Nesmeyana(sobs even louder): Don’t you see?! I'm in a bad mood today! (With sadness.) However, as always...

Leading: Would you like, Your Highness, to watch the kids play a fun game...

Nesmeyana(capriciously): No! I don't want to watch the kids play! (Sobs loudly.)

Leading: Well, at least she started talking to me! This is already good! (Addresses the children.) Guys, let's have fun! It's game time!

The presenter plays the game “Eat Candy.” The candy is tied with a string to a horizontal bar. The child must eat it without using his hands. At one point in the game, Nesmeyana stops crying and starts laughing. However, then he sobs loudly again.

Leading: Princess, there is no need to cry! Look how clever our kids with a sweet tooth are! Once they see the candy, they will eat it even without using their hands! This is dexterity!

Nesmeyana: Your game is bad! Sad and boring! These kids (nods at the children) are the only ones who can participate in it. And I’m already big!

Leading(addresses the children): Guys, let's not despair! Let's try again to cheer up the Princess! Let's show her the dance!

Cheerful music is playing. Children are dancing. The princess became interested in dancing for a while and even slightly moved her shoulders to the beat of the music. But then he comes to his senses and starts crying.

Leading(addresses the Princess): What happened, dear Nesmeyana? Don't you feel like dancing?

Nesmeyana: I can't dance! And your dancing is bad!

Leading: Why cry? Come on, Your Highness, we will teach you to dance!

Nesmeyana: Will you teach me? Like this? Can you?

Leading: Of course we can! We will definitely teach you how to dance! Come out! And stand in the center of the hall! (Addresses the guys.) Guys, let's teach the Princess to dance?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Maestro, music! The most fun and incendiary!

Music is playing. The children dance and teach Nesmeyana, who is unable to dance, to dance.

Nesmeyana: Well, I told you I couldn’t learn!

Leading: Nothing! Nothing! You will definitely learn to dance!

The presenter conducts the game “Repeat my movement.” The princess also tries to repeat the movements. Then he sits on the throne and sobs.

Nesmeyana(crying, stomping his feet): I don’t want to! I won't!

Leading: Why won't you?! What don't you want?!

Nesmeyana: I don't want to play with you! I won't learn to dance! And in general it’s not a royal thing to play games and dance!

Leading(whispering): Guys, again we couldn’t cheer up the Princess. What else can we come up with?

Nesmeyana(sadly): You dance a little, and I’ll sit here and look at you.

Leading(addresses the children): Well, guys, let's dance?!

Children: Yes!

Children are dancing. At the end of the dance, Nesmeyana begins to sob loudly.

Leading(throws up his hands): Here we go again! Your Highness! Why are you crying so bitterly? Didn't you like our dance?

Nesmeyana: I really liked your dance. Only... I'm tired of sitting here! I felt bored and sad!

Leading: This is simply wonderful! (Whispers.) Guys, invite Nesmeyana to dance.

The children persuade Nesmeyana to go dance with them. She doesn't agree for a long time. Then he goes to dance.

Nesmeyana: All! I'm tired of dancing! I want to play! But only in such a way that you are sure to win!

Leading: In order to win, you need to show dexterity and ingenuity, and sometimes knowledge! (Thinks.) What game should I offer you? Yeah, I know! Let's play the game "Catch the ball."

The presenter plays the game “Catch the Ball”. Everyone stands in a circle and then passes it around to each other. The princess needs to catch up with him. The host plays along with the Princess and allows her to catch the ball.

Princess(joyfully): Hurray! Hooray! I caught him! Look everyone! I caught him!

Leading: Guys, look how clever and fast the Princess turned out to be! Let's unanimously shout to her “Well done!”

Children(three times): Well done!

Leading: Now come out and dance, girls. Let's dance the "Lantern Balls" dance for everyone!

Sobbing and then loud sobs are heard.

Nesmeyana(crying): I don’t know how to dance the “Lantern Balls” dance! What should I do?!

Leading: Don't cry, Princess! Now the girls will show you how to dance the “Lantern Balls” dance.

The girls again perform the “Lantern Balls” dance. Then the Princess joins them.

Princess(addresses the children): Well, how? Is it working for me?

Children: Yes!

Princess: Still would! I always succeed! I'm the king's daughter!

Leading: Nesmeyana! Your Highness, do you think it’s possible to reach your nose with your hand?

Nesmeyana(grins): Of course you can! And it’s even easy to do! Look! (Touches his nose with his index finger.)

Leading: Fine! And even great! Now let's complicate the task! Guys, you too, Nesmeyana, grab your nose with your right hand and place your left hand on the back of your head. Now change the position of your hands: with your left hand, grab your nose, and place your right hand on the back of your head.

Repeat the game several times.

Leading: Well done boys! Well done, Nesmeyana! (Quietly addresses the children) Guys, have you noticed that our Princess has stopped sobbing, crying and being sad?! Look, she's smiling!

Princess(joyfully): Yes! I completely forgot about sadness! And now I will never cry again!

Leading: Do you promise?

Nesmeyana: I promise! Honestly!.. (Addresses the children.) Thank you, guys! Helped me overcome sadness! Come visit me again! Will you come?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Indeed, it’s time for us to leave the fairy tale! And as a farewell, let's sing a funny song for the Princess!

Children sing a song.

Leading: Now the time has come for us to say goodbye to the Princess, who from Nesmeyana turned into Smeyana! Look, guys, how merrily she laughs! It was your friendship that helped the Princess recover from sadness and melancholy! (Addresses the Princess.) Never cry or be capricious again! Be obedient and cheerful! It's time for us to return home! Goodbye!

Princess: Goodbye! Come visit me again! I'll be looking forward to it! I also want to sing songs, dance in circles, play and have fun!

Leading: Goodbye!