Compilation and distribution of resumes. Service for creating resumes online. Explain the work experience gap

If, despite extensive work experience, the number of invitations from employers is small, this is a reason to think about the basics of job search. You should start with the free steps. We recommend that you use our modern template to create your resume online and download it for further submission.

Most job seekers wonder: how to write a resume correctly? The following recommendations will help you do this:

  1. One of the first requirements for a resume is literacy. Work experience should be described as concisely and specifically as possible. It is not recommended to create a large resume (more than a page), as there is a risk that the recruiter may simply not read it to the end. When your work experience is really great, you can create a second version of your resume - an extended one. It may come in handy during an interview.
  2. If you have significant experience in various fields, it is recommended to create several resumes describing each aspect of your activity. For example, a programmer who knows several languages ​​may have both experience participating in several projects and experience working as a system administrator. Not every employer will appreciate a versatile employee, so it is better to create separate resumes describing programming and system administration experience.
  3. It is necessary to create a resume that meets the requirements of a certain category of employers. First you need to review and systematize the vacancies you are interested in, decide on your own preferences regarding work, and try to understand what the employer needs in each specific area. Then you need to highlight exactly these aspects of your experience and think about how to present them most advantageously.
  4. When describing your activities, you need to mention not only your responsibilities, but also the results achieved, citing specific numbers. The bottom line is this: you should describe the responsibilities, sort them by degree of importance, and then put down numerical values ​​that characterize the effectiveness of each type of activity. The set of parameters depends on the positioning of the applicant in the market. The result must be reliable and convincing.
  5. Try to attach a photo of yourself that can win over a stranger. Please note that it should not be provocative or hint at some non-working moments. Neutral portrait photography for the applicant - the best option.

Once the applicant has figured out how to write a resume and has prepared it online, the final document needs to be carefully checked. It’s good if you have the opportunity to show your resume to friends who are competent in personnel selection and will help you for free. Cooperation with recruiting agencies can be very beneficial. It will allow you not only to bring your resume to the desired form, but also to get into the database.

If, in addition to a successful resume, the applicant has self-confidence and good mood, then success in employment is guaranteed.

Searching for suitable job offers using the Internet involves the use of special services. These are sites that have two main databases: vacancies created by employers and resumes posted by applicants.

To simplify the use of such services, developers integrate a special constructor. This is a form that the applicant fills out and receives ready-made resume. Some portals even have the ability to print it for future use. In addition, you can always make your resume active or hide it if you are still searching or have already achieved the desired result. It is also possible to correct the data at any moment.

Job search and resume posting sites

Job sites involve searching for resumes and vacancies. The main and most popular of them:

By posting your resume on this site, you will join 24 million other users. In addition, the service offers over 350 thousand available vacancies. Site users will receive:

Possibility of protecting personal data using address confirmation Email and numbers mobile phone;
Support from site employees via the Viber application;
Access to the regional vacancy growth map and useful articles;
Many other useful features.

Over 7 million users have chosen this site to post their resume or search for new employees. The site can be configured for use in a specific region.

Statistics given on the main page of the portal indicate 180 thousand users who visit it daily. And it’s not surprising, because this is one of the oldest job search sites. It has been operating since 1996, and during this time it has managed to gain not only an all-Russian scale. Many residents of the CIS use it.

Moderation of vacancies on the site is carried out in manual mode, which increases its safety. Besides, distinctive feature is the “Research” tab: interesting articles, sociological surveys and salary reviews.

Every day, the site with a promising name is visited by more than 100 thousand people. And the number of new vacancies increases by about a thousand every day. Convenient filters will help you distinguish a direct offer from an employer from a recruitment agency.

Another veteran of the job search space. The site has been operating since 1999. Every day, the number of new vacancies is more than 25 thousand. It is also worth noting the presence of internal mail, which facilitates quick communication between a potential employee and employer.

An interregional site with which you can filter vacancies for individual cities in Russia. Distinctive feature– job search through Telegram and Facebook Messenger applications using bots.

The site's simple interface will suit even the most insecure Internet users. But at the same time, in addition to the standard tab for adding a resume, there is an advanced search for vacancies in which you can enter the main keywords, as well as the period when the offer appears on the site.

The portal is made specifically for students, professionals without work experience, as well as those looking for temporary or part-time work. The site can't boast big amount vacancies, but for such a narrow niche this is a good result.

A site that practices “graduate recruitment” technology – attracting young specialists with minimal experience or no experience at all, with the aim of training them and subsequent employment. Such a site is an ideal alternative to classic employers who place too high demands on candidates.

A single site for posting job search resumes

Using as many sites as possible will make your search truly effective. If you need to highlight a universal site, this is Resume searches on the site are carried out by well-known international companies and trusted employers. The resume editor is very user-friendly:
nice interface;
presence of all necessary fields (personal data, experience, education, etc.);
the ability to add the required number of fields;
hints that help you understand the filling;
availability of a special application for smartphones.

Finding a job is always difficult and very exciting. Doubts, worries and uncertainty. No, you won't find a job that way. We believe in ourselves and write a resume.

What is it? This is a display of your merits, achievements and skills, transferred to a sheet, be it paper or electronic.

What points should this document contain:

  • Personal Information- indicate your full name, date of birth (not age), your marital status, actual residence address and contact phone number;
  • Target- most applicants needlessly miss this point, but it is precisely this that makes it clear to your future employer your priorities regarding the vacancies available to him;
  • Education- divided into two subparagraphs. The first describes the basic education you received, and the second describes various courses, additional classes, trainings and the like. It is very important to write down the name educational institution completely, not forgetting about the faculty and specialty;
  • Work experience- we start with the last position and company, then in descending order we write down the positions and organizations in which you worked. Do not forget to note the dates of entry and departure from positions, as well as the profile of the organizations. Avoid brief and common language in terms of the field of activity of the company, only official names;
  • Professional skills- here we describe everything you learned in previous jobs. There is no need to go too far and describe how you know how to arrange correspondence according to Feng Shui. Only what will be useful for your future vacancy;
  • Foreign languages- knowing them is not just good for you, but wonderful, because it is this point that can tip the scales in your favor. Do not forget to indicate the level of proficiency, only in generally accepted official formulations;
  • Proficient in PC and office equipment- in the modern world there is nowhere without this, do not forget to write down the names of the software systems that you can use;
  • Additional data- this includes: the ability to drive a vehicle, its availability, attitude towards business trips, and the like.

Methods for submitting your resume

Post office

This method is clearly no different in terms of speed of delivery. But this does not mean that it should be completely discounted. Let's start with the costs that you will have when choosing this method sending a document:

  • purchasing an envelope,
  • buying a stamp,
  • document formation,
  • its printout.

To avoid disappointment when sending it this way, follow these guidelines:

  • the letter is only registered, and preferably with notification - thanks to this you will be sure that the letter has been delivered where you need it;
  • exact details of the addressee - it will be sad if you make a mistake in one number or letter and the resume goes “to the village to grandpa”;
  • A4 format is not included in standard envelopes, so either choose a suitable envelope or fold the sheet in half, but this is not advisable.


Very quick way delivery reputation. After all, it will come to the company you are interested in instantly. Main disadvantage- the fax doesn't print very well, so appearance and the presentation will not be very good.

How to fix this or at least minimize the negative impression? Use the following recommendations:

  1. Selecting this shipping method only if there is an emergency request from a potential employer. Most likely, he needs to see the text itself, and not how it is formatted.
  2. It is advisable to also send it by regular mail.. This will not only show the degree of desire to work in this particular organization, but also perseverance - how positive side character.
  3. Submitting your paper twice will expand the circle of potential readers, and this automatically increases your chances of being invited to an interview. Where will you show yourself with the best side.


Nowadays, even grandmothers from remote villages know about the Internet. And this is not surprising, because it gives you the opportunity to communicate with friends and relatives, look for work, and present yourself from the best side. We are increasingly noticing that communicating in person is no longer the same. And electronic resumes, like online interviews, are gaining momentum and becoming part of our everyday life.

Convenience of sending is categorical, but here a problem may arise such as your letter being thrown into spam by the organization to which it was sent. Otherwise, they won’t read your resume, which means you won’t see a job there.

How to send your resume by email

Almost all postal software systems make it possible to attach almost any file to an email. That is, you can attach a resume both in text format and in a PDF file. The latter is more reliable (it is impossible to make changes to it), but it may happen that the recipient does not have a program that reads this format.

Interesting! It is recognized that the most popular and widespread is text editor from Windows - Word.

Step by step procedure

  1. If you decide to send a document as an attachment to an email, do it immediately after opening the postal complex. If you accidentally forget and send without it, you will ruin your impression of yourself. This characterizes your disorganization, and this is not a trait for which people hire.
  2. Before sending, double-check the attachment and text of the letter for spelling and punctuation errors. Then check the relevance of the data you provide; perhaps the resume was written some time ago, and during its course your position changed.
  3. Be sure to fill in the “Subject” field in the letter. Here we note what you are sending and for which vacancy. Without a subject, the chances of your email going to spam are very high. And also the personnel officer will immediately determine the essence of your appeal. The ideal option is “Resume of I.I. Ivanova for the position of secretary-assistant.”
  4. We draw up the letter case. If you have not supplemented the letter with an additional resume, then it is necessary. This text does not need to be long, but be sure to note your advantages over other candidates, the basis of your interest in this vacancy, and the like.
  5. If you can’t write a cover letter, then instead of a blank letter, write"Hello. Please review my resume attached to the document. Sincerely, your full name."
  6. Go to the “Recipient Address” field. It’s not for nothing that we put this step last, because it often happens to send a letter to someone unknown where and to whom, simply by automatically clicking on “send”. And then once again inspect the result of your work for errors (there shouldn’t be any), and only after that we enter the required address and send it.

What files should be attached to your resume?

All recruiters are clear that an electronic resume must contain mandatory attachments that will help you prove yourself to the employer and provide them with the necessary information.

Covering letter

This text is very important in electronic resume, and you can’t do without it. Try to approach it creatively. Your goal is to arouse the interest of the personnel officer or the person who is tasked with receiving and reading mail in the organization you are interested in.

No, you can’t resort to overly creative solutions, like “I’m so handsome with a beard, even though my resume file is empty.” This also includes emoticons, postcards and the like.

Set yourself apart, but as a competent and adult person. Mark what will set you apart from the many applicants for this position. For example, a secretary needs fast typing skills, but you can do this at a speed of 700 characters per minute. Or you are applying for the vacancy of a territory manager; having a client base of 1000 people will make you unique and in demand.

This is the information you need to display in your cover letter, and strictly follow the rules and requirements business correspondence and etiquette.


Nowadays, almost all advertisements for hiring employees contain a clause requiring photographs. And this is not a whim, but a current necessity. After all, harmonious relationships in a team are very important for any leader.

And even if you are a genius in your field, your appearance is also very important.

After all, this is ridicule addressed to you by colleagues, and here it’s not far from quarrels. And most importantly, the company’s employees are its face to the outside world. Of course, if the vacancy you are interested in does not involve close communication with people, then perhaps this factor will not be taken into account.

Diplomas and certificates

By attaching scanned copies of your documents, you will confirm the education you indicated in your resume. Plus, the employer can first check the authenticity of the specified data. And in general, this investment will reflect your seriousness in the mood for this vacancy.

Important! Scanned copies must be of excellent quality so that they are easy to read, even the small print.

What format to use for a resume

The most commonly used and most popular is the file with the “doc” extension. Can be attached as a PDF file. But as practice shows, in advertisements for the search for employees, the employer usually indicates in what format he wants to see the submitted resume.

How to name files correctly

File name - name of the document being sent; your full name; what position are you applying for?

We name attachments according to what the file contains. If this is a photo, then write it that way and add your full name. Regarding educational documents, it is better to form them into one archive file.

Even if you decide to personally go and “knock out” a position for yourself, remember:

  1. The employer is a busy person, and you need to get a clearly scheduled time for the interview.
  2. The employer knows what kind of person he needs, and first he must understand whether there is any point in talking with you, and for this he needs to see your resume.
  3. HR staff for the most part prefer to see your resume first, because this is the initial test of your honesty. After all, what you wrote in this paper can be easily verified. And if you “embellished yourself”, do not expect a hospitable attitude towards you.
  4. Having a resume makes it possible to send it to various organizations, and in any way: in person, by mail, by e-mail, by fax. Some will work.

How to send a resume by email, sample resume document.

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When looking for a job, it is very important for applicants to correctly and competently write a resume, indicating all the data that may allow them to apply for the desired position. However, with the development of technology, it is no longer necessary to carry a resume and personally hand it over to the employer.

Thanks to the Internet, if a potential employer has indicated his or her email (e-mail) for communication, you can use it to send your resume along with a cover letter to several companies without leaving your home.

But, despite the fact that using email when searching for a job is quite convenient, but at the same time, if you make a mistake in its design, there is a high chance that it will simply be ignored and sent to the trash can without even bothering to read it.

So how then can you send your resume by e-mail so that the recruiter will pay attention to it? This is exactly what will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start sending your resume via email, it is worth remembering that if your feedback email has a frivolous login, for example, “chertenok@...” or something similar, this will only cause negativity on the part of the employer.

Therefore, to send your resume by email, it is best to create a separate mailbox with a decent login. If everything is in order with this, then you can start creating and sending an e-mail to a potential employer:

In the letter itself, do not forget to indicate the position for which you are applying and at the end you can write “With respect, (your full name).”

  • It is not recommended to send your resume in “.doc” format, but rather in “RTF” or “PDF”. To change the format to Microsoft Word, you need to open the document in which the resume is contained and click on “File” in the upper right corner. Then click on “Save As” and select the desired format. Ignore the message that some elements may be lost during formatting. After saving the file, open it to check. It is also recommended to rename the file from “Resume” to, for example, “First name or last name and position” or simply “First name and last name”. Only the file name must be written in Latin letters.
  • Check the file for errors. And only after that you can attach the file to the accompanying letter. To do this, depending on what mailbox you use, you will need to click on a paper clip or the “Attach file” button.
  • Check everything again and, if there are any shortcomings, correct it.
  • To send your resume to a potential employer, fill out the “To” field. To do this, copy the email address for contacting applicants from the source and paste it into the “To” field. Next, to send the message, click on “Send”.

When wondering how to send a resume by email, a sample, in the form of a template, can help you do it correctly.

However, to increase your chances of getting the desired position, you can follow these tips:

  • The most best time for sending e-mail is considered before the start of the working day or at the end. That is, you should try to send your message to the recruiter after 20:00, but before 8:00. This increases the likelihood of your letter being among the first to be read. Accordingly, this moment significantly increases the chances that your resume will be noticed.
  • Do not send your resume and photo in the body of the email. Unless, of course, there are other requirements from the recruiter.
  • If a photo of the applicant is required, then it should be placed directly in the resume document.
  • When writing the text itself, it is recommended to use Time New Roman or Arial font. If you want to pay special attention to something, then you should use italics or bold font. Highlighting with color, frames and other “art” is not welcome.
  • The text of the cover letter must be written exclusively in a business style.
  • After writing your resume, be sure to double-check it for errors. The same applies to the cover letter. The presence of such errors can not only create a negative impression of you as a candidate for vacant place, but also give a reason to send the file to the trash without finishing it.
  • Check your email several times a day so you don't miss an important message. In this regard, if your mobile device allows, try to install on it mobile app with your inbox to always be up to date.
  • Do not indicate anything that the employer does not require. That is, if the recruiter has not specified additional requirements for attaching photographs or examples of work you have written to your resume, then do not include them when sending it by e-mail.


Thus, when the question arises of how to send a resume by email, the sample depends on the employer's requirements. And it is very important for the applicant, first of all, to create about himself good impression. Therefore, when writing your resume and sending it, try to adhere to the basic rules and my recommendations.

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  1. Compiling a cover letter is one of the most revealing steps in introducing an applicant, indicating the competence, persuasiveness, assertiveness and seriousness of his intentions in the search suitable job. After reading such a letter, the recruiter will learn about the main goal of the applicant, evaluate his efforts and be able to draw appropriate conclusions. When filling out a letter, the applicant should address the hiring manager directly. If he is not aware of his name, then it is appropriate to use nameless correct formulations, for example, “Dear employees of the enterprise” or “Good afternoon.” You should indicate the vacancy that interests you and the sources of information about it. Next, you should write a little about the benefits you offer. You need to finish the story by indicating your phone number or email for feedback if your candidacy is of interest to the employer.

    Computer + Internet + blog = Articles that bring in money

    Don't forget the signature "with respect...".

Why do some people send their resumes to dozens of companies and receive no response, while others send their resumes to three companies and receive three invitations for an interview?

You can guess or rely on luck, but only one thing is clear: good preparation gives good results . For this reason, it is better to think twice and write a great resume once. It will give you the job you need, a smart leader, career opportunities and everything you dream about.

In this article you will find tips on how to properly write a resume for an accountant, manager, lawyer, engineer, director, manager, economist or any other specialist. All recommendations given are basic in nature and do not depend on the profession.

Four facets of proper resume writing

1. Literacy

The absence of errors, typos, and youth slang is a necessary and perhaps the most important aspect of writing a resume. The most important because if there are a lot of errors in the document, they can simply throw it away without paying attention to everything else.

To write a resume for a job correctly, you need to write it competently.

2. Compliance with the vacancy

By indicating unnecessary things, you confuse the employer and give rise to unnecessary questions.

After people order a sales resume writing service, I carefully discuss their wishes for the job. I request vacancies that people like, watch how employers describe the desired candidate, and look at similar vacancies. All this allows you to see the situation from both sides (through the eyes of the applicant and the employer). The result of all these actions is that the resume becomes closer to the employer, and the job search is simplified and accelerated.

Examples of correct and incorrect resume writing

  • If you are going to work as an accountant, there is no need to mention taking courses in website creation or interior design.
  • If you're going to be a chef, you don't have to list the accounting courses you've taken.
  • If you are going to work as a programmer, you should not write about sales skills.

If you are in doubt about writing or not writing about any experience or skill, write. It is better to answer the employer’s questions during the interview than to be left without an invitation to an interview at all.

3. Reasonable resume length

Half a page is not enough, three pages is a lot, 1-2 pages is optimal. Of course, it is advisable to keep it to one page, but it is not always possible to do this painlessly. Sometimes, in order to write a resume correctly, it is better to describe your experience and achievements more voluminously and make a two-page resume than to skimp on words and try to describe your professionalism in a couple of insignificant phrases.

  • optimize the use of space (a table, for example, allows you to write something in 3 columns and use only one row for it)
  • reduce the font (to an adequate size)
  • make optimal document margins and footers

Simple steps like these can turn a two-page resume into a one-page one.

I'm browsing great amount resume and I see that verbosity is one of the most common mistakes. I once came across a full page job description (about 27 duties listed)!

4. Clear and simple structure

This is probably the most important thing to create. Correct composition A job resume requires the correct structuring of information about yourself and your professional experience.

There is no single form of registration of information about yourself, but there are popular ones. The acceptable way is to use them, rather than invent something new.

Two Commonly Used Resume Structures

To better understand how to properly compose a resume, you need to consider each of these sections separately.

Full name, contact details, personal information

From the required data:

  • Surname
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • City of residence

All other data is optional. Sometimes you can find unnecessary details in a resume:

  • Exact address with zip code (here you can limit yourself to the city);
  • Date of birth (can be limited to age);
  • Two contact telephone numbers (if this is absolutely necessary, then, of course, indicate, but it is better if there is one telephone number);
  • Marital status: (not) married / (not) married. These details can easily be omitted.

If you have children, you can either write about it or remain silent. It is difficult to give correct advice in advance, because... There are situations when you do not need to write this information on your resume.

Goal and desired salary level

You provide this information as you wish.

Create a resume for a job

You can omit it because you can talk about it in detail during the meeting, and briefly describe your goal in a cover letter. As for the desired salary, it will greatly depend on the responsibilities that you will take on. Therefore, salary can also be discussed at the interview.


It is recommended to indicate the last 5-9 years of work experience. To correctly write a resume for a job, professional experience must be indicated chronologically, starting with the last place of work. Accordingly, the functions performed at the last place of work need to be described in more detail.


If you have been working for a long time, then it is recommended to provide information about your education briefly. If you are a graduate or student, then it is better to describe everything in more detail - successful term papers, diploma, industrial practice, etc.

Courses, trainings, seminars and others educational events can also be specified. Just remember that they must be relevant to the vacancy.

Professional skills

This section indicates all the skills and abilities that correspond to the vacancy for which the resume is being compiled.

The only recommendation is not to indicate trivial things: responsibility, learning ability, dedication, leadership abilities, high efficiency, stress resistance, desire for career growth. Many people write this and don’t even think about the meaning of these phrases. Don’t be like “everyone else”, learn to stand out from the crowd.

This modern problem. In my career consulting career, I have never seen a resume without these qualities! All trainees are responsible, purposeful, and work for results. EVERYONE is perfect. In general, all this supermanship should be removed from the resume.

Additional Information

In this section you can indicate everything that was not included in the previous sections, but that may be important for the vacancy in question. Here you can indicate your personal qualities, your personal successes, your hobbies and other details that are interesting to the employer.

At the same time, it is important to remind you once again that you need to fill out the sections in accordance with your desired position, and not make a standard resume for all occasions.

Sample - how to write a resume correctly

The final version might look like this:

You can download this template for free along with the book about mistakes in resumes.

It will also be effective to use a resume template from Register on the site, fill out your resume and upload it in Word format. Here's a good template for you.

How to make your resume even more attractive

Coverage of successes

In addition to work responsibilities and tasks, you can describe the successes that occurred thanks to you. Such information will make you stand out from the crowd and make your resume much more attractive.

Usually 2-3 successes are enough for a place of work. Of course, successes must correspond to the desired job. Managerial successes for the manager, programming successes for the programmer, accounting successes for the accountant, etc.

Clear meaning of phrases and words used

Often in resumes you can find phrases like “business process management”, “ strategic planning", "solving business problems" and others. I recommend reformulating them into simpler and more understandable phrases. This will simplify the readability of the document and greatly facilitate the work of the HR manager and manager who will get to know your candidacy. As a result, you will win.

Complex words and an excess of terms turn a resume into job description. Write more simply and work will find you faster. Learn more about writing a sales resume.

One of the most important events carried out during a job search is the compilation good resume. Great attention is paid to the correctness, literacy and effectiveness of this document. And it is right.

Fill out your resume, print online, download

However, one important step that should not be overlooked is sending your resume by email.
Now this method of transmitting information is the fastest and most convenient. It has become an effective communication tool in the labor market. If the applicant makes a mistake when sending a resume by e-mail, the recruiter may not receive a time-consuming, meaningful document. As a result, a potential candidate, despite all his positive qualities and professionalism, may be left without a long-awaited job.
Therefore, it is important not only to create a competent, accurate, professional resume that can make a pleasant impression on the recruiter, but also to flawlessly carry out all the steps to send it.

Steps when sending your resume by email

So, having an exemplary resume in hand, you should take a few right steps to deliver it to your future boss. A few words about what you need to pay special attention to:

  1. You should have your own mailbox. When writing a postal address, you need to pay attention to its neutrality and conciseness. Eg, [email protected] or [email protected]- good options. Under no circumstances should you use postal addresses with words similar to such as: “chubby”, “superman”, “honey”, etc. They will cause a negative reaction from the recruiter and demonstrate your narrow-mindedness and frivolity.
  2. It is not recommended to send a blank letter with a resume file attached. The fields must be filled in. For example, in the “Message Subject” field you need to write the word “Resume” and the designation of the position for which the applicant expects. In certain cases, the job code or initials of the internal recruiter are written here. This procedure for writing a letter is typical for large enterprises with many open vacancies. It is used to simplify the process of searching for personnel and sorting incoming resumes. Applicants must take these requirements seriously. Failure to comply with the recruiter’s conditions will be regarded by him as disrespect for the enterprise, inattention and frivolity of the applicant.
  3. At the next stage, it is recommended to check the written resume again. Perhaps after the next reading you will find grammatical or spelling errors, correct them, which will give you more confidence in a positive outcome of the matter.
  4. Most often, the resume is attached to the letter as a separate file. Required condition: It must be in doc format. This format is versatile and secure. If the resume is written in RTF format, then it must be saved in Microsoft editor Word. To do this, in the “File” menu, select the “Save As...” section, and in the corresponding “File Type” field, click the “doc” button. You will see a message about the possibility of losing some formatting elements, which you can safely ignore. After saving the file, it is advisable to view it again, checking for readability.
  5. Don't clutter your resume with unnecessary information. There is no need to attach photos or examples of your work to it if the employer has not indicated this in the vacancy. Perhaps for him initially, a resume and cover letter are sufficient information. If he is interested in your candidacy, he will be able to ask you to provide him with specific information during the interview.

Video: how to send a file by email

How to send your resume by email

The most important concern of job seekers in the labor market is to write a resume correctly and competently, and do not forget to indicate in it all the necessary data in order to get the desired position. But many miss another very important point– sending your resume by email. In the modern era, email is the fastest and most convenient way to deliver a resume to an employer, but if you make a mistake in sending it, your resume may never make it to the employer. the right hands, and even if you are an ideal candidate for an open vacancy, you simply will not be noticed.

Your letter is the first impression of you, and the more competent and accurate it is, the more likely recruiters will like it.

And now, having the perfect resume ready in your hands, you must take into account a couple of technical points before sending it.

  1. Get yourself a separate mailbox. Your mailing address should be short and neutral. For example, [email protected] or [email protected]. Strictly avoid mailing addresses with the words “paw”, “bond007”, “little devil”; they will only cause negativity from the employer and will not say anything good about you.
  2. Under no circumstances should you send a blank letter, enclosing only a file with your resume. In the “Message Subject” field, write the word “Resume” and then the name of the vacancy for which you are applying.

    How to properly email a resume to an employer

    Sometimes large companies ask you to indicate the vacancy code or the name of the HR manager in the subject line of the letter, since the company may have several dozen vacancies open at once, and this will greatly simplify the process of recruiting personnel and sorting received resumes. Failure to comply with such requirements indicates the applicant’s inattention and disrespect towards the employing company.

  3. Write a cover letter. Having a cover letter is a sign of good manners and a serious attitude towards finding a job. By opening this letter, the hiring manager who will be reviewing it will be able to briefly get acquainted with your main goal, see your efforts and evaluate you on your merits. The main thing that you must take into account here is that you must use an address address, and if you do not know the name of the employee, limit yourself to the general “Dear employees of the company,” or simply “Hello.” Next, indicate the position you are applying for, where you received information about the vacancy, and a couple of lines about your advantages. Be sure to indicate at the end that if they are interested in your candidacy, they can contact you by phone or email. And the signature at the end “with respect...”.
  4. Double-check your resume. Eliminate the presence of grammatical and spelling errors.
  5. Resume file attachment. As a rule, the resume is located as an attached file to the letter. In this case, the file should be in doc format; this is the most universal and safe option. To save a document in RTF format in the Microsoft Word editor, in the File menu, select Save As and then in the File type field, select doc. Ignore the message that some formatting may be lost. After saving, close the file, then open it again and check its readability.
  6. Avoid unnecessary data. If the employer's vacancy does not require you to attach photographs or examples of your work to your resume, then it is better not to add them. Perhaps he wants to evaluate you first based on your resume and the data you provided, and then, if you interest him, he will ask for the rest at the interview.

How to send your resume by email

One of the most important activities during your job search is writing a good resume. Great attention is paid to the correctness, literacy and effectiveness of this document. And it is right. However, one important step that should not be overlooked is sending your resume by email.
Now this method of transmitting information is the fastest and most convenient. It has become an effective communication tool in the labor market. If the applicant makes a mistake when sending a resume by e-mail, the recruiter may not receive a time-consuming, meaningful document. As a result, a potential candidate, despite all his positive qualities and professionalism, may be left without a long-awaited job.
Therefore, it is important not only to create a competent, accurate, professional resume that can make a pleasant impression on the recruiter, but also to flawlessly carry out all the steps to send it.

Steps when sending your resume by email

So, having an exemplary resume in hand, you should take a few right steps to deliver it to your future boss. A few words about what you need to pay special attention to:

  1. You should have your own mailbox. When writing a postal address, you need to pay attention to its neutrality and conciseness.

    We will help you create the right resume for free

    Eg, [email protected] or [email protected]- good options. Under no circumstances should you use mailing addresses with words similar to such as: “chumpy”, “superman”, “honey”, etc. They will cause a negative reaction from the recruiter and demonstrate your narrow-mindedness and frivolity.

  2. It is not recommended to send a blank letter with a resume file attached. The fields must be filled in. For example, in the “Message Subject” field you need to write the word “Resume” and the designation of the position for which the applicant expects. In certain cases, the job code or initials of the internal recruiter are written here. This procedure for writing a letter is typical for large enterprises with many open vacancies. It is used to simplify the process of searching for personnel and sorting incoming resumes. Applicants must take these requirements seriously. Failure to comply with the recruiter’s conditions will be regarded by him as disrespect for the enterprise, inattention and frivolity of the applicant.
  3. Writing a cover letter is one of the most revealing steps in introducing an applicant, indicating competence, persuasiveness, assertiveness and seriousness of his intentions in finding a suitable job. After reading such a letter, the recruiter will learn about the main goal of the applicant, evaluate his efforts and be able to draw appropriate conclusions. When filling out a letter, the applicant should address the hiring manager directly. If he is not aware of his name, then it is appropriate to use nameless correct formulations, for example, “Dear employees of the enterprise” or “Good afternoon.” You should indicate the vacancy that interests you and the sources of information about it. Next, you should write a little about the benefits you offer. You need to finish the story by indicating your phone number or email for feedback if your candidacy is of interest to the employer. Don't forget the signature "with respect...".
  4. At the next stage, it is recommended to check the written resume again. Perhaps after the next reading you will find grammatical or spelling errors, correct them, which will give you more confidence in a positive outcome of the matter.
  5. Most often, the resume is attached to the letter as a separate file. Required condition: it must be in doc format. This format is versatile and secure. If the resume is written in RTF format, then it must be saved in Microsoft Word. To do this, in the “File” menu, select the “Save As...” section, and in the corresponding “File Type” field, click the “doc” button. You will see a message about the possibility of losing some formatting elements, which you can safely ignore. After saving the file, it is advisable to view it again, checking for readability.
  6. Don't clutter your resume with unnecessary information. There is no need to attach photos or examples of your work to it if the employer has not indicated this in the vacancy. Perhaps for him initially, a resume and cover letter are sufficient information. If he is interested in your candidacy, he will be able to ask you to provide him with specific information during the interview.

Video: how to send a file by email

Online modern resume builder: create and download in 10 minutes

If, despite extensive work experience, the number of invitations from employers is small, this is a reason to think about the basics of job search. You should start with the free steps. We recommend that you use our modern template to create your resume online and download it for further submission.

Most job seekers wonder: how to write a resume correctly? The following recommendations will help you do this:

  1. One of the first requirements for a resume is literacy. Work experience should be described as concisely and specifically as possible.

    How to send your resume by email

    It is not recommended to create a large resume (more than a page), as there is a risk that the recruiter may simply not read it to the end. When your work experience is really great, you can create a second version of your resume - an extended one. It may come in handy during an interview.

  2. If you have significant experience in various fields, it is recommended to create several resumes describing each aspect of your activity. For example, a programmer who knows several languages ​​may have both experience participating in several projects and experience working as a system administrator. Not every employer will appreciate a versatile employee, so it is better to create separate resumes describing programming and system administration experience.
  3. It is necessary to create a resume that meets the requirements of a certain category of employers. First you need to review and systematize the vacancies you are interested in, decide on your own preferences regarding work, and try to understand what the employer needs in each specific area. Then you need to highlight exactly these aspects of your experience and think about how to present them most advantageously.
  4. When describing your activities, you need to mention not only your responsibilities, but also the results achieved, citing specific numbers. The bottom line is this: you should describe the responsibilities, sort them by degree of importance, and then put down numerical values ​​that characterize the effectiveness of each type of activity. The set of parameters depends on the positioning of the applicant in the market. The result must be reliable and convincing.
  5. Try to attach a photo of yourself that can win over a stranger. Please note that it should not be provocative or hint at some non-working moments. Neutral portrait photography is the best option for the applicant.

Once the applicant has figured out how to write a resume and has prepared it online, the final document needs to be carefully checked. It’s good if you have the opportunity to show your resume to friends who are competent in personnel selection and will help you for free. Cooperation with recruiting agencies can be very beneficial. It will allow you not only to bring your resume to the desired form, but also to get into the database.

If, in addition to a successful resume, the applicant has self-confidence and a good mood, then success in employment is guaranteed.