Medium-term enterprise planning. Types and methods of planning. By planning objects

Types and stages of planning

The type of planning is determined by the nature of the tasks that the enterprise sets for itself and the possible timing of their solution. In accordance with this, planning is divided into long-term (10 - 15 years), medium term (35 years), short-term, or current (1 - 2 years) and operational (from one to 10-12 working days).

Medium term plans most often cover a five-year period as the most appropriate period for updating the production apparatus and product range.

They formulate the main tasks for a specified period:

  • production strategy of the enterprise as a whole and each division (reconstruction and growth of production capacity, development new products and expansion of the range);
  • sales strategy (structure of the sales network and its development, degree of control over the market and introduction into new markets, carrying out activities to help increase sales);
  • financial strategy (volumes and directions of capital investments, sources of financing, portfolio structure valuable papers);
  • personnel policy (composition and structure of personnel, their training and use).

Along with this, the volumes and structure of the necessary resources and forms of material are determined. technical supplies taking into account intra-company specialization and production cooperation.

Medium term plans provide for the development in a certain sequence of activities aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the long-term development program.

Medium term plan usually contains quantitative indicators for products, data on capital investments and sources of financing. It is being developed in production departments enterprises focused on eliminating the so-called bottlenecks, i.e. on such areas of activity where the possibilities of influencing overall results are most limited.

The functional divisions of the enterprise are responsible for developing development plans for their divisions in terms of production capacity, labor, profit, marketing, and finance. Enterprise level medium-term planning carry out individual projects, develop plans scientific research, marketing, production, commissioning of labor and financial plan.*

* "Management for industrial enterprise». Authors:L.I.Koshkin, A.E.Khachaturov, I.S.Bulatov
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2. Medium-term planning is developed on the basis of strategic planning.
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Planning is setting goals for a system or subsystem. This is the process of designing the desired future. The end result of such a process is planned decisions - the basis for subsequent targeted activities. The relationship between planning decisions and subsequent tasks (that is, the process of transition from a decision to a specific task) represents the main difficulty of the planning process. It is one thing to set a goal, for example, to achieve a leading position in the market, and another thing to plan and implement specific actions in order to achieve this. Like any process, planning is carried out continuously, through iterations (enumeration), bringing the planning decision closer to the real capabilities of the enterprise, that is, the planning process involves taking into account the real situation 7.

Depending on the time period covered, tactical plans are divided into three types: long-term, medium-term, short-term.

Let's consider the types of planning in more detail. Short-term (current) planning is the development of plans for one year, broken down by quarters, and individual indicators by months. Sometimes detailing, that is, a breakdown by month, occurs in the process of implementing plans. Short-term planning, in turn, is divided into tactical and operational. Tactical planning tasks:

Specification of strategic goals in relation to a shorter period of time;

Selection of the most effective means of implementing the strategy under the conditions of the planning period;

Proportional development and the most efficient use enterprise potential.

The main objectives of operational planning are:

1) detailing and distribution of the production program by months, decades, days in such a way as to ensure full utilization of all departments;

2) specification and communication of the task to workshops, sections, spans, lines, teams and workplaces, indicating the deadlines for completing tasks;

3) development of calendar and planning standards and norms;

4) planning timely technical preparation of the enterprise;

5) providing jobs with raw materials, materials and parts;

6) coordination and interconnection of the activities of all levels production process;

7) prompt regulation of the progress of production in order to prevent possible interruptions and ensure smooth operation.

Medium-term planning specifies the guidelines for long-term plans. Plans are calculated for a shorter period. Until recently, the limit for medium-term planning was five years. However, due to the increasing speed of development external environment the limit of medium-term planning was reduced, and five-year planning became long-term. Medium-term plans most often cover a five-year period, as it is the most convenient for updating the production apparatus and the range of products and services. They formulate the main tasks for a specified period, for example, the production strategy of the enterprise as a whole and each division (reconstruction of the building, development of new products and expansion of the range); service sales strategy (attracting new customers, i.e. entering new markets, improving service and other activities that help increase sales); financial strategy (volumes and directions of capital investments, sources of financing, structure of the securities portfolio); personnel policy(composition and structure of staff, their preparation and use); determining the volume and structure of necessary resources and forms logistical supplies. Medium-term plans provide for the development in a certain sequence of activities aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the long-term development program.

Long-term planning usually covers long periods of time - up to 10, and sometimes more, years. The long-term planning process includes the following stages: economic forecasting, strategic planning, development of a long-term plan. Therefore, in long-term planning, a normative-target approach should be used as widely as possible, which is based on identifying the needs and goals of development, as well as in combination with a descriptive approach based on the study of existing trends and their extension to the future. A feature of long-term planning is its variability. Plans may vary depending on the degree of security accepted certain types resources, full or partial satisfaction of demand for certain goods etc. When planning, they conduct a comparative analysis of the capabilities of the enterprise with the achievements of competitors, study the state of the market, the characteristics of the industry within which the enterprise will operate.

Planning is of particular importance for large corporations that unite technologically similar enterprises and organizations. Concentration of capital and diversification of production allow them to increase the efficiency of their activities and operate stably in a competitive market environment. Strategic planning covers the main areas of the corporation’s activities, in particular, the formation of global development goals and their definition possible changes, optimal distribution and efficient use of all types of resources, internal coordination in the strategy of the organizations included in the corporation, adaptation to elements of the external environment, search for organizational strategies.

Developing a long-term plan. At this stage they are developing general principles orientation of the enterprise to the future (development concept), determine the main direction and development programs, content and sequence of implementation the most important events ensuring the achievement of the set goals. Long-term planning helps make decisions on complex problems of the enterprise:

Determining the directions and sizes of capital investments and sources of their financing;

Introduction of technical innovations and advanced technology;

Diversification of production and product renewal;

Forms of foreign investment in the context of the acquisition of new enterprises;

Improving the organization of management in individual departments, personnel policy.

The objects of long-term planning are: production capacity, investment, financial resources, research and development, market share, organizational structure and so on. As part of long-term planning, new product-market strategies and ways to bridge the gap between the predicted values ​​of indicators and those that can be implemented are developed. To do this, they analyze the possibilities of expanding production, introducing new capacities, reducing costs, changing the product range, creating foreign branches, etc. Since the assessment of prospects in conditions of spontaneous market development is extremely uncertain, with long-term planning it is impossible to orient the enterprise towards achieving quantitative indicators and therefore is usually limited to development only the most important qualitative characteristics specified in the programs. Through them, promising directions for the development of all divisions of the enterprise are coordinated, taking into account their needs and available resources. Based on the programs, medium-term plans are developed, which already contain not only qualitative characteristics, but also quantitative indicators, detailed and specified in terms of the choice of means to achieve the goals outlined within the framework of long-term planning.

1)B depending on what time horizon (period) cover the plans of the enterprise, distinguish the following types of planning.

Long-term planning covers a period from 10 to 25 years and has a problem-oriented nature. It formulates the economic strategy of the enterprise (this is essentially a planning object) for a long period, taking into account the expansion of the boundaries of existing sales markets and the development of new ones. As a rule, the number of indicators in the plan is limited, and they themselves have several options. The goals and objectives of the long-term plan are specified in the medium-term plan.

Medium term plans are drawn up for two to three years. The objects of medium-term planning are 1) organizational structure, 2) production capacity, 3) capital investments, 4) financial requirements, 5) R&D - research and development, etc.

Short term plans are drawn up for a year (rarely for two years) and include specific ways to use resources in the enterprise. These plans are detailed by quarter, month, and decade.

These three types of planning must be consistent with each other and not contradict each other.

2) By type of activity, production is distinguished, marketing planning, investment planning, financial plan, social planning

Depending on the content (indicators, objects) and (on) values (roles for the activities of the organization) planning in the process of planned activities there are three types planning: 1) strategic, 2) tactical and 3) operational.

Strategic planning (orientation of the enterprise in accordance with future environmental changes) is a set of procedures and solutions, with the help of which an enterprise strategy is developed to ensure the achievement of its operating goals. Strategy is understood as a plan for the most effective allocation of resources to achieve goals.

Process strategic planning includes defining the mission of the enterprise, formulating the goals and objectives of the enterprise, assessing and analyzing the external and internal environment (opportunities and potential of the enterprise), developing and analyzing strategic alternatives (how the enterprise will achieve its goals), choosing optimal option strategic plan.

In conditions of uncertainty in the external and internal environment, strategic time planning is mainly medium- or short-term.

Tactical planning is a process ( policy development in a specific area) creating prerequisites for the implementation of new opportunities, i.e. strategic plans. Tactical plans reflect measures to expand production and increase the technical and economic level, update and improve the quality of products, and make the fullest use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Based on these plans, connections are established between structural divisions enterprises, developing estimates for types of activities and monitoring their use. As a result of tactical planning, a plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is drawn up, which represents comprehensive program its production, economic and social activities for the corresponding period.

Tactical planning covers the medium and short term.

Operational planning is the process of implementing tactical planning. It is the final stage in planning business activities. Its task is to specify the indicators of the tactical plan in order to organize the daily work of the enterprise and its divisions.

In the process of operational planning, the time for performing individual operations, manufacturing individual units of products is determined, the timing of the transfer of products, semi-finished products from one workshop to another or to the buyer is established; operational preparation of production is carried out (delivery of raw materials, tools to workplace and etc.); systematic monitoring, accounting, analysis and regulation of the production process is carried out. Operational planning allows you to reduce interruptions in production, ensure uniform loading of equipment and space, and promptly respond to deviations in technological process and ensure the efficient operation of departments. Operational planning links all elements of the enterprise into a single production organism - from technical preparation of production to product sales.

Strategic planning- a vision of the enterprise in the future, its place and role in the economy and socio-economic structure of the country, as well as the main ways and means of achieving this new state.

It's about on forms and methods of implementing strategic decisions made based on their linking with each other, appropriate resource provision and selection of optimal methods for their implementation, designed for a long period of time. From the above it follows that strategic planning - organizational system methods for implementing strategic decisions in an enterprise. It is characterized, firstly, by the fact that in terms of its duration it is of a “foreseeable” nature, and secondly, the subject of its planning is the main basic processes of development of the enterprise, aimed at increasing its socio-economic potential. The foreseeable nature of strategic planning is determined both by the development of the external environment and the onset of some internal events that significantly change the strategic environment of the enterprise.

Strategic planning is a product of the market economic system. Why? This is due to many circumstances. Let's name the main ones:

Competition inherent in the market economic system, which necessitates the development of an appropriate direction for the development of the enterprise’s economy. This is achieved by adopting strategic guidelines for the development of the enterprise, and strategic planning itself is aimed at linking resources with strategic guidelines and determining ways to implement them. The latter allows the enterprise not only to avoid risks or at least mitigate their negative consequences, but also to ensure further growth;

The dynamic development of scientific and technological progress, leading to fundamental changes in production and helping to strengthen its influence on the competitiveness of the enterprise. It requires anticipating its results and taking measures in advance to use them or reorient the activities of the enterprise.

If an enterprise's strategy represents a certain vision by an economic entity of the place and role of the enterprise in the market for the goods it sells, then strategic planning is a specific indication of the way to achieve this state. Strategic planning is based, on the one hand, on the goals and objectives set during the development of the strategy, and on the other hand, on the basis of forecasts in various areas social development(economics, science, engineering and technology, etc.).

Thus, we can say that strategic planning is a means of implementing the enterprise’s strategy; it is aimed at finding the necessary resources and ways to achieve the goals arising from the adopted development strategy. Essentially, this is the linking of goals and resources to achieve them.

Since the development strategy is determined by each enterprise, the adopted strategic plan during planning gives the enterprise certainty and at the same time individuality. At the same time, certainty cannot remain unchanged, since it follows from the strategic setting. It can be adjusted due to changes in the business environment.

Strategic planning is entirely the prerogative of the top management of the enterprise. The duration of the planning period that covers strategic planning is usually 10-15 years. The choice of such a duration is determined by a number of reasons, and primarily by the fact that during this period the following usually occurs: 1) a change in the fixed assets of the enterprise, 2) fundamental changes in science and technology (new technologies appear), 3) a change in the tastes (consumers) of the population towards new types of products and services, etc.

Based on strategic planning, it is carried out long-term (medium-term) planning for a period of 3-5 years. It contains settings (i.e. goals and objectives) made in strategic planning, as if they were getting theirs economic justification and clarification taking into account trends in the development of the economic situation for the next 3-5 years.

Based on these plans, it is made short-term planning. Its concrete expression is development plans from 1 to 3 years. Their peculiarity is that the indicators for the next year are adjusted quarterly, and for the second and third years - every six months or annually. This is done in order to so that planned indicators more fully reflect ongoing changes in the environment(economics, politics, technology, competition, etc.) and as a result, the effectiveness of the plans drawn up would increase.

Due to the dynamic processes occurring in the activities of the enterprise and the country, it is necessary to implement current planning. Its result is short-term plans (usually for a year) taking into account current trends in supply and demand. In them, indicators are set for the year, broken down by quarter. These plans are rolling, i.e. for the first 3 months, the indicators are set rigid and unchanged, and in the next 9 months they are adjusted as the situation changes. Compared to short-term plans, they are more detailed, especially regarding the movement of production and inventories, pricing, production costs, etc. In fact, they link the tasks of various services of the enterprise.

But closer coordination of various services of the enterprise takes place (is implemented) in calendar planning, the validity period of which is usually 10 days. These are, in essence, programs for the movement of the product and all (parts and) factors of production, indicating specific dates and services responsible for a particular type of activity (shipment time, etc.).

Depending on the field of activity, there are production planning, financial planning, (investment) planning social development


Planning is one of essential tools self-discipline, which allows you to achieve your goals, no matter what activity you engage in. Naturally, our life is full of accidents; it is impossible to completely plan everything. But there is no need to strive for this; it is enough to set a goal and develop a strategy for achieving it.

Goals can be very diverse, such as achieving a certain level of income by some time, buying an apartment, a car, getting an education, almost anything. The planning process is basically the same and consists of several simple steps. The easiest way to consider it is through the example of financial planning.

First of all, you need to set a big goal, which will take about 5-10 years to achieve, for example, a certain level of income, or a certain amount on deposit. Then we build by setting intermediate goals, which are stages for achieving the main long-term goal. Typically, a medium-term plan is built for 2-3 years, that is, the path to a big goal can be divided into three to five segments, at each of which you will need to achieve a certain result.

Once this stage is completed, you can begin to draw up a short-term action plan for the coming year. There is no need to detail short-term plans too much; it is enough to set small intermediate goals, for example monthly ones, upon achievement of which you move on to the next ones. It makes no sense to go into too much detail on short-term plans, since they are most susceptible to random events and must maintain maximum flexibility.

Therefore, the main efforts need to be made to create the most detailed medium term financial plan. It is very important, because thanks to such a plan it will be much easier to create and adjust plans for the near future, while remaining within the scope of the task.

An important component of making plans is the ability to predict well their feasibility. This will allow you to set achievable goals for yourself that you can actually achieve.

Drawing up the medium-term and long term plans you need to write them down on paper in as much detail as possible, or create a file on your computer and then print them out. An even better idea is to write out milestones on separate large sheets of paper and post them in visible places until they are completed.

Creating your own calendar of events with reminders about them can also help in implementing your plans; many calendar programs have such functionality. There are even programs specially designed for such planning that can and should be used as well.

Many people neglect planning, believing that the whole world around is complete chaos and there is no point in planning anything, but this is far from the case. Even if your plans are not destined to come true, planning will still become a very useful skill that will allow you to learn how to set feasible tasks for yourself, as well as develop adequate ways to solve them. In addition, good planning skills are absolutely necessary for those who intend to engage in business or investment activities. Without the ability to create at least an adequate and realistic medium term financial plan impossible to develop quality business plan or investment strategy.

Do you often use planning tools?

Andrey Malakhov, professional investor, financial consultant

Medium-term planning

Medium-term plans most often cover a five-year period as the most appropriate period for updating the production apparatus and product range. These plans formulate the main tasks for a specified period, i.e. production strategy of the supply chain (increase in production capacity, development of new products and expansion of the range) and sales strategy (structure of the sales network and its development, degree of market control and entry into new markets, carrying out activities to increase sales). At the same time, the volumes and structure of the necessary resources and forms of material and technical supply are determined, taking into account the specialization and cooperation of production. Medium-term plans provide for the development in a certain sequence of activities aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the long-term development program.

The medium-term plan usually contains quantitative indicators for products, and it is developed with a focus on eliminating the so-called bottlenecks, i.e. on such areas of activity where the possibilities of influencing overall results are most limited.

Short-term planning

Short-term (current) planning is carried out through detailed development (usually for one year) of plans for the supply chain and its individual elements. the main task current planning– development of a product supply plan and, based on it, a system of plans: for raw materials, production, movement and placement of stocks of finished products, transportation, etc.

At least once a quarter, they analyze and monitor the implementation of planned tasks, and make their adjustments in the context of products sold and expenses.

Depending on the objectives of the supply chain, integrated planning focuses on different parts of the supply chain.

1. Joint planning of new products collaboration in design. The first to use collaborative planning for new products were companies engaged in the production of complex equipment, such as those operating in industries such as consumer electronics, aerospace and defense. An example of leaders of such design in their industries is Nokia And Boeing.


An example is cooperation Hewlett-Packard (HP ) And Canon. In 1995 HP joined forces with Canon, to develop and launch on the market inkjet printers. From the very beginning, the American company coordinated its interests with the interests of its Japanese partner. HP took over production responsibilities printed circuit boards, a Canon agreed to manufacture mechanisms for the LaserJet series. This distribution of responsibilities was fair, and the research and development teams of both companies began to working together. After starting LaserJet printers HP And Canon quickly adapted the supply network to market requirements.

2. Joint planning of raw materials and supplies manufacturing enterprises and suppliers. Manufacturers from the electronics and high technology, tend to focus on collaborative materials planning, actively engaging with key suppliers to ensure that key components are sourced from them. Leaders in their industries in this area are companies such as Dell Computer And Cisco.


The high quality of the final product depends on the quality of the components, as well as on their fast delivery to the assembly sites. Supply chain Dell is based precisely on creating strong relationships with all suppliers, large and small.

"Because all of our production is customer-ordered, it requires dynamic and intensive inventory control. Working in collaboration with Dell We constantly encourage suppliers to strive for new heights of quality and efficiency" - the words of Michael Dell from an interview with him.

Simple practice Dell – selection from among the best suppliers of components. The goal is to introduce mandatory testing for each component and ultimately obtain high-quality components. If a smaller but more qualified supplier cannot meet the customer's requirements, Dell combines the efforts of two suppliers. To guarantee the required quality, Dell communicates her wishes to suppliers and clarifies whether they understood her correctly.

Before signing a contract, M. Dell meets with the supplier's representatives to inform them of his requirements - from project goals to logistics, service, global requirements and, finally, costs. In particular, Dell always wants to ensure that suppliers have a clear understanding of the direct model and the importance of rapid inventory turnover. “As suppliers learn more about the direct model,” Dell says, “they are able to truly see its benefits, not just for Dell but also for themselves." Since the direct model provides constant feedback to customers, Dell always aware of the client's needs and wishes. It shares this information with its suppliers. Thus, suppliers Dell are often ahead of competitors in market knowledge, which allows them to modify their own products accordingly and more quickly solve problems with components. M. Dell told client firms: “Based on our forecasts, we can tell suppliers where the market is heading. This allows them to create products that optimally meet customer requirements, which in turn accelerates inventory turnover and has a positive impact on profits - including ours."

Thus, suppliers Dell must be willing and able to adapt to the company's expansion plans. But when M. Dell talks about supplier flexibility, he primarily means the ability to meet market requirements. "We have to make sure our partners are aligned with the market, otherwise we will lose profitability. Suppliers must have the quality of a sprinter to work with us." In other words, suppliers Dell must have the financial means to increase their productivity and fulfill all requirements Dell. If the market changes or new technologies appear, suppliers Dell must respond to this immediately. Dell shares with suppliers its production plans, and they, in turn, must outline their plans for expansion.

Dell treats suppliers as allies. Dell has long used supplier certification programs, through which they are periodically subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that the quality of their work meets the standards Dell. Now, thanks to the Internet, suppliers regularly receive regional performance summaries and customer feedback data.

In fact, Dell proposed trading information on changing market trends. Today factories Dell have only a few days' worth of inventory - sometimes even a few hours' worth. Inventory levels are constantly monitored. Information about replenishment needs is provided hourly. Suppliers are kept up to date with the latest market demands.

3. Joint supply planning between manufacturers and third party contract manufacturers. OEMs such as Ericsson And Nokia are leaders in cooperation with contract manufacturers, e.g. Solectron And Flextronics.


In 2001 Microsoft decided to enter the video game market and hired a Singaporean company to produce hardware Flextronics. In early 2001, the supplier learned that Xbox had to be in stores before December because Microsoft counting on Christmas demand. Management Flextronics considered that speed to market and technical support were crucial for a successful product launch, so it was decided to locate Xbox production facilities in Mexico and Hungary. Although costs were relatively high in both countries, they had experienced engineers who could help Microsoft quickly change the design and technical parameters.

In addition, in the neighborhood of Mexico and Hungary there were the largest target markets Xbox - USA and Europe. Microsoft was able to release the product in record time short time. Market leader - PlayStation 2 production Sony - was under threat. Sony began to gain market share by offering huge discounts on its product. Recognizing that cost rather than speed will be critical in the medium term, Flextronics moved the Xbox supply chain to China. The resulting savings allowed Microsoft catch up Sony at prices. By 2003, Xbox had captured 20% of the video game market from PlayStation.

4. Joint transportation planning with 3PL providers. The presence of 3PL logistics service providers is not a new phenomenon, since in many industries 3PL services have been used for a long time and widely. However, a new aspect has emerged - the development of closer collaborative transportation planning relationships with 3PL providers, through which companies are trying to minimize costs and maximize the services obtained through integrated transportation planning. Examples of leading logistics companies who establish close relationships with their customers through cooperation can be called DHL And TNT.


Among the companies that have established partnerships with the carrier, the ZM corporation is highlighted, which was able to receive the following benefits from cooperation:

  • using fewer carriers, reducing the number from more than 1,200 to less than 30;
  • reduction in transportation costs by almost 10%;
  • improving the on-time delivery rate and bringing it to almost 98%;
  • reduction in the number of cargo claims by 20%;
  • productivity increase by 50%.


An example concerns cooperation between a railway company Conrail and companies Procter&Gamble (P&G ) transporting detergent lye from Cincinnati to Lima, State

Ohio. As a result of receiving several complaints from the shipper (company Procter&Gamble ) about unplanned deliveries of company products Conrail specifically investigated the problem of transporting detergents. Based on the results of the joint analysis, the company Conrail decided to run a weekly special mini-train (dubbed the "Tide Train"), which resulted in a reduction in travel time from an average of 7 days to 15 hours. Increased use of rolling stock railway allowed the company Procter&Gamble reduce the number of rented cars from 230 to 66. In winter, this additionally provided significant energy savings, since the need to heat tanks with alkali to pump it using pumps was reduced. New system rail transportation allowed the company Procter&Gamble save $4 million per year (29].

5. Integrated demand planning with customers. Consumer product companies typically seek to engage in integrated demand planning with their customers to better understand true market demand. It is thanks to the close integrated relationships between customers and suppliers that companies such as Wal-Mart And P&G achieved a significant advantage in the market.


Wal-Mart stocked Pampers inventory in its distribution centers, which fulfilled orders coming from stores. When the centers' supplies were running low, Wal-Mart ordered from P&G a new batch of diapers. In inventory management, the main thing is to find a middle ground. If inventory is too low, customers will be unhappy and sales will decline. And too much inventory means high financing and storage costs. In addition, inventory management is not cheap. To improve this aspect of the activity, Wal-Mart suggested the following: probably P&G knows more about the movement of its goods through warehouses, having information about the features of its use and data on repeat orders from retail operators throughout the country; then let P&G itself informs you when and in what quantity you need to order Pampers for the distribution center Wal-Mart. For this Wal-Mart reports every day P&G how much product was shipped from distribution centers to stores. Having decided that the right time has come, P&G notifies Wal-Mart that it's time to place another order. If the recommendation seems reasonable, Wal-Mart approves of her, a P&G ships goods. The new arrangement turned out to be so effective that, over time, Wal-Mart a new proposal has been received: for the company P&G did not give Wal-Mart purchasing recommendations, but simply shipped the quantity of goods required, in her opinion.

  • 6. Joint planning of activities of all enterprises within the supply chain. By functional area of ​​business, supply chains are divided into:
    • supply planning;
    • sales planning;
    • production planning;
    • distribution planning;
    • transportation planning.

In modern market conditions, a supply chain planning system must include both regular and project planning. Project planning is a special cross-functional planning subsystem, distinguished by the fact that the subject of planning is a unique set of actions aimed at achieving specific goals.