All about police work. Is it easy to be a police officer in Russia? New badges for police officers

Today in Russia representatives of both the male and female half of humanity can work as a police officer. The first requirement is the age range from 18 to 35 years. If you meet it and want to learn how to become a police officer, then you need to carefully study all the criteria by which future defenders of the country are selected. In addition to meeting the required qualities, you should be prepared for the fact that you need to prepare certain materials and undergo a serious medical, psychological and professional commission.

Where are future police officers trained?

Like any other, it requires special education. If the decision about future work is made before graduation, it is possible to choose the right educational institution. In our country there are three universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have branches in all regions of Russia and 5 academies. In addition, there are many institutes, schools and Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In each of them you can get an appropriate education.

However, if you are an educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you have a diploma of higher legal education from any university in the country, this will greatly help you in the question of how to become a police officer. Even if you have a different education, if you want to get this profession. You will be sent to accelerated courses, after which you can apply. In this case, it is desirable that your education is not lower than secondary specialized education.

Documents required for employment

If the first two requirements (age and education) suit you, then you should next determine the documents that are necessary to apply for a job. So, the third step of the question of how to become a police officer in Russia requires the following actions:

Requirements for candidates for service

The next step is to confirm your eligibility. How can you become a police officer? First of all, you need an excellent one. To check your compliance with this point, you will have to undergo a serious medical commission, which consists of doctors of almost all specializations. Typically this verification takes at least 3 days. The list of doctors you need to go through varies, depending on the specific position you are applying for. A standard medical examination includes consultation with the following specialists:

This list may vary depending on the gender of the candidate. For example, women need to undergo an additional examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.

In addition, you must undergo blood and urine tests, as well as a drug test. Then you need to do fluorography and an ECG. You also need to obtain certificates from dispensaries confirming that you do not have any mental disorders, tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases.

Psychological testing and sports training

It is impossible to answer the question of how to become a police officer without diagnosing the candidate. To pass this test, you need to fill out various questionnaires and answer many questions in writing, including some that reveal the degree of truthfulness of the answers. This commission may in some cases include a lie detector test. After the written part, you need to undergo an oral interview with a psychologist and answer a number of his questions.

After passing the commissions, you should confirm your physical fitness. It is usually tested by such exercises as push-ups, pull-ups, etc. In terms of passing these tests, military service will be your advantage.

In addition to health, the biography of both yours and your immediate family will also be carefully checked. The presence of a criminal record on you or one of them is a guaranteed refusal to hire.

Passing an interview

If all the above steps are successfully completed, you will be invited for an interview. The questions that will be asked can be absolutely anything. They may relate to your childhood, hobbies, personal life and plans for the future. Do not forget that your goal at the moment is the answer to the question of how to become a police officer.

The interview is a very important part of the hiring decision, so you need to carefully prepare for it. First of all, you need to have a neat appearance. Jeans, sneakers and other attributes sporty style in this case are inappropriate. Men just need to put on a suit or at least dress pants and a shirt, shave and get a haircut. Women can be advised to wear a business suit with a skirt no higher than the knee, comfortable shoes, preferably with heels, a modest hairstyle, a minimum of jewelry and cosmetics.

During the interview, you need to remember the basic rules of communication psychology:

  • look your interlocutor in the eyes;
  • do not cross your arms or hide them under the table;
  • do not cross your legs;
  • behave naturally and kindly.

The more nervous you are, the more questions your interlocutor will have.

Beginning of work

If you successfully passed the interview, you may soon be invited to work. However, it is a mistake to think that this is the last stage of the question of how to become a police officer. After successfully completing all of the above steps, you will have an internship, which can last from one to three months. During this time, the police officer assigned to you will be responsible for you. If the internship is successful, you will be offered to start working at probation. And only after it is over can we say that your career as a police officer has begun.

Women on guard

Recently, more and more representatives of the fair sex have expressed a desire to work in law enforcement agencies. That is why the question of how a girl can become a police officer is quite relevant. It should be noted that when admitting both to educational institutions and directly to work, no special concessions are made to the female gender. Passing commissions and confirming physical fitness are mandatory items for them.

According to statistics, in last years the number of girls entering educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has increased significantly. However, after finishing their studies and starting a career, representatives of the fair sex are faced with a choice: family or work. More than 70% decide the issue in favor of their husband and children, and this is why girls are so reluctant to be hired both to study and to work.

How to become a police officer after 9th grade

Many schoolchildren who firmly decide to become a police officer in the future begin specialized training after 9th grade. To do this, you can enroll in a police school, which accepts students from this age, or a cadet corps. You can also go to college to major in law.

If you decide to study in a cadet corps, you must confirm your compliance with the requirements of the educational institution. This includes passing psychological testing, a medical examination and a physical fitness test. You also need to pass an exam in history in oral form and in the Russian language in the form of a dictation, essay or presentation. After graduation, further admission to a higher educational institution is necessary to obtain a rank higher than junior lieutenant.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult...

Thus, the requirements for a candidate to work in law enforcement agencies are quite high. However, if you want to be not just an employee, but are interested in a police officer, then first of all you must love your profession and imagine all future difficulties.

It's daily exposure own life risk, a minimum amount of free time, daily duty, urgent calls to work and many other difficulties. And only dedication to your work can help you become truly good professional and reach the heights of the career ladder.

Policeman, a profession that was once considered “male”, is becoming more and more popular among girls. The specialties of the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are varied, there are “paper”, administrative, operational . Police work for women is not only a romantic image of a brave heroine from a movie, it attracts with the opportunity for self-realization and being useful to people. Contrary to the myth that a girl can do exclusively desk work, there are many female investigators, dog handlers, and operatives.

Work in the police before its reorganization was unprofitable, difficult, and time-consuming. The combination of a small salary and a lot of responsibility forced people to look for another place. Only the most ideological employees remained, those who saw service as their calling. Now the conditions have changed a little, the profession of a policeman has again become prestigious.

Joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very important step for a girl. You need to analyze your options before making a decision. In addition to the difficulties of entering the government agency and training, female police officers face many problems at work.

Disadvantages of working for women in the police

  • The main difficulty is constant emotional stress. Working, for example, as an operative, involves constant danger. Such conditions, as well as the lack of time for rest (irregular schedule), the need to constantly obey the regulations, makes the service very difficult.
  • For girls in the police, constant employment at work results in problems with family and lack of personal life. The percentage of divorces is high due to the unpreparedness of husbands for the constant employment of their wives.
  • Many women are put off by the need to constantly obey the instructions and orders of their superiors. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not imply initiative; everything is strictly according to regulations, instructions, and statutes. This immediately removes the romantic aura from the profession.
  • Compliance with the dress code and the need to constantly correspond to the positive moral character of a police officer.
  • Reporting. Filling out a lot of paperwork that seems useless, constant checks are very exhausting.
  • Condescending attitude from male colleagues and management. Alas, the consciousness of some is still somewhere at the level of the Middle Ages.

Pros of being a police officer

  • Not a bad salary.
  • Benefits of a police officer (travel, free medical care).
  • Pension after 20 years of work.
  • Benefits for purchasing housing (improved mortgage conditions and provision of a lump sum payment).
  • Longer vacation as compensation for overtime and irregular work hours.
  • Providing uniforms and work shoes.
  • An opportunity for a woman to make a good career if she has a specialized higher education.
  • Testing your own abilities, physical, intellectual, psychological. Some girls like this kind of challenge.

Who can work in the police

To work in internal organs Any girl with complete secondary, special or higher education can enter. Studying at a specialized educational institution will be an advantage.

There are significant restrictions - the girl must have impeccable health and biography. People with a criminal record, as well as anyone who has relatives in prison, are not accepted into law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes the leadership, contrary to Russian laws, sets its own restrictions and hires only men. This is facilitated by the widespread myth about the “weaker sex”. The male boss unfairly thinks that the girl is physically unable to cope with her work responsibilities. In reality, physical condition does not depend on gender at all. There are now enough women with decent sports training.

Required personal qualities:

  • Responsibility and determination;
  • Organization, punctuality and decency;
  • Ability to work in teams;
  • Energy;
  • Fast reaction;
  • Call of Duty;
  • Ability to keep secrets;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Logical thinking, literacy;
  • Multitasking;
  • Observation;
  • Self-control;
  • Endurance.

Passing the medical examination is a serious test. Health is one of mandatory requirements. During the examinations, hidden illnesses or mental disorders may be revealed, which are prohibited from working as a law enforcement officer. At the stage of passing the commission, the level of physical fitness is revealed and a series of psychological tests are carried out to determine professional suitability.

Conditions for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Age only up to 35 years. Older women are not accepted for service.
  • Passing physical training standards.
  • Absence of criminal records and problems with the law of the candidate for the position and immediate relatives.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Polygraph test.
  • Profile education for obtaining high positions.

How to join the police

The decision to join the police for a young girl usually leads first to a specialized school or university. This makes it possible to enter a more prestigious, interesting specialty and freely receive high positions, officer ranks. Universities and colleges provide theoretical knowledge and the necessary sports training.

Before studying or looking for vacancies, a woman should carefully decide on the direction of work. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs specialists in various fields - lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, programmers, psychologists, etc.

Job search

When looking for a job, you should take the following steps:

  • You can search for a list of in-demand specialties on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; sometimes vacancies, including those without educational requirements, are posted on popular advertising resources.
  • Compose your resume and send it.
  • Contact the human resources department of the police department to find out the list and number of available places for women or personally talk with a potential boss. Employees will suggest a suitable position in accordance with your level of education, work experience or preferences.
  • Pass a medical examination, psychological testing, fill out an autobiography. The information received is then carefully checked to identify possible problems.
  • Get a response from the HR department. If you decide positively to undergo an internship.
  • In case of refusal, when it seems unfair, does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, you can file a complaint with the Department of Internal Affairs to the head of the department for work with personnel.

Documents required when joining the police:

  • Completed application form;
  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Diploma or certificate;
  • Autobiography;
  • Employment history;
  • Income information.

After approval of the candidacy, you will need to collect a number of more papers, depending on the chosen specialty in the police.


After a civilian university or after 11th grade, women are also hired to work in the police. Before receiving the corresponding position or title, a girl who has not undergone training educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs, undergoing a probationary period. The duration of the internship depends on the specialty and education of the applicant. The salary during the course is minimal.

Usually a new employee is assigned to a more experienced employee. This way you can get to know the work of the police from the inside and decide exactly how suitable this activity is. After completing the internship, a uniform is issued, and the employee is sent to a training center for training.

Training for future police officers

After the internship, the woman will have to take a course in training center where they will teach the basics new profession– shooting, hand-to-hand combat, forensics, documentation, first aid medical care and prepare you psychologically. This will allow you to gain initial skills, which will make it much easier to get used to the profession.

List of some specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for women

The list of options for a girl to work as a police officer is very large, and choosing a job to your liking is quite easy. Knowledge and skills in a variety of areas from programming to veterinary medicine can be useful. Some of the girls prefer the peace of offices, but there are also restless individuals who like operational and security specialties.


This specialty involves conducting investigative examinations. Arriving at a crime scene, a criminologist takes fingerprints and inspects the premises or area for possible evidence. The department works with material evidence, conducts examinations or studies of obtained evidence. Very interesting profession, requiring accuracy, precision, logical thinking and attentiveness. To get a job you need higher education.

Police officer

Working as an operative or a local police officer will require communication skills, multitasking, great stress tolerance and endurance. This profession is associated with a huge risk to life, has a very busy schedule, and requires responsibility and physical training. Skills in working with documentation and handling firearms are also required. Constant work with the public and people under investigation, the need to obey superiors, and a large volume of reporting often leads to professional burnout.


It will require a girl to have great self-discipline, determination, observation, and the ability to compare facts. A clear knowledge of the law is also required. To apply for a position you need a higher legal education.

Communications and information security specialist

Domain knowledge required high technology, programming skills, work experience and higher education in the specialty. Logical thinking and perseverance will definitely come in handy. The importance of this work is difficult to underestimate - without technology, successful activities in any field are now impossible.

Dog handler

A service related to training and accompanying dogs during investigative or search activities.

You need a love for animals, knowledge of animal psychology, patience and firmness. During investigative activities, dogs often help find a criminal, protect an accompanying person from injury, or participate in the protection of an object. Four-legged employees are used to search for drugs and explosives, and they help in rescue operations. The profession of a dog handler requires constant self-development and the desire to devote all your time to dogs.

Inspector for work with minors

The position is related to problem children. Women often perform this difficult work. Responsibilities include monitoring teenagers involved in crimes, identifying street children, and conducting educational conversations with “difficult” teenagers. People in this difficult position must ensure that the fundamental rights of the child as enshrined in the constitution are fulfilled. The work will require a significant investment of emotional strength. Seeing unhappy children every day is not an easy task. Attentiveness, ability to get along with teenagers, sensitivity, firmness - necessary qualities for a woman in the police at this job.


In women's prisons, many types of activities (searches, for example) have the right to be carried out only by females.

To apply for a position, special education is required.

The work involves risk and constant stress.

You will need weapon ownership, physical fitness, balance, self-control, and moral stability.


There are more and more women working in the police. Despite the obvious difficulties that accompany service in the police, girls are attracted by the opportunity to make a career, to succeed as a citizen and a good salary. Before taking on such a serious and responsible work, you need to soberly assess your qualities and accurately determine your specialization.

Some time ago the attitude towards employees law enforcement left much to be desired. Now the attitude is changing better side. Many associate this with the reform, thanks to which the prestige of law enforcement agencies has increased and many have become interested in how to become a police officer.

In addition to a number of visible changes, including the uniform and wearing of badges, the government is trying to increase the prestige of police service by increasing pay.

The requirements for candidates have also become more stringent, so becoming a police officer is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is compliance with the put forward requirements, successful completion of a medical commission and psychological tests.

Some are attracted by the power vested in the police, others want to serve in the police out of the highest duty of honor and justice, for some, service in the police is the business and meaning of life, contrary to popular opinions about law enforcement officers.

To become a police officer, desire alone is not enough; you will definitely need a higher specialized education, no criminal record, and physical health. Serving in the armed forces when entering a job, in some cases, provides a number of advantages.

What do you need to do to become a police officer?

Before applying to the police personnel department for a job, decide in which department you want to work. Each has individual requirements for candidates.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, only citizens of the Russian Federation without a criminal record can work in the police, regardless of gender, nationality and religion. Age restrictions for employment are from 18 to 35 years, this is one of the most stringent requirements for candidates.

Women are subject to the same strict requirements as men; there are no benefits or concessions when joining the police. It is more difficult for women to achieve the right to serve in law enforcement agencies, but if there is a strong desire and physical training, the goal is quite achievable.

The simplest thing awaiting an applicant is an interview.. If a person behaves adequately during an interview and answers the questions asked correctly, the candidate receives the go-ahead from the committee members.

The next step is to collect documents for getting a job. You will need:

  1. questionnaire
  2. biography
  3. diploma
  4. passport

An application for employment in the police, a questionnaire and an autobiography are filled out. The biography is checked especially carefully; not only an expunged criminal record is unacceptable, but also administrative punishments. Relatives are also checked along this line. A diploma or diplomas confirming education and a passport are provided.

In addition to the listed documents, you will need:

  1. Recommendations. At least 2 police officers with a positive reputation for years of work in the police (at least 3 years).
  2. Employment history. Required if you have worked before.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Documents on military registration for those liable for military service.

Basic documents will require information about the income and property of the applicant, spouses and children under 18 years of age. In addition, consent is given to the verification and processing of data.

The next stage is a medical examination. It will take patience as medical commission takes up to 5 days. The medical commission is one of the difficult stages, here many candidates for work in the police are rejected. Some joke bitterly, saying that it is more difficult to pass a medical examination to become a police officer than to become an astronaut.

It will take a lot of time to obtain certificates from dispensaries confirming the absence of diseases that interfere with the work of a police officer (tuberculosis, mental illness, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases). Candidates are screened for dependence or predisposition to alcohol.

The tightening is associated with the fact that a police officer must act as a model and show resistance to the stresses and temptations of life. This will give you confidence that non-standard situation the policeman will show himself competently, adequately and will not get confused.

Another difficult stage is psychological examination. This is not a simple compatibility test, but a test of 600 questions, plus a lie detector is connected. After the examination, a number of rooms pass through:

  1. psychiatrist
  2. surgeon
  3. ophthalmologist
  4. therapist

Don’t forget about fluorography, cardiac cardiograms and ultrasound; you may need head shots to make sure there were no injuries.

When the medical commission is completed, you will have to face the financial papers. They will ask you to fill out tax return, indicate information about bank accounts, income and property, securities and shares.

Video story

The last event is passing physical fitness standards. The standards include: push-ups, abs, long-distance running. Only the strongest and most resilient work in the police.

The challenges and rewards of being a police officer

No matter how the attitude towards police officers changes for the better, one will have to deal with the prejudiced attitude of the population, even if the police officer risks his health or life. Many see this as self-interest. But such is life, it is impossible to please everyone.

Some relatives, and even friends, for selfish purposes hide behind working in the police, firmly believing that they can get away with a lot. This can seriously damage a police officer's reputation and result in his being deprived of his position if cover-up is proven. The law is binding on everyone, and the court can punish any person, whether he archaeologist, doctor or police officer.

The policeman has irregular working hours and can be called back to work at any time. On weekdays, a policeman must maintain order and keep everything under control.

A decent salary and early retirement due to length of service compensate for a number of work difficulties. According to the new legislation, after a 10-year service period, the state provides a one-time allowance for the purchase of housing for law enforcement officers. Housing can also be purchased under a preferential program at 7% per annum.

If the experience is 15 years, with all calculations the vacation will be up to 2 months. Police officers and their family members can take advantage of medical care and spa treatment.

There is a good opportunity to climb career ladder. It all depends on the personality of the police officer, diligence in work and self-improvement. Receiving a higher rank and awards will affect your pension.

If the checks are successfully completed and psychological tests and the medical commission gave the go-ahead, those who want to work in the police are given the opportunity to undergo a probationary period of 3 to 6 months. During the internship, the mentor officer must teach and vouch for the newcomer to serve in the authorities that he will strictly observe the prohibitions and restrictions that are imposed on police officers, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

Detailed video material

During your internship, prove yourself and show best qualities. After successfully completing the internship, you will receive the position and title you applied for. The internship period is included in the work experience.

Becoming a police officer is not so easy, so if working in law enforcement is your calling, show firmness in decision-making, perseverance and perseverance. If you don't succeed in realizing your dream, don't be discouraged. Can

Requires you to present documents. Beats you. He asks to be let into the apartment. He's going to take you to the department... And other rules of conduct in situations from which none of us are immune.

Since 2011, the activities of law enforcement defenders have been regulated by the federal law"About the police." According to it, police officers, like Agents Mulder and Scully, are required to read the detainee his rights (for example, to immediate legal assistance and a call within three hours of arrest); do not have the right to use weapons against illegal but peaceful protesters, as well as against disabled people, pregnant women and children (if they do not threaten someone’s life). “In general, all the main innovations are listed here,” experts say. - Oh yes, there is one more point. Nice. If a policeman even slightly violated your rights or, say, detained you unreasonably, he is obliged to apologize to you.”

Our experts will guide you through the labyrinths, wilds and savannas of the law: Alexander Arutyunov, lawyer, Doctor of Law, Chairman of the Moscow Bar Association "Arutyunov and Partners", and Georgy Ter-Akopov, lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association "Knyazev and Partners".

...hits you


If you didn’t start waving your arms first, feel free (or as best you can) to defend yourself.

“A police officer has the right to use force only in exceptional cases - in particular, when you threaten others (for example, with a weapon) or were the first to use force against a police representative,” experts say. Even if you look like an identikit of a serial maniac, a policeman has no right to beat you out of the blue. And if he does start, then you can hit back, and then explain your behavior under Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Necessary defense”. Even if you refuse to go to the police station, but do not wave your fists or run away, the law enforcement officer cannot raise his baton against you. “The maximum he has the right to do in this situation is to push you in the shoulder or drag you to the department,” experts say.

...wants to be put in a monkey bar for looking drunk


Refuse to go to the department because this requirement is illegal.

You're not driving, are you? And don't drink on the street? This means you don’t have to go anywhere with a law enforcement officer. “Police officers can only deliver to the police station those drunk people who, while in public places, have lost the ability to move independently or navigate their surroundings,” our consultants note. Therefore, if you are able to move away from the policeman on your own, go away: he has no right to detain you.

...requires you to show documents, but you don’t have a passport


Try to come to an agreement.

It is a pity that the laws in Russia do not work as they should. According to them, the police can ask you to show your passport only if the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspects you of some crime or they want to charge you. That is, in essence, the law enforcement officer cannot ask you for documents without reason. In fact, it turns out that a person in uniform, if desired, declares that he has suspicions about you, and such a subjective suspicion is quite enough. So proceed with caution. Let's say you ran out to the store to buy beer. That is, for bread. Then a policeman stops you and asks you to show your documents “due to the fact that you look like an identikit of a criminal.” “In this case, you don’t need to get into a pose,” our consultants advise. “It’s better to tell the policeman your last name, place of residence and offer to go to your home to show your passport.” It's the passport. Neither a driver's license, nor a foreigner's license, nor a strip club membership are considered identification documents by law. Still, according to the same law, a policeman has the right to refuse to go for a passport, but simply take you to the police station. “In such a case, keep in mind that in order to establish the identity of a citizen, they can be detained for no more than three hours,” our consultants instruct.

...requires you to show documents, but you have a passport, but you are in a foreign city and without registration


Lie that you hitchhiked here in the morning (they won’t ask you to show your ticket for a ride!).

Of course, you can explain the lack of registration by showing your ticket (it has the date of arrival on it). “You can live without registration at a registration address for up to 90 days,” the lawyers explain. But keep in mind: if you don’t have a ticket, and you’ve been living in the city for five years, you can always lie that you arrived an hour ago by passing car. If for some reason you told a police officer the truth, don’t even think about giving a bribe, because they won’t do anything bad to you anyway: they’ll take you to the police station, write you a fine (maximum 2,500 rubles) and immediately release you.

...demands to let him into the apartment


If you are called a suspect, you will have to be let in, but if you are a witness to the incident, you don’t have to let anyone in.

...wants you to show off your stuff


Require two witnesses.

Checking things is like a passport requirement. On the one hand, in order to ask you to show the contents of your bag, the policeman needs information that you are carrying (carrying) prohibited things with you, such as weapons, drugs, or Berezovsky. As you understand, a law enforcement officer can invent the presence of such data, but you cannot check the truthfulness of Mr. Policeman. But you can demand two witnesses of the same gender as you and draw up a protocol. Usually the police don't mess with such smart guys and let them go. going to take you to the station


If there are no grounds for detention, do not fall for the policeman’s bluff. We give 95% that it will not take you anywhere.

“To be brought to the department there must be grounds such as escape from custody or suspicion of committing a crime,” experts say. So unless your pockets are full of heroin, fear not. A fellow policeman probably wants to beg you for a tip, but today this number won’t work for him. Of course, he can declare you a suspect and take you to the police station, but it’s rare that a law enforcement officer will want to bother with you for nothing.

...threatens to keep him behind bars for 10 days (or a year)


Call a lawyer. If they don’t hang some kind of hang on you, they will release you in a maximum of two days.

Still, a valiant law enforcement officer thought that you looked like a fresh sketch of bin Laden, and dragged you to the police station. Anything can happen. “Keep in mind that you can call a lawyer and exercise the right to call within three hours from the moment of arrest,” advise our consultants. And you will be released no later than 48 hours later. During this time, the police should check everything, apologize and let you go home. Well, that is if you really haven't done anything illegal. Otherwise you will be charged.

...wants to take your phone


Let me call.

The law states that a police officer has the right “to freely use for official purposes means of communication belonging to... citizens.” That is, a law enforcement officer can come up on the street and take your cell phone to make an emergency call. official business. You won’t be able to check how urgent and official it is, so it’s better not to argue.

...wants to leave in your car


Either let me steer, or take children and pregnant women with you.

All this is sad, but the rules allow law enforcement officers to “use in urgent cases, vehicles... citizens." Of course, a police officer can only pick up a car in special cases - for example, to detain a criminal or go to the scene of an incident. By the way, no one will return the car with delivery to the apartment; You need to get it in the department where the hijacker works. “But there is also a positive aspect,” experts say. “First of all, a police officer cannot take your car away or force you to drive it anywhere if there are pregnant women or people under 18 inside.” Secondly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is obliged to pay you for the gasoline consumed and, if necessary, for car repairs.


If a police officer nevertheless violated your rights and you do not want to leave such a ghoul without punishment, then feel free to call or write a complaint to the Department own safety Ministry of Internal Affairs (look for contacts on the Internet or find out at any police department) or the prosecutor's office.

“The police have the right to enter residential premises to save the lives of citizens, detain suspects (and suspicion on the part of one specific officer is sufficient), suppress a crime and establish the circumstances of an accident,” lawyers warn. In other situations, you are not obligated to let just anyone into your home, including a person in uniform. If the policeman doesn’t care much about this, dial 02 and call a squad for the careless warrant officer (or whoever he is?). And further. Before starting to open the door, law enforcement officers are obliged to warn you of their intention to enter your home, explain the reason for such a desire and invite you to open it yourself. In short, there will always be time to escape!