Peacock dot painting on a glass bottle. Spot painting of bottles: master class. General job description

This time there will be fewer photos.

It is very difficult to force yourself to stop working and take up photography.


Any drawing begins with a dot. On the first side I started to draw a flower, put the middle as the first point, and began to build up layers around it.1 On the second side I decided to start with a curl, twisted it with a gold outline and closed it, adding a bronze one in between. I outlined it with white. 2 To add lace, I placed large bronze dots and made a double outline with white and gold. And then I thought, who and how puts big dots so that they turn out uniform? This is how I do it: first I put it on top and bottom, then on the right and left (like a cross). It turned out to be 4 segments. 3 To continue to be uniform, I put a dot in the middle of each segment, and if necessary, add one more (if space allows) into the resulting gaps. In this case, the distance between the guarantee points is uniform.


4 I mark the petals that will border the bronze dots. Since the dots are large, I put two white dots for marking. 5 The petals were made (as they were made in the previous MK), and even entwined. The flower grows in size and I enlarge the next level - I combine two small petals into one large one, I decided to make it sharp rather than round, and to be honest, it’s easier to draw. I also started outlining. 6 The larger the segment of the picture, the large quantity you can apply a stroke to it. Another big plus of outlining is that it evens out the contours, and if there is any minor error, it is, as it were, masked by the next layer. On the second (white) layer of the stroke, I wanted large dots - I placed them inside each sharp petal and on the top. The photo shows how and with how many layers I outlined them. Between the sharp petals, at the ends of which there were bumps, I placed bronze dots.


7 I made petals around the large dots (I’ve been drawing them myself not so long ago, so I’m still a long way from being even). I draw your attention to how I place them. First the middle one, then the left and right - it will be smoother. Then everything is simple - I made a connecting arc with large dots. At this stage, the size of the resulting pattern coincides with the size of the previous side. And I stopped taking photographs, only then I realized that it would be possible to dwell on the curl surrounding the design in more detail (8).

Photo session of the result:

I connected two completely different designs with a simple branch with flowers, without leaves.

I wanted to show the neck closer. Two coats of varnish fill the space between the dots. The drawing is quite simple, you can handle it yourself. The only difficulty is placing the dots on the corrugated surface of the lid. I'll go through it again after the varnish.

Recently, the dot painting technique (or as it is also called in English-language sources, “point-to-point”) is gaining increasing popularity among needlewomen. The advantages of this method of decorating products are simplicity and accessibility, because even beginners can cope with the dot technique. For painting dots do not require special drawing skills, only accuracy and patience will be enough.Technically, stencils made specifically for dot painting, which we provide in our article, will help us.

After just a few training sessions, even those artists who have never drawn in their lives can make straight points. And that is why this technique is ideal for beginners who want to master painting with acrylic paints.

Patterns using the dot technique can be applied to almost any surface. Of course, the larger the area of ​​the product, the more time and patience it will take to complete the drawing. But the result will definitely be worth the effort! Beginners can try their hand at first on miniature and simple images - this could be painting glasses or glass bottles of any drinks. Of course, you will need to carefully remove all labels from the bottle before use.

We prepare special stencils for dot painting in MK

For dot painting you can use ordinary acrylic paints, but special contours are best suited - these paints have a denser texture and are packaged in small tubes with a thin dispenser. Thanks to this, contours make it possible to make points of the same size without special effort. If you still use regular paints, you will need a thin, rounded brush. Toothpicks, knitting needles, and erasers at the end of a pencil can also be used as improvised means for applying dots of different sizes.

To paint on glass, you can try using regular colored nail polishes instead of paints, but remember that in this case the design may not last long. There are also special markers for painting on glass - they are also very convenient to use and do not require long drying. And in order to create large volumetric dots, you can use special 3D gels or “pearl” paints. In addition, before starting work, the surface of any product will need to be degreased with a special solution or simple nail polish. The same solution will be needed to correct points that were applied inaccurately.

Where to get patterns for dot painting?

Each master has his own secrets for making products self made. Experienced artists can paint “out of their heads,” coming up with patterns as they apply paint to the surface of the object. Other masters prefer to first mark the lines of the composition with a pencil or other available means, and then draw in the details. However, these methods are more suitable for those who are good with a brush and can draw. Everyone else who wants to join the art of dot painting can use ready-made template or stencil. For opaque surfaces, you can use stencils (pre-made ones are sold in specialized stores). And for glass products (especially plates), you can simply print the sketch on paper and place it under the product - the drawing will be clearly visible and can be easily traced.

What can be used as patterns for painting?

It is not necessary to look for ready-made stencils specifically for dot painting. Suitable ideas can be gleaned from other types of applied art, for example you can use:

  • patterns for cross stitch or bead weaving
  • patterns on fabrics, especially in ethnic style
  • openwork napkins, lace or knitting patterns
  • ethnic ornaments and patterns printed in a suitable size on paper (you can use books on traditions and ethnic embroidery;
  • paper napkins or decoupage cards

You can also look for inspiration among masterpieces of architecture and mosaic painting.

For painting plates, stencils with a round ornament are most often used. Symmetrical sectors radiate along the edges from the central point. It is when painting plates that it is very important that the pattern on all parts of the plate is the same, because the difference in the size of the dots or the distance between them will immediately be evident.

For dot painting of bottles, elongated patterns or ornaments designed in the form of a wide ribbon are more suitable. It is not necessary to cover the entire surface of the bottle with dots; you can paint only part of it, or combine the chiseled technique with others, for example, with decoupage.

The boxes that are fully painted look the most advantageous, but this requires a lot of a large number of time and patience. The largest design can be placed on the lid, and accompanying symmetrical patterns can be placed on the sides.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, in which the process of dot technique using stencils is demonstrated in stages.

It may seem that such an ornament is very difficult to execute due to the many different small details. In fact, it is much easier to draw than a single drawing. The drawing consists only of dots, pure point-to-point. You do not draw solid lines, which means that the problem with “shaking hands” and, therefore, curved lines disappears. To understand the principle of the ornament, I advise you to repeat the master class exactly as in the example, then you can draw your own variations of the ornaments.

I chose a pre-made bottle - glazed ceramic, my favorite material. A black or dark brown surface will serve as an excellent background for any design. If you have a glass bottle, then you need to carry out some preparation manipulations before you start painting. First, the bottle will need to be primed (I use Kompozit water-based primer. After the primer has dried, you will need to paint the bottle in the desired color, and varnish the top with a glossy varnish. Only after this can you start painting.

The first thing to do is degrease the surface to be painted with alcohol or vodka. The permanent attributes of contour painting should be a toothpick, a napkin and a cotton swab. If you have “slapped yourself” and urgently need to wipe the contour, and you are running around the apartment in a panic looking for a cotton swab, but the contour dries out. But, if it’s still dry and you didn’t have time to find the stick, that’s where a toothpick comes in handy! It is very convenient for her to scrape off the failed points. You will be constantly wiping the tip of the outline on a napkin, not your jeans, so keep all these items nearby.

1. At the base, I usually make a continuous row of dots, possibly large ones, as in this case. For convenience, first we set the red dots at the same distance, then we put white ones between them. To achieve thin dots, we do everything lightly, do not press on the tube, and touch the surface briefly and quickly. Try to ensure that not only the dots are the same size, but also the distance between them.

2. Don’t forget to alternate colors, so the drawing won’t look monotonous. Insert simple lines of dots between the ornaments, two or three of the same color, surround dark elements with light ones and vice versa. For example, in front of the green triangles there is a simple line with a gold outline, above them there is also a gold outline. A simple way to draw straight identical triangles without drawing is to count the dots: three up, three down, three up, three down and so on. If the last triangle doesn’t fit, don’t worry, let it be a little smaller or larger, it won’t be noticeable against the general background.

3. Another simple pattern - we put two large dots at a short distance from each other. Between them are three small dots of a different color and the same line on top. All these patterns can be repeated several times, changing colors, this will be seen in the example.

5. Triangles again, this time one point longer. And also, pay attention, here I filled the inside with white dots; last time I put one large dot. We need variety, right? 🙂

6. Another simple trick is to alternate large dots with small dots of different colors.

7. Place two rows of dots.

8. And again large points at a small (but equal!) distance from each other.

9. We draw another row of golden dots on top, focusing on the upper edge of the large green dots so that the line does not skew. And then we repeat step 3 and make vertical lines between the green dots.

10. Larger triangles.

11. We make another floor from the same triangles.

12. Only now there are different colors inside. Also count the dots inside the triangles so that everything turns out smooth and beautiful.

13. And another row of exactly the same pattern in a different color.

14. The next row is simpler, just circle what happened several times. Alternating colors, we make four identical rows of dots.

15. Align the line by adding vertical “columns” and connecting them along the top edge. The number of points in the columns must be the same. We fill the space inside with dots.

16. Don’t forget to sometimes separate patterns with simple lines of different colors.

17. Next I made a pattern in the form of oblique lines alternating 5 different colors. Here it is important to monitor the slope of the lines and if it starts to warp, try to straighten it so that the upper edge is not too crooked. Its unevenness will be hidden behind the straight lines that we will draw on top.

18. Repeat step 3.

19. Another type of pattern is waves. It is a little more complicated, since here you especially need to ensure the evenness of the curve. Again, we count the points from top to bottom. Please note that several previous patterns are separated on both sides by straight lines of the same color, in our case, gold.

20. Place large dots in the bends closer to the line.

21. And we circle them in a semicircle. The result is two intersecting waves.

22. Add a contrasting color and break it up with simple lines and dots.

23. Triangles as in step 2, and then alternating large dots.

Spot painting is one of the ways to create patterns on glass, ceramics or other products using acrylic paints. Tiny dots of different colors are carefully applied to the surface and ultimately, after painstaking work, a bizarre fantasy pattern is obtained. Such ornaments are not a modern invention. They are typical for the applied arts of India and Asian countries. Once upon a time, a similar technique was used to decorate metal products (chasing), but later began to be used in frescoes and paintings. In this lesson we will study dot painting of pre-prepared bottles, and a master class for very beginners will help you in your work.

Today, point technology or, as it is also called “point-to-point”, is at the peak of popularity. Products in this style look both bright and modern, and at the same time they feel the spirit folk art and ethnic motives. It is not necessary to paint the entire service - it is both labor-intensive and not interesting. One bright dish among the rest of the dishes in subdued colors will look much nicer.

Learn how to dot painting bottles in a master class for beginners

Many beginners are afraid to start this technique, because... They consider it complex and time-consuming. In fact, this is one of the most simple ways creating a drawing with acrylic paints, which requires minimal drawing skills, but only patience and accuracy. To begin with, you can practice applying dots on an ordinary sheet of paper, and only then start painting the product. But with the help of this technique you can create surprisingly elegant patterns that will decorate the simplest objects - for example, an unnecessary glass bottle.

Especially for those who are hesitant to start dot painting of bottles - a master class for beginners.

To apply a drawing using the dot technique you will need:
  • actually, a bottle. All labels will need to be carefully removed from it.
  • squared notebook paper or graph paper
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • acetone (can be replaced with nail polish remover)
  • acrylic paints - it is best to use special contours, because... they have a denser texture and are convenient to squeeze out of the tube drop by drop
  • brushes
Master class “Dot painting of a bottle”:

1) The bottle must be washed thoroughly, check whether all labels have been removed (to remove them, just soak the bottle for about an hour in warm soapy water. If this does not help, you will have to sand it). Then thoroughly dry the surface and degrease it - wipe with acetone or nail polish remover.

2) Now we need to choose the pattern that we will apply to the glass. Beginners can take inspiration from examples on the World Wide Web or use the pictures from this master class.

3) We mark the central line from which the pattern will diverge and glue a wide strip of checkered paper in the middle of the bottle with tape.

4) Now we begin to carefully apply the first dots (you must first practice on a paper draft). We draw a chain of dots along the paper templates.

5) Now make a stencil out of paper. Using a compass, make a circle with a radius of 5 cm and cut in half. Apply a stencil and make an outline from small dots. If the bottle is thicker or thinner, then you need to calculate the size of the stencil. To do this, divide the circle into the required number of parts.

6) We continue to paint the bottle along the outlined contours: now we can put larger dots. Use all your imagination!

7) We make another stencil (in our case in the shape of a diamond) and continue painting. If we want the pattern to be neat and symmetrical, we cannot do without stencils.

8) If you see that some point looks “crooked”, you can immediately correct it with a dry cotton swab. If the paint has already hardened, you will have to use a stick soaked in solvent. For particularly fine points, you can use toothpicks.

9) Our bottle is ready!

Spot painting allows you to create amazing images on almost any surface (some even paint ordinary flat pebbles!). The most popular patterns are concentric circles using dots of different sizes and colors, floral motifs and smooth waves. Experienced craftswomen can easily draw even the most complex patterns out of their heads, but for beginners it’s better to try stencils first to make the design symmetrical and beautiful.

Below in the photo you can find some interesting options for inspiration:

Spot painting in modern needlework is often combined with decoupage. In this case, images are applied to the surface covered with primer using the decoupage technique (for example, a flower cut out of a napkin), and the edges are additionally decorated with small elements of dots.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, in which the point technique is demonstrated step by step.

For interior decoration, items such as decorative plates, bottles, and boxes using the point-to-point technique are often used. At first glance, it may seem that this technique is complicated and that it is difficult to make a beautiful decorated bottle using the dot technique. But in reality this is not entirely true. Choose simple patterns and you will definitely succeed. Because everyone can depict simple figures of a leaf, a twig, a square, curls, and various geometric figures.

Dot painting of bottles with contours will decorate a bottle of champagne, cognac or wine. Choose patterns for dot painting that you can draw. Think in advance about how the ornament will be positioned: from bottom to top or from the center, like rays from the sun, in different sides or perhaps undulating.

You can make a chic gift using this technique, knowing how to make beautiful decor for glass bottles with your own hands. Drawings of the Zodiac sign look great on gift options.

Dot painting of bottles with contours using the point-no-point technique (dot to dot) gives an oriental style to the products, making the decor elegant, sophisticated and very sophisticated. This kind of work is very meticulous and requires a lot of attention and perseverance.

Patterns for dot painting, point-to-point technique

As a rule, bottles are decorated using the dot technique using simple ornaments. Any ornament consists of simple elements such as a circle, stripes of dots located close to each other, various curls, diamonds, spiral curls, wavy lines of dots are very often used, zigzags, chevrons, fans, cucumbers, etc.

All these patterns are arranged in the design on the bottle with a certain rhythm of color and pattern shape. It is convenient to draw on a dark bottle, but the ornament will also look beautiful on light glass. On transparent background you need to make a small drawing because it will look most impressive as a decoration.

Dot painting with contours of bottles


1. glass bottle

2. contours for drawing on glass, ceramics

3. metal nozzles for contours - will help to make dots of different diameters

4. water-based acrylic paints (you can even dry them with a hairdryer)

5. degreasing liquid, alcohol

6. napkins, cotton swabs - for quickly cleaning up what didn’t work

Operating procedure:

1. The very first step is to degrease the glass surface. Now is the time to start placing dots, but without touching the grease-free surface. If your hand still tries to touch the glass, then place an ordinary clean and dry napkin between your hand and the glass, and in this case the bottle will remain grease-free.

2. Now you can apply dots to create a pattern. All points must be dry. If you accidentally smear it, quickly and carefully remove it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

3. If desired, you can varnish what you get and let it dry for about a day in a well-ventilated place.

You need to remember that the harder you press on the tube with the contour, the larger the dot will be; the weaker you press on the contour, the smaller the dot will be.

In order to do it professionally, you need skill. To draw patterns freely, first look at the work of other craftswomen and copy to gain skills. And then the hand will go on its own and find its own pattern at will.

Decorating bottles with your own hands using the point-to-point technique is quite accessible to every craftswoman. These ornaments look very beautiful on finished products and add coziness to the home and exclusivity to the interior.

Use in your works first simple patterns for dot techniques, and then move on to more complex ones, to entire compositions, play with the color and arrangement of the ornament and get a lot of pleasure from the process of creating beauty!

Dot painting of bottles with contours using the point-to-point technique is a very exciting activity that attracts real needlewomen and connoisseurs of art and beautiful interior items.