What is the formula for success. Class hour "formula for success." Who is responsible for your success?

« Give me the formula for success and I will change the whole world!“Isn’t this the golden model of achieving everything we want? As with the “money” button, as with the secret of all secrets, as with the alchemical formula...

Such searches make me smile. After all, really, if we want to get one single formula for all occasions, how smarter are we than the ancient alchemist who was looking for the philosopher's stone, which could make gold out of everything?

Nevertheless, we are looking, I am looking...

And I decided to collect all such success formulas in one place. I will repeat some of them from my articles earlier, and plagiarized some (not forgetting to change them a little) from other sources. I will conduct an analysis and give recommendations...

So do the formulas still work?

Of course it works, because there is a philosopher’s stone, or rather a “philosopher’s stone”. And no sarcasm. Simply, you need to understand the Formula of Life itself, which is based on the postulates:

Formula of Life

Everything has its time. One instrument is good at one time, another at another. Like an umbrella on a rainy day, and sunglasses on a sunny day, but not vice versa. One formula for success will work at one time, another at another.

Everything has its place. Same as above point. Skis are good in the Alps, but it’s ridiculous for a person to wear them down in the center of Moscow. One formula (enrichment) works in America, another in Russia, but on the contrary - collapse (prison) for all capital.

There's a man for everything. If the banker's son is alone life goals(absorb a competitor), the milkmaid's daughter - others (marry a banker). Which is logical, but is forgotten when our “Russian” tries to pull on itself a pro-Western model of achieving a goal.

Thus, each of the formulas that you read below, either find for yourself, or derive for yourself - suitable at one specific time, works only in one specific place, and is not applicable to everyone. Remember this!

All formulas for success in one place

1. “Target” formula for success, equation

Success = Goal + Knowledge + Motivation + Action;

Description. In fact, this success equation permeates this blog about the psychology of success and many of its articles. This is a “direct” model of what a person needs to do if he wants to be or appear successful to himself and others.

Advantages. It’s clear if you’ve never thought about what success is and how to achieve it before – it gives a simple understanding of what you need to do personally. You just need to understand its individual “ingredients”.

What is missing from it? Luck. Perhaps I would add it, not even add it, but multiply it. Because a lot can depend on it. But luck, how to define it? A complex variable that cannot be measured qualitatively or quantitatively. That's why it was missed.

Flaws. Does not take into account the place, time and abilities of the person himself. True, all this is taken into account at the stage of formulating and setting goals. At first glance, it seems simple, but anyone who wants to use it will find that they need to very well understand the very essence of goal setting...

So, with each of its “ingredients”. Each of which is a separate complex story. It turns out that it is very difficult to implement. Requires skills in handling each of its components. Nevertheless …

To whom, when and where it will suit. Everyone to learn how to achieve the first positive results on their own. In more “serious” cases there are a lot of “ifs...”. (If you have experience in the chosen topic of life, if you have talent, if you are honest with yourself, if you are confident enough in yourself...)

2. Cyclic model or formula for success with feedback. Brute force method

Success = goal setting

+ action 1

+ action 2

+ action 3

+ action n.

Result n = goal setting + action n,

If the result is not satisfactory (not success), then another attempt is made or an analysis is carried out at this stage.

The path to success is corrected - and action 2 is completed. So until (infinity) until the result that is needed.

A special case is a game of billiards. The goal is to pocket all the balls. The shot missed, the shot missed again..., they thought, they counted - it was a shot, finally one ball (white) flew into the hole, etc.

Another special theoretical case is a banal enumeration of actions. We do everything possible and impossible until we achieve our goal. It makes more sense, of course, to turn on your brain between actions.

By the way, if you have come across the concept of “operant behavior,” then this is what it is. Those. this is how an animal (and a person?) acts when it finds itself in unfamiliar circumstances. (The cat was covered with a box, and he, by going through his actions: hissed, meowed, jumped, scratched... tried to get out of it. You can experiment.)

Advantages. The military uses it: a target guidance system, when the first projectile is for adjustment, the second is at the target. It is vital (see paragraph above). Not only animals learn this way...

The brute force method is sometimes the only available method where there is no initial knowledge. The law of large numbers is in his favor, when the more attempts, the greater the chance of getting at least one reasonable result.

Flaws. This model is a model of the so-called “rat race”. When there is a maximum of actions, but the result is still zero, and life’s time is ticking.

To whom, where, when. Suitable if you don’t know where to start, or don’t know what exactly needs to be done.

3. Philosophical formula

Success in the future = intense activity in the present!

This is not a formula, that’s why it is “philosophical”. I don’t remember why I once wrote an article about her. But this statement has a special meaning.

I will not dwell on it in detail, please take note. I brought it here because it is present in some forms in well-known religions, mystical movements, sacred knowledge...

4. Psychological formula for success

Success = knowledge + skill + environment.

If you are the son of a banker, then having received financial education and with little skill in working with banking terms, you will become a banker. How successful a banker is - and how well you can work with numbers, and what knowledge you have, and what kind of people you are friends with. Which confirms this formula.

Flaws. Pessimistic formula. “Little depends on me.” Let’s say we get knowledge, in our information age it’s easy, but if your hands grow... if you don’t have the talent for the desired thing (for example, making money), then you won’t see success.

It’s even worse that you can’t choose your environment either (nobody talks about this, but hidden class groups have already formed, and they don’t like newcomers). You can’t go up to a successful businessman and tell him: “Let’s be friends!”

This formula is indicative, it shows why you are now in this position, just by paying attention to its “ingredients”.

Who, where and when will need it. It will be needed more for self-analysis. To understand where to go next in life.

5. Psychological formula for success No. 2, successful individuals

Success = Sanity

+ knowledge of your business and general outlook

+ self-confidence

+ activity with the ability to bring everything to completion

+ leader abilities

+ creativity

+ charisma

+ luck.

Derived from already successful individuals. The ingredients are answers to the question: “What did they need to become successful?”

I hope it’s clear why and it’s psychological. For, whatever one may say, all problems, according to her, are hidden in the person himself, although the factor of surprise is also allowed - luck. Change is possible if it comes from within.

It can be expressed by the slogan: “ Change for the better - your world will change too!»

Flaws.“Changing someone else is hard. Yourself is impossible!” (One of the very big pessimists said this).

How to use it. It is good for finding your weak points. If success doesn’t come your way, we look for the weak link. He's the reason for all the problems.

6. The winning formula

Success = goal (clearly know what you want)

+ know how to do it

+ love your job

+ good judgment

+ flexibility

+ risk

+ appropriate environment

+ act

+ prioritize in a timely manner

+ love yourself.

I will refrain from commenting, because this model contains many of the above. Having analyzed 4 more success formulas, I also found many repetitions. It turns out that I have already described the basic formulas.

The real formula for success

There probably isn’t and never will be a general formula; it all depends on the business in which you want to succeed, on what you mean by success and several other factors.

But you can take any one as a starting point. Intuitively, reading the lines above, you have identified the most, the most real one for yourself. Isn't it? She will be like that for you, at this stage!

Formula for success...

Sounds pretty funny, doesn't it? No? Isn't it funny? Okay, now I’ll explain what exactly I find funny.

Firstly, this phrase suggests that success is a thing completely amenable to algorithmization. I took a little of this, added that, peppered it, cooked it - voila, success! (It is clear that this is not so. Let us at least remember that success is different for everyone: by area, by scale, by methods of achievement...)


using this phrase, a person seems to separate the success he wants to achieve in life from himself. There is a formula that I will follow - and everything will be great. But success comes to a person from within, is the result of his efforts and...

However... since I wrote “formula for success” in the title of this article, I need to give something that the reader expects from me. I don't like to lie. Even just waiting.

(I’m lying, of course =)))) I just want to look at methods of achieving success from a different angle)

So, what could be included in the formula for success? What, roughly speaking, should be present in the life of a person who wants to succeed?

In my opinion, these things include:

1. The earliest possible choice of the field of activity with which a person connects his future. Everything is clear here. The sooner you start, the easier it will be to master, the faster you will gain outstanding professional skills. In some areas human activity(art, sports) is an almost necessary component of success.

how to get this “formula component”:

As soon as possible, realize yourself as a person and begin your development. I already wrote about this: . Based on a conscious choice, find your path and follow it. It's not easy. The choice of path should ideally be final. And to be on the safe side, choose a path from which it is easy to cross to another road (this means that you need to acquire skills that may be useful on another road).

2. The ability to set goals and achieve them.

This part of the formula is related to point 1: early choice of area creates strong motivation in a certain field of activity and you get the ability to achieve goals “automatically”. In any case, without the ability to set a task for yourself and effectively achieve it, you cannot talk about any success. Without this skill, your life path will be thrown from side to side - energy and time will be wasted.

3. Constant self-improvement, physical, emotional and intellectual development, which creates a “nutrient medium” for success in any area of ​​life.

4. Personal strength, which allows you to steadfastly resist life’s troubles and rise after a fall. Have you heard that “success is falling six times and getting up seven times”? This is a very correct expression.

5. And one more, most important element of the success formula. That's right, this is the ability to see the situation in your own way, have your own opinion on everything and unmistakably believe in yourself. By the way, believing in yourself is also a matter of gain, and in order to believe in yourself you don’t need shamanic dances with a tambourine, I also wrote about this recently.

Formula for success in the life of every person lies in his continuous development, revealing his potential, learning new skills and using new opportunities.

From the perspective of development, metaphorically, a person can be represented as a seed, which over time will develop into a powerful and incredibly beautiful tree. For a tree to grow healthy and strong, it needs fertile soil.

Continuing the analogy, we can say that fertile soil for a person is his life situations. The seed in this case is the person himself with his potential capabilities. Whether a person will reveal his potential or not depends entirely on him.

Each of us is already placed in the fertile soil called life. All our surroundings, people, situations, work, and the like contribute to our development. Only the person himself, of his own free will, can strengthen the process of his own development or slow it down.

Since a person cannot fail to develop at all, humanity can be divided into actively and passively developing people.

Active and passive development

For those who are reluctant to embrace their own development, life is perceived as a series of problematic situations that force a person to suffer largely quietly, and in some cases even very loudly.

They struggle with life, it is difficult for them to accept anything new. The philosophy of such people implies the immutability and static nature of their personality. For them, it seems easier for them to change the world around us than to change yourself.

These people resemble children who dream of driving a car, but do not understand that in order to do this, in addition to the car itself, they need to know the rules of driving, the structure of the car and learn much more.

Likewise, we can want and dream a lot, but by and large we are not ready to have it, because we do not want to change.

This position is unnatural. If we want something new in life, we need to update ourselves.

The shortest way to change a situation is to change yourself

For actively developing ones, they are also called successful people, life is perceived as a stream of continuous opportunities where one can realize oneself. For them, life is presented as something interesting, mysterious and beautiful.

The perception of such people allows you to meet every situation with a smile. Luck itself comes their way. These people achieve their goals by changing themselves, their lives and the lives of others, thereby introducing harmony and prosperity into it.

These people recognize and do not resist the law of development - all living things are continuously developing and improving themselves.

The formula for success consists of the following components:


All living things are in continuous development. It is necessary to accept this fact, this is the law of nature. The less a person resists his own development, the better his life.


Take responsibility for your life. If you don't have something, then for some reason it doesn't exist. Every action has its consequences. All our decisions and actions lead us to certain results. If you are not satisfied with the results of your life, do not blame others for this, look at your actions or your own inaction, and you will understand why you have such results.


Think positively. Perceive every situation not as another difficulty or mockery of fate, but as an opportunity to improve your life and become stronger, to attract more favorable circumstances to yourself.


Treat yourself as a constantly evolving being. See life circumstances as a learning factor. Find new opportunities for yourself in your own development.


Accept every situation in your life, don't fight it. Acceptance does not mean agreement. If you find yourself in a situation where you are insulted and humiliated, then accepting this situation does not at all mean agreeing with such an attitude towards yourself.

Acceptance means stating a fact, it is, it happened. Often we do not accept the very fact of what happened. Rejection makes it impossible to adequately respond to the situation.

This is similar to how a person complains about the heat at noon and experiences resentment and stress about it. Why fight the forces of nature, stand in the sun and complain about fate; isn’t it easier to step into the shade of a branchy tree and enjoy the coolness?