An employment contract with an auto mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line. Employment contract with a vehicle mechanic Employment contract with a vehicle repair mechanic

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Employment contract with a mechanic

________________ "__"________20___

(name of company)

represented by _____________________________ _____________________________________________________,

(job title) (full name)

acting on the basis _______________________________________________________,

(Charter, power of attorney No., date)

hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and ___________________________________________,

hereinafter referred to as the Employee, have entered into this employment contract as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement.
1.1. An employee is hired in _____________________________________________________ as a mechanic.
(indicate the place of work in the case when the Employee is hired to work in a branch, representative office or other separate divisions, then a branch, representative office or separate structural subdivision)
at the main place of work;
at the same time.
1.3. The employee starts work on “__” ______________ 200 _.
1.4. This agreement has been concluded (underline as appropriate):
For undefined period;
for a period of _________________ until ___________________________ due to __________________________________.

2. Terms of remuneration.
2.1. This agreement establishes the following salary amount:
-size tariff rate(official salary) ___________________________________
-additional payments, allowances and other incentive payments _________________________________
2.2. The Employer undertakes to pay wages to the Employee within the following periods: “___” and “___” days of each month.
2.3. The Employer undertakes to pay wages to the Employee (underline as appropriate):
at the place where he performs his work ___________________________________________________
by transfer to the bank account specified by the Employee.
2.4. The production, servicing of credit cards and the transfer of money to the Employee’s current account are carried out entirely at the expense of the Employer.

3. Work and rest schedule.
3.1. The employee's working hours are: ________________________________________________________________________________

(indicate the length of the working week, no more than 40 hours)

3.2. The employee is provided with (cross out what is not necessary):
five-day work week with two days off;
six-day work week with one day off.
Start time: __________________________________________________________
Closing time: _______________________________________________________
3.3 The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with time to rest in accordance with current legislation, namely:
- breaks during the working day (shift);
- daily (between shifts) rest;
- weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest);
- non-working holidays;
- vacations.
3.4. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with annual paid leave of duration:
- main leave ___________________________ calendar days (at least 28 days);
- additional leave ___________________________________ days.
3.5. Paid leave is provided to the Employee annually in accordance with the leave schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the primary trade union organization no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year. The employee must be notified by signature of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before its start.
3.6. For family reasons and others good reasons An employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is established by agreement of the parties.

4. Types and conditions of social insurance.
4.1. The Employer is obliged to provide social insurance to the Employee as provided for by current legislation.
4.2. Types and conditions of social insurance directly related to labor activity:___________________________________________________________________
4.3. This agreement establishes the obligation of the Employer to also provide the following types of additional insurance for the Employee: ____________________________________________

5. Rights and obligations of the Employee.
5.1. The employee has the right to:
5.1.1. Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract.
5.1.2. Workplace, complying with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement.
5.1.3. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.
5.1.4. Protection of personal data.
5.1.5. Duration of working hours in accordance with current legislation.
5.1.6. Time relax.
5.1.7. Payment and labor regulation.
5.1.8. Receipt wages and other amounts due to the Employee within the established time frame (in case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days - suspension of work for the entire period until payment of the delayed amount with written notification to the Employer, except for the cases provided for in Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .
5.1.9. Guarantees and compensations.
5.1.10. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training.
5.1.11. Labor protection.
5.1.12. Association, including the right to form and join trade unions to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
5.1.13. Participation in the management of the organization in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others federal laws and collective agreement forms.
5.1.14. Conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements.
5.1.15. Protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.
5.1.16. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.
5.1.17. Compensation for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the Employee’s performance labor responsibilities, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.
5.1.18. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.
5.2. The employee is obliged:
5.2.1. Ensure trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their correct operation, timely high-quality repairs and Maintenance, carrying out work to modernize it and increase the efficiency of repair maintenance of equipment.
5.2.2. Carry out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop.
5.2.3. Organize preparations calendar plans(schedules) of inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, applications for centralized implementation of major repairs, for obtaining the necessary for scheduled preventive and current repairs materials, spare parts, tools, etc., preparation of equipment passports, specifications for spare parts, etc. technical documentation.
5.2.4. Participate in the acceptance and installation of new equipment, carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, modernization and replacement of ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, and the introduction of means of mechanization of heavy manual and labor-intensive work.
5.2.5. Organize accounting of all types of equipment, as well as those that have spent their depreciation period and obsolete ones, and prepare documents for their write-off.
5.2.6. Study the operating conditions of equipment, individual parts and assemblies in order to identify the causes of their premature wear, analyze the causes and duration of downtime associated with the technical condition of the equipment.
5.2.7. Develop and implement progressive methods for repairing and restoring components and parts of mechanisms, as well as measures to increase the service life of equipment, reduce its downtime and increase shifts, prevent accidents and industrial injuries, reducing labor intensity and cost of repairs, improving its quality.
5.2.8. Prepare lifting mechanisms and other objects of state supervision for presentation to state supervision authorities.
5.2.9. Provide technical management of the lubricant and emulsion industry, introduce progressive standards for the consumption of lubricants and cleaning materials, and organize the regeneration of used oils.
5.2.10. Participate in checking the workshop equipment for technical accuracy, in establishing optimal operating modes of the equipment that contribute to its effective use, in developing instructions for technical operation, lubrication and care of equipment, and the safe conduct of repair work.
5.2.11. Consider rationalization proposals and inventions relating to the repair and modernization of equipment, give opinions on them, ensure the implementation of accepted proposals.
5.2.12. Organize records of work on repairs and modernization of equipment, control their quality, as well as the correctness of expenditure material resources released for these purposes.
5.2.13. Ensure compliance with labor safety rules and regulations, environmental safety requirements during repair work.
5.2.14. Manage employees of enterprise departments who repair equipment and maintain it in working condition.
5.3. The employee must know:
5.3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures.
5.3.2. Organization of repair service at the enterprise.
5.3.3. Unified system scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment.
5.3.4. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise.
5.3.5. Technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment.
5.3.6. Organization and technology of repair work.
5.3.7. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment.
5.3.8. Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products.
5.3.9. The procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation.
5.3.10. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair.
5.3.11. Organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities.
5.3.12. Requirements rational organization labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment.
5.3.13. Advanced domestic and Foreign experience repair service at the enterprise.
5.3.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
5.3.15. Basics labor legislation.
5.3.16. Fundamentals of environmental legislation.
5.3.17. Labor protection rules and regulations.
5.4. The employee must have a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years.

6. Rights and obligations of the Employer.
6.1. The employer has the right:
6.1.1. Conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements.
6.1.2. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.
6.1.3. Require the Employee to fulfill his job duties and take care of the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties owned by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees, and to comply with internal labor regulations.
6.1.4. Involve the Employee in disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.
6.1.5. Adopt local regulations.
6.2. The employer is obliged:
6.2.1. Comply with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations, terms of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts.
6.2.2. Provide the Employee with work stipulated by the employment contract.
6.2.3. Ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory labor protection requirements.
6.2.4. Provide the Employee with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.
6.2.5. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee within the terms established by this agreement, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, and internal labor regulations.
6.2.6. Conduct collective negotiations, as well as conclude a collective agreement in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
6.2.7. Introduce the Employee, upon signature, to the accepted local regulations directly related to his work activity.
6.2.8. Provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to the performance of his job duties.
6.2.9. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.
6.2.10. Compensate for damage caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, as well as compensate moral injury in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation.
6.2.11. Perform other duties provided for by this agreement, labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations.

7. Guarantees and compensation.
7.1. The Employee is fully covered by the benefits and guarantees established by law and local regulations.
7.2. Damage caused to the Employee by injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of his work duties is subject to compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Responsibility of the parties.
8.1. The party to the employment contract who caused damage to the other party shall compensate for this damage in accordance with current legislation.
8.2. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employer for damage caused to the Employee:

8.3. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employee for damage caused to the Employer:

9. Duration of the contract.
9.1. This agreement comes into force on the date of its official signing by the Employee and the Employer and is valid until its termination on the grounds established by law.
9.2. The date of signing of this agreement is the date indicated at the beginning of this agreement.

10. Dispute resolution procedure.
Disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this agreement are resolved in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Final provisions.
11.1. By agreement of the parties, a probationary period is established for the duration of ________________________________________________________________________________
11.2. The terms of this employment contract can be changed by agreement of the parties by concluding an Agreement on changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties in writing.
11.3. In the event that, for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be preserved, they may be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function, subject to the requirements of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
11.4. This agreement may be terminated on the grounds and in the manner provided for Labor Code RF.
11.5. This agreement is drawn up in 2 copies and includes _________ sheets.
11.6. Each party to this agreement owns one copy of the agreement.
11.7. The employment contract comes into force on “___” ________ 200 _.
11.8. The employee’s receipt of a copy of the employment contract must be confirmed by the employee’s signature on the copy of the employment contract kept by the employer.


Received an employment contract

(Employee’s signature)

A job description is a local document that should be in every enterprise. This document contains all job responsibilities one or another employee.

Before hiring a new employee and signing an employment contract with him, the employer is obliged to let him read his job description. If we neglect this, then involve the employee in disciplinary liability The employer will not be able to do so for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instructions are developed by personnel officers together with a lawyer. It is approved by the employer or the hired manager, if he is vested with such authority. The document must contain main seal employer.

Job responsibilities of a vehicle mechanic

A transport mechanic is a worker who ensures the serviceability of the company's vehicle fleet. If this specialist does not fulfill his job responsibilities, then vehicles may not reach the line on time.
As a rule, the employer places the following requirements on this employee:

  • Higher education in specialty;
  • Work experience in other companies.
  • Organization of work on timely maintenance of the employer’s vehicles;
  • Taking measures to troubleshoot problems in a timely manner;
  • Organization of vehicle repairs;
  • Drawing up plans for machine maintenance;
  • Control over the schedule of vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • Drawing up and completing requests for spare parts and tools needed by repair service workers;
  • Development and implementation of measures to optimize the cost of repairing each machine or trailer;
  • Checking information about the serviceability of each unit of transport before it goes on line;
  • Participation in providing technical assistance to enterprise machines;
  • Carrying out technical supervision of transport that is on the line or in storage;
  • Drawing up a report and submitting it to management on the serviceability and malfunction of vehicles at the enterprise;
  • Development of measures for the economical use of spare parts and tools;
  • Implementation of these measures;
  • Compliance with consumption standards for fuels and lubricants and operating materials;
  • Conducting training for its employees;
  • Ensuring that employees comply with occupational safety standards;
  • Monitoring drivers' compliance with safety regulations;
  • Timely provision of its employees with the necessary clothing, gloves, shoes and other protective equipment for working with fuels and lubricants and other hazardous materials;
  • Compliance with safety regulations;
  • Compliance with internal regulations and labor discipline;
  • Other responsibilities that may depend on the number of vehicles in the fleet and the number of subordinates this specialist has.

You can download a sample job description for a motor vehicle mechanic in .doc format
via this link

Manual search panel for contracts

number of downloads: 1069


date and place of signing

___ (Name legal entity) ___, located at:
___ (address) ___, registered___ (name of the registering authority, date, registration decision number) ___, represented by general director ___ (full name) ___, hereinafter referred to as “Employer”, on the one hand, and ___ (full name) ___, hereinafter referred to as “Employee”, on the other hand, entered into the following agreement.


1.2. This agreement is an agreement (underline as appropriate):
at the main place of work;
at the same time.


2.2. The employee undertakes to begin fulfilling the duties provided for in clause 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement, ___ (indicate the start date of work) ___.

2.3. This agreement establishes a probationary period___ (duration of the probationary period, but not more than 3 months) ___.


3.1. The employee has the right to:

3.1.6. Time relax.

3.1.11. Labor protection.


(other rights in accordance with current legislation)

3.2. The employee is obliged:

3.2.3. Organize the preparation of calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, requests for centralized implementation of major repairs, for obtaining materials, spare parts, tools, etc. necessary for scheduled preventative and routine repairs. preparation of equipment passports, specifications for spare parts and other technical documentation.

3.3. The employee must know:

Receipt of wages and other amounts due to the Employee on time (in case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days - suspension of work for the entire period until payment of the delayed amount with written notification to the Employer, except for the cases provided for in Article 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). 3.1.9. Guarantees and compensations. 3.1.10. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training. 3.1.11. Labor protection. 3.1.12. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. 3.1.13. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement. 3.1.14.

Employment contract with a vehicle mechanic


Compensation for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. 3.1.18. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws. (other rights in accordance with current legislation) 3.2. The employee is obliged to: 3.2.1. Ensure trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their proper operation, timely high-quality repairs and maintenance, carrying out work on its modernization and increasing the cost-effectiveness of equipment repair services.

3.2.2. Carry out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop. 3.2.3.

Employment contract with mechanic

The procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation. 3.3.10. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair. 3.3.11. Organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities. 3.3.12.

Requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment. 3.3.13. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance at the enterprise. 3.3.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.
3.3.15. Fundamentals of labor legislation. 3.3.16. Fundamentals of environmental legislation. 3.3.17. Labor protection rules and regulations. 3.4.

Employment contract with mechanic

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements) 4.2. The employer is obliged: 4.2.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, terms of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts. 4.2.2. Ensure labor safety and conditions that meet occupational safety and health requirements.

4.2.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties. 4.2.4. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee within the terms established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations of the organization, and this agreement. 4.2.5. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

Employment contract for a car mechanic

Participate in checking workshop equipment for technical accuracy, in establishing optimal operating modes for equipment that facilitate its effective use, in developing instructions for technical operation, lubrication and care of equipment, and for the safe conduct of repair work. 3.2.11. Consider rationalization proposals and inventions related to the repair and modernization of equipment, give conclusions on them, and ensure the implementation of accepted proposals. 3.2.12. Organize records of the repair and modernization of equipment, monitor their quality, as well as the correct use of material resources allocated for these purposes.

3.2.13. Ensure compliance with labor safety rules and regulations, environmental safety requirements during repair work. 3.2.14.
Procedure for resolving disputes Disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this agreement are resolved in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 12. Final provisions 12.1. This agreement is drawn up in 2 copies and includes sheets. (specify quantity) 12.2. Each party to this agreement owns one copy of the agreement.
12.3. The terms of this agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. Any changes to the terms of this agreement are drawn up in the form signed by the parties additional agreement which is an integral part of this agreement. 13.

Employment contract with a mechanic for the production of vehicles on the line

The employee is assigned a 40-hour work week with a standardized working day. 6.3. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with time to rest in accordance with current legislation, namely: - breaks during the working day (shift); - daily (between shifts) leave; - weekends (weekly continuous leave); - non-working holidays; - vacations. 6.4. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with annual paid leave of duration: - basic leave of calendar days (at least 28 days); - additional leave of days.

7. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT 7.1. The Employer is obliged to pay the Employee in accordance with laws, other regulations, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and the employment contract. 7.2. This agreement establishes the following salary amount: . 7.3.
Manage employees of enterprise departments who repair equipment and maintain it in working condition. 3.3. The employee must know: 3.3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures. 3.3.2. Organization of repair service at the enterprise. 3.3.3. A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment.
3.3.4. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise. 3.3.5. Technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment. 3.3.6. Organization and technology of repair work. 3.3.7. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment.
3.3.8. Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products. 3.3.9.

Sample employment contract with a vehicle mechanic

The procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation. 3.3.10. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair. 3.3.11. Organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities. 3.3.12. Requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment. 3.3.13. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance at the enterprise. 3.3.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management. 3.3.15. Fundamentals of labor legislation. 3.3.16. Fundamentals of environmental legislation. 3.3.17. Labor protection rules and regulations. 3.4.
The party to the employment contract who caused damage to the other party shall compensate for this damage in accordance with current legislation. 9.2. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employer for damage caused to the Employee: . (specification of liability, but not lower than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws) 9.3. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employee for damage caused to the Employer: . (specification of responsibility, but not higher than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws) 10. Duration of the agreement 10.1. This agreement comes into force on the date of its official signing by the Employee and the Employer and is valid until its termination on the grounds established by law. 10.2. The date of signing of this agreement is the date indicated at the beginning of this agreement. eleven.

Limited Liability Company "Beta"
LLC "Beta"





Limited Liability Company "Beta", hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", represented byGeneral Director Petrov Alexander Ivanovich, acting his based charter, on the one hand, andMikhalkov Sergey Sergeevich, we call thhereinafter the “Employee”, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this employment agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows:


1.1. The Employer instructs, and the Employee assumes, the performance of labor duties according to

vehicle repair mechanic positionsin the transport department.
1.2. This Agreement governs labor and directly related relations between the Employee and the Employer.
1.3. Work under this Agreement is for the Employeebasic.
1.4. The Employee's place of work isLLC "Beta".
!} 1.5. In order to verify the suitability of the position held, the Employee is subject to a three-month trial.
1.6. The period of temporary disability of the Employee and other periods when he was actually absent from work are not included in the probationary period.
1.7. During the trial period, this Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of either Party with a warning to the other Party three days before the termination of this Agreement.

Working conditions at the Employee’s workplace –acceptable (class 2).


2.1. The employee undertakes to begin performing his work duties with

3 октября 2016 г.!}
2.2. This Agreement is concluded onindefinite term.


3.1. For the performance of labor duties provided for in this Agreement, the Employee is paid a salary that includes:

Official salary">3.1.1. Official salaryin the amount of 30,000 (Thirty thousand) rubles per month.
Compensation payments(additional payments for work on weekends and holidays, overtime work), which are accrued and paid to the Employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the Regulations on the remuneration of employees.
3.1.3. Incentive payments (quarterly, annual and one-time bonuses), which are accrued and paid to the Employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the Regulations on bonus payments to employees."> 3.1.2. Compensation payments (additional payments for work on weekends and holidays, overtime work), which are accrued and paid to the Employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the Regulations on the remuneration of employees.
3.1.3. Incentive payments (quarterly, annual and one-time bonuses), which are accrued and paid to the Employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the Regulations on bonus payments to employees.
3.2. Salary is paid to the Employee within the following terms: for the first half of the month (advance) –
20th of the current month, for the second half of the month –5th of next month.
The advance is paid taking into account the actual time worked, but not less1000 (One thousand) rubles.
The Employee's salary is paid by issuing cash dstv in k Employer's assessment. At the request of the Employee, it is allowed to pay wages in non-cash form by transferring it to the bank account specified by the Employee.
3.3. Deductions may be made from the Employee's salary in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. The worker performs

following job responsibilities: !}
– repairs the chassis of cars of various modifications;
– repairs and washes internal combustion engines of cars;
– washes the injectors of injection engines of cars;
– repairs car gearboxes;
– repairs fuel equipment(diesel, gasoline);
– repairs automobile systems: ABS (anti-lock braking system), ESP ( electronic system dynamic vehicle stabilization), ASR (traction control), etc.;
– repairs components and assemblies of cars;
– regulates wheel alignment of cars using special equipment;
- other
job responsibilities provided for Job description252-DI from 02.11.2011 .


5.1. The employee is given a working week of

five days With twoon weekends -Saturday and Sunday. Time and duration of breaks for rest and nutritioncomply with the internal labor regulations applicable to the Employerdaily work The employee is "> .
5.2. The duration of the Employee's daily work is
eight hours. In this case, the Employee is establishedirregular working hours. Under the terms of this regime, an employee may, if necessary, be occasionally involved in performing work duties outside the established working hours.
5.3. The employee is granted annual basic paid leave of28 (twenty eight)calendar days th and annual additional paid leave for irregular working hours lasting three calendar daysovertime work in cases and in the manner provided for by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation."> .
5.4. For family reasons and other valid reasons, the Employee may be granted leave without pay based on his written application. The duration of this vacation is determined by agreement of the Parties.
5.5. An employee may be required to work on weekends and non-working holidays, and to work overtime in cases and in the manner provided for by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The employee has the right:

6.1.1. To provide him with work stipulated by this Agreement.
6.1.2. Timely and full payment of wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.
6.1.3. Rest, including paid annual leave, weekly days off, non-working holidays.
6.1.4. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.
6.1.5. The employee has other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation andother regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations of the Employer.

6.2. The employee is obliged:

6.2.1. Conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by this Agreement, the Job Description, and other local regulations of the Employer, with which he was familiarized with his signature.
6.2.2. Carry out orders, instructions and assignments in good faith and in a timely mannerHead of the transport department of Beta LLC, comply with established labor standards, comply with the internal labor regulations adopted by the Employer, with which he was familiarized with his signature.
6.2.3. Maintain labor discipline.
6.2.4. Treat with care the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees.
6.2.5. Use the equipment, tools, documents, and materials assigned to him for work correctly and for the intended purpose.
6.2.6. Comply with the requirements for labor protection and occupational safety, occupational safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety, with which he was familiarized with his signature.
6.2.7. Report immediatelyGeneral Director of Beta LLCand to your immediate supervisor (head of transport department) about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer’s property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).
6.2.8. The list of other labor responsibilities of the Employee is determined by the current legislation, the Job Description, as well as local regulations of the Employer, with which the Employee was familiarized with his signature.


7.1. The employer has the right:

7.1.1. Encourage the Employee for conscientious and effective work.
7.1.2. Require the Employee to fulfill the job duties specified in this Agreement, the Job Description, to take care of the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties owned by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees, to comply with the provisions of the current from the Employer of local regulations, with which the Employee was familiarized with signature.
7.1.3. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.1.4. Take in established by law in accordance with local regulations.
7.1.5. Exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, and local regulations of the Employer.

7.2. The employer is obliged:

7.2.1. Comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, local regulations of the Employer, and the terms of this Agreement.
7.2.2. Provide the Employee with work stipulated by this Agreement.
7.2.3. Provide the Employee with a workplace, equipment, tools, documentation, reference and information materials and other means necessary for the proper performance of his job duties.
7.2.4. Ensure the safety of the Employee’s work and working conditions that comply with state regulatory labor protection requirements.
7.2.5. Timely and in full pay the salary due to the Employee within the time limits established by the Internal Labor Regulations and this Agreement.
7.2.6. News to the Employee work book in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.
7.2.7. Process the Employee’s personal data and ensure their protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the Employer.
7.2.8. Introduce the Employee, against signature, to the adopted local regulations directly related to his work activity.
7.2.9. Provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to the performance of his job duties.
7.2.10. Insure the Employee under compulsory social insurance in the manner established by the federal laws of the Russian Federation.
7.2.11. Perform other duties provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, local regulations, agreements and this Agreement.


8.1. The employee is subject to compulsory social insurance (compulsory pension insurance, compulsory medical insurance, compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases) in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

social package workers."> 8.2. An employee has the right to additional insurance (voluntary medical insurance) under the conditions and in the manner established by the Regulations on the social package of employees.


9.1. For the period of validity of this Agreement, the Employee is subject to guarantees and compensations provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, local regulations of the Employer and agreements of the Parties.


10.1. In case of failure or improper performance by the Employee of his labor duties without good reason, violation of labor legislation, the provisions of the local regulations in force at the Employer, with which the Employee was familiarized with signature, as well as damage to the Employer material damage The employee bears disciplinary, financial and other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The Employee is financially liable both for direct actual damage directly caused by him to the Employer, and for damage incurred by the Employer as a result of compensation for damage to third parties caused through the fault of the Employee.
10.3. The employer bears financial and other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


11.1. The grounds for termination of this Agreement are:

11.1.1. Agreement of the Parties.
11.1.2. Termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the Employee. In this case, the Employee is obliged to notify the Employer about this in writing. later than two weeks before the expected date of termination of this Agreement. Flow specified period begins the next day after the Employer receives the Employee’s resignation letter.
11.1.3. Termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the Employer (in cases and in the manner provided for by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation).
11.1.4. Other grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. The day of dismissal of the Employee is the last day of his work, except for cases provided for by law.


12.1. This Agreement comes into force on

the moment of its signing by both Parties.
All changes and additions to this Agreement are formalized by bilateral written agreements of the Parties.
12.2. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies, each having the same legal force, one of which is kept by the Employer, and the other by the Employee.
12.3. If a dispute arises between the Parties, it shall be resolved through direct negotiations between the Employer and the Employee. If the dispute between the Parties is not resolved through negotiations, it will be resolved in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
12.4. In all other respects that are not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, as well as local regulations of the Employer.

Before signing this Agreement, the Employee is familiarized with the following local regulations of the Employer:

____________________________________ "__" __________ 200_ (name of the place of conclusion of the contract) _________________________________________________, located at the address: (name of the legal entity) _______________________________________________________, registered (address) __________________________________________________________________________, (name of the registering authority, date, number of the registration decision) represented by the general director _________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as "Employer", on the one hand, and ____________________________, (full name) hereinafter referred to as "Employee", on the other hand, entered into an agreement on the following.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. An employee is hired as a mechanic.

1.2. This agreement is an agreement (underline as appropriate):

at the main place of work;

at the same time.

2. Duration of the contract

2.1. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.

2.2. The employee undertakes to begin fulfilling the duties provided for in clause 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement, ____________________________. (indicate start date of work) 2.3. This agreement establishes a probationary period of __________________________________________________________________________. (duration of probationary period, but not more than 3 months)

3. Rights and obligations of the Employee

3.1. The employee has the right to:

3.1.1. Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract.

3.1.2. A workplace that meets the conditions provided for state standards organization and labor safety and collective agreement.

3.1.3. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3.1.4. Protection of personal data.

3.1.5. Duration of working hours in accordance with current legislation.

3.1.6. Time relax.

3.1.7. Payment and labor regulation.

3.1.8. Receipt of wages and other amounts due to the Employee on time (in case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days - suspension of work for the entire period until payment of the delayed amount with written notification to the Employer, except for the cases provided for in Article 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.1.9. Guarantees and compensations.

3.1.10. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

3.1.11. Labor protection.

3.1.12. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.1.13. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement.

3.1.14. Conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements.

3.1.15. Protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.

3.1.16. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.1.17. Compensation for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.1.18. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (other rights in accordance with current legislation)

3.2. The employee is obliged:

3.2.1. Ensure trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their proper operation, timely high-quality repairs and maintenance, carrying out work on its modernization and increasing the cost-effectiveness of equipment repair services.

3.2.2. Carry out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop.

3.2.3. Organize the preparation of calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, applications for centralized implementation of major repairs, for obtaining materials, spare parts, tools, etc. necessary for scheduled maintenance and routine repairs, drawing up passports for equipment, specifications for spare parts and other technical documentation.

3.2.4. Participate in the acceptance and installation of new equipment, carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, modernization and replacement of ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, and the introduction of means of mechanization of heavy manual and labor-intensive work.

3.2.5. Organize accounting of all types of equipment, as well as those that have spent their depreciation period and obsolete ones, and prepare documents for their write-off.

3.2.6. Study the operating conditions of equipment, individual parts and assemblies in order to identify the causes of their premature wear, analyze the causes and duration of downtime associated with the technical condition of the equipment.

3.2.7. Develop and implement progressive methods for repairing and restoring components and parts of mechanisms, as well as measures to increase the service life of equipment, reduce downtime and increase shifts, prevent accidents and industrial injuries, reduce labor intensity and cost of repairs, and improve its quality.

3.2.8. Prepare lifting mechanisms and other objects of state supervision for presentation to state supervision authorities.

3.2.9. Provide technical management of the lubricant and emulsion industry, introduce progressive standards for the consumption of lubricants and cleaning materials, and organize the regeneration of used oils.

3.2.10. Participate in checking workshop equipment for technical accuracy, in establishing optimal operating modes for equipment that facilitate its effective use, in developing instructions for technical operation, lubrication and care of equipment, and for the safe conduct of repair work.

3.2.11. Consider rationalization proposals and inventions related to the repair and modernization of equipment, give conclusions on them, and ensure the implementation of accepted proposals.

3.2.12. Organize records of the repair and modernization of equipment, monitor their quality, as well as the correct use of material resources allocated for these purposes.

3.2.13. Ensure compliance with labor safety rules and regulations, environmental safety requirements during repair work.

3.2.14. Manage employees of enterprise departments who repair equipment and maintain it in working condition.

3.3. The employee must know:

3.3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures.

3.3.2. Organization of repair service at the enterprise.

3.3.3. A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment.

3.3.4. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise.

3.3.5. Technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment.

3.3.6. Organization and technology of repair work.

3.3.7. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment.

3.3.8. Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products.

3.3.9. The procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation.

3.3.10. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair.

3.3.11. Organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities.

3.3.12. Requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

3.3.13. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance at the enterprise.

3.3.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

3.3.15. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.3.16. Fundamentals of environmental legislation.

3.3.17. Labor protection rules and regulations.

3.4. The employee must have a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years.

4. Rights and obligations of the Employer

4.1. The employer has the right:

4.1.1. Conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements.

4.1.2. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.

4.1.3. Demand that the Employee fulfill his job duties and take care of the property of the Employer and other employees, and comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization.

4.1.4. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

4.1.5. Adopt local regulations.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (other rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, collective agreements, agreements)

4.2. The employer is obliged:

4.2.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, terms of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts.

4.2.2. Ensure labor safety and conditions that meet occupational safety and health requirements.

4.2.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.

4.2.4. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee within the terms established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations of the organization, and this agreement.

4.2.5. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

4.2.6. Compensate for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, as well as compensate for moral damage in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Guarantees and compensations

5.1. The Employee is fully covered by the benefits and guarantees established by law and local regulations.

5.2. Damage caused to the Employee by injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of his work duties is subject to compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Work and rest schedule

6.1. The employee is obliged to perform labor duties provided for in clause 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement, during the time established in accordance with the internal labor regulations, as well as during other periods of time that, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, relate to the worker time.

6.2. The employee is assigned a 40-hour work week with a standardized working day.

6.3. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with time to rest in accordance with current legislation, namely:

Breaks during the working day (shift);

Daily (between shifts) leave;

Weekends (weekly continuous vacation);

Non-working holidays;

6.4. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with annual paid leave of duration:

Basic vacation ____________ calendar days (at least 28 days);

Additional leave _____________________ days.

7. Terms of payment

7.1. The Employer is obliged to pay the Employee in accordance with laws, other regulations, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and the employment contract.

7.2. This agreement establishes the following salary amount: __________________________________________________________________________. 7.3. Payment of wages is made in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles). 7.4. The Employer is obliged to pay wages directly to the Employee within the following terms: __________________________________________________________________________. (specify the period, but not less than every six months)

7.5. The Employer is obliged to pay wages to the Employee (underline as appropriate):

At the place where he performs the work;

By transfer to the bank account specified by the Employee.

8. Types and conditions of social insurance

8.1. The Employer is obliged to provide social insurance to the Employee as provided for by current legislation.

8.2. Types and conditions of social insurance directly related to work: __________________________________________________________________________. 8.3. This agreement establishes the obligation of the Employer to also provide the following types of additional insurance for the Employee: __________________________________________________________________________.

9. Responsibility of the parties

9.1. The party to the employment contract who caused damage to the other party shall compensate for this damage in accordance with current legislation.

9.2. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employer for damage caused to the Employee: __________________________________________________________________________. (specification of responsibility, but not lower than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws) 9.3. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employee for damage caused to the Employer: __________________________________________________________________________. (specification of responsibility, but not higher than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws)

10. Duration of the contract

10.1. This agreement comes into force on the date of its official signing by the Employee and the Employer and is valid until its termination on the grounds established by law.

10.2. The date of signing of this agreement is the date indicated at the beginning of this agreement.

11. Dispute resolution procedure

Disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this agreement are resolved in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

____________________________________ "__" __________ 200_ (name of the place of conclusion of the contract) _________________________________________________, located at the address: (name of the legal entity) _______________________________________________________, registered (address) __________________________________________________________________________, (name of the registering authority, date, number of the registration decision) represented by the general director _________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as "Employer", on the one hand, and ____________________________, (full name) hereinafter referred to as "Employee", on the other hand, entered into an agreement on the following.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. An employee is hired as a mechanic.

1.2. This agreement is an agreement (underline as appropriate):

at the main place of work;

at the same time.

2. Duration of the contract

2.1. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.

2.2. The employee undertakes to begin fulfilling the duties provided for in clause 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement, ____________________________. (indicate start date of work) 2.3. This agreement establishes a probationary period of __________________________________________________________________________. (duration of probationary period, but not more than 3 months)

3. Rights and obligations of the Employee

3.1. The employee has the right to:

3.1.1. Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract.

3.1.2. A workplace that meets the conditions provided for by state standards of organization and labor safety and the collective agreement.

3.1.3. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3.1.4. Protection of personal data.

3.1.5. Duration of working hours in accordance with current legislation.

3.1.6. Time relax.

3.1.7. Payment and labor regulation.

3.1.8. Receipt of wages and other amounts due to the Employee on time (in case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days - suspension of work for the entire period until payment of the delayed amount with written notification to the Employer, except for the cases provided for in Article 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.1.9. Guarantees and compensations.

3.1.10. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

3.1.11. Labor protection.

3.1.12. Association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.1.13. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement.

3.1.14. Conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements.

3.1.15. Protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.

3.1.16. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.1.17. Compensation for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.1.18. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (other rights in accordance with current legislation)

3.2. The employee is obliged:

3.2.1. Ensure trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their proper operation, timely high-quality repairs and maintenance, carrying out work on its modernization and increasing the cost-effectiveness of equipment repair services.

3.2.2. Carry out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop.

3.2.3. Organize the preparation of calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, applications for centralized implementation of major repairs, for obtaining materials, spare parts, tools, etc. necessary for scheduled maintenance and routine repairs, drawing up passports for equipment, specifications for spare parts and other technical documentation.

3.2.4. Participate in the acceptance and installation of new equipment, carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, modernization and replacement of ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, and the introduction of means of mechanization of heavy manual and labor-intensive work.

3.2.5. Organize accounting of all types of equipment, as well as those that have spent their depreciation period and obsolete ones, and prepare documents for their write-off.

3.2.6. Study the operating conditions of equipment, individual parts and assemblies in order to identify the causes of their premature wear, analyze the causes and duration of downtime associated with the technical condition of the equipment.

3.2.7. Develop and implement progressive methods for repairing and restoring components and parts of mechanisms, as well as measures to increase the service life of equipment, reduce downtime and increase shifts, prevent accidents and industrial injuries, reduce labor intensity and cost of repairs, and improve its quality.

3.2.8. Prepare lifting mechanisms and other objects of state supervision for presentation to state supervision authorities.

3.2.9. Provide technical management of the lubricant and emulsion industry, introduce progressive standards for the consumption of lubricants and cleaning materials, and organize the regeneration of used oils.

3.2.10. Participate in checking workshop equipment for technical accuracy, in establishing optimal operating modes for equipment that facilitate its effective use, in developing instructions for technical operation, lubrication and care of equipment, and for the safe conduct of repair work.

3.2.11. Consider rationalization proposals and inventions related to the repair and modernization of equipment, give conclusions on them, and ensure the implementation of accepted proposals.

3.2.12. Organize records of the repair and modernization of equipment, monitor their quality, as well as the correct use of material resources allocated for these purposes.

3.2.13. Ensure compliance with labor safety rules and regulations, environmental safety requirements during repair work.

3.2.14. Manage employees of enterprise departments who repair equipment and maintain it in working condition.

3.3. The employee must know:

3.3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures.

3.3.2. Organization of repair service at the enterprise.

3.3.3. A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment.

3.3.4. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise.

3.3.5. Technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment.

3.3.6. Organization and technology of repair work.

3.3.7. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment.

3.3.8. Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products.

3.3.9. The procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation.

3.3.10. Rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair.

3.3.11. Organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities.

3.3.12. Requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

3.3.13. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance at the enterprise.

3.3.14. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

3.3.15. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.3.16. Fundamentals of environmental legislation.

3.3.17. Labor protection rules and regulations.

3.4. The employee must have a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years.

4. Rights and obligations of the Employer

4.1. The employer has the right:

4.1.1. Conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements.

4.1.2. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.

4.1.3. Demand that the Employee fulfill his job duties and take care of the property of the Employer and other employees, and comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization.

4.1.4. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

4.1.5. Adopt local regulations.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (other rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, collective agreements, agreements)

4.2. The employer is obliged:

4.2.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, terms of the collective agreement, agreements and employment contracts.

4.2.2. Ensure labor safety and conditions that meet occupational safety and health requirements.

4.2.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.

4.2.4. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee within the terms established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations of the organization, and this agreement.

4.2.5. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

4.2.6. Compensate for harm caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, as well as compensate for moral damage in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Guarantees and compensations

5.1. The Employee is fully covered by the benefits and guarantees established by law and local regulations.

5.2. Damage caused to the Employee by injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of his work duties is subject to compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Work and rest schedule

6.1. The employee is obliged to perform labor duties provided for in clause 1.1, paragraph 3 of this agreement, during the time established in accordance with the internal labor regulations, as well as during other periods of time that, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, relate to the worker time.

6.2. The employee is assigned a 40-hour work week with a standardized working day.

6.3. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with time to rest in accordance with current legislation, namely:

Breaks during the working day (shift);

Daily (between shifts) leave;

Weekends (weekly continuous vacation);

Non-working holidays;


6.4. The Employer is obliged to provide the Employee with annual paid leave of duration:

Basic vacation ____________ calendar days (at least 28 days);

Additional leave _____________________ days.

7. Terms of payment

7.1. The Employer is obliged to pay the Employee in accordance with laws, other regulations, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and the employment contract.

7.2. This agreement establishes the following salary amount: __________________________________________________________________________. 7.3. Payment of wages is made in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles). 7.4. The Employer is obliged to pay wages directly to the Employee within the following terms: __________________________________________________________________________. (specify the period, but not less than every six months)

7.5. The Employer is obliged to pay wages to the Employee (underline as appropriate):

At the place where he performs the work;

By transfer to the bank account specified by the Employee.

8. Types and conditions of social insurance

8.1. The Employer is obliged to provide social insurance to the Employee as provided for by current legislation.

8.2. Types and conditions of social insurance directly related to work: __________________________________________________________________________. 8.3. This agreement establishes the obligation of the Employer to also provide the following types of additional insurance for the Employee: __________________________________________________________________________.

9. Responsibility of the parties

9.1. The party to the employment contract who caused damage to the other party shall compensate for this damage in accordance with current legislation.

9.2. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employer for damage caused to the Employee: __________________________________________________________________________. (specification of responsibility, but not lower than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws) 9.3. This agreement establishes the following liability of the Employee for damage caused to the Employer: __________________________________________________________________________. (specification of responsibility, but not higher than provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws)

10. Duration of the contract

10.1. This agreement comes into force on the date of its official signing by the Employee and the Employer and is valid until its termination on the grounds established by law.

10.2. The date of signing of this agreement is the date indicated at the beginning of this agreement.

11. Dispute resolution procedure

Disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this agreement are resolved in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Moscow "___" __________ 201_.

Open Joint-Stock Company“_______________________”, hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, represented by ___________________________, acting on the basis of _______________________________, on the one hand, and citizen ________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Employee” on the other hand, have entered into this fixed-term employment contract, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, about the following:

1. Subject of the employment contract
1.1. The employer instructs and the employee undertakes to perform work in the position of chief mechanic of the Company.
1.2. Validity period of a fixed-term employment contract
1.2.1. Beginning - “___” __________ 201_.
1.2.2. Ending - “___” __________ 201_.
1.3. By agreement of the parties, the employment contract is fixed-term.
1.4. Probation: 3 months.
1.5. Work under this fixed-term employment contract is the Employee’s main place of work.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties
2.1. The employee has the right to:
2.1.1. conclusion, amendment and termination of a fixed-term employment contract in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by-laws, and local regulations;
2.1.2. providing him with work stipulated by this fixed-term employment contract;
2.1.3. timely and full payment of wages in accordance with their qualifications;
2.1.4. rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain categories of workers.
2.1.5. Other rights of the Employee are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by-laws, and local regulations.
2.1.6. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
2.1.7. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual orders by his subordinate department.
2.1.8. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Chief Mechanic.
2.2. The employer has the right:
2.2.1. Conclude, amend and terminate a fixed-term employment contract with the Employee in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by-laws, and local regulations.
2.2.2. Encourage the Employee for conscientious work.
2.2.3. Demand that the Employee fulfill his job duties and take care of the Employer’s property, comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, by-laws, and local regulations.
2.2.4. Bring to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.2.5. For improper performance by the Employee of his duties, apply the following measures to him: comment; rebuke; dismissal, including on the grounds provided for in a fixed-term employment contract.
2.2.6. Other rights of the Employer are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by-laws, and local regulations.
2.3. Employer's obligations:
2.3.1. Provide the Employee with work according to the specified labor function.
2.3.2. Ensure proper Technical equipment all workplaces and create working conditions in them that comply with uniform intersectoral and sectoral rules on labor protection, sanitary standards and rules, developed and approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.3.3. Inform the Employee about labor conditions and safety in the workplace, about the significant risk of damage to health, the required compensation and personal protective equipment.
2.3.4. Create the necessary conditions for the Employee to successfully fulfill his obligations.
2.3.5. Ensure timely payment to the Employee of wages, allowances, benefits and other payments in cash.
2.3.6. Provide the necessary qualification level Employee, advanced training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the prospects for the development of the enterprise.
2.3.7. Provide the Employee with working conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, necessary for effective work.
2.3.7. Implement compulsory social insurance and social Security An employee in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.3.8. Know regulatory, methodological and other materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products; organization of repair service at the enterprise; procedure and methods for planning equipment operation and carrying out repair work; A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment; production capacity, specifications, design features, purpose and operating modes of the enterprise equipment, rules of its operation; methods of installation and repair of equipment, organization and technology of repair work; the procedure for compiling lists of defects, passports, albums of drawings of spare parts, operating instructions for equipment and other technical documentation; rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after repair; requirements for rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment and repair equipment; advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance of the enterprise; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.
2.4. Employee Obligations:
2.4.1. Start performing your job duties from the date specified in clause 1.1. this fixed-term employment contract.
2.4.2. Perform the work assigned to him in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, efficiently and on time.
2.4.3. Promptly notify the Employer's administration of the impossibility, for good reasons, to perform the work stipulated by a fixed-term employment contract.
2.4.4. Comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise, individual plan work, production and technological discipline, safety regulations and other local regulations.
2.4.5. Do not disclose information about the Employer that has become known to the Employee in connection with the performance of his or her duties. labor function and which are a trade secret of the Employer.
2.4.6. Ensure high efficiency of work performed.
2.4.7. Systematically improve your skill level.


All standard form and a sample fixed-term employment contract with a chief mechanic is available for free download in the form attached form version of the document.