How is cargo turnover measured? Calculation of cargo turnover - Encyclopedia of Economics. Brief Step-by-Step Business Guide

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Freight turnover

Freight turnover- an indicator of the volume of work performed by freight transport. It is measured in ton-kilometers (tkm) (the work of transport to transport 1 ton of cargo over a distance of 1 km).

To determine cargo turnover, the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each shipment) is multiplied by the transportation distance and the resulting products are summed up.

The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure labor productivity in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker); the cost of transportation is also determined per 1 ton-km, since transportation costs depend on the distance and weight of the cargo.

To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the freight turnover indicator is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, transportation revenue, etc. is used.

The dissemination of best practices, including those of Belarusian railway workers, makes it possible to increase the volume of useful transport work without increasing the number of employees.

Freight volume Q(t) is the amount of cargo in tons that is planned to be transported or has already been transported.

Freight turnover P(t-km) is the transport work in ton-kilometers that is planned or spent on transportation.

Freight flow ( Ted. vr. ) – this is the number of tons of cargo transported in forward Q ave. and reverse Q arr. directions per unit of time (hour, work shift, day, month, year, etc.).

The direct direction is conventionally called the direction of freight flows of large magnitude. The relationship between indicators P and Q can be represented by the following expressions:

Q = Q ex. + Q arr. and P = Q× lQ, Where

lQ– is the average distance of cargo transportation, km.

The volume of transportation, cargo turnover and cargo flows are characterized by size, structure, time of their development and unevenness coefficients .

1) Structure determined by the name and class of cargo. The structure of cargo flow is:

industry(belonging to any industry: food, oil and gas, agriculture, etc.);

group ( belong to a certain group of goods: food products, construction materials, etc.);

by type of cargo(distribution of cargo according to properties unique to them: grain crops, dairy products, reinforced concrete products).

2) Mastery time includes the start and end date of transportation and its pace. Transportation can be permanent, temporary or seasonal.
3) Coefficient of unevenness of traffic volume is determined as follows: = Qmax / Q avg.

4) Freight turnover unevenness coefficient is determined as follows: = Pmax / P avg.

The unevenness of the volume of transportation and especially cargo turnover makes it difficult for the rhythmic operation of rolling stock. Motor transport enterprises should, if possible, even out this unevenness by early delivery of goods, increasing the productivity of loading and unloading operations, developing optimal schedules and transportation routes, and others organizational enterprises. It is also necessary to adapt the operating mode of rolling stock to fluctuations in the values ​​of P and Q by changing the operating time of vehicles on the line, Maintenance and repairs during periods of decline in traffic volumes, postponement of vacations, etc.

The values ​​of transportation volume and cargo turnover depend on the size of production and consumption, transportation distances and cargo delivery schemes. Many goods do not always travel from the place of production directly to the place of consumption, which leads to repeated transportation of the same goods. The frequency of transportation is related to the type of cargo, its intended purpose, and depends on the supply system, the location of warehouses and consumers served, and the transportation planning system.

Most often, repeat shipments occur when delivering industrial and food products V trading network, when they are pre-delivered to warehouses or bases for sorting, packaging and distribution to stores. Reducing the repetition of transportation can be achieved through rational cargo delivery schemes. During the survey, the daily, monthly and annual volume of transportation and cargo turnover, directions and distances of transportation, the structure of freight flows and cargo turnover are identified.

Problem 4.1

Intercity centralized transportation of goods is carried out along the BD route with a total length of 295 km. The BV section is 140 km long; VG section with a length of 90 km; section of the main road with a length of 65 km. The volume in tons, composition and direction of cargo flows are presented in Table 4.1. Calculate cargo turnover and cargo flows and construct diagrams of cargo flows.

L b-h = 140 km, L b-d = 90 km, L d-d = 65 km, L b-d = 295 km

Freight turnover P = Q×lQ (t-km)

Forward direction Reverse direction

Qb-h = 17600 t Qd-d = 8300t

Qv-g = 26700 t Qg-v = 11900t

Qg-d = 25000t Qv-b = ​​12400t

Qtot. = 35600t Qtot. = 25700t

Rb-v = 2464000t-km Rd-t = 539500t-km

Rv-g = 2403000 t-km R g-v = 1071000 t-km

Rg-d = 1625000t-km Rv-b = ​​17360000t-km

Problem 4.2

Based on the data given in the tables, calculate freight turnover, freight flows, freight turnover unevenness coefficient, freight flow unevenness coefficient, construct diagrams of cargo flows and cargo structure.

Exercise 1

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 2

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 3

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 4

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 5

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 6

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 7

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 8

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 9

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 10

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 11

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 12

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

Task 13

Table 4.1 – Volume of freight traffic on the BVGD route

In the literature devoted to the operation of various transport systems, the concept of freight turnover is often used. Let's consider what cargo turnover is and how it is measured.

Freight turnover refers to the number of goods transported within one enterprise or a separate mode of transport, a separate industry and the state as a whole. It is customary to measure this indicator in ton-kilometers, but most often simply the total tonnage of transportation performed is used. In relation to transportation carried out in a certain area and throughout the state, both units of measurement are used, and when assessing the activity of a transport facility or hub, only the total weight of what is transported in tons is used.

IN on a global scale the freight turnover indicator evaluates the relationship between countries or regions; in transport, it speaks about the throughput of facilities. If interstate cargo turnover grows, this confirms the development of trade and the economies of countries. The crisis period is accompanied by a drop in cargo turnover. Disruption of cargo turnover between certain regions of the country indicates problems in the transport system, disruptions in the work of enterprises and economic ties between them.

Freight turnover by mode of transport

It is customary to evaluate the entire freight turnover of transport separately by its type, obtaining an assessment of a specific transport industry.
  • Rail transport is the most widespread and inexpensive. In Russia, railways provide 4/5 of the country's total freight turnover. The development and construction of new routes constantly increases the amount of cargo transported. If you look at the country as a whole, the more railways it has, the less money will be spent on transporting goods.
  • Water transport also provides inexpensive transportation of goods, but it is not possible in any region, but only where there are seas and rivers. River navigation is also possible only in summer - in winter the rivers are covered with ice, so the port’s cargo turnover covers only summer time. Behind summer period Russian river transport manages to transport 10-15% of the country's total cargo turnover. Marine vessels– This is usually interstate transportation, their share is 5-7%.
  • Road transport depends on roads. Most road transport is of local importance - from enterprise to enterprise, from enterprise to railway stations and ports. The mobility of vehicles makes them popular for long-distance transportation, including international ones, especially since such deliveries are carried out much faster. Sometimes it is easier to send cargo by road than to transport it to the railway station, reload it into a wagon and repeat these procedures at the destination. The cost of congestion will destroy economic effect from cheap transportation. Motor transport will deliver the cargo to its place without any overloads or delays.
  • Air transport is the most expensive method of transporting goods, but it is extremely necessary if the cargo needs to be delivered urgently or to a place where roads are not paved. For example, you need to quickly transport cargo to a distant ocean island or to a taiga village that has no roads. There are quite a lot of such places in Russia, so the cargo turnover of air transport is very significant.
  • Pipeline transport is used exclusively for liquid and gaseous products, and not only oil and natural gas. Pipelines can carry ammonia and other chemical substances. In Russia, almost all oil and gas exports are carried out using pipelines. The growth of cargo turnover in this industry is determined only by the construction of new pipeline branches.
The general assessment of cargo transportation in each transport sector determines its development and the need for appropriate equipment, track construction, and also shows its importance in the overall cargo turnover of the national economy.


The process of direct creation of a product in its concrete material form does not end with the creation of the value of the product. A product produced in industry and agriculture, in most cases, is not yet ready for consumption in the sense of realizing its consumer properties. In order for a product to gain public recognition so that it can be used for industrial or non-productive consumption, it must be spatially moved from the place of production to the place of consumption and sold to consumers. Industries where labor is spent on transporting and selling products form the sphere of circulation. Circulation of the social product, served by freight transport and trade in its broad sense, is a necessary link in the process of reproduction of the social product, without which the reproduction process itself does not exist. Statistical characteristics of the sphere of circulation are carried out by statistics of freight turnover and statistics of commodity circulation.

The task of transport statistics, and primarily freight turnover statistics, is to promptly identify and reflect these progressive changes and to promote their increasing implementation.

Transportation indicators can be represented by two groups of indicators - physical and cost. The former form a system of indicators for freight turnover statistics, the latter include indicators of gross and net transport output.

This chapter discusses issues of freight turnover statistics, with the main focus on general methodological issues of calculation and analysis of certain indicators, without a detailed consideration of the specifics of their calculation according to certain species transport.

Freight turnover statistics studies the volume and structure of freight turnover, the dynamics of its indicators, the intensity of use of technical means of transport (mobile and stationary), territorial directions and connections freight transport.  

For a comprehensive description of freight transportation, a system of freight turnover indicators is needed. The indicators of this system should provide a comprehensive description of the state and development of freight transportation. Statistics. freight turnover includes the following indicators

The concept of cargo turnover. Classification of cargo turnover by type of cargo and mode of transport. Indicators of cargo transportation statistics.

More than 20 billion tons of cargo are transported along them annually. The total cargo turnover for 29 countries (for which statistics are available) is 3247 billion t-km. Passenger transportation by road reaches 10,600 billion passenger-km.

In the 80s and 90s, there was a gap between GDP growth rates and transport performance indicators. Thus, the growth rate of GDP for 1996-2000, according to official statistics, was almost 5 times higher than the growth rate of cargo transportation, and 2 times higher than the growth rate of cargo turnover. This phenomenon may serve as one of the indicators of the artificial overestimation of absolute and relative GDP growth, the inaccuracy of which is officially recognized in the PRC.

CARGO TURNOVER is an indicator of the volume of work performed by freight transport. It is measured in ton-kilometers (tkm) (the work of transport to transport I tons of cargo over a distance of I km). To determine G., the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each shipment) is multiplied by the transportation distance, and the resulting products are summed up. Indicator G is used in planning and statistics for transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker); the cost of transportation is also determined per 1 ton-km, since transportation costs depend on its distance and the weight of the cargo. For transport, the indicator G. is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, revenue from transportation, etc. is used.

To generalize the performance of freight transport in physical terms, calculate the estimated indicator of transportation statistics - the freight turnover indicator. ton-kilometers, this indicator is calculated as the sum of the products of the number of goods transported q by the number of kilometers of transportation distance / for each shipment of goods "Lql. The freight turnover indicator is calculated for individual goods transported, by mode of transport and for all transport as a whole. Calculation of the freight turnover indicator by mode of transport has its own characteristics, determined by the specifics of the application of labor on a particular transport and the conditions of its functioning.

An important task of statistics is not only to determine the volume of cargo turnover, but also to study it in dynamics, to identify factors that change its overall value and its components.

For a broader analysis of the characteristics of transportation activities, including the country’s freight turnover, statistics calculate a number of indicators characterizing the condition and use of rolling stock (cars, locomotives and freight train generally).

Measuring freight turnover in transport The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure labor productivity in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker), the cost of transportation is also determined per 1 ton-kilometer, since transportation costs depend on its distance and the weight of the cargo. To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the freight turnover indicator is not used, since society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transport costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, transportation revenue is used.

NET OPERATING FREIGHT TURNOVER (net freight turnover) - an indicator of freight transportation statistics (freight transportation taking into account the actual distance) Determined based on the route data of the locomotive driver as

FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS (freight traffi statisti s) - a section of transport statistics that studies the volume, composition and direction of cargo transportation for a certain period and in dynamics. Unit of observation is dispatch System of interconnected

Freight turnover- this is the quantity (total volume) of goods transported according to the object in question over a certain period of time: be it an enterprise, a type of transport, an industry or a state as a whole.

Freight turnover as an economic indicator of transport performance, it is the product of the weight of cargo transported over a certain time and the transportation distance.

For example, if different ships transported 5 million tons of cargo over an average distance of 150 km during the year, then annual cargo turnover is 5 x 150 = 750 million ton-kilometers.

The freight turnover indicator is measured by a unit such as a ton-kilometer, but it is more common to use the indicator of the total tonnage of transportation performed.

To measure the volume of traffic within a state or a designated region, two units of measurement are used at once. The process of assessing the functioning of a transport facility or an individual node involves using only the total weight of cargo transported in tons.

On a large scale, the freight turnover indicator assesses the relationship between states or regions, and in the transport sector it determines throughput certain objects. The growth of interstate freight turnover indicates the development of trade and economy. During a crisis, there is a drop in cargo turnover. The instability of cargo turnover between regions suggests difficulties in the main transport system, in the functioning of companies, as well as weak internecine economic ties.

Types of cargo turnover

Typically, the entire freight turnover of transport is correlated with a specific transport sector in order to assess a certain type of freight turnover.

Railway transport– the most large-scale and budgetary. In Russia, the railway network serves 4/5 of the country's total freight turnover. The construction and development of communication lines is continuously increasing the number of goods transported. A general assessment of the country's freight turnover suggests that the development of the railway network, the lower the costs of transporting tonnage.

Water transport- also one of the profitable options for transporting cargo, but it is not possible in every region, but only between territories adjacent to the sea or wide river. In addition, river navigation is only possible in the summer – in cold weather the rivers freeze. During the hot season, river transport accounts for 10–15% of Russia’s total cargo turnover. Shipping by sea is usually interstate shipments. Their share accounts for 4–7%.

Pipeline transport used only for transferring liquid and volatile mixtures. Gas, ammonia, oil and other chemical binders are transmitted through pipelines. In the Russian Federation, the majority of exports of “oil and gas products” are carried out through pipelines. In this industry, the increase in cargo turnover is determined by the laying of new pipeline routes.

Automobile transport completely dependent on the availability and quality of roads. Most road freight transport is of local importance, i.e. carried out between enterprises, port and enterprise, etc. Such deliveries are completed faster. Motor transport does not require additional loading/unloading, which reduces the economic benefits of transportation, and is therefore more profitable. With its help, you can deliver the entrusted cargo to its destination without additional costs and delays.

The mobility and variety of vehicles guarantees their demand for long-distance deliveries of any cargo volume.

Air Transport– an expensive approach to transporting goods. Its advantage is the urgency of delivery or delivery of cargo to places where routes are not equipped. For example, you need to quickly deliver goods to a taiga settlement. There are especially many such places in Russia. For this reason, the cargo turnover of air transport is quite high.

A summary assessment of cargo supplies for each transport sector allows us to determine the level of development of the sector and its need for modernization and related equipment plus the construction of new tracks. Also, a general assessment allows us to identify the significance of a specific industry in the cargo exchange of the entire national economy.