Naval forces of the People's Republic of China. Asia's largest missile ship launched in Shanghai Chinese destroyer Project 055

Comparative sizes of destroyers pr. 055 and 052D(illustration from from the publication dated 06/04/2015)

While working on the first materials about the PLA Navy ( , ) project055 passed me by, because... almost all attention had to be focused on finding outcurrent ship's personnel , which was dealt with very difficult. The reason for this is “the opacity of Chinese naval construction - akin to that which took place in Soviet times, when citizens of the USSR learned about the ship composition of their Navy from the Jane's Fighting Ships directory (free self-quote). Meanwhile,the lead super destroyer for more than a year (since27.12.2014 link 3 ) was at work at the shipyard"Jiangnan" on Changxing Island in Shanghai.

It is now premature to analyze the performance characteristics of Project 055, because in addition to the full-scale model in Wuhan and the formed bow There is very little information about him, and the main and almost the only source of it is discussions on Chinese military forums. Supposed that the ship will have a length of about 183 m, a width of 22 m, a gas turbine Main power plant, 128 UVP (2x64), 1x1 130- or 152-mm gun, BIUS with AFAR and a hangar for two helicopters (link 4 ). With the specified dimensionsthe total displacement of the destroyer will be about12 000 tons (total completeness coefficientKop=0.54 atB/ T=3.14 - approximately the same as RKR pr. 1164). In the same time, on the above diagram, made, presumably, by the author’s completion of the layout fore and aft, 055 is 10 m shorter and, accordingly, 2,000 tons lighter.

It is also assumed that the serial construction of ships of this project will be 16 units (and 8 of them are from atomicGEM), and the promising Chinese AUG, in addition to the aircraft carrier, will include two large destroyers of type 055, four “small” type 052Dand four frigates of type 054A(link 4).

It may seem that by launching into series a multi-purpose ocean-going combat ship the size of the Washington (heavy)cruiser, the PLA Navy poses a challenge (“gauntlet”) to its closest competitors - the US Navy and the Russian Navy, and makes(confirm) the application for leadership in the Asia-Pacific region however I wouldn't pose the question so categorically. N and today isUS Navy- the world’s strongest ocean-going fleet of a multi-power standard, which will remain in this status for a very, very long time. Even if the Chinese manage to implement all their ambitious plans and increaseNavy, let's saydoubled , the Americans will still end updoubled stronger,transferring forces from the Atlantic to the Pacific theater of operations through the Panama Canal and around Cape Horn(and that's not counting allies).

Moreover, dimensions and serial production are one thing, but the combat effectiveness of naval weapons systems, proven tacticsthe use of naval forces, combat experience and the methodology for training personnel based on it is completely different. Modern The American fleet was born in hot battles with a strong, smart and brave enemy in the Great War in the Pacific and was tempered, like the USSR Navy, in the Cold War on all four oceans of the planet, which demanded from both sides extreme strain on mental, technical and economic resources.

The performance characteristics of the naval weapons created in those years were determined by the real possibility of an imminent global military life-or-death clashes, and these weapons continue to be progressively improved to this day. The Chinese, who did not have a fleet at all during World War II and a competitive one during the Cold War, suddenly decided to starting from scratch, surpass everyone in just a couple of decades by copying and modernizing, according to your own understanding, other people’s developments from previous years. Personally, I refuse to believe in such amazing achievements, and with them the effectiveness Chinese anti-ship missiles, CRBDs, PLURs, missiles with incomprehensible characteristics, and I would not be surprised if all that impressive arsenal of the new The super destroyer shown below will turn out to be a “paper tiger”.

To the US Navy and everyone who looks up to them as a role model,Type 055 - not a challenge, but rather an incentive to build beautiful ships of new generations, unlike the freaks like the Zumwalt - the fruit of an insanely expensive experiment ina radical reduction in ESR, which, even if it makes them inconspicuous “14-meter schooners,” will only be for the first time - in order to hide their radio technical portrait from RTR equipment, they will have to turn off all radars, and in the eternal the confrontation between “armor and projectile” will sooner or later appearRCC - scouts with passive RGSN and stored in memoryRT-portraits that will guide other missiles in the salvo to the correct target.

In relation to the Russian Navy, super-destroyers pr. 055 are also an incentive, but not in terms of naval architecture (besides with the exception of 20386 and the concept projects of the KGSC, we are all right with this so far), and regarding the scale and pace construction. At one time, we taught our Chinese comrades how to build warships, today we have no sin learn from your students.

The bow end of the lead destroyer of type 055 at the Jiangnan shipyard, Shanghai (photo by Hongjian from from the publication dated 10/20/2016)

Ceremony to begin construction of the lead destroyer type 055,27.12.2014 (photo from

China Central Television reported that the shipyard Jianghan Shipyard the lead ship of a series of destroyers or squadrons was launched in Shanghai Type destroyers 055.

The Chinese launched their version of the Zumwalt

This warship was laid down on December 27, 2014, and this tells us that exactly six months passed from the start of construction of the destroyer to its completion. The exact appearance of the ship is still not known - the Chinese are keeping this information secret, but the displacement of 12 thousand tons suggests that these will be the largest ships of this class after the American Zumwalt-class destroyers, which was launched in 2013 and a long time ago became a media hero.

This is a multifunctional ship, which, like the destroyers of the previous generation - Type 052D, has as weapons vertical launch systems for various types of missiles of the so-called cellular type - this is the Chinese analogue of the famous American launcher.

This circumstance allows ships of this type to perform wide range military tasks - from strengthening zonal air defense, missile defense and anti-aircraft defense to joining aircraft carrier strike groups.

It is noteworthy that the armament of this warship has “Russian roots” - these are missile systems such as the HQ-9, which is a Chinese version of the S-300, as well as the HQ-16, which is a Russian-Chinese modernization of the domestic Shtil air defense system.

Other components of missile defense and air defense systems copy American system Aegis - for example, the HQ-26 is a direct analogue of the SM-3, and the FL-3000N air defense system is a RAM close-in defense complex.

Interestingly, shock functions on the Type 055 will be carried out missile system YJ-18, which is the Chinese index for the Russian Kalibr-class cruise missile.

Type 055 is being created by China for operations on the high seas

You also need to pay attention to the important fact that the appearance of the new ship has the most reduced ship superstructures, which is necessary for the Type 055 to achieve the greatest stealth, and this copies the US approach when designing the Zumwalt.

According to The Diplomat columnist Bob Farley, the Type 055 destroyers are built to serve as the lead ship of a long-range naval group or an escort ship in a Chinese Navy carrier strike group.

China needs this in order to demonstrate to all potential adversaries the increased power and operational range of modern Chinese naval forces.

All this suggests that today China is paying increased attention to the needs of the national navy, and Beijing is relying on Navy, pursuing not only defensive goals, since other components are sufficient to achieve such goals, but in order to ensure a Chinese operational presence within the world's oceans.

China is implementing the Maritime Silk Road

Head of the Economics and Politics Sector, IMEMO RAS Sergei Lukonin in conversation with FBA "Economy Today" noted that China’s focus on building a large navy is part of the implementation of the “Maritime Silk Road” concept.

“This is all part of the Chinese “one belt and one road” initiative, for which Beijing needs to build economic growth points throughout the entire maritime part of this project so that the process of transporting goods to Europe is painless,” concludes Lukonin.

To do this, as Sergei Aleksandrovich notes, China will build support bases along the entire route, and the new Chinese Navy will have to protect all these projects.

“The Chinese will not spare any expense for this, not to mention the fact that Beijing is going to organize free economic zones in such ports. All this is already positioned as direct Chinese economic interests, as a result of which investments in the Chinese navy today are unprecedented for this country,” sums up Lukonin.

This indicates that China is currently placing its main emphasis on the development of its own naval forces, not to mention the innovative subtext in this entire strategic project.

Beijing is creating naval strongholds all the way to the Suez Canal

“The Chinese today are specifically implementing such megaprojects so that this will serve as an innovative factor for the development of China’s national industry, so that this country can independently produce and design all the necessary types of military equipment. And here it should be noted that the Chinese are heading towards success,” states Lukonin.

As for the maritime version of the Silk Road, as the expert notes, this is a route from China to Europe, and its points can be traced to Chinese geopolitical initiatives.

“China today is investing in many ports from Asia to Europe - in particular, Pakistani Gwardar. Here, the Chinese are also fulfilling the strategic task of providing themselves with energy resources - in this regard, this is a duplicate supply route for Beijing. In addition, one can recall Chinese investments in the Maldives and Sri Lanka, as well as the military base that has been built today in the state of Djibouti,” concludes Lukonin.

The military base in Djibouti is very significant here, since this country is located just before the entrance to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, i.e. to the trade gates of the European Union.

Suffice it to recall the opening of the second branch of the Suez Canal in 2015, which was carried out in Egypt with a significant role of Chinese capital.

Type 055 destroyers The People's Liberation Army Navy wants to receive a large number of modern ships capable of solving a wide range of tasks in the ocean zone and ensuring the presence of the fleet in strategically important regions. To meet such requirements, the construction of the latest destroyers project 055. According to reports from Chinese and foreign funds mass media, On August 24, the first destroyer of Project 055, Nanchang, set sail for the first time from Shanghai. This ship was built in Shanghai at the Jiangnan-Changxing plant, part of the state-owned shipbuilding corporation China Shipbuilding State Corporation. Over the next few months, the ship will have to pass all the necessary tests, based on the results of which it will be able to enter service. According to current plans, the destroyer will join the Navy next year in 2019. The ceremonial laying of the lead destroyer “055” took place in 2014. At the end of June 2017, the ship was launched, after which construction began on the quay wall. It took about a year to install everything necessary equipment and verification of installed systems. It is expected that the emergence of a series of new Project 055 destroyers will have a serious impact on the state of the PLA Navy, as well as on the balance of forces in the Asia-Pacific region. According to various estimates, these ships can become one of the most serious forces in the Pacific Ocean. These estimates are based on available information about the characteristics and combat qualities, as well as the quantity and quality of weapons on board. The Type 055 destroyer is a large surface ship built using modern technologies and current developments. It has a length of 180 m with a width of up to 20 m and a normal draft of 6.6 m. The total displacement reaches 13 thousand tons, which directly affects the combat qualities of the ship. The main armament of the destroyer "055" are two universal vertical launchers. The first has 64 cells for transport and launch containers with missiles and is placed in front of the superstructure. The second includes 48 cells and is located in the center of the superstructure, in front of the hangar. The cell of such an installation has a diameter of 850 mm and a length of about 9 m. It is possible to use missiles with mortar launch and “hot” launch. Thanks to this, the destroyer can use all major types of existing Chinese-made naval missiles.

To attack enemy surface ships, the destroyer must use YJ-18 missiles with a flight range of up to 540 km. The main part of the trajectory of such a weapon travels at subsonic speed, and in the final section it accelerates to M=3. It is proposed to use a ship-based modification of the CJ-10 “land” cruise missiles against coastal targets. Such a product is capable of delivering a 500-kg warhead to a range of up to 1,500 km.

From point of view technical features and capabilities, the new destroyers “055” can be considered direct competitors American cruisers URO type Ticonderoga. Existing and promising US destroyers - the Arleigh Bukre and Zumwalt projects - cannot be fully considered analogues or rivals of the Chinese ship, since they are inferior in the size of their ammunition load. At the same time, Zumwalt-class destroyers are slightly larger than the 055-class ship, and also have a large displacement - up to 15-16 thousand tons.



Since the end of last year, foreign military forums have begun to discuss the development in China of large missile destroyers with a displacement of 12,000 tons, which are larger in size than the American Arleigh Burke class destroyers and will be second only to the promising DDG-1000, Chinese Internet resources report.
The destroyer is designated Type 055 and is intended to complement the Type 052 ships. The new destroyer is reportedly designed with maximum use of stealth technologies, all-electric propulsion and an open electronic architecture for the rapid integration of new equipment and weapons. The main armament will consist of HHQ-26 anti-missile systems (similar to the American SM-3) and ground attack cruise missiles, as well as a laser cannon. The ship will be able to detect and track hundreds of targets simultaneously. New destroyers will appear in the Chinese fleet from 2020.
Military Parity


In the second quarter of 2015, China will begin construction of the Type 055 “large fourth-generation guided missile destroyer,” which will be the largest surface combatant of its class in the world after the American DDG-1000 stealth destroyer, reported today.
The construction of ships of this series is planned within the framework of the 12th Five-Year Plan and will demonstrate the highest level of Chinese technology in military surface shipbuilding. The keel of the ship is somewhat behind schedule; the final design work on the Type 055 is currently underway.
Military Parity


According to a source on July 23, mock-ups of the 130 mm universal H/PJ-38 gun, the Type 1130 small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery system and the FL-3000N short-range missile defense system were mounted on the ground-based mock-up stand of the promising Chinese missile cruiser in Wuhan. concept of RAM on a mobile PU).


The forum of the Chinese portal published posters of the promising Chinese missile cruiser (large missile destroyer) Type 055A.
Of course, these drawings are not a 100% real reflection of the ship's design. Judging by the given data, the length of the ship can be 174 m, width 23 m, draft 8 m, standard displacement 9000 tons, total displacement 12300 tons, gas turbine power 100 mW (4x25 mW), maximum speed 32 knots, cruising range 7000 miles at speed 16 knots, crew 310 people. The ship is equipped with a variety of missile weapons (missiles, anti-ship missiles, missiles) and the latest electronic equipment.
Military Parity


As they write on the Chinese Internet, last Saturday, December 27, a ceremony was held at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai to begin construction of the lead super-destroyer Type 055. It is believed that the total displacement of the ship will be 12,000-13,000 tons.
First, it is planned to build two super-destroyers “type 055”, then a series of ships “type 055A” will begin, which in size will not be inferior to the American super-destroyers of the DDG-1000 class.
Military Parity

Chinese military expert Yin Zhuo believes that the Type 055 will not be the largest destroyer in the world and that the ship will “change the rules of naval battles” is greatly exaggerated. American media reported that this destroyer with a displacement of 10 thousand tons will be equipped with 128 missiles various classes(KR, anti-ship missiles and missiles), in the future it can be armed with an electromagnetic gun and laser weapons.
Yin Zhuo believes that in terms of its displacement, Type 055 is inferior to the American DDG-1000 (12,000 tons) and is on par with Russian ships classes “Modern” and “Udaloy” (8000-9000 tons), Japanese “Atagi” (more than 9000 tons). The expert claims that aircraft carriers really changed the tactics of combat operations at sea, raising the role of strike and fighter aircraft to enormous heights, but Type 055 destroyers cannot have such an influence on the development of naval tactics; even DDG-1000 destroyers cannot do this. In his opinion, the combat capabilities of Type 055 will be close to the characteristics of the destroyers Arleigh Burke and Atagi.
Military Parity

Military analyst Li Li said on Chinese state television that the PLA Navy's new Type 055 destroyer will be armed with 128 vertical-launch missiles in two 64-cell pods, one at the bow and the other at the stern. Jane's writes about this on February 5.
An interview with Li on China Central Television (CCTV) was reported in a number of Chinese online media, including in the official PLA Daily.
Li also said the Type 055 will be armed with the Y-100 long-range anti-ship cruise missile, as well as anti-submarine and anti-aircraft missiles.
Military Parity


Photos of a ground model of the future Type 055 missile destroyer (cruiser) continue to be published on the Chinese Internet.
As you can see, progress in Chinese model construction is obvious. Chinese designers use such full-scale mock-ups of ships to test the layout of on-board systems, deploy weapons and study ergonomics.
Military Parity


IN Chinese Internet You can deduct some interesting points from the history of the creation of the Type 055 destroyer, reports Military Parity.
In February 1968, the Chinese Ministry of Defense released a study entitled “Proposal for the Construction of Escort Ships,” where code 055 hid a program to create a large missile and artillery ship. In August 1970, the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the CPC selected the Shanghai shipyard, the Northern Fleet and the 701 Research Institute to develop the program. Gradually, hundreds of scientific institutions and factories were involved in the project, and the R&D stage began. In March 1976, the State Council and the Central Military Commission issued document No. 19, according to which funds began to be allocated for the creation of a large missile destroyer. However, in 1981, the Commission on Science and Technology of the Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that the country did not have sufficient capabilities to create such a ship, and it was decided to refocus the Type 055 project on purely research work.
In 2009, it was realized that the country was capable of creating such a large surface combat ship. Targeted work began, construction of the ship began in December 2014.
It has now been decided to build four destroyers - two in Jiangnan and two in Dalian. The lead ship is being built in Jiangnan, launching is expected in early 2017, commissioning into the fleet at the end of 2019.
The total displacement of the destroyer is estimated at 12,000 tons, power point– four QC280 gas turbine units (130 thousand hp), weapons – vertical launch systems for missiles of various classes, artillery, two Z-18 helicopters.
Military Parity


American intelligence agencies believe that China is currently building or preparing units for four “giant” Type 055 destroyers, a Chinese source reports.
It is noted that warships of this size are not currently being built in the United States and Russia. Type 055 destroyers should become the basis of the combat escort of Chinese aircraft carrier groups.
The ship's length is approximately 182.6 m, width 20.9 m, draft 7.2 m, total displacement 13,200 tons. The ship's armament consists of a 112-cell air defense system, a 130 mm caliber gun, and a gas turbine power plant.
Military parity


China is simultaneously building four large Type 055 guided-missile destroyers, Military Parity reports citing (April 28).
According to a source, on April 25, the British military weekly Jane's Defense Weekly reported that since April 2014, two hulls of this type have been built at a shipyard in Shanghai, and the saturation of modules has reached very high level. Two more hulls have been laid down at the Dalian shipyard.
According to a British source, the length of the Type 055 destroyer is about 180 m, the width is 19 m, and in size and tonnage it will occupy an intermediate position between the South Korean KDX-3 class destroyer (length 157 m, width 17 m, total displacement 10,500 tons) and Russian missile cruiser type "Slava" (length 186 m, total displacement 11,700 tons).
Based on available satellite photographs, it is still difficult to determine the number of cells on the VLP (vertical launch installations). According to some data, the ship has two air defense systems (front and rear) 13 m long, 10.5 m wide, the number of cells is 64, for a total of 128 (the Type 052D destroyer has two air control systems with 32 cells each). According to other sources, the destroyer will be equipped with two sections of 48 cells.
Military Parity


China is actively constructing the first two “large missile destroyers” Type 055, Military Parity reports citing (June 23).
It is expected that both ships could be launched this year. The destroyer's displacement is about 10 thousand tons, the construction cost is very high, which is not surprising - the ship has the most complex high-tech combat and electronic systems, which brings its capabilities closer to the American Aegis class. Construction of two more is underway. According to American experts, the program is moving forward “at an alarming speed” (all four ships are being built in Dalian).
Construction of the lead ship began in 2010; in 2016, the hull already had clear outlines, the source writes. In August 2016, work began on the superstructure (on the Chinese Internet the lead ship is called Renhai - VP).
According to some reports, the length of the destroyer is 183 m, width 22 m, standard displacement 9000 tons, total displacement 12300 tons, maximum speed 32 knots, cruising range more than 12500 miles, crew 310 people. The ship is equipped with two UVP (each for 64 missiles of various classes - missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-ship missiles), there is a 130 mm gun mount, and there is a hangar for a helicopter.
Military Parity


China launched a new type of destroyer on Wednesday own production, China Central Television reports.
The ceremony of launching the bow of the ship into the water took place in the morning in Shanghai at the Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) shipyard.
"Type 005" with a displacement of 10 thousand tons became the first Chinese destroyer of the new generation of destroyers. The ship is equipped with new anti-aircraft, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine systems.
RIA News


Launched on June 28, the Chinese Type 055 destroyer will be one of the most modern ships of its class in the world, Military Parity reports citing (June 13).
According to British source Jane's Defense Weekly, this ship has "one of the most advanced two-dimensional radars in the world." According to Chinese media, the destroyer's displacement is more than 10,000 tons, which is almost 40% more than that of the Type 052D ship.
Type 055 has large area for a helicopter and a hangar for two helicopters. Experts cannot yet name the exact number of UVP cells - 112 or 128. It is believed that the number of missiles may be twice as large as on Type 052D.
Military Parity


The Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company has begun construction of the sixth missile destroyer of Project 055, intended for the Chinese Navy. This was reported by local media with reference to satellite photographs.
It is assumed that Project 055 destroyers will surpass the most modern Project 052D destroyers currently in the Chinese Navy. If the predecessors have a hull length of 160 meters and a displacement of 7.5 thousand tons, then the new ships reach a length of 183 meters and, according to various sources, will have a displacement of 10 to 12 thousand tons.
Equipped with four QC280 gas turbines, the Type 055 destroyers are expected to reach speeds of up to 35 knots.
The ships will be armed with HQ-9A and HQ-16 long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missiles and advanced HQ-26 missiles (analogous to the American SM-3). It is also planned to install two FL-3000N close-range air defense systems. In addition, from two to four 30-mm Type 1130 short-range anti-aircraft artillery systems, which provide 10 thousand rounds per minute, will be placed on board. YJ-18 missiles (an analogue of the Russian Caliber) are designed to combat ships. The main gun mount is a fully automatic H/PJ-38 130mm caliber.
Two large anti-submarine helicopters will be able to be based on board.
According to the plans of the Chinese Navy, the fleet should receive up to 16 Project 055 destroyers. They are going to be used as part of aircraft carrier strike groups.
In July 2017, the first Project 055 destroyer was launched in Shanghai.


A photo has appeared on the Chinese Internet where eight destroyers under construction are captured in one frame - four Type 055 and four Type 052D. Construction is underway at the shipyard in Dalian.
Military parity

The People's Liberation Army Navy of China wants to receive a large number of modern ships capable of solving a wide range of tasks in the ocean zone and ensuring a fleet presence in strategically important regions. To meet such requirements, the construction of the newest destroyers of Project 055 is underway. A few days ago it became known that the lead ship of this type had begun sea trials, which in the future will be followed by at least seven production destroyers. It is expected that the 055 class ships will have the most significant impact on the potential of the Chinese fleet.

According to Chinese and foreign media reports, on August 24, the first Project 055 destroyer, Nanchang, set sail for the first time from Shanghai. This ship was built in Shanghai at the Jiangnan-Changxing plant, part of the state shipbuilding corporation China Shipbuilding State Corporation. Over the next few months, the ship will have to pass all the necessary tests, based on the results of which it will be able to enter service. According to current plans, the destroyer will join the Navy next year in 2019.

The lead destroyer of Project 055 "Nianchang" during the launching ceremony, June 2017. Photo:

The ceremonial laying of the lead destroyer “055” took place in 2014. At the end of June 2017, the ship was launched, after which construction began on the quay wall. It took about a year to install all the necessary equipment and check the installed systems. A few weeks ago, preparations were made for sea trials, and on August 24, Nianchang left the port for the first time. The test plan and schedule, as always happens in such cases, were not specified.

It is expected that the emergence of a series of new Project 055 destroyers will have a serious impact on the state of the PLA Navy, as well as on the balance of forces in the Asia-Pacific region. According to various estimates, these ships can become one of the most serious forces in the Pacific Ocean. These estimates are based on available information about the characteristics and combat qualities, as well as the quantity and quality of weapons on board.

Destroyer or cruiser?

According to Chinese official documents, the new ships are classified as "10,000-ton class destroyers." The Nianchang and its sisterships will have a length of about 180 m and a total displacement of 13 thousand tons. Thus, the new Chinese destroyers are included in the list of the largest and heaviest surface combatants in the world that are not aircraft carriers. The size and displacement of the 055 ships leads to interesting classification implications.

A displacement of about 12-13 thousand tons is not at all typical for “traditional” destroyers - ships with such characteristics are usually classified as cruisers. As a result, since last year, the US Department of Defense in its documents and statements has stopped calling the 055 ships destroyers. In the American classification they are now listed as Renhai-class cruiser. Many experts from a number of countries agree with this view of the classification. However, this does not prevent the Chinese fleet from building precisely “10,000-ton destroyers.”

Atypical dimensions and displacement for destroyers were obtained for a number of obvious reasons. In accordance with the customer’s instructions, the Project 055 ship must carry a large number of various weapons. Thus, only vertical launchers should accommodate more than 130 missiles for various purposes. In addition to them, the ship has artillery, torpedoes, electronic weapons, etc.

Design Features

The 055 type destroyer is a large surface ship built using modern technologies and current developments. It has a length of 180 m with a width of up to 20 m and a normal draft of 6.6 m. The total displacement reaches 13 thousand tons, which directly affects the combat qualities of the ship.

"Nyanchang" goes out for testing, August 24, 2018. Photo:

The design took into account the need to reduce the visibility of the destroyer to enemy radar. As a result, the hull and superstructure have characteristic contours. Thus, the sides of the hull are connected to the sides of the superstructure, and the latter is distinguished by a small number of protruding nodes. In particular, most of the antennas on the mast are placed under a radio-transparent casing. Almost all of the ship's weapons are protected by the hull and superstructure panels.

A large ship needs appropriate power plant. According to known data, Project 055 provides for the use of a COGAG type system built on the basis of four gas turbine engines QD-280 with a power of 38 thousand hp. each. Total power - more than 150 thousand hp. Also on board there are six QD-50 gas turbine generators with a power of 6700 hp each. every. Maximum speed when using all engines it is 30 knots. Cruising range – 5000 nautical miles.

The main means of monitoring the surface and air situation on the destroyer "055" is the H/LJG-346B radar station, which uses several antennas with an active phased array. Large antenna devices are installed on the frontal part of the superstructure. It is also known about the use of various radars responsible for searching for targets and using them. To counter enemy systems, there is an electronic warfare complex, including jamming stations and launchers.

There is a hydroacoustic station in the underwater part of the ship’s bow to search for enemy submarines. The ship can also use a long-length towed antenna.

At the rear of the superstructure there is a hangar for two medium helicopters. Behind it is the take-off platform. First of all, the new ships will have to carry Harbin Z-9C or Changhe Z-18F anti-submarine warfare helicopters. It is also possible to use machines for other purposes.


One of the reasons for criticism of the official Chinese classification of Project 055 is the excessive amount of weapons for a destroyer, suitable for solving completely different combat missions. Using the existing systems, Nanching and subsequent ships in the series will be able to attack air, coastal and underwater targets of various types. Moreover, in terms of the size of its ammunition, the new Chinese ship surpasses not only existing destroyers foreign countries, but also some cruisers.

Head "055" near Shanghai. Photo:

The main armament of the destroyer "055" are two universal vertical launchers. The first has 64 cells for transport and launch containers with missiles and is placed in front of the superstructure. The second includes 48 cells and is located in the center of the superstructure, in front of the hangar. The cell of such an installation has a diameter of 850 mm and a length of about 9 m. It is possible to use missiles with mortar launch and “hot” launch. Thanks to this, the destroyer can use all major types of existing Chinese-made naval missiles.

To attack enemy surface ships, the destroyer must use YJ-18 missiles with a flight range of up to 540 km. The main part of the trajectory of such a weapon travels at subsonic speed, and in the final section it accelerates to M=3. It is proposed to use a ship-based modification of the CJ-10 “land” cruise missiles against coastal targets. Such a product is capable of delivering a 500-kg warhead to a range of up to 1,500 km.

Medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missiles of the HH-9 family should also be used with vertical installations. Existing anti-submarine missiles carrying homing torpedoes are also compatible with such installations.

In addition to a pair of universal installations, the 055 ship carries several other weapons systems. On the tank there is an H/PJ-38 artillery mount with a 130 mm caliber gun, designed for firing at surface, coastal and air targets. On the bow of the superstructure, directly behind one of the launchers, a seven-barreled 30-mm H/PJ-14 anti-aircraft gun is placed.

The artillery is complemented by the HQ-10 short-range anti-aircraft missile system. At the rear of the superstructure there is a separate vertical launcher with 24 missiles of this type. With their help, air targets can be intercepted within a radius of 8-10 km.

Before launching a destroyer, you can examine the design and equipment of the superstructure. Photo:

In the recent past, there have been references in the foreign press to the future expansion of the capabilities of Project 055 destroyers through the installation of fundamentally new weapons. It was assumed that in the future such ships could become carriers of combat lasers or rail guns. Whether such ideas can be implemented in practice is unknown. There is also a plausible version about the fundamental possibility of creating an interceptor missile, which will make it possible to use the “055” ships as part of a missile defense system.

Construction progress

According to known data, China plans to build at least eight ships of Project 055. The lead one recently entered sea trials, and seven serial ones are already at various stages of construction. It cannot yet be ruled out that the PLA Navy plans to order several more destroyers of the new project, but official data on this matter is currently missing.

In order to quickly implement the command’s plans, it was decided to involve two enterprises at once in the construction of destroyers. The Jiangnan-Changxing shipyard / Shanghai Jiangnan Changxing Shipbuilding and Heavy Industry Corporation is responsible for the lead ship and several serial ships. The second large order was received by the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company, part of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, operating in Dalian. In accordance with current plans, two factories must build four ships each.

Shanghai shipbuilders have already completed part of the tasks assigned to them. Last year they launched the lead ship of the series. A few days ago he was taken out for testing. At the end of April this year, another destroyer was launched in Shanghai. The other two ships remain on the stocks for now. Apparently, they will be launched and completed for completion no later than next year. On July 3, 2018, two promising destroyers were launched on the same day in Dalian. The other two ships still remain in the assembly shops, but their launching should also take place in the foreseeable future.

Despite the large size of the ships and the complexity of construction, the two shipyards show very remarkable results. The first of the already built ships is planned to be accepted into the Navy in next year. If the current pace of construction is maintained, we can expect that all eight destroyers will begin service in 2022-23. By this time, the command may announce its intention to continue the series.

Strategy Issues

By now, the Chinese navy has become one of the most powerful fleets in the Pacific. In terms of quantitative indicators, they are inferior only to the US Navy. In addition, according to various estimates, there is a certain lag in quality. However, Beijing plans to claim the title of the leading power in the region, for which, among other things, it is building a large and powerful fleet.

Rocket firing as imagined by an artist. Picture: Wikimedia Commons

The latest Project 055 destroyers/cruisers are part of a larger plan to build a powerful navy capable of leadership. The Chinese fleet already has several dozen modern ships of the main classes, from corvettes to aircraft carriers. The appearance of “10,000-ton destroyers” should have a positive impact on the potential of the fleet as a whole and individual ship groups in particular.

In Project 055, special attention is drawn to the proposed composition of weapons and their quantity. On board the destroyer there can be more than 130 missiles for various purposes, of which 112 are in a universal launcher. According to available data, the ship is capable of monitoring the situation in the air, on the surface, on land and under water, and also receiving necessary measures regarding the objects found. In fact, “055” turns out to be a universal means for striking the enemy and simultaneously protecting ship formations.

From the point of view of technical features and capabilities, the new 055 destroyers can be considered direct competitors of the American Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers. Existing and promising US destroyers - the Arleigh Bukre and Zumwalt projects - cannot be fully considered analogues or rivals of the Chinese ship, since they are inferior in the size of their ammunition load. At the same time, Zumwalt-class destroyers are slightly larger than the 055-class ship, and also have a large displacement - up to 15-16 thousand tons.

The Ticonderoga missile cruisers with a displacement of 9800 tons are equipped with two universal launchers Mk 41, which carries 122 missiles of various types. Typical ammunition includes Tomahawk cruise missiles, SM-2 and SM-3 anti-aircraft missiles, and ASROC anti-submarine missiles. The number and proportions of missiles depend on the task at hand. At the same time, anti-ship missile weapons are represented only by the Harpoon complex with 8 missiles. The American fleet currently has 22 Ticonderoga cruisers in service. Half of these ships serve in the Pacific Ocean.

The emergence of eight new large-displacement destroyers with advanced missile weapons, capable of competing with foreign ships, will allow the PLA Navy to more effectively solve its main tasks. The formation of naval groups with the participation of type 055 destroyers will allow maintaining or expanding control over sea communications. If necessary, the fleet will be able to project power in a given region. The presence of ships with powerful strike weapons will increase such a potential of the Navy.

Wanting to become the leading power in its region, China is building new warships. To solve current problems, combat units of all types are required, including unusual “10,000-ton class” destroyers. The first ship of this kind will enter service next year, and seven more will follow. It looks like the situation in the Asia-Pacific region will not get any easier. On the contrary, the presence of large and powerful ships will allow the main countries of the region to more actively promote their interests.

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