Products to order http. Products to order. Order calculation begins with data preparation in the store

We come with you to the store and see how products of all types and names stand neatly next to each other. Crowds of shoppers pass by and seem to sweep away everything in their path, and they appear on the shelves again and again.

How do retail chains calculate orders and ensure the constant presence of goods on the shelf? Store directors from major retail chains shared their experiences and secrets.

Automatic ordering and other options for placing an order with a supplier:

* Auto order and its features

Retail chains are striving to automate and reduce manual orders. Auto order is automated system order calculation based on analysis of past sales.

Auto order allows you to minimize human factor– placing an order with a supplier based on sales analytics, and not on your personal preferences. People tend to divide goods into good and bad. Not always assessing that a bad product, in his opinion, is liked by others and is in good demand.

We are all subjective. Auto order does not have personal preferences, but is based only on the order formula.

And if you remember about suppliers who are trying to promote their goods to store shelves. With manual orders, the supplier can encourage employees in the store to increase the supply of their goods and expand the display. But reaching an agreement becomes more difficult when working through auto-order.

Order calculation begins with data preparation in the store

In order to place a correct order, the supplier must provide correct data in the system. It is possible to analyze past periods as much as you like, but if they are distorted, the result will be useless. Let's look at how to step by step adjust the data to place an order for a product.

Provide correct and timely data on store balances

1.1. Adapt virtual balances.

Virtual balances - a product is listed in the system with balances, but in reality it is missing. Occurs in case of misgrading of goods (instead of one product another was sold); incorrect acceptance of goods; shortfalls in deliveries (the program recorded large quantity goods than supplied)

1.2. Adjust negative balances.

Negative balances occur if an item is sold, but it was NOT on stock. This happens when:

  • ● re-grading of goods;
  • ● documents were filled out incorrectly;
  • ● virtual balances were incorrectly adapted (the product was in stock, was not found, was written off, was finally found and sold)
  • ● the inventory was carried out incorrectly.

Sales of missing goods result in negative balances. Autoorder perceives negative balances as product availability and does not create an order for the supplier.

1.3. Make write-offs and reflect them in the system.

If the product does not meet the quality (packaging is dented, defective, etc.), a write-off is required. Otherwise, the balance will contain goods that cannot be sold.

1.4. Reflect the results of acts of discrepancies with suppliers (returns).

If there is an agreement with the supplier on the return of the goods. For example, a spoiled product, defective or of poor quality. Such goods are listed on the supermarket's inventory, but cannot be sold. As a result, the product is not ordered, believing that it is in stock.

“Punching” – we exclude sales days not related to systemic changes in demand.

  • For a one-time sale of goods that is not associated with systemic fluctuations in demand, you need to adjust the past analytics by this amount. The system must be able to “puncture” sales, otherwise there will be significant distortions. For example, purchases associated with a sharp change in weather conditions, a large purchase of alcohol for a wedding, or an unscheduled display at an additional trade equipment(DTO).

Layout control according to planogram

  • Display has a significant impact on sales. Let’s take any product, make additional displays in the most accessible places, and its turnover will immediately increase. IN retail stores Each product is allocated a specific place on the shelf. Therefore, any movement or increase in the quantity of equipment must be taken into account when placing an order with the supplier.

Take into account expected changes in demand

If significant changes in demand are predicted, order calculations need to be adjusted. For example, an increase in traffic with the start of the World Cup, the eve of holidays, the beginning of the summer season, and more. The order is adjusted by the seasonality factor.

Correct management of promotions

  • have a significant impact on increasing sales. If the promotion price was activated or deactivated at the wrong time, this will lead to a distortion of past results. Therefore, regular consumption will not be calculated correctly.

Order formula. How to place an order to a supplier step by step

Delivery schedule

Order formation begins with the delivery schedule from suppliers. Each item is ordered in a certain period.

For example, “Milk House in the Village” can be ordered on Monday and Wednesday until 16:00. Thus, we leave only those products that are available for order on the current date.


This is the minimum quantity of goods that must be present in point of sale. The number of units for display is determined by the merchandising department, specifying where and what needs to be displayed and in what number of “faces”. Any change in layout must be taken into account when ordering from the supplier.

Average sales per day

We determine how many pieces are sold per day. We calculate the average sales for the last 14 days - the sum of all sales divided by the number of days. We exclude all dates in which consumption exceeded normal level. This could be periods, or other promotions. As a result, the formula takes into account only regular demand.

Projected sales per day

Now we understand how many goods are sold per day (regular demand). But demand is constantly changing under the influence of the external and internal environment.

For example, holidays, the beginning of a season or a geographical feature (the beginning of the summer season). Therefore, we adjust regular sales taking into account planned changes using the Forecasted Sales Formula:


Knowing how much is planned to be sold per day, we calculate the safety stock. It will ensure full sales until the next delivery. For example, we place an order with a supplier on Monday. According to the delivery schedule, the goods will arrive in two days - on Wednesday. Therefore, the safety stock is calculated from Wednesday of the current week to Wednesday of the next week.

As a result, the store must have a display plus a projected sales volume before the next delivery. Safety stock formula:

Remaining goods on delivery date

Delivery takes place a few days after ordering. Therefore, we need to take into account how much goods will remain as delivery tribute. To do this, we calculate: how many goods will be sold during these days and what the balance of the goods will be on the delivery date.

From current balances we subtract the average daily sales for the period. If the delivery date of the goods is on Wednesday, then we reduce the current balance for the next two days.

Finally, we determined how much of the product will be sold between deliveries - safety stock. In addition, we understand what quantity will remain on the delivery day and can calculate how much we need to order to the supplier

Quantum for delivery

A supply quantum is an indivisible quantity. For example, we order milk in a box of 12 pieces. We cannot order half a box or a pack separately. The order to the supplier is formed taking into account the delivery quantity and is rounded to the nearest whole number.

Calculation of an order to a supplier using an example.

We filter suppliers who accept orders on the current date.
We determine the number of positions for display. For example, the minimum display is 4 pieces. (“face”). There are no plans to rearrange the display.
We calculate average daily sales. Let's take 3 weeks to complete. During this period there were promotions and sales that must be excluded. For the rest of the period we calculate average sales. Therefore, we get 2 pieces. per day.

In addition, we place orders on the eve of the holidays and, therefore, a seasonal increase of 50% is planned. Therefore, we increase average daily sales by 3. Taking into account the increase, the sales forecast will be 3 units.

We determine the safety stock between deliveries. We will assume that delivery is carried out on Wednesdays. Therefore, there are 7 days between deliveries (from Wednesday to Wednesday). Thus, to calculate the safety stock, we multiply the predicted volume of 3 pieces by 7 days and add 4 pieces for display.

Finally, we determine how much of the product will be in stock by the delivery date. Orders are placed on Mondays - two days before delivery. Let's say on Monday we have 12 pieces left over. Average daily sales in the coming period will be 2 units each (if the eve of the holidays does not yet have an impact). Therefore, on Wednesday we will have 8 pieces left over.


Frequent orders mean smaller write-offs.

Today's buyer already knows too much. He knows the secrets of display and knows the rules of merchandising. Today it will not surprise anyone that products with the most recent expiration dates are placed on the shelf at the very end, and those with the closest expiration dates will be in the first row. And as a result, the buyer makes a little effort and takes out the farthest product from the shelf. And what's left in the store? As a result, the product that needed to be sold first is written off due to suitable expiration dates.

All this arises due to the buyer's distrust of retail network. Selling something with a suitable expiration date just once can destroy customer loyalty. There can only be one solution - the buyer needs to know that the store is not expired and everything is always fresh. It seems that only then will he not have the need to reach into the far corners of the shelves.

This can be ensured with the most frequent deliveries. If the product short time shelf life - chilled products, farm products, fruits and vegetables, then delivery can be carried out daily.

How to cheat auto order?

Deceive? Auto order, it has so many advantages, why is it needed?

But we must not forget that this automated system cannot be ideal. It is a program with programmed logic that cannot take into account all factors. While Auto Order orders all products according to the matrix, there is a product that is not sold in the store.

The product is purchased ➔ waits until the expiration date ➔ is written off ➔ purchased again and the circle repeats. Or the product sells very poorly and is marked down. Sales increase and the system can calculate future supply based on these sales.

In order not to order a certain item for delivery, this item is left with negative balances. Even if the product is listed in the store’s mandatory matrix, they may deliberately keep it with negative balances and not order it.

We reduce orders after promotions

Promotions with deep discounts reduce sales after the promotion. A decrease in sales is possible due to the fact that products were purchased for future use or due to the buyer’s feeling of saturation. In addition, a decrease in sales is possible both for the products participating in the promotion and for the entire category. In order to even out sales after the promotion, you need to reduce the order to the supplier.

The more perishable product especially for a shorter period. For example, a promotion on olive oil can reduce sales after the promotion for several weeks. Unlike trout, which can reduce sales for several days.

Factor Matrix

First of all, in order to control the causes of fluctuations in turnover, the supplier responsible for the order needs to maintain a matrix of influencing factors. This is a calendar indicating all the important events and factors affecting sales.

For example, Easter takes place at different times every year, location next to a fitness center increases healthy food sales in the spring, summer season, graduation, last call, etc. Each retail outlet may have its own matrix of factors with its own geographical features.

Dear customers, now you can purchase not only goods from free stock in our warehouse, but also rare, exclusive goods to order. We are pleased to present you brands of unusual bags and accessories.

Bags and backpacks with built-in Fydelity speakers.

You can enjoy music anytime, anywhere!

Backpacks and accessories MOJO.

All New York brand Mojo backpacks are made from the most durable 600D Polyester material with a durable polyurethane coating that resists wear and tear. 600D does not absorb moisture and is not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, used in travel backpacks highest quality. Most models have luminescent paint that glows in the UV and the dark. The MOJO backpack is suitable for both schoolchildren and active teenagers and creative residents of the metropolis. A reliable and high-quality backpack will be indispensable on a walk, on a trip and in everyday life! Choose style and quality!

Lunch boxes, thermal bottles and Beatrix suitcases.

If you want your child to eat well at school, then you definitely need to give him breakfast to go. For this purpose, special Beatrix lunch boxes have been created, which will allow you to provide your schoolchild with tasty and healthy food. The bag is made of durable material that does not tear and is easily machine washable. The insulated bag is the perfect size to fit sandwiches, drinks and fruit.

MadPax backpacks and bags.

3D backpacks representing the freestyle lifestyle and endless freedom. MadPax backpacks are made from high-quality eco-friendly materials. polymer materials, which undergo strict control. They are soft and pleasant to the touch. Despite the decorative appearance, MadPax backpacks are comfortable for daily use: convenient locks, rigid inserts on the back, adjustable straps allow you to “tailor” the backpack to your needs as much as possible. The backpacks are presented in four model groups: 3D backpacks with bubbles and bricks BUBBLE and BLOK and backpacks in the style of wild reptiles with REX and GATOR spikes. A variety of colors - from bright and colorful to calmer and more serious. Let your child choose for himself!

MadPax product catalog with photos download

Description of models with characteristics download

Bags, backpacks and accessories ZIPIT

Description and catalog ZIPIT download


You can also view all these products on the website

Conditions for purchasing goods to order.

All custom-made products can be purchased individually. Models you are interested in

mark on the formsorder in the "your order" column.

When purchasing to order, the wholesale and joint venture prices will be the same (as in the order form).

Send order forms (or the article in any form in a letter) to our managers

By the address [email protected] Goods are purchased on an advance payment basis.

Minimum amount order - 10 thousand rubles.

The delivery time for goods to our warehouse after payment is two weeks.

Product selection

You can find a product on the M.Video website in several ways: search box in the upper right corner, menu, catalog, comparison of several products, selection of products according to parameters.

If you need help choosing products, read ours.

Method 1. Search the site

The search box is in the upper right corner. Enter the product name in the field or use the advanced search functions. In this case, already when you enter the first word, you will see hints.

Method 2. Filters

To narrow down your results, use filters, and to find the product you need faster, use sorting.

· by manufacturer;

· by price;

· by shares.

Method 3. Product catalog

In the online store catalog, products are divided into categories. In each category, you can sort equipment by price and/or manufacturer, indicating the price range and/or list of manufacturers that interest you. To see product categories, select the desired section in the catalog line directly under the M.Video logo.

Method 4. Selection by parameters

Selection by parameters allows you to limit the list of products to only those that meet the characteristics you specify.

Method 5. Compare products

To compare several products, check each of them in the "Compare" box and click the "Compare" button - you will see a table showing the differences and similarities in characteristics between the selected products. You can add no more than 5 products to the table.

Placing an order

Step 1

You must select the city in which you are located or want to make a purchase.

Step 2

Go to the product page and click on the “Add to Cart” button or on the shopping cart icon if you are making a purchase from the product selection page. You can then continue shopping or proceed to checkout. The absence of a button means that the product is not on sale or can only be purchased at a retail store.

Step 3

While the order is not completed, you can change the number of items in the cart, add certificates of additional service and/or coupons for installation, connection of equipment, delete individual products - the cost will be recalculated automatically. At the end, check the data and, if everything is correct, click the “Place an order” button.

Step 4

If you register, your personal data and other information specified previously will be automatically added to your next order: delivery address, favorite store, etc.

Registered users can:

· track order status;

· receive special offers and invitations to private sales;

· accumulate and write off Bonus rubles;

· apply for a loan online;

· save order history.

· add a product to your favorites.

Step 5

Enter your Bonus Card number and we will award Bonus Rubles for your purchase.

Don't forget to check if your card is registered.

Select the method of receiving the order and the type of payment.

Step 6

If your order contains multiple items, their shipping methods may not be the same.

In this case, you need to place orders sequentially.

Step 7

Check the data and click on the “Finish registration” button.

Done: your order has been created!

After the purchase, you will receive an SMS to the phone number specified in your personal account. Please check that your phone number is correct before making a purchase. Please note: it is not possible to resend the document.

Step 8

How to do it?

Login to your Personal Area. The rating is available in the block with the latest orders, on the “Order History” page or on the details page of a specific order. Just click on the “Rate your order” link in the desired line.

In the form that opens, select the number of stars, leave a comment if desired, and click the “Submit Rating” button. Thank you!