Validity period of the price offer is 44 FZ. How to make a commercial proposal - (44 samples). Features of the offer of accounting, legal and consulting services

A commercial proposal is one of the main ways to start communication with a potential client. The success of selling a product or service largely depends on how well and professionally it is compiled. Any Commercial offer consists of the following sections:

    Logo or emblem of a company that offers a product or service. The commercial offer must be prepared on letterhead using the corporate identity of the organization. This is an indicator of the level and seriousness of the business organization of the supplier company. Description of the product or service. In this section it is necessary to disclose what, in fact, is proposed to be purchased or what is proposed to be used. Advertising of services and terms of cooperation. Here you should indicate the advantages of the product or service, justify the reasons why the client is recommended to purchase the product or service, describe how they are better than their competitors. Advantages of the company. This section reveals the advantages of the company, describes its experience, implementation successful projects and so on. Contact information - after reading the commercial proposal, it should be clear to the potential client who to contact, what phone number or email address to contact. Signature of a company representative.

Commercial offers can be classified according to several criteria. So, depending on the quality of contact with a potential client, commercial offers can be “cold” or “hot”. “Cold” offers, as a rule, do not have an addressee and their goal is to inform the target audience about the capabilities of the product. Such an offer does not take into account the specifics of the potential client’s business and is typical. A “hot” offer, as a rule, is sent after a meeting with a representative of the potential client. It contains unique benefits and conditions that are relevant to a specific potential buyer. The purpose of this type of proposal is to move on to negotiations on the terms of cooperation and the conclusion of an agreement. There are also such types of proposals as presentation (giving a general idea of ​​the company’s products), promotional (invites to participate in a marketing campaign), congratulatory, thank you (contain unique conditions in in honor of a holiday or in gratitude for long-term cooperation), or an invitation (it contains an invitation to participate in any event).

When composing a proposal, it is necessary to clearly understand and highlight the problems that the target audience has. A commercial proposal can be considered successful or correctly composed if it succeeds in convincing the recipient that he needs the product or service being offered. For a business proposal to be successful, it is recommended that it meets certain requirements. Firstly, it should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. It is useful to use professional text editors for writing. They automatically check your literacy and highlight words or parts of a sentence that are recommended to be changed. Moreover, in modern text editors There are special templates that can be used to draw up a commercial proposal. Since the main task of such a document is to attract attention, it is allowed to use various infographics, drawings, diagrams, diagrams and similar illustrative materials, which makes the proposal easier to perceive and increases the likelihood of its acceptance. The color scheme that is used in the design of the document also plays an important role. Firstly, the colors must correspond to the corporate style of the company, and, secondly, they should not be provocative or overly calm. You shouldn't make black and white documents either. They look outdated and will not attract the attention of the reader (except for those for whom content is more important than form, but these are increasingly rare). It should be remembered that nowadays every person receives a large flow of information every day, so it is very difficult to process it. It is for this reason that the necessary data is packaged in graphic materials. The quality of the paper on which the commercial proposal is printed is also of great importance. It should demonstrate the reliability of the company that manufactured and delivered it. A pleasant feeling in your hands will automatically add attractiveness to the proposal and increase the likelihood of reading it to the end. The quotation must be delivered either by email or in person. Moreover, the second method is much preferable. Indeed, in the first case, there is a high probability that the letter will be deleted without being read as spam. And with personal delivery, there is a chance to personally talk with the recipient and convince him of the usefulness of the product or service.

Ready-made commercial proposal samples

Templates for commercial proposals for the provision of services

Commercial proposal templates for construction companies

Commercial proposal templates for selling goods

Business proposal templates in Word

Ready commercial proposal for cooperation Examples of commercial proposals for selling goods Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

How to create a commercial proposal correctly

Write a commercial proposal for the sale and supply of goods

When creating a commercial proposal for the sale and delivery of goods, it is necessary to reflect the following points: 1. Uniqueness - how the product differs from substitutes and competitors, what are its advantages, why it can satisfy any need better than others. 2. Value for money also important point in the commercial offer of goods. The consumer, as a rule, chooses a product that allows him to achieve the maximum in this ratio. Therefore, when offering a product, it is recommended to indicate what additional quality bonuses the buyer will receive. 3. Efficiency of delivery. Goods are purchased when they are needed. The buyer wants to solve his problem with the product as quickly as possible, so he is not ready to wait for a long delivery. 4. Service. If the product is technically complex, it is necessary to indicate how the buyer should proceed in the event of a breakdown or need for maintenance. All other things being equal, the buyer will prefer the product that he can either easily service himself or have a service center next to him.

Commercial proposal for cooperation in business

When drawing up this type of commercial proposal, it is necessary to very clearly and, at the same time, unobtrusively talk about the advantages of cooperation, what benefits it will bring to the partner, and also describe the proposed terms of business joint activities. This is quite a difficult job, since the proposal should not be written in the dry language of a business plan, but, at the same time, reflect all its main aspects. Creating such a commercial proposal is an art. It is also necessary to remember that an offer of cooperation is made to a specific partner. Therefore, it is very important to know the needs of this partner and to reflect in the proposal the ways and mechanisms to satisfy them.

When creating this document, it is also necessary to understand the interests of the target audience. So, for companies that rarely use the services transport company, the most important factor when making a decision, there will be discounts or prices. Trade organizations are primarily interested in delivery times and safety of the cargo. Therefore, when drawing up a commercial proposal, representatives of this segment of the target audience must indicate why the company can offer minimum terms and the availability of security or escort along the way. Budgetary structures purchase transport services through tenders. Therefore, the commercial proposal should clearly indicate the possibility of complying with all the conditions reflected in the tender documentation.

Make a commercial offer from a construction company

Potential consumer of services construction company, first of all, the price is of interest. Therefore, in the commercial proposal it is recommended to describe in detail the possibilities of reducing it, and the reasons why this is possible (for example, due to the use of modern materials or unique technologies and so on). Transparency in pricing is also important for the consumer, so it is recommended to include a table justifying the cost at the end of the proposal or as an appendix to it. Construction timing also plays an important role. It is advisable to indicate in the proposal how and by what means they can be reduced. The reputation of a construction company is also taken into account by many customers when making a decision. It can be confirmed by articles from newspapers, letters of recommendation, various awards, descriptions of already completed projects.

Features of the offer of accounting, legal and consulting services

The number of providers of such services is quite large, so competition in this market is very high. In addition to price, you can attract consumers by the following factors:
    A high probability of a positive resolution of the client’s dispute in the courts (for example, demonstrating one’s success in such cases); Saving the client’s costs on full-time staff by transferring some functions to outsourcing; Full support of the client’s activities, solving all his problems in a certain area so that he can deal with only the main activity; Offering various bonuses that competitors do not offer (consulting on a number of issues is free).
You can formulate other advantages that will allow the client to effectively solve their problem, save money or earn more.

Commercial offer from an advertising agency

A document from such a company should demonstrate its professionalism. The commercial proposal from an advertising campaign must contain elements of original design, professional terminology, effective slogans and other similar elements. This allows a potential consumer to immediately assess the level and technology of the advertising agency. If it knows how to sell itself well, then it can effectively advertise the client’s product. Thus, the customer develops an element of trust in the company, which increases the likelihood that he will use its services.

Common mistakes when writing text for business proposals

The first mistake that many marketers make is oversaturating the offer with data. They sincerely believe that it is important for the client to know everything about the product in order to make an informed and rational decision. However, in practice this is far from the case. The behavior of a buyer or customer is rarely rational; rather, it is emotional. Therefore, it is not necessary to give a lot of information in the proposal; it is much more effective to create in the consumer the feeling that the product or service will help him satisfy his need. This feeling significantly increases the likelihood of a subsequent purchase. The second common mistake is paying too much attention to a potential client. The proposal writers are full of compliments, describing all the client’s successes, assuming that it will be pleasant for him. However, a potential buyer is much more concerned about solving his problem or problem, so he, of course, will be happy to read about his successes, but if he does not find an answer to his questions, then he is unlikely to contact such a company. Also, many drafters mistakenly include the following information in the proposal:
    The history of the company describes how the company’s journey began, how it developed, and so on, but this is not at all interesting to a potential buyer of the product. This only takes up his time, which means it irritates him and worsens his perception of the proposal. The history of the manager, the reasons why he came to this business, that he is an expert in this or that activity, are indicated by his achievements and awards. This is also not interesting to a potential buyer and worsens the impression of the offer. A description of the production technology to convince that the product is really of high quality and has the stated characteristics. But it must be borne in mind that the buyer is not an expert in the production of products. He needs to understand that the product or service has the required properties. For this, a quality certificate or a description of the product itself with characteristics is sufficient. Indication of irrelevant client needs. When drawing up a commercial proposal, it is important to clearly study the representatives target group and articulate the need they want to satisfy with a product or service. If there is no such information, there is a high probability that the commercial proposal will go into emptiness. The buyer will not find answers to his questions in it and will not purchase the product.

How to effectively end a business proposal

The last sentence in the document is very powerful. Potential buyer, most likely, will skim through the text, but will linger on the last paragraph or phrase. This is how the human mind works, and when drawing up a commercial proposal, this must be used. The content of the last paragraph or sentence should reflect the essence of the entire document and encourage the potential client to make necessary action– make an appointment, start negotiations, purchase a product or service, make a trial order, and so on. Most often, they end a commercial offer with the phrase “with respect.” This, of course, is a win-win option, but instead of this phrase, it is much more effective to use text offering the recipient of the document unique conditions for the sale of a product or service (for example, with a significant discount). This will interest the client much more than showing him respect. Moreover, a respectful attitude between partners is implied a priori. A fairly common option for ending a commercial offer is a message that specific managers are always ready to answer the client’s questions, and their contact information is indicated. How to contact a specialist, of course, should be at the end of the commercial proposal, but it in no way encourages the potential client to take any action. So, a commercial proposal should end with a call to action. The following motives can be identified that can induce the client to take the required actions:
    Information that the number of goods or services offered under the terms of this commercial offer is limited; Bonus Offer - free sample, opportunities to test a product or service, product availability, discount on a current or next purchase; Description of the buyer’s personal interest (what he will receive as a result, what savings he will achieve, what need he will satisfy, and so on); Information about the attractiveness of the product or service (availability of a guarantee, special conditions supplies, quality service).
Within each type of commercial offer ending, you can formulate specific wording that will demonstrate its relevance and relevance to the buyer. Thus, glancing at the sentence at the end of the paragraph, he may carefully read the entire text and subsequently contact the company for a product or service. Cover letter templates for a commercial proposal:

If the commercial proposal contains more than one page, or is accompanied by various Additional materials(for example, cost calculation tables, price lists with the entire product range, schedule of marketing campaigns, conferences or exhibitions), then a covering letter must be sent with it. It contains in a very condensed form the main conditions and essence of the proposal. First of all, the cover letter should contain a greeting from the addressee, preferably by name and patronymic (addressed address attracts much more attention than standard greeting formulas). Next, you should introduce yourself and name your position in the company , so that it is clear what issue is being addressed. In the case of preliminary meetings, it is recommended to remind the recipient of the letter about this. In the main body of the letter, it is necessary to inform the potential client about the goods or services that the company offers, as well as the benefits that cooperation can bring. This must be done briefly so as not to repeat the commercial proposal, but at the same time, after reading the paragraph with the advantages, the potential consumer should still have questions and a desire to find answers to them in the commercial proposal itself. This will encourage him to read the document more carefully. Next, you should list the documents that are attached to the letter. Firstly, this is a standard document flow, and, secondly, it will allow the recipient to quickly figure out which documents to pay attention to first in order to make a decision. At the end of the letter, you should thank the recipient for their attention and call for action (call the company , ask questions by email, etc.). The rules for completing cover letters are identical to the recommendations regarding the final phrase of a commercial proposal. Thus, writing a commercial proposal is a completely technological process. If you follow all the recommendations, it will be successful and will lead to transactions. However, each compiler must develop his own unique style and the way the sentence is formed. This will greatly improve the efficiency of its work.

A commercial offer is a document that contains detailed information about your services or products you supply. His the main task— interest a potential client, demonstrate all your capabilities and turn him from a potential client into a real one. Most often, a commercial proposal is made in the form of a presentation document, which indicates detailed characteristics and advantages of the product/service. We can say that KP is a small advertising campaign aimed at promoting your products and services.

But in order for the CP to work and truly have a positive impact on the trading process, it must be drawn up correctly and be targeted at a specific group of buyers. Commercial offers are divided into several types. So how to write a commercial proposal correctly? Where to start compiling it? How to arouse interest among potential clients? To do this, you need to understand all the nuances of its preparation.

Cold commercial offer

This type of CP is aimed at potential consumers who are not prepared to purchase a product or service - they are called “cold” consumers. The purpose of the so-called “cold” offer is to “hook” the client, interest him and force him to read the text of the offer, which offers to purchase any product or service, to the end. The second name for such proposals is “basic”. If any mistake is made during the preparation of the CP, the guarantees that a potential client or partner will read it are minimal.

That is why the preparation of the proposal is focused on three risks in connection with which the proposal may end up in the trash can:

  1. The moment of receiving a commercial offer.
  2. The moment of discovery.
  3. Reading moment.

At the first stage, the most important thing is to arouse interest. If this does not happen, then your commercial proposal will end up among the garbage.

To attract the attention of a potential client, any acceptable means can be used, correctly used in a given situation. For example, if the proposal is sent by email, you can “hook” the consumer or partner with an interesting topic that will be presented in an original way. If the envelope with the offer is given in person, then you can attract the client’s attention with the scented paper from which the envelope will be made, a bright design, etc.

Next, it is important to present your proposal as interestingly as possible, but at the same time clearly and without unnecessary “water”. A proposal compiled in this way is called an “offer.” After the first two stages have worked on the client, the main thing is to bring strong convictions that this is an excellent option for him, the most profitable, and he will absolutely benefit from it, etc. Those. Next, you need to apply the current moves from your marketing strategy.

The advantage of the “cold” type of gearbox is that it is designed for mass consumers. But practice shows that personalized offers attract people more.

Hot commercial offer

This type of commercial proposal is sent to the type of consumers, clients or partners who are prepared for this action - they either themselves asked to send them a commercial proposal, or the manager had a conversation with them before. If a proposal of a “cold” type should be stated as briefly as possible, then in the case of a proposal of a “hot” type the situation is completely different. It can be presented in the form of a presentation made in multimedia programs of up to approximately fifteen sheets. Such CPs are also called “warm”.

Read also: How to stitch documents correctly with threads

Components of a commercial proposal

A commercial proposal must be drawn up correctly.

It should inspire confidence and win over the representative company from the very beginning, as soon as a partner or potential client picks it up or starts reading it. How to write a commercial proposal correctly? To do this, it must contain the following components:

  1. A header that will indicate the name of the representative company, its individual tax number, as well as contacts through which you can contact its leader, manager, etc.
  2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee for whom the proposal was made.
  3. An explanation of the purpose for which the paper or email letter was sent (i.e. it must indicate that it is a commercial offer).
  4. The day, month and year of the document, as well as its serial number. This is necessary so that the representative company can control the flow of documentation within the company.
  5. Favorable payment terms, the possibility of deferment, the possibility of delivering goods, etc.
  6. Delivery times for goods, as well as their full list and prices.
  7. Terms of provision of services, payment for each of them, additional services and the final cost of work calculated along with them.
  8. Photos of each product item, as well as a short description for each item.
  9. There must be a seal of the company presenting the commercial proposal, as well as the signature of the director or responsible person.
  10. The date before which this commercial offer is valid.
  11. Personal contact details of the person responsible for this CP.

How not to spoil the CP

How to write a commercial proposal in such a way as not to spoil anything? To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use the words “we”, “our”, etc. as little as possible. Focus on the client or partner as much as possible and write “you”, “your”, “thanks to you”. Thus, you draw the attention of the reader to his benefit from the transaction, etc.
  2. Don't send the CP to those who are not interested in it and don't waste your time and energy.
  3. The design of a commercial proposal, which does not make you want to even read the letter, is inappropriate.
  4. The volume of CP is too large.
  5. Providing a CP to a person who in no way influences the decision to conclude a transaction.

A business proposal template should ideally contain the following phrases:: call me; we are ready to answer all your questions, etc. It would be good if the commercial proposal included reviews from satisfied customers, as well as a list of them. Good example commercial offer looks like this:

A high-quality sample commercial proposal for the provision of services looks like this:

Phrases that shouldn't exist

There are a number of features that must be adhered to when drawing up a proposal. Despite the fact that this document is intended specifically for the purpose of concluding a transaction on the sale of certain goods or services that is beneficial for the contractor, in no case should the following combinations of words be used in it:

  1. We invite you to cooperate with us.
  2. Our commercial offer will interest you.
  3. We offer to purchase from us, etc.

Such phrases immediately scare off both potential and actual clients.

Offer as the main component of the CP

The offer is the most important part of the CP. It should be aimed at exciting potential client, as well as in the partner’s interest in the proposal, which he unobtrusively carries within himself. Unobtrusiveness is the main key to success in this case.

The compiled text should contain as little fluff as possible, be reader-oriented, and also present to him as profitably as possible all the terms of cooperation with the initiating company or private entrepreneur. In this part of the text, it is important to show the reader that, first of all, this offer is very beneficial for him, to indicate the reasons why he will receive the maximum benefit from concluding this transaction. You cannot directly write about purchasing certain goods from you or using the services you provide.

The most popular way to determine the initial (maximum) contract price (ICP) is market analysis. Is the budget organization going to use one of competitive methods procurement or is considering the option of purchasing a product or service from sole supplier- does not matter, because, in accordance with the current legislation (Article 22 44-FZ), in any case it is necessary to provide a justification for the NMCC. In order to do this without violations, the customer will need to find current price data. To do this, it is necessary to collect a number of commercial proposals from various suppliers offering the desired product or service.

Commercial proposals in procurement

To determine the NMCC, a budget organization that acts as a customer must request commercial proposals from at least five potential contractors. As a response, she must receive at least three price letters describing goods or services that meet all the conditions stated in the procurement plan.

The main goal is to collect current price information for the purpose of its subsequent analytics. Based on the results of a thorough analysis, the NMCC is derived.

  1. The most accurate and detailed description purchased goods, works or services. This implies quantitative data, a unit of measurement, and the volume of work performed.
  2. A number of main conditions from the draft contract - everything related to the specifics of delivery, provision of services or specific characteristics of the work. The points of payment and contract security and the necessary warranty information about the purchased goods, works or services are also noted.
  3. Explanations that the price information provided indicates the specific real cost of the goods, works or services requested by the customer and does not constitute the basis for the subsequent conclusion of contractual relations.

Sample request for commercial proposals under 44-FZ

Providing a commercial offer

After the customer, in search of three suppliers to calculate the NMCC of the planned purchase, sends out a letter (a sample request for a commercial proposal is presented above), he receives official responses from the selected organizations.

So what is the answer? First of all, this is a document on the supplier’s official letterhead, certified by a “living” seal and signature of the manager, and in some cases the financial director or chief accountant. It includes the following information:

  • full details of the enterprise;
  • the current price of the product or service provided at the time of the request;
  • Full description services included in the price with specific characteristics and planned dates execution, if certain types of work are implied.

It is important to remember that such a document is for informational purposes only and is not a direct incentive to conclude an agreement.

It is worth noting that the received cost data does not have a validity period. This should also be noted in the answer. When using this material for calculations in future periods, the current price will be indexed in accordance with the conversion factor.

Response to the CP’s request to justify the NMCC

Request for commercial proposals in accordance with 223-FZ

If state-financed organization provides additional services to the population, that is, conducts entrepreneurial activity and receives official income, it has the right to withdraw part of the purchases from the strict regulations of 44-FZ and take advantage of 223-FZ, which is more loyal to budget customers.

It is worth distinguishing between the competitive method of identifying a supplier and directly requesting price information for holding a competition or auction under Federal Law-223. Data on the cost of goods, works and services are requested for the same purpose as in Federal Law-44 - to identify current prices and determine the NMCC.

A letter requesting information on prices is drawn up similarly to 44-FZ.

Based on this law, there is an additional competitive method for identifying suppliers, called a request for proposals. The customer places a notice in the system about the purchase carried out in this way and indicates in detail all the necessary information. In this case, people may be invited to participate certain artists, meeting the customer’s technical criteria. Any organization that meets the requirements of the procurement organizer can participate in the request for proposals. Then comes the acceptance, review and final evaluation of applications. Members of the commission take into account at least two established criteria for evaluation. As a result, based on the results of the procedure, a contract is concluded with the supplier who offered the most profitable terms. The result of the RFP is also reflected by the customer on the official website in the public domain.

This method can also be used in the event that the customer terminates existing contracts or when competitive methods (competition, auction) are repeated and declared invalid.

(NMCC) - one of the stages of procurement planning. The Contract System Law established the requirement to primarily apply the market analysis method. This leads to the need to use commercial proposals in the process of determining the cost of an object. At the same time, for errors or failure to comply with the procedure for justifying the NMCC, administrative liability is established in the form of a fine of up to 10,000 rubles, which is an unpleasant addition.


For a supplier whose field of activity is related to the customer’s needs, a commercial proposal is an official document that confirms the cost of his goods, work, services with certain characteristics for a specific period, but does not entail an obligation to conclude a contract.

Part 2-6 art. 22 44-FZ describes the rules for applying the market analysis method and indicates that when justifying the cost of a contract using this method, it is necessary to compare prices for goods or services that are similar to the object of the planned purchase. To do this you need to get up-to-date information about market prices. And the easiest way to do this is to request a commercial proposal (a sample can be seen below) from companies that supply such goods or provide similar services.

Procedure for obtaining information about prices

Developed guidelines on the application of methods for determining NMCC (). To collect data on prices, it is recommended that the customer send requests for price information to at least five suppliers, and in determining the NMCC use at least three prices that are provided by different suppliers (clause 3.19).

The algorithm for submitting such a request is as follows:

  1. Compile it indicating its quantitative and qualitative characteristics (read the article).
  2. Indicate the essential conditions for the supply of goods and performance of work that affect their cost: territorial location, delivery time, completion of work, availability of a guarantee, the need for adjustment, installation, training of persons, etc.
  3. Choose target audience mailings. At the same time, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development, suppliers must have experience in similar supplies, including experience in executing contracts without the use of penalties over the past three years. At this stage, the customer can use information retrieval systems or publicly available directories of organizations. You can check how the supplier performed contracts under 44-FZ and 223-FZ on the United information system(EIS) in . To do this, you need to enter the name or TIN of the winner.
  4. Fill out a request and send it to potential partners. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Economic Development (Letter dated May 10, 2016 No. D28i-1308), in order to justify the NMCC it is considered acceptable to use fax or email to submit requests and receive responses.
  5. Get an answer, analyze the data and draw up a rationale.

Please note that the validity period of the commercial offer under 44-FZ has not been established. This information must be included in the response document. This is done to eliminate justification based on irrelevant prices.

Prices from previous periods (more than six months from the period when the NMCC was determined) must be brought to the current level by applying a conversion factor.

In addition to sending requests to suppliers, the Ministry of Economic Development recommends carrying out several more procedures: searching for prices in the EIS contract register, collecting and analyzing publicly available price information (advertising, catalogues, statistical reporting and etc).