Children show the New Year's skit to adults. The best New Year's tales and skits are impromptu. Game “What kind of company are we”

Good afternoon Everything is assembled, you can start. Well, what should we do with you first? What do they do when they meet? (they say hello). That's right, now we'll say hello, but... not usually. Everything will happen like this: boys, you will greet me like in Germany: “Guten tag,” and all the girls will greet me in French: “Bonjour.” So, hello girls! Hello boys! Amazing!
Why are we all gathered here? What holiday is coming? ( New Year) Absolutely right. The most wonderful holiday, of course, is after your birthday. What is the symbol of this holiday? Indeed, the most elegant thing is the Christmas tree. What do they dress her up with? I will name the items, if you agree, say “yes”, if not, then “no”.

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

But somehow we have stagnated.
Let's warm up and do some "Winter exercises".

Hands to heels and ears,

On your knees and shoulders

To the sides, to the waist, up,

And now a funny laugh:

Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee,

How good we are.

Once - they clapped their palms,

Two - they stamped their feet,

Three, four - pulled up,

They held hands together.

Five - we finish the counting,

We start dancing.

(Dance "Rock and Roll")

(Sounds of New Year's music. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.)

Father Frost:
Here I am! Granddaughter, introduce me to the children.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, grandpa! Do you really think that the guys don’t know you?

Father Frost:
Imagine! That's how it's supposed to be!

Snow Maiden:
OK then. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and the guys will say the answer in unison. Do you hear, guys? Who are we talking about?
Who comes to us in winter?
He's wearing a fur coat and a beard,
Kind look and red nose,
Who is this? .....

You see, grandpa, everyone knows you.

Father Frost:
Yes indeed. In that case, hello children! Here, meet me - this is my granddaughter...

Snow Maiden:
Hello children!

Father Frost:
Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, the guys and I have known each other for a long time. Remember, we came to their holiday last year.

Father Frost:
Is it true? That's why I look - all the faces are familiar. Although no! Those guys were a little smaller.

Snow Maiden:
A whole year has passed. The guys have grown up. We learned a lot, learned a lot.

Father Frost:
And that's true. Oh, I completely started to forget everything. Old age is no joy! Remind me, granddaughter, what we did at the holiday last year?

Snow Maiden:
We danced, sang, played games...

Father Frost:
I remembered! We played footbal.

Snow Maiden:
No! We played New Year's games.

Father Frost:
What kind of games are these?

Snow Maiden:
Well, come on, the guys and I will show you one game. It's called "Santa Claus' Mittens".

Father Frost:
My mittens?

Snow Maiden:
Of course, yours, whose else? Give them to me please.

Father Frost:
But if I give them to you, I’ll freeze.

Snow Maiden:
You can't freeze. Because you are Frost!

Father Frost:
Really! That's why I became completely bad.

Snow Maiden:
Do you remember the rules of this game?

Father Frost:
What game?

Snow Maiden:
Oh! Guys, let's show grandpa how to play New Year's games! Do you agree?
Now I will give two of you the mittens of Santa Claus. As soon as I clap my hands and say “start”, you start playing, i.e. pass the mitten to your neighbor in a circle, and he will pass it further, and even further. You must pass the mittens the entire time I am reading the poem. And as soon as I say “stop”, you have to stop. The one of you who has a mitten in his hands will be considered “frozen”, i.e. it will turn into a snowdrift. To “unfreeze”, he will have to complete an extremely difficult task. Clear? Then get ready...
Hey buddy, don't yawn
Pass me the mitten.
Pass it around
Pass it on to each other!
If you don’t have time to convey it, you will suffer for a whole century.
You will turn into a snowdrift,
When you hear the word “Stop!”

Snow Maiden:
Here, Grandfather, we “froze” all these children. And now they need to be “defrosted”.

Father Frost:
Should I put something in the oven?

Snow Maiden:
Well, that's just what they say in make-believe. They need to be given a task.

Father Frost:
Which task?

Snow Maiden:
Whatever you want. For example, you can ask them to dance or sing.

Father Frost:
I can sing myself.

Snow Maiden:
Then offer another task.

Father Frost:
Which one do I want?

Snow Maiden:
Whichever one you want.

Father Frost:
Then I want them to shout loudly and unanimously: “Long live the greatest and most powerful wizard!” That is, I.

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, this is immodest!

Father Frost:
So what, but I’ll be pleased.

Snow Maiden:
Let's tell them riddles about forest dwellers.

Father Frost:
Let's. I ask a riddle, and everyone says the answer in unison.

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course red... (squirrel)

In the thicket, with my head raised,
Howls from hunger... (wolf)

On a pine tree like a drum
Knocked in the forest... (woodpecker)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (bear)

On the fence in the morning
Crowed... (rooster)

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... (pig)

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest...
The king of beasts is sneaking... (lion)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it,
Prickly on all sides... (hedgehog)

Snow Maiden:
They know how to solve riddles, but let's check if they can count...

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:
Attention, guys, we are playing a new New Year's game "Snowflakes and Drifts". You all become snowflakes and dance to the music. I announce to you: “All snowflakes unite into snowdrifts of two!” And then you should get together in twos and hold hands, i.e. become a snowdrift. You can combine snowflakes in threes, fours, etc. Those who do not have time to find a mate will be punished - completing the tasks of Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
These are the ones who must complete my task. Can you do it like this:
- with the right hand we stroke the head, with the left hand we clap the stomach;
- with the right hand we turn to the left side, with the left foot - to the right side.

Guys, to thank Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, let's write them a greeting card. I already have the content, but there are not enough adjectives there. Suggest a few adjectives, I will write them in, and then we will read the postcard to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Children offer various words without knowing the text.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka!
All... the children... are looking forward to the coming... holiday - the New Year! We... will sing... songs, dance... dances for you. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts.
With respect to you...
boys and... girls from school 48.

Father Frost:
You sang songs and danced.
Santa Claus is pleased with you!
But, friends, the time has come to part.
But you don't have to be too upset.
I'll come back to you in a year anyway!

Snow Maiden:
You collect rain and firecrackers,
Poems and songs, ringing laughter.
And we for a year - gifts and toys,
Let us remind you that there are enough of them for everyone.

We wish you health and joy,
May life be without grief and worries!

Father Frost:
We wish you all a Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:
Let the New Year be happy!

New Year 2020 is approaching and you want to arrange fun party for children? Decorate the room, dress up the New Year tree.

The doors and walls of the hall can be decorated with Christmas tree decorations and tinsel, which are attached so that they form the contours of Christmas trees and snowmen. Hang your holiday greetings on whatman paper or colored paper.

Prepare a festive concert by staging New Year's skits with children for 2020.

Funny scenes for preschoolers for the New Year

The performance begins with the Snow Maiden appearing in the hall.
- I am the Snow Maiden-snowflake,
Born in the forest in winter.
Songs, jokes and fun
I'm bringing it to you for the holiday!
It's good at our Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We will be with you today
Celebrate the New Year together!

Then in this New Year's children's skit for 2020, she addresses the children:
- Guys, where is Santa Claus?
We've been waiting for him for so long,
Haven't seen you for a whole year.
Maybe he got lost?
Can't find a way to us?

The phone rings. The Snow Maiden answers:
- Hello! Hello, grandpa! Where are you now? Are you sitting in the forest? Why in slippers? Where are your boots? Did Baba Yaga steal them?

Santa Claus (by phone):
- I was in a hurry to see the children at the Christmas tree,
But I accidentally got lost.
Apparently someone tried
He took my shoes.
Snow Maiden:
– Don’t worry, the guys and I will figure something out!

Another participant in this short New Year's play for children appears on stage - Baba Yaga. She says to the Snow Maiden:
– Santa Claus couldn’t come to the holiday and sent me. Hello, dear granddaughter!

Snow Maiden (surprised):
-Are you my grandmother?
Baba Yaga (winking slyly):
– Of course, dear granddaughter, don’t even doubt it!

Snow Maiden:
- Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big ears?
Baba Yaga:
- This, granddaughter, is to hear you better.

– Why do you have such long, disheveled hair?
- Because I haven’t combed my hair for a long time.
- Why is your nose crooked?
- Because I'm very curious.
- Why are your teeth so yellow?
– This is because I haven’t been to the dentist for a long time.
- Why do you have a broom instead of a magic staff?
- And the wolves chewed up my staff.
-Where is your bag of gifts for the children?
– Why do the guys need gifts? Their best gift is me!
Dialogue fairy tale characters This funny children's New Year's skit ends with the Snow Maiden saying:
-You are not my grandmother, but Baba Yaga! Do you know that it's not good to deceive guys?

Baba Yaga:
- I'm not guilty…
I don't have any girlfriends -
How sad!
Only Koschey and Vodyanoy
They only visit!
I forgot how to conjure,
I'm tired of scaring everyone.
It became difficult to live in the world.
Have pity on grandma, children!
I felt sad alone in the forest, so I decided to come to your holiday.

Snow Maiden:
– Why did you steal the felt boots from Grandfather Frost?
Baba Yaga:
- I liked them. I agree to give them away if the guys answer my questions.

New Year's games and competitions for preschoolers

The children's New Year's miniature contains riddles:

– Near the Christmas tree in every house
Children dance in a circle.
What is the name of this holiday?
Answer... (New Year).

– Decorated with toys,
Balloons and crackers.
Not a palm tree, not a pine tree,
And the festive one... (Christmas tree).

- Pull the rope -
Confetti will fly.
New Year's toy
It's called... (cracker).

- Grandfather is lying - there is no whiter.
It lies all winter, no one will pick it up.
Spring will come and it will disappear on its own.

– So that your feet don’t freeze in winter,
To run along the road
Both adults and small children
They put on... (felt boots).

However, Baba Yaga is in no hurry to fulfill her promise. And in this funny scene For preschoolers, another character appears on New Year's Eve - Zmey Gorynych. She and Baba Yaga perform a dance to the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you’ve been” from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait.”

Then the game “What’s hanging on the Christmas tree?” begins. Zmey Gorynych asks the guys questions that need to be answered: “Yes” or “no”:

– Are there...shiny pieces of ice hanging on our Christmas tree?
- Old shoes?
– Bunnies made of cotton wool?
- Torn gloves?
– Are the stars bright red?
- Are the lights out?
- Cardboard houses?
- Burnt felt boots?

After the guys answered the questions, Serpent Gorynych takes off Baba Yaga’s felt boots.
Baba Yaga:
- Will I be barefoot? I have arthritis and rheumatism.

Snow Maiden:
- Where is my grandfather?

– Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don’t fly,
Without Santa Claus the patterns don't shine,
Without Santa Claus, the trees don't light up,
And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Finally, in this short skit for children for the 2020 New Year, Santa Claus appears in slippers:
- Hello guys,
Girls and boys
Cheerful, funny,
The kids are very nice!

He gives Baba Yaga his slippers and puts on his felt boots.
- Well, guys, what should we do with Baba Yaga?

She asks her to forgive her, promising to behave, and the guys agree.

Father Frost:
- That’s great, but now it’s time for us to celebrate the New Year.
Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys,
Congratulations to all guests!
How many familiar faces are there?
How many of my friends are here!

Snow Maiden:
- Wait, Santa Claus, don’t rush,
You better take a look at the Christmas tree.
The lights on it don't burn,
And without them there is no holiday for children.

Father Frost:
- We will fix this problem,
Let's make all the lights burn.
Light up the lights bright,
Green beauty,
Give the guys joy!
Count together:
One two Three!
(The Christmas tree lights up).

At the end of this New Year's performance, the Snow Maiden invites the children to dance:
- Stand up, guys.
Everyone hurry up to the round dance
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

After this they will continue funny Games and competitions for preschoolers. Two children join hands and raise them: this is the Ice Gate. The rest, holding hands, pass under the gate, saying:

– Ice Gate
They don't always miss.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We'll freeze you.

At the last words, the “gates” give up. The guys who are caught become the gates.

Several pairs participate in the game “Catch the Snowball”. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of several meters. One holds an empty bucket, the other holds a bag of “snowballs” (these can be cotton or paper balls, white balls).

At a signal, one child throws snowballs, and the other catches them with a bucket. The couple that collects the most snowballs faster wins.

The characters who participated in funny skits for children at the New Year's Eve, Baba Yaga and Zmey Gorynych, watch the performance, and then thank the children and say that they will go to a fairyland to tell how much fun they had at the children's party.

Father Frost:
– I wish everyone a Happy New Year
Celebrate the holiday brightly,
Let happiness come to everyone.
And now - gifts!

At the end of the holiday, he and the Snow Maiden give gifts to the children.

With fun text and minimal props. These can be skits or fairy tales with a quick change of clothes (or without costumes at all), their main feature is that they are easy to organize and arrange at any holiday, and with any composition of guests.

Collected here the best New Year's tales and impromptu skits, the plot of which is connected with this wonderful a holiday called New Year .

Some of them with big amount characters, and some are not, some are designed only for an adult company, other New Year's tales and skits can be performed in a mixed company and even with children - choose which ones are more suitable for your guests (Fairy tales were written by talented Internet authors - thanks to them for that!)

1. New Year's scene"Chukchi" based on the fable by S. Mikhalkov.

the scene has been moved - watch

2. New Year's scene - impromptu "Herring under a fur coat."

This is wonderful New Year's game It is always fun and lifts the spirits of everyone: participants and spectators. But it is important to present this game well; a lot depends on the presenter, his artistry and comments (if necessary).

Presenter: Festive table on New Year...for many this is the most important thing: strong drinks, aromatic snacks, delicious salads... Which salad do you think is the most popular in the New Year? Herring under a fur coat? Wonderful! So let's prepare it.

Gives the participant a chef's hat and apron. Asks him to invite guests for certain roles. Places 2 chairs at a distance of 2 meters. Next, the guests sit on chairs on each other’s laps, so that those sitting on one chair look at those sitting on the other chair.

1. At the base of this salad there is a herring, it should be large and juicy - invite two juicy men. And the herring’s eyes are large and slightly bulging. I said lightly! OK!

Men sit on chairs facing each other

2. Place on the herring, or better yet, scatter onion, cut into rings. Invite two blonde ladies, the onion is white! Girls, let's scatter the herring, don't be shy.

The ladies sit on the men's laps facing each other.

3. Now take the boiled potatoes and place them on top. We invite men again. Potatoes, why are you so boiled, let's get more active!

4. Let's grease everything with aromatic low-calorie mayonnaise. Let's invite the ladies. Mayonnaise, spread, spread!

The ladies sit down again.

5. And again a vegetable. This time carrots. Men, we are waiting for you. What beautiful carrots we have! All smooth, long, strong! And what a beautiful top!

Men sit down according to the same principle.

6. Mayonnaise again, ladies first! Let's sit down, let's spread out!

The ladies sit down again.

7. Beets, we are waiting for you! Beets, some of them are not red, or even burgundy, but we hope they are delicious!

The men sit down.

8. Decorate our salad with greens. Parsley and dill put you in the middle. You are a sprig of dill, make us a sprig! And you, parsley, make a sprig.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Herring under a fur coat is ready! Bon appetit!

Applause to all participants!

3. Instant New Year's skit: "A movie is being made!"

Raise your hands those who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films. Now, right here, without leaving the spot, a film will be shot in which you are assigned to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have cards in your hands. The cards indicate what your role is. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role indicated on their card - welcome to the stage! The jury will choose the best artist. So: camera, motor, let's start!

He reads, calling one participant in the production at a time and forcing them to “get into character.”

So, the artists received cards with the characters in our impromptu performance, which we will film on camera. They learn what needs to be done only on stage and must immediately perform it.

This is a very fun outdoor game. Costumes are not necessary for her; all you need to do is prepare 6 cards with words and place 6 chairs in the center of the hall. Each player (6 people) draws a card and sits on one of the chairs. Having heard the name of your character, you need to: say your words, run around six chairs and take your seat again. With the words: “Happy New Year!” - everyone stands up together and runs around the chairs. It turns out not to be a skit, but a cheerful “running game” with words.

Characters and words:

Holiday - "Hurray"
Santa Claus - “Have I had a drink with you yet?”
Snow Maiden - “As much as possible!”
Champagne - “As soon as I hit you in the head”
Elka - “I’m on fire”
Gifts - “I’m all yours”
Everyone: “Happy New Year!”


Once upon a time there was a little girl and she dreamed: when she grows up, I’ll have a big New Year’s PARTY, I’ll decorate a huge TREE, and the real SANTA CLAUS will come to me. And at this time, somewhere in this world there lived a little boy who dreamed that when he grew up, he would put on a GRANDFATHER'S CLAUS costume, give GIFTS to everyone and meet a real SNOW MARIAN. They grew up and met by chance, and the girl became the SNOW Maiden, and the boy became GRANDFATHER COLA. And soon they began to dream about the New Year's HOLIDAY.

SANTA CLAUS dreamed of gathering all his friends and giving them CHAMPAGNE. In addition, he wanted to hear shouts of “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” kissing the Snow Maiden. And then came December 31, 2020. They decorated the TREE. At the HOLIDAY, CHAMPAGNE flowed like a river, and the guests gave GIFTS and thought: “What a HOLIDAY! And GRANDFATHER Frost is real, and SNOW MAIDEN is a beauty. And what a wonderful TREE! What excellent CHAMPAGNE!"

The best GIFT for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden was that the guests shouted: “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”


5. New Year's impromptu "Morning January 1st"

Leading: 12 people are invited for this. Their task is to depict with gestures and sounds what we are going to read. First, let's distribute the roles (roles are distributed).
Now we listen to the text, depict and voice what it says.














DADDY got out of bed hard this morning. He went, looked in the MIRROR and said: “No, this can’t be!” Then DAD angrily called MOM and demanded to bring BEER. MOTHER opened the FRIDGE with a bang, took out BEER from there and brought it to DADDY. DAD drank BEER and said: “Uh, good!” MOM ran up to DAD, snatched the rest of the BEER from him, drank it and threw away the empty bottle.

At this time, THUNDER rumbled outside and it began to RAIN. The ALARM CLOCK rang, the CHILD woke up and ran to his MOM in fear. The CHILD was shaking with fear. THE DAD invited the CHILD to look at himself in the MIRROR so that he would stop being afraid. The MIRROR reflected all the horror in the CHILD'S eyes. The ALARM CLOCK rang again and, hobbling out of his room, clucking and wailing, the evil GRANDFATHER came out. He also wanted BEER, but the BEER ran out, so GRANDFATHER hit the REFRIGERATOR hard, shook his fist at DAD, and hugged the frightened CHILD.

The doorbell rang. It was a MESSENGER who came and brought a box of BEER. GRANDFATHER hugged and kissed the MESSENGER, quickly took the box of BEER and, limping, ran into his room. But DAD and MOM saw this and ran after him cheerfully. And only the MIRROR and the CHILD were unhappy, since no one offered them a hangover.


6. New Year's scene in retro style "The Girl and the Thief".


Girl - (to make it funnier, a young man can also play the role of a girl)
Girl's fur coat - (an employee or employee in a fur coat from a grandmother's chest, sample from the 60-70s of the 20th century)
Thief (required in a black stocking on his head)
Father Frost

Once in a frosty winter

New Year's Eve sometimes
Lena was walking to her home
In a warm fur coat.
(The girl skips, waving her purse.)

Without sadness and anxiety
A girl was walking along the road.
And when I entered the yard,
The thief ran up to the girl.
(A thief runs up with a revolver)

He waved his pistol,
He ordered me to take off my fur coat.
(The thief actively gestures with his revolver)

At this moment and at this very hour!
But it was not there -
Lena is a thief in the eye
Bang! What strength there was!
(The girl demonstrates several techniques).

The thief screamed in pain,
Lena called 02.
(Calls on his mobile phone. A policeman appears and blows his whistle.)

The thief is now in captivity
And my whole head is covered in bandages.
(The thief, sitting on a chair, holds the bars in front of his face with his hands, and at this time a man in uniform bandages his head).

Snowflakes are dancing outside the window,
(Snowflakes dance with tinsel)

The thief looks at them with longing,
Licking pieces of ice on the window,
Gorka is crying day after day.
(The thief sobs, rubs his eyes with his hands)

All swollen already from tears,
And the drooping one walks.
He won't understand that Santa Claus
Doesn't come to prison!
(Santa Claus shows him a fig).

Lena in a fur coat, like a picture,
Attends parties
Celebrating the New Year,
Congratulations to all the people.
(The girl dances energetically with a bottle of champagne)

Let's say this to the thief today,
Concluding our poem,
This New Year's Eve:

7. Impromptu fairy tale for the New Year “The main tree in lights”

New Year's theater-impromptu. The text is spoken by the presenter, the selected actors speak only their own words and perform any funny actions at their discretion.

Characters and lines:

Santa Claus: "Happy New Year! Fuck you!"
Snow Maiden: “And I’m just coming from the cold, I’m a May rose”
Ice Palace: “Are you stunned? Close the doors!”
Main Christmas tree: “And I’m so fucking mysterious”
Staff: "Hold on, don't make a mistake!!!"
Sani-Mercedes: “Eh, pour it, I’ll pump it!”
Cell phone: “Master, pick up the phone, women are calling!”
Curtain: “I’m silent, but I’m doing my job!”

(background music is playing quietly "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")


THE CURTAIN opens. MAIN TREE froze waiting for it to be lit? Here Santa Claus appears on a MERCEDES SLED. GRANDFATHER FROST got off his MERCEDES SLED and parked it not far from the MAIN TREE. And the MAIN TREE is waiting for decisive action. And at this time the SNOW MAIDEN appears, she has a STAFF in her hands, and a CELL PHONE hangs around her neck. GRANDFATHER CLOSUS joyfully hugs the SNOW MAIDEN, kisses the STAFF and takes the CELL PHONE.

And the MAIN TREE feels the approach of the decisive moment. SANTA CLAUS touches the slender branches of the MAIN TREE with his STAFF. From the magical touches, the TREE immediately sparkled with a wonderful light. THE SNOW MAID clapped her hands, the MERCEDES SLED began to dance, GRANDFATHER CLAUS shouted joyfully, energetically waving his STAFF, to the loud jubilation of the MOBILE. THE CURTAIN closes.

8. New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "In the winter forest"

In this case, to enhance the humorous effect, you can give the guest, who will portray Echo, a large bag of sweets and every time he sounds “deliver”, let him go into the hall and distribute them.


Forest - everyone at the tables (extras)
Hares - 2
Robbers - 2

It's quiet in the winter FOREST. The first SNOW falls softly. The trees in the FOREST sway and their branches creak. A cheerful Woodpecker is pecking a mighty OAK with its beak, preparing a hollow for itself. An ECHO carries a knock throughout the FOREST. A COLD WIND rushes between the trees and tickles the WOODPECKER's feathers. The woodpecker is shivering from the cold. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and caws loudly. ECHO carries croaking throughout the FOREST. A BEAR wanders sadly through the FOREST, the BEAR has insomnia. SNOW creaks under his paws. ECHO carries the creak throughout the FOREST.

SNOW covered the entire FOREST. A trembling Woodpecker protrudes its long beak from the hollow of a mighty OAK. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and caws loudly. ECHO carries croaking throughout the FOREST. The BEAR finally fell asleep. He curls up under a mighty OAK, sucks his paw and smiles in his sleep. TWO FUNNY HARES jump out into the clearing, run, jump, and play tag.

Suddenly there was a noise. TWO BRIEFS jump out into the clearing screaming and dragging the tied-up BEAUTY. An ECHO carries screams throughout the FOREST. THE BIGGERS tie the BEAUTY to the mighty OAK. THE BEAUTY screams “Save! Help!". An ECHO carries screams throughout the FOREST.

At this time, a YOUNG HANDSOME MAN was passing nearby on his war HORSE. He heard the screams of the BEAUTY and galloped off to save her. THE HANDSOME MAN shouted: “Surrender, robbers!”, the war HORSE reared up, neighed fiercely, and pounced on the robbers. The ECHO echoed a ferocious neigh throughout the FOREST. A fight ensued, and the HANDSOME MAN won. The robbers fled.

The FOREST rustled joyfully, the CROW croaked cheerfully, and the HARES clapped their hands.
THE HANDSOME MAN freed the BEAUTY, knelt down in front of her and confessed his love. He jumped on a HORSE with BEAUTY and rushed through the FOREST into a bright future.

9. Impromptu New Year's fairy tale "Three Bears".





Mikhailo Potapych

Nastasya Potapovna


Father Frost




A bowl



It was a harsh WINTER. SNOW fell and fell. He fell on the TREES, on the BUSHES, on the HUT standing in the forest. And in this HUT sat MIKHAILO POTAPYCH, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA and little BEAR. MIKHAILO POTAPYCH tested the strength of the newly repaired CHAIR: he stood on it, sat down with all his might, stood up again, sat down again, he really liked the CHAIR, he even stroked it. NASTASYA POTAPOVNA admired her reflection in a clean, washed BOWL, holding it all the time in her hand or raising it above her head. BEAR ran around, throwing and catching the PILLOW, sometimes hitting either MIKHAILO POTAPYCH or NASTASYA POTAPOVNA, this amused him greatly, and he laughed, holding his stomach.

Everyone was so busy with their own affairs that they even forgot that it was harsh WINTER outside, SNOW was falling, so much so that TREES and SHRUBS were bending to the ground. So, the SNOW kept falling and falling, and soon all the TREES lay on the BUSHES, covered with SNOW. Suddenly the HUT began to shake under the weight of the SNOW that had fallen on it. From there, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH ran out with huge eyes with his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA put her favorite BOWL on her head and TEAR BEAR carried his favorite PILLOW in his hands, throwing it in his hands. And then, from behind the rubble of trees and bushes, GRANDFATHER CLAUS came out, he was stunned by what was happening, and bears should sleep in winter.

And WINTER is standing, it is getting harsher and harsher, SNOW continues to fall on everything that stands in the forest, on the rubble of TREES and BUSHES, on our BEARS, who stood huddled together, holding their favorite things: a CHAIR, a BOWL and a PILLOW.

Then SANTA CLAUS thought, why, after all, BEARS don’t sleep? While GRANDFATHER Frost was thinking, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH wiped his CHAIR and invited GRANDFATHER COLAUS to sit down. Washing her face with tears and looking at her favorite BOWL for the last time, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA handed it to GRANDFATHER CLAUS. And BEAR, seeing that his parents don’t mind parting with their favorite things, also stroked his favorite PILLOW and put it on a CHAIR, and GRANDFATHER CLAUS sat on the PILLOW.

All the BEARS took turns reciting poems about winter, GRANDFATHER CLAUS got emotional and decided to give the BEARS a gift, he waved his hand and the following happened...... As before, it was a harsh WINTER, SNOW continued to fall on the TREES and BRUBS, the HUT, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH slept sweetly there on his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA was hugging her BOWL, and BEAR was sucking his finger in his sleep, lying on his favorite PILLOW. And GRANDFATHER Frost walked around the HUT and sang a lullaby to them.

10. Impromptu "New Year's Tale".



Snow Maiden




Baba Yaga


Father Frost

I'm walking through the forest. SNOWFLAKES flutter and fall to the ground. I see the SNOW MAID is walking, catching SNOWFLAKES and examining them. And KOSCHEY sneaks up on her heels. The Snow Maiden is tired, she looks - the STUM is standing, covered with SNOWFLAKES.

The SNOW Maiden shook them off the STUMP and sat down. And then KOSCHEY grew bolder and came closer. “Come on,” he says, “SNOW Maiden,” to be friends with you!” THE SNOW MAIDEN got angry, jumped up, clapped her palm on the HUMP, and stomped on the SNOWFLAKES with her foot. “This will not happen, insidious KOSCHEY!” And she moved on. KOSHCHEY was so offended that he sat down on the STUMP, took out a knife, and began to cut out a bad word on the STUMP. And the SNOWFLAKES just keep falling on him. The SNOW Maiden came out into the clearing and realized that she was lost. Looks, OAK is standing young. The SNOW MAID came up to him, hugged him by the trunk and said in a plaintive voice: “The evil CAT scared me, the SNOWFLAKES path was filled up, I don’t know where to go now.” I decided to stay with the OAK.

Then BABA YAGA rushed over, looked at the OAK, and under him was the SNOW MAIDEN. She tore the SNOW MAID away from the OAK tree, placed her on a broom behind her and flew away. The wind whistles in my ears, SNOWFLAKES swirl behind them. They flew to Grandma's HUT, and she stood in front of the forest, and back to BABA YAGA. BABA YAGA and says: “Come on, HUT, turn your front towards me and your back towards the forest.” And IZBUSHKA answered her something like that... Ah, thanks for the tip. That's what she said. But then she turned around as ordered. BABA YAGA put the SNOW Maiden in it and locked it with seven locks. That means she stole the SNOW Maiden.

We need to free the Snow Maiden. Come on, Santa Claus and all your sympathizers, let's buy the Snow Maiden from BABA YAGA (guests buy it either with champagne or by showing off their talents).

Scenario “The New Year is coming to us and bringing gifts to everyone!”

The script is designed for children younger age(4-7 years old). You can spend the holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better?

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party. This could be a corporate event in a cafe with an order from a host, or it could just take place at work (say, an evening), and the host (or presenter) could be one of the company’s employees.

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik the Cat, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them with this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes or vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and the desire to enter the chosen image are required. A little scenery. The scenario is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children “Kolobok for the New Year”

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings “Joy” to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all the children. On his way he meets various characters who are trying to eat the bun.

New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

The New Year is a holiday on a cosmic scale, so the children will have extraterrestrial guests. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend upon the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. A brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will stand in the way of Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the children's holiday, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not be lit and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario “Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!”

The scenario is designed for spending the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends be present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the scenario, the age characteristics of the entire family were taken into account, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

National Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for a corporate New Year's party. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The host will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's scenario for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old; younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga; for older ones, it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “At the behest of the pike!”

New Year's scenario for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. The tale involves seven characters, led by Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds are required.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who doesn’t want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year!”

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees look forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny skit for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs. School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children love cartoons with scary stories. That's why the scenario for the New Year's holiday with the heroes Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both elementary school and students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in a playful way around the Christmas tree.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or How the Children Saved the Holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host “The holiday is coming to us”

Where does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, from choosing an outfit and place, creating a menu, decorations and a script. And if there may be no problems with the script, but to find a suitable one, and most importantly interesting scenario It’s still difficult for a presenter.

Scenario for the New Year at home “Here comes the New Year!”

New Year is an event that everyone looks forward to with great impatience. This holiday brings together friends and family around the same table, giving magic, positive emotions and good memories. It is not surprising that they begin to prepare for this event in advance. Preliminary menu preparation, purchasing gifts and outfits, planning the course of the event.

Cool scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rats “Let there be cheese”!

This scenario is suitable for holding a New Year’s corporate party in a small company employing no more than 15 people. Everyone knows that the New Year's corporate party an important event for all employees, as this is the end of the year, summing up results and new plans for the next year. Therefore, it is important that this event takes place in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 for the corporate party “Gatherings”

The patron of 2020 will be the White Metal Rat, who likes comfort and noisy company. This scenario is suitable for a small team who wants to spend their New Year’s corporate party fun and enthusiastically.

Scenario for the themed New Year 2020 Rats for children “It’s New Year at Lukomorye!”

Unusual scenario New Year's holiday based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. The presenters, the Scientist Cat and the Mermaid, together with the children must put things in order in fairy tales, where all the heroes and events are mixed up, and have time to celebrate the holiday cheerfully! In addition to the presenters, the script also includes Leshy and the Magic Mirror (voice behind the scenes). Props - a hand mirror and a book of fairy tales.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for schoolchildren “In search of the symbol of the year”

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are in a panic - the Rat has disappeared! To find it, you will have to work hard and be smart, because without the symbol of the year, the New Year will not come. The script involves Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Postman Pechkin, Leshy, Kikimora, and, of course, the guys. In addition to costumes, you will need props - Santa Claus's staff, a letter, a couple of postcards and a stuffed rat.

Scenario for New Year 2020 Rats for kindergarten children “Santa Claus captured by pirates”

The main New Year's wizard was captured by pirates! The guys' task is to free Santa Claus and re-educate the sea robbers, teaching them to have fun. A funny scenario is suitable for a pupils' matinee kindergarten And junior schoolchildren.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for high school students “Novoletye”

A careless New Year's wish can lead to anything - for example, to the fact that the New Year will have to be celebrated among hoary antiquity, beautiful maidens and good fellows. Ditties, games, songs and folk festivals are included.

Cool scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats “Father Frost vs. Santa Claus”

A fun New Year's scenario with two main winter wizards at once! Father Frost and Santa Claus will try to find out which of them is better, more important, stronger and who rightfully belongs to the New Year. With the help of the guests, the rivals will compete in wit and writing, and the ability to amuse the audience, and, as usual, friendship will win.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats in Ukrainian

A fun scenario for celebrating the New Year of the Rat. The action takes place in a spacious room. Active dances, loud songs and ringing laughter from the jokes of the main characters will not let anyone get bored. The holiday scenario is suitable for both a youth group and a group of middle-aged adults. All characters are dressed in appropriate costumes.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rats 2020 for the house “The rat came to visit us”

Scenario for home New Year. Of course, it is important that such a long-awaited holiday is fun, and that the house is filled with laughter and comfort. In the script you will find a lot interesting competitions and tasks that will definitely make your New Year even more soulful and brighter. The scenario is designed for an adult company consisting of 7-10 people.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for the family “Quest from the Snow Queen”

The holiday is under threat - the Snow Queen promises to unleash a storm and cancel the fun! Unless, of course, the participants fail to cope with the tricky tasks. But it’s not so easy: you’ll have to find all the clues, solve the riddles and be smart - then everyone will receive a well-deserved reward.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in elementary school "The New Year has crept up on us"

Together with the cheerful Bayun Cat and the charming Snowflake, the holiday will definitely be a pleasure! The children will enjoy traditional round dances around the Christmas tree, unexpected riddles with a trick, and many other entertainments. The script is designed for two presenters, Santa Claus and, of course, elementary school students.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in primary school “New Year’s Tale”

There are not so many heroes in the script, the plot is not blurred - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. The New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as children, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are the key good mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. A children's party or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!

The scene involves two people.

FIRST: Good evening, dear friends! Now I will tell you how to celebrate the New Year correctly?

SECOND: Stop! Why you and not me?!

FIRST: Because you don’t know, but I know how to make the New Year holidays perfect!

SECOND: Where! I know you! You are one of those people who don’t have gifts under the tree, but just a Christmas tree cross.

FIRST: And you are one of those people who put empty boxes with bows under the Christmas tree - as if someone gave them gifts. Damn Santa Claus!

SECOND: And you are one of those who watch Urgant on TV all New Year’s Eve.

FIRST: And you place tangerines everywhere in your apartment so that it smells like New Year everywhere.

SECOND: Are you one of those who take pictures in front of the TV on New Year’s Day during the President’s congratulations?

And you’re one of those who shouts, “What’s the point of knowing how to open it!”, and will definitely flood everything with champagne and destroy the chandelier with a cork.

SECOND: Are you one of those who buy 10 thousand worth of firecrackers and fireworks, and then stupidly fall asleep on New Year’s Eve?

FIRST: But you belong to that group of people who take taxis to buy vodka on New Year’s Day

SECOND: And you are one of those who always says: “Hey, pay for the taxi, otherwise I don’t have change from the five thousand!”

FIRST: Are you one of those people who take a camera on New Year’s Eve and then post photos on VKontakte like Lekhin_striptease, Lekhin don’t sleep in a salad

SECOND: Yes Yes. It’s people like you who don’t go to bed on New Year’s Eve, but sit down. And then in the morning you’ll end up going to the toilet.

FIRST: And people like you on the morning of January 1st get up before everyone else and start pestering everyone: “Come on, get up, let’s go for a ride!”

SECOND: Are you one of those people who send all their friends the same SMS with congratulations on New Year’s Day? And after a couple of hours they receive it as a congratulation.

FIRST: And people like you come to you on the 31st, and only leave on the 3rd. Until he finishes everything, he sits as your guest. At least give him a hint.

SECOND: And you are one of those people with whom you drink and drink, and in the end they wake up at home, and you are in a salad in an unfamiliar house.

FIRST: And you are one of those who invite your ex and your current ex to the New Year.

SECOND: Are you one of those who count the chimes out loud at midnight, always get confused and start clinking glasses at the 11th strike?

FIRST: And you are one of those people who, in a tavern, starts staring at the women from the group at the next table. And then the whole New Year's Eve is to get this comrade off the men from this company.

SECOND: Are you one of those who start taking antibiotics in December, and January 1 is the last day. And this poor fellow holds on until one in the morning, and then “to hell with them!” and comes untied.

FIRST: Are you one of those people who only need champagne for the New Year so that they can throw a piece of chocolate into it and sit and watch it float up and down?

SECOND: Okay, agree, we're both good...

FIRST: And therefore, to celebrate the New Year with a plus

MANAGEMENT: Don't do like us!

New Year's Scene - Security for Santa Claus

The New Year's skit is funny and suitable for elementary grades, as well as for grades 9, 10 or 11. Happy New Year to you.

(two security officers come out to the microphone)
Security Guard1: VIP arrived?
Security Guard2: He always arrives at the last minute and is busy.
Security Guard1: They checked everything, and Baba Yaga did not install heaters or other heaters anywhere.
Security Guard2: Our people didn’t even let her into the entrance, no matter how hard she tried and dressed up as a snow maiden and a red riding hood.
Security Guard1: How did you calculate it?
Security Guard2: And we have Vasya, he still knows fairy tales, his mother read them to him as a child, he says what kind of Snow Maiden with a broom and Little Red Riding Hood is in a scarf and in a cobweb...
Security Guard1: Grandma went crazy
Security Guard2: Well, everything seems to be all right on stage?
Security Guard1:(pretends to be spoken to over the microphone) We’re all leaving, they say at the entrance the woman has broken through.
(leave) (Baba Yaga comes on stage)
Baba Yaga: They’ve decorated and decorated it, but now I’ll tear it all off and tear it up – I’ll ruin the holiday.
(The soundtrack (from Counter Strike) “go go go” plays)
(security guards run onto the stage and catch Baba Yaga)
(Baba Yaga resists and screams)

Baba Yaga: I'll ruin the New Year anyway.
(she is removed from the stage)
Security Guard3: Don't worry, our company guarantees a cheerful mood.
(The sounds of fighting fade away off stage)

(You can add dance)


Scene "How we looked for Santa Claus!"

Snowman (presenter) comes out.
Snowman: Hello kids, greyhound girls and boys.
Children: Hello! (in unison)
Snowman: Do you know that today is a magical day?
Children: Yeah!
Snowman: Why do you know magical?
Children: Yes, today is New Year's holiday!
Snowman: Right! Day of fulfillment of all desires. But we cannot celebrate this holiday without Grandfather Frost!
Snow Maiden comes out.
Snow Maiden: trouble! trouble!
Snowman: Snow Maiden, what happened?
Snow Maiden: Trouble Snowman! Grandfather was stolen!
Snowman: How was it stolen? Who stole?
Snow Maiden: it was stolen by the evil Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga comes running with a broom.
Baba Yaga: yeah, weren't you waiting?
Snowman and Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: Yes it's me!
Snowman: Give it back to Santa Claus!!!
Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha, I won’t give it up so easily! Guess the riddles first.
Snowman: Well guys, let's solve riddles?
Children: yeah!
Baba Yaga: Well, here's the first riddle: What comes before winter?
Children: Autumn!
Baba Yaga: Right! Here's another riddle: Who blows and gets angry in winter?? It blows, howls and spins, makes a white bed? It's a snowy....(blizzard)
Children: blizzard!
Baba Yaga: Right!
Snow Maiden: Well done boys!
Snowman: Now give us back Santa Claus!
Baba Yaga: So be it...
Santa Claus comes out
Father Frost: Hou hou hou, hello kids, girls and boys!
Children: Hello!
Snowman: HOORAY!!! Now we will celebrate the New Year!
and everyone starts having fun and dancing

New Year's skit "I want to be a Snow Maiden"

-(Baba Yaga’s daughter comes on stage, screams, falls silent, starts crying again, falls silent, screams again)
- Baba Yaga.- Oh, oh, daughter, what is it, who offended the little one, who to turn into a rotten toadstool, who to grind into tooth powder?
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- They don’t take me to the School Christmas tree as a snow maiden; they say I’m ugly anyway.
- Baba Yaga.- Aren’t you beautiful, look at yourself and stately and smart and intelligent.
Wait, I know a hairdresser, Leshy, who says every girl is beautiful, you just need to highlight this beauty. He'll touch up your paint and scrape it off unnecessarily; you'll be no worse off.
any other fool.
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Snow Maidens and not Fools. And I don't need your hairdressers. They wash your hair, cut your braids, braid them, wow, what disgusting stuff, and they also have colognes, eau de toilette, and I’d rather drown myself in kerosene than go to a hairdresser like that.
- Baba Yaga.- Calmly don’t drive the wave Goblin knows his job only with natural material Resin and fir cones work, a little spring water and you’re fine, just like a figurine.
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Yes, not a Figurine, but a Snow_gu_ro_chka. And the Snow Maiden has already been discharged. His granddaughter is coming with Santa Claus.
- Baba Yaga.- Well, you can dress up as the Snow Queen. If you want, I’ll conjure an outfit for you.
- Baba Yaga's daughter.“You’re old, you’ve completely lost your mind about my health, you’re not worried about your soul, what did you think of the outfit of the snow queen, that’s how many kilograms of icicles and ice sheets, and the kokoshnik made from pieces of a broken mirror is a direct threat to the safety of life.
- Baba Yaga.- Oh, I didn’t think about it, oh, I almost ruined it, well, I have one more remedy.
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Which?
- Baba Yaga.-Are you my robber?
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Robber.
- Baba Yaga.- Bandit?
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Bandit.
- Baba Yaga.- Out of touch?
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Tear off.
- Baba Yaga.- So you will be a fairy and you can do a little magic. You will conjure them a gift. You know how everyone will love you.
- Baba Yaga's daughter.- Hurray Hurray I’ll be a fairy and I’ll conjure a wart for everyone, they’ll know how to offend me. Mom, move your hands, wave your wand more actively, I need a fairy set: a leather jacket, wings to make it more curly and a magic wand and Prada beauties.
- Baba Yaga.- I’m doing magic, my daughter. (Option 2 now, my daughter, I’ll just collect the ingredients) - I’m doing magic, daughter.

Chur chur fax pax
Hey you two from under the bench
Daring two little ones
Find some new clothes
For my daughter's party

Two from under the bench appear and begin to dress up Baba Yaga’s Daughter to the music, after dressing them they disappear
- Baba Yaga's daughter. - oh, beware of my beauty, you asked for it.

New Year's scene "Criminal New Year"

The melody from Gentlemen of Fortune is playing. Two men dressed in the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are creeping slowly, constantly looking around. The one dressed as the Snow Maiden clutches a bag of gifts to his chest.

Snow Maiden: Grey-haired man, listen, where are we going?
Father Frost: Who knows, he's bald. The main thing is that there are no cops here - and that’s bread! (laughs)
Snow Maiden: Well, yes, gray-haired, this is actually a normal idea you came up with: for the New Year, dress up as the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, so that you can rob without fawning. There’s just one thing I don’t understand, why are you Santa Claus and I’m the Snow Maiden?
Father Frost: Well, first of all, I’m bald, my beard (pulls off Santa Claus’s beard) is real. Where have you seen bearded snow maidens? This thing is loved only in Europe. And secondly, there was no second Santa Claus costume, and that would have been suspicious. We, again, are not in Europe. And anyway, be grateful that I didn’t dress up as Santa Claus, otherwise you’d be a reindeer!
Snow Maiden: You yourself are a deer! Bearded!
Father Frost: Whose cow is that that mooed, huh?

And they step on each other.
At this moment a girl comes in.

Young woman: And here you are!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden freeze and very slowly turn to her.

Young woman: Well, I ordered you!
Snow Maiden (quietly): She? Us?
Santa Claus (looking steadily into the neckline of his blouse): No.
Young woman: I was just waiting for you at the main entrance, and you’re already here! But this is even wonderful. Because the holiday will begin soon, you need to have time to prepare.
Snow Maiden (scared): Holiday? W-what holiday?
Young woman: Like which one? New Year of course! This is exactly why I called Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And I see you are already with gifts!
Snow Maiden: Yeah, just like they collected it for themselves. (pushes the bag closer to himself).
Young woman: This is good, but can we find out why the Snow Maiden is a man?
Father Frost: Well, you understand, there’s a crisis... There aren’t enough Snow Maidens for everyone. So they take just anyone...
Snow Maiden (displeasedly pokes Santa Claus in the back, and then turns to the girl): And, excuse me, who exactly are you?
Young woman: Oh yeah, sorry, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Anna Yakovlevna Smekhova, a teacher in our kindergarten.
Snow Maiden: D-kindergarten?
Young woman: Yes, and now there will be a holiday junior group. So…
Santa Claus: Gray-haired, just call me Gray-haired (takes you by the hand and slowly bends down to kiss the hand)
Snow Maiden:
He is gray-haired Arkady Sansanovich. What a scumbag... oh, Santa Claus! And I’m Lysovoy Mityai Palych...
Young woman: Arkady Sansanovich, very nice! (examining the hand of Santa Claus) Oh, and you have such an interesting tattoo here (reads) s.e.v.e.r.
Father Frost: Veliky Ustyug just didn’t fit...
Snow Maiden (from behind Santa Claus): so what kind of children are there?
Young woman: Yes, they’re quite small, they just recently crawled out from under the table, and now here’s... a New Year’s tree. So now you will see everything for yourself.

A New Year's children's melody plays, and the “kids” come out: dressed in costumes of a deer (required), a bunny, a bear, parsley, a dog, a wolf, etc. men. You can just put masks on them.

Young woman: Children, say hello to Santa Claus.
Children (in chorus): Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Father Frost: Well done, bro! (comes up to everyone and shakes hands. He reaches the deer and says) Well, hello, deer. (turns to the Snow Maiden and grins) Look, it’s really a deer!
Snow Maiden (shushes Santa Claus): hello kids! Let's dance a round dance together.
Father Frost: Oh exactly, a round dance! So, that means they stood behind each other, hands behind their backs... Went. Maestro, music! (plays from gentlemen of fortune)

The Snow Maiden hits her forehead with her fist.

The music ends and the girl says: And now Santa Claus will give you gifts!
Snow Maiden, stepping back and hiding the bag (hysterically): NO!
Young woman: Oh yes, of course! You need to tell Santa Claus a poem. Well, doggy, tell me.

It turns out that the “dog” recites any New Year’s poem.

Santa Claus (clapping): Well beautiful, high five! (approaches the Snow Maiden and tries to take the bag, shakes her head so desperately and won’t let her). He told me a poem!
Snow Maiden: Grey-haired man, have you gone crazy?! If everyone who recites a poem has to honestly give back what they stole, then we won’t have anything left!
Santa Claus (still taking out a wad of money and slapping it on his palm): Listen, dog, for such a gift one poem will not be enough.
Dog: And I can still solve the riddle!
Father Frost: Oh, I see you are so daring! Daredevil right. (addresses the Snow Maiden) He clearly senses that there is still a dog in the bag. Well, okay, come on, listen: I found her in the forest. I looked for her for a long time. I brought it home because I couldn't find it.
Dog: Splinter.
Father Frost: Ooh! Which! Beautiful! Wow! Give me your paw! (gives money). With this gift you paid for your parents’ entire kindergarten for a year in advance. And all this in just one poem and a riddle! The rest of you, learn! And you have another chocolate!
Snow Maiden: Chocolate?! Do you also have chocolates?!
Father Frost: No, but what?
Snow Maiden: Well, give it here! (runs up, grabs the rest of the chocolates and gives them to the children) Here you go, a chocolate for you, a chocolate for you, and a chocolate for you. Everybody run away from here! Happy New Year. Let everything stick together for you, oh, that is, it will come true!
Young woman: Oh, thank you! So great! You are just great!
Father Frost: Well, it’s all for you (looks at the cutout) Anna...
Snow Maiden: Well, if that’s all, then we’ll probably go!
Young woman: Where are you going? What about money?
Snow Maiden (presses the bag closer): will not give it back!
Young woman: No, I’ll give you money for your work.
Snow Maiden: Ahh, well it’s possible...

And at that moment a man runs in.

Man: And here you are! Finally I found you!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden raise their hands up in unison.

Young woman: Oh, Andrey Nikolaevich! You come!
Man: What, late again?
Young woman: No problem, here you go. These are our Santa Claus and Snegurochka, who had a wonderful holiday. And this is police captain Andrei Nikolaevich - Petya’s son!
Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden (slowly lowering his hands): Zzzzzzzssty.
Man: Yes, you see, I was late for my son’s holiday again! And all because some idiots decided to rob all the stores on New Year’s Eve! No, well, you can give them credit for their originality: you have to dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to steal money, chocolate and tangerines!
Snow Maiden (hisses in Santa Claus's ear): Tangerines?!
Santa Claus (shrugs): So it's a new year.
Man: Now run and look for them all over the city! And we can’t count how many such Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens there are! At least take yours!
Young woman: Oh, what, you don’t need to take ours. They hosted our holiday.
Snow Maiden: Yes, yes, while “someone” was robbing, we were on a holiday, so it wasn’t us!
At this moment, a “child” dressed up as a dog runs in: dad, dad you've come! And look what Santa Claus gave me! (gives money)

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are slowly moving back.

Man: Come on, stand!

And they all run away together.

Young woman: That’s how little Petya’s dream came true - to celebrate the New Year with his dad, the major! So may your dreams come true. Happy New Year!