Honey exhibition in Lenexpo. Samovars, snacks, honey and souvenirs: a folk fair has opened at Lenexpo. Charity school fair

Today the international agro-industrial exhibition and fair “Agrorus” opens in St. Petersburg. It will be the anniversary, the twenty-fifth in a row, and for the first time in a quarter of a century it will change its location.


The move of Agrorus from its home base - from Lenexpo to the Expoforum convention and exhibition center on Petersburg Highway - has been discussed for at least six years. recent years. Every year, at the closing of the next fair, some high-ranking official said: “See you next year in a new place!”

But it was coming next year, and it turned out that the meeting place could not be changed: Gavan, Lenexpo. For more than twenty years, everyone has grown to this site: the agricultural business community, farmers, gardeners, and, of course, city residents.

The average person went to the fair for fresh food, honey, and live fish. I bought seedlings and seedlings for garden beds and gardening tools. Amateur gardeners were invited to educational seminars and master classes.

Will it be possible to launch the same mass action on the territory of the prim Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center?.. Will the average person move to the outskirts of St. Petersburg “for bread and circuses”?.. These questions hung in the air several years ago. The answers to them will be given by the current “Agrorus”.

Although in private conversations the organizers of the exhibition-fair clearly hint that the average person at ExpoForum will only be a passing person. The townspeople, they say, have already been taken care of by the “old site” - “Lenexpo”: a large agricultural fair was held there from August 20 to 28. Not Agrorus, of course, but an almost exact copy of it. True, without exhibition accompaniment. There were rows of honey there, and they sold seedlings, and they held master classes for gardeners, and they sang songs and dances.

The center of the action at Expoforum will be numerous business events.

Today the participants of Agrorusi-2016 will gather at the conference “ Agriculture- driver Russian economy" Today there will be a round table " Innovative technologies and technical means in agro-industrial production to solve the problems of import substitution.” A business contact center is also opening for suppliers and purchasers of agricultural products. And today industry competitions start in which organizations - innovators in the agricultural sector, manufacturers of modern agricultural machinery, farms, family livestock farms.

Here it would be useful to remember that initially, at birth, “Agrorus” had a different name - the exhibition-fair “Russian Farmer”. And to this day, the Ministry of Agriculture emphasizes the target orientation of the St. Petersburg agro-industrial forum: “During its operation, the exhibition becomes a center for the development of small and medium-sized rural businesses.” Even despite the fact that large agribusiness sets the tone in Agrorus.

In previous years, every day at Agrorus was themed. This tradition continues today. With some adjustments. For example, to the surprise of many, Farmer's Day disappeared from the program.

It is not yet clear whether the fair component of Agrorusi-2016 will be similar to Razgulyaevo at Lenexpo. But it is known that a “Regional Products Fair” will be held here, which will be attended by many traders who have appeared in the Harbor.

So, according to the upcoming chronology:
* Today, August 30th. Day of the official opening of the exhibition-fair “Agrorus-2016”.
* Tomorrow, August 31st. Day of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
* September 1, Thursday. Fish day.
* September 2. Gardener's Day.
* September 3. Day of Folk Arts and Crafts.
* 4 September. Fair of regional products.

Some important points, which need to be paid attention to by those who will gather these days at Agrorus at Expoforum. If you are not a specialist in the agro-industrial complex and related industries, then it is better not to run to the fair today and tomorrow. The first two days of the exhibition are open only to specialists!

Exhibitions will close on September 2.
Unlike the fair at Lenexpo, entry to the new fairground will be free. And you can get to the scene “for nothing” - from the Moskovskaya metro station on a free shuttle bus.

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Photo: komi-news.ru

Topics of the day

    The fair is not only a great opportunity to find everything you need in one place and at an affordable price, but also a great way to spend your weekend interestingly and usefully. Charity school fair, creative eco-fest with goods self made, a car fair and several sites with fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish - St. Petersburg.ru has collected the most interesting sites.

    Charity school fair

    Do you want to turn a boring trip to buy school supplies into an exciting trip? The creative space “Easy-Easy” invites parents, students and casual visitors to buy colorful and original stationery from the organization “It’s Easy to Help”, as well as the wards of the charity centers “Anton is here near” and “Nochlezhka”.

    Interesting master classes will be held here - they will teach children how to make bright bookmarks and postcards, create flying hares out of paper, introduce them to the pottery wheel and help them paint an umbrella, which can become a pleasant gift for the teacher. The cafe will delight guests with an assortment of homemade treats. All proceeds will go to the AdVita fund.

    Where: Bolshaya Pushkarskaya street, 10

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: mamaplus.md

    Creative eco-fest “Territory of Fire 2016”

    The I.V. Babushkin Culture and Leisure Park will host a creative eco-fest “Territory of Fire 2016”, where guests will be able to see the element of fire in its creative and inspiring quality. The park will also host the Eco-Craft Market fair, where handmade goods and a variety of treats will be presented.

    The organizers have prepared many master classes on various types handicrafts. Experts in ancient crafts such as glassblowing, blacksmithing and pottery will introduce you to the basic principles of their work. During the festival, an impressive sculpture will be erected from glass bottles. Take part in its creation too!

    The musical part of the event and the show program will be filled with ethnic motifs and images of fire. The group “Otava Yo” and the group “Acapellika” will perform before the public. Fans of competitions will be able to prove themselves as sculptors. The material will be recycled: plastic bottles, scrap metal, glass, banner, polyethylene and everything that people usually throw away. With this action, the eco-fest team plans to show that garbage can be sent for recycling, and not in the trash bin or in city landfills.

    Where: Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue, 149

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: spaceoffire.ru

    Fair "Autumn Festival"

    The fair will take place on the open square in front of the St. Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex, between the box office pavilions. The NP Union of Farmers of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg, private farms and apiaries in Russia, as well as garden nurseries of the Leningrad Region will present their products. At affordable prices, city residents will be able to purchase natural honey, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and sausage delicacies, sweets, spices and dried fruits.

    At the fair you will find a huge selection of seedlings and garden products, because autumn is a great time to take care of your future harvest. The consumer goods section will offer customers shoes, dresses, outerwear and linen from manufacturers, home textiles and household goods, handicrafts and souvenirs. As part of the fair, more than 20 creative master classes will be held, designed for both children and adults.

    Where: Yuri Gagarin Avenue, 8

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: event organizers

    Big fair at Lenexpo

    If you are looking for domestically produced farm products, feel free to go to the Big Fair at Lenexpo! You will appreciate not only the assortment, but also the opportunity to taste the products. The organizers are especially proud of the honey bazaar, where sweet nectar will be presented by more than 120 producers.

    A site with all kinds of seedlings, flowers and ornamental crops will delight even the most demanding gardeners. Farmer's Day, Gardener's Day, Honey Day, master classes and concerts - the fair is supplemented daily entertainment.

    Where: Bolshoy Ave. V.O., 103

    Price: from 50 to 150 rubles

    Photo: agrorus.expoforum.ru

    Read also - Honey: how sweet gold is produced and mined

    Festival "Petersburg Autosound" at the fair "Juno"

    Participants will present to fans of quality music their masterpieces, which they created with love and generosity inside ordinary cars. The winners will be selected by a professional jury. The loudest ones will demonstrate the power of the audio system in the SPL category, and connoisseurs of sophisticated sound will compete for the title of the best in the FSQ category.

    The organizers have prepared a rich entertainment program for guests with competitions and prizes. The main star of the fair will be the strongest man in Tajikistan, Abbos Urunov, who will demonstrate the incredible capabilities of the human body.

    Where: Marshal Kazakov street, 35

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: kudago.com

    Fair of farm products "Agrorus"

    The open-air exhibition-fair “Agrorus” will be held at Expoforum, which will show the wealth of agro-industrial Russia. Farmers and producers will present natural, fresh, tasty and unusual food products: mushrooms and berries, jams and preparations, vegetables, milk, cheeses, bread.

    Steak lovers will be able to purchase marbled meat from Leningrad region producers. The fish market will delight guests with fresh fish from local reservoirs, live, chilled and smoked trout, whitefish, carp, claret catfish and sturgeon. Gardeners and summer residents will appreciate rare varieties of flowers, a variety of seedlings, and reliable gardening tools.

    A bright entertainment program will turn Agrorus into a fun city festival. Folklore groups, dance ensembles and pop stars will perform on stage. At the same time, master classes on folk crafts, carving (the art of artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits) and cooking will be held. St. Petersburg residents will be taught how to cook stuffed turkey “flambé” and a suckling pig roll baked whole with herbs. Gardeners will learn how to properly care for flowers, grow vegetables in the ground, and achieve High Quality harvest.

    Where: Petersburg highway, 64/1

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: agrorus.expoforum.ru

    Exhibition-fair “Autumn Flora”

    Not all the beds have been harvested yet, but inspired gardeners are jealously inspecting the crops in neighboring plots and thinking about spring plantings. You can easily prepare for the future gardening season at the Autumn Flora exhibition-fair, which will be held at the Eurasia cultural and exhibition center. In addition to a variety of seeds and seedlings from leading nurseries and manufacturers, you can look for modern equipment and fertilizers, pest control products and useful fertilizers.

    Elements of landscape design will help to give the site individuality, and special clothing and shoes it will be even more comfortable to do gardening chores. Farmers and farms will present new harvest vegetables and fruits, fragrant honey and aromatic dried fruits at the fair. Experts will conduct useful free master classes and answer your questions about growing plants.

    Where: Captain Voronin street, 13

    Price: Free admission

    Photo: gospb.info

    All news in the section

At the Lenexpo site you can now buy almost everything - from a Russian samovar to clothes from Mongolia. There is a folk fair there. Leading manufacturers and suppliers brought their agricultural products. The geography of the exhibition is only expanding every year. Alexander Burenin saw and tried all the most interesting things.

Life doesn't seem like honey to bees. No one sits still. They were brought from Tatarstan in a special house to show the direct producers of the product. Each of the 5 cells contains 8-10 thousand individuals. Some are released to fly over the harbor, but they are not afraid of losing them.

Alexander Kuznetsov, fair participant:“They are by smell, by the sun, by the direction of the sun. They have their place. They always come back. Now they’ll fly and come back.”

Honey is the most widely represented. If the Ministry of Health usually warns about problems with inscriptions, then honey literally convinces of its usefulness. It will cure everything: liver, bronchi, lungs and even increase hemoglobin. On weekends at such fairs, people line up and no one takes their word for it. Entire containers are used exclusively for tasting.

Alexander Burenin, correspondent:"According to the laws street trading You can try on the products, try them on, this is welcome. Bargaining is also appropriate; some homemade price tags even call for this. But there is one subtle point: the seller, one might say, puts his soul into the process. Therefore, if you try, communicate, spend a lot of time at the counter, but in the end leave empty-handed, people say it causes resentment.”

The line of food products continues with cold snacks. Mushrooms from all over the country from those forests that are usually called dense. But sellers assure that even good white can be spoiled at the salting stage, but here this is impossible - they do everything according to grandma’s recipes.

Antonina Semenova:“The mushroom is all barrel, no vinegar. Just salt and mushrooms and that’s it. This is a great snack. All you need is a honeycomb, a mushroom and everything is great.”

The geography of such fairs is constantly growing. This year the event is international.

Olga Ostroverkhaya, head of the consumer events department of the exhibition center:“We have all of Russia, and not only Russia. There are also international participants from neighboring countries: Belarusian potatoes, Uzbek souvenirs, Georgian ceramics. And even Mongolian clothes.”

Exhibition participants say that lately city dwellers have been willing to introduce elements of rural life in megacities. Samovars are selling with a bang. True, they mostly take electric ones. And no one puts boots on top anymore - it’s too labor-intensive. But felt boots made from handmade sheep wool do not require a samovar. There are all sizes, even with designs for children.

Today the international agro-industrial exhibition and fair “Agrorus” opens in St. Petersburg. It will be the anniversary, the twenty-fifth in a row, and for the first time in a quarter of a century it will change its location.

The move of AgroRus from its home base - from Lenexpo to the Expoforum convention and exhibition center on Petersburg Highway - has been discussed for at least the last six years. Every year, at the closing of the next fair, some high-ranking official said: “See you next year in a new place!”

But the next year came, and it turned out that the meeting place could not be changed: Gavan, Lenexpo. For more than twenty years, everyone has grown to this site: the agricultural business community, farmers, gardeners, and, of course, city residents.

The average person went to the fair for fresh food, honey, and live fish. I bought seedlings and seedlings for garden beds and gardening tools. Amateur gardeners were invited to educational seminars and master classes.

Will it be possible to launch the same mass action on the territory of the prim Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center?.. Will the average person move to the outskirts of St. Petersburg “for bread and circuses”?.. These questions hung in the air several years ago. The answers to them will be given by the current “Agrorus”.

Although in private conversations the organizers of the exhibition-fair clearly hint that the average person at ExpoForum will only be a passing person. The townspeople, they say, have already been taken care of by the “old site” - “Lenexpo”: a large agricultural fair was held there from August 20 to 28. Not Agrorus, of course, but an almost exact copy of it. True, without exhibition accompaniment. There were rows of honey there, and they sold seedlings, and they held master classes for gardeners, and they sang songs and dances.

The center of the action at Expoforum will be numerous business events.

Today, participants of Agrorusi-2016 will gather at the conference “Agriculture - the driver of the Russian economy.” Today there will be a round table “Innovative technologies and technical means in agro-industrial production to solve the problems of import substitution.” A business contact center is also opening for suppliers and purchasers of agricultural products. And today industry competitions are starting in which organizations - innovators in the agricultural sector, manufacturers of modern agricultural machinery, farms, and family livestock farms - will compete.

Here it would be useful to remember that initially, at birth, “Agrorus” had a different name - the exhibition-fair “Russian Farmer”. And to this day, the Ministry of Agriculture emphasizes the target orientation of the St. Petersburg agro-industrial forum: “During its operation, the exhibition becomes a center for the development of small and medium-sized rural businesses.” Even despite the fact that large agribusiness sets the tone in Agrorus.

In previous years, every day at Agrorus was themed. This tradition continues today. With some adjustments. For example, to the surprise of many, Farmer's Day disappeared from the program.

It is not yet clear whether the fair component of Agrorusi-2016 will be similar to Razgulyaevo at Lenexpo. But it is known that a “Regional Products Fair” will be held here, which will be attended by many traders who have appeared in the Harbor.

So, according to the upcoming chronology:
* Today, August 30th. Day of the official opening of the exhibition-fair “Agrorus-2016”.
* Tomorrow, August 31st. Day of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
* September 1, Thursday. Fish day.
* September 2. Gardener's Day.
* September 3. Day of Folk Arts and Crafts.
* 4 September. Fair of regional products.

Several important points that need to be paid attention to by those who will gather at AgroRus at Expoforum these days. If you are not a specialist in the agro-industrial complex and related industries, then it is better not to run to the fair today and tomorrow. The first two days of the exhibition are open only to specialists!

Exhibitions will close on September 2.
Unlike the fair at Lenexpo, entry to the new fairground will be free. And you can get to the scene “for nothing” - from the Moskovskaya metro station on a free shuttle bus.