Model program for corporate differentiated training of airline personnel in the area of ​​subp. Initial training program for aviation security employees of airports, airlines and operators It training programs for employees

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1 Standard program for corporate differentiated training of airline personnel in the field of SMS Presentation Director for SMS at UTair Airlines Guziy A.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof.

2 Positive culture A positive safety culture is characterized by values, attitudes and behavior that are consistent with the organization's purpose (activity) to ensure safety. This goal is achieved by a combination professional competence constantly improved through education and training of personnel, effective communication and exchange of information within the organization.

3 SMS Framework Safety Policy and Objectives Management Commitments and Responsibilities; SMS documentation, coordination of emergency planning, etc. Flight safety risk management SRM Identification of hazards; assessment and reduction of risk factors for flight safety SA policy popularization of safety measures Ensuring flight safety Monitoring and measuring performance indicators for ensuring flight safety; monitoring the implementation of changes; continuous improvement of SMS Promotion of flight safety Training and education; exchange of information on flight safety.

4 Solving the SMS problem What to do? (2006) How to do it? (2009) Who will do it? (2015)

5 Training in the field of safety management The training of airline employees in the field of flight safety management system is carried out based on the requirements of the Safety Management Manual, ed. 3 (ICAO Doc.9859); IOSA ed.9 standard (ORG 1.6.5); FAP "Preparation and execution of flights in civil aviation Russian Federation"(Order dated July 31), Letters from the Federal Air Transport Agency from the State Corporation "On the implementation of a flight safety management system." In the Airline, training is regulated by internal documents: Guidelines for organizing and providing training for the Airline’s personnel (RD-B4.009); Guidelines for activities in SMS (RD-M, Appendix 3).

6 External training of personnel in the field of food safety management is carried out: a) in accredited training centers, educational institutions according to approved programs; b) in consulting institutions on pre-developed and announced conference and seminar programs with the participation of industry leading managers and specialists in the field of safety management.

7 IOSA: Internal S&M training ORG The operator must have a program that will ensure that personnel throughout the organization are trained and competent to perform job responsibilities within SMS. It is recommended that the scope of such training be commensurate with the extent of each employee's involvement in the operation of the SMS. (GM) Note: This recommended practice, revised to a standard, became effective September 1, 2015. Guidelines: SMS training is an element of the Safety Promotion component of the SMS core concept. As part of SMS, both management personnel (including the Accountable Manager) and non-managerial personnel are expected to receive SMS training. The content of such training should be appropriate to the responsibilities and extent of the individual employee's involvement in the operation of the SMS.

8 Internal personnel training in the field of safety management Appendix 3 TRAINING AND TRAINING PROGRAM FOR AIRLINE PERSONNEL IN THE FIELD OF FLIGHT SAFETY RD-M

9 Training goal Obtaining the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of systemic flight safety management for: - developing a common (unified) understanding of the operator’s SMS among personnel aircraft; - understanding the role and place of each participant in the flight safety management process; - ability to use the capabilities of SMS in the daily activities of departments; - active participation in the development of SMS of the Airline and service providers.

10 Internal training of personnel in the field of safety management Depending on the degree of participation in flight safety management and the required level of training, categories of the Airline personnel are established: I - personnel not directly related to the production and support of flights; II - heads of directorates, structural divisions; IIa - heads of directorates, structural divisions directly involved in the production and maintenance of flights; III - personnel directly involved in the production and maintenance of flights; IV - personnel directly performing procedures related to the management or ensuring the management of food safety, experts in the field of food safety, members of the SMS operational committee; + Guide senior management management.

12 Thematic plan of topics TRAINING TOPICS I II IIа III IV 1 Basic concepts of flight safety Systematic approach to flight safety management 3 Ensuring flight safety Flight safety risk management 5 Features of the organization and implementation of flight safety management in structural units 6 Methodological support for flight safety management procedures 8 7 Safety culture in the Airline TOTAL (hours):

13 Internal personnel training in the field of safety management Responsibility: The Deputy Director for Flight Safety Management is responsible for the development and updating of the Training Program, methodological support the process of training Airline personnel in the field of flight safety management. Department heads are responsible for: assigning department personnel to categories to ensure the required level of training in the field of flight safety; organizing initial/periodic training of unit personnel in the field of flight safety management.

14 Internal personnel training in the field of food safety management Responsibility: Heads of structural units are responsible for: planning and conducting initial / periodic personnel training structural unit in the field of flight safety; monitoring the level of training of structural unit employees in the field of flight safety; recording data and storing records of employee training in the field of flight safety. Members of the SMS operational committee are responsible for: informing the head of the department, structural unit in the distribution of personnel by category to ensure the required level of training in the field of flight safety management; compliance of the level and volume of training of department personnel in areas of activity with job responsibilities and the degree of participation in the SMS; providing consulting support in the process of training personnel in the field of flight safety management.

15 Solving the SMS problem What to do? How to do? Who will do it?

16 Passenger transportation Thank you for your attention

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1. Explanatory note

1. Learning Objective

The purpose of the initial training of aviation security officers (ASS) is to provide newly hired employees with the necessary fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to perform their functional responsibilities to ensure aviation security at the airport.

1.2. Purpose and application of the program

1.2.1. The program is intended for initial training of SAB employees in order to:

Obtaining the necessary fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the field of aviation security by SAB employees.

Receipts by SAB employees during the period of passage probationary period practical skills to perform their functional duties.

Determinations, based on the results of testing theoretical knowledge and practical skills, of the professional suitability of SAB employees to perform their duties.

Preparation of SAB employees for mastering the subsequent course of basic training (advanced training) in certified educational institutions and civil engineering centers (within one year of work).

1.2.2. The initial training program can be used:

To prepare SAB employees for independent work.

For them to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge on aviation security (AS) during scheduled classes.

For training various categories airport (airline) aviation personnel to ensure safety measures.

1.3. Amount of time to study the program

Duration of training: theoretical training - 24 academic hours (3 working days); On-the-job training under the guidance of a qualified specialist (instructor) in AB - up to 120 hours.

1.4. Level preliminary preparation specialist

Not lower than secondary school. After successfully completing the initial training course, SAB employees must meet qualification requirements requirements for an aviation security specialist for his upcoming activities.

1.5. Control of knowledge and skills

Checking the degree of mastery of the initial training course by SAB employees can be carried out using various methods and means:

Interview or testing at the stage of studying theoretical materials.

Testing practical skills in the workplace.

Review of learning results by a commission in the form of an interview, test or exam.

1.6.1. Security guard employees ensuring aviation security are allowed to perform functional duties only after they have undergone special training, knowledge testing and documentation permission to work.

1.6.2. Education and training of SAB employees on aviation security issues should be carried out according to a program based on the aviation personnel training methodology adopted in the Civil Aviation. It should combine both theoretical classroom training and practical training in workplaces and simulators. The basic training program must be certified (approved) by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.

1.6.3. To conduct classes, an educational material base must be prepared and educational and methodological materials on AB must be developed.

1.6.4. To teach and work as instructors of practical training, professional specialists should be recruited from among managers, inspectors, teachers and instructors, scientific workers and practitioners who have undergone special training in AB issues.

1.6.5. During training, it is allowed to redistribute up to 20% of training hours from the total amount of time allocated for the study of individual topics, depending on the level of theoretical training and professional skills of students.

1.6.6. The duration of the internship at the workplace should be determined depending on the individual abilities of the trainees and the probationary period established for them.

1.6.7. Theoretical and practical training is recommended to be planned, prepared and conducted in compliance with the basic principle: to teach what is necessary for the successful completion of aviation security tasks.

1.6.8. The classes conducted should be adapted as much as possible to the actual operating conditions of the airport (airline) and conducted according to the principle “from simple to complex” with consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills through repetition and training.

1.6.9. Practical exercises and training in the workplace should be carried out directly at the facilities using technical means, without allowing for simplification.

The main method of practical training is demonstration of a technique (action) with a brief explanation and subsequent repetition of the technique by the student under the supervision of the teacher.

1.6.10. Study groups of students consist of no more than 25 people.

1.6.11. During practical classes, the teacher must take precautions and prevent students from violating safety regulations and the requirements of labor protection documents.

1.7. Final part

1.7.1. After completing the theoretical training course and completing an on-the-job internship under the guidance of a qualified specialist, the airport (airline) commission conducts certification of the candidate for compliance established requirements. Based on the commission’s findings, a decision is made to allow him to work independently at the SAB or to study in another area of ​​work.

1.7.2. Security guard employees who have not completed or have not completed the initial training course are not allowed to independently perform their job duties in providing security services.

1.7.3. In the process of subsequent practical work, SAB employees must systematically improve their level of knowledge and practical skills.

1.7.4. Completion of an initial training course by SAB employees is the basis and condition for subsequent mastering a basic training course (advanced training) in certified educational institutions of additional professional education (centers) of Civil Aviation. After successfully completing the basic training course in educational institution(center) GA, the student is issued a certificate of conformity (competence) by the FAS Russia.

2. Thematic plan for the initial training program for aviation security officers

Learning objective

As a result of completing the initial training program, SAB employees should know:

Basics of GA activities; structure, activities and interaction of services of a particular airport (airline);

Fundamentals of air terrorism, forms and methods of combating it;

Fundamentals of the regulatory framework for providing AB in the Russian Federation, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia on AB;

Basics of organizing security provision at the airport (airline);

Airport (airline) aviation security program as it relates to;

The structure of the activities and interaction of the SAB with other airport services (airlines) and law enforcement agencies;

Security measures and methods for their implementation;

Fundamentals of the design of weapons, explosive devices (ED) and methods of their detection;

Established procedure for access to and movement in controlled areas of the airport;

Basics of using communication tools;

The procedure for the actions of SAB employees in emergency situations related to acts of unlawful interference (AI) in the activities of the Civil Aviation;

Their functional responsibilities,

must be able to:

Find your way around the airport (airline);

Perform your functional duties and monitor security measures at the airport (airline);

Use available means of communication;

Handle identified weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices and dangerous objects until specialists arrive;

Correctly act in an emergency situation involving ANV at the airport.

Training period. Duration of training: theoretical training - 24 training hours (3 working days), practical internship at the workplace - up to 120 hours.

Form of training. Theoretical and practical lessons in classrooms and workplaces.

Lesson mode. Lesson duration - 1 class hour (6-8 hours per day)

1. General topics of the program

#G0№ p.p. Total, an hour. Lectures Pract. busy. Form of control
Section 1. Content of general topics of the program
1.1 Introduction to the training course. Purpose and objectives of the course. The concept of terrorism and aviation security in civil aviation. Acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation 0,5 0,5 social security test
1.2 State of aviation security in civil aviation. ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices on Aviation Security. 0,5 0,5 social security test
1.3 Regulatory and legal framework for ensuring aviation security in civil aviation 1,5 1,5 social security test
1.4 Airport (airline) structure, CAB structure. Regulations on the SAB, requirements for SAB employees. Interaction of the SAB with the services of the airport (airline) and other departments social security test
1.5 Ensuring airport (airline) security. social security test
1.6 Means used for sabotage and terrorist purposes. Methods of concealing them and bringing them into controlled areas of the airport (airline). Methods for identifying sabotage and terrorist devices 0,5 0,5 social security test
1.7 Actions in emergency situations, individual responsibilities of SAB employees 0,5 0,5 social security test
Total hours per section
2. Training of inspection team members
Item No. Name of sections, disciplines, topics. Total, an hour. Lectures Pract. busy. Form of control
Section 2. Topics of the training program for inspection team employees
2.1 Carrying out inspections of people and objects getting on board civilian aircraft. social security test
2.2 Rules for the transportation of weapons and ammunition on civilian aircraft. show test
2.3 Identification of weapons, explosive devices and ammunition. social security test
2.4 Use of technical means of inspection. show test
2.5 Actions of inspection team employees in emergency situations. test. social security
Total hours per section
3. Training of security team employees
No. Name of sections, disciplines, topics. Total, an hour. Lectures Pract. busy. Form of control
Section 3. Topics of the security training program
3.1 Security of controlled areas of the airport (airline). social security test
Engineering and technical means of security. social security test
3.3 Actions of security team employees in emergency situations. social security test
3.4 Interaction of security team employees with law enforcement and other agencies. social security test
Total hours per section
Total course hours

Topic 1.1. Introduction to the training course. Purpose and objectives of the course. The concept of terrorism and aviation security in civil aviation. Acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation.

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the training course.

1.1.2. Issues of terrorism: history of terrorism, terrorism in air transport, fight against terrorism.

1.1.3. ANV classification.

Topic 1.2. State of aviation security in civil aviation.

1.2.1. State of aviation security in civil aviation of the Russian Federation. Analysis of statistics and the nature of acts of illegal interference in recent years.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

ICAO Aviation Safety Convention, Annexes to the 1944 ICAO Convention.

- #M12293 0 93005414 3629216027 1658691571 4 415956267 225753208 2028685173 24261 6Annex 17 to ICAO Convention#S, ICAO Standards, Rules and Procedures for Aviation Security.

ICAO Security Manuals for the Protection of Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference (Doc. 8973), purpose and main contents.

Topic 1.3. Regulatory and legal framework for ensuring aviation security of civil aviation of the Russian Federation.

1.3.1. Legal and regulations regulating the provision of AB.

1.3.2. #M12291 93001254Air Code of the Russian Federation#S.

1.3.3. Federal system for ensuring the protection of civil aviation activities from acts of unlawful interference.

1.3.4. Security programs for airports and airlines in the Russian Federation.

Topic 1.4. Airport (airline) structure. SAB structure. Regulations on the SAB, requirements for SAB employees. Interaction of the SAB with the services of the airport (airline) and other departments

1.4.1. Activities of the airport (airline).

Purpose, tasks and structure of the airport (airline).

Organization of the movement of aircraft, vehicles, aviation personnel and passengers throughout the airport.

Air traffic services.

Types of communication used.

1.4.2. Regulations on the airport (airline) flight control system. SAB structure.

Organization of the work of the aviation security service, its equipment. Interaction with other airport structures (airlines).

Organizational measures to prevent and suppress ANV in the activities of the airport (airline).

Requirements for SAB employees.

1.4.3. Interaction with law enforcement, border, customs and other executive authorities when performing AB tasks (functions, rights and responsibilities). Coordination of activities to prevent ANV.

Topic 1.5. Ensuring airport (airline) security

1.5.1. Organization of security of airside areas and aircraft at the airport (airline).

1.5.2. Access control system for people and vehicles (access and intra-facility mode).

1.5.3. Inspection system for aircraft, passengers, air personnel, hand luggage, baggage, cargo, mail and on-board supplies.

1.5.4 Communications and vehicles, used for the purpose of providing AB.

1.5.5 Use of special technical means for providing AB.

Topic 1.6. Means used for sabotage and terrorist purposes. Methods of concealing them and bringing them into controlled areas of the airport (airline). Methods for identifying sabotage and terrorist devices.

1.6.1 Means used for sabotage and terrorist purposes and their external features(general information).

Explosive devices and their elements.

Pyrotechnic and incendiary means, toxic substances used for sabotage and terrorist purposes.

Small arms and bladed weapons.

1.6.2 Methods for hiding weapons and explosive devices in hand luggage, luggage, etc.

1.6.3 Technical means for identifying sabotage and terrorist devices.

1.6.4 Identification of pyrotechnic and incendiary means, toxic substances, small arms and bladed weapons.

1.6.5 Identification of aircraft during pre-flight inspection of aircraft.

1.6.6 Recognition dangerous items and substances prohibited for transportation on civil aircraft. Actions to take when detected.

Topic 1.7. Actions in emergency situations related to ANV in the activities of civil aviation. Responsibilities of SAB employees

1.7.1. Settlement crisis situations(basics).

Crisis management plan.

Duties, responsibilities and functions of airport services and other organizations involved in an emergency.

Controlling the situation in case of incidents.

1.7.2. Actions in emergency situations (responsibilities of air personnel).

1.7.3. Actions of security guards and aviation personnel upon receipt of a signal (information) about an explosion threat at the airport (on the aircraft).

Section 2. Topics of the training program for inspection team employees

Topic 2.1. Carrying out security checks at the airport.

2.1.1. Carrying out screening of passengers, hand luggage and baggage.

Equipment for inspection points.

Requirements for inspection team employees. Composition and qualifications of personnel performing inspections.

Interaction between screening team employees and law enforcement agencies: the procedure for screening team employees in emergency circumstances (detention of passengers, actions to special instructions etc.).

Questions of the psychology of human behavior during inspection (basics).

Screening technology. Methods for identifying items and substances prohibited for transportation on civil aviation aircraft.

Pre-flight screening of passengers of various categories.

The procedure for delivering and escorting passengers on board the aircraft.

The procedure for the removal, storage and disposal of dangerous items and substances.

Search procedure and baggage control measures:

a) reception and security of baggage;

b) establishing the identity of the luggage;

c) pre-flight inspection of baggage;

d) storage of improperly handled baggage.

2.1.2. Pre-flight screening of crew members and aviation personnel.

2.1.3. Pre-flight inspection of cargo, mail and on-board supplies.

Inspection technology and control measures for cargo, mail and on-board supplies:

a) reception and security of cargo and mail;

b) control measures under normal conditions;

c) control measures during periods of increased threat.

Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods (basics).

2.1.4. Inspection of aircraft for security purposes.

Types and main features of operated aircraft (basics).

Structural and technical equipment for preventing ANV on board an aircraft (basics):

a) blocking the cockpit door;

b) hidden alarm system;

c) the safest places on board the aircraft for placing detected devices;

d) equipped places in the aircraft for the transportation of permitted weapons.

Organization and procedure for pre-flight inspection of aircraft.

Organization and procedure for inspection of aircraft in case of threat of ANV.

Measures to ensure the safety of passengers and crew members on the ground and in the air.

2.1.5. Accounting and reporting on the results of the work of inspection teams.

Topic 2.2. Rules for the transportation of weapons and ammunition on civilian aircraft.

2.2.1. Organization of permitted transportation of weapons and ammunition:

The procedure and conditions for the permitted transportation of weapons in the passenger cabin of an aircraft.

The procedure and conditions for transporting weapons and ammunition in inaccessible areas of the aircraft.

Technology for transferring weapons and ammunition to the crew during the flight of the aircraft.

Topic 2.3. Identification of items and substances prohibited for transportation on civil aircraft

2.3.1. List of items prohibited for transportation on civil aircraft.

2.3.2. Methods for concealing and identifying sabotage and terrorist devices in hand luggage, baggage, aircraft, etc.

2.3.3. Technical means for identifying sabotage and terrorist devices.

2.3.4. Features of identifying small arms and bladed weapons; pyrotechnic and incendiary means, toxic substances, as well as other dangerous items and substances prohibited for transportation on civil aircraft. Actions to take when detected.

2.3.5. Detection of aircraft during pre-flight inspection of aircraft.

2.3.6. Organization of neutralization of explosive and incendiary devices (basics).

Topic 2.4. Use of technical means of inspection

2.4.1. Technical means of inspection and features of their use.

2.4.2. Technical means of identifying sabotage and terrorist devices (basics).

Topic 2.5. Actions of inspection team employees in emergency situations.

2.5.1. Controlling the situation in case of incidents. Responsibilities of air personnel.

2.5.2. Recognizing potential criminals.

2.5.3. Actions in emergency situations. Responsibilities of inspection team members.

Section 3. Topics of the security training program

Topic 3.1. Security of controlled areas of the airport (airline).

3.1.1. Organization of security of controlled areas of the airport (airline).

Security system for controlled areas.

Security system for particularly important objects.

3.1.2. Interaction between the airport's airport security service and the airline's air traffic control service.

3.1.3. Controlling access to protected areas.

System of access and intra-facility regime (system of passes and decals).

Gearbox equipment.

Controlling people's access.

Controlling access and movement of vehicles.

3.1.4. Aircraft protection measures on the ground.

Organization of aircraft security.

Aviation safety of aircraft under normal operating conditions.

Aviation safety of aircraft under the threat of ANV.

Special parking for aircraft in case of ANV.

3.1.5. The procedure for recording, storing, issuing and using weapons.

3.1.6. Rules for using communication means. Communication and notification scheme.

3.1.7. Accounting and reporting on the results of the work of security groups.

Topic 3.2. Engineering and technical means of security.

3.2.1. Use of engineering and technical security equipment (ITSO).

Topic 3.3. Actions of security team personnel in emergency situations.

3.3.1. Types and characteristics of local airport (airline) threats.

3.3.2. Duties, responsibilities and functions of security team employees.

3.3.3. Controlling the situation in case of incidents. Responsibilities of air personnel.

3.3.4. Guidance methods public order in an Aeroport:

a) role and responsibility law enforcement when maintaining public order;

b) the procedure for detaining offenders, rules for the use of weapons;

c) the concept of the limits of necessary defense and extreme necessity;

d) characteristic methods of action of criminals in air transport, recognition of potential criminals.

3.3.5. Actions in emergency situations. Responsibilities of security officers.

3.3.6. Actions of security guards and aviation personnel upon receipt of a signal (information) about an explosion threat at the airport (on the aircraft).

3.3.7. Interaction of security officers with personnel of other airport services (airlines) involved in the activities of the Operation Alarm Plan.

Topic 3.4. Interaction of security team employees with law enforcement and other agencies.

3.4.1. The procedure for interaction between security team employees and personnel of law enforcement and other executive authorities.

4. List of literature

1. Legislative acts Russian Federation.

1.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation ( the federal law dated 12/12/93).

1.2. #M12291 93001254Air Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of March 19, 1997)#S.

1.3. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of June 13, 1996).

1.4. Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", (Federal Law of 03/05/92).

1.5. Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons" (Federal Law of November 13, 1996)

1.6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994. No. 897 "Federal system for ensuring the protection of civil aviation activities from acts of unlawful interference"

2. Regulations ministries and departments of the Russian Federation

2.1. #M12293 0 93003700 1940889366 1729100952 2851215321 2005302996 3259534931 3154 24258 23944 Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 1994. No. 19 "On additional measures to improve flight safety in civil aviation of the Russian Federation"#S.

2.2. #M12293 1 93002982 1940889366 1729100952 2851215321 2005302996 3259534931 3154 24261 3033704639Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 1994. No. 76 "On implementation" Model provision about the airport aviation security service"#S.

2.3. #M12293 2 93002738 1940889366 1729100952 2851215321 2005302996 3259534931 3154 24569 682100447 Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 1995. No. 102 “On the approval and implementation of the Guidelines for the inspection of passengers, crew members of civil aircraft, service personnel, hand luggage, baggage, cargo, mail and on-board supplies”#S.

2.4. Order of the DVT MT RF dated 10.27.92. No. DV-122 "On the entry into force of the Regulations on paramilitary security."

2.5. #M12293 3 93001820 1940889366 1729100952 2555264038 2138111772 2307404256 1729100952 3259534931 24574Order of the DVT MT of the Russian Federation dated 08.26.93. No. DV-115 "On the implementation of the Manual on the security of aircraft and civil aviation facilities and facilities"#S.

2.6. #M12293 4 93004455 2138111772 2307404256 1729100952 2401032 1940889366 1753309781 4291802465 2401032 Joint instruction dated April 24, 1996. FAS Russia No. DV-59/i, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1/7450 “On the interaction of airport aviation security services and internal affairs bodies in air transport”#S.

2.7. DVT instructions dated September 19, 1994. No. DV-141/i "On the training of aviation security personnel."

3. International legal acts ICAO

3.1. Chicago Convention 1944 (Chicago, 12/7/44).

3.2. Tokyo Convention 1963 (Tokyo 09.14.63).

3.3. Hague Convention 1970 (The Hague 12/16/70).

3.4. Montreal Convention 1971 (Montreal 09/23/71).

3.5. Montreal Additional Protocol of 1988 (Montreal 02.24.88).

3.6. #M12293 5 93005414 3629216027 1658691571 4 415956267 225753208 2028685173 24261 6Annex 17 to the ICAO Chicago Convention "Security - Protection of International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference"#S (International Standards and Recommended Practices (Fifth Edition - 1992).

3.7. Security Manual for the Protection of Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference (ICAO DOS No. 8973/5. Fifth Edition - 1996).

5. List of teaching aids and TSO

1. Posters and diagrams:

The airport and its infrastructure;

Aviation security systems.

2. Tutorials:

Models of weapons and explosives;

Baggage items;

Portable devices for detecting metal objects;

X-ray installations.

3. Audio/video recordings, slides.

4. Samples of passes, certificates and other documents.

5. Samples of reporting documents.

6. Applications

1. Guides for teachers.

2 Printouts of materials given to students.

3 Guidelines to group and training sessions.

4 Explanations educational materials, questionnaires for tests, seminars and group classes.

5 Tutorial at the initial training course for aviation security personnel.

6 Commissioning program for SAB employees.

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