Topics for robotics projects at school. Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "professional training center "knowledge". practical skills of students

Since September 2015, MAU DO "Center for Children's Creativity"

implements O educational project

“Development of educational robotics and innovative technical creativity in the educational space of the Kirovgrad urban district for the period 2015-2020.”

Project on educational robotics CDT Kirovgrad

The project implements 7 general education (general developmental programs) are being implemented for children from 7 to 14 years old:

“Lego construction” (7-9 years);

"Electronics" (9-11 years old)

“Fundamentals of Robotics” (10-18 years old)

“Modeling and design on a PC” (7-18 years old)

“Young animator” (9-13 years old)

"Robotics" (7-17 years old)

“Idea Workshop” (7-14 years old)

Participating in the implementation of the project:

Elena Viktorovna Bobrova- teacher additional education,I qualification category; Higher education, pedagogical: Nizhny Tagil State Pedagogical Institute (specialty teacher of technology);

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Lukyanova- internal curator of the site, interaction with the GANOU SO "Palace of Youth", preparation of reports on the implementation of the project, orders of equipment and necessary consumables for the work of children's technical associations, as well as the development and implementation mass events within the framework of the project. Teacher of additional education, I qualification category, higher education, pedagogical: Russian State Pedagogical University (specialty - Informatics, computer technology);

Maria Vladimirovna Khudyakova- teacher of additional education, first qualification category, higher education: Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Academy, qualification "Fine Arts Teacher" in the specialty " art», additional qualifications: "Program user" Macromedia Flash"," The Art of Photography in Educational Institutions ";

Dmitry Yurievich Kazakov- operator of CNC machines, higher education: MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, electronics engineer.

Denis Alexandrovich Gevlich- CNC machine operator, higher education, USTU-UPI, engineer

Director together with curator ensures the operation of the base site in accordance with the program; provides support for the activities of teachers, provides consulting support in this area for managers and specialists; carries out tasks and instructions of the Resource Center, organizes monitoring studies of the process and results of the activities of the base site, provides information and analytical materials and results of activities to support the base site; ensures management and quality control of educational activities; ensures the participation of teachers and managers in advanced training programs (retraining of personnel). Organizes distribution job responsibilities employees. Ensures the activities of the institution on the basis of social partnership, acquires Consumables necessary for conducting the educational process. Ensures student participation in events at various levels.

Additional education teachers organize the educational process in children's associations, daily, in two shifts for groups of children of different ages; implement educational programs By innovative development children's technical creativity; provide participation in the preparation of winners and prize-winners in competitive mass events at various levels; are responsible for the safety of the equipment.

Equipment Operations Engineer ensures the development of promising and current plans(graphs) various types repair of equipment, as well as measures to improve their operation and maintenance. Ensures timely adjustment and repair of equipment. Participates in checking the technical condition of equipment, the quality of repair work, as well as in the acceptance of newly received equipment. Prepares requests and specifications for spare parts, materials, tools, and monitors their correct use. Provides correct technical operation, uninterrupted high-performance operation of equipment.

The following offices are used to implement the project:

Office No. 6 - “Technical modeling and design”;

Room No. 7 - “Digital software design and prototyping”;

Room No. 8 - “Computer technologies and robotics”;

Room No. 10 - “Computer technologies and programming.”

In 2016, at the initiative of the Directorate of City-Forming Enterprises, a project was developed "Kirovograd Engineering and Technical School" , the main goal of which is to create a set of social and managerial conditions sustainable development educational robotics and innovative technical creativity in the system of preschool, general and additional education of children of the Kirovgrad urban district, in the interests of the personal, mental and spiritual development of children and schoolchildren, their social adaptation and life self-determination.

All technical activities implemented MAU DO "CDT" , are carried out within the framework of the project "Kirovograd Engineering and Technical School" . Every year, in MAU DO "CDT" Several large events are held on children's technical creativity, which are aimed at developing the prerequisites for pre-engineering thinking in children before school age, increasing the level of involvement and awareness of children in the field of exact sciences, modeling and design; formation of interest in engineering disciplines and technical creativity in children of primary and secondary school age, formation of engineering thinking in children and adolescents, starting from preschool age.

Annual events

- Municipal competition-exhibition of technical creativity "Young technician-inventor» (for children from 7 to 18 years old);

- "Tournament of Young Inventors" (for children from 10 to 14 years old);

- Municipal festival of media projects "Point of view"

- Municipal competition-exhibition of children's technical creativity "Technostart" (for children from 5 to 18 years old and adults);

- Paper airplane competition (for children from 7 to 14 years old);

- Municipal Festival "Lego fantasy" (for children from 5 to 18 years old and adults), which includes:

competition-exhibition works on given topics;

traditional Lego building competitions (personal championship) among preschoolers, students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades;

family Lego building competitions "Lego Battle" ;

- Municipal competitions “The world of professions. I would...become an engineer, let them teach me" (for children from 5 to 14 years old);

- Municipal competitions “The world of professions. I would...become a metallurgist, let them teach me" (for children from 5 to 14 years old);

- Competition of scientific, creative and innovative activities "Integration" (for children from 5 to 18 years old - students of technical orientation at the MAU DO “CDT”).

Melnikov Konstantin Alexandrovich

Project Manager:

Kucher Larisa Petrovna


TMK OU "Dudino Secondary School No. 7"

In this research project in robotics on the topic "What is robotics?" a 4th grade school student defines robotics and a robot, describes their meaning, and also provides information about the development of robotics in Russia.

A student-created project on the topic “What is robotics?” aimed at realizing the goal of creating a robot from LEGO Mindstorms and introducing it to classmates at your school. The research work is devoted to both the theoretical study of mechanical engineering and practical activities.

This topic research work“What is robotics”, chosen by the author, is very relevant, since robotics entered the world in the 60s of the 20th century as one of the areas of mechanical engineering, and today it occupies a leading place in science and the life of modern man.

The author's proposed robotics project on the topic "What is robotics?" will be interesting for students in grades 3, 4 and 5 who are interested in robotics and Lego construction, and will help to identify their interest in robotics, programming and design.

1. Questionnaire about robots.
2. What is a robot and robotics?
3. The importance of robotics.
4. Everything you need to learn the basics of robotics.
5. Development of robotics in Russia.
List of references


Some ideas that were later used as a basis robotics, appeared in ancient times. The remains of moving statues made in the 1st century BC have been found. Around the 30s of the 20th century, androids appeared that implemented elementary movements and were able to pronounce the simplest phrases upon human command.

One of the first such developments was the design of the American engineer D. Wexley, created for the World Exhibition in New York in 1927. In the 50s of the 20th century, mechanical manipulators for working with radioactive materials appeared. They were able to copy the hand movements of the operator, who was in a safe place.

By 1960, the development of remotely controlled wheeled platforms with a manipulator, a television camera and a microphone was carried out for examination and collection of samples in areas of high radioactivity.

So, robotics entered the world in the 60s of the 20th century as one of the areas of mechanical engineering.

  • mechanics and computer technology,
  • electronics and energy,
  • measuring technology,
  • management theory.
  • 1975 - 8,000 robots;
  • 1991 - 300,000;
  • 2000 - 800,000.

Object of study:

Subject of study: robot.

Objective of the project : create a robot from LEGO Mindstorms and introduce it to the kids.

Project objectives:

  1. Find out what a robot is.
  2. Creation of robots.
  3. Where is robotics used?
  4. How does robotics help humans?

Research methods: observation, questioning, experiment, comparison, description.

Practical significance of the work: determining the importance of robots in human life.

Study plan:

  1. Collection and study of information about robotics.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Practical work (creating robots in a circle).
  4. Presentation of the results obtained in the form of a presentation.
  5. Project protection.

What is a robot and robotics?

Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems and is the most important technical basis production development.

In other words – this is a natural logical continuation of technology as a phenomenon.

Robotics is based on disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, cybernetics, telemechanics, mechatronics, computer science, as well as radio engineering and electrical engineering. There are construction, industrial, household, medical, aviation and extreme (military, space, underwater) robotics.

The word "robotics" (or "robotics") was first used in print by Isaac Asimov in the science fiction story "Liar", published in 1941.

The basis of the word " "the word lay down" robot", invented in 1920 by Czech writer Karel Capek and his brother Josef for Karel Capek's science fiction play "R. U.R.” ("Rossum's Universal Robots"), first staged in 1921 and was a hit with audiences. In it, the owner of the factory organizes the production of many androids, which at first work without rest, but then rebel and destroy their creators.

Robot- This technical system, capable of replacing a person or helping him in performing various tasks.

You can use several approaches to classifying robots - for example, by area of ​​application, by purpose, by method of movement, etc. By area of ​​​​main application, we can distinguish industrial robots, research robots, robots used in teaching, and special robots.

The most important classes of general purpose robots- manipulation and mobile robots.

Manipulation robot - automatic machine(stationary or mobile), consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator having several degrees of mobility, and a program control device, which serves to perform production process motor and executive functions.

Such robots are produced in floor-mounted, suspended and gantry versions. They are most widespread in the machine-building and instrument-making industries.

Mobile robot- an automatic machine that has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives. Such robots can be wheeled, walking and tracked (there are also crawling, swimming and flying mobile robotic systems).

According to the latest data, today there are 1.5 million different robots working in the world.

Meaning of Robotics

  • in industry;
  • in agriculture;
  • in transport and mechanical engineering;
  • in medicine;
  • in research works;
  • in space.
  • put out fires,
  • carry out rescue operations during natural disasters,
  • eliminate accidents at nuclear power plants,
  • in the fight against terrorism.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

2. Introduction

2.1. What is robotics?

Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

Lego robotics is the design and construction of all kinds of intelligent mechanisms - Lego robots that have a modular structure and have powerful microprocessors.

2.2. What are LEGO robot competitions?

The World Robot Olympiad is a competition for schoolchildren aged 10 to 21 years. The Olympics are competitions for LEGO robots in three different categories: basic, creative and robot football. For the main category, the task involves assembling and programming a robot to perform a specific task; The dimensions of the robot are standardly limited: 25x25x25 cm. Participants in the creative category prepare a project for given topic. The tasks for the main and creative categories are different every year and, as a rule, become more difficult from year to year. To participate in robot football, a team must prepare two autonomously working robots: a striker and a goalkeeper, who will fight enemy robots on a special field using a special ball with infrared radiation.


In the modern world, the scope of application of robotics in various fields of human activity is very wide and does not cease to grow. The use of robots can significantly reduce human participation in severe and dangerous work. For example, extinguishing fires without the assistance of an operator, performing rescue operations, or moving through previously unknown terrain. Robots are gradually entering everyday human life. The use of mobile robots makes it possible to satisfy everyday needs: robot nurses, robot nannies, and so on. Due to this modern society There is a great need for competent specialists in this field.

4. Goal and objectives.


Design a robot to participate in LEGO robot competitions.


    Acquire skills in designing and modeling robots based on the LEGO EV3 construction set

    Learn programming in EV3 PROGRAMMER

    Design and program several versions of robots

    Select the best designed robot model to participate in competitions

5. Work progress

5.1. Stage I: “Acquire skills in designing and modeling robots based on the LEGOEV3 construction set”

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EDUCATION EV3 basic set was used for training. Basic set designed for curious roboticists aged 10 years and older. The LEGO Techniс brand base is taken as the basis. It includes: a microcomputer that allows you to program robots, 2 large and 1 small servomotors that set the robot in motion. The prefix “servo” means a rotation sensor built into the motors, which is controlled from a computer. It also includes: 1 gyroscopic sensor, 2 touch sensors, 1 color sensor and 1 ultrasonic. All of them allow the robot to see, hear and feel; they are connected and controlled from a microcomputer. There is also a resource set that allows you to create larger and more complex robots.

5.2. Stage II: “Master programming in EV3 PROGRAMMER”

The software is installed on a personal tablet or computer. During the learning process, I became familiar with the basics of EV3 programming and wrote several simple programs. Later I learned that there is branched programming that allows the robot to perform 2 or more functions simultaneously. Branched programming turned out to be very interesting but more complex.

5.3. Stage III: “Construct and program several versions of robots”

Model No. 1

The first robot I built could detect obstacles. I designed it as a robotic explorer, but there was a flaw in it - it was not possible to fix the camera in the desired position.

Model No. 2

My second robot could already detect obstacles and even avoid them. It was designed as an improved model of the first robot.

Model No. 3

The third robot could navigate the maze! It was important to install the color sensor correctly so that it would have time to notice the boundaries of the maze and turn in time.

Model No. 4

The fourth robot could stay within the ring and resist the opponent! Stability was important in this robot.

Model No. 5

The fifth robot could grab an object and move it! It was made by me according to the principle of a manipulator. It fit the creative category

5.4. Stage IV: “Choose the best model”

Each of the robots coped with its task, but only the abilities of models No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 are suitable for participation in the competition!

6. Conclusion

As a result of my acquaintance with robotics, I was able to achieve my goal - to design a robot that can take part in competitions! And not even one! Now I'm ready for the LEGO robot competition!

7. List of sources used

    Koryagin A.V. “Lego WeDo educational robotics. Collection methodological recommendations and workshops", 2016

    "First LEGO robot WeDo. Book for teachers"

    "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 User Manual"

    "LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Assembly Instructions"

8. Application

Model No. 1

Model No. 2

Model No. 3

Model No. 4

Irina Ivanova
Short-term project “Educational robotics for preschoolers”

municipal government preschool educational institution

city ​​of Novosibirsk

"Kindergarten No. 411 combined type", Kirovsky district

630088, Novosibirsk st. Sorge, 23 tel. 342-26-93, 304-57-18 (Fax)

Email: [email protected]

Short term project

« Educational robotics for preschoolers»

Completed by the teacher

first qualification category

Ivanova I. S.

Novosibirsk, 2017


Modern children live in an era of active informatization, computerization and robotics. Technical achievements are increasingly penetrating all spheres of human life and arousing children’s interest in modern technology. Technical objects surround us everywhere, in the form household appliances and apparatus, toys, transport, construction and other machines. Children are interested in motor toys from an early age. IN preschool As they age, they try to understand how it works. Thanks to LEGO's developments at modern stage the opportunity arose in preschool age to introduce children to the basics of the structure of technical objects.

LEGO series constructors Education(LEGO Education)- these are specially designed constructors that designed this way so that the child, in the process of an entertaining game, can get maximum information about modern science and technology and master it. Some sets contain the simplest mechanisms for studying in practice the laws of physics, mathematics, and computer science.

Robotics Today it is one of the most dynamically developing areas of industry. Today it is impossible to imagine life in the modern world without mechanical machines programmed to create and food processing, tailoring, car assembly, control of complex control systems, etc.

Robotics showed high efficiency in educational process , it successfully solves the problem of social adaptation of children of almost all age groups. The relevance of introducing light construction and robotics in educational the process of preschool education is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education for the formation of a subject-spatial developmental environment, the demand for the development of a broad-minded senior preschooler and the formation of prerequisites for universal educational activities.

Each person has his own path of development and improvement, based on conditions. Task education it comes down to creating these conditions and educational environment , making it easier for a child to reveal his own potential, which will allow him to act freely and learn educational environment, and through it the surrounding world. The role of the teacher is to competently organize and skillfully equip, as well as use appropriate educational environment, in which it is correct to direct the child to knowledge.

Main ideas projects are:

Concretization of the principle of an integrated approach in educational and educational work with children, which complies with the Federal State educational standards;

Introducing new elements of interaction and cooperation between kindergarten, school and parents;

Reflection of fundamentally new ideas that boil down to creating educational environment for the child, which will facilitate the possibility of revealing his own potential, and will allow him to act freely, learning about this environment, and through it the world around him.

Constructive activity occupies a significant place in preschool education and is a complex cognitive process that results in intellectual development children: the child acquires practical knowledge, learns to identify essential features, establish relationships and connections between details and objects.

The introduction of Lego technology into preschool educational institutions occurs through integration into all educational areas both in a jointly organized educational activities, and in the independent activities of children during the day. In the process of light construction preschoolers develop mathematical abilities by counting parts, blocks, fasteners, calculating required amount details, their shape, color, length. Children become familiar with such spatial indicators as symmetry and asymmetry, and orientation in space. Lego construction also develops speech skills: children ask adults questions about various phenomena or objects, which also develops communication skills. In our opinion, one of the main goals in Lego construction is to teach children to work effectively together. Today, the joint acquisition of knowledge and development of skills, the interactive nature of interaction are in demand more than ever before.

Lego construction is an effective educational tool that helps unite the efforts of teachers and families in addressing the issue of child upbringing and development. When playing together with parents, the child becomes more diligent, efficient, purposeful, and emotionally responsive.

Goals and objectives project

primary goal project- creation of a set of conditions for the development of technical creativity through the use of lightweight construction sets and.

Main implementation tasks project:

1. Creation of conditions for the introduction of lightweight construction and robotics in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

2. Development of a system of pedagogical work aimed at developing constructive activities and technical creativity of older children preschool age in conditions preschool educational institutions through the use educational robotics and light engineering.

Implementation mechanism project:

Stage 1 preparatory design(September – October 2017)

Technology Study educational process optimal for preschoolers when learning the basics of robotics and design.

Development of long-term planning and GCD notes for robotics and light engineering.

Creating interaction between teachers preschool educational institution , parents, pupils within the framework of the created project.

Conducting consultations and training teachers through training seminars, advanced training courses in effective use ICT and educational robotics.

Identification of the level of training of older and older children preparatory groups to school, and the necessary means of providing assistance are outlined preschoolers when making adjustments to educational process to achieve a goal.

Stage 2 practical (October 2017 – April 2018)

Use of ICT equipment in educational process: joint, leisure, diagnostic.

Establishing interaction with social partners

Carrying out educational activities with children using Lego construction and robotics.

Conducting competitions, competitions, festivals, exhibitions among students of senior and preparatory groups.

Stage 3 control and analytical (April – June 2018)

Generalization and dissemination of experience in the implementation and use of design, robotics in the educational space.

Dissemination of teaching experience through open classes, master classes between teachers preschool.

Generalization of work experience in methodological collections.

To successfully work in this area, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

Availability "Design Center", which should contain constructors of various modifications (from simple cubes to constructors with software).

Organization of classes with mandatory inclusion various forms organization of training according to the developed algorithm for working with design material.

Each lesson is conducted strictly according to the algorithm.

Algorithm for working with the constructor

Consideration sample, diagrams, drawings, drawings, pictures.

Search - selection of necessary parts from the general set.

Assembling model parts.

Serial connection of all collected parts into one whole model.

Comparison of your assembled model with sample, diagram, drawing, drawing, picture (or analysis assembled structure) .

Classes are conducted in accordance with planning, which includes forms of organizing training.

Assessment methods:

Process evaluation;

Evaluation of the result;

The use of LEGO constructors and ICT directly for constructive and play purposes ( role-playing games, theatrical games, didactic games and exercises).

The solution to the problems project tasks will allow:

organize in kindergarten conditions conducive to the organization of creative productive activity preschoolers based on LEGO construction and robotics in the educational process, which will allow you to lay down at the stage preschool childhood basic technical skills. As a result, conditions are created not only for expanding the boundaries of a child’s socialization in society, intensifying cognitive activity, and demonstrating one’s successes, but also laying the foundations for career guidance work aimed at promoting engineering and technical professions;

to form a pronounced activity of parents in joint educational activities with children to introduce them to technical creativity;

Implementation of work on Lego design and robotics in kindergarten promotes:

implementation of one of the priority areas educational policy;

ensuring work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

image formation preschool educational organization;

parents' satisfaction in educational kindergarten services;

improving the professional level of teachers.

As a result of organizing creative productive activities preschoolers based on LEGO construction and robotics conditions are created not only for expanding the boundaries of a child’s socialization in society, intensifying cognitive activity, demonstrating their successes, but also laying the foundations for orientation work aimed at promoting engineering and technical professions.

Project "Academy of Robotics and information technologies"is aimed at preparing schoolchildren for adult life in the new information era and their active participation in scientific and technical creativity. It is accessible training in these areas that popularizes the scientific and technical field and contributes to the growth of prestige engineering professions, develops technical thinking and decision skills practical problems. The project will allow you to get acquainted with the basics of the most popular professions in our time, and will give you the opportunity to try yourself in these professions through the study of individual modules in computer science (computer design, web technologies, 3D modeling), robotics and programming.

It is possible to awaken interest and identify students’ inclinations and passions for certain areas of computer science only through the organization of a modern, constantly updated software and technical base. For this purpose, it is planned to open a new section in robotics - the design of unmanned aircraft. And studying web design, two-dimensional and three-dimensional computer graphics, creating presentations and videos require upgrading existing computers through the purchase of discrete video cards and wide-format monitors.

Based on the results of the training, it is planned to hold competitions in robotics and creative competition among trained schoolchildren.

We already have applications from city schools to study at the Academy; the presentations demonstrated the existing interest and desire to learn new things not only among schoolchildren, but also among older people.

Our project is aimed at helping schoolchildren with self-determination and choice future profession so that they do not waste their time and health on online games and social media, it allows you to introduce modern computer technologies and demonstrate the capabilities of future technologies. A competent contingent of students will become in the future the driving force for the development of domestic information and engineering technologies.


  1. Popularization of engineering, technical and information specialties among the city's students and creation of appropriate conditions.
  2. Professional guidance and initial training information and technical personnel.
  3. Provide access to advanced technology training to interested students regardless of financial situation parents.


  1. Develop educational programs and upgrade existing equipment, since the space of computer technology and technical creativity requires constant updating. Conduct an information campaign and form groups of students taking into account their aptitudes and interests.
  2. Organize practical classes, teach the design and programming of mobile robots according to specified functional requirements based on Lego WeDo and Lego EV3 constructors.
  3. To increase the computer competencies of schoolchildren with a view to further choosing a profession through the study of various modules: programming, computer design and web technologies.

Justification of social significance

The project is given particular social significance by the urgent need in society to form a technically competent generation of future engineering personnel and develop the ability to work in a result-oriented team. We want to start small - from school to instill an interest in technology and computer science, identify talented children, and help them make the right choice.

Currently, computer science and robotics are becoming the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence and virtual (augmented) reality.
In the modern world, robots are actively involved in our daily lives, technical processes and even professions are being replaced by robots. Specialists with knowledge in the field of modern information technology, programming and robotics are becoming more and more in demand in the labor market.

But the most important thing that our organization plans to use the grant funds for is to ensure the financial accessibility of classes at the “Academy of Robotics and Information Technologies” for everyone in the context of closing coal enterprises - that is, in fact, the liquidation of the city-forming industry of the single-industry town Inta, with widespread non-payment of salaries and absence in schools of similar clubs and electives. This year, only our city was not able to submit a single team to the republican robotics competition.