Specialty: hotel business and tourism. Specialty "Hospitality" (bachelor's degree). Hotel manager training

5 reasons to choose a training program at the Institute of Hotel Business:

1. The curriculum is structured so that students can receive the most complete and relevant education as efficiently as possible. Students of the courses will be treated to useful knowledge, presented in a form that is easy to understand, and therefore provides the most complete information and allows them to learn the hotel business quickly and effectively.

2. You can choose the most convenient training format for you - distance learning, full-time or individual option. You can easily combine training with work or study.

3. Actively developing hotel business is one of the most popular among entrepreneurs, which means the knowledge you gain will quickly find its application.

4. The prospects that open up for you after completing the course are rapid career growth, a consistently high salary and the title of specialist in the most promising and profitable area in the hotel business.

5. You will receive a document confirming the acquired knowledge that meets all standards and is highly valued both in Russia and abroad.

The Institute of Hotel Business from the MBA CITY Business Academy is a great way to become a self-confident professional in the hotel business!

Hotel Business Institute

Hotel business

The hotel business is considered one of the most promising and profitable areas of activity today. The entry of the economy into the international market and the rapid development of the tourism industry have led to an increase in the interest of businessmen and tourists in the services offered in the hotel segment; accordingly, the need for skilled workers. This area is also attractive as a business proposition; owning a hotel is prestigious and profitable.
It is worth noting that many are also attracted by the opportunity career growth V hotel business– for ordinary positions, employers quite often do not require staff to have any special education or skills (all this can be acquired in the process of work), while quite serious requirements are imposed on management personnel. It is no secret that professions in the hotel business are quite diverse, because the system itself determines the vastness of specializations - everyone is actively involved in the hotel business - from technical staff to direct management - managers, administrators, managers, etc. In addition, specialties in the hotel industry are represented by waiters, cooks, and maids. In short, in this type of activity everyone can find something to their liking, because professions in the hotel business are very diverse.
As mentioned above, in most cases there are no serious requirements for service personnel, but this does not mean that everyone can get a job in a hotel or inn. For example, knowledge is often required foreign language, which is already a feature of working in the hotel business. At the same time, in other types of activities, service personnel are not required to speak a foreign language. As for the management team, education plays a huge role here, because competently organizing the work of a hotel or organizing the effective work of employees is a matter that requires professional training. At the same time, having a diploma in hotel business does not guarantee a graduate successful employment, because for the employer it is not only the “crust” that is important, but also the practical skills of the potential employee, his knowledge and skills. It is for this purpose that numerous courses in hotel management are offered.
Moscow institutes of hotel business offer many areas where you can get a specialty in hotel business, but studying there is not always comfortable and affordable. There is an alternative - the MBA CITY Business Academy represents the Institute of Hotel Management, which trains specialists in many professions in the hotel business.

Hospitality training

Today, people who want to get a job in the hotel industry no longer face the question of “where to study the hotel business,” because the MBA CITY Business Academy is a real institute of hotel management, where advanced training courses and training for professions in this business are held.
With us, you can choose both full-time and part-time (distance) training in hotel management, and the programs are designed in such a way as to cover the maximum number of topics and aspects that are of practical interest in this type of activity. Studying hotel business with us is convenient, easy and interesting!
The main goal of the courses offered by the MBA CITY Academy of Hotel Business is to train qualified specialists in the above area. During the training process, each student will be able to learn everything about organizing, managing and building a business in an interesting and accessible way, and gain not only theoretical, but also practical skills.
Institute of Hotel Business MBA CITY is high standards quality of education, cooperation with leading companies in the hotel business, as well as a team of teachers who know everything about their subject - practitioners, not theorists. The ability to choose the level of courses, as well as providing students with teaching materials, makes our offer truly unique.
MBA CITY School of Hotel Business - the best offer on the market educational services cities. Upon completion of the courses, all students receive state-issued certificates.

Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY

The Academy of Tourism MBA CITY invites everyone to undergo training and acquire a profession in one of the most popular areas - travel business, management and governance.
The peculiarities of the modern world dictate our living conditions - dynamics in everything and the desire to grow in all directions, develop and improve ourselves - important goals for most modern people. Moreover, today it is considered simply an unaffordable luxury to wait for a long time for the professional growth of employees who are forced to go through a difficult path to qualified work; most managers, including those in the tourism business, need professionals now. The question arises: how to get a quick and high-quality education? The answer is simple - undergo intensive training at the Moscow Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY.
These courses are of interest to huge amount people, because by completing training at our business academy, you can get an education High Quality, as well as a sought-after profession, which, moreover, is quite highly valued in the labor market. In addition, our courses will be useful to all those who cannot imagine their life without traveling, to all tourists who want to know all the intricacies of the tourist world, popular tourist destinations, etc. Also, in the process of receiving education at the Academy of Tourism, students become more familiar with the legal nuances of the tourism business, with basic terms and provisions.

Institute of Tourism in Moscow

The Moscow Institute of Tourism at the MBA CITY Business Academy is the most effective, modern training programs that include the latest teaching methods, therefore, by choosing our courses, you choose high-quality knowledge, excellent advanced training or obtaining new profession V as soon as possible and at a reasonable price. It is worth noting that our students can receive education both on-site and remotely, which allows you to adjust the intensity of classes to your personal rhythm and receive education without interrupting your main activity.
Classes are taught by experienced teachers who are familiar with tourism in practice, so graduates can safely apply all the knowledge acquired at MBA CITY in their practical work.

Tourism and Hospitality Course Program

Organization of hotel business

  1. Introduction to the hospitality industry.
    • 1.1. Fundamentals of marketing in the hospitality industry. Definition of the hospitality industry. The main purpose of marketing in the hospitality industry. The concept of “service” and its main specific feature.
    • 1.2. Rules for the provision of hotel services in Russian Federation. The concept of "hotel". Hotel classification. Number of rooms. European standard.
    • 1.3. Management structure of a modern hotel. Services, departments, divisions of the hotel. The relationship between them.
    • 1.4. The emergence and development of the hotel industry. Hotel and tourism business, its place and role in the economy. Its influence on the development of industries. The most unusual hotels in the world.
  2. Reservation and accommodation service.
    • 2.1. The role and place of the reservation and accommodation service in the overall management structure of a modern hotel. Service organization. Job Descriptions personnel of this service.
    • 2.2. Technical means to ensure the operation of the service (fax, telex, computer, copier, etc.) Office equipment.
    • 2.3. Four cycles in guest service.
    • 2.4. Reservation (booking). Types of reservation. Reservation methods and technology. Confirmed reservation. Booking fee.
    • 2.5. Reception and accommodation of guests (check-in).
    • 2.6. Registration and its procedure. Preparation of documents. Features of registration and registration of foreign citizens, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS.
    • 2.7. Room rates. Published and corporate prices. Discount systems. Payment methods (cash, bank transfer, payment by vouchers). Payment documents. Working with credit cards.
    • 2.8. Key farm. The procedure for issuing keys. Ensuring the safety of guests' property. Organization of storage of valuables.
    • 2.9. Services provided to guests during their stay (minibars, laundry). Providing additional and personal services catering, transport and excursion services.
    • 2.10. Familiarization with the work of the business center, service bureau, health center, hairdresser, room - service, restaurants, bars in the hotel.
    • 2.11. Checking out guests (preparing and carrying out the checkout operation).
    • 2.12. Payment for accommodation, additional services, telephone conversations.
    • 2.13. Charging fees for damage and loss of hotel property by clients. Methods to eliminate the loss of income by the hotel. Documentation (invoices, registration books, forms, etc.).
    • 2.14. Operator work telephone communication. Communication norms.
    • 2.15. Ensuring the safety of guests. Doorman service and security service. Night audit at the hotel. Non-standard situations, control over them. Behavioral patterns of people in stressful situations. Organization of medical care for guests.
  3. Administrative and economic (floor-by-floor) service of a modern hotel.
    • 3.1. Composition of the service. Job descriptions of service personnel. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of rooms and public premises.
    • 3.2. The latest trends in floor-to-floor guest service technology.
    • 3.3. Different kinds cleaning: routine, intermediate, evening, general. Sequence of room cleaning. Harvesting technology.
    • 3.4. Key farm. Abandoned and lost items. Storage. Return procedure.
    • 3.5. Hospitality items for one-time consumption in a branded design, promotional materials, their placement, quality control of cleaning and technical condition of rooms.
    • 3.6. Working with linen (storing clean linen, collecting and accounting for used linen, sending it to the laundry, working with residents’ personal linen).
    • 3.7. Serving high-ranking guests (VIP guests).
    • 3.8. Maid's work trolley, equipment, accessories, cleaning mechanisms, equipment, detergents, their characteristics. Standards for the consumption of household materials, requirements for their rational use.
    • 3.9. Guest complaints (cards for surveying guests about the quality of service).
    • 3.10. Labor protection, safety precautions, fire safety rules in the fire service.
  4. Rules internal regulations for hotel workers.
    • 4.1. Requirements for hotel employees. Recruitment for the hotel business. Legal basis. Rights and responsibilities of hotel employees.
    • 4.2. Recommendations for writing resumes and questionnaires. Practical advice, an analysis of the questions most often asked during interviews in hotel HR departments.
  5. Test (interview).

Organization of tourism business

  1. Legal aspects of tourism business
  2. Participants in the tourism process
    • 2.1. Contractual relations with foreign partners (travel agency, hotel, restaurant, excursion bureau, etc.). Procedural issues. Reception of objects.
    • 2.2. Tour operator company. Agent network.
    • 2.3. A travel agency as a travel agency is an intermediary. Agreement between them (travel agency agreement). Rights, duties and responsibilities.
    • 2.4. The client is the central figure of the tourism process, the consumer of the tourism product.
  3. Types of travel in international, inbound and domestic tourism
    • 3.1. Tourism is a branch of the national economy.
    • 3.2. Educational types of tourism. Education.
    • 3.3. Travel as active recreation and health improvement.
  4. Development and selection of tourist programs
    • 4.1. Tours abroad, Excursion routes, Holiday tours, Combined trips, Bus tours, Cruises (sea, river), Winter tours, Tours for schoolchildren, Business tours: Shop tours, Educational tours, Individual trips (special programs), Entry tourism, Features of receiving and servicing foreign tourists in the Russian Federation (Main routes, Business tourism), Domestic tourism.
  5. Contract for tourist services
    • 5.1. Package of documents. Tourist package.
    • 5.2. Contents of the agreement with the client. Voucher.
    • 5.3. Mandatory and additional services.
    • 5.4. Penalties.
  6. Relationship with the client
    • 6.1. Professionalism, moral and psychological aspects communication.
    • 6.2. Awareness, the right to choose.
    • 6.3. Consideration of claims, comments and complaints. Protecting the rights of tourists and the interests of the company.
    • 6.4. Medical insurance. Other types of insurance.
  7. Quality of service and security of services
    • 7.1. Safety of life, health, environment; safety of property.
    • 7.2. Security of the process of performing tourist services (planned and additional).
    • 7.3. Service quality system. Sociological research.
    • 7.4. Forms and methods of control.
    • 7.5. Control authorities.
  8. Compliance with host country laws, rules and customs
    • 8.1. Legal, moral and ethical aspects. General provisions. Specifics of a particular country. Responsibility of the tourist.
  9. Hotel service
    • 9.1. Classification of enterprises providing accommodation services.
    • 9.2. Technological scheme for serving tourists in a hotel.
    • 9.3. Rules for the provision of hotel services (ordered and additional).
    • 9.4. Regime and security.
    • 9.5. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  10. Catering
    • 10.1. Technology and organization of catering for tourists. Types of food.
    • 10.2. Requirements for food quality and safety.
    • 10.3. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  11. Transport services for tourists
    • 11.1. Classification of transport travel and Vehicle(air, railway, buses).
    • 11.2. Procedure for booking tickets. Charter transportation.
    • 11.3. Transfers. Meeting and seeing off tourists.
    • 11.4. Safety during transport travel.
  12. Excursion service
    • 12.1. Types of excursions.
    • 12.2. Technology for preparing and organizing excursions (planned and optional).
    • 12.3. Safety rules for excursions.
    • 12.4. Quality of excursions (client accounting, content, clarity, etc.).
    • 12.5. The role of the tour guide, group leader. Review of claims.
  13. Passport and visa issues
    • 13.1. General foreign passport (OPP).
    • 13.2. The order of registration, important “details”.
    • 13.3. Responsibility for the power of attorney of the firm and the client.
    • 13.4. Procedure for registration and receipt of exit visas. Schengen visa. Visa-free or simplified entry into the country.
    • 13.5. Customs control at entry and exit.
    • 13.6. Customs formalities (country specifics).
    • 13.7. Preferential regimes.
    • 13.8. Luggage transportation, cargo delivery by cargo.
    • 13.9. Customs prohibitions. Sanitary and epidemiological control.
  14. Competitiveness of a travel company
    • 14.1. Preparation of tourism products for sale.
    • 14.2. Pricing, calculation of travel services. Profitability and profit.
    • 14.3. Tourist advertising. Types of advertising, rules of conduct advertising campaign. Advertising requirements.
    • 14.4. Taxation issues.
  15. The procedure for forming a travel company
    • 15.1. Development constituent documents. Company registration. Charter of the company.
    • 15.2. Licensing of activities.
    • 15.3. Tourism product certification.
    • 15.4. The procedure for liquidating travel companies.
  16. Staffing tourist and excursion services
    • 16.1. Civil relations. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • 16.2. Rights and responsibilities of employees. Inner order rules. State structure. Job descriptions. Qualification requirements. Working conditions and remuneration. Operating mode.
    • 16.3. Organization technological process travel agency work. Office work.
    • 16.4. Reporting to higher authorities(tax office, other government services).
  17. Features of tourism business management.
  18. Prospects for tourism development
    • 18.1. International and domestic tourism in market conditions. Trends.
  19. Review computer programs, used in the practice of travel agencies.
    • 19.1. Introduction to the Master Travel Agent program.
    • 19.2. Practical lesson. Booking tours: on-line booking procedure using the example of a separate website.
    • 19.3. Practical lesson: tour designer.
    • 19.4. Tourist search engines.
  20. Test (interview).
Ak.ch. Base price Discount Final cost Pay
88 academic hours
76 ak. hour.- Auditory lessons
12 ac. hour.- independent studies
32230 rub. 19340 rub.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies is a core subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

The popularization and mass distribution of tourism in the world, cooperation with foreign partners and other factors require the presence of qualified specialists who are well versed in the hotel business and tourism business management in general. That is why this specialty attracts many applicants, who (subject to good training) are guaranteed to be successfully employed.

The most common admission exams

To enroll in the specialty “Hospitality,” applicants are asked to pass exams or pass Unified State Exam results in three subjects. The profile exam is social studies, since training involves studying large quantity social disciplines.

Other mandatory exams are Russian and history. Some universities are replacing history with computer science and ICT. At the discretion of the educational institution, a foreign language exam may be offered.

Brief description of the specialty

A specialist in this area can be involved in organizational, managerial or production technical professional activity. Students study a number of disciplines that allow them to form professional competencies. However, an important role in the training of specialists is given to the formation of the culture of the future hotel employee. Therefore, among the disciplines you can find conflictology and psychology business communication. During the learning process, students participate in various trainings, undergo several internships, including abroad (depending on the specific university), and learn two foreign languages.

Large universities

The most famous educational institutions that train specialists in the specialty 43.03.03 “Hotel Management”

  • Russian State University physical culture, sports, youth and tourism;
  • Voskresensk Institute of Tourism (branch) of the Russian international academy tourism;
  • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service.

Terms and forms of training

Training involves the following forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, in other forms - from 4 years 4 months to 5 years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies in this specialty at a master's degree.

Subjects studied by students

During the training process, students master six cycles of disciplines and separately physical education.

These are the following cycles:

  • humanitarian,
  • social,
  • economic,
  • mathematical,
  • natural science,
  • professional.

Each of the above cycles includes a basic and profile part. The disciplines of the basic part of the cycles include philosophy, logic, history, psychology, life safety, economics, marketing, foreign language, computer science and others.

Thanks to the profile part, the student receives a good vocational training and the opportunity for successful further education. Such disciplines are determined by the university depending on the specific profile of study.

Profile disciplines may be as follows::

  • logistics, hotel industry technologies,
  • hotel animation,
  • public relations in the industry,
  • basics of entrepreneurship,
  • hotel personnel management,
  • business planning and others.

A number of disciplines are offered to students to choose from depending on what directly interests them in the hotel business. This could be the basics of service science, sales management, marketing in the hotel and tourism industry and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

A bachelor's degree in hotel management acquires the following knowledge and skills during the course:

Who to work with

Bachelor's graduates are employed in various organizations and companies in the hotel and tourism industry and occupy positions of director, department manager, specialist in sales, planning, development, marketing and advertising departments. The specialty also implies successful entrepreneurial activity.

The next area of ​​employment is hotels, hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers, health and resort complexes.

Here graduates can take the following positions:

  • supervisor,
  • administrator,
  • manager,
  • head of the reservation, accommodation, service department,
  • personnel manager, etc.

You can find a job both in resorts or large cities of our country, and abroad. The choice of country may depend on the second foreign language learned. Wage starts from 30 thousand rubles for service managers and from 40 thousand rubles for hotel managers. For large hotels and popular tourist destinations, these figures almost double.

There is a prospect of building a career vertically (from personnel manager to manager) and horizontally (with a transition to larger and more popular hotels).

Hotel management in Switzerland, restaurant business, culinary arts - today all these specialties are recognized as promising, and the field itself is a dynamic and developing sector where it is profitable to invest money. For this reason, the demand for hospitality services and good specialists is growing. Quality education in the tourism industry plays almost a key role for development successful career. Russian students or foreigners have the opportunity to receive a prestigious diploma in one of the areas only abroad.

The best hotel business schools in Europe and abroad: list, ranking, cost

Homeland vocational education Switzerland is recognized in the field of tourism, hotel business and restaurant business. It was in this country that the first educational programs for key industry specialties. Since the industry does not stand still, the list of in-demand specialties is also expanding, creating a need for new curricula Oh.

By her own educational structure in the hospitality and tourism industry is complex. It balances theoretical and practical parts, because the main task such education - by the time you receive a diploma of education, make a ready-made professional. Therefore, all students receive their first work experience in real conditions less than six months after the start of their studies.

Internships in existing companies are a mandatory element for every student of all specializations presented. Separately, we note that internships at Swiss or European universities take place not just in hotels or restaurants, but in establishments of leading brands in the tourism and hospitality industry: these are Four Seasons, Hilton, Hyatt, The Ritz-Carlton and other prestigious companies. Such cooperation between business and higher schools helps future specialists find a good job after graduation - according to statistics, more than 75% of graduates receive a job offer from their internship site. Therefore, the bulk of college and university hospitality students quickly enter the workforce and begin to build a career.

This article presents a list of outstanding institutes and schools of the hotel and restaurant business, culinary arts around the world: in the USA, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, France, Germany, where you can both undergo training and obtain a profession or a master’s degree in the following areas : hotel business, hotel management, catering business, culinary arts, etc.

This article will present educational institutions that teach in English language. The company's specialists have selected educational institutions in various price categories and countries so that you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Hotel business training in Turkey:

  • Antalya: from 4700 euros in year

Hotel and restaurant schools in Spain:

  • - Master's degree in Hotel Management or Tourism Management (in English) from 6000 euros in year
  • - programs offered in Hotel Management and Tourism, Event Management in the field of tourism from 7900 euros in year
  • - the most prestigious hotel management school in Spain. For a bachelor's degree the cost of programs is from 17000 euros in year

Hotel management training in Germany:

  • Bad Honef (Cologne) and Berlin: - the best institute in Germany for employment, offering programs in Tourism, Hospitality, Event Management - price from 7000 Euro

Hotel and restaurant training in France:

  • - Hotel business, Tourism and Event Management - price from 8000 euros in a year

Hospitality institutes in Switzerland with costs:

  • , Lucerne, Switzerland. From 40,000 Swiss francs per year without accommodation.
  • from 55,000 Swiss francs per year with accommodation
  • . Cost from 50,000 francs
  • One of the most prestigious institutes of hotel business and restaurant business - Glion Institute of Higher Education - and in - from 55,000 Swiss francs, and also in - from 20,000 pounds
  • Renowned School of Hotel Management in, - Les Roches - from 30,000 euros

Very useful articles on obtaining higher education in the field of hospitality in Switzerland:

Restaurant business training in the USA/America

  • In the USA we can note the group of universities Johnson and Wales JWU (Johnson & Wales University) in cities such as, and. Cost of annual training from $25,000 USA.

Studying Hotel Management in New Zealand

  • School of Hotel Management, New Plymouth, New Zealand, from NZ$25,000.

In most of the presented educational institutions short-term courses and preparatory programs for long-term training are conducted. Contact us!

List of main specialties in the field of tourism, hospitality and restaurant business, which are most in demand among foreigners and Russian students:

  • Hotel business. Hospitality management is one of the most in-demand jobs in the industry. A good hotel management specialist controls many issues, and it is his work that helps create impeccable service in the hotel. During the training process, students will learn everything about the necessary standards in the hospitality industry, which will help them easily get a prestigious job or open their own business.
  • Restaurant management. European countries are generally recognized leaders in this area, therefore, to receive an appropriate education, we recommend choosing a university from these countries. This specialty opens up many prospects in a professional direction: after training, you can go to work as restaurant critic, and an art director, choose the path of a sommelier or create the concept of a fashionable coffee shop - the choice is not limited to the options listed.
  • Tourism management. Tourism itself is a very popular and in-demand field all over the world, which is why this specialty is incredibly promising. In addition, this type of work, to a greater extent than others, involves traveling and traveling, which for some may be the ultimate dream. During their studies, students will learn to correctly assess the environment wherever they find themselves, order profitable air tickets, book hotels and much more. These skills will be useful not only in professional aspect, but also in the private life of each student.
  • Spa management. One of the most popular specializations abroad. After all, not a single luxury hotel can do without providing massage services and other spa treatments. Proper organization of such a piece of paradise in a hotel will require the guidance of a competent specialist who will be able to recruit suitable staff, conduct a market analysis, organize the management of all the center’s facilities, and much more.
  • Event management. This is a relatively young specialty, which, however, has already managed to win a place of honor in the labor market. Professional manager event manager is able to organize any event, be it a conference, seminar, forum, exhibition, presentation, and so on. An event manager manages all processes that occur during preparation, holding the event itself, and even after its completion.
  • Sports management. The functionality of this specialist is similar to the tasks of the previous specialty with only one difference - the scale of events in sports is much larger. This area employs purposeful people, leaders by nature, who know what they want and how to get it. Having received a diploma in this specialty, the student will become the owner of a unique set of knowledge - from marketing to the ability to work with sponsors and global brands.
  • Management in the entertainment industry. The sphere of entertainment and show business remains one of the most developed and invariably attracts billions of dollars into circulation. Education as a manager in the entertainment industry will also open up to its owner a wide choice of implementation in professionally: from creating your own TV projects to implementing your own entertainment project.

The unprecedented demand for services in the hospitality sector has led to the fact that a qualified and truly skilled tourism specialist is worth his weight in gold in Russia and abroad. To obtain a higher education that meets international standards, it is worth carefully studying the offers of European and American universities.

A future tourism manager needs to undergo training in an international environment. The national composition of participants in educational programs of foreign universities exactly meets this requirement.

Russian universities are not able to compete with Western universities, which have been training professional managers in the field of tourism for several decades. Higher education abroad represents the quintessence of theory and practice, because each program is based on real experience and latest developments specialists in the field of tourism. In addition, traditionally successful and innovative customer service models are used to develop the skills needed in this area.

Bachelor's students at the Hotel Institute Montreux at a lecture (Switzerland)

Tourism education abroad: key points

Tourism education is comprehensive. In most cases, students work using the case study method, that is, they are immersed in specific situations characteristic of working in their chosen specialty. Students learn to analyze and easily adapt to changes in the situation in order to find the most rational and effective ways problem solving. Analysis of “cases” allows you to train your skills by studying in an unusual, productive and interesting format of classes.

A particularly prestigious tourist package can be obtained in Switzerland. This country has ideal conditions for creating and promoting a business in the hospitality sector, which means that unique programs are ready here for an in-depth study of the features and prospects of this industry. Switzerland offers the most big choice specialties, and their list is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Practical classes at Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • preparatory courses for applicants
  • bachelor's degree
  • master's degree
  • refresher courses

Each of these areas is designed to train modern and success-oriented specialists who can bring creative and sought-after ideas to the tourism business.

Studying in Switzerland includes programs that develop time management skills, corporate responsibility, discipline. All this serves as the key to success in the future.

Practice as a tourism specialist

Top universities in Switzerland are equipped with special classrooms, for example, similar to reception desks. They also work closely with both small and very influential hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers. More than 50% of study time is devoted to practicing skills in practice, because education in the field of tourism includes numerous internships both in the country of study and abroad.

MBA course at Glion Institute of Higher Education - a bright period of life (Switzerland)

Among the universities in Switzerland offering to study tourism and hotel service, Glion Institute of Higher Education, Cesar Ritz Hotel School, Hotel Institute Montreux, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management are especially popular. These are recognized industry giants producing truly qualified personnel, which are ready to work anywhere in the world. Studying at the Swiss Hotel Management School, School of Hotel Management IHTTI, Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality is also in deserved demand among foreigners. The competition for their branches is very high.

Prices for education in the field of tourism

Education in Switzerland depends on programs, number of internships and other factors. The cost varies from 35,000 to 70,000CHF (Swiss francs) per year.

The wide range of prices is due to the high status of some universities, studies in which are much more expensive, but will be a huge plus when finding a job.

If you dream of studying in England or the USA, studying tourism and obtaining higher education in these countries, then the choice of universities is almost as impressive as in Switzerland. In the USA, it is worth noting the influence of Colorado State University, Oregon State University and the University of South Florida.

In England, you can achieve mastery in any specialty related to the field of hospitality by graduating from the University of Exeter, Regent's University London, University of Surrey or London South Bank University.

More and more managers are deciding to get a second higher education in the field of tourism, as this provides a brilliant opportunity to improve their chances of success in this promising industry.

Hotel business, culinary arts, hotel and restaurant management, as well as sports, entertainment and event management can be studied within additional education, for example, in courses for management staff. StudyLab recommends tourism education sociable, positive and purposeful people who dream of finding their calling in working with people.