Exercises for training just believe in yourself. Corrective and developmental lesson with elements of the training “Believe in yourself. How we grow up

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 82"

municipality of the city of Bratsk


for beginning teachers

“Vocation teacher

or just believe in yourself"

Prepared by:

senior teacher

Bantsova E.V.

Target : development of self-knowledge, reflection in the group, formation of a positive emotional climate, personal and professional growth, knowledge of one’s untapped potential.


  • Provide participants with means of self-knowledge (self-observation, reflection, etc.).
  • Strengthen your self-esteem.
  • Develop the skills needed to act confidently.
  • Develop the skills necessary to positively deal with conflict situations.
  • Open up and become aware of your views and habits.

1. Exercise “Greetings”

Target: greeting the participants, energizing the group.

Progress of the exercise

Participants are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: “Europeans”, “Japanese” and “Africans”. Then each of the participants goes in a circle and greets everyone “in his own way”: “Europeans” shake hands, “Japanese” bow, “Africans” hug.

Issues for discussion:

  • Was it easy for you to do this exercise?
  • Which role were you most comfortable in and why?
  • In life, do you reciprocate when people greet you in a way that is unusual for you?
  • How do you feel about this?

We talked a lot about the methodological side of education - educational process, today I would like to talk to you about the emotional side of our profession. What, in your opinion, is the main quality of a teacher to achieve professional and personal goals? (participants' reasoning). For successful professional activity you need to be confident in yourself and your abilities.

Introduction: Self-confidence is a person’s experience of his capabilities, both adequate to the tasks that he faces in life, and to those that he sets for himself. Self-confidence in any type of activity occurs when a person’s self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) than real capabilities, self-confidence (self-doubt) occurs accordingly. Self-confidence can also become a stable personality quality. Self-doubt and self-confidence are often associated with negative emotional experiences that disrupt the course of a person’s mental development.

I invite you to show, feel, analyze this quality in the context of your own perception.

2. Exercise “I am strong – I am weak”

Target : help group members distinguish confident behavior from insecure ones, promote the development of self-confidence through role-playing.

Procedure : Participants break into pairs and stand opposite each other. The first participant in the pair extends his hand forward. The second participant in the pair tries to lower his partner’s hand by pressing on it from above. The first participant in the pair should try to hold his hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong.” Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says “I’m weak,” pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, i.e. quiet, sad. Try changing.

Questions: When was it easier for you to hold your hand: in the first or second case?

Why do you think?

How did you feel while doing this exercise?

What impact did the phrases “I am strong” and “I am weak” that you uttered have on completing the task?

3. Exercise “Drawing Me”

Target : expand self-image, self-knowledge.

Materials: pencils or markers, A4 paper.

Procedure : Taking pencils, or markers, paper, participants are located anywhere in the room. It is advisable that no one sits next to each other. On a piece of paper they have to draw their own image in an allegorical form as they imagine themselves. A certain time is given for drawing.

Instructions for participants: “You can draw whatever you want. It could be a picture of nature, a still life, an abstraction, a fantasy world, an action-packed situation, something in the style of a rebus, in general, anything, but with which you associate, connect, explain, compare yourself, your state of life, your nature.”

4.Exercise “I am a star”

Target : practicing skills of confident behavior.

Procedure: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a star that is significant to him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, President of Ukraine, fairy tale character, literary hero, etc.). Then he makes a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: he utters some phrase or shows some gesture that characterizes his star). The remaining participants try to guess the name of the “idol”.


  • Was it difficult for you to choose the role of a significant and famous star?
  • What are similar between you and the chosen star?
  • What feelings did you have during the presentation?
  • Did you try to show the star you chose in a way that others could understand?
  • Where was it easier, to show or to guess?

5. Exercise “Self-worth”

Target: positivization of self-concept.

Materials: paper, pencils, chairs.

Procedure: Each of us is valuable. We differ from each other in our individuality, personal achievements, goals and much more. We learn about our value from other people. Now you will need to take a sheet of paper and draw a circle in the center in which to write the letter “I”.

Now you can draw as many circles around this letter as you want, and in them you will write the names of those people who told you about your individuality and value. Draw arrows from each circle to your “I”. Use different colors to convey your feelings.

Now, please remember what all these people told you and write briefly next to the arrows pointing away from them.

You have a self-worth map.


  • What is self-worth?
  • What colors did you use to indicate the arrows going from others to you and why?

6. Exercise to lift your mood and relieve fatigue

Participants sit in a circle.

Presenter: “I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says 'elephant' on it, know that someone else has a card that also says 'elephant' on it."

“Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their match. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you just can’t say anything or make the characteristic sounds of “your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently.

When you find your match, stay close, but remain silent, do not talk over each other. Only when all the pairs are formed will we check what we have done.”

After all group members have found their pair, the leader asks each pair in turn: “Who are you?”

The exercise promotes the development of expressive behavior, encourages participants, on the one hand, to be attentive to the actions of others, and on the other hand, to look for means of self-expression that will be understood by others.

7. Exercise “Steps”

Purpose of the exercise : help participants build adequate self-esteem.

Participants are given a form with a ladder of 10 steps drawn on it. The instruction is given: “Draw yourself on the step where you think you are now.”

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

Steps 1-4 – self-esteem is low

Stage 5-7 – self-esteem is adequate

8-10 step – self-esteem is inflated

8. Exercise “Help Tree”

Target: specification of personal resources under stress, analysis of behavior options when exiting a state of stress; exchange of opinions, familiarization with other people's experience of dealing with stress.

Material: large leaf Whatman paper with a drawn tree with five branches - “Family”, “Pupils”, “Colleagues”, “ Workplace", "Activity/Creativity", pieces of paper, preferably in different colors, markers, glue stick.

Presenter: “We have already talked a lot about the fact that sometimes when professional development Difficulties arise that lead to stress, and how you can deal with it. Now let's move on to specifics regarding your own, experience-tested ways of dealing with stress. We all experience stress in all areas of our lives every day, but we continue to live. On the board you see five such spheres. Write on the cards how they help you fight stress and save yourself from burnout? What specifically (what action of yours or someone else’s, what object or object in these areas) helps you every time, as if lending a hand? What do you do in this area to relieve stress? Write on pieces of paper and let's stick them, like leaves on a tree, on your branch. Thank you! Now look, which branch has the most leaves? Do you think this means anything? What surprised you? Is there a way to overcome stress that particularly struck you?

9. Host: And in conclusion, I suggest youpresentation - relaxation, to once again make sure that self-confidence and self-confidence provides good motivation to achieve the goal. (showing Robin Sharma’s presentation “Mind-Changing Quotes”).

KSU "Orphanage of the city of Petropavlovsk"

Training to develop teaching confidence

"Believe in yourself!"

Petropavlovsk, 2017

Believe in yourself training

Target: practicing the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge, self-improvement, knowledge of one’s untapped potential.

Training objectives:

    expand your self-image;

    update and understand your strengths;

    help group members distinguish confident from insecure behavior;

Materials: stimulus material, markers, A4, box

Number of participants: 12

Progress of the training


Game "Draw your portrait". You need to place an A4 sheet of paper on your head and draw “your portrait” on your head. In doing so, perform the following actions:

Draw your head;

Draw your hair;

Draw your right eye;

Draw your left eye;

Draw eyelashes on each eye;

Draw your nose;

Draw your mouth;

Draw your right ear;

Draw your left ear;

Draw your neck, right shoulder, left shoulder, right arm, left arm, torso, legs.

Draw a watch on your right hand and a bracelet on your left. Also add a beautiful necklace to your neck. After completing the task, all participants share their impressions.

Exercise “Chamomile of Revelations”. Phrases are written on chamomile petals; you need to continue and complete the phrase. The statement must be sincere.

    1. I differ from others in that...

    3. I'm happy because...

    4. I am happy when...

    5. I'm annoyed...

    8. I get offended when...

    9. I love myself because...

    10. I want...

    14. Friends appreciate me for...

    15. My life credo...

    18. The world around me seems...

Theoretical part

Today we will try to understand our characteristics, find out how to use our resources and knowing them to influence various events in our lives.
And first I want to tell you a parable.
One day a flock of mice gathered for a sad meeting. “Everyone is trashing us. Everyone is trying to harass us. You can't live like this anymore. What to do?" - they wailed. Suddenly one of the mice said: “I know! You need to ask Owl. He is a famous and wise strategist!” And the whole crowd went to Owl. They surrounded Owl and asked: “What should we do? We are defenseless, and anyone can hurt us!” The owl raised his eyes thoughtfully and said: - “It’s very simple: you need to become hedgehogs.” The mice were delighted and rushed back with enthusiastic cries: “Yes, yes! Of course! It’s so simple, we could have thought of it ourselves! We just need to become hedgehogs!” Suddenly one mouse stopped and stared at the ground, puzzled. “Yes...” he said thoughtfully, “... I was thinking: how will we become hedgehogs?” - “Exactly, exactly! - the mice screamed. - And really, how will we become hedgehogs? Let’s go back to Owl and ask him.” And the whole flock turned around like a big steamer and rushed back to Owl. - "Owl, how can we become hedgehogs?" - the mice asked again. “Well,” said Owl thoughtfully and proudly, “it’s up to you to decide.” I'm a strategist. And how to become hedgehogs is already technology.”
- What did the owl mean when he spoke about technology?
How can you change without fundamentally changing yourself?

Participants' responses
- Really to be successful person in any field of activity there is no need to change ourselves beyond recognition, we cannot become someone else, but we can learn to use the resource that is inherent in us, and then everyone can achieve success.
What kind of resource do you think this is?
Participants' responses
- This resource is self-confidence, that’s what we’ll talk about today!
Main part
- What is self-confidence, in your opinion? Who is a confident person?

Practical task : come up with associations for the word “confidence.”
- Confident man- this is a person filled with a calm consciousness of his strength, his capabilities, capable of decisive action, inspiring trust and winning over those around him. Confident people live life to the fullest and do not let fears and doubts control them. They cope well with their emotions and always think positively. These skills play a huge role in their lives, since a person’s behavior, his actions and whether a person can feel truly happy depends on the brain
“Being confident means trusting yourself and believing in yourself.” Ralph Emerson.

Practical task: It is necessary to draw up a psychological portrait of a confident person according to next plan:

What does it look like?
- What is he thinking about?
- What does he say?
- How does it work?

There are 7 behavioral characteristics of confident people. Start developing these qualities in yourself right now!

Posture and body position

Posture and body position reflect a person's mood and level of self-confidence. Therefore, observing a large group of people from the outside, you can easily point to a self-confident person: he feels inner strength and knows how to influence others with the help of posture and body position. Such a person stands firmly in one place (does not walk back and forth, does not shift from foot to foot) and always maintains eye contact with the interlocutor.

They often smile at others

They do not criticize or judge others

A confident person does not waste time gossiping and criticizing other people, but on the contrary, always supports his friends and treats them with understanding and kindness. He is always very careful in his words and actions. That is why many people want to communicate with such a person.

People who are truly confident in themselves do not interfere in the lives of others - they are focused on achieving their goals and overcoming various difficulties.

They are sociable

Many people often lack the courage to start a conversation with a stranger. However, a confident person can easily start a conversation because he believes that new acquaintances are new opportunities and can bring something good into his life. This attitude towards others really gives self-confident people new opportunities, for example, one of their new acquaintances can help with work or with starting a business.

Start developing communication skills - this way you can overcome your fears and get rid of tension.

They're not afraid of looking stupid

Do you often do extraordinary things? Are you afraid that if you do something strange or unusual, you will look stupid in front of others? Try to get rid of these fears and be more confident in yourself, because it is confidence that allows people to feel quite comfortable (without tension and anxiety), even when something goes wrong and they do not appear in the best light to others. It is important to understand that there will be many situations in life in which you may look stupid. However, no amount of ridicule can unsettle a self-confident person or make him doubt himself.

When a confident person finds himself in an awkward situation, he tries to get out of it with the least possible losses, and humor is a great way to do this. The ability to turn everything into a joke is very important quality for a confident person, because it's really hard to stay positive when you look stupid.

They can easily praise or compliment

One of the main signs of a confident person is the ability to give compliments easily, and not grudgingly. And you need to develop this skill in yourself! When you see, for example, that your colleague has done some work well, then tell him about it! Give compliments as often as possible, and the reason can be any! The main thing is that the compliments come from the heart. Be sincere with your interlocutor. Confident people are very attentive to others: they know how to accurately notice a person’s strengths in order to then compliment him - thereby helping people to believe in themselves.

They always respond to compliments with a smile

Many people don't like being complimented and try to avoid it in every possible way. Such behavior means that the person lacks self-confidence. If you ignore compliments or, for example, try to change the subject, you may offend the person who praised you. Remember that confident people feel quite comfortable when they receive compliments. They respond to pleasant words with a sincere smile - this behavior speaks of good manners and friendliness towards the interlocutor. So if you want to become more confident, then show respect to the person who compliments you and be gentler. If you don't know what to say at this moment, just say "thank you."

Self-esteem test “Ladder”. Participants are asked to draw a ladder of 10 steps. The instruction is given: “Draw yourself on the step where you think you are now.”

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

    Steps 1-4 – self-esteem is low

    Stage 5-7 – self-esteem is adequate

    8-10 step – self-esteem is inflated

Exercise "Giant"(aimed at activating group members and increasing their self-esteem).

The psychologist invites everyone to stand in a circle and says something like this: “Imagine yourself as giants. Straighten your shoulders, look around. Below are little Lilliputians, and each of you is a huge person - a giant. Feeling strong? Fine! Bend over and pick up one of the little people and look at them. Feel like the big person and them - the little ones.”

Psychologist: What is this exercise about? How did you feel while doing this exercise? What is it for?

Psychologist: What do you think are the main signs of an insecure person? What prevents an insecure person from making this or that decision, or performing some action?

Answer: fear, apprehension, stress, anxiety, lack of faith in yourself and your strengths, complexes, doubt, low self-esteem, etc.

Practical task: On the outline of a person, you need to indicate in which part of the body fear, stress, excitement, etc. can hide.

Warm up. Projective technique “Self-portrait”.
Participants are invited to draw a large oval on blank pieces of paper, representing the face of the person drawing. After this, teachers are asked to depict:
- instead of eyes - what they like to look at;
- instead of a nose - what they like to smell;
- instead of the mouth - what they like to say;
- instead of ears - what they like to listen to;
- instead of hair - what they think about most often.
Upon completion of the work, those present analyze their own drawings, drawing a conclusion about the state of their own psychological health; a harmonious attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Exercise “But you...”

    Instructions : please sign a blank sheet of paper, writing your first and last name at the top... Think and write down below any quality of your personality that you consider negative, bad... Pass the sheet to your neighbor on the right... On the received sheet under poor quality write “but”, and then - the positive quality of this person... (the exercise continues until the sheets return to their owners.)

    Look at your sheet and read everything that other participants have written to you. Someone will see on the list the qualities that he already has, and he knows it for sure. But you will probably find those that you didn’t even know about - these are your resources. Each of you has everything a confident person needs. Save these sheets. In moments when you find it difficult, just look into them and remember that you have everything to solve any problem, and you are able to solve it.

Practical task: Develop an action plan to develop confidence.

Practical task: It is necessary to indicate what develops confidence in a person (what a person who is confident in himself and his abilities can achieve).

Exercise “Recipe for every day”

    Instructions. Work in groups. Participants are invited to listen to the “recipe for every day”, analyze its components and their impact on humans. Then, by analogy, come up with and present your recipe to the audience, arguing its usefulness.

    Material for the exercise “Recipe for every day”

Affirmations are self-hypnosis formulas that help a person tune his consciousness to a positive wave. With their help, you can speed up the process of fulfilling your desires. The main thing is to follow certain rules for drawing up and applying these magic formulas. How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the principle of replacement. The mind can only hold one single thought at a time, so the essence of affirmations is to fill and hold thoughts in your mind that reinforce your desire.

Imagine a glass of cloudy water.
You take this glass and place it under the tap, turn on the water and start pouring clean water into it. Muddy water begins to overflow over the edges, and clean water flows into the glass. Over time, all cloudy water will be replaced with clean water.

The same thing happens in the human head. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the brim with thoughts and beliefs. When you work through a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not happen immediately, but over time. The stronger the affirmation that you want to replace, the more time and effort you will have to spend to make the replacement.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that help achieve the desired result.

  • Love yourself as you are, unique!

    It's time to do what you keep putting off!

    All your desires and dreams will come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to realize myself in life.

    The circumstances of my life are the material for success.

    I make the most of every situation.

    My life is a path of creative discovery.

    You already have everything you need to succeed this “Everything” is you!

Exercise "Stream"

Participants line up in two lines, stand opposite each other, forming a corridor.

Instructions: “Now I will lead a man with his eyes closed down the corridor. As you move, you will have to whisper in his ear the words that are written on your card. You need to speak into your right and left ears at the same time.”

You are weak!

You're insecure!

You won't succeed!

You speak quietly!

You are incapable!

It's very boring with you!

You are cheerful!

You can do a lot!

You are brave and confident!

It's nice to talk to you!

You are handsome!

Can I trust you!

The final part of the training Exercise “Who am I”

It is suggested that you complete the sentences honestly and frankly:

    I'm proud of myself when I...

    I'm a nice person because...

    I have two such wonderful qualities...

    One of the best things I've done in my life

Thank you for your attention! Good luck and good luck to everyone!

    I'm different from others because...

    2. My biggest problem is...

    3. I'm happy because...

    4. I am happy when...

    5. I'm annoyed...

    6. I don’t like myself because...

    8. I get offended when...

    9. I love myself because...

    10. I want...

    11. When I graduate from university...

    12. If I were a wizard...

    13. I would like to change...

    14. Friends appreciate me for...

    15. My life credo...

    16. I cannot forgive a person if he...

    17. What I value most in people is...

    18. The world around me seems...

    19. Sometimes people don't understand me because...

    20. I feel ashamed when...

You are weak!

You're insecure!

You won't succeed!

You speak quietly!

You are incapable!

It's very boring with you!

You are cheerful!

You can do a lot!

You are brave and confident!

It's nice to talk to you!

You are handsome!

Can I trust you!

    this “Everything” is you!

    Love yourself for who you are - unique!

    It's time to do what you keep putting off!

    All your desires and dreams will come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to realize myself in life.

    The circumstances of my life are the material for success.

    I make the most of every situation.

    My life is a path of creative discovery.

    You already have everything you need to succeedthis “Everything” is you!

    Love yourself for who you are - unique!

    It's time to do what you keep putting off!

    All your desires and dreams will come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to realize myself in life.

    The circumstances of my life are the material for success.

    I make the most of every situation.

    My life is a path of creative discovery.

    You already have everything you need to succeedthis “Everything” is you!

"Recipe for every day"

    1. We take a day and cleanse it well of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (topped) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A big handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And finally, a pinch of politeness and decency towards everyone.

    5. Pour love over the entire resulting mixture.

    6. Decorate the finished dish with petals from flowers of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a side dish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

"Recipe for every day"

    1. We take a day and cleanse it well of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (topped) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A big handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And finally, a pinch of politeness and decency towards everyone.

    5. Pour love over the entire resulting mixture.

    6. Decorate the finished dish with petals from flowers of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a side dish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

"Recipe for every day"

    1. We take a day and cleanse it well of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (topped) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A big handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And finally, a pinch of politeness and decency towards everyone.

    5. Pour love over the entire resulting mixture.

    6. Decorate the finished dish with petals from flowers of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a side dish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the training to increase confidence “Believe in yourself!”, which will take place on October 10, 2017 at 15.00 in the puppet theater.

Psychologists at the orphanage

The topic of self-confidence worries each of us to one degree or another. We all want to have the gift of persuasion, the ability to defend our interests, resolve conflicts with dignity, set ourselves the highest goals and achieve them.

THE MAIN METHOD OF WORK in our training is Art Therapy.

In art therapy, you are given the opportunity to look at your creativity as if in a mirror. Whether you draw or sculpt, dance or write fairy tales, your creativity will be exactly the way you are at that moment in time. The works you create sometimes suggest non-standard and effective solutions to difficult life situations.

The leitmotif of all tasks is your feelings and sensations, your state. The healing effect comes from the creative act itself. Each exercise, removing masks and clamps, returns you to the essence, to the roots, to the heart, to the root causes, which helps you feel confident in yourself and your abilities.


Art training will be useful to you if you:

  • interested in your own development and have an interest in new things
  • strive to expand your inner potential
  • want to understand life's difficulties and problematic relationships
  • realize new perspectives and goals


You will be able to acquire skills such as:

  • Confident behavior in relationships with others
  • Direct and open expression of one's own opinion without regard to others
  • Ability to refuse and say “no” when necessary
  • Openness in expressing feelings and desires
  • Confident speaking in front of an audience

Our program also includes interesting excursions. Travel and art therapy will restore your inner balance. You will be able to feel the value of your property, gain confidence in your abilities and find an inner resource.


  • Creative workshops of Svetlana Veremeytseva
  • Cinema therapy by Irina Krank

Cost of participation 26,000 rubles. For regular participants there is a 20% discount (RUB 23,500).

THE PRICE INCLUDES: training program, accommodation (without meals), excursions.





I am in my own eyes and in the eyes of others

What I want and can be

My confidence and my body

Dealing with the Inner Critic

My confidence is my potential



Our trainers are practitioners and professionals in their field. This means that all the knowledge, methods and techniques that we offer have been tested by us through our own experience. Along with this, our trainers are attentive to group dynamics; the psychological comfort of each participant and the mood of the group is the subject of our close attention and care.

Each of us has our own special and unique path. He is individual and not like others. Nature has embedded in everyone an intuitive understanding of what we need for development and health. The main thing is to find your individuality, listen to yourself and understand why certain events happen in our lives. We believe in the value of individuality and believe that inner harmony, as well as states of joy, fulfillment and meaning are of paramount importance in human life. Psychology is a return to oneself. And everyone has their own WAY - this is the road along which we walk, meeting, communicating, helping each other.

Diffidence. It would seem that this is not such a terrible vice. Well, just think, I had my doubts and didn’t go on a date with the girl or canceled a business meeting. The world did not collapse because of this. The girl, of course, was offended; the partners did not want to deal with you anymore. So what? And who knows, maybe this girl is your destiny, and it is this business meeting that would turn the wheel of fortune in your favor? You don't know this because you didn't take your chance due to simple self-doubt.

And if we count how many losses occur in life due to timidity and indecisiveness, I assure you, your hair will stand on end. Energy, money, people - all this is devoured by the merciless fire of your doubts. Only shadows of memories of unfulfilled dreams remain in the ashes.

But you can change your life and get from it everything that you are entitled to by right: good friends, work, money, your beloved wife, health.

To do this you need to become a confident person. It's in your hands. You just need to read the book and work through the tasks that are given in it.

After all, where does confidence come from?

It is born from knowledge. Knowing yourself and your capabilities. You are confident because you know.

It is born from understanding. Understanding what is happening around and how to act in this particular situation. You are confident because you understand.

That's all! Simple formula. Know yourself and understand the situation.

Self-confidence comes from knowing yourself and understanding the situation.

This is a theory, but what happens in practice? Knowing yourself is very difficult. Fear prevents this. Fear of being exposed: what if they find out that I’m not like everyone else? Fear of the unknown: What if there is something in me that I don’t really know. But I assure you, all these fears are completely surmountable, and you cannot even imagine how much easier it is to breathe without them.

Understanding the situation you are in is also a very difficult task for most people. There is no university that teaches this. Some gifted individuals intuitively exist in this world, controlling the situation and pulling the strings of fate. I invite you to bring such skills to a conscious level and learn to confidently chart the course of your life.

We are naturally given such a psychological structure as learning ability. So let's use it to its fullest. This is given to you, as it is given to everyone. The main thing is to choose the right technique. I offer a technique that suits everyone. Its versatility has already proven itself: young people, old people, students, and managers - everyone gains confidence, everyone who feels internal discomfort and wants to learn.

Of course, if you are absolutely confident in yourself, you have no need to read this book. Just remember that a self-confident person is blind, a self-confident person sees the essence of things. He knows and understands.

So, we understand what we should strive for: to know ourselves and to understand the situation. But here's the problem. No book will do to you what you should do to yourself. I can't wave a magic wand and turn you into a confident person. But I can show you the direct path to confidence that others have taken before you. I'm not going to play tricks and show tricks in front of you here. What you learn from the book will probably work, and very effectively.

So what can you get from this book:

get to know your real self;

learn to feel confident in an unfamiliar situation;

Conduct a conversation confidently;

communicate confidently;

speak confidently in front of an audience;

cope with shyness, anger and anxiety;

take risks with confidence.

You will discover new energy possibilities. An insecure person wastes energy on anxiety, anger, fear and loses his strength, which is necessary to achieve his goal. You will learn to use this energy for "peaceful purposes." You can’t even imagine how much easier and more fun your life will become!

Cast aside doubts and move forward to confidence that will fill your muscles with energy and your heart with the joy of being.

Chapter 1. I am responsible for everything

To be yourself, you have to be at least someone.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lei

By venturing here with me on this page, you have taken the first step towards gaining self-confidence. I described everything simply, clearly and chose the most effective exercises. Someone will say: “This is nonsense, everything is too simple.” But, be that as it may, this “nonsense” works. Even if you read just one chapter, learn only the rule contained in it, and set yourself only the task suggested in that chapter, you will not only achieve some results, but your sense of confidence will increase significantly.

So, where does uncertainty come from? “What will happen if” - we ask the question. And fear of the unknown is born. In order to become confident, you need to put this fear at your service - make the future as predictable as possible, that is, consider all the likely possibilities of events turning in one direction or another. After all, when we know what can happen, even if it is not the most pleasant incident, we are no longer afraid.

And don't forget: we have the power to change ourselves. We choose ourselves every minute, every hour. "How come?" - you ask. Very simple. For example, your friend treated you to coffee, which she prepared in a new coffee maker, terribly fashionable and very expensive. You liked the coffee prepared using French technology; it seemed more aromatic and more delicate than the usual “expresso”. The next day you went to the store and bought yourself the exact same coffee maker and now every morning you enjoy the taste of great mocha, and you feel very modern and advanced, just like your girlfriend. But you could do the opposite: not buy any new coffee makers, but decide that your method of making Eastern coffee is much better than all these newfangled technologies that are growing like mushrooms every day. And every morning you brew a divine drink in your old, well-deserved Turk and rejoice at how practical and smart you are. So much for your choice. What do you want to become: advanced or practical?

This choice is usually made unconsciously. In order to become self-confident, you need to become aware of yourself at this moment. I create myself. And you too. I reinvent myself. And you do the same. Both you and I are not what we eat; we are what we think.

By definition, confidence is an attitude, your position towards yourself, towards people and situations. And the settings can be changed. The world will remain the same, you just change your point of view, and the usual picture of the world will become slightly different.

Self-confidence is an attitude.

One of my patients, Evgenia, came to me with a complaint of persistent depression.

You are my last hope, doctor,” she said almost in tears, “I don’t know where to go, what to do.” But my life is so hopeless that I can no longer stand it! I endured as long as I had the strength, but there is a limit to everything!

I saw that she was really in despair: a pale, unkempt woman with a dull look. She didn't seem to care at all about what she looked like. I asked what exactly was causing her despair.

Entire life! - she exclaimed. - I wake up in the morning and think - why do I need everything?

Or more precisely? Maybe your family or work is giving you grief?

Evgenia thought about it.

Job? Yes, she doesn't give me pleasure. I am a teacher by profession, but school is already “sick” of me. I think that once upon a time I made a mistake and now I am paying for it. And just think how late this comes up, just when nothing can be changed - I love children, and at the institute I was interested in pedagogy, but only after I had worked for several years. You know, we have such a terrible teaching staff, they always put spokes in my wheels, the children are so difficult now, the parents don’t help at all, everything is blamed on us, the teachers, and the director is only busy with pumping more money out of the parents, supposedly for school needs.

What about your family?

Evgenia, it turns out, has a husband and two children whom she loves very much. But the husband “doesn’t understand her” and “consoles her so clumsily that it only gets worse,” and the children don’t listen, although they should already understand how hard it is for mom to work and feed, drink, and clothe them.

So what do we have? Evgeniya has quite interesting job, which she once chose herself. She is young, healthy, she has a loving husband and children. However, she is deeply unhappy. I talked with this woman for a long time, trying to find the root of her troubles in objective circumstances, although certain guesses appeared to me almost immediately. Soon they were confirmed: Evgenia categorically refused to take responsibility for her life. Despite the fact that she verbally admitted that she herself chose her profession, husband, and children, she happily shifted the blame for the consequences of her choice onto those around her. This gives rise to a feeling of insecurity, and after it - depression.

We cannot change the world, therefore, if we are sure that others are to blame for our troubles (which are the consequences of our actions), then we are unable to influence the situation. It is necessary to realize this thought. Only person The person you can really change is yourself. But for this you need to understand that only you are responsible for your actions, decisions, and mistakes. Not in front of my work colleagues, not in front of a jury, but in front of myself.

Evgenia came to see me a few days ago. She is unrecognizable - a beautiful, cheerful woman.

Honestly,” she admitted to me, “when I remember my life a year ago, I don’t understand myself. Why was I unhappy? Where did these depressions come from? I was blind as a kitten. It feels like it was a different person

I'm responsible for everything

Take personal responsibility for your behavior. When you say, "I'm in charge of this," you have the opportunity to build new life, even a new world.

Theologians and philosophers for centuries have been preaching a simple truth, which is that fate is not what happens to you, not what you expect. Fate is a choice, your choice. You choose the life you lead. Each of us has the ability to become happy.

You say: “How can I be happy when I have so many problems!” That's for sure. I can take your hand, cry with you, express my condolences to you, say: “Yes, I know that everything is bad, that life is unfair, that you can’t do anything about the adverse circumstances of life, that you can’t influence to events that spoil your life, that the disease tormenting you is a punishment from above.” Yes, I understand and sympathize with you that we cannot avoid all the disappointments, losses and tragedies that occur in our lives, and, of course, we are not given equal opportunities from birth. Okay, you and I agree that life is a nasty thing.

And where does this take us? Straight into the swamp of depression and despondency. All! There is nothing further. But if you say to yourself: “I, and only I, am responsible for all this rubbish. And, despite the fact that I am not able to prevent all possible failures, I am responsible for what I do, no matter what gloomy circumstances spoil me life. Yes, terrible things happen, but how I react to them determines my character and the quality of my life." You see, there is already some light in the hopelessness. Go ahead.

“If I am the only one responsible for everything, then I can choose to be eternally sad, paralyzed by the weight of my losses, or I can choose another path - to rise despite the pain and appreciate the main treasure that was given to me from the beginning - life itself.”

Task 1. Get rid of irresponsibility

It's just saying, "I'm in charge." But how can I real life be responsible every minute, every hour for your actions, for your life? First, you need to learn to catch criminal thoughts in your mind: “It’s his fault!” "Circumstances forced me." Cinema will help us with this. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Only this movie is yours and about you. In the morning, as soon as we wake up, we set up an imaginary movie camera and turn it on. All day long, this movie camera will shoot a feature film, the main character of which is you. All your movements in space (mise-en-scène), gestures (close-up), thoughts (internal monologue of the hero) are recorded on a movie camera.

At the end of the day, before you go to bed, sit at your desk with a blank piece of paper and a pen in front of you. And start scrolling through your film, “shot” during the day. The film must be watched from the end. That is, first you look at the events or mise-en-scène that were the last for that day, then those that happened earlier, and at the end - what happened in the morning. Pay attention to those moments when you say to someone or yourself: “I’m not responsible for this,” “It’s not my fault, circumstances forced me,” etc. Write down everything for which you were “not responsible” in during the day. If you did everything correctly and your "movie camera" worked continuously and smoothly, you will find great amount loopholes of irresponsibility that you leave for yourself “in reserve”. You may not even have enough of one piece of paper. But if you discovered them and wrote them down, that's a big deal.

You have taken the first step towards accepting responsibility and self-confidence.

You and I are people, and humans are capable of limitless changes. You can lead a full, rich life - the main thing is to believe in it. When you tell yourself, “I am in charge of my life,” you will gain tremendous strength to achieve your goals, unshakable self-confidence, and will not take grief and trouble to heart.

You are unique!

To fully accept responsibility, we must understand who we really are? Have you ever asked yourself: "Who am I?"

You are the only one you have throughout your life. In front of a mirror or in front of a microphone, you are who you are, and recognizing this simple truth means going towards knowing yourself.

Three factors determine who you are:

* heredity,

* environment and

* most important factor- the fact that you answer yourself the question: “Who am I?”

Understand - you are unique.

Science has established that the chances of having a second exactly the same individual are close to zero. During ejaculation, about three hundred million sperm are released. That's three hundred million potential people. Next, you should take into account the physiological characteristics of both parents. Moreover, three hundred million sperm participate in only one sexual act at a particular time.

Simple arithmetic helps us understand how unique each of us is. Imagine three hundred million chances from which you should have appeared! Add to this that your mother had a one in three hundred million chance of being just like that, and your father had another one in three hundred million chance. Doing the math, you will find that the probability of your birth is 300,000,000 times 300,000,000 times 300,000,000, not counting the chances of your parents meeting in the first place and conceiving you in the second. You are the result of an incredible coincidence, a winner who has won one chance in billions.

You are unique!

Let's take it a step further: is who we are determined by our genes (or chromosomes, or chemical processes)? Only partly. Our uniqueness only begins with heredity. Heredity - all those genetic combinations that tell our cells to form brown or blue eyes, curly or straight hair, provide immunity against certain disorders and diseases - is just a machine that we drive.

Road conditions and weather are our surroundings. The car can travel at a speed of 160 km per hour on a clear sunny day on a newly built expressway. But on a broken country road at night during a hurricane, this car may not move at all.

Heredity dictates how high we can jump under excellent conditions. It determines how much information we can perceive and assimilate, how tall we can achieve, how fast we can run. Heredity is our potential, and environment is our capabilities. If you were genetically equipped to be the world's greatest long-distance swimmer, but were unfortunately born into an Eskimo yaranga two hundred years ago, you are likely not living up to your potential as a swimmer. You won't have the opportunity or the right environment.

If heredity is the car, and the environment is the road conditions, then you yourself are the driver. It is you, more than any other factor, that determines the speed and reliability of the machine.

Who you are depends on the potential you inherit, the opportunities you receive, and the choices you make. The ultimate factor - your response to heredity and environment - is more important than the arithmetic multiplication of 300,000,000 by 300,000,000 by 300,000,000.

It is your own choices that make you completely unique.

Your hopes are real!

We have the heredity that we have inherited; our environment is, for the most part, beyond our control. But we have a chance to face life, make choices and, most importantly, not lose hope. A catastrophe can make you helpless, but hope - real hope - makes you rise again, train your muscles, learn to walk again and even fly (remember Maresyev).

Real hope is based on real possibilities, even if it seems like life is like a script written by someone who wanted to see how much hardship we could endure.

Real hope is directed towards the real world, real life, it is an active effort.

Unrealistic hopes are dangerous, they are pathological. A cancer patient who denies that he has the disease has unrealistic hopes. Real hope recognizes the illness and strives to recover or accept its incurability.

Real hope reminds us that each of us is the driver of our own car, and not a helpless appendage to the wheels.

One of the participants in the “Superpowers” ​​training, a famous politician, once told me an episode from his childhood:

“I spent my childhood and adolescence in a small dying village in the suburbs, three quarters of the population of which were alcoholics. In autumn, winter and spring, I watched how, in the chilly pre-dawn darkness, at about seven in the morning, a black silent crowd poured towards the train, spreading around the ineradicable smell of fumes. In the evening, also in the darkness stinking of gasoline, the crowd returned and spread out into beer stalls and rotten, rickety houses. And so day after day. I went to school in the same village, and it seemed to me that on the faces of my classmates I I see the stamp of doom. This is how their fathers and grandfathers lived - they worked and drank - this is how their children are destined to live. My fate will be different, I thought; I don’t know which one, but better. When I thought about the future, I imagined something shining and amorphous. But time went on, and one day I realized: I’m no different from these guys. Their fate is my fate. The same thing awaits me as them. When I realized this, a shiver ran down my spine from horror.

But then I felt wild anger.

I will get out of here, I swore to myself. And, as far as I remember, it was the first serious decision of this kind in my life."

His story is a typical example of how a person can overcome unfavorable circumstances, and even more than that, how exactly these circumstances can serve as an incentive to overcome one’s own inertia and awaken fighting qualities in a person: perseverance, determination, passion.

Conscious, active efforts are the basis for change for the better. If you make an effort, your hope will turn into confidence. If you don't lift a finger, then hope will turn into empty dreams.

Challenge 2: Find Real Hope

Over the next seven days, pay attention to all the times you encounter real hope and when you encounter empty dreams, no matter how big or small.

Let’s say you wake up in the morning, stretch and think: “Oh, now I’d like to go for a run in the park, and then take a cold shower!..” (and you fall asleep again or cheerfully jump out of bed, putting on a tracksuit) Then sit down to breakfast (“What “The chair under me cracked - I should finally lose weight”) and eat oatmeal with water and an apple (or a piece of cake left over from dinner). Your employee, approaching his office twenty minutes late, looks around the building with pleasure and says: “When I become director, I will have to repaint it green.” Your friend is telling you about the car he wants to buy - ask him what he has done to achieve his dream, etc. Make a list.

At the end of the week, look carefully at the list. Ask yourself the following questions:

What kind of response do people who live around them receive? real hopes, and which - empty dreams? What does a person focus on in the first and second cases? Don't forget to save the list. We will return to the analysis of the data obtained.

And now - an old Chinese parable.

There was once an old man who every day got up at dawn, climbed to the top of the nearest hill that blocked the rising sun, picked up a stone, walked down the hill and threw the stone onto the opposite bank of the stream behind the house. Over time, his son and grandson joined him. One day my grandson asked, “Why are we doing this?” “You will do this, you will teach your children and grandchildren to carry stones,” the old man answered, “and sooner or later we will move the hill.” The boy objected: “But, grandfather, you will never see a hill moved to another place.” The old man shook his head and said, “No, but I know that the day will come when it will be moved.”

Chapter 2. What I am, what I have, what I seem

Is everyone obliged, having found something valuable in themselves, to report it to the nearest police station?

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Let's immediately agree: we are what we think. Of course, most of us are accustomed to perceiving our surroundings separately from our Self. For example, an ordinary table. What could happen to him if you think about him? It would seem that there was absolutely nothing - as he stood on his four legs, he will stand. Here I look carefully at my desk: an ordinary old table, with a drawer. When I was a schoolboy, I pulled out this drawer, opened it to desired page favorite book, and laid out textbooks on the tabletop. And if my mother came into the room, I would close the desk drawer with a relaxed movement and pretend that I was studying hard. Even now this box glides easily and silently. But in this place the tabletop is burnt. The tan appeared when I first fell in love. I was in a hurry to go on a date, ironing my shirt and forgot to turn off the iron. When I look at this black spot, I immediately remember that crazy summer, and my puppy delight and this girl This table is part of my life, and it even seems to me that it is it that brings me good luck. It works amazingly well; I wrote all my books here. So it turns out that if you carefully look around, it becomes clear that you endow the world around you with your memories, impressions, and emotions. And you see a slightly different picture than I, or your friend, or any other person sees.

The world we live in is shaped by how we perceive it. For one person, what lies ahead is empty space. For others, it is a field that needs to be plowed. We are not born optimists or pessimists. It's just that some of us learn to see danger, while others learn to see opportunity. But humans have a natural ability to learn. Both you and I can learn to see the world more clearly and distinctly.

Self-confidence is an attitude, a system of beliefs that makes us see the world from a certain angle. It is a filter through which all of our life experiences pass, a filter that we humans begin to form in our consciousness from the very first movements of infancy. Why do some people have this confidence, while others are tormented all their lives by doubts about their competence?

A living organism repeats actions that brought it satisfaction in the past, and these actions are often reinforced and persistently repeated even if they have long ceased to bring the expected satisfaction.

This is true both for the simplest organisms and for complex human beings. Every schoolchild read about I.P. Pavlov's experiments with dogs that salivated in response to the ringing of a bell, even when this reaction was no longer reinforced by food.

What about ourselves?

Can you think of at least one person who never behaves childishly? We constantly repeat behavioral patterns that we learned in our lives. early years.

First, let's look at how deeply the good old ways of perception have taken root in our personality. Remember how many times you were told as a child: “Don’t touch that! Don’t swallow that! Don’t go there! Put it in its place!” And this despite the fact that the most important thing remained unspoken: “Do what I tell you to do!” Remember?

Of course, your parents did this solely out of love for you. But you must realize that much of what we remember suppresses our ability to act boldly: our elders are bigger, stronger and wiser. Here's what it can lead to.

As an example, I will give a case from my own practice. A squat, middle-aged man comes into my office. He brought his son, a teenager of about sixteen, to the reception. The guy immediately sits down on a chair against the far wall and looks gloomily at me from under his brows. The father, who also does not give the impression of a cheerful person, begins to complain about his son’s behavior.

Just imagine what he gave us recently! I want, he says, to play the guitar!

So what?! Is it bad!

He needs to go to college and think about business! We raised him, educated him, and he grew up - The father bites his tongue - it seems he is holding back so as not to describe his son with a harsh word in front of a stranger. - Slacker, mediocrity, the wind is blowing in my head! Who will feed the parents in old age? He will ruin his life, and that’s all.

I steal a glance at my son: On his face is the usual gloom and indifference. It seems that he does not hear his father at all, as if he is sitting behind a glass wall. But who knows what he really feels? I ask my father to explain the situation. What's wrong with playing the guitar? The father willingly develops the topic: it turns out that his son does not want to go to the institute that his parents chose for him. He doesn't want to go to university at all. All he is interested in is music.

In this case, why not enroll your son in a conservatory or a good music school? - I ask.

Where should he go? - the father waves his hand. - I told you - complete mediocrity. He would go where he was told and not twitch. I know what to advise - I studied at this institute myself. There are friends there, they will help you enroll, and if you finish, I’ll give you advice on the job In general, I won’t leave you unattended. And if he strums his guitar, in a month he will become drunk.

Everything is clear to me with my father, now I need to talk to my son. I ask my father to go out and wait outside the door for about fifteen minutes. Suddenly I encounter resistance - the father categorically declares that he must hear everything his son says. In the end, I manage to get my dad out the door. Finally, he loudly whispers to me: “Press him, doctor, let him stop playing the fool, otherwise I don’t know how to deal with him!” I close the door behind him and turn to my son. There is undisguised hatred in his eyes. It is clear that he will not believe a single word I say, and will take all my advice exactly the opposite. I involuntarily sigh: the situation is difficult, there is a lot of work ahead, and it seems that it is not the son who needs to be treated, but the father.

I think any normal man with children considers himself a kind, capable and loving father. However, love for a child does not protect parents from mistakes. For example, a father unreasonably transfers a number of his complexes to his son. No doubt he wants to protect his child from taking too many risks, so he emphasizes danger rather than opportunity, vulnerability rather than strength. Why? Because he, in his own way, loves his son very much, worries about his safety, about his future.

Sometimes our worries take precedence over common sense, and we, parents, unwittingly harm our children. Therefore, do not blame your older relatives for the fact that they did not always behave wisely with you, but ask important questions to yourself - questions that will push you to understand who you really are, and therefore achieve the desired self-confidence.

Or here's another case. Elena, a richly and tastefully dressed woman, sits in front of me. From the looks of it, you can't tell she's 39 years old. Behavior, manner of speaking - like a person who determines his own destiny and holds everything in his hands. Typical businesswoman. But there is confusion in the eyes. She starts from afar. He talks for a long time, with passion, about his student years, about the hopes of his youth. She is a sculptor by training, graduated from the Academy of Arts and worked for several years as a “free artist”: she sculpted and occasionally exhibited But her enthusiasm faded, material problems overshadowed her creative prospects. And then the 90s came

I finally abandoned sculpture and went into business. Things started happening almost immediately,” says Elena. - You know, the contrast is striking. Previously - constant loneliness, a dusty workshop And now - always in public, in the center of events, and money, big money For several years I didn’t remember that there, inside, I was still an artist.

Do you remember now?

Do you think I'm broke? Or tired, old, and wanted peace? - she asks arrogantly. - I never waste time when making important decisions. A year ago, I realized that my life is spiritually absolutely empty, that the only incentive for activity now that I am financially secure is more money, even more money! I consider myself not such a primitive person to be satisfied with such a crude stimulus.

Can't you combine creativity and business?

No,” Elena answers confidently, “I hate half measures.” You see, it's not that I can't make a decision. After all, I sold my business a long time ago and returned to what my calling had always been - sculpture. There were no regrets. I feel like I did the right thing. But my problem is that for almost three months now all I have done is compare myself with friends, colleagues, acquaintances! And this torments me terribly! Many of my former classmates achieved success and became famous artists, but I am again at level zero and am unlikely to be able to surpass them. On the other hand, my business friends now think I'm a weirdo who's also broke. And I can’t help but compare myself with them! What should I do? How can I get rid of all these comparisons and tossing around?

It is completely natural to compare yourself with other people, even your friends, to look at your affairs as if from the outside. But as you understand, how successful your friends are is a measure of their performance, not yours. Every successful athlete knows that the most effective method improve your results - play against a stronger player. On the other hand, if your self-esteem depends entirely on running faster, dressing better, earning more than someone else, you will be disappointed. There will always be someone capable of surpassing you, now and in the future. Competition only boosts your confidence when your real goal is to improve yourself, not to beat someone else's achievements.

Have you ever noticed that people who achieve great results, such as athletes, always raise the bar a little higher? They achieve more and more because they set goals for themselves.

The only thing worth competing for in this life is improving yourself.

You ask yourself the question "Who am I?" And from this moment on, you are already moving forward along the road leading to a change in your guidelines. I think you understand how useful it is to follow in this direction - through growing up to maturity.

How we grow up

One day, the shell of childhood falls off you, as if some egg in which you were was broken. Suddenly, someone appears in front of us, full of his own importance, reacting strangely, provoking us, intolerant, ready to constantly argue, rude, boastful, perhaps even deceitful. We call this period of our lives adolescence, but our parents remember it as a nightmare.

It seems like only yesterday that we were turning to our elders for approval and support. Now, in our teenage years, when the baby shell falls off in pieces, we are in a torn state. We are not sure whether we are good or bad, strong or weak - whether I am a man or a boy, a woman or a girl. Sometimes, behind arrogance and boasting, we try to hide the insecurities that we constantly experience. Confused, depressed, and often afraid, we can act selfishly, dishonestly, and recklessly. On the one hand, life appears as a joyful, exciting revelation. On the other hand, it upsets and worries us. Pimples cover the skin, tufts of hair come out in secluded places, the voice breaks, erotic dreams overcome. We passionately desire to understand, to take control of everything that happens to us.

We persistently ask, “Who am I?”

Of course, this question arises throughout life, but never again will we seek the answer with such fervor and reckless intolerance - and never will the answer seem so elusive to us. Who am I?

Children learn to trust, teenagers search for themselves.

It is during our teenage years that we begin our struggle to understand who and what we are, and our lives begin to seem completely chaotic. We desperately rush into situations that we are not prepared to manage, inevitably wandering from one complicated story to another. Life is at its limit. We must be a girl or a woman, a boy or a man, good or bad, beautiful or unworthy. No shadows or halftones.

Do you remember, really remember?

Participants- students in grades 7-8 (no more than 10 people), children with low self-esteem.

Purpose of the lesson: formation of motivation to achieve success and self-confidence.


  • understand the essence of achieving success;
  • create situations of awareness of your inner world;
  • strengthen your sense of self-confidence and capabilities.

Equipment: cards for designing business cards (you can take ready-made business cards), “Magic Box”, pens, pencils, sheets of paper.

Expected Result: overcoming feelings of uncertainty, working in a group, public speaking(not necessary for all participants, as this is one of the activities planned for the program).

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting

Guys! There are often times in our lives when we feel insecure. Sometimes we are embarrassed to say some words out loud, we are afraid that we will be misunderstood. Let's start our lesson with a greeting. We will greet each other in a circle, saying greetings in a whisper in the ear of our neighbor.

And then, all together, we will loudly pronounce the words we heard.

2. Getting to know each other

After the greeting, offer to choose a card with a name of your choice (“the funniest”, “the most beautiful”...). The name should reflect what the participants are afraid to say about themselves out loud, doubt, or feel a sense of insecurity. Take turns, identifying yourself, explain why you took this particular “name” for the duration of the training and tell a little about yourself.

3. Introduction to the topic. Reading the parable “Make your own happiness”

God molded a man from clay, and he was left with an unused piece.

What else should you make? - asked God.

Bring me happiness, the man asked.

God did not answer anything, and only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm.

4. Discussion: What does this parable teach? (Participants speak at will).

5. Generalization. In life, everything is in our hands; in any situation, everyone has their own choice. The meaning of this parable lies in each of the statements below.

“Each of us coins the price of our personality ourselves. A person is great or small, depending on his will.” (S. Smiles)

“The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist.” (Stendhal)

“It’s time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

6. Assignment. Create two groups of 5 people each

Imagine that you stayed for two years in a place where there is no school, no computer, almost no communication, but there is a library where you can find literature for various purposes. What are you going to do? Make a program for your life for these two years.

Introduce us to your program.

7. Deepening the topic. Each participant reads one point of the program.

But what program did L. N. Tolstoy draw up for himself?

Now I ask, what will be the purpose of my life in the village for two years?

1. Study the entire legal science course required for the final exam at the university.
2. Study practical medicine and part of the theoretical one.
3. Learn languages: French, Russian, German, English, Italian, Latin.
4. Explore Agriculture both theoretical and practical.
5. Study history, geography and statistics.
6. Study mathematics, gymnasium course.
7. Write a dissertation.
8. Achieve an average degree of perfection in music and painting.
9. Write the rules.
10. Compose essays from all the subjects that I will study.

8. Discussion. Issues for discussion.

1. When is life filled with meaning and when is it meaningless? (A person must have certain goals)

2. When does a person achieve his goals? (If he believes in himself and works on himself) The most important thing is to believe in yourself now, today. To do this, let's do some exercises

9. Exercises

"Magic Box" The psychologist invites the children to take cards with statements written on them from the box and read what is written there, accompanying the reading with the words: “Do you agree with this statement?” The child may agree, doubt or refuse. The task of the psychologist, on the one hand, is to support the child, on the other, to convince him that he has this quality.

Consolidating the results of the previous exercise.

Each group member is asked to imagine himself standing on stage. The child faces the “spectators” and three times says the phrase read in the previous exercise, for example: “I can do anything,” “I am the best!” and so on. Moreover, the first time it is quiet, the second time it is louder, and the third time it is very loud. The “spectators” greet the “performances” with thunderous applause and shouts of “Bravo!”

10. Completion

Ask the participants how they felt on the “stage”. Share your mood and feelings received during the lesson. The psychologist suggests cutting out pictures at home from old magazines that correspond to the children’s strengths, making a collage and hanging it in a visible place and constantly working with it.

11. Conclusion

Final word from a psychologist. When a person achieves his goals in life, he feels happy. But life is complicated. Your faith in yourself and the ability to creatively approach yourself and your life will help you overcome difficulties and get out of difficult situations with honor.

After all, no matter what you do, your activity will bring you joy only when you receive satisfaction from your work, see the results of your work, strive to improve and perfect yourself. Satisfaction from the work performed, joy when communicating with people - the most important moment your life, one of the keys to human happiness.
But turning a dark, small room into a bright, cozy “world of your own” isn’t creativity and happiness?

Looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing your shortcomings, and being able to correct them - isn’t that creativity?
Smiling at a sad passenger on a bus and receiving a smile in return isn’t happiness?
And if you feel that you can develop and expand your creative potential, listen to your heart and mind, create yourself and the world around you according to the laws of beauty, then everything we talked about is not in vain.

Happiness and beauty to you!

Used Books

  • Author-compiler N. N. Lubyanova “The World of Masculinity, Femininity and Beauty” Publishing House “Teacher” Volgograd 2007
  • Magazine "Educational work at school" No. 3 2009