Amazing business ideas. Business ideas. Long and original: business idea for growing palm trees

According to sociological surveys and studies, from 23% to 39% of Russians want to open their own business, but less than 3% of respondents plan to do this in the next 3 years. The Yandex search engine monthly records more than 200 thousand requests for “business ideas” from its users who are looking not for simple well-known options, but for ideas for non-standard projects. These are the ones we will talk about.


Create own business many people dream, but before the idea takes off, you have to try a bunch of options, some of which sometimes turn out to be not profitable, but unprofitable due to high competition, an incorrectly calculated business plan, seasonality, slow payback and other factors.

If with standard types business, although in demand, such as grocery stores, shoe stores, car service centers of various formats, as a rule, have to survive in conditions of fierce competition, then unusual business ideas can ensure the conduct of business in conditions of minimal or no competition.

Moneymaker Factory has prepared a review of 7 unusual ideas for business with brief description from idea to implementation.

Hotel for animals

Due to the spread of tourism, the pet boarding business is gaining popularity. Abroad, pet hotels are commonplace. If they need to go on vacation or on a business trip, owners of four-legged friends don’t even think of asking relatives to look after their pet. He is simply placed in the appropriate institution.

According to the Expert North-West publishing house, every third family in Russia owns a cat, and in terms of the number of domestic dogs (there are more than 10 million), our country ranks first in Europe and fifth in the world. The first four belong to the USA, Brazil, China and Japan respectively.

In the UK, a luxury cat hotel was opened in Lymington in 2014. The tailed guests are given king prawns for breakfast, they live in luxurious rooms, there are even personal drivers, and Skype conferences are organized with the owners. A week of keeping a four-legged friend at this hotel costs owners £250.

Rosatom investment manager Andrei Pushkin, who had long dreamed of changing his career, came up with the idea of ​​opening a hotel for cats after he could not find a suitable establishment to house his cat Fani during the period of his planned departure for the New Year holidays.

This is how the Sir Cat Hotel appeared. Having rented an area of ​​100 sq. m., the entrepreneur placed there 15 tempered glass boxes with an area of ​​2.3 square meters. m by 2.1 sq. m. They contain all the necessary attributes for a comfortable stay for mustachioed pets: shelves, bowls, beds, scratching posts; in some boxes, video surveillance systems are installed so that the owners can see their furry friends.

Thus, the starting investment amounted to 1.8 million rubles. (rent of premises, equipment of boxes, advertising, installation of video surveillance, etc.), average bill - from 4 thousand rubles. (the cost of a room for a cat in 2015 per day averaged 550 rubles), monthly revenue was 300 thousand rubles, profit - 80 thousand rubles. The staff consists of three people: 2 cats and Pushkin himself.

In 2015, the net profit of the hotel for cats amounted to almost 1 million rubles. with revenue of 3.6 million rubles. As of 2016, 3 Sir Cat hotels have already been opened in Moscow and two more are planned to open.

Production of facing tiles from glass waste

The essence of this creative business idea is as follows: facing tiles are made from glass waste, the cost per 1 sq. m, which is 30-70 rubles. Selling price 300-450 rubles. When manufactured according to individual orders, the price increases to 600 rubles. for 1 sq. m. For comparison, the price of imported European tiles is 900-1500 rubles.

Production technology: glass scraps are crushed into small fractions, a binder (polyester resin) and dyes of the desired color are added. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and placed in a vacuum unit. The hardened tiles (and they harden within a couple of hours) are not inferior in appearance and quality to Italian and Austrian ones.

The cost of the equipment (at first you can use a mechanical crusher) is about 10 thousand rubles, and reusable forms cost an average of 200 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, you will need a vacuum unit to remove air bubbles. For production 300-400 sq. m of tiles per month requires a room of 18-20 square meters. m. and a small warehouse.

90% of the materials are cullet; its supply can be negotiated with glass factories and workshops for the production of glass products. The owners of such organizations will only be happy to receive free waste removal.

Self-service laundry

The essence of the idea: organizing the opportunity for the population to wash their own things, including large items: rugs, blankets, down jackets, in a place specially equipped for this.

We will talk about the implementation of this business idea using the example of the experience of entrepreneurs Oleg Maslennikov and Pavel Glushenkov, who founded the Express Laundry network of self-service launderettes. The first point was opened by Maslennikov in Krasnodar. In 2016, a network of laundries was opened in Moscow.

This is what the economy of a self-service laundry looks like in Moscow, located on Vernadsky Avenue in a 50 sq. m. premises. m. (see Fig. 2)

total amount The initial investment amounted to 3 million 950 thousand rubles, including the largest start-up costs related to the purchase of equipment: washing and drying machines, their purchase cost 3.5 million rubles. It took 400 thousand rubles to renovate the premises, and 50 thousand - advertising costs.

Average monthly gross profit is 350 thousand rubles, from which the following costs are deducted: rent - 45 thousand rubles, communal payments— 35 thousand rubles, purchase of household chemicals — 70 thousand rubles, wage administrator - 35 thousand rubles, other expenses (administrative, management, maintaining the cleanliness of the premises) - 18 thousand rubles. Tax under the simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% of income - 21 thousand rubles.

Total, net profit per month is 120 thousand rubles.

Health capsule

The essence of the idea: providing health services using a health capsule. One session of being in such a capsule for 25 minutes is equivalent to four hours of deep healthy sleep. Normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relieves fatigue, normalizes the functioning of all systems and organs of the human body.

To organize a business you will need:

  • purchase equipment - the capsule itself;
  • rent a small space at a spa salon, beauty salon, fitness center, gym, clinic;
  • organize advertising campaign to attract clients.

One session in such a capsule costs on average from 300 to 600 rubles.

With an eight-hour working day, you can receive up to 25 visitors per day.

Textile design business

This original business the idea can bring big profits. However, it is suitable for creative individuals interested in fashion and design. The idea is to create unusual, unique designs, then print them on fabric and sell them at international exhibitions.

We’ll tell you how such a business works using the example of a project implemented by Muscovite Alexandra Kaloshina. She owned a tailoring studio and periodically attended European textile design exhibitions. When she got the idea to create her own design, she applied to participate in the Premiere Vision exhibition in Paris. Of the 200 samples she brought, she managed to sell almost all of them.

A sample is brought to the exhibition - a fabric on which an image and a file with a design are printed. The selling price of one sample ranges from $120 per design for India and up to 220 € for Europe.

Currently, Kaloshina’s company not only sells designer images, but also scarves with these designs under the Radical Chic brand.

Entrepreneurs come up with all sorts of things to lure customers and make a good profit: they tattoo their teeth, produce coffins in the shape of guitars, and paint portraits with amino acids. But, interestingly, sometimes the most absurd ideas after some time turn out to be the most popular and relevant.

    • Virtual lunches - best recipe from loneliness
    • Business ideas in Europe
    • Business ideas from the USA

Thus, the incompetent salesman Frank Woolworth, who, shaking with fear, first placed price tags on goods, became the creator of the largest retail network last century. Perhaps the top business ideas presented on our website will help you come up with your own business or occupy a new niche in the market.

Virtual dinners are the best recipe for loneliness

This conclusion was reached by Seo-Yun Park from South Korea, deciding to start broadcasting their dinners online. Dining on the Internet has proven to be quite popular.

In the modern world, where not every person has time to go to restaurants and meet new people, having lunch with a virtual interlocutor helps you to believe in yourself and get the joy of communication.

The business idea of ​​virtual lunches itself is not new. Back in 2006, the Virtual Family Dinner system was invented in the USA, thanks to which members of the same family could meet during online dining as often as they wanted.

But a meal with beautiful girl breaks all records. Seo-Yun earns up to $10,000 a week from his business.

Business ideas in Europe

Hair salon for... the soul

...and not just to get a haircut or shave, say the owners of the Parisian salons for men “Sport” and “Politics”, where clients come to use the services of a barber, and at the same time chat about topics that interest them. This two-in-one service is one of the quite profitable business ideas. It is so in demand that there are often queues at the salons.

You can talk with a hairdresser about the most ordinary everyday topics: about how your wife doesn’t look after the children, your mother-in-law demanding a change of job, or how expensive it is to repair a car that was involved in an accident. The opportunity to unwind your soul is not cheap, but the price does not bother salon clients who are tired of problems or loneliness.

Compliments for money

...can be done by the Japanese company NTV if the client needs such a service. When things are going badly for you and you are disappointed in yourself, company representatives will call you and convince you otherwise, finding the most attractive qualities in you.

In addition, you can get advice on how best to reconcile with a friend, wife, girlfriend, or solve other pressing problems.

The firm's clients are mostly men between 16 and 25 years old who are willing to pay for help and support. A fairly simple business idea brings a decent income to the company.

Postcards to order

…is sent by the “May Day Card” greeting service, which has been a constant success in Germany for more than 10 years. If you want to brag to your friends about your vacation or work in the most remote corners of the planet, no problem. All you have to do is write a few words on a card and call the May Day Card employee.

You will only need to pay 20-30 dollars, and indicate from which place the postcard should be delivered: from Malta, from Rio de Janeiro or from Tokyo. Representatives of the service, which includes more than 20 people, including pilots and flight attendants, will send the postcard on time from the specified location. Such a business brings organizers up to 30 thousand dollars a month.

You can also work as... a wizard

...believes the administration of Europe's first school for witches and wizards, which opened in Austria. It is quite possible that the organizers of such an unusual school were influenced by D. Rolling’s books about Harry Potter, but, one way or another, the school exists in reality and has its own students.

The course of study includes six semesters. Upon completion, students will receive wizard diplomas.

It must be said that in Austria they repeated the experience of the American “Grey School of Magic” - the first school of magic in the world, where today more than 700 students study. It is unknown whether the profession they have acquired will be useful to students, but the school administration has a good income.

American business ideas from magic schools allow you to make good money all over the world. Entrepreneurs organize trips to empty castles, which they turn into schools of magic for a few days.

There are usually few places for those who want to learn to cast spells and fly on a broom, from 100 to 200, and tickets are not cheap. For example, spending 4 days in the Polish Czocha Castle costs 280 euros, and a wizard school for Muggles in the Jolibert Castle (France) costs several hundred euros.

Unusual Feng Shui site

...created by English entrepreneur Paul Darby, who believes that it is necessary to carry out fenshuization mobile phones. Those who visit the site are invited to fill out a form and receive advice on changing their lives in better side using your phone settings.

The service is not cheap, but it already unites 38 million people from different parts of the planet.

Grass Portraits

...were able to create the British Peter Ackroyd and Dana Harvey, who have been working on this idea since the 90s of the last century. It is based on photosynthesis.

A vertically positioned canvas with a lawn is placed in a dark room and a negative photograph is projected onto it. When the light turns on, the grass in well-lit areas turns yellow, but in others it remains dark.

Such European business ideas not only open new page in landscape design, but they allow you to create unusual walls, houses, and even furniture.

Calorie count

...available in some restaurants in Europe, where they are spreading quickly best business ideas. The restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) was the first to offer such a service. It consists of the fact that at the end of dinner the waiter brings a bill indicating the number of calories eaten.

For the stronger half of humanity, this fact will not be of great importance, but among girls who follow a diet, such a service is in great demand. And they are ready to pay extra for it.

Business ideas from the USA

SMS - to space

...decided to send two students from the USA and make a little money on this service. The scheme worked like this: those who wanted to communicate with the cosmic mind made a paid call to young businessmen, clearly pronouncing their message, and the guys, using a sensor they designed, sent this message into outer space.

No matter how crazy the business idea may seem at first glance, it allowed the students to earn about a million dollars.

Corn maze

...a farmer from America decided to build it for Halloween, believing that growing corn does not bring much income. The enterprising farmer was not mistaken in his assumptions. Not only local residents, but also tourists wanted to visit the unusual labyrinth. As a result, the farmer earned 100 thousand dollars in one night.

The idea of ​​a corn maze was picked up both in America and in Europe, and then in Russia, where the best business ideas in the world began to come. Domestic sites offer not only a business plan for the project, but also exciting quests that can be carried out in a corn maze.

Whiskers, paws and tails

...our smaller brothers do not allow entrepreneurs to remain without work. Not only are dog grooming salons very popular all over the world, but a new business has recently begun to exist in the United States. tail extensions for horses.

Despite the fact that this kind of American business idea seems strange, to say the least, the service is in demand among horse breeders and horse racers.

The fact is that the referees evaluate the length and thickness of the horse's tail. The cost of a hairpiece is on average $150, and you can purchase it in a special online store. Sellers claim that all tails are made from real horsehair. Typically, tail extension services are in high demand before racing.

Jokes on toilet paper

...should bring good profits, the company's founder, George Hemmerstoffer, believed. At the International Book Fair in Frankfurt, he was simply laughed at, which did not bother the entrepreneur and did not force him to abandon the idea.

Today, toilet paper with jokes, aphorisms and even romance novels is a huge success, especially among the ladies. This type of business is developing quite well in Europe.

Ideas for unusual entrepreneurship can take root in Russia. Considering that the Russian market for the production of sanitary papers is the fastest growing, some experts recommend starting the production of toilet paper with anecdotes here too. It has even been calculated that the average monthly profit from the production of such a product will be 450,000 rubles per month.

Doing what you love and making a good profit is the cherished desire of a beginning entrepreneur. Whether the enterprise will prosper depends on the right choice market niches and movement strategies, from an innovative approach to building a business model for an enterprise.

Home Business Ideas

For those who decide not to spend money on renting a room, you can look for ideas for home business.

  1. In your own apartment you can search for customers and cargo carriers, plan, and manage cargo flows. A taxi dispatcher is similar to this type of activity; to obtain more income, it is possible to combine two occupations.
  2. A good idea would be to provide advice from a lawyer, accountant, psychologist or tutoring. Providing online services via Skype will help you increase your earnings. Advertising on the Internet using social networks will help expand the regional reach of consumers and get customers not only from their own city, but also beyond its borders.
  3. During times of crisis, people strive to learn how to make things on their own, so you can organize handicraft courses: knitting and crocheting; embroidery; cutting and sewing; making leather souvenirs and soft children's toys.

Small business ideas with minimal investment

A highly profitable type of activity will be in the field innovative technologies, a business can become effective if it uses a non-standard approach to solving client problems. People with creative thinking can create startups with minimal investment. It is useful to consider ideas for small businesses:

  1. Current project in modern conditions is to provide financial advice to the population - people are interested in issues of rational use of funds, acquiring cheap loans, profitable investments money.
  2. A good option for a small business may be to create your own website for selling goods or providing services. It will be profitable to develop this project to generate more income, but a separate species earnings can come from the promotion and subsequent sale of a promoted portal. The advantage of this micro-business is that it is available to young people and the older generation in any region of Russia, Moscow and small town.
  3. Trading in financial markets will be a profitable activity. Trade binary options requires deep knowledge in the field of trading, low costs, but brings real income to experienced entrepreneurs and is a promising activity.

Business ideas for beginners with minimal investment

For people who are not ready to take risks and invest large sums of money, it is necessary to choose ideas for earning money with a minimum of costs or start a small business with small volumes and increase investments as income increases. I can recommend it to garage owners light business for beginning entrepreneurs.

  1. During the autumn and winter months of the year, fuel products become popular, so making briquettes from available wood waste is a great idea for a small business. The result of the activities of a small enterprise will be good profitability in the cold season; in the warm season, demand will be supported by the consumption of briquettes for picnics.
  2. The idea of ​​creating a private enterprise for breeding fur-bearing animals of rare valuable breeds - chinchillas - guarantees all-season demand for products. To run a small business, it is necessary to thermally insulate the walls, install air conditioners in the garage for ventilation and maintaining a stable temperature. Small animals do not require special care and a lot of food - just one worker can feed them.
  3. During a crisis, people prefer not to buy new goods, so sales of spare parts and used items increase. A promising activity in the garage could be refurbishment of used tires.

Business ideas from scratch

There is no need to despair for people who do not have start-up capital to start a business. Exist original ideas for small businesses to open a small business without investment:

  1. A small business from scratch can become promising if you start manufacturing garden furniture and home decor elements from available raw materials: rattan, willow twigs or used wood pallets. You can sell products to customers using a compiled catalog of finished products or carry out individual orders based on the client’s project.
  2. Growing, collecting and selling medicinal herbs to pharmaceutical companies is a good idea for starting a small business from scratch.
  3. Among people who care about their health, the services of a massage therapist and an individual fitness trainer are in demand, so work in this area will bring a stable income without investment.

Production ideas for small businesses

Those wishing to engage in entrepreneurship can be recommended to choose the manufacturing sector. Small businesses in this area are distinguished by large investments and high level profitability. To achieve success - to conquer the market and make a good profit, it is necessary to take care of the quality of products, therefore initial stage An entrepreneur needs to decide whether to buy inexpensive or high-tech equipment. For entrepreneurs who want to open profitable production for small businesses, ideas to consider:

  1. Opening a mill in an agricultural region would be relevant and profitable. The utilization of production capacity can be ensured by grinding grain purchased or received from the population.
  2. There will always be sales for mini-bakery products. Even in the residential area of ​​the city, freshly baked bakery products are sold well. To successfully run a small business, it is important to choose the right product range - both social varieties of baked goods and exclusive, branded ones must be on sale.
  3. The products of the factory producing pillows and blankets made from natural raw materials will be in demand.

What business to start

Before starting a business, it is necessary to analyze all the factors that may affect small business, and select promising ideas. Business will develop differently in a small town, a metropolis, in the city center, an office area, or a residential area. The success of an enterprise is influenced by the number of competitors and the degree of market coverage. All these conditions must be carefully studied and analyzed in order to choose the right idea for doing business.

3D printers for small businesses

A promising type of activity is small business with a 3D printer. T-shirts with 3D printing are in high demand. Of interest to consumers are wallpaper, ceramic, paving slabs with a printed 3D image. 3D printers are used to create jewelry; using the printer you can print plastic and other products.

Fish shop as a business

It is useful to consider the idea of ​​opening a fish store. A business plan for a fish store must foresee who will sell the products and what the assortment will be. You can attract a buyer:

  • excellent product quality;
  • high level of service and additional services, for example, gutting of fresh carp;
  • wide assortment: fresh, frozen fish, seafood, fish products.

Smoking as a business

A profitable offer for an entrepreneur would be home smoking as a business. The smokehouse can be used to craft wide range smoked animal and poultry meats, sausages. A good idea would be to expand the range of products by smoking fish and cheese. You can sell your products in your own store or deliver them to shops and restaurants.

Interesting franchises with minimal investment

People are willing to pay high price for the education and upbringing of children. This is an area where small business franchises can be beneficial. Good feedback about proven world methods for the development of children and for quickly learning languages ​​will guarantee the success of a new enterprise. Ideas for franchises should be looked for in the following areas:

Where to get money to open a small business

Begin entrepreneurial activity people are stopped by the question of where they can get money to start a business. To open a small business you can:

  • use your savings;
  • borrow from relatives or friends;
  • attract an investor or co-founder of a small business;
  • take out a cheap loan from a bank.

Video: ideas for small production.

Material formats

Materials are presented in the following formats:

  • Real business ideas are concentrated in success stories. This is not just speculation, but 100% real stories those entrepreneurs who have achieved success in their niche. They honestly talk “without cuts” about where they started, what methods they used, and what is especially worth emphasizing.
  • A unique format developed by the Moneymaker Factory is product ideas. Here we are considering a single product/product on which you can, if not “make” a fortune, then make decent money, for example, on start-up capital.
  • Cases with step-by-step and detailed analysis of fresh ideas, including methods of promotion and implementation on the market and a brief financial model.

Is it easy to start your own business?

No, it's not easy! That is why, in order to open your own business, make it successful, and, therefore, profitable, you need to calculate everything in detail, analyze your strengths and weak sides, understand what you understand inside and out.

A short algorithm for a successful path will look like this:

  1. Let's decide on a niche in which you consider yourself an expert (or at least an expert);
  2. Choose suitable business idea;
  3. Analyzing external environment(market capacity, level of competition);
  4. We choose the optimal form of business activity and taxation regime;
  5. We register activities in accordance with legal requirements.

How to choose your business idea from a variety and succeed

Now let’s look at the second point in more detail to understand how to choose the most popular and profitable business idea.

  • Expertise. Choose what is close to your spirit and what you feel like a professional at. A competent banking analyst can easily open a consulting firm, but will he be able to organize a successful Marriage Agency this is already a question.
  • Attachments. The amount of investment should be reasonable, so that in case of ruin, the loss of money does not become a tragedy for you and does not lead to the sale of your only apartment or kidney. Practice shows that if you violate this condition, then you will think about how not to lose the invested funds, and not about how to open a successful and profitable company. Therefore, almost all publications indicate sizes starting capital, and this point should not be overlooked.
  • Prospects. When choosing, soberly assess how fresh and promising the chosen idea is. Does it make sense to open a fast food outlet next to McDonald's, or a grocery store in close proximity to Magnit? It is better to choose a direction that will compare favorably with competitors, for example, with the same Magnit, an “eco-shop” can be very successful, and with “McDuck” an establishment focused on healthy eating.
  • Client flow. We recommend that you always consider target audience and location, because the format that worked perfectly in Moscow may not work in a small town or village, on the contrary. It is obvious that in an industrial area with big amount For enterprises, an elite beauty salon will look out of place, but a pub will be very profitable.
  • Legislation. Carefully study the regulations and regulations for the chosen niche to assess legal risks. Let’s say you want to open a hookah bar, and an analysis of legislative acts will tell you that there is a serious risk of tightening legislation in this area.

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