Phoenix tattoo: the meaning of the mythical bird for lovers of tattoos. The meaning of the phoenix bird in different cultures What does the phoenix bird eat

Phoenix- a wonderful bird, the origin of which is described in the mythology of many ancient peoples. Most often, it is believed that in appearance this character looks like a beautiful eagle, whose plumage glows and shimmers in bright red or gold hues. Translated from ancient Greek, the name of the bird has exactly this meaning - “purple”. The bird has a small crest on its head, shining in the sun.

The uniqueness and originality of this mythical character is due to his ability to be reborn multiple times. This bird lives for many years. Different sources give different durations: from 160 to 500 years. Some philosophers imagine the duration of the existence of this creature to be similar to the period during which the sun with the moon and some planets will go through a full cycle in the sky and return to their original place.

What does the phoenix symbolize?

Among different nationalities, this creation is clearly inextricably linked with the cult of the great solar luminary, which has always been a symbol of eternal cyclical renewal and immortality.

The phoenix does not need food common to other living beings. Fresh morning dew is enough for him to replenish his strength. It does not harm anyone and does not destroy anything. The immortal bird is an exclusively positive character, bringing goodness and creation, symbolizing meekness and humility. In legends he acts as a messenger of heaven, higher powers. It was Phoenix who witnessed how Eve, who disobeyed the commandments, tasted the forbidden fruit from the tree in the Garden of Eden. In Christianity, this bird often symbolized eternal life and was even depicted on tombstones, foreshadowing the future resurrection of all the dead.

Among the ancient Chinese, the Phoenix was a bright symbol of the fidelity of spouses, their life in peace and spiritual balance. Often the image adorned the wedding dresses of the newlyweds.

Phoenix rising from the ashes

The process of the revival of the Phoenix is ​​very interestingly described in ancient sources. When the time of death begins to inexorably approach, the Phoenix bird feels it itself. In advance, she begins to collect herbs, twigs of various rare and valuable plants that can easily catch fire, and builds a nest from them. Sensing the imminent end, Phoenix settles down on his constructed deathbed and waits for it to ignite. It should be noted that this bird does not reproduce in the usual way for most living beings. It is at the moment when the adult burns that a new life appears in the form of a small worm. A new bird subsequently grows out of it, looking like two peas in a pod to the one that was burned.

Therefore, several such individuals cannot exist on earth at the same time. And it is almost impossible to see this rare curiosity. There is even a proverb characteristic of this case, in which an extremely rare event or person is called “rare than the Phoenix bird.”

Ovid colorfully described the ritual of burying the ashes of a bird that died in a fire. The newly born creature weaves an oblong vessel from the branches of a palm tree, which it carefully fills with the ashes of the nest that burned down along with the bird. After this, he delivers a difficult burden to the city of Heliopolis, which is located in Egypt, where he lays it on the sacred altar.

According to one of the sacred legends of antiquity, the Phoenix was one of the living creatures on Noah's ark. Unlike all animals that required care and food, the meek and humble bird sat quietly in the corner, not daring to disturb the already busy Noah. For this, the builder of the ark heartily thanked the humble creature and asked the Almighty for eternal life for the bird. Similar characters in Russian legends were Finist and the Firebird.

The sacred bird, somewhat reminiscent of both an eagle and a heron, has lived on Earth for thousands of years. The beautiful creature is known in the world under different names: Anka, Simurgh, Geruda and others. But, despite the many names, a powerful creature in every country and religion symbolizes the thirst for life, the strength of faith and the incorruptibility of the soul.

Origin story

The legendary Phoenix bird did not immediately become a symbol of immortality. According to opinion, the Phoenix lives for 500 years. The animal lives not far from its parents. After the death of relatives, the magical creature transfers the bodies of the dead to the Temple of the Sun God in Heliopolis, where it remains until the period allotted to the bird by the gods expires.

The story, described by the ancient Greek, is borrowed from Egyptian mythology. In the first legends the bird appears under the name Bennu. It is not surprising that in the later works of Herodotus’s compatriots the essence of the Phoenix changed.

Now the rare creature lives for Platonov's year (a period of time equal to 12954 years). Death comes to the bird after the Phoenix inhales the scent of cinnamon. From the ashes of a deceased creature, a chick is born, which quickly gains strength.

The image of a regenerating creature on the territory of Greece personified the rising sun. Soon the mystical bird acquired global significance. Every religion has used the Phoenix as a symbol of immortality, self-sacrifice, gentleness and masculinity.


Legends about the fabulous bird appear in many respected sources. The Bible was no exception. The Book of Enoch and the Revelations of Baruch tell the story of the immortality of the Phoenix.

Eve, who succumbed to the temptation of the serpent, fell into sin herself and fed the forbidden apple to all the animals she encountered. Only one bird did not succumb to provocation. Phoenix rejected the sinful offering, thereby earning eternal life in the eyes of the Lord.

No less popular is the myth involving Phoenix and. While the man was finishing the construction of the Ark, animals began to arrive on the ship. Among the many living creatures, only one bird did not require attention and fed exclusively on dew. When Noah asked the reason for this behavior, Phoenix replied that he did not want to worry the hero. For such a reverent attitude, the man asked God to give the bird immortality.

Later interpretations of the ancient Greek myth claim that Atlas entrusted people with more than just fire. The rebel presented his own wards with a Phoenix, which helps the people of Greece preserve such a precious gift. The gods of Olympus have been trying for many centuries to take away the magical flame from mere mortals. But as long as the Phoenix lives on Earth, humanity can again and again resurrect fire in its own homes.

In Slavic mythology, the Phoenix appears in two forms at once: and Finist the Clear Falcon. Both characters are represented as heat-loving creatures. Creatures either die with the onset of cold weather (Firebird) or fall into deep sleep (Clear Falcon). But with the arrival of spring, the half-bird, half-man resurrects again.

In Islam, the Phoenix exists only as a male. Externally, the bird resembles a huge heron. Followers of Islam call the creature Actus. When the time comes to have offspring, the eastern Phoenix uses its beak to carve a fire out of a tree, into which it lies down at its own will.

When rain falls on the ash left by the Phoenix, caterpillars emerge from the mud. Later the creatures acquire feathers and wings. This is how a new generation of beautiful mystical creatures grows up.

In eastern mythology, the Phoenix is ​​represented as a sacred animal, embodying the masculine and feminine principles. The bird's external coloring consists of five bright colors that symbolize the most important aspects of people's lives. According to legend, the first person on Earth summoned the Phoenix from heaven using magical music emanating from the heart.

Film adaptations

The mystical bird is a frequent character in films and cartoons. In 1952, the audience was shocked by Lydia Vertinskaya, who played the role of a magical creature from the fairy tale “Sadko”. The role of Phoenix was the debut for the unusual beauty.

The image of the immortal bird is actively exploited in films based on comic books. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the name Phoenix went to a character who was a member of the X-Men. The role of the flammable girl was played by the actress.

Phoenix is ​​introduced as a real assistant in the series of films about. Fawkes lives in the office of the headmaster of Hogwarts School and comes to the aid of the young wizard during battles with enemies. Phoenix first appears in the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Eli Finch from the TV series Supernatural has strong influence and power. Phoenix kills with one touch. The ashes that remain from a creature after death are capable of ridding the world of the Mother of all monsters. The role of the male Phoenix went to Matthew John Armstrong.

However, the bird is not always represented as a positive character. In the animated series "Winx Club - School of Sorceresses" the creature became the antagonist of the fairies who had already defeated the magical creature 16 years ago.

In the Grimm series, the demon Firewhirl has the same set of abilities as the mystical bird. The villain commits arson and spontaneously combusts at will. The role of the unusual Phoenix was played by Gideon Emery.

  • Phoenix-style makeup has long been used in fashion shows and photo shoots. In such images, makeup artists focus on the eyes and ignore the lips.
  • The image of a mystical bird is used on the coat of arms of Voskresensk near Moscow and the Latvian city of Dagda. In heraldry, the bird also appears on medals.
  • The amulet that depicts the Phoenix is ​​a constant companion of mystics and fans of the occult sciences.


"As long as you believe in me, I will always come back to life."
“Man is naked and poor on earth, and so it will be forever. Woe to those who want to gain happiness through action! Happiness is peace, sleep, dream..."
“I, the Phoenix bird, will sing sweet songs to you.”

April was a very difficult energetic month for me. Fate was simply testing my strength.

Events happened so quickly and unpredictably that I felt like a surfer trying to resist the fiery wave of change.

And one day, after a difficult emotional test, I had the desire to express this on canvas.

I wanted to depict the PHOENIX bird. It just came into my consciousness that I am a fiery bird. I knew from childhood fairy tales that there was the Firebird and Finist the Bright Falcon, but my imagination snatched from the memory of my soul this particular Phoenix.
I took paints and created on canvas what my imagination painted: I saw it somewhere, maybe I dreamed, but this image clearly stood in front of me.

When the painting was finished, I felt so light and free, as if I had breathed in fresh air.

An interesting transformation, I thought, and studied in detail the information about this miraculous bird called the PHOENIX.

Phoenix(possibly from the Greek φοίνιξ, “purple, crimson”) - in some ancient mythologies: a bird with the ability to burn itself and be reborn from the ashes, a symbol of eternal renewal.

(Ben-Ben) - in Egyptian mythology, the bird is an analogue of the phoenix.

According to legend, it is the soul of the sun god Ra. The name is related to the word "weben", meaning "to shine".

Bennu personified the resurrection from the dead and the annual flooding of the Nile. Symbolized the solar beginning.

Yuan-chu- Phoenix bird in Chinese mythology.

It was believed that her appearance personifies prosperity and a high level of morality in the state.

The legendary phoenix bird is the most striking symbol of rebirth, renewal, immortality and the eternity of time.

Firebird- a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales.


Firebird- a fabulous bird from Slavic mythology, the embodiment of the radiant sun god and at the same time the angry god of thunderstorms.

In the popular imagination Firebird is inextricably linked with heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance is as blinding to the eyes as the sun or lightning. Behind Firebird fabulous good fellows are sent, and great happiness comes to those who master at least one of her pens.

lives in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state in a beautiful garden surrounding the tower of the Tsar Maiden (or with Koshchei the Immortal in the stone caves among other treasures that he guards). Golden apples grow in that garden, restoring youth to old people. During the day Firebird sits in a golden cage, singing heavenly songs to the Tsar Maiden. When sings Firebird - stingray pearls fall from its beak. At night the Firebird flies through the garden, all burning like heat; will fly somewhere - everything around will light up at once. To her alone Peru the price will be more than the whole kingdom, but the Firebird itself has no price at all.

Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature, rising from the ashes.


There is in the far East - at the very edge of the earth, where the gates of dawn never close - country of eternal happiness. This country is not located where the sun rises in cold winter or hot and stuffy summer - it lies near the gates from which the sparkling chariot of the great luminary pours life-giving light onto the earth in the sweet springtime.

There are no hills or valleys in that land, but a shining plain opens up to the gaze of the lucky one.

Above the highest mountains this plain rises twice six measures.

A forest grows in that country, planted in honor of the great sun, and it never loses its green cover.

When the daring Phaeton, engulfed in fire, not a single tongue of deadly flame touched that land, and when the flood filled the land, punishing sinful humanity, this land rose like a wonderful island above the raging waters of Deucalion.

There is no illness, no old age, no death in that land, there is no fear there, and not a single atrocity has desecrated the borders of this land. There is no place there for either the money-loving Hermes or the bloodthirsty Mars, for there is no anger there, which gives rise to bloodshed, no poverty, which gives rise to the love of money, no worldly worries, no evil hunger.

The storm does not rage there, and the wind does not break the trees, and the frost does not freeze the earth. Clouds do not cover the sky, and rains do not wash away roads.

But in reality heart wonderful country comes out of the ground wonderful source, also called the source of living water. This source is quiet and transparent, and the waters are clean and sweet to the taste, and spilling over the earth once a month, it manages to irrigate this earth twelve times with its life-giving streams.
Is in that country grove, where tall trees grow, bearing juicy fruits that do not rot and do not fall to the ground.

In this wonderful grove there lives only one Phoenix.

The Phoenix lives alone, leaving no offspring except through death.

The Phoenix is ​​not a tame bird and obeys only one owner - the light-faced Sun.

This is also a very unusual bird, although its habits are given to it by nature and having been learned from its ancestors.
When the dawn colors the sky in scarlet and red colors, when the morning drives the night stars out of the sky with its purple radiance, the Phoenix plunges three and four times into the sacred waters, and drinks from the life-giving spring three and four times.

Then he flies up to the tallest tree in the grove, and, towering above the whole world, looks to where the dawn breaks, waiting for the first rays of the rising sun.

When the sun crosses the threshold of its shining gates and the brilliance of the first rays illuminates the earth, an amazing bird starts singing, welcoming the light of a new day.

Beautiful is the twitter of the nightingale, and the flute of the Muses, the cry of the dying swan and the lyre of Mercury - the messenger of Heaven, but no song on earth or under heaven can't compare to the one Phoenix sings in the rays of the rising sun.

When the shining chariot emerges from the horizon and, rising higher and higher above the earth, sets off on its daily journey, the wonderful herald bows his head, blazing like fire, in reverence, and, flapping his wings three times, falls silent.
For a thousand years the Phoenix lives in a blissful country among the trees of a sacred grove, unmistakably distinguishing the passage of hours and minutes, the manager and priest of the Gardens of Eden, the only one in charge of all the earth. secrets of the Sun.
But a thousand years pass, time becomes a burden to the wonderful bird.

AND to renew the old and return the dead to new life, Obeying fate, Phoenix leaves his native garden and holy land.

He flies into this world full of sorrow and death, and his path lies in the Syrian desert, in a place to which Venus herself gave a name similar to his name - Phenicia.

Flying over endless deserts, where no man has ever set foot, he searches for where, between lifeless mountains, in some valley, a forest or grove is hidden, secluded from the whole world.

Having found such a place, Phoenix sits on the tallest palm tree, whose top rises to the skies, where no predatory animal, no snake, not even a bird can climb, the tree named after him - date

Then Aeolus locks the winds in his caves, forcing them to be silent, so that their gusts do not disturb the air and so that not a single cloud obscures the rays of the beautiful sun from the bird.
And there the Phoenix builds its nest - a nest that will serve as his grave, for without losing life, you cannot preserve it and you will not be resurrected unless you die.

He collects funeral oils and incense, which are mined in Assyria, with which the rich people of Arabia are rubbed and which are collected by African pygmies / The following is a long list of perfumes and incense with which the Phoenix rubs itself and its nest /.

Watch the free video course where you will dive into the world of essential oils (like Phoenix) and learn how to use them correctly and effectively.

Having covered the nest with fragrant leaves, the bird, like tears, sprinkles himself with oil and, having celebrated his own funeral, prepares for death.

Yes, surrounded aromas funeral herbs, he gives up his life - without fear and full of faith, just as they part with a seed, planting it in the ground.

His body, defeated by death, heats up from the sun's rays and becomes so hot that the heat generates a flame. The bird's body disappears, engulfed in flames, and there turns into seed-like mass, from which they say milk-white worms or animals are born that have neither wings nor paws.

But now this seed turns into a round one egg, in which all the body members that a bird should have are re-formed.

And finally, former Phoenix comes out of this egg just as caterpillars in the fields, curled up into chrysalises, fly out from there as beautiful butterflies.
Earthly food is not suitable for a bird of paradise - and who would care for a fledgling chick - and for the Phoenix it falls from the edges of the stars food of the gods - ambrosia and nectar.

See also Master class, where you can activate your stellar memory with the help of aromas and this will help you live consciously.

So, among the fragrant trees and strengthening its strength with manna, the Phoenix grows until it takes on its former beautiful appearance. And as soon as his strength returns to him, he again rises into the sky, as in previous years, because the time has come to return home.
But before flying to the wondrous homeland, Phoenix collects all the remains from his former body, covers them aromatic herbs and oils and, having rolled it into a ball, carries with him to the sacred temple, which lies in distant Egypt.

There he flies up to altar and, having placed his remains on it, appears to the admiring gaze of people, enchanted in awe of the beauty of the bird, rising from the shackles of death.

The color of her plumage is scarlet, like the scarlet of ripe pomegranates and poppies in the fields, on the tail the scarlet is mixed with flashes of yellow, and between the wings a bright mark shines - as if a cloud descended from the heavens and left its mark on the back of the Phoenix.

His eyes glow like two hyacinths, and on his head is a sparkling crown, a reflection of the glory of the Sun. The bird's legs are covered with scales, and its claws are pink. There is no bird or animal in the world that could compare in beauty with this marvelous creation.

Seeing the Phoenix in the temple, all the Egyptians come to see such a great miracle.

Their own bird friends also pay homage to him - the multi-voiced choir does not cease in the sky, and a lush retinue accompanies the flying Phoenix- none of the birds ends up there with evil or cunning intent, no one flies there out of fear, but each one considers it an honor to be in that retinue.
But the Phoenix does not remain for long among honors and glory, noise and bustle - having pleased people and birds, he flies home, to their abodes, inaccessible to uninvited guests, to live there again, nourished by the sacred fruits and the source of living water.
That's how you are Phoenix, bird of good fortune, who received such an extraordinary destiny from God - to be born from oneself, passing through the gates of death. Alone in the whole world, he does not know love for his own kind, and his only bride is death, the desired death. For only by dying, having cast aside his life, can he find it again in order to rise alive from the shackles of the grave - dead but resurrected, the same, and at the same time different, similar to oneself, and not similar, not fearing the gift of God - death and having gained eternal life through it.

See also, where you will undergo a powerful transformation, going through all areas of life. This is a training in knowledge, awareness and change of your inner world. Born again like the Phoenix.

So Phoenix - lucky bird. His ability to rise to Heaven and be reborn from the ashes helps to realize that a person must fight against all odds and not lose heart, discover your hidden reserve capabilities. They say that if you hang images of the Phoenix in your living room or hallway, all your goals, dreams and desires will begin to come true. Great! That's what I did)))

The most important thing that interaction with these energies brought me, uh then readiness for changes, and I accept them with joy!

What especially struck me was that Phoenix is ​​very connected with essential oils. This is so close to me, I have been doing them for so long that they are present in my life in all areas, almost without exception. This includes cuisine, travel, relationships with loved ones, health, money, and magic...

I decided to compose composition entitled "Phoenix". And it will be an amazing composition, I promise. As soon as I create it, you will find out the recipe on the group’s page in contact

phoenix; possibly from Greek. φοίνιξ , “purple, crimson”) is a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. Known in the mythologies of different cultures, it is often associated with the solar cult. The phoenix was believed to have an eagle-like appearance with bright red or golden-red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was the only, unique individual of its species. In a metaphorical interpretation, the Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal and immortality.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Who is: Phoenix

    ✪ Special operation "Phoenix" to revive the USSR (S.V. Taraskin) (Part 1) - 10/18/2018


In heraldry

In Jewish Kabbalah there are some interpretations of the events that occurred in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden), which says that Chava (Eve) fed the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to her husband Adam and all the animals, birds and beasts. Only the Phoenix bird did not succumb to temptation, and because of this subsequently retained its relative immortality. This bird lives forever, every thousand years it burns in the flames coming out of its nest, and is again reborn from the ashes. It also mentions the giant bird Ziz, which can cover the entire sun with one of its wings. Both of these birds, according to legend, were inhabitants of Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) during the stay of Adam and Eve (Hawa).

There is another legend about an immortal bird. During the 12-month stay of righteous Noah (Noah) in the Ark during the flood, he fed the animals there. Of all the inhabitants of the ark, only the Phoenix lay, modestly napping in a corner, and to the question of Noah (Noach): Why don’t you demand food for yourself, he answered: “I saw how much trouble you had with others, and did not dare to bother you.” - Touched by these words, Noah (Noah) said: “You took pity on my work, sympathizing with my sorrows.” May the Almighty send you eternal life!

It should be noted that, along with the Phoenix, this bird is in some places referred to as “Chol” - the name of the Phoenix in Hebrew is “Ofkhol” (עופחול) (from Hebrew - “of” עוף - “bird” and “hol” חול - sand, dust, ashes) and Orshina.

In works of art

  • The Phoenix Clan appears in Season 3 of the animated series Legends of Chima.
  • In the book "

Like a virgin - Phoenix, a miracle bird,
Burning itself, it rises from the ashes
An heir as beautiful as herself.


Phoenix (Greek Φοῖνιξ, Persian ققنوس‎, Latin phoenix; possibly from Greek φοίνιξ, “purple, crimson”) is a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself and then be reborn.

The Phoenix bird is known in the mythologies of different cultures and is often associated with the solar cult. According to one version, the bird was originally gray in color; according to another, it has an appearance similar to an eagle with bright red or golden-red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was the only, unique individual of its species. In a metaphorical interpretation, the Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal.

The first written mention of the Phoenix myth is found in Herodotus (5th century BC). He reports that this bird is from Arabia, lives for 500 years with its parent, and when it dies, it flies to the temple of the Sun God in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis and buries the parent’s body there. Herodotus does not mention the self-burning of the Phoenix and the subsequent revival, and characterizes the myth itself as implausible.

In the Christian world, the Phoenix means the triumph of eternal life, resurrection, faith, constancy; it is a symbol of Christ. In early Christianity, the Phoenix is ​​constantly found on funeral slabs: here its meaning is victory over death, resurrection from the dead. In Rus', the Phoenix had analogues: the Firebird and the Finist.

In Jewish Kabbalah there are some interpretations of the events that occurred in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden), which says that Chava (Eve) fed the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to her husband Adam and all the animals, birds and beasts. Only one stubborn bird, the Phoenix, did not succumb to temptation, and because of this subsequently retained its relative immortality. This bird lives forever, every thousand years it burns in the flames coming out of its nest, and is again reborn from the ashes. It also mentions the giant bird Ziz, which can cover the entire sun with one of its wings. Both of these birds, according to legend, were inhabitants of Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) during the stay of Adam and Eve (Hawa).

There is another legend about an immortal bird. During the 12-month stay of righteous Noah (Noah) in the Ark during the flood, he fed the animals there. Of all the inhabitants of the ark, only the Phoenix lay, modestly napping in a corner, and to the question of Noah (Noach): Why don’t you demand food for yourself, he answered: “I saw how much trouble you had with others, and did not dare to bother you.” Touched by these words, Noah (Noah) said: “You took pity on my labor, sympathizing with my sorrows.” May the Almighty send you eternal life.

Phoenix is ​​a universal symbol of immortality: death and rebirth in fire.

One of the legends says that when the phoenix feels the approach of death, it builds a nest of incense wood and resins, which it then exposes to the scorching rays of the sun until it burns to ashes in their flames. Then a new phoenix arises from its remains.

“The death and resurrection of the Phoenix mean the successive destruction and restoration of the world, which... was accomplished through a fiery flood...” (H.P. Blavatsky. “The Secret Doctrine”). Being a “bird of fire”, it signifies the divinity of royal power, nobility and uniqueness, as well as meekness. In all traditions, the Phoenix acts as a solar symbol. An analogy can be drawn between the phoenix and other fantastic birds - Benu in Egypt, Garuda among the Hindus, Simurgh in Iranian mythology, Kerkes in the Turkish tradition. The phoenix, the “liberated soul,” as C. G. Jung put it, became a symbol of human rebirth.

In Egypt, the phoenix, as a symbol of the solar principle, resurrection and immortality, was associated with Ra. When the ancient Egyptians imagined the sun in the form of a bird, its movement across the sky during the day was compared to flight. Thus, in Heliopolis, the center of the solar god Atum, who later merged with Ra, a myth arose about the appearance of the star in the form of a phoenix. The phoenix was considered the ba (soul, spiritual force) of the god Ra, as well as a form of manifestation of Osiris: “Like a phoenix I will pass through the regions of the other world” (“Book of the Dead”).

But I would like to end with one more legend, in my opinion the most poetic, that I have read literally now

Legend of the Phoenix

"... One day a rumor spread among the birds that there was a paradise in the world, and that paradise was in the sun. And they gathered and began to talk about it. The Phoenix bird was also at that meeting.
And the Elder said to those gathered: “That paradise is perfect, and we birds can be there. But the way there is difficult!”
There was no daredevil then who would dare to reach the sun without fear of being burned in its scorching rays. And all the birds said in chorus: “Yes, that paradise is perfect, but, apparently, it was not created for us.”
And suddenly the Phoenix shouted: “I will reach the Sun!”
And the birds fell silent, looking in surprise at their brave brother. And they did not believe him, for the Phoenix’s plumage was gray and inconspicuous, and they laughed at him, saying: “Truly, he is mad who says that the sun will not kill him! It’s as if the Phoenix’s feathers are stronger than ours... Or does it fly higher than us? Why then..."
And again, harder than stone and louder than thunder, a voice sounded, drowning out the mocking hubbub. And that was the voice of the proud Phoenix bird: “I will reach the Sun!”
Then he spread his wings, rose into the blue expanse of the sky and flew towards the luminary. He was getting closer and closer to his goal, and all the other birds remained on the ground. And they looked up at Phoenix, but none of them decided to follow him. And he rose higher and higher and now felt the deadly heat of the sun with his whole body. And then the plumage of the Phoenix flared up, and it burned with scarlet fire. He screamed from indescribable pain, but did not stop!
The Phoenix was not afraid, did not slow down its flight and continued to fly, vigorously flapping its burning wings. And the birds on the ground saw what fate befell the daredevil, but not one of them wanted to help him.
Suddenly a bright ray of sunshine struck right into the heart of the brave Phoenix, and the proud bird crumbled into dust, and the ashes fell onto the warm mortal earth and mixed with the eternal dust in its vast expanses. Thus, in his quest for beauty, Phoenix died before everyone’s eyes.
And the birds laughed, gloating: “Look what’s left of this madman! Serves him right for his stupidity!!” And they did not know that the spirit of the Phoenix did not perish just as his body perished. They did not know that the spirit of the Phoenix ascended to the sun, only to rush to the earth a moment later.
And the birds saw how something sparkling flew through the heavenly expanse and stopped over the place where the cloud of the noble Phoenix’s ashes had dissipated. And a sheaf of white fire flashed, and a new bird flew out of that fire. She was young, strong, beautiful, her plumage sparkled with purple, perky fire.
And that bird was the burnt Phoenix. So he rose from his ashes to always continue to strive for the beautiful."