A fairy tale about how smiles and tears met. Children's fairy tale. Basket with kind words A Tale of a Smile and a Flower

ABOUT One day a man was so overcome by sad thoughts that he didn’t even notice how
dropped his Smile.
And Smile, falling on a daisy, lay and thought: “And now what should I do without my Master?!” Yes, here the Butterfly landed on a neighboring flower. I saw the Smile and admired: “How big and joyful! I’ll take her with me!” Butterfly says to Smile:

Climb on my wings. Let's fly together!

Smile climbed onto the wings of the Butterfly. Smile decided that this way she would find her Master faster. But the Butterfly fluttered from flower to flower, and a Smile played on her wings. Everyone around admired:

What a miracle! Just look at the wings of the amazing Butterfly! Her wings are smiling!

And Smile realized that nothing good would come of this idea with the Butterfly, and she would not be able to find her Master. And the Smile flew from the wings of the Butterfly. The butterfly fluttered over the flowers, not noticing that she, too, had lost her Smile.

Everyone who met Smile advised her something or invited her to run, jump, fly or crawl with him. But Smile asked everyone about her Master.

Finally, she met the lonely Turtle. The turtle was old and very wise, so he immediately suggested what could be done:

Hop on me, I'll take you to the Swallows. They made a nest on the roof of your Master's house, wide river. Swallows often fly to the river bank to feed their chicks. Ask the Swallows to take you home!

The smile climbed onto the turtle's shell, and they drove off. We arrived at the river bank.

A smile found its way between them with difficulty and immediately greeted the Swallows.

Swallows, please take me home! - asked Smile.

One of the Swallows, with a beak full of various worms, spread its wing in front of Smile. She climbed onto it, and so flew home on the wing of a Swallow.

And the Master, when he lost his smile, felt that his life had become even more difficult. The Master of the Smile sits completely gloomy on the porch, thinking heavily and not seeing any way out of the current situation.

And here the Swallow brought a smile. She flew right in front of the Master's face. The smile slipped from the wing. And she returned to her rightful place. And for some reason the Man suddenly felt better. He feels like... he's smiling! "Interesting! Such serious problems, and I sit and smile!” - thought the Man.

And when he smiled, the solution to his problems came to him. It turned out that not everything is as scary as it was previously pictured! The man, joyful, entered his house. And in his eyes and on his lips a smile shone.

And the faces of all his household members lit up with new smiles in response.

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ABOUT One day a man was so overcome by sad thoughts that he didn’t even notice how
dropped his Smile.
And the smile fell on the daisy. She lay there and thought: “What should I do now without my Master?!” Yes, here the Butterfly landed on a neighboring flower. I saw the Smile and admired: “How big and joyful! I’ll take her with me!” The butterfly says to Smile: “Climb on my wings. Let's fly together!" Smile climbed onto the wings of the Butterfly. Smile decided that this way she would find her Master faster. But the Butterfly fluttered from flower to flower, and a Smile played on her wings. Everyone around admired: “What a miracle! Just look at the wings of the amazing Butterfly! Her wings are smiling! “And Smile realized that nothing good would come of this idea with the Butterfly, and she would not be able to find her Master. And the Smile flew from the wings of the Butterfly. The butterfly fluttered over the flowers, not noticing that she, too, had lost her Smile.
Meanwhile, Smile met the Frog. She thought that maybe with the Croaked Frog she would find the Master faster. And she asked her: “Take me with you, Frog Frog!” The croaking frog answered Smile: “I wish I could take you, but what a smile I have! Where do I need another one!”
Everyone who met Smile advised her something or invited her to run, jump, fly or crawl with him. But Smile asked everyone about her Master. Finally, she met the lonely Turtle. The turtle was old and very wise, so he immediately suggested what could be done: “Sit on me, I will take you to the Swallows. They made a nest on the roof of your Master's house, across the wide river. Swallows often fly to the river bank to feed their chicks. Ask the Swallows to take you home!” The smile climbed onto the turtle's shell, and they drove off. We arrived at the river bank.
The turtle immediately crawled away, and here the sun set. And Smile had to spend the night alone on the river bank. It was quite cool at night, and there was also some dampness from the river. The smile completely shrank from the cold and hid under the Burdock leaf. Burdock was so happy about her that he lit up all over! Smile got very tired during the day and fell into a deep sleep, curled up right on the ground. And Burdock glowed all night with joy! At night the rain passed, but Smile under Burdock was warm and dry.
The smile woke up with the first rays of the Sun. She thanked Burdock for the shelter. Gained strength from the sun's rays. She drank from the rainwater that had accumulated on the Burdock leaves. At night, huge Raincoat mushrooms grew next to him.
A smile found its way between them with difficulty and immediately greeted the Swallows. “Swallows, please take me home!” - asked Smile. One of the Swallows, with a beak full of various worms, spread its wing in front of Smile. She climbed onto it and flew home on the wing of a Swallow. And the Master, when he lost his smile, felt that his life had become even more difficult. The Master of the Smile sits completely gloomy on the porch, thinking heavily and not seeing any way out of the current situation.
And here the Swallow brought a smile. She flew right in front of the Master's face. The smile slipped from the wing. And she returned to her rightful place. And for some reason the Man suddenly felt better. He feels like... he's smiling! "Interesting! Such serious problems, and I sit and smile!” - thought the Man. And when he smiled, the solution to his problems came to him. It turned out that not everything is as scary as it was previously pictured! The man, joyful, entered his house. And in his eyes and on his lips a smile shone. And the faces of all his household members lit up with new smiles in response.

- Well, is it possible to be so capricious? - said the dwarf, looking out from under the bed and angrily rubbing his forehead. He heard Vila's loud cry and fell from the picture, behind which he had fallen asleep so sweetly. “And this is every morning. You will soon become the same as me,” he continued, pulling out a mirror to find a lump among his wrinkles.
“Go away, I don’t want to see you,” Vila cried, “I don’t want anything.”
- Wait. Do you know what a smile can do? - asked the gnome.
The girl shook her head.
- So smile and I will show you.
“I can’t, I don’t know how,” Vila answered and was about to cry again.
“Well, I’ll teach you,” the dwarf laughed and sent a ray of sunshine straight into her eyes.
She closed her eyes and hid her face in her hands.

- One, two, three it's time! - the gnome shouted
The girl lowered her hands and smiled. Someone's footsteps were heard outside the window. A tall, gloomy old man passed by, knocking with his stick. He was very busy with his own affairs and, accidentally seeing Vila, turned away.
“Now run after him,” said the dwarf, “just put on my shoes, otherwise you won’t be able to keep up with your smile.”
Vila wanted to object that her feet would not fit in such small shoes, but they already found themselves on her, and she ran after the old man. He was not far away and for some reason walked much slower. When Vila caught up with him, she saw her smile on his face.
The old man stopped near the flower girl and bought a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Now he was in no hurry at all and even stopped banging with his stick. The flowers awakened memories in him, and he went to the outskirts of the city, where there was a rickety house with a tiled roof. He was once happy there.
An ugly girl was sleeping in a chair on the balcony. Her face seemed pale and sad. She dreamed that her friend the poet was saying goodbye to her forever. The old man looked at the girl for a long time, and then, standing on tiptoe, threw the flowers directly into her lap. She did not wake up, but a slight smile suddenly appeared on her lips.
The old man moved on, but Vila remained.
A young man with a thick notebook knocked on the house. The girl opened her eyes and saw lilies of the valley. Her smile made her so beautiful that when she opened the door, the young man did not recognize her. It turned out to be a poet. He was always busy with his poetry, considered himself unrecognized and came to the girl only to read his works.
“Thank you,” she said, squeezing his hand.
- For what? - the poet asked, not understanding her, but the girl decided that he was pretending.
She put the lilies of the valley in a glass and began to look at the young man with such shining eyes that he could not read poetry and also smiled.
"Wow!" - Vila thought, recognizing her smile on the face of the important minister. He was in a hurry to meet with an ambassador from a neighboring state and almost ran into a poet who was absentmindedly walking in the middle of the street and smiling. The minister wanted to get angry, but he couldn’t and now continued on his way in a completely different mood. The negotiations were supposed to resolve the issue of war, but thanks to Vila’s smile, the diplomats came to an agreement and, having concluded peace, parted very satisfied. The gardener went out onto the road along which the minister was returning. The blue flag fluttered on the carriage. Peace, the gardener sighed with relief and smiled. He walked up to the apple tree and stroked its branches. White buds reached towards the sky.
“A little more sun and they would have blossomed,” said the gardener. The clouds hanging over the ground parted, and cheerful rays peered into the garden. The buds burst and the apple tree blossomed.
- Well, have you seen what one smile can do? - said the dwarf when Vila returned.
“Yes,” answered the girl. - Now I will always smile.
The dwarf clapped his hands.
“Then take the gift,” and threw her a big red apple.
- Is this from that tree? - Vila asked.
- I will not say! - the gnome sang and hid.

A fairy tale about a lost smile, Baba Yaga, whom all the heroes help, and the audience sympathizes with, about a fox singing a romance, and about many other funny and kind miracles that happen only under New Year! And, of course, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the New Year's festive mood are always present!

Characters: Presenter, Baba Yaga, Black Cat, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Goldfish, Three Fairies, Winter.

The hall is decorated in the form of a snow-covered forest. Near the central wall is the decoration of Baba Yaga's room.

Presenter. Hello, dear guests! Happy New Year. Since childhood, we have been waiting for surprises and fun from this holiday. We are waiting for gifts, guests, good fairy tale. And the fairy tale definitely comes to us!

Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears dancing.

Baba Yaga (sings, music at the discretion of the music director).

Tired of sitting here

Yes, everyone looks out the window.

For three hundred years I’ve been sitting and looking,

I don't find anything.

At least someone came to visit,

Then I would set the table.

Here are frogs in Parisian style,

Here's a goat with sauce.

Soon it will be New Year.

I'm alone. It's a shame. Here.

Well, here's an apple on a saucer,

Show who lives how.

He looks into the saucer.

I see a fast round dance,

Christmas tree, holiday, New Year.

But I was not invited -

What bad luck!

Didn't you call? No problem.

I'll come there myself.

I'm beautiful, I'm elegant,

I'm a grandma anyway. (2 times)

Yaga looks in the mirror, turns around, looking for something.

Baba Yaga.

It's good that I came to my senses.

But where did she disappear to?

The Cat enters.

Are you going somewhere?

Baba Yaga.

Don't bother me now, Vasya.

I lost my smile.

It seems like it was lying here yesterday.

Didn't you take it?

For what? I didn't take it.

And I haven't seen it for a long time.

Can I look in the saucer?

Baba Yaga.

Where could I take her?

Otherwise, I lost it

When I flew through the forest.

It's indecent for you, madam,

Roaming through the forests today.

Baba Yaga.

And not to roam, but to fly!

Enough useless chatter.

Get ready and let's go,

Maybe we'll find it somewhere.

And don’t forget the saucer:

I'll come back later.

The cat and Baba Yaga leave.


And at the holiday, children have fun in the morning.

Children sing the song “If only there were no winter” (from the film “Three from Prostokvashino”).

The Cat and Baba Yaga appear.

We've been walking with you for a whole hour,

We won't find anything

We'll just hurt our legs

Or we'll get a runny nose.

People are sitting at home,

They look at televisions.

You won't find it except us,

There are weirdos in the forest now.

Baba Yaga.

Take a closer look:

Do you see Gray on the way?

Look, he sat down like a gentleman:

Neither pass nor pass.

A Wolf sits on the ice hole.

Song of the Wolf.

This morning I’ve been sitting on the lake, an amateur fisherman.

And I felt so cold that there are not enough words.

I want to get you out of the river as soon as possible.

The fox - the red cheat - tricked me again.

And it wasn’t the first time – that’s how things are.

Hey you, perches, tench, crucian carp, bream,

I don’t care about fat, if I were alive, I’d pull out my tail.

Baba Yaga.

Okay, Gray, I'll help.

You will be in my debt.

Baba Yaga casts a spell. The wolf gets up and dances.

Baba Yaga.

Look, how briskly he danced!

Haven't you seen a smile?


The fox has a smile

I saw it and got it!

She deceived me, she cheated me!

She was very cunning.

Baba Yaga.

Confess, where is the fox?


That's where she went.

The wolf leaves.

Baba Yaga.

Oh, I’ll find you, oh, I’ll punish you!

Here she is! Look!

Baba Yaga.

Romance of the Fox.

I've been preparing for the ball for a whole year,

I curled my tail all day.

The Snow Maiden invited me to visit.

I came and sing you a romance.

Oh, how difficult life is for a fox!

I spin from dawn to dusk.

I would like to get hold of a chicken somewhere,

Or they would bring me a fish.

Gray wolf and clubfoot bear,

The lanky simpleton crane

I was once given gifts

Maybe not by choice!

And now I have come to you for a holiday.

I will decorate it with myself.

Santa Claus will give me all the gifts,

Maybe without meaning to.


That's all, friends.

Baba Yaga.

No, the smile is not mine.


Better ask the fish -

That's just the polynya.

Song of the Goldfish.

Hello, I am glad to welcome you,

I invite everyone to the holiday now.

Everyone is having fun, waltzing around,

But for some reason they forgot about us.

If you caught a goldfish,

You can make three wishes for the fish.

The fish will fulfill them, the fish will help you,

But who will help the fish? (2 times)

The cat tries to catch the Fish, she swims away.

Baba Yaga.

Here, awkwardly, she swam away.


I could give you advice.

Steam goes over the snowdrift -

Apparently someone lives there.

Baba Yaga.

We will raise everyone, we will get everyone.

It won't leave me.

Yaga is trying to stir up a snowdrift with a stick. The Bear gets out.


Here comes the hooliganism!

And you can’t live in a den!

As soon as I catch it, I’ll break it!

What is in the forest is all mine!

The bear chases Yaga for some time, then she stops, he continues to run around the tree, then they collide.


Oh, grandma, spoiled girl!

Have you decided to have some fun?

How's your sciatica?

I see your leg doesn't hurt?

Baba Yaga.

Oh, my sides are crushed!


Sorry, I didn't calculate.

Song of the Bear.

Tired, brothers, of us bears,

Hide from people here in the forests.

And among brown bears, among ordinary bears

There are a lot of troubles from people.

Don't rain on a frosty night.

There is no rest for the bear from people.

We woke up the bear in December

There is no food and it is cold outside.

Baba Yaga.

I lost my smile.

By any chance, have you seen it?


You don't need a smile.

You already scared everyone away!

Baba Yaga.

I didn't mean to scare you.

I was going to a holiday. (Cries.)

And like this all day long,

And she’s not too lazy to wander around here.


Enough dampness, grandma.

I'm a bear, not a seal.

Do you hear the song behind the edge?

Follow her, old lady.

Children sing (any New Year's song).

Baba Yaga.

Oh, the song ended.

And the path was lost.

Oh, what beauty!

There is a smile!

Baba Yaga.

Fairy Song.

We will warm you with warmth and a smile

Those who are sad on a festive evening.

We are magical good fairies

Our song flies on wings.

Maybe you are sad today.

We will sing - and there will be no sadness again.

We give you a hearty New Year's

Warmest regards.

The fairies dance and leave.


Dear Baba Yaga, come to our holiday. We will try to find your smile.

Baba Yaga.

Thank you, friends.

I can't live without a smile.

Baba Yaga and the Cat leave.


Like on the troika to us itself

Zimushka-Winter is coming.

Winter's exit with horses. Horse Dance.

Song "At the edge of the forest."


Hello, Zimushka-Winter!

Tell us yourself:

Where does Santa Claus walk?

He walked with a bag and carried gifts.

He decorated the forest with snow -

That's why I fell behind, apparently.


Let's call Grandfather!


Come to us, Grandfather, we are waiting!

Exit of Santa Claus.

Father Frost.

Hello, children, fathers and mothers!

I walked along the edge of the forest, I walked through the clearing,

Yelyam threw a shawl over his shoulders,

He gave fur coats of snow to rowan trees.

I walked across seas and rivers -

Ice, like a bridge, grew on the water.

And everyone saw how Frost the General

The ice parquet on the skating rink was rubbing.

I am here, I have come, I am glad to see you, friends.

And here is my beloved granddaughter.

Song of the Snow Maiden.

Among the winds, among the snows

I live with my grandfather.

And my life is like a sweet dream,

Like a fairy tale in reality.

Today I came to the ball

Congratulate you, friends,

May the New Year come to your home

And my song.

Snowflakes make my bed,

Snow tells a fairy tale

And my grandmother, Metel,

He gives me outfits.


Santa Claus, ah, Santa Claus,

Did you bring us a Christmas tree?

Father Frost.

Yes, big, like a haystack.


Why didn't you light it?

You create a miracle for us!

Father Frost.

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!


Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The Christmas tree lights up. Any New Year's song is performed in a waltz rhythm. Father Frost and Snow Maiden dance around the Christmas tree with the children. The children sit down, the same music continues. Frost and Snow Maiden hide behind the Christmas tree, and from there Baba Yaga waltzes in with Frost.

Santa Claus (pushing Baba Yaga away).

What kind of joke is this?

Baba Yaga.

Hello my little ones!

Father Frost.

What is it, what is the question?

Baba Yaga (portraying a society lady).

Yes, you apparently have sclerosis.

Nothing, I’ll remind you now

Good Grandfather Frost.

Baba Yaga's song, performed to the tune of "Madame Broshkina".

And I live alone! Such are the things!

And I annoyed all my neighbors, I really annoyed them!

I transferred my friends!

And now I live alone.

Well, almost there! With a cat!

And I'm good! Madame Ezhkina!

She was so combative and lively!

Fluttered like a butterfly!

But the years have flown by a little,

And she became a grandmother! Oh-oh, Madame Ezhkina!

Father Frost.

I'm starting to remember...

I guess your name is Yago?

Only we didn't intend to

Invite you to the holiday.

Baba Yaga.

And this happens every year!

Well, let me join in the round dance!

I dance like Volochkova

And my Vasily sings.

Father Frost.

Don't drive the snowstorm away.

So... bring back the Snow Maiden.

The cat brings the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.

We won't take you anywhere.

Snow Maiden.

Grandpa, they're in trouble.

Yagushi doesn't have a smile. Lost it.

Cat (sadly).

As always…

Father Frost.

Okay, what should I do with you...

Snow Maiden.

Help. Can you help?

Father Frost.

Yes! Just don't do any magic!

Stand, children, stand in a circle!

Snow Maiden.

Let's start dancing!

The absolutely serious Baba Yaga begins the dance. First he dances slowly solo, then with the cat, then, accelerating the tempo, he dances with Santa Claus. The cat makes funny steps and starts a round dance with the children. At the end of the general dance, Baba Yaga turns to the audience and shows a dazzling smile. (If the teacher deems it necessary, rubber “jaws” can be used.)

Baba Yaga.

Aw thank you, grace!

Let me kiss you!

Father Frost.

Now it’s a different matter.

Try not to lose.

And for you, kitten Vasya,

I suggest you play.

The cat is blindfolded and, following the “hot and cold” principle, looks for a toy mouse. At the end of the game, the cat finds not only the mouse, but also a bag of gifts, previously hidden in the hall.

Father Frost.

Oh thank you, Vasya the cat!

New Year is coming!

Let all adults and all children

Definitely lucky!

A fairy storyteller told me a fairy tale about a smile that colors our planet in thousands of shades. And she knows a lot of fairy tales...

"Gifted Smiles"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Beauty Spring gave smiles to everyone. She gave a smile to a flying swallow, a gloomy beaver, always swarming in the ground, a white-footed hare, butterflies - white and lemongrass, yellow-breasted tits, graceful squirrels. And many more animals and birds.

Only in the evening Vesna saw a hedgehog with prickly needles and a prickly gaze.

- Why didn’t you come to me for a smile? – Vesna asked the hedgehog.

“But I don’t need to smile, no one will see my smile.” I lead an active life at night. And in the dark no one can see me. Thank you, Spring, for melting the cold snow, awakening forest life, and also rewarding everyone with smiles. I'm happy for everyone.

Vesna liked the hedgehog’s words. I liked the fact that the hedgehog can be happy for others. The ability to be happy for others indicates the presence of kindness from the heart.

But the smile still came running to the hedgehog. It’s impossible not to smile when Spring smiles, when everyone around you smiles.

Questions for the fairy tale “Given Smiles”

To whom did the Spring Beauty give smiles?

Why did the hedgehog stop smiling?

Why did the hedgehog still smile?

Do you like to smile? Who do you smile at the most?

Can you be happy for others?

A tale about kind words. Little Mouse sat on the edge of her hole and was sad. A long time ago, a terrible hurricane passed over the magical clearing and blocked all approaches to it. It became impossible to get there, and Little Mouse now rarely left the hole. And now she was sitting on the threshold, sighing and looking sadly at the sky. And then the Blue Bird appeared, after all, the creatures from the clearing were magical and did not completely lose each other. Sometimes they visited each other or gathered in other clearings, although of course not like this big company and less often. The Blue Bird settled on the branch closest to the hole, stretched, folded its wings and turned its head towards the Little Mouse. -- Hello. Mouse,” she said, “why are you sad?” “Good day to you, Blue Bird,” Little Mouse smiled, “everything is simple, since our clearing disappeared, I again feel small, weak and useless to anyone, there I could at least help someone, but now... The Mouse sighed heavily again, the Blue Bird again spread her beautiful wings, and rainbow highlights shone around her: “You know, I’ll tell you a fairy tale,” she said in a melodious deep voice, almost sang, “listen!” — In one small town there lived a very talented baker. Everything he baked turned out incredibly delicious. And every morning, residents of the town lined up at his bakery and bought whole baskets of his products. And buns, and rolls, and pies and, of course, the bread was soft, airy, fresh, retaining heat for a long time, it seemed that it could give strength for the whole day. People shopped and ran on about their business. This went on for a very long time, but one day the baker became very ill. Every day he grew weaker and baked less and less bread, and then fell ill altogether. People were worried and worried, but the doctors were helpless, no matter what they did, the medicines did not help... Everyone was completely desperate when an elderly magician came to the city. People rushed to him, but he himself went first to the baker's house. The wizard sat there for more than an hour, and when he came out, he reported that the baker had recovered. Yes, people themselves saw that smoke rose from the chimney in the kitchen, and soon there was a smell of butter dough. People gathered around the Magician and began to ask what happened to the baker and how the magician managed to cure him so quickly. The wizard settled down on the steps of the town hall on the square, looked around at the townspeople and began his speech: “Your baker is very good man , he is not just a talented cook, he puts his whole soul into his products, it’s not for nothing that you love his baked goods. But, alas, you got so busy that you never praised the baker, didn’t tell him it was delicious, didn’t even say “thank you.” You always thought that this went without saying. Meanwhile, his soul began to freeze, because you can’t put your soul into something for a long time and not receive a return at all. So he was cold and weak until I came and told him how important his bread is, how you need it, how you stand outside the door and worry, and the baker’s soul finally thawed. But I’ll tell you what, far, far away near the sun itself there live magical Good Words, they play with the sun, dive into it, bathe in its rays, and when someone says them on earth, they descend and make the world a little brighter and warmer, they warm souls, preventing them from freezing. After all, if souls freeze, the world dims, people become sad, sick, sometimes even angry. And this is very, very bad, and therefore we need to say magical and very important Good Words to each other more often." The magician fell silent. People listened to him and thought, and one boy wanted to become such a great wizard. He began to say kind words almost constantly, muttering in a tongue twister , but didn’t notice the effect. He found the old Magician and was indignant: “How can it be, today I said “good afternoon” twenty times, and nothing, the world has not become brighter at all!” The Wizard looked carefully at the boy and grinned. “And oh what were you thinking when you said these words?" asked the Magician. "What about what! - the boy exclaimed and, looking into the old Wizard's eyes, he told the truth - that I want to become a great magician!" "Well, for kind words to become magical, they must be spoken sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, wanting exactly what you say. “Good afternoon,” the wizard said with great warmth, and the day really became warmer. “Like this.” The magician did not stay in the city for long and moved on, but many townspeople no longer forgot and did not hesitate to say magical Good Words to each other. And their city became brighter and cleaner, and the townspeople themselves were kinder and happier... - “This is the story,” finished the Blue Bird, “and you Mouse, although small and weak, never forget to say Kind Words to others, and always say them sincerely, and therefore the world around you becomes brighter...” “Thank you, "Blue Bird," said the Little Mouse with all her heart. "You're welcome," the Blue Bird smiled and flew on. "Bon voyage," the Mouse squeaked after her and headed into her hole. The mouse smiled, because Kind Words warm not only the one to whom they are spoken, but also the one who said them.