Shelf life of timesheets. Storage period for time sheets. The most important changes this spring

The letter combination “SZV-M” does not have a specific legalized decoding. It is generally accepted that this is a symbol for the type of unified reporting on which the policyholder reports to the Pension Fund. The symbol is reflected in the appropriate instructions for filling out the form. Actually, the document itself is referred to as “Information about the insured persons.”

The characteristic “SZV-M” is determined by the letter designation and code established by the standard. Based on this, we can distinguish the following interpretation of the letters in this combination:

  1. “B” - implies that the report data is transferred to the Pension Fund, i.e. they are “incoming”. By the way, the encoding of documents coming from the fund contains “I”.
  2. “M” - displays the reporting period, i.e. indicates the monthly submission of the report.

Format of the reporting document with data symbol was introduced by Decree No. 83p dated 02/01/2016. All categories of insurers who have employees are required to report on this form. These include: organizations with their own divisions, individual entrepreneurs, as well as persons engaged in private practice regarding the legal profession, notary office, etc.

An important factor is documenting labor relations. That is, an organization may not operate, but if it has at least one registered employee, it must submit a “zero” report to the Pension Fund. The nature of the contract does not matter. This can be an employment or civil law contract. The very fact of concluding such agreements indicates the formalization of labor relations.

For example, if an employment agreement has been drawn up with the sole director (founder), he is paid a salary, then the SZV-M is drawn up and submitted. At the same time, the fund will have to accept for the November period current year a report that shows one director, but no contract was concluded with him.

The current SZV-M form is a page. Its structure includes 4 positions. Three of them are an ordinary part of the document, and the fourth is a table. This format is equally valid for electronic and paper version report.

The main components of the form are information about the insured persons, the period for which the policyholder is reporting, and the details of the obligated person. The document can take the following forms:

  • initial (version of the first report submitted for a specific period for the first time);
  • supplementary (version of the clarifying report, supplemented and submitted after the first document);
  • canceling (version of the report, which is submitted for the purpose of canceling previously submitted information).

The original form of the document is submitted at the place of registration by the 15th day of the month immediately following the reporting month. This deadline for reporting is approved by Federal Law No. 27 and has been in effect since 2017. For example, for the November period SZV-M is due until December 15th. For the last month of 2017, December, policyholders will report until January 15 of the next year.

The supplementary and repealing versions are of a clarifying nature, therefore there are no restrictions on the timing of their submission. The accountant independently decides when there is a need to submit them. It should be taken into account that submitting a document after the 15th date indicated above may result in administrative liability.

The deadline for submitting SZV-M will not change from 2018. So, for the January period of the new year, policyholders will need to submit a report by February 15.

From 2017, the employer will be required to provide the employee with a copy of the SZV-M upon request or upon his dismissal. In the standard case, a copy of this document upon application is issued within 5 days. Upon dismissal, it is given on the day of termination of the contract or on the date of dismissal. It should be taken into account that the employer must not issue a copy of the entire form, but only an extract for the specific person being dismissed (applied).

Features of compiling SZV-M

The procedure for filling out the form is as in in electronic format, and on a paper form, is the same. Information is entered for all positions; the formatting requirements do not differ. Positions 1.2,3 must be filled in.

The policyholder is guided by the following rules: (click to expand)

  1. Position “1” includes the details of the policyholder (TIN of 10 digits, KPP of 9 digits, short name, registration number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation). Entrepreneurs do not indicate checkpoints.
  2. Position “22” determines the reporting month of the calendar year. The digital value of the month is entered into the position: 01 - January period or 02 - February, etc. in accordance with the list of values ​​​​given in the position.
  3. The code of the submitted form is written depending on the type of report form: “ISHD” (for the original), “ADP” (for the additional one), “OTM” (for the canceling one). Explanations of the designations are indicated in the position of the form in question.
  4. Position “4” contains information on the initials in nominative case, SNILS, INN of each insured person with whom an employment or GP agreement was concluded. The policyholder writes down the TIN only if he has information about it. Also, the middle name is not written if it is missing.

The compiled document is endorsed by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. His position must be indicated and his signature deciphered. Signing of the report by a representative is not allowed.

The date of compilation is entered next to it in the format “DD.MM.YYYY”. Stamped upon availability. The policyholder must submit the completed reports himself.

SZV-M supply methods: advantages and disadvantages

The policyholder is required to submit an electronic version of the reporting if he employs more than 25 people. If the number of employees is less than 25 people, the report is submitted on paper. Depending on this, an acceptable method of delivery and delivery of SZV-M is selected.

Method of delivery of SZV-M Advantages Flaws
Via TKSSaving time and money;


You can create the form quickly and free of charge using the “PU 6 Documents” program on the Pension Fund’s website or for a fee on one of the services such as Internet accounting “My Business”;

the ability to independently check for errors on the fund’s website

Only for electronic version of the report;

mandatory availability of digital signature;

technical delays cannot be completely ruled out;

when forming electronic report need to follow a series mandatory requirements in accordance with the resolution of the fund No. 1077p dated 12/07/2016, such as: XML extension, UTF-8 encoding, proper file name

By postInexpensive, convenient for paper document form;

sent by a valuable letter with an inventory

For paper reports only;

it takes time to find (print) the form, fill it out correctly, and send it;

There may be some delays with delivery, some possibility of the letter being lost in transit

Each method is good in its own way. The only limitation that the obligated person faces is the number of employees. So, form and submit electronic version reporting when he employs up to 25 people is not acceptable. This would be a violation. Accordingly, the delivery method via TCS will not work here.

And vice versa. If the number of employees is more than 25 people, the policyholder does not have the right to choose to send the report on paper via the post office. This would be an offense for which he would be punished with financial penalties.

Common mistakes when drawing up SZV-M

Most of the errors when drawing up the form are related precisely to the correctness of its design, entering complete and accurate information . Errors made may be insignificant, then CMEA-M is accepted by the fund without correcting them. In other cases, the Pension Fund accepts the report in whole or in part, but obliges the policyholder to correct existing errors and provide updated information.

If the report is not accepted, this means that serious errors were found in the form (incorrect TIN, reporting period, etc.). Then all errors are corrected and the report is submitted again.

It is necessary to include in the appropriate positions the data of those insured citizens with whom a contract has been drawn up (labor or civil employment contract) and its validity in the reporting month is celebrated at least during the day. At the same time, the presence of accruals, payments and deduction of mandatory contributions for them for the same period is not necessary.

If gross errors are made and the fund does not accept the reports, then it is possible that financial sanctions will be applied to the policyholder. As a standard, for an error (one or more) one Pension Fund employee has the right to recover 500 rubles.

Responsibility for failure to submit and violation of deadlines for filing SZV-M

Violation of the established deadlines and procedure for submitting SZV-M, submitting incomplete reports or indicating false information in them is recognized as an offense. In such cases, the insured as a violator is held accountable on the basis of Federal Law No. 27, Art. 17.

As a punishment, fines are applied to the perpetrator. (click to expand)

Upon receipt of a demand for payment of a fine, the policyholder is obliged to pay the amount of the sanction within 10 subsequent days. If he does not do this or pays partially, the Pension Fund has the right to collect it through the court.

The listed financial sanctions may be written off due to their hopelessness. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does this when it is impossible to collect money for legal, economic, or social reasons.

The insured is not punished for an offense if 3 years have passed at the time of making the decision to prosecute (due to the statute of limitations). By this time, the legal consequences cease.

Example 1. Sample compilation of CMEA-M for the November period

LLC "Project" compiles SZV-M for the November period of the current year. In it, the policyholder should include information on two insured citizens working for him. Both work on the basis of an employment agreement. The policyholder enters data on Valentin Petrovich Grigoriev into the table (only SNILS, since there is no information on the TIN). For the second employee Galina Semenovna Petrovskaya, all data is entered.

In the first position, the details of Project LLC are written down (No. in the Pension Fund, Taxpayer Identification Number, short name, KPP). The company reports for November, therefore, “11” is entered in the appropriate position for the period. Next, “ISHD” is indicated, since the report is being submitted for the first time.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question #1: Are you required to take the SZV-M? non-profit organizations without employees?

There is no need to submit if the following circumstances exist: the NPO does not have insured working citizens with and. O. The chairman of a non-profit structure (partnership, company) has not drawn up a GPC agreement (or an employment agreement).

Question #2: If an individual entrepreneur has no employees, does he need to submit SZV-M to the fund on a monthly basis?

Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not need to report on this form at all.

In 2017, many organizations again began to receive requests from the Pension Fund to submit the SZV-K form. Its policyholders applied for it in the period from August 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004 for their employees who did not receive an old-age or disability pension at that time. The SZV-K form indicated information about the length of service of the insured person as of December 31, 2001. That is, for the period before a person’s registration in the compulsory pension insurance system (clause 44 of the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining individual (personalized) records, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1997 No. 318).

Now the SZV-K report, the form of which was re-approved in January 2017 (approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of January 11, 2017 No. 2p), must be submitted only for those employees for whom you received a request from the Pension Fund. And again, it reflects information about the experience. The deadlines for submission of SZV-K forms are indicated in the PFR requirement itself.

If you receive a requirement to submit a SZV-K for an employee who no longer works for you, then you will not be able to fulfill the requirement. Since you do not have the work record of the dismissed person. In this case, you can send written explanations to the Pension Fund. You can do the same if you receive a request to provide information about a person who, before 2002, could not work at all, for example, due to his age (under 18 years old).

How to fill out the SZV-K form

As indicated in the procedure for filling out the SZV-K, the form contains information based on the work book and other documents submitted by the insured person confirming the periods of his work experience. Data in SZV-K are reflected in chronological order for the period up to 2002 ().

Filling out the SZV-K form for personalized accounting is carried out according to general rules. It should indicate:

  • SNILS and full name of the insured person, his date of birth, as well as territorial living conditions as of December 31, 2001. The last column with living conditions can be either empty, or it indicates the code RKS (region of the Far North) or MKS (area equated to the regions of the Far North). When specifying codes, the value of the regional coefficient is also noted here;
  • employer's name;
  • Kind of activity. Here the code WORK, SERVICE is indicated (indicates military and other service equivalent to it), etc.;
  • start and end dates of work for a given employer, territorial working conditions and special working conditions (the corresponding codes are noted), calculated length of service (time worked is reflected in years, months and days), length of service. In this case, the columns for calculating work experience and length of service are filled in only for certain categories of employees;
  • profession and position of the insured person during the specified period of work.

In the same way, when filling out the SZV-K form, information is indicated for each employer. The lower part of the form displays information about the person’s total length of service, again in years, months and days (clause 33 of the Instructions). And information about length of service giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension is indicated only if the insured person has such a right.

By the way, on the new form SZV-K report In the Pension Fund of Russia, in addition to the signature of the manager, there must also be the signature of the employee. A sample of filling out the SZV-K form is given on the page.

All innovations in legislation take root with significant difficulties. A similar situation is observed with the submission of such a document as the SZV-K form. There are already legends about her among personnel officers. Some mention huge queues and unyielding PF inspectors, while others refute these horrors and say that reporting according to the proposed procedure is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let’s try to figure out how things really are and why the SZV-K documentation is needed now. The 2014 form is intended to clarify additional information about employees that is not reflected in the archives of the Pension Fund Russian Federation for several reasons. All policyholders can fill out the necessary forms in the free web application “Kontur.PF Report”.


He demanded that organizations of all forms of ownership provide such documentation as the SZV-K form by July 1, 2014. The necessary clarifications apply only to employees for whom the state regulator does not have information about labor activity until January 1, 2012. The corresponding instructions began to arrive at companies in mid-May and caused significant unrest among HR officers. Let's consider the reasons that prompted the requirement to provide such a report as the SZV-K form, and a number of other clarifications from employers.

Why does the Pension Fund need information?

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions,” which comes into force in January 2015, the procedure for calculating payments to citizens for the loss of a breadwinner, disability or old age has been adjusted. Their sizes will be determined taking into account many characteristics, but the key role in the numerical formation is given to the IPC. The individual pension coefficient is a parameter in which, using relative units (points), the pension rights that an employee or insured person can claim are displayed. Its final value is determined by a complex formula that takes into account the length of service, the amount of contributions paid and other specific characteristics. Among other things, in order to clarify and correctly display an individual, it is important to know the exact duration of periods of other activity or work during which contributions to the Pension Fund were withheld. After clarifying the features, it becomes clear that there is a SZV-K form, what it is, and what the purpose of the document is. However, it is important to clarify who needs to prepare these materials and what category of citizens they apply to.


In the archives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, data was found on individuals who made payments of insurance premiums on a regular basis, but did not have information about the characteristics of their work experience before 2002. If these employees were registered in the organizations as of December 31, 2013, then the companies received notices requiring them to provide an up-to-date report with a name such as form SZV-K. If the employee did not work at all before 2002, then there is no need to draw up documentation for him; it is enough just to report this data to the competent organization. Whereas, upon termination of the employment contract between the employer and the staff unit after December 31, 2013, the policyholder is obliged to send the necessary information to the authorized body of the Pension Fund of his region.

Report preparation methods

If you need to figure out how to fill out the SZV-K form, then special programs that are recommended for updating the data of an individual will help with this. In accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, they can be “Kontur.Report PF” or “1C”. To provide information about work experience until the end of December 2001, employee documents are required that confirm it.

Composition of the report

The SZV-K form is filled out by all employers for their employees who have insurance certificates and were not fired at the time the reporting documentation was generated. According to the requirements of the Pension Fund of Russia, organizations must group the materials necessary for the territorial body into bundles. They are subject to the following restrictions:

  • The total size of the attached documents should not exceed 200 units.
  • The various classes into which the SZV-K form is divided, the form with a list of employees and other accompanying materials must be formed in separate bundles.
  • Papers that are transferred to the Pension Fund must be accompanied by an inventory in the approved form.
  • Filling out the SZV-K form is completed after it is numbered and secured with a thread, which is drawn out from the back of the pack and sealed with a piece of paper with the organization’s seal and an indication of the number of pages.

Among other things, a brochure with a list of insured persons and providing information about them in any form is added to the package. These papers are certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization, which guarantees the correctness of the information displayed in them. In some cases, documentation may be accompanied by a storage medium, however, all files that will be presented on it must comply with the “Rules for the Preparation of Personalized Accounting” approved by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Deviation from recommended standards is not permitted. If the SZV-K form and the form with explanations are drawn up in several copies, then each such bundle is assigned a serial number. Its indication is made on the list of reports that the employer submits to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In the future, this information will be entered into individual personal accounts of citizens and will be used to calculate length of service and determine the amount of pension payments using the new methodology. However, the accumulative system of contributions to the Pension Fund will only affect people who began working after January 1, 2012. At the same time, the rights of other persons with a sufficient amount of experience will not be infringed; their contributions will be converted in accordance with the new requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. After all, it would be, at the very least, unfair to discount the period of many years of work, when the employee confirmed his rights to a pension day after day.


The main evidence that confirms the employee’s length of service may be various documents. The easiest way to track it is through the work book, but if records were not kept in it or there are inaccuracies, then they use the employment contract, extracts from payroll statements, and so on. In the case where the employee’s activities were carried out in the form of civil relations (paid services), written agreements between the employer and employee are confirmation. The period of caring for children up to the age specified by law also requires the provision of evidence in the form of a birth certificate of the baby. However, this experience can be counted towards one of the parents. The author's activity is confirmed by contracts, which are drawn up in writing and do not violate the requirements of the law. The time for receiving unemployment benefits is determined by the corresponding certificate from the employment service of the Russian Federation. Activities in the field individual entrepreneurship is also entered in such documentation as the SZV-K form. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation requires that when filling it out, you must be guided by the “Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing a labor pension.” As well as recommendations from authorities on the payment of mandatory payments.

Filling procedure

In order to submit correct reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to figure out how to fill out the SZV-K form. This is a difficult process that requires not only attention, but also a sequence of actions. However, there are instructions for its preparation that are designed to help resolve this problem. They contain specific recommendations for each case. Therefore, if we compare the sample of filling out the SZV-K form, which is proposed in standard position, with real examples of work experience, then on their joint basis it is possible to prepare correct documentation that does not raise questions in the Pension Fund.

Completing this report should begin by indicating the employee’s insurance number and personal data. First name, last name, patronymic and date of birth are indicated on the basis of an identity card, civil or foreign passport and other identifying documents. The pension insurance number is determined from the relevant certificate. Also, the rules for filling out the SZV-K form provide for an indication of the territorial living conditions of the employee during a specific period of time. However, it is entered if individual carried out labor activities in the regions of the Far North, areas beyond the Arctic Circle or in territories equivalent to them. If the employee did not live in the specified conditions, then the section is not completed.

If the documentation (form SZV-K), the sample of which is determined individually, is filled out for the first time, then it is necessary to make an amendment that this is the original report. If, after submitting this material, inaccuracies are discovered in it, then a correction sheet is drawn up and filed with the entire bundle. In the event that the data provided in the report does not correspond to reality, it is necessary to completely redo it, but already indicate the value “Cancelling”.

The column “Name of organization” displays the name and form of ownership of the company or institution where the employee is currently working. Whereas the section “Periods of social, labor or other activity” includes all employers until December 31, 2001. The code for the type of labor relationship is indicated in the column with the corresponding name; the data is written according to the recommendations of the “Instructions for filling out personalized accounting forms.” If an employee applies for a preferential pension due to special conditions (work at height, underground work, hazardous production, etc.), then the code of his profession is indicated. It is important to remember that such a sample of filling out the SZV-K form is submitted to the Pension Fund separately from all documentation or in a stapled bundle with reports of the same type. Further items of materials for the Pension Fund are filled out identically and will not cause any difficulties. You just need to follow the recommendations of the relevant instructions.

Drafting sample

Let's consider the above example of filling out the SZV-K form using specific data:

  • Ivanovich - full name of the employee;
  • July 14, 1985 - date of birth;
  • Moscow, st. Vasilievskaya, 12, apt. 6 - place of residence as of the time of preparation of the report;
  • 009-480-671-93 - No. of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • work book entries contain the following data:
    - from March 3, 1999 to December 20, 2002, he worked at Pulse OJSC as a tooling process engineer;
    - from December 21, 2002 to the present time he works at Pulse OJSC as a supply inspector.
  • signatures and seals of responsible persons:
    - Director of JSC Pulse Dmitry Vasilievich Atorov;
    - the person responsible for drawing up the SZV-K form is HR manager Taya Mitrofanovna Vasenkova.

Common Problems

When filling out documentation for the Pension Fund, questions often arise about the need to include a period of full-time study in the total amount of experience. Experts recommend doing this only if the acquisition of education took place in a certified institution, its residency, graduate school, and so on. In this case, the “Name of organization” column displays the full name of the university or college that has passed state accreditation and having the right to carry out its activities. If the employee was trained in the military educational institution, then this period is equivalent to service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. However, if the work book does not contain information about education, then the employee can confirm its receipt with a certificate from the relevant university.


What consequences will await an organization that is late in submitting such documentation as the SZV-K form, what will this mean in practice for the employer? The Pension Fund proposes the following interpretation of Law No. 27-FZ “On Personalized Accounting”, which will determine a fine of 10 percent of the total amount of contributions made during the reporting period. However, it is important to know that only the court can collect these funds. And he, in turn, will apply laws that are more legitimate in this situation. To be more specific, then legal act“On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation.” It contains provisions that require payment of only 1,000 rubles for violation of a certain term for the transfer of reporting. Therefore, follow the interpretation legislative framework from the PF is irrational, in this case most of the legal levers are on the employer’s side.

Despite all the difficulties that may arise when drawing up and submitting the SZV-K form to the Pension Fund, this document is very important, and you should not neglect its timely submission. To automate the preparation of this report, there are special programs that facilitate the processing of personal data of enterprise employees. You just need to make sure that these applications comply with the current requirements for PF registration.

Starting from June 2, 2017, the Pension Fund of Russia began sending out letters en masse to policyholders asking them to submit the SZV-K form. What kind of form is this, how to report on the updated SZV-K form for the first time in 2017 and when to submit it, you will learn from our article.

SZV-K 2017: what is it?

The SZV-K form is part of the personalized accounting information and reflects the person’s length of service until 2002 (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2n).

Download the SZV-K form here:

This form Pension Fund necessary for converting the pension rights of insured persons. To put it simply, the fund converts previously acquired pension rights into estimated pension capital. Look at the officials' advice on how to fill out a report on the SZV-K form in the article "

Who submits the SZV-K form and when in 2017

There are no deadlines for submitting the report for the SVZ-K form, so draw it up only at the request of the Pension Fund within the deadlines established by the request itself. The Fund may send a letter requesting the provision of SZV-K both in paper form and by electronic channels communications via TKS.

Hand over new uniform SZV-K to the territorial office of the Pension Fund at the location of the organization.

The report can be submitted either electronically or in paper form. However, in the request itself, the Pension Fund may indicate a more convenient option for submitting the report. Thus, data in electronic form will get into the database faster.

Important! If the organization has more than 25 people, then submit information only electronically.

SZV-K: procedure for filling out in 2017

Fill out the form based on the work record book and other documents confirming the length of service provided by the employee himself. These could be employment contracts, personal accounts, certificates from other places of work, military ID, and so on. Provide information for the period before 01/01/2002.

Type of form and personal information of the employee

At the top of the form, indicate the type of information:

On the right, indicate the personal data of the employee (SNILS, full name, date of birth and territorial living conditions as of December 31, 2001) to whom the Pension Fund sent the request.

Territorial conditions mean the use of coefficients, for example, living in the Far North, etc. The regional coefficient is indicated separated by commas (example: RKS 1.7).

Periods of labor or other socially useful activity

In this block, indicate where the employee worked. Fill in the information in chronological order.

Include here both periods of work and other periods that are counted into the employee’s insurance period (Article 11 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ):

In the block, indicate:

  • name of the organization, in accordance with the work book data;
  • in the tabular section, fill in the period of the employee’s activity in this location in the format: DD.MM.YYYY.;
  • indicate territorial conditions, special working conditions, calculated work experience and length of service, in accordance with Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2n;
  • In accordance with the document, indicate the employee’s profession.


1. Name of organization

Type of activity (code)

JOB. . . . . .

Beginning of period

End of period


Special conditions

Countable length of service

Length of service



conditions (code)


the basis-
nie (code)

personal information

tion (code)

personal information

(profession or position) crusher

(profession or position) smelter

2. Name of organization

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of activity (code)

JOB. . . . . .

Beginning of period

End of period


Special conditions

Countable length of service

Length of service



conditions (code)


the basis-
nie (code)

personal information

tion (code)

personal information

(profession or position) mechanic

3. Name of organization

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of activity (code)

JOB. . . . . .

Beginning of period

End of period


Special conditions

Countable length of service

Length of service



conditions (code)


the basis-
nie (code)

personal information

tion (code)

personal information

(profession or position) gas welder

4. Name of organization

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of activity (code)

S.L.U.J.B.A. . . . .

Beginning of period

End of period


Special conditions

Countable length of service

Length of service



conditions (code)


the basis-
nie (code)

personal information

tion (code)

personal information

(profession or position) sergeant

5. Name of organization

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of activity (code)

JOB. . . . . .

Beginning of period

End of period


Special conditions

Countable length of service

Length of service



conditions (code)


the basis-
nie (code)

personal information

tion (code)

personal information

(profession or position) technician

Information as of January 1, 2002 for assessing the pension rights of the insured person (conversion)

In this block it is necessary to indicate the total length of service; calculate it based on the previous block, according to the rules specified in the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2n.

Example of calculating length of service

The duration of total work experience is calculated by summing separately the end and start dates of the specified periods. The difference between these amounts is the duration of the total work experience. Since the day of dismissal is considered the last day of work, it is necessary to add one day to the duration of the total work experience for each case of dismissal. One day on the occasion of dismissal is added only to periods related to the work activity of the insured person, to other this rule does not apply to periods.

1) 12.07.1998 + 14.07.1996 + 31.12.1989 + 21.05.1987 + 09.06.1969 + 23.05.1967 = 110.42.11906

2) 15.07.1996 + 04.09.1991 + 01.01.1989 + 15.09.1970 + 27.05.1967 + 15.03.1966 = 77.34.11879

3) 110.42.11909 - 77.34.11879 = 08/27/33 or

27 years 9 months 03 days + 4 days = 27 years 9 months 07 days The final result 27 years 9 months 7 days is indicated in the “Total work experience” detail.

2. The length of service that gives the right to early assignment of a labor pension to certain categories of citizens is carried out by summing up periods of work in equivalent conditions, giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension to certain categories of citizens. Special working conditions: (code) ZP12A

1) 07/14/1996 - 09/04/1991 = 10/10/04 or

4 years 10 months 10 days + 1 year 6 months 11 days + 1 day = 6 years 4 months 22 days (code) ZP12B

2) 05/21/1987 - 09/15/1970 = 08/06/16 or

16 years 8 months 6 days + 1 day = 16 years 8 months 7 days Territorial conditions: (code) ISS 1.2

3) 05.23.1967 - 03.15.1966 = 08.00.01 or

1 year 0 months 8 days + 1 day = 1 year 0 months 9 days (code) RKS 1.7

4) 07/12/1998 - 07/15/1996 = 11/27/01 or

1 year 11 months 27 days + 1 day = 1 year 11 months 28 days

In the appropriate columns, enter the total length of service in the context of the relevant working conditions (territorial conditions, special working conditions, length of service).

Important! After filling out the form, it is necessary to familiarize the employee, sign it, and hand over one copy.

How to fill out SZV-K if there is no work experience before 2002

The fund sends companies a list of employees for whom they need to submit information on the SZV-K form about their length of service until 2002. Information is required as of December 31, 2001.

If the fund has requested information on employees who have already been dismissed, there is no need to fill out the SZV-K - submit a letter with an explanation ( finished sample download below). The fact is that information must be submitted only for the persons specified in the Pension Fund’s request, working:

To prepare the SZV-K, information from work records. And dismissed employees could end up on the Pension Fund lists by accident.

Another case is when the accountant does not have experience before 2002 to fill out the SZV-K - the employee did not work at all during this period, for example, he was a student. These “physicists” also ended up on the lists by accident, and it is impossible to report on them. Do not ignore the request, but submit a letter using the example below.

Sample of filling out a letter: for the SZV-K form there is no work experience before 2002

List of details and rules for filling them out


Filling rules

Mandatory filling

Form type

The "X" symbol indicates one of the following values:

Required to fill out

- “initial” - the form submitted by the employer for the first time about the insured person for a given reporting period;

If the submitted source form " Individual information" was returned to the employer due to errors contained in it, the original form must also be submitted in its place.

- “corrective” - a form submitted for the purpose of changing previously submitted information about the insured person for a given reporting period;

If the original form contained information that did not correspond to reality, then the correcting form “Individual information” indicates the information in full for the entire reporting period, and not just the corrected information. Thus, the information in the corrective form completely replaces the information original form

- “cancelling” - a form submitted for the purpose of completely canceling previously submitted information about the insured person for the specified reporting period;

In the cancellation form, fill in the details from “Insurance number” to “Category of insurance premium payer” inclusive and, if necessary, details of a civil law agreement or an author’s agreement

- “appointment of pension” - a form submitted about an insured person retiring

To be completed when preparing a form at the request of an insured person retiring

Insurance number

The insurance number of the individual personal account contained in the insurance certificate of the insured person is indicated.

Required to fill out

Full Name

Details are indicated in the nominative case

Last name and first name are required

Date of Birth

Similar to the props of the same name

Territorial living conditions as of December 31, 2001

Filled out in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name (). Only the values ​​empty, RKS, MKS can be specified.
For insured persons living in regions of the Far North, areas equated to regions of the Far North, the size of the regional coefficient established centrally for wages workers of non-production industries in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North. The regional coefficient is indicated as a number with a fractional part separated by a comma after the RKS or MKS value. For example, RKS 1.7 is indicated

Filled out based on
additional document issued by the relevant

Periods of work or other
socially useful activities

Name of company

Indicated in accordance with the document confirming this period of activity. The name of the organization where the insured person directly worked, served

Required to fill in for individual species activity: "WORK",

Type of activity (code)

Specified in accordance with the classifier ()

Required to fill out

Filling out a row in the table about periods of activity

Beginning of period,
End of period

Dates are indicated as follows: DD.MM.YYYY. The dates of the “Beginning of period” and “End of period” columns must be within the reporting period. In the case of submitting information at the end of a civil law contract (or a stage of this agreement) or an author's agreement, the "Start of period" date may be earlier than the start date of the reporting period, but not earlier than the date of conclusion of the civil law agreement or author's agreement

Required to fill out. The sequence number is assigned only to rows containing the dates "Beginning of period" and "End of period"

Territorial conditions (code)

Filled out in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name (). For insured persons working in regions of the Far North, areas equated to regions of the Far North, the next line, starting with the column “Territorial conditions (code)”, indicates the size of the regional coefficient established in in a centralized manner to the wages of workers in non-production industries in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North. The line containing the regional coefficient is not numbered. The coefficient is indicated as a number with a fractional part. For example, 1.7 is indicated

To be completed if the organization has workplaces that are located in an area included in the list of regions of the Far North, areas equated to regions of the Far North, exclusion zones, resettlement zones, residential zones with the right to resettlement, residential zones with preferential socio-economic status

Special working conditions (code)

Indicated in accordance with the classifier of parameters of the same name () only for special working conditions. When an employee performs types of work that give the insured person the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, types of work in accordance with, the code of the corresponding position of the List is indicated in the next line, starting with columns "Special working conditions"; writing code is not limited by the width of the column.

Do not fill out if special working conditions are not documented, or if the employee’s employment under these conditions does not comply with the requirements of current regulatory legal acts.

When an employee performs types of work that give the insured person the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with , the code of the employee’s profession is indicated in accordance with the parameter classifier () in the next line, starting with the column “Special working conditions”, the code entry is not limited by width graphs

Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 52, Art. 6965; 2015, No. 27, Art. 3964; 2016, No. 1, Art. 5.

Countable length of service
base (code)

Similar to the details of the SZV-1 form of the same name. With the values ​​DIVER and SEASON in the details Calculated length of service. The basis is filled out by calendar year

Actual time worked
indicated in years, months and days;
For example:
4 years 8 months 12 days or
11 months 3 days

Length of service
base (code)

Filled out in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name () for certain categories of workers

Filled out by calendar year, if standard legal documents conditions have been determined under which the specified period is included in the length of service

Profession or position

Indicated in accordance with the document confirming the given period of activity

This is required if this information is contained in the supporting document.

Information as of January 1, 2002 for assessing the pension rights of the insured person (conversion)

Total work experienceYearsMonthsDays

The total length of service of the insured person is indicated, calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 33 of this Instruction

Required to fill out

Experience giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension

This must be filled out if you have this type of experience.

Territorial conditionsCodeYearsMonthsDays

Special working conditionsCodeYearsMonthsDays

The code is filled in in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name (). The total length of service worked under the specified conditions is indicated. Calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 33 of these Instructions

Length of ServiceCodeYearsMonthsDays

The code is filled in in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name (). The total length of service worked under the specified conditions is indicated. Calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 33 of these Instructions

I am familiar with information about work experience

Personal signature of the insured person

Required to fill out

Fines for SZV-K in 2017

The request sent by the Pension Fund indicates the responsibility for failure to provide data by the organization. She provided in Art. 25 of the Law of 17.12. 2001 No. 173-FZ - this is compensation material damage The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the guilty persons. This is due to the fact that if the length of service is calculated incorrectly, the fund may accrue an inflated pension. Having discovered this, the fund can sue for damages.

Report on the form SZV-STAZH– This is an annual reporting to the Pension Fund for all employers. It must be submitted starting from the reporting period of 2017.

Note: the SZV-STAZH report was introduced after the cancellation of the RSV-1 calculation, which included, among other things, information about the length of service of employees.

Who should submit this report to the Pension Fund of Russia

A report in the SZV-STAZH form must be submitted by individual entrepreneurs and organizations that have employees registered under an employment or civil law contract and who receive income subject to insurance contributions.

Form of annual reporting to the Pension Fund in 2019

Annual reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia is submitted in the form SZV-STAZH. It is filled out for all employees and contains the following information:

  • information about the policyholder;
  • information about the insured persons (work experience, accrued and paid insurance premiums).

note that along with the SZV-STAZH report it is necessary to submit an inventory of form EDV-1, containing a list of reports submitted to the Pension Fund and general information about the policyholder.

You can download the EDV-1 inventory form attached to the SZV-STAZH report for free.

Sample of filling out the SZV-STAZH report in 2019

You can see samples of filling out forms for the SVZ-STAZH and ODV-1 forms on this page.

Deadline for submitting the SZV-STAZH form

The SZV-STAZH report must be submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia annually.

Note: If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline for submitting the report is moved to the next business day.

Where to submit the SZV-STAZH report

The report in the form SZV-STAZH is submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia office:

  • Individual entrepreneur at his place of residence;
  • LLC at its location.

Note: separate divisions with a separate balance sheet and current account pay contributions and submit reports at their location.

Methods for submitting SZV-STAZH

A report on the SZV-STAZH form can be submitted in two ways:

Method 1. In paper form with a report file attached

To do this, you need to print the report in 2 copies, send its electronic version to a flash drive (a digital signature is not required in this case) and take it to the Pension Fund office.

Fund employees will transfer the data to them and give you a second copy of the report with a note indicating its receipt.

note, you can submit a report in this way only if average number does not exceed 25 people.

Method 2. In electronic form with digital signature

Individual entrepreneurs and organizations with an average number of employees exceeds 25 people, are required to submit reports to the Pension Fund in electronic form with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

To obtain an electronic digital signature, you must conclude an agreement with one of the electronic document operators and notify your Pension Fund office about this. After this, you will be able to submit the SZV-STAZH report via the Internet.

The process of using these services is usually quite simple and intuitive; in any case, you can always seek advice from a specialist from this company.

When sending a report via the Internet, the Pension Fund of Russia sends a receipt in response by letter confirming the delivery of information (it serves as confirmation that you submitted the report). After checking the report, you will receive a control protocol with its results.

Structure of SZV-STAZH

The SZV-STAZH form contains 5 sections

  • Section 1. “Information about the policyholder.”
  • Section 2. "Reporting period".
  • Section 3. “Information about the period of work of insured persons.”
  • Section 4. “Information on accrued (paid) insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance.”
  • Section 5. “Information on paid pension contributions in accordance with pension agreements for early non-state pension provision.”

Basic filling rules

  • At the top of the page the registration number in the Pension Fund is indicated.
  • Only one indicator is entered in each line.
  • If there are no indicators, dashes are placed in the columns of sections 1-5, and the columns of section 6 are not filled in.
  • In SZV-STAZH it is not allowed to correct errors using a correction tool.
  • The document can be completed by hand or using a computer.
  • When filling out by hand, you can use gel, pen or ballpoint pen any color except red and green.
  • Information in the report is entered in capital block letters.

Instructions for filling out the SZV-STAZH form

You can download the official instructions for filling out the SZV-STAZH report from this link.

Section 1. Information about the policyholder

According to the line “Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia” The registration number assigned to the organization or individual entrepreneur when registering as an insured under compulsory pension insurance is reflected.

By line "TIN" Individual entrepreneurs and organizations indicate the TIN in accordance with the received certificate of registration with the tax authority. For organizations, the TIN consists of 10 digits, so when filling it out, you must put dashes in the last 2 cells (for example, “5004002010—”).

According to the line "Checkpoint" organizations indicate the checkpoint that was received from the Federal Tax Service at the location of the organization (separate unit). Individual entrepreneurs do not fill out this field.

By the line “Name (short)” the short name of the organization is indicated in accordance with constituent documents(name in Latin transcription is allowed).

In the “Type of information” block The “X” sign must indicate the type of form being presented:

  • original– information is submitted for the first time.
  • complementary– information is submitted for insured persons whose data is not included in individual personal accounts due to errors contained in previously submitted reports, or data for them was not included in the reports.
  • pension assignment– information is submitted for insured persons who, in order to establish a pension, need to take into account the period of work of the calendar year, the deadline for submitting reports for which has not yet arrived.
  • When the deadline for reporting comes, the insured persons for whom the form with the information type “Pension Assignment” was submitted must submit information with the “Initial” type.

Section 2. Reporting period

In the "Calendar year" field The year for which the report is being submitted is indicated in YYYY format.

Section 3. Information about the period of work of the insured persons

note that the data in the specified section is filled in the nominative case.

In the columns “Name”, “Last name” and “Patronymic” The full names of the insured persons for whom the report is being submitted are indicated accordingly. In this case, the columns “Last name” and “First name” are required to be filled out.

Requirements for filling out the EFA-1 form

The EFA-1 form consists of 5 main sections:

  • Section 1 “Details of the policyholder submitting the documents.”
  • Section 2 “Reporting period (code)”.
  • Section 3 “List of incoming documents”
  • Section 4 “Data in general for the policyholder.”
  • Section 5 “Basis for reflecting data on periods of work of the insured person in conditions that give the right to early assignment of a pension in accordance with Article 30 Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”.

Just like the SZV-STAZH report, the EDV-1 form may contain the type of information “Initial”, “Correcting” or “Cancelling”. The type of information is indicated by an “X” in the corresponding box.

Section 1 “Details of the policyholder submitting the documents” filled out in the same order as Section 1 of the SZV-STAZH report

Section 2 “Reporting period (code)” in the “code” cell for reporting periods starting from 2017, the value “0” is indicated, the next line indicates the year for which the report is submitted.

In the column “Number of insured persons” Section 3 “List of incoming documents” indicates the number of insured persons whose information is provided.

Section 4 “Data in general for the policyholder” is filled out if EDV-1 is submitted simultaneously with the SZV-ISH forms or with the SZV-KORR form with the “Special” type and contains data in general for the policyholder for the reporting period for which the information is being submitted.

Section 5 “The basis for reflecting data on the periods of work of the insured person in conditions that give the right to early assignment of a pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” is filled out if in the SZV forms - EXPERIENCE (with the type of information - ISH) and SZV-ISH, submitted simultaneously with the EDV-1 form, contain information about insured persons employed in the types of work specified in paragraphs 1 - 18 of part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400 -FZ.

The EFA-1 form with the “Adjustment” type is submitted if it is necessary to correct the data in section 5 of the EFA-1 form with the “Original” type.

The EDV-1 form with the “Cancelling” type is submitted if it is necessary to cancel the data in section 5 of the EDV-1 form with the “Initial” type.

Penalty for failure to submit the SZV-STAZH form

For failure to submit annual reports to the Pension Fund or submitting a report with incomplete or unreliable information, a fine of 500 rubles for each employee.

In addition, officials of the organization (manager, accountant) may additionally be charged a fine in the amount of 300 before 500 rubles (Article 15.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Zero report on the SZV-STAZH form

Individual entrepreneurs or organizations that have at least one employee on staff must report using the SZV-STAZH form. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs without employees should not submit this report.