Haste prevents you from considering important issues. I know this feeling. And you? The one who succeeds is the one who is not in a hurry

Peoples of India: Hindustani, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannar. Population of India, numbers.

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Although India still lags behind its eastern neighbor China in terms of population, it is firmly in second place with its 1.2 billion citizens (every sixth person on the planet is from India).

The ancestors of modern residents entered India through the mountain passes of the Himalayas, crossing the ocean expanses along the way from the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Australia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the peoples of India represent the entire palette of races, historical roots, cultural and religious traditions, which preserve in their genes, language, lifestyle and rituals several hundred nationalities: Hindustani, Telugu, Bengalis, Marathas, Tamils, Punjabis, Gujaratis, cannara. The caste system, which most Indians have adhered to for centuries, has kept all shades of India's ethnic diversity intact.

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The vast majority (about 75%) of Hindus are Indo-Aryans, close to the European race in facial features and skin color. Scientists believe that the ancestors of modern Hindus of this branch (Hindustanis) came to India from the north: from the Middle East, and, possibly, from Europe. They live in the north and west of the country. The south of India is inhabited by representatives of the Dravidian peoples, and the foothills of the Himalayas are inhabited by descendants of the Mongoloid race. Small nations and tribes live in the mountains, semi-deserts and islands. Citizens of India sometimes differ strikingly in their appearance. Tall, fair-skinned, mostly bearded Punjabis and residents of the Andaman Islands, whose average height is 140 centimeters and whose skin is almost black, rightly call themselves Indian.

Bonda, one of the most amazing, exotic and original tribes of India. They lead a closed, isolated lifestyle in the mountains of Chatisgarh and Andhra Pradesh in the vicinity of the Khoyraput highlands, otherwise called the Bondo Hills. There are only about 5,000 of them left. Bonda is also called Bondo, Remo, Bondo Paroja. The Bondo belong to the Tibeto-Burman group of tribes in Asia and speak the Remo language, which belongs to the Munda group of the Australasian language family. Perhaps due to the uniqueness of the language, which is unlike any other language of the peoples inhabiting the surrounding lands, the Bondas found themselves in complete isolation and retained their primitive identity. IN Orissa they say that in ancient times, someone from the Bonda tribe killed a Brahmin and for this Vishnu cursed their family and doomed them to live among animals, like animals.

Bond are also known as "naked people". Bond women shave their heads and wear only a narrow strip of fabric on the hips, beads and massive metal rings on the neck, and sometimes a small cape on the shoulders. Traditional men's suit The bond consisted only of a narrow loincloth. Bonda women still dress traditionally, while men overwhelmingly wear regular trousers or dhoti and T-shirts.

Bonda is one of the most ancient and primitive tribes surviving in India; over three millennia, their culture and customs have undergone virtually no changes. Modern Bondas live secluded lives, not allowing outsiders to approach them, which is why they have retained their unique identity. However, today it is quite possible not only to get to Bonda villages, but also to stay there overnight and even spend several weeks. In reality, this is caused by the terrible poverty of the Bondas, who lead a traditional primitive economy, obtaining basic products by gathering and hunting. Therefore, for money they are ready to allow strangers into their homes and show them their lives.

In order to see the life of a bond from the inside, you need to negotiate with the head of the village community, who is called the “doctor” here. A guide hired at will help you find the “doctor” and make an agreement. When going to a bonda, you should be extremely careful; bondas are very aggressive towards strangers. Another opportunity to see the Bonda is at the weekly markets where they come from their villages for barter in kind - binnimoy protha. The largest and most colorful markets (haat), where you can meet a bond, are held on Thursdays in,.

Bond's population is predominantly female. There are almost three times more Bond women than men. Among other reasons, this is largely due to the fact that Bond men are entirely drunkards and do not live long. Bonds do not enter into marriages with residents of their village. Typically, a girl's husband is chosen by an elder when she reaches maturity. (17-18 years old). The husband is usually much younger. A husband of twelve years is considered “old.” Bonds believe that before raising children, a woman must raise her husband. As a result, bond men, growing up, remain very infantile and are under the care of their wives all their lives. In the notes of the British captain Samuel MacPhersen, there is a story about how Bonds go to war. According to McPhersen, two aggressive crowds gathered in the valley, waving strange, awkward weapons, drinking a lot of areca wine, and shouting loudly. Having drunk, they ran towards each other and fell into a disorderly heap. Soon, the women watching this ran out with sticks to drag their husbands away from the battlefield. Once the husbands were safe, the real battle began.

Modern bond men really drink a lot, are really aggressive and inadequate. Bond men are extremely hot-tempered and aggressive. In their understanding, murder is a completely ordinary and natural thing, which is why in prison most of the prisoners are Bonda men serving sentences for murder. We spent more than a week in the Bond lands and during all that time I saw only a few old people. These were the elders of the tribes.

One day, while we were having lunch at a roadside dhaba, one of these came up to us. Fat, which is rare in those parts, wearing a watch on his wrist, wearing a clean checkered shirt and a white dhoti. He walked imposingly around the car, ran his finger along the glass, came up to us and began to say something, waving his arms wildly. Emotionally, but with dignity. Our translator jumped up and pulled him aside. After ten minutes of negotiations, he returned and said that this was the main local wizard, he was the biggest authority in the area. He said that if we don’t pay him, he will put a spell on our car and the car won’t move. The translator said that he paid 100 rupees, that the sorcerer was happy and promised that nothing would happen to us on his territory, and if problems arise with the locals, tell them that we have a friend, old Rama, and that he has a talisman with two horns. I had to use it - it worked phenomenally.

Modern Bonds are divided into two clans - Ontal and Kilo. Bond's life is filled with shamanic rituals. Bonda worship the spirits of ancestors and mountains, over which the Mother Goddess presides (I forgot and can’t find her name anywhere), who is depicted with a black stone block. Such altars are installed in all Bonda villages and near roads in the mountains. Sacrifices are made to the goddess, often animals are sacrificed - pigs and goats. John Campbell, who studied the tribes and Kapitas at the beginning of the twentieth century, indicated in his report that the Bondos, unlike the Kondhs, do not practice human sacrifice.

Bond is satisfied great amount ritual holidays with copious libations. As expected, this is all accompanied by songs and dances. In Bonda traditions, however, there are several categorical prohibitions associated with these holidays - these are the taboos of incest, adultery, and men and women from the same village do not have the right to dance next to each other on holidays.

The main ritual festival of the Bonda tribe, Patkhanda Yatra, takes place in Mudulipada in April-May, and almost all members of the tribe gather for it. The second significant holiday is Pongal, something like our new year, called Chaitra Praba, celebrated in January, the beginning of the new hunting season. On this day, all men and boys with weapons go into the forest for prey. Those who return without booty are not allowed to appear before women until the next Pongal. Therefore, those who were unable to get game return with at least a killed mouse or lizard. After the meeting of men returning from hunting, night dances take place around the fires. During Chaitra Prabha, Bonda women block roads and do not allow cars to pass without paying, at least symbolically.

The Bonda live in small houses made of adobe. Women decorate the walls of their houses with warli-style designs, but that’s a different story. The Bonda tribe lives in terrible poverty; only a few of them are literate. In recent years, the population of the Bonda tribe has been declining catastrophically. Bonda tribal villages located in the district

Peoples, castes and tribes of India

India accounts for the majority of the population of the Indian subcontinent: 1 billion 210 million out of 1 billion 578 million - 77% in 2011. Over 80% of the country's inhabitants belong to 20 large nations, each numbering tens of millions of people. There are over 400 registered tribes and small nations in India, numbering from several thousand to 3-4 million people. Large populations in the north and center of the country speak Indo-Aryan languages. The main ones are: Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Oriya, Sindhi, Assamese. Large Dravidian peoples inhabit southern India. These include Tamil, Telugu, Kannar, Malayali. Small peoples and tribes living in forests, mountains, and semi-deserts are known as adivasi, which means pioneers. Adivasis speak languages ​​of different linguistic groups: Austroasiatic - Munda, Santali, Dravidian - Gond, Khonda, Panya, Toda, Indo-Aryan - Bhila, and Tibeto-Burman: Monpa, Naga, Kuki-Chin.

A billion Indians - 986 million (81.5%) profess Hinduism. The second big religion is Islam. In terms of the number of Muslims - about 180 million (15%), India is second only to Indonesia. There are many Muslims in the north and northeast of the country. Molecular genetic studies have shown that the majority of Muslims are Hindus who converted to Islam, but in some groups Persian and Central Asian admixture is noticeable. There are 24 million Christians in India (2%). Christianity is widespread in the south and among the hill people of Assam. There are 19 million Sikhs (1.9%) living in India. Sikhism as a religion arose in the 16th century. in North West India. Most Sikhs still live in Punjab. Over 9 million Buddhists live in Bengal and Assam. About 5 million adherents of Jainism, a teaching that arose in the 6th century BC. e. The Jains consider it a sin to harm living beings. They filter drinking water so as not to accidentally swallow a bug, and do not walk in the dark so as not to crush an ant or worm. There are a few Zaraostrians (Parsis), Baha'is, and Jews. Among the tribes - adivasis(8.1%), many animists.

There are about 4 thousand castes in India. Castes developed between 1000 and 200 BC. e. within the framework of the classes described in the Vedas - Varna: Brahmins - priests, Kshatriyas- warriors, vaisyas - peasants, traders, artisans and sudras - servants and farmhands. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas - “pure” Aryans, were considered twice-born. Shudras were considered to be born once. Below the castes were the descendants of the conquered tribes - the “untouchables”, who performed the dirtiest and most unpleasant jobs. Separate castes were formed on the basis of local communities - jati, differing by occupation. Belonging to a caste determined a person’s entire life: his profession, marriage, food, the right to worship. Marriage is allowed only within one’s own caste, more often within subcastes. As for food, anyone can accept it from the hands of a brahmana, but a brahmana will be polluted by accepting food from a member of a lower caste. You cannot accept food from the hands of an untouchable; even his shadow defiles a brahmana. Brahmans have strict food prohibitions - most Brahman castes are vegetarians. In modern India, castes have been abolished, but Indians adhere to caste traditions in choosing marriage partners.

In India, for thousands of years there has been a mixture of Australoids and Caucasians, as a result of which populations with intermediate characteristics predominate. There are also known peoples who have preserved the original type. These are onzhi Andaman Islands men are 148 cm tall, black, with curly hair. The Andaman Pygmies originate from tribes that participated in the Great Coastal Migration from Africa to Australia. The descendants of coastal migrants also include the tribes of South and Central India - Australoids of the Veddoid type. They are short, frail in build, with black or dark skin, wavy hair, a wide nose, and thick lips. Still, much more often Australoids are mixed with Caucasians. Among the large Dravidian peoples, the mestizo South Indian race predominates. South Indians dark color skin, wavy or straight hair, facial features are close to European ones, but the lips are thicker and the nose is wider. The Veddoid and South Indian races are also common among the Indo-Aryan peoples, especially the lower castes.

The most Caucasian peoples are the peoples of North-West India - Kashmiris, Punjabis, Sindhis and Sikhs. They are characterized by the signs of the Indo-Afghan small race: tall stature, black hair and eyes, dark skin, straight nose. The share of the Indo-Afghan race gradually decreases to the south and east, and, as a rule, the upper castes retain Caucasian characteristics, while the lower and middle castes become more and more Australoid. Even among the Dravidians, the upper castes are much lighter skinned than the lower castes. The Tibeto-Burman highlanders of northeast India belong to the Mongoloid race. Militant naga They resemble Indians - copper-skinned and often hook-nosed, they like to decorate themselves with feathers and have been scalped in the recent past. A slight Mongoloid admixture is noticeable among the Munda tribes, mainly Veddoids.

Genetic studies confirmed anthropological data. An analysis of autosomal DNA in 25 groups of the Indian population showed that they, in addition to the Andamanese and Tibeto-Burmese, originated from a mixture of two populations - the Eurasian, related to the peoples of the Middle East and Europe, and the South Indian (proto-Australian). The Negrito Andamanese separated from the South Indians about 48 thousand years ago. The Tibeto-Burman tribes (Nagas and others) are genetically close to the Chinese. Other peoples differ in the proportion of genes inherited from Eurasian and South Indian ancestors. Eurasian genes predominate in North-West India (70–75%) and in South India their share decreases to 45–38%. Among the Dravidians of the higher castes, the proportion of Eurasian genes is 50–55%, higher than that of the lower castes of the Indo-Aryans (43%). Another study shows that the people of India received South Indian genes, mainly on the maternal side, and Eurasian genes on the paternal side.

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India not only has a huge population, but also a stunning diversity of people. This country has always had a huge population, as Herodotus notes, but where did it come from?

The problem of the name of the people

Illustration for Mahabharata

In Russia, Indians are called incorrectly.
A Hindu is a follower of Hinduism, and not a representative of any nation.
But this is a necessary measure, since there are more than one thousand peoples in India, very different from each other, so the ethnonym arose by itself, especially since it is consonant with the name of the country.
Although it is incorrect, as if all Jews were called Jews.

Today, the largest population group in India is the Hindustani, also extremely diverse and numerous, but at least having clear common roots.
Almost 300 million people belong to this group, and this can also include the gypsies, whose origins are unclear, but they are really close to the Hindustanis.

Dravidians - ancient Indians

Dravidian women

The first people to inhabit India were the Dravidians.
Their unique civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro was the same age as Sumer and Ancient Egypt.
They once inhabited all of India, but were then driven to the south of the country after the Aryan invasion, which destroyed their civilization.
The Dravidians are so different from others that they are united into a separate race - a mixture of Europeans and Australoids!
Now there are more than 200 million Dravidians and their descendants in India, they have their own literature and even cinema in their native language, which is only slightly inferior to Bollywood.
The ancestral home of the Dravidians is a separate problem; people of their race were found in Egypt, and in Elam, and even near Voronezh!
But judging by their own legends and the discovered sites of ancient people, they came from somewhere in the south of India, and the legends speak of the sunken land of the god Shiva, somewhere in the south, which was their homeland.

Dravidian anthropology

Dravidians are short, rather dense people, with very dark, almost black, skin, dark large eyes and black curly hair.
They have a low and wide face, a wide jaw and a wide mouth with drooping corners of the lips, often a straight but very wide nose.

Aryan invasion

Indo-Aryans in Central Asia

The end of the Dravidian civilization was put by people from the Eurasian steppe, who are called Aryans or Indo-Europeans.
Relatives of all European peoples, including the Slavs, in the Bronze Age they invented the wheel, tamed the horse, learned to make bronze weapons and brought all these innovations down on the heads of less developed peoples.
One part, like the Celts or Greeks, went to the west of Europe, others, like the Scythians or Slavs, remained in place, and the future Indians and Persians moved to the southeast.
As a single people, they crossed Central Asia (and, according to another version, through the Caucasus) and invaded what is now Iran.

There was a religious schism here.
For some reason, the gods of Iran became demons in India, and the Indian devi deities became demons among the Persians. More is unknown, but something happened within the tribe.
Probably for these reasons, in several waves, the Aryans went to India.

There they destroy the local Dravidian civilization, occupy key roles in the economy and politics, and establish harsh laws.

To prevent mixing with the local population, which they openly despise, a caste system is introduced.
Depending on birth and whiteness of skin, a person received a certain status.

High caste North Indian woman

Brahmins- rulers and priests were the highest caste, their color was white and only unmixed descendants of the Aryans went there.
Kshatriyas- warriors, with the color red as a symbol, may have had a more mixed origin, but still predominantly Aryan.
Shudras- traders and artisans were the lower class, predominantly from the local population, dark-skinned with a black caste.

Of course, over thousands of years, mixing occurred constantly; now there is hardly an Indian who has only Aryan ancestors.
But the caste system continues to this day!
There are more than a thousand castes, but in general they can be divided into three indicated parts, which completely determine the status, as well as the untouchable caste, which includes the most “primitive” peoples of Hindustan.
The upper classes of India are often much lighter-skinned than the lower classes, and blondes in India are still treated as something sacred!

Indo-Mediterranean race

Indo-Mediterranean people in Pakistan

In addition to the Aryans and Dravidians, representatives of the Indo-Mediterranean race lived and regularly arrived in India.
This is the local population of southern Europe, Elam and Arabia, groups of which ended up in India and remained in it.
They are all quite similar to each other:
short, very thin, asthenic build, with an elongated face, dark skin and black hair, very long arms relative to the body.

As traders, slaves, captives and free migrants, they found themselves in India and now make up at least a third of its population, and taking into account mixing with the indigenous people, at least half.

Thus, the populous and extremely diverse India consists of three elements: the indigenous Dravidians, the Indo-Mediterraneans who came from the east and the Indo-Aryans from the far north.

Despite the fact that India lags behind China in terms of population, it stubbornly holds its position with a population of more than 1.2 billion people. The descendants of modern Indians, as a rule, crossed here through the Himalayas, or sailed from the ocean. These were residents of the East, the Mediterranean and even Australia. That is why one should not be surprised by such a variety of nationalities, traditions, and historical roots that have been preserved in India and to this day delight travelers with an insane national palette. Among the numerous nationalities you can find Hindustani, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi, Kannar and so on. Today, the ancient caste system has been preserved in India, only thanks to which the population was able to maintain its rich composition.

More than 75% of the population are Indo-Aryans, most similar to Europeans. Scientists have suggested that modern Hindus came to this land from the north, namely from the Middle East and even Europe. These peoples live in the northern part of India. The south of the country is inhabited by descendants of the Dravidian people and the Mongols. In the mountains and foothills you can find a large number of small nationalities, of which there are several hundred people left.

India is an amazing country, because only here Indians can be very different from each other. In one part of the country these may be short and almost black Indians, but on the other side they will already be tall and with light skin. Each nationality has its own language, traditions and rich history. So let's get acquainted with some Indian nationalities.


They are a people from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is located in the valley of the Krishna, Godavari and Tungabhadra rivers. The population is more than 70 million people. The descendants of the people were Dravidians, Andhras and Kalingas. In the 3rd century BC. e. Buddhism appeared on the territory of the present Telugus. In the 7th century, the Chalukya dynasty began to rule here, which greatly influenced the development of architecture. Many of the buildings that we can see today date back to the reign of the dynasty.

Today Telugu people are engaged agriculture, various varieties of pepper, rice, jowar, bajra, sugarcane, cotton, sesame and tobacco are grown. There is a certain branch of the people who are engaged in sheep breeding. The following crafts are common among the population: pottery, weaving, jewelry and varnish.

After so many years of existence, the people have retained the caste division. Castes are divided into clan groups, where many family customs are preserved, such as marriage between close relatives. Telugus also prohibit divorce, and widows do not have the right to remarry. Telugus who profess Islam also have a caste division.

The settlements of the nationality have a number of features. All villages are divided into quarters, each of which is inhabited by a specific caste group. High caste families have large stone houses with courtyards. The bedroom is always located in the southern part of the house, and the shrine is in the opposite part. The rest of the area is occupied by a guest room and storage rooms. Representatives of the middle castes live in mud houses with one room. Sometimes a veranda is added, but this is rare. The lower caste is generally unlucky; people’s huts are built of bamboo, or less often clay. The staple food of the Telugu people is rice and dishes made from beans and other legumes. Seasonings include sour dairy products, pickled mango, lime and some classic spices. Muslims adopt North Indian cuisine.

The Telugu people have rich history and extraordinary color, that’s why it’s developed here folk art, painting and performing arts. In the 20th century, based on local pantomime on a religious theme, the Kuchipudi dance was created.


This is the population of Tamil Nadu. Its population is approximately 65 million people. A number of Tamils ​​also live in Sri Lanka. They have lived there since the beginning of the 19th century. In general, the people live everywhere in all regions of India, but among the rest of the crowd of people, it will be quite difficult to see them.

Most Tamils ​​are Hindus, but many are Muslims, Shaivites, Vaishnavites and Christians. The nation originates from the Dravidians in the 3rd century BC. The appearance of the Tamils ​​is associated with the migration of the Dravidian people from the northwest to the south and the formation of the entire Indy civilization. But, unfortunately, there is very little data about the further fate of the people, so no one dares to judge their history for sure.

Today, the Tamils ​​are prosperous, practicing arable farming, growing rice, millet, oilseeds, and also overseeing huge tea and cotton plantations. The urban population is engaged in all types of weaving, jewelry, as well as the creation of baskets, rugs, and so on. Tamils ​​can be called a modern people. Industry, services, science and culture are developed in cities and villages. Settlements are also divided along caste lines. The houses are very different from each other. They are typically made of clay or brick with multiple roofs. Also, almost every house has a veranda, which is used by the owners during leisure time. Residential buildings have a spacious courtyard. In the homes of rich Tamils, a swing is required. Residents always sleep and sit on mats.

People eat all kinds of variations with cereals and legumes. These include porridge, stewed vegetables, and various broths. Favorite dishes are rice cakes with various fillings and steamed rice balls. Vegetable oil, spices and exotic fruits are often used in cooking. All food is served on banana leaves.

Tamils ​​are famous for their Katteikuttu theater troupes and puppet theater. Dramatic performances are often staged on stage, and mask performances are not uncommon. On the basis of the ancient art of Devadasi, the national dance Bharata Natyam was created in the last century.


These people live in India, in particular in the state of Rajasthan. The population is more than 2 million people. The Sindhi language is very interesting; it contains a lot of borrowings from Persian and Arabic dialects. The majority of Sindhis are Hindus, but Muslims can also be found.

The main occupation of the Sndkhs is considered to be agriculture and growing cereals. Artificial irrigation is mainly used during cultivation. The villagers livestock, mainly buffaloes and horses. Fishing is developed in the river delta. Crafts are not so developed, but weaving, knife making and carpet production remain from their ancestors. Every year there are more and more Sindhis engaged in mental work.

The dwellings in the villages are made of adobe with a special coating, but among wealthy families, the houses are built entirely of brick and fenced off with a high fence. The roofs are flat and covered with palm leaves.

Sindhis eat millet cakes and a variety of pea stews. Along the riverbeds, the main food component is fish. Also, meat is always served with stews: beef, poultry. Tea is a popular drink.


This people inhabits Sri Lanka, mainly in the foothills of the island, and is well developed economically. In addition to India, they can be found in Singapore and Australia. The population is 13 thousand people. Based on their ethnic groups, the Sinhalese can be divided into mountainous and coastal. Both speak Sinhala, but there are clear differences. Almost all Sinhalese are Muslims. There is no point in writing about all other religions, since their number is counted in units. In modern Islam one can trace the influence of ancient Hinduism and the traditions of the people. The basis of the people were the Indo-Aryans, who, according to legend, belonged to the lion clan. The Vedas had a huge influence on the development of the Sinhalese.

The beginnings of a state system appeared on the island in the first centuries of our era. It was then that Buddhism spread throughout its entire area. In the 15th century, the local state of Kandy recaptured its independence first from the Portuguese and then from the Dutch. The struggle for the territory of the island lasted for many years. It ended only in 1948.

Today, most of the Sinhalese people live in villages and engage in arable farming. The main agricultural crops are wheat and rice. Residents of the coasts engage in fishing. Coconut cultivation, gardening and vegetable gardening play a major role in the life of the Sinhalese. IN last years The population of the island began to actively engage in industry.

The dwellings do not have a frame foundation, but are built on the ground from reeds and covered with palm leaves. The floor is always covered with mats. People eat rice in combination with stewed vegetables in curry sauce.

There was no caste division in the settlements. Only among the Sinhalese, relations have only a rural-community orientation. The people are engaged in artistic crafts, namely wood chasing, carving, sculpture and painting. The Sinhalese practice folklore, perform plays using masks and dance.


This is the main population of Kerala state of 35 million. This ethnicity can be found in minute quantities in other Asian countries.

In the 1st century BC, the Malayali formed their state of Chera, in the modern manner of Kerala. During the Middle Ages, its territory was repeatedly divided into small provinces. Such fragmentation persisted until 1056 - the year of formation of the modern state of Kerala. The majority of Malayalees profess Hinduism. Among them there are many Christians and Muslims.

Agriculture is considered the main occupation of the people. They grow rice, cassava, coffee, vegetables and fruits. Malayalees are also engaged in cultivation of coconuts and rubber trees. In addition to crop production, Indians are engaged in animal husbandry. They mainly raise cattle and poultry. Depending on the region, the main type of animal changes. Among the crafts, Malayali are engaged in the creation of boats and fishing tools. Malayali people create mats and baskets from plant materials.

All houses in the villages have a continuous development, that is, one dwelling smoothly passes into another. For the upper castes, houses are built of wood, several stories high, with tiled roofs. Near the house there is always a utility yard with additional buildings. In every home there is always a chapel, a well, and often people create shelters for snakes.

Peasant houses are much simpler. It consists of several rooms covered with palm leaves. Wooden bars must be installed on the windows. The huts of the poorest Malayalees are built entirely of reeds on a bamboo base.

People most often eat cereals, rice cakes, dairy products, seafood and a variety of spices.

The Malayali have a cult of mothers, in whose honor numerous temples have been built. They also do not forget about their ancestors and sacred animals - snakes. There are also rituals with sacrifices. The most important holiday is Onam, celebrated at the end of summer immediately after the harvest.


This people mainly inhabits the state of Bihar, although they can also be found in Bangladesh, but in minute numbers. The population is more than 200 thousand people. Most of the Oraons adhere to Hinduism, and a quarter are Christians. According to some sources, they came from South India.

The main occupation is arable farming. In mountainous areas it is of a slash-and-burn nature. Only rice is grown. Animals raised include small cattle, chickens and ducks. Fishing and gathering have been preserved in the river valleys. Today, many Oraons work in the fields or participate in road construction. There are also many representatives of the intelligentsia among the population. The Oraons live in villages in traditional houses with walls coated with clay. The roof is covered with either tiles or reeds, it all depends on the wealth of the family. The administration of the settlement is carried out by a council headed by a mahato. In the village you can find so-called bachelors' houses. They can be compared to modern dormitories where only girls or only men live. The nationality is unique in that after many years it has retained the division into totemic clans. In every village there is a hut with totems representing the ancestors. Residents regularly sacrifice young chickens to them and protect them in every possible way.


The people live in the Gilgit River valley and nearby mountainous areas. The population is 120 thousand people. Most Shina practice Islam and Buddhism. Until the 14th century, the territory was divided into principalities, which were constantly at war with each other. There were frequent cases of slavery and the sale of people in slave markets. Due to frequent attacks, almost all villages installed defensive structures that still exist today.

The main occupation in the villages is manual farming. They grow rice and other grains, as well as vegetables and fruits. Grapes are grown in the Gilgit delta. Since there is little fertile land, the Shina live close to each other and prefer not to quarrel. This is due to the fact that trade relations often arise between neighboring settlements, for example, they exchange grain for vegetables if there is such a shortage. Residents of the mountains raise small cattle and also mine gold. There is no culture at all, since the people live separately and are actually poor. Today, the rural community has been preserved, and marriage relations are controlled by Sharia law.


This is a small nation, not exceeding 65 thousand people. She lives in the state of Sikkim and Bengal, and you can also meet representatives in Nepal. According to historical data, the Lepchas are an autochthonous population of the Himalayas, which in some documents is referred to as Kirantis. Today, the Lepchas practice terrace farming and grow rice, corn, buckwheat and millet. Common animals include goats, chickens, pigs and cattle. People were engaged in hunting until the 19th century. But it’s very difficult with crafts, they simply don’t exist.

Local residents live in large families in solid wooden houses. Several settlements make up a community, headed by a headman. The people have preserved the cult of the mountains; they still believe in evil spirits and gods.