Genres of written communication. Genres of oral business communication. Rules of Negotiation

For success in communication, it is very important to take into account the interests, values ​​of the addressee, his expectations and goals, as well as the scope of communication. This principle is especially important in business communication, which caters to a formal business style.

Everyone knows the tale of two bear cubs who shared the cheese they found. They didn't trust each other and asked the fox to share the cheese. As a result, the fox ate all the cheese, but the bear cubs got nothing. Also instructive is the story of two sisters who had only one orange. They cut him in half. It turned out that

one of the sisters needed the peel, and the second needed the juice. Each of them would receive twice as much if they took into account each other's interests.

Business communication requires strict use speech structures, standards, the use of slang and dialect words, vernacular, etc. is not allowed. Business communication requires proficiency in professional language and knowledge of terms specific to a particular area of ​​communication (legal, diplomatic, managerial).

Specific feature business communication is its regulation , those. obedience to established rules and restrictions. There are so-called written And unwritten behavior rules. Regulation (protocol) presupposes compliance with the norms of business etiquette, which reflects the accumulated experience and moral principles of certain social groups and people of different nationalities. The protocol prescribes how to behave in a business setting, at meetings, negotiations, as well as how to dress, what to give, how to conduct business correspondence, and much more. A very important place is given here speech etiquette . Currently, a whole system of speech formulas has been created for each speech situation.

The regulation of business communication also means that it is limited in time. Business meetings have strict regulations: it is necessary to outline the range of issues discussed in advance and carry out thorough preparations for the meeting.

No less important is the creation of a favorable psychological climate . For this it is recommended:

¯ Greet the interlocutor with a sincere smile, a friendly look, address him by his first name and patronymic, or using the address customary in a particular country.

¯ Show your desire to understand the interlocutor’s position, focus on the result expected by the interlocutor.

¯ Try to identify the positive qualities of your interlocutor.

¯ Consider the emotional state of the interlocutor.

¯ Emphasize the equality of positions, behave calmly and confidently.

¯ Emotionally support the conversation.

¯ Express sincere approval (all people love when they are praised and talked about their merits).

¯ Give compliments. Any business conversation, commercial negotiations can begin with them. The more compliments a person gives, the more he receives.

An important feature of business communication is the strict observance of role roles by its participants: boss - subordinate, partners, colleagues, etc.

According to psychologists, each of us represents one type or another in communication. Depending on the role in communication, type of character distinguish different groups. Currently, entire systems have been created for determining personality type based on various characteristics.

TO general principles that ensure the success of communication include principle of cooperation And principle of politeness.

The principle of cooperation indicates the need for interlocutors to treat communication as cooperation and make a conscientious contribution to it. Principle of cooperation consists of several Maksim, those. rules:

Ø maxim of quantity: there should be exactly as much information as required;

Ø maxim of quality: information must be truthful;

Ø maxim of relevance: information must be relevant to the topic of conversation;

Ø maxim of mode of expression: information should not be ambiguous,

The principle of politeness includes the following maxims:

Ø maxim of tact: you should respect the boundaries of the interlocutor’s personal sphere;

Ø maxim of generosity: it is necessary not to burden the interlocutor, not to bind him with promises;

Ø maxim of approval: try to praise your interlocutor more, be positive in your assessments;

Ø maxim of modesty: it is necessary to tactfully refuse praise addressed to you;

Ø maxim of agreement: you should not stand in opposition to your interlocutor without good reason;

Ø maxim of sympathy: it is necessary to express sympathy for the interlocutor, to be benevolent.

In addition to the principles of cooperation and politeness, it is useful to know the basic communication tactics. These include:

Ø understanding communication– focused on understanding the interlocutor and showing respect for his personality;

Ø belittling-compliant communication– focused on understanding the interlocutor, but contains reactions of inappropriate belittling of feelings, aspirations and goals, unjustified concessions to the interlocutor;

Ø directive communication– focused on providing direct psychological impact per person to achieve their goals;

Ø protectively-aggressive communication e- focused on exerting direct psychological influence on the interlocutor in order to achieve his goals, with humiliation of his self-esteem.

Business communication can be:

  • necessary (when, without interpersonal contacts, the implementation joint activities impossible),
  • desirable (certain contacts contribute to more successful implementation of tasks),
  • neutral,
  • undesirable (makes it difficult to achieve the goal).

Thus, American psychologist Everett Sjostrom believes that there is a manipulator inside every person. He identifies the following types:

H dictator (dominates, orders, controls),

H victim of a dictator (obeys orders),

H calculator (deceives, lies, tries to outwit),

H stuck (craves to be the subject of care, forces you to do everything for yourself),

H bully (exaggerates aggressiveness, controls using threats),

H nice guy (kills with kindness, moralist),

H judge (does not trust anyone, is critical),

H protector (takes care of others by overemphasizing it).

There are 4 types of people in business communication:

§ active plays the role of a person full of strength;

§ passive – pretends to be stupid and helpless (“Kazan orphan”);

§ competitive fighter in a tournament;

§ indifferent – plays a role in extracting concessions.

The so-called psychogeometric approach to personality typology, which was substantiated by the American psychologist S. Dellinger, is also interesting. This approach is based on which geometric shape a person prefers.

For example, "square"loves to work, loves stability and order, lives according to plan. His speech is logical, consistent, detailed, monotonous, with cliches and terms.

"Triangles- leader, energetic, decisive, pragmatic, ambitious, non-self-critical, detonator of interpersonal relationships. Speech is logical, clear, focused on the essence of the matter, and fast.

"Rectangle“dissatisfied with himself, inconsistent, gravitates toward support. Speech is confused, emotional, unclear.

"Circle"strives for harmony in relationships, is friendly, strives to empathize, tries to please everyone, and is often indecisive. Speech is often deviating from the main topic, smooth, emotional.

"Zigzag"likes to sharpen the conflict, is witty, strives for independence, feels the mood of people, is unrestrained, expressive, does not follow through. Speech is inconsistent, associative, bright.

Successful business interaction is determined by how the goal is set, the interests of the partners are determined, and the strategy and tactics are chosen.

In business communication, qualities such as commitment, loyalty to one’s word, organization, and adherence to moral standards are valued.

In business communication the following can be distinguished: stages: establishing contact, orientation in the situation, discussing issues, making decisions, achieving a goal, leaving contact.

The first stage is very important - establishing contact. Sometimes a person is prevented from establishing contact by:

› halo effect – everything good is attributed to a positive person, while with a negative attitude towards a person everything bad is attributed, even his positive actions are regarded in this case as negative;

› typing effect – judgment about a person is made from the point of view of one’s own experience or the opinions of others;

› primacy effect – the first impression of a person is the strongest and it is difficult to change it.

In business communication, both the pros and cons of a person’s individual characteristics are demonstrated. Therefore, in business communication, introspection and constant monitoring are needed. In ancient Rome, according to custom, a slave was placed behind the triumphant commander, who during the procession shouted the phrase: “Be careful not to fall,” thus reminding him that he was just a man.

In the process of business communication, various techniques are used to help achieve the goal. (Cialdini described them in his book The Psychology of Influence.)

The principle of contrast when the difference is exaggerated. (Excellently used by sellers. They show first an expensive product and then a cheap one, first a bad house and then a good one, but not the best one, but the one that needs to be sold.)

The principle of mutual exchange. People try to pay for services provided. (They give a gift to try, then force them to buy something they don’t need at all.) In this case, the person feels obligated and often gives more than what was given to him.

The principle of social proof. People focus on other people in a similar situation. The principle of participation in advertising of famous athletes and politicians. This principle takes into account that only 5% of people are initiators, the rest are imitators.

Principle of benevolence. People are more willing to comply with the demands of those they like or know. This is primarily due to physical attractiveness. In this case, the person is automatically attributed positive qualities. We like people who are similar to us.

Lunch method. While eating, people are more willing to make positive decisions and make concessions. Therefore, many contracts are signed and decisions are made during a business lunch or dinner.

In business communication, it is important to follow the rules of oral speech . In oral speech business people etiquette standards must be taken into account. Experts advise: never talk about your personal life or ask about someone else’s. And politely avoid conversations on personal topics. So, when communicating on business, it is not recommended to carry on conversations about politics, religion, or ask questions about income or salary.

The following main requirements are imposed on the oral speech of a business person::

  • accuracy and clarity (using words in the correct meaning, excluding foreign words used unnecessarily),
  • brevity (no repetitions, tautologies),
  • specificity,
  • normativity,
  • logic,
  • reasoning,
  • standard speech formulations.

In oral speech, not only verbal means are used, but also non-verbal ones. Non-verbal includes facial expressions, gestures, and pantomime.

Each nation has developed its own traditions of business communication, which are expressed in language, movements, gestures, etc. Thus, the culture of the United States is characterized as informal, individualistic, materialistic, and oriented toward the value of time. In Japan and China, more time is spent on the group rather than the individual. Subordination and cooperation are more important there. In Latin America or Saudi Arabia, great importance is attached to tradition and ceremony; there it is customary to first talk about unrelated topics and only then move on to the issue of discussion.

Every nation has traits that need to be taken into account in business communication.

English are considered honest, reasonable, and courteous. They are characterized by restraint, isolation, efficiency and enterprise. They prefer not to touch on personal topics, they are conservative, and their national passion is gardening. They solve problems not over the phone, but, as a rule, through letters. Their word

can trust. Verbosity is regarded as a violation of the rules of communication, imposing one’s opinion.

Japanesethey are very polite, so they don’t say “no”, looking into the eyes is considered bad manners, bows are not accepted handshakes, the more important the guest, the more bows. They negotiate as a team and never make decisions right away. If they are treated with politeness, they usually make concessions. Russian journalist V. Tsvetov in his book “The Fifteenth Stone of the Reanji Garden” gives an example of negotiations between Japanese and American companies. When the Americans talked about their company, about the possibilities and benefits of cooperation, the Japanese nodded their heads and listened decorously. And then they started asking questions that seemed irrelevant. The Japanese believed that the Americans were putting pressure on them, and the Americans were surprised by the requests of the other side and their questions. Negotiations were stopped.

Character traits Americans– energy, independence, enterprise, hard work. They are patriots. Their philosophy is to earn as much as possible as quickly as possible. Their style is highly professional; they are individualists and like to act without regard to their superiors. They are democratic, often behave informally, love jokes, value honesty and frankness, they save time and are punctual. They do not like pauses, they make decisions quickly and rarely change them.

Thus, business communication presupposes knowledge of speech etiquette, rules for constructing business conversations and meetings, knowledge of the norms of literary language, and the use of the necessary speech formulas according to the situation. The effectiveness of business communication also depends on knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual, which are reflected by language, and on knowledge of the national characteristics of business people.

Topic 7. Culture of business speech. Features of official business style

1. Features of official business style.

2. Genres of oral business communication.

3. Features of written speech in business communication.

4. Types of documents (personal, official), their design, language and style.


The lecture briefly formulates the features of the official business style, discusses the rules of business communication, describes verbal means of influencing a partner, reveals techniques for preparing and conducting business conversations, effective interpersonal and group negotiations. In addition, acquaintance with samples of personal and official documents different speech genres, and completing assignments in seminar classes will help students master the skills of composing them.

Official business style is one of the book styles that serves the sphere of business communication: legal, administrative and social activities. This is a style of communication in government agencies, in court, and during business negotiations. The texts of laws, orders, instructions, contracts, acts, etc. are maintained in the official style. The official business style is implemented both in written and oral speech, with the former predominant.

Most common hallmark style - formality, emphasized objectivity, restraint.

The second sign is accuracy and compactness of presentation of any information in any form - written or oral.

Third - dispassion, formality of tone, contraindication of emotionality, subjectivity.

Fourth - stereotyping, use of standard speech means.

In the field of vocabulary and phraseology, the official style differs:

Using clerical words, for example, verbal nouns ( unification, approval, implementation) or participles, the use of which is accepted only in texts of this style ( proper, undersigned and so on.);

The stability of speech stamps ( due to necessity, in order to save money etc.); or stable constructions of participial phrases ( based on..., taking into account).

For university graduates, especially future managers of various departments, whose professions are characterized by “increased speech responsibility,” it is very important to practically master all speech means of official business style, those communicative qualities of speech that ensure correct, adequate understanding of business information by both partners.

Business communication is always pragmatic, subordinated to solving some problem (personal, industrial, commercial). D. Carnegie wrote that “we have only four methods of contacting people. They judge based on what we do, what we look like, what we say and how we say it.” Therefore, one of the conditions for success in any type of business communication is the ability to behave in society, the ability to present oneself, correct persuasive speech, i.e. business communication requires knowledge of the rules of etiquette and speech formulas used during conversations, at meetings, negotiations and in other speech situations.

Rules for communication between communicants. Attitude towards the interlocutor

All speech behavior of the communicant is based on a certain reaction of the partner. It is important to anticipate:

The interlocutor’s attitude towards himself (as an individual, as a representative of a certain group);

Attitude to the information that will become the subject of business assessment or discussion;

The effect that negotiations can have on the interlocutor.

You should try to “build a model of the interlocutor’s personality traits, his characteristics that are important for communication. Try to understand him, see the problem from his point of view. Then it will be possible to formulate together the purpose of communication, and this will ensure its dialogical nature, a sense of partnership “as equals”.

Non-verbal means of communication are equally important. Communication is actively facilitated by eye contact. A smile will make communication more open and sincere. Another non-verbal means - the sound of the voice, the intonation of the speaker's speech - also affects the creation of an atmosphere of communication and mutual understanding between partners.

Postulates of business communication

1. Postulate personal qualities business man

Awareness and competence - fluency in the subject of speech;

Self-confidence, in your knowledge, in the ability to establish the necessary contact with listeners;

Objectivity in assessing information and methods of communicating it;

Concern - interest and passion for the subject of speech; friendliness and sincerity.

2. Postulate of relationship to a partner

A focus on interaction, cooperation, not competition;

The desire to see the problem from the partner’s point of view, to involve him in co-thinking;

Respectful attitude towards the partner, genuine interest in his judgments and evidence;

The ability to listen to your interlocutor.

3. Postulate of Relevance

Relevance(English - relevant, relevant) - semantic correspondence between the information request and the received message.

Postulate of the relevance of oral speech:

Speak to the point;

Say what is important in a given situation;

Match the selection and presentation of information with the request and expectations

When creating written business texts, this postulate should be considered as the main one.

4. Postulate of information content

Postulate of quantity of information:

Speak in moderation: as much as necessary to achieve the goal of communication.

Postulate of information quality:

Provide verified information - tell the truth;

Do not say anything for which you do not have sufficient grounds;

Build your evidence in a consistent and reasoned manner.

5. Postulate of linguistic normativity of business speech

Speak clearly and concisely;

Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood or misinterpreted

Use speech cliches in accordance with the normative rules of official business style.

The above postulates apply to the same extent, and even more, to written speech.

Business conversation- this is a form of interpersonal communication that involves the exchange of views, points of view, opinions, information, aimed at solving a particular problem.

Structure of a business conversation:

1. Starting a conversation (establishing contact, creating a “relational climate” favorable for conversation).

2. Statement of your position and justification for it.

3. Finding out the interlocutor’s position.

4. Joint analysis of the problem (eliminating the interlocutor’s doubts, refuting his comments, searching for solutions, etc.).

5. Decision making.

When conducting a conversation, participants often make various kinds of mistakes. Let's name the most typical of them:

Ignore the state of the interlocutor;

They do not take into account the motives of the interlocutor’s behavior;

They do not show interest in the interlocutor’s problem;

They do not listen to the interlocutor;

They interrupt speakers;

They speak without being sure whether they are being listened to;

They talk for a long time;

Limit yourself to one sentence (do not use the entire bank of ideas).

Speech etiquette: expressing a request - demand - order - advice

The correctness of the speech behavior of a business person, which largely determines the effectiveness of communication, depends primarily on compliance with the rules of speech etiquette. There are stable speech formulas of communication that are correlated with a specific, frequently repeated situation: formulas of greeting, apology, making a request, etc.

In business communication, it is speech etiquette that regulates the relationship in linguistic forms: boss - subordinate, meeting leader - ordinary participants, etc.

Business meeting

Oral negotiations between business partners are the most common form of official business communication. The purpose of negotiations is to jointly find a mutually acceptable solution to any problem that is important to the contracting parties. The results of the negotiations are then consolidated in written documents jointly accepted and binding by the parties. This is usually preceded by oral negotiations, sometimes lengthy ones.

How to increase the effectiveness of negotiations?

What are the ways and opportunities to persuade your partner to your point of view or to find a compromise solution? What speech means should be used to soften the expression of the speaker’s will and emphasize his attention to the partner’s opinion? Here is a range of questions that need to be sorted out.

Meetings. The role of the coordinator (leader))

Business meeting- a generally accepted form of business communication of a group for the purpose of exchanging information and developing optimal option solving the problem.

In this case, the communicators are: the communicative leader (the head of the department or one of the leading employees who is tasked with preparing and holding the meeting) and the meeting participants.

Tips for meeting leaders

At the preparation stage, the manager thinks about organizational issues and (prognostically) possible options solutions.

It is necessary to select meeting participants on this specific issue and, if necessary, assign tasks to specific individuals to prepare relevant materials.

It is advisable to think through the following questions:

How to more accurately formulate the problem and determine the role of communication partners (to make them feel the need for their active participation in negotiations.).

What are the possible directions of searches, possible solutions?

Is it possible to break the problem down into its component parts so that, in case of complications, at least part of it can be solved?

At the meeting stage, the leader strives to create and maintain a constructive-critical atmosphere of the conversation, a sense of responsibility of each participant for the decision made (the leader emphasizes the interest of everyone in the opinion of each speaker).

Main organizational condition- This is a step-by-step, targeted solution to the problem. It is provided by:

The clarity of the problem statement and the conditions for its solution, the leader’s ability to listen, and highlight the main thing;

Formulation of questions in such a way that awakens thought and indirectly invites participants to speak;

The leader’s ability to correctly direct the course of the conversation in the right direction, capture the main thing, and draw intermediate conclusions;

The ability to give a summary analysis of the proposals made, to highlight the objective conditions for a successful solution to the problem.

Telephone business conversations- a form of remote communication between interlocutors - require special attention to both your own speech and the perception of your partner’s speech. The sound characteristics of the voice (diction, timbre, volume level, etc.) and adherence to the rules of etiquette are especially important here.

After completing the course, students should know:

The main features inherent formal business style;

Postulates (rules) of business communication;

The structure of a business conversation;

Typical mistakes made by participants in a business conversation;

Formulas of speech etiquette used in different situations of business communication;

Speech structures used in business conversations, negotiations (expression of doubt and disagreement, approval, gratitude, etc.);

Basic requirements for talking on the phone;

Basic elements of the composition of a telephone conversation;

Rules for conducting a telephone conversation (telephone etiquette).

Many situations in which communication occurs are typical for us, for example, situations of greeting, flirting, family gatherings. For them we use the same words, sentences, speech patterns. The famous Russian philologist M.M. Bakhtin called such stable communicative forms speech genres. He considered the speech genre to be a universal unit of speech. “The richness and diversity of speech genres is boundless, because the possibilities of diverse human activity are inexhaustible and because in each sphere of human activity a whole repertoire of speech genres is developed, differentiated and growing as the given sphere develops and becomes more complex. It is especially necessary to emphasize the extreme heterogeneity of speech genres (oral and written). In fact, we must include short replicas of everyday dialogue as speech genres (and the variety of types of dialogue depending on its topic, situation, composition of participants is extremely large), and an everyday story, and a letter (in all its various forms), and a short standard a military command, and an extensive and detailed order, and a rather motley repertoire of business documents (in most cases standard), and a diverse world of journalistic speeches (in the broad sense of the word: public, political); but here we must also include the diverse forms of scientific presentations, and all literary genres(from a saying to a multi-volume novel)” (Bakhtin M.M., 1996, pp. 159-160).

In their book “Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics,” Ilya Naumovich Gorelov and Konstantin Fedorovich Sedov define speech genres as the verbal presentation of typical situations social interaction people (Gorelov I.N., Sedov K.F., 2001). Genres of speech are present in our minds in the form of samples (frames). A frame in this case is “... this is a fragment of knowledge about the world, organized around a certain concept or a typical situation for a given society and containing basic, typical or potentially possible information associated with it, including information about the usual order of the situation” (Dolinin K. A., 1999, p. 9).

In the process of socialization, a person seems to “grow” into the system of genre norms accepted in the culture, which, in turn, “grows” into the consciousness of the speaker, determining the level of his communicative competence (Gorelov I.N., Sedov K.F., 2001 ). “We speak only in certain speech genres, i.e. All our statements have certain and relatively stable typical forms of constructing the whole. We have a rich repertoire of oral (and written) speech genres. In practice, we confidently and skillfully use them, but theoretically we may not even know about their existence. Like Molière’s Jourdain, who, speaking in prose, was unaware of it, we speak in various genres, unaware of their existence” (Bakhtin M.M., 1986, p. 271).

The ability to choose the right words and formulate statements in a certain genre plays an important role in communication. Lack of experience in some genres can leave people feeling completely helpless. For example, many people are very worried and anxious about the “public speaking” genre.

Speech genres must be distinguished from genres fiction. Speech behavior within a particular communicative situation has different degrees of freedom: for example, the genre of a friendly conversation is one thing, and the genre of a report at a conference is another. Genres are divided according to the following characteristics of speech: written - oral, official - unofficial, public - non-public.

According to K.F. For Sedov, the written/oral opposition is associated with the form of information transfer in communication. The structure of written genres gravitates towards a more rigid monologue form of speech utterances. Oral (especially colloquial) genres allow for great variability in the use of linguistic means. The genres that characterize official communication have a greater degree of conventionality (normativity) and stereotyping than the genres of informal communication. Genres of public communication require a higher degree of awareness in the use of linguistic means than genres of non-public speech (Sedov K.F., 2004).

In his dissertation “Typology of genres of business speech (rhetorical aspect)” T.V. Anisimova divides the genres of business communication into genres of monologue type and dialogic type. Examples of monologue-type genres in the speech situation “Presentation” include: introductory speech, presentation speech, advertising speech, response speech. Examples of dialogical type genres in the speech situation “Meeting” and “Discussion” are speech in debate, opinion, proposal, objection, refutation and accusation (Anisimova T.V., 2000). Emphasizing the importance of mastery of speech genres in business communication, she gives an example of the content of the “Opinion” genre and its destruction when the speaker does not understand its laws.

The “Opinion” genre is a subjective commentary on what is happening, so a person speaking in the opinion genre usually emphasizes that he is expressing his own vision of the situation and does not pretend to be the objective truth. Often the expression of opinion begins with the words “It seems to me...”, “Perhaps”, “Here we mean...”, “I can assume that...”. However, if the speaker presents his point of view as the only correct (true) one, then the genre is destroyed.

The inconsistency of statements with the speech genre can serve as an obstacle to achieving the desired goal. Thus, knowledge of various speech genres and their use in accordance with the situation is of great importance in business communication and is a kind of litmus test for its success.

Questions and tasks for independent work

What is a speech genre?

  • 1. Why do you need to know the specifics of speech genres in business communication?
  • 2. Give examples of the main genres of written documents used in the organization.
  • 3. Formulate the requirements that, in your opinion, should be presented to the “conversation with a work colleague” genre.
  • 1. Bakhtin M.M. The problem of speech genres // Bakhtin M.M. Collection op. M.: Russian dictionaries, 1996. T. 5: Works of the 1940-1960s. pp. 159-206.
  • 2. Gorelov II.N., Sedov K.F. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics: textbook, manual. 3rd, psrerab. and additional ed. M.: Labyrinth, 2001. 304 p.
  • 3. Dolinin K.A. Speech genres as a means of organizing social interaction / Genres of speech. Saratov, 1999, Vol. 2. pp. 7 - 13.
  • 4. Sedov K.F. Discourse and personality: the evolution of communicative competence. M.: Labyrinth, 2004. 320 p.

1. Business conversation- a specially organized substantive conversation serving a solution management tasks. Unlike business negotiations, which are much more strictly structured and, as a rule, are conducted between representatives of different organizations (or divisions of one organization), a business conversation, although always has a specific subject, is more

personality-oriented and more often occurs between representatives of the same organization. A business conversation always has a predetermined range of issues discussed.

Types of business conversation:






Reception of visitors.

Goals and objectives of business conversation:

Exert the necessary influence on the interlocutor and thereby create a new business situation;

Obtain the necessary information, as well as opinions on certain issues, on the basis of which further management of the company/further policy will be formed.

Rules for conducting a business conversation:

It is worth starting a conversation by establishing friendly contact with the interlocutor;

You should tune in to the professional level of your interlocutor, his life and work experience, interests, features of his thinking and speech;

The conversation process must be rationally organized, which includes a summary of information;

Argumentation of your point of view is required;

Reaching an agreement is confirmed by a brief repetition of the meaning of this agreement. If no agreement is reached, the conclusion of the conversation should still be polite;

The language of the conversation should be simple and intelligible.

Business Etiquette prescribes strict compliance when negotiating rules

country's behavior- business partner. Americans, emphasizing their goodwill, pat you on the shoulder in a friendly manner and willingly accept the same gesture from you,

Patting a Japanese on the shoulder or trying to give a friendly hug to a Chinese or Vietnamese can ruin your deal.

Business etiquette requires special behavior when communicating with clients. If there are many clients,

they usually try to serve women and the elderly first.

It is also important to follow certain rules regarding clothing and appearance.

the suit must be in place and on time. If negotiations with partners are scheduled for

daytime, a light suit will do. Pants and jacket may be different

colors. But if negotiations take place in the evening, the suit should be dark, the shirt -

always fresh, ironed, tie - not flashy, shoes - cleaned.

To travel abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothes: dark and light

suits, a decent jacket and sweater for walking. If your trip route

passes through the countries of the East, remember that women should not wear trousers,

they should not appear on the street or in public places without stockings or tights

(especially in countries professing Islam), and men wear bright ties.

Business conversation on the phone- contact in time, but distant in space and mediated by special technical means, communication between interlocutors. Accordingly, the lack of visual contact increases the load on the verbal means of interaction between communication partners; This is the fastest business contact and a special skill. The ability of business people to conduct telephone communication affects their personal authority and the reputation of the company or organization they represent.

This is the fastest business contact. About 60% of conversations on a business phone occur in the first half of the day. In this regard, not only the ability to conduct a short conversation is required, but also to instantly adapt, reacting mobilely to different partners and different topics.

Plan a short telephone conversation.

o mutual presentation - 20±5 seconds;

o introducing the interlocutor to the course of the matter - 40±5 seconds;

o discussion of the situation, problem - 100±5 seconds;

o final summary - 20±5 seconds.

The skill of concise interviewing is acquired over time, with repetition.

conversations under strict regulations.

Documentation. In addition to the plan, the participant in the telephone conversation must know what

he will need documents for the conversation (client file, report, acts,

correspondence, etc.).

Recording a conversation: If necessary, you need to prepare everything to record information.

Behavior during a conversation.

You should pick up the phone and introduce yourself. Speak into the phone, pronounce words clearly. Find out whether the interlocutor has time to talk (if not, ask permission to call back, specifying when). Set a positive tone. Try not to directly object to your interlocutor, listen to him without interrupting. Avoid monotony by periodically changing the topics and intonation of the conversation. Do not use primitive expressions in speech. Use pause effectively. If the interlocutor does not understand something, you need to patiently explain what was said. And at the end of the conversation, clarify its (conversation’s) perspective.

You cannot turn a telephone conversation into an interrogation, ask questions like “Who am I with?”

talking?" You need to watch your diction, don’t hold the microphone with your hand when

convey something from the conversation to those who are nearby - your comments may

hear your partner talking to you on the phone. If you voice a complaint, do not tell your partner that it is not your fault, that you are not doing this and that you are not interested.

So, mastery of telephone conversation culture is:

§ dial a phone number only when you are firmly sure that it is correct.

§ Prepare thoroughly for business telephone conversation, achieving maximum brevity.

§ Before particularly important telephone conversations, the necessary notes are made on

§ piece of paper.

§ If there is a long conversation ahead, ask the interlocutor if he has

§ sufficient time and, if not, the conversation is transferred to another, agreed

§ day and hour.

§ Having achieved a telephone connection with the desired institution, you should introduce yourself and

§ present your company.

§ If you “got to the wrong place,” you should apologize and not silently hang up.

§ If you receive an erroneous call, you should politely answer: “You have the wrong number” - and

§ put the phone down.

§ When working on an important document, it is better to turn off your phone or switch it to

§ secretary.

§ In business telephone conversations, you need to “control yourself,” even if there were reasons for displeasure before.

§ When answering a telephone call, you should give your last name.

§ During a long monologue of the interlocutor on the phone, from time to time it is better to confirm your attention with short remarks.

§ Completing business conversation over the phone, you need to thank the interlocutor and wish him success.

§ If a colleague who is being asked over the phone is absent, you should ask what he needs

§ pass it on and leave a note on his desk.

§ If the phone rings during a conversation with a visitor, you need to ask to call back later.

§ In the presence of employees, it is better to speak on the phone in a low voice.

§ If the interlocutor is hard to hear, you should ask to speak louder or call back.

§ You must speak slowly, calmly, loudly and clearly enough. The less time in

§ at your disposal, the less you can afford to go deeper into explanations;

§ use short sentences; pause periodically to allow

§ for the interlocutor to think about what was said; speak in the voice of a mature person, do not behave;

§ stay calm; smile during a conversation, then your voice becomes more

§ pleasant.

The basis successful implementation business telephone conversation




Mastery of conversation techniques

The desire to quickly and effectively solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it.

Skillful expression

In During a conversation, you need to be able to interest your interlocutor in your business. Here to you

The correct use of methods of suggestion and persuasion will help. Voice, tone, timbre, intonation If your interlocutor shows a tendency to argue, expresses unfair reproaches in a harsh form, and there is conceit in his tone, then be patient and do not answer him in the same way. Change the conversation to a calm tone, partially admit that he is right, try to understand the motives for his behavior. Try to present your arguments briefly and clearly.

In a telephone conversation it is also better not to use specific, professional expressions that may not be clear to the interlocutor.

Pronouncing words quickly or slowly makes it difficult to understand. Especially

watch the pronunciation of numbers, proper names, consonants. If in conversation

there are names of cities, towns, proper names, surnames, etc., which

poorly perceived by ear, they need to be pronounced syllable by syllable or even transmitted

by letter.

A series of remarks to correct communication. For example:

How can you hear me?

Would you please repeat that... ?

Sorry, it's very hard to hear.

Sorry, I didn't hear what you said, etc.

TO You need to carefully prepare for a telephone conversation: select all materials, documents in advance, have on hand the necessary phone numbers, addresses of organizations or necessary persons, a calendar, pen, paper, etc.

Make a plan for the conversation, write down the questions you want to solve, or information

(data) you want to obtain, think about the order in which you ask questions.

Using standard phrases, try to separate one question from another. For example:

So, have we agreed on this issue?!

A conversation on each topic should end with a question that requires an unambiguous

2. Public speaking- This is one of the types of oral business communication.

Depending on the content, purpose, method of proclamation and circumstances of communication, the main genres are distinguished public speaking:

1) socio-political speeches (lectures on socio-political topics, speeches at rallies, elections, reporting reports, political reviews.

2) academic speeches (scientific reports, educational lectures, scientific discussions.

3) speeches on the occasion of ceremonial meetings (anniversary speeches, congratulations, toasts.

Each of the listed types has a corresponding purpose, i.e. has a specific purpose - to inform, persuade or create a mood in the relevant audience.

3. Press conference is a meeting of officials (managers, politicians, government representatives, public relations specialists, businessmen, etc.) with representatives of the press, television, radio in order to inform the public about topical issues. This is a common and effective means of providing information to the press.

4. Business dispute as a type of communication is widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion; a verbal confrontation in which each side defends its rightness.

Discussion– a concentrated debate-research or debate with the aim of compromise in the presence of the public.

Dispute as a type of business communication has the following characteristics:

a dispute presupposes the presence of at least two subjects, one of which is more appropriately called proponent, and the other - opponent;

the parties to the dispute have the same rights in the process of exchanging opinions, in terms of the degree of activity, in the types and forms of direct and feedback with each other;

the subject of the dispute is a position about which each party has its own opinion, called position or thesis;

the positions of the parties contradict each other and are most often openly negative;

a dispute as a type of business communication is not regulated either procedurally, spatially or temporally.

5. Business meeting - a form of organized, purposeful interaction between the leader and the team through the exchange of opinions. This is a kind of forum for developing key decisions and a way to coordinate the activities of people and Divisions.

A business meeting can involve 7 - 9, maximum 12 people, large quantity participants may reduce work efficiency. The topic of discussion should be determined in advance so that participants can prepare professionally, think through their proposals, and even prepare relevant reports.

6. Negotiation - communication between parties to achieve their goals, in which each party has equal opportunities to control the situation and make decisions. In a narrow sense, it is considered as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution. In a broader sense, negotiation is communication between people or social groups . In the process of communication, various types of information are exchanged between communication participants.

Main functions of negotiations:

ü Finding a joint solution to the problem;

ü Information function;

ü Communication function;

ü Regulatory function;

ü Propaganda function;

ü Solving one’s own domestic and foreign policy problems.

Telephone message is a generalized name for documents with different contents, divided into a separate category in connection with a special method of transmitting text ( transmitted orally through channels telephone communication and written by hand).

Typically, telephone messages are used for urgent notifications about meetings, meetings, unexpected events, cancellation of previously planned events, etc. cases when the transmitted message must be documented.

A telephone message is drawn up in one copy. Telephone message details:
name of the institution - the author of the document "position, surname of the employee" who transmitted the telephone message, his telephone number, name of the recipient organization, position and surname of the employee who received the telephone message, his telephone number, date and number of the telephone message, text (not exceeding 50 words), job title the person who signed the document, his personal signature, surname and initials.

When compiling telephone messages, you should adhere to the following recommendations: the text should not contain complex logical expressions, difficult to pronounce and rarely pronounced words; information should be brief and urgent.

When transmitting a telephone message, you must check the correctness of the recording re-reading; words that are poorly perceived by ear must be conveyed by breaking them down by letter. If a telephone message is sent to several addresses, then a mailing list with telephone numbers is compiled for it.

The employee who received the telephone message is obliged to familiarize all officials to whom the information received was intended with its contents.



1. Business conversation- a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve management problems. Unlike business negotiations, which are much more strictly structured and, as a rule, conducted between representatives of different organizations (or divisions of one organization), a business conversation, although always has a specific subject, is more

personality-oriented and more often occurs between representatives of the same organization. A business conversation always has a predetermined range of issues discussed.

Types of business conversation:

1. Personnel;

2. Disciplinary;

3. Problematic;

4. Organizational;

5. Creative;

6. Reception of visitors.

Goals and objectives of business conversation:

  1. Exert the necessary influence on the interlocutor and thereby create a new business situation;
  2. Obtain the necessary information, as well as opinions on certain issues, on the basis of which further management of the company/further policy will be formed.

Rules for conducting a business conversation:

  1. It is worth starting a conversation by establishing friendly contact with the interlocutor;
  2. You should tune in to the professional level of your interlocutor, his life and work experience, interests, features of his thinking and speech;
  3. The conversation process must be rationally organized, which includes a summary of information;
  4. Argumentation of your point of view is required;
  5. Reaching an agreement is confirmed by a brief repetition of the meaning of this agreement. If no agreement is reached, the conclusion of the conversation should still be polite;
  6. The language of the conversation should be simple and intelligible.

Business conversation on the phone- contact in time, but distant in space and mediated by special technical means, communication between interlocutors. Accordingly, the lack of visual contact increases the load on the verbal means of interaction between communication partners; This is the fastest business contact and a special skill. The ability of business people to conduct telephone communication affects their personal authority and the reputation of the company or organization they represent.

2. Public speaking- This is one of the types of oral business communication.

Depending on the content, purpose, method of proclamation and circumstances of communication, the main genres of public speaking are distinguished:

1) socio-political speeches (lectures on socio-political topics, speeches at rallies, elections, reporting reports, political reviews.

2) academic speeches (scientific reports, educational lectures, scientific discussions.

3) speeches on the occasion of ceremonial meetings (anniversary speeches, congratulations, toasts.

Each of the listed types has a corresponding purpose, i.e. has a specific purpose - to inform, persuade or create a mood in the relevant audience.

3. Press conference is a meeting of officials (managers, politicians, government representatives, public relations specialists, businessmen, etc.) with representatives of the press, television, radio in order to inform the public on current issues. This is a common and effective means of providing information to the press.

4. Business dispute as a type of communication is widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion; a verbal confrontation in which each side defends its rightness.

Discussion– a concentrated debate-research or debate with the aim of compromise in the presence of the public.

Dispute as a type of business communication has the following characteristics:

· a dispute presupposes the presence of at least two subjects, one of whom is more appropriately called a proponent, and the other an opponent;

· the parties to the dispute have the same rights in the process of exchanging opinions, in terms of the degree of activity, in the types and forms of direct and feedback with each other;

· the subject of the dispute is a position about which each party has its own opinion, called a position or thesis;

· the positions of the parties contradict each other and are most often openly negative;

· a dispute as a type of business communication is not regulated either procedurally, spatially or temporally.

5. Business meeting - a form of organized, purposeful interaction between the leader and the team through the exchange of opinions. This is a kind of forum for developing key decisions and a way to coordinate the activities of people and Divisions.

A business meeting can involve 7-9, maximum 12 people; a larger number of participants can reduce work efficiency. The topic of discussion should be determined in advance so that participants can prepare professionally, think through their proposals, and even prepare relevant reports.

6. Negotiation - communication between parties to achieve their goals, in which each party has equal opportunities to control the situation and make decisions. In a narrow sense, it is considered as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution. In a broader sense, negotiation is the communication interaction of people or social groups. In the process of communication, various types of information are exchanged between communication participants.

Main functions of negotiations:

· Search for a joint solution to the problem;

· Information function;

· Communication function;

· Regulatory function;

· Propaganda function;

· Solving your own domestic and foreign policy problems.