123 aircraft plant. Aircraft repair plant in Staraya Russa

This year, one of the new areas of UAC development was support life cycle airplanes; and today we will visit the 123 Aviation Repair Plant (123-ARZ) - the largest and most successful in the city of Staraya Russa.

Today there are more than 20 machines on the airfield and in the factory workshops. Most of them were released in 1985-1990.

The service life of the IL-76 today is forty years. The plant’s specialists are faced with the task of disassembling the aircraft, sorting out the engines, and performing the necessary repairs so that the aircraft can operate reliably for a long time.

Those who have just arrived at the Ilam plant airfield will have to spend about five months here.

During this time, the units and engines will be removed from the aircraft, they will be repaired where necessary, the filling will be replaced, they will be repainted, after which the service life of the aircraft until the next repair will be established, which will be 16 years.

Most of the vehicles are intended for the Russian Air Force (today the Air Force has more than 100 Il-76 transport vehicles).

Some aircraft, specially modified to meet the needs of foreign customers, will fly to China, India or Algeria.

It is planned that the revenue of 123-ARZ for 2015 will be up to 5 billion rubles. According to the plant's managing director Andrei Sakharov, by August current year The plant fulfilled up to 80% of the 2015 state order.

Over the past three years alone, the staff has increased by 700 employees - up to 2,500 people.

Over the course of several years, the company’s employees were able to increase revenue five times more (compared to 2000) thanks to the increasing volumes of products produced under the state defense order and the development of export programs.

In 1973, the Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after. V.P. Chkalova began production of Il-76 transport and landing vehicles.
In total, about 950 aircraft were produced over the years. More than two hundred of them are still in the service of the Russian armed forces, some are in the fleet of private airlines, the rest are with foreign customers.

Production of the Il-76 in Tashkent ceased completely last year, when two unfinished aircraft were sent to Russia for modification. But for Russian aircraft repairmen, the scope of work began to expand significantly.

In order to avoid misunderstandings with the supply of components - fasteners, brackets, honeycombs - Staraya Russa is gradually expanding own production individual parts and assemblies. The list of names of such parts for aircraft already takes up several dozen pages.

New equipment is also needed for other types of work: repair of engines, propellers and other products. Experience has shown that our own production allows us to satisfy repair needs to the maximum extent possible.

This year, the first stage of modernization was completed at the plant: a painting building was built, a high-tech equipment section was created on the basis of the machining shop; also created a vertical machining center with a unique 5-axis processing capability for the production of parts with complex spatial shapes.

In most workshops, work on the reconstruction of areas is either still underway or is already nearing completion.

Before painting, unnecessary areas are covered with paper.

The inscriptions inside are ready to be applied.

Painting of parts begins in the paint shop.

The plant is gradually implementing an import substitution program. About 60% of the most popular parts are already in production on our own. Bolts, nuts, gaskets - everything previously had to be purchased from suppliers. This problem has now been resolved. For example, more than 4 thousand types of gaskets that are used to repair D-30KP engines are fully produced at the enterprise using laser complexes.

Existing rubber parts are completely changed during a major overhaul. However, before putting components into production, it is necessary to go through a lot of approvals with developers and manufacturers - parts cannot go into series without written permission.

The plant has also mastered the process of manufacturing double-glazed windows from oriented organic glass, which are used on the Il-76. Oriented glass is a special high-strength glass heated at a certain temperature and stretched along different axes to a given thickness, and working with it requires professional skills.

There are about 88 glasses on the IL-76, and each of them requires its own mold. They are different for internal and external glass. Moreover, the enterprise makes not only the molds themselves, but also the glass using its own resources. Of the 88 glasses, 32 have already been mastered.

By the beginning of 2015, more than 2.1 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the production and technical base and re-equipment of production. These funds were used for the construction of about 25 thousand m2 of new production space, reconstruction of the airfield, fuel and lubricants warehouse, as well as three production buildings of the workshop for the repair of Il-76 and L-410 aircraft with the installation of self-leveling floors in each building, modernization sliding gates and engineering communications.

Today, dozens of small Czech-made L-410 transport aircraft fly in Russia, which, of course, are more convenient to repair at home.

L410 in the hangar after a test flight.

One more important look The activity of work of 123 ARZ was engine repair.
Several years ago, the propulsion department prompted the management to develop the idea of ​​developing an energy sector that was not entirely relevant for the plant. Thus, in Staraya Russa, the AI-20 engines, which had served their useful life, were re-equipped for thermal power plant installations. For several years now, the company has not purchased electricity and heat. wholesale market energy, but produces it independently, supplying part of the nearby neighborhoods.

A number of unusual ideas in the field of industrial design, which residents of both their native Novgorod and neighboring regions come to see.

Also, in recent years, more and more tourists are trying to combine a tour of the places of Dostoevsky, who worked in Tara Russa on the novels “Demons”, “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov” with a visit to the aircraft repair plant.

Not only representatives of various industrial enterprises, vacationers and schoolchildren of the Novgorod region, but also residents of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities.
Over the course of a year, more than a thousand tourists pass through the plant museum.

Over the past three years, the factory area has been transformed: a green alley appeared, steel models of aircraft performing aerobatics were installed.

According to fire safety rules, there are many open bodies of water on the territory of the enterprise. On the largest ones, workers installed fountains.

Today, Russia and Western countries maintain hundreds of domestically produced civil, military and transport aircraft, the service life of which ranges from twenty to fifty years. Naturally, every aircraft requires periodic repair maintenance.

About a year ago, the UAC included nine aircraft repair enterprises engaged in repairs aircraft for the Ministry of Defense and other departments.

Today, the order portfolio for 123 ARZ is planned until 2025. In addition to the Il-76 transport aircraft, they plan to service new vehicles, for example, the modernized Il-76-90-MDA, which the Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP plant began producing last year.

This year, one of the new areas of UAC development was aircraft life cycle support; and today we will visit the 123 Aviation Repair Plant (123-ARZ) - the largest and most successful in the city of Staraya Russa.

Today there are more than 20 machines on the airfield and in the factory workshops. Most of them were released in 1985-1990.
The service life of the IL-76 today is forty years. The plant’s specialists are faced with the task of disassembling the aircraft, sorting out the engines, and performing the necessary repairs so that the aircraft can operate reliably for a long time.
Those who have just arrived at the Ilam plant airfield will have to spend about five months here.
During this time, the units and engines will be removed from the aircraft, they will be repaired where necessary, the filling will be replaced, they will be repainted, after which the service life of the aircraft until the next repair will be established, which will be 16 years.

Most of the vehicles are intended for the Russian Air Force (today the Air Force has more than 100 Il-76 transport vehicles).

Some aircraft, specially modified to meet the needs of foreign customers, will fly to China, India or Algeria.
It is planned that the revenue of 123-ARZ for 2015 will be up to 5 billion rubles. According to the plant's managing director Andrei Sakharov, by August of this year the plant had completed up to 80% of the 2015 state order.
Over the past three years alone, the staff has increased by 700 employees - up to 2,500 people.
Over the course of several years, the company’s employees were able to increase revenue five times more (compared to 2000) thanks to the increasing volumes of products produced under the state defense order and the development of export programs.
In 1973, the Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after. V.P. Chkalova began production of Il-76 transport and landing vehicles. In total, about 950 aircraft were produced over the years of work. More than two hundred of them are still in the service of the Russian armed forces, some are in the fleet of private airlines, the rest are with foreign customers. Production of the Il-76 in Tashkent ceased completely last year, when two unfinished aircraft were sent to Russia for modification . But for Russian aircraft repairmen, the scope of work began to expand significantly.
In order to avoid misunderstandings with the supply of components - fasteners, brackets, honeycombs - Staraya Russa is gradually developing its own production of individual parts and assemblies. The list of names of such parts for aircraft already takes up several dozen pages.
New equipment is also needed for other types of work: repair of engines, propellers and other products. Experience has shown that our own production allows us to satisfy repair needs to the maximum extent possible.

This year, the first stage of modernization was completed at the plant: a painting building was built, a high-tech equipment section was created on the basis of the machining shop; also created a vertical machining center with a unique 5-axis processing capability for the production of parts with complex spatial shapes.

In most workshops, work on the reconstruction of areas is either still underway or is already nearing completion.
Before painting, unnecessary areas are covered with paper.
The inscriptions inside are ready to be applied.
Painting of parts begins in the paint shop.
The plant is gradually implementing an import substitution program. About 60% of the most popular parts are already manufactured in-house. Bolts, nuts, gaskets - everything previously had to be purchased from suppliers. This problem has now been resolved. For example, more than 4 thousand types of gaskets that are used to repair D-30KP engines are fully produced at the enterprise using laser complexes.
Existing rubber parts are completely changed during a major overhaul. However, before putting components into production, it is necessary to go through a lot of approvals with developers and manufacturers - parts cannot go into series without written permission.
The plant has also mastered the process of manufacturing double-glazed windows from oriented organic glass, which are used on the Il-76. Oriented glass is special high-strength glass heated at a certain temperature and stretched along different axes to a given thickness, and working with it requires professional skills.
There are about 88 glasses on the IL-76, and each of them requires its own mold. They are different for internal and external glass. Moreover, the enterprise makes not only the molds themselves, but also the glass using its own resources. Of the 88 glasses, 32 have already been mastered.
By the beginning of 2015, more than 2.1 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the production and technical base and re-equipment of production. These funds were used for the construction of about 25 thousand m2 of new production space, reconstruction of the airfield, fuel and lubricants warehouse, as well as three production buildings of the workshop for the repair of Il-76 and L-410 aircraft with the installation of self-leveling floors in each building, modernization of sliding gates and utilities .
Today, dozens of small Czech-made L-410 transport aircraft fly in Russia, which, of course, are more convenient to repair at home.
L410 in the hangar after a test flight.
Another important activity of the 123rd ARZ was engine repair. Several years ago, the engine direction prompted the management to develop the idea of ​​developing an energy sector that was not entirely specialized for the plant. Thus, in Staraya Russa, the AI-20 engines, which had served their useful life, were re-equipped for thermal power plant installations. For several years now, the company has not been purchasing electricity and heat from the wholesale energy market, but has been producing it independently, supplying some of the nearby neighborhoods.
A number of unusual ideas in the field of industrial design have been implemented on the territory of the enterprise, which residents of both their native Novgorod region and neighboring regions come to see.
Also, in recent years, more and more tourists are trying to combine a tour of the places of Dostoevsky, who worked in Tara Russa on the novels “Demons”, “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov” with a visit to the aircraft repair plant. Not only people come to see how aircraft production is carried out representatives of various industrial enterprises, vacationers and schoolchildren of the Novgorod region, but also residents of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. During the year, more than a thousand tourists pass through the plant museum.
Over the past three years, the factory area has been transformed: a green alley appeared, steel models of aircraft performing aerobatics were installed.

According to fire safety rules, there are many open bodies of water on the territory of the enterprise. On the largest ones, workers installed fountains.
Today, Russia and Western countries maintain hundreds of domestically produced civil, military and transport aircraft, the service life of which ranges from twenty to fifty years. Naturally, every aircraft requires periodic repair maintenance.
About a year ago, the UAC included nine aircraft repair enterprises engaged in the repair of aircraft for the Ministry of Defense and other departments.
Today, the order portfolio for 123 ARZ is planned until 2025. In addition to the Il-76 transport aircraft, they plan to service new vehicles, for example, the modernized Il-76-90-MDA, which the Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP plant began producing last year.

For the wonderful photographs and captions under them, many thanks to Marina Listseva, alias

2015 is a special year for JSC “123 Aviation Repair Plant”; the company celebrates its 75th anniversary. The plant went through a difficult process career path from an ordinary workshop to a leader in service maintenance of military and transport aircraft civil aviation Russia. Of course, 75 years is a serious age, but the plant’s managers and staff are not going to stop there.

Today JSC 123 ARZ is experiencing a time of recovery. Thanks to systemic transformations, relying on many years of experience, increasing operational efficiency and dynamically increasing production volumes, the plant confidently holds its own in the market of aircraft repair enterprises.

Starting point

The history of the plant began in 1935, when the command of the Red Army decided to build a new aviation facility on the outskirts of Staraya Russa. Since January 1936, construction of the facility’s infrastructure began: residential buildings, junior aviation school, canteen, garage, hangars and runway .

In 1938, on the basis of the airfield and military camp, the 58th and 44th air regiments were formed, which were serviced by the 8th aviation technical base. On August 6, 1937, the 8th aircraft repair shop was created as part of the 8th air base. Initially, the workshop staff consisted of 7 people; repair work was carried out in a wooden shed, which was equipped with one drilling machine, a set of wrenches, a fur forge, a vice and a small Udmurt lathe with an L-3 engine. Thus, the history of aircraft repair plant 123 began with a small workshop.

By Directive of the Main Directorate of the Red Army No. 1/5/178404 of April 25, 1940, the 8th AWP became an independent enterprise and began to be called the 8th SAM. This date is considered to be the official date of birth of the future “123 ARZ”.

"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten…"

In the pre-war years, from 1938 to June 1941, the personnel of the 8th SAM mastered the repair of PO-2, R-5, SB, TB-3 aircraft, and M-11 aircraft engines. During the Great Patriotic War The workshop was based first in Bezhetsk, Kalinin region, then in Kirov, and in the spring of 1944 it returned to Staraya Russa.

The workshop workers made a great contribution to the Victory. Over four difficult war years, aircraft repairmen returned to service 597 aircraft, 1,040 aircraft engines, 962 special vehicles, hundreds of cannons, machine guns and other equipment. The workers of the 8th SAM did everything that was necessary for the Air Force of the Soviet Army on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. From small victories a big, great one was formed, the inevitability of which no one doubted even in the most difficult days.

On April 4, 1944, two months after the liberation of Staraya Russa, trains with equipment and personnel of the 8th SAM arrived in the city, which was completely destroyed.

With great enthusiasm, aircraft repairmen restored the enterprise from ruins and hurried to put into operation the runway, which had been practically destroyed by the Nazis. Business trips to front-line field airfields did not stop: our army advanced further and further west with heavy fighting, and the workers of the 8th SAM moved after the air regiments, returning combat vehicles to service.

In July 1946, the 8th SAM was reorganized into the 184th Aircraft Repair Base. During this period, they began to repair the LI-2 aircraft and the ASh-62IR engine. In 1952, the airbase received the name “123 ARZ”. In the 1950-1960s, the plant repaired PO-2, LI-2, Tu-16, Il-28 aircraft, and ASh-62IR, AM-3, RD-3M engines.

The 1960-70s were a time of grandiose construction of production facilities, the introduction of new technologies and the development of repairs for the An-8 and An-12 turboprops. Since 1962, they began to repair the AI-20 engine. It was at this time that the plant received its first awards. One of the most memorable is the Badge “For Labor Valor in the Ninth Five-Year Plan,” awarded to the enterprise staff by the commander of the Military Transport Aviation G. N. Pakilev in 1976.

On January 21, 1985, the first Il-76 landed at the 123 ARZ airfield. And in the spring of 1987, Ily began to be renovated in a new building. At the same time, mastering the repair of the D-30KP engine was underway.

In the 90s, 123 ARZ was on the verge of bankruptcy, but thanks to the competent work of the management, the plant not only withstood the squally winds of change, but became even stronger and emerged from the crisis with its head held high. 123 ARZ was the first among the country's aircraft repair enterprises to receive the International Certificate of Quality Management System.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the plant mastered the repair of a light twin-engine transport aircraft L-410 UVP EZ, designed by the Czech company Let, and the NK-12 engine.

Gaining altitude

Currently, 123 ARZ JSC repairs military and civil aviation equipment: Il-76, L-410 aircraft, D-30KP/KP-2 engines, auxiliary power plants TG-16, propellers AV-68, AV-72 and AI-20 engines operating as part of PAES-2500.

Today it is already obvious that the creation of the 8th aircraft repair shop marked the beginning of a new era in the development of the city. After 75 years, we can say with complete confidence that Staraya Russa is not only a city with a thousand-year history, a city of salt miners, a resort city, but also a city of aircraft repairmen.

The name “123 ARZ” has long become synonymous with reliability, confidence and stability. The company has many international and regional awards in its arsenal. The plant is a regular participant and winner regional competitions“The best enterprise of the Novgorod region” in various categories. The company takes an active part in exhibitions at the federal and international levels.

“123 Aircraft Repair Plant” is the region’s leader in increasing production volumes and creating social conditions. In anticipation of the anniversary, a tremendous amount of work was done. Behind last years More than 25 thousand m2 of new production space was built at the plant, and a set of measures was carried out to reconstruct the territory. After a major renovation in October 2014, the factory museum opened its doors to everyone. The updated exhibition and modern halls introduce visitors to the glorious history of the enterprise and tell young workers about the labor exploits of their predecessors.

One of the priority areas is the introduction of advanced technologies and investments in the modernization of production. Since 2010, the volume of product sales has increased 4 times. Wage production personnel the plant has a stable upward trend and corresponds to the level large enterprises Novgorod region.

For many years, 123 ARZ JSC has confirmed its status as a socially responsible enterprise. Back in 2002, the plant developed a concept for the formation personnel reserve, which allows young professionals to receive higher education in the most prestigious universities in the country - Moscow State technical university civil aviation (MSTU GA) and the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). The competent policy of forming a personnel reserve of JSC “123 ARZ” not only solves the problem of youth employment, helps young people realize themselves in life, but also provides the plant with the specialists needed in production. Thus, by creating favorable conditions for the growth of young personnel, the enterprise works for the future.

Today 123 ARZ – business card, one of the symbols of the Old Russian region. The plant is the largest employer and taxpayer in the Starorussky district, thereby having a great influence on the socio-economic situation in it. The plant management contributes to general form cities, creating beautiful and cozy places. Thanks to the initiative of the enterprise administration, Staraya Russa is becoming a place where it is comfortable to live and work, and a pleasure to come to.

For the anniversary of the enterprise, the territory adjacent to the plant acquired an updated look: the “Alley of Memory” was transformed, the area near the monument to V.I. Lenin near the central entrance was reconstructed. Played with new colors appearance building of the T. Frunze Palace of Culture, changes also affected the territory near the house of culture. A reconstruction of the monument to Timur Frunze was carried out.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, large-scale work was carried out at sponsored military graves in the villages of Marfino and Utushkino. On April 6, during a visit to Staraya Russa, the president of the country visited the memorial in Marfino. Vladimir Putin paid tribute to the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War and laid a bouquet of roses at the mass grave.

The next point of the president’s trip was the Rusich cultural center, where a solemn ceremony opening of “Memory Watch 2015”. In an address to veterans and search engines, Vladimir Putin announced that Staraya Russa had been awarded the title “City of Military Glory.”

During the working meeting, Governor of the Novgorod Region Sergei Mitin informed the President about the socio-economic situation in the region and drew attention to the need to support loading production capacity JSC "123 ARZ" at the achieved level. Vladimir Putin gave relevant instructions regarding the plant.

On June 22, the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, a solemn ceremony took place in the Kremlin, during which Vladimir Putin presented the representatives of Staraya Russa with the “City of Military Glory” certificate.

Already in September 2015, Staraya Russa will celebrate the 1000th anniversary of its history. Of course, “123 Aircraft Repair Plant” will not remain aloof from this holiday.

The sky is subject to the strong!

Undoubtedly, the plant approached its 75th anniversary with dignity. Today the company's arsenal includes: a full range of production, testing, auxiliary facilities, a runway. The plant is the only one in Russia that successfully operates a full production cycle, allowing for comprehensive repairs of aircraft in full compliance with strict requirements, which is confirmed by certificates and licenses for 22 types of products. The company successfully operates a quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9001-2008 of Bureau Veritas Certification Rus CJSC. “123 Aircraft Repair Plant”, the only one among enterprises in the aircraft repair industry, is a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of quality.

The entire history of the plant is the history of the development and modernization of production, equipment and technology, mastering the repair of new types of aircraft.

The company is proud of its vast experience, rich history, and most importantly, its team, from veterans to the new generation of aircraft repairmen. After all, it is people who are the most valuable capital; with their labor they write the history of the plant, assert the glory and create the achievements of the “123 Aircraft Repair Plant”.

The history of old Russian aircraft repair continues, which means that the enterprise will have work and will have a future!

This year, one of the new areas of development for our United Aircraft Corporation was aircraft life cycle support; and today we will visit the 123 Aviation Repair Plant - the largest and most successful in the city of Staraya Russa.

1. Today there are more than 20 cars on the airfield and in the factory workshops. Most of them were released between 1985 and 1990.

2. The service life of the IL-76 today is 40 years. The plant’s specialists are faced with the task of disassembling the aircraft, sorting out the engines, and performing the necessary repairs so that the aircraft can operate reliably for a long time.

3. Those who have just arrived at the Ilam plant airfield will have to spend about five months here.

4. During this time, the units and engines will be removed from the aircraft, they will be repaired where necessary, the filling will be replaced, they will be repainted, after which the service life of the aircraft until the next repair will be established, which will be 16 years.

4. Most of the vehicles are intended for the Russian Air Force (today the Air Force has more than 100 Il-76 transport aircraft in service).

7. Some aircraft, specially modified to meet the needs of foreign customers, will fly to China, India or Algeria.

8. It is planned that the revenue of 123-ARZ for 2015 will be up to 5 billion rubles. According to the plant’s managing director Andrei Sakharov, by August of this year the plant had completed up to 80% of the 2015 state order.

9. Over the last three years alone, the staff has increased by 700 employees - up to 2,500 people.

10. Over several years, the company’s employees were able to increase revenue five times more (compared to 2000) thanks to the increasing volumes of products produced under the state defense order and the development of export programs.

11. In 1973, the Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after. V.P. Chkalova began production of Il-76 transport and landing vehicles.

In total, about 950 aircraft were produced over the years. More than two hundred of them are still in the service of the Russian armed forces, some are in the fleet of private airlines, the rest are with foreign customers.

Production of the Il-76 in Tashkent ceased completely last year, when two unfinished aircraft were sent to Russia for modification. But for Russian aircraft repairmen, the scope of work began to expand significantly.

12. In order to avoid misunderstandings with the supply of components, Staraya Russa is gradually developing its own production of individual parts and assemblies. The list of names of such parts for aircraft already takes up several dozen pages.

13. New equipment is also needed for other types of work: repair of engines, propellers and other products

14. In most workshops, work on the reconstruction of areas is either still underway or is already nearing completion.

15. Before painting, unnecessary areas are covered with paper. The inscriptions inside are ready to be applied.

16. Painting of parts begins in the paint shop.

17. The plant is gradually implementing an import substitution program. About 60% of the most popular parts are already manufactured in-house. Bolts, nuts, gaskets - everything previously had to be purchased from suppliers. This problem has now been resolved.

18. Existing rubber parts are completely changed during a major overhaul. However, before putting components into production, it is necessary to go through a lot of approvals with developers and manufacturers - parts cannot go into series without written permission.

19. The plant has also mastered the process of manufacturing double-glazed windows from oriented organic glass, which are used on the Il-76. Oriented glass is a special high-strength glass heated at a certain temperature and stretched along different axes to a given thickness, and working with it requires professional skills.

20. There are about 88 glasses on the IL-76, and each of them needs its own mold. They are different for internal and external glass. Moreover, the enterprise makes not only the molds themselves, but also the glass using its own resources. Of the 88 glasses, 32 have already been mastered.

21. By the beginning of 2015, more than 2.1 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the production and technical base and re-equipment of production. These funds were used for the construction of about 25 thousand square meters of new production space, reconstruction of the airfield, fuel and lubricants warehouse, as well as three production buildings of the workshop for the repair of Il-76 and L-410 aircraft.

Today, dozens of small Czech-made L-410 transport aircraft fly in Russia, which, of course, are more convenient to repair at home.

22. L410 in the hangar after a test flight.

23. Another important activity of the work of 123 ARZ was engine repair. Several years ago, the propulsion department prompted the management to develop the idea of ​​developing an energy sector that was not entirely relevant for the plant. Thus, in Staraya Russa, the AI-20 engines, which had served their useful life, were re-equipped for thermal power plant installations. For several years now, the company has not been purchasing electricity and heat from the wholesale energy market, but has been producing it independently, supplying some of the nearby neighborhoods.

A number of unusual ideas in the field of industrial design have been implemented on the territory of the enterprise, which residents of both their native Novgorod region and neighboring regions come to see.

24. Also, in recent years, more and more tourists are trying to combine a tour of the places of Dostoevsky, who worked in Tara Russa on the novels “Demons”, “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov” with a visit to the aircraft repair plant.

Not only representatives of various industrial enterprises, vacationers and schoolchildren of the Novgorod region, but also residents of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities come to see how aircraft production is carried out. Over the course of a year, more than a thousand tourists pass through the plant museum.

25. Over the past three years, the factory area has been transformed: a green alley appeared, steel models of aircraft performing aerobatics were installed.

27. There are many open reservoirs on the territory of the enterprise. On the largest ones, workers installed fountains.

28. Today, Russia and Western countries maintain hundreds of domestically produced civil, military and transport aircraft, the service life of which ranges from twenty to fifty years. Naturally, every aircraft requires periodic repair maintenance.

29. About a year ago, the UAC included nine aircraft repair enterprises engaged in the repair of aircraft for the Ministry of Defense and other departments.

30. Today the order portfolio is until 2025. In addition to IL-76 transporters, they plan to service new vehicles here.

In the city of Staraya Russa there is more than one enterprise of federal significance, but 123 remain a source of pride for the townspeople Aircraft repair plant, which is a city-forming enterprise and provides work for a large number of highly qualified specialists.

Taxes that the plant pays to the city treasury, and this is more 50% of the total collected from all enterprises, makes it possible to pay salaries to doctors and teachers, develop urban infrastructure, and participate in housing construction. Rushans consider 123 ARZ to be the good angel of the city, who protects it in the most difficult times: if there were no plant, young people would be in search of better life, would leave for the capitals. Now, having received a good education, young specialists return to Staraya Russa, start families, and dynasties of several generations work at the plant.

Aircraft are being repaired and modernized in the factory workshops various types, among which third generation aviation technology, presented by the Il-76 aircraft. The reception of such winged giants became possible after a concrete runway was put into operation, suitable for almost all heavy vehicles.

Over the years of its existence, the plant has developed all the technologies that allow it to repair equipment for military and civilian orders for the highest level. The plant carries out a full production cycle, including repair of the airframe, engines, and all aircraft systems.

The plant has its own airfield, flight test service, and all structures that are designed to serve the plant with maximum efficiency. Aircraft repairmen are completely autonomous; this structural feature makes the plant unique not only for Russia, but also for the practice of aviation repair in general. Of course, the financial crisis could not help but affect such a giant, but the plant not only survived, but continues to operate successfully, and, most importantly, it managed to preserve human potential!

123 ARZ takes part in international and Russian exhibitions; customers from Latin America, Africa, and a number of other regions of the world pay attention to the plant. The company's managers are confident that they will be able to implement plans to share the strip with civil airlines for charter flights. This modern life ARZ, but the history of its creation is full of complex and tragic events.

In the thirties, the threat of war became more and more real. The country began to prepare for defense, air camps, workshops, and airfields were erected. In Staraya Russa in 1935, it was decided to build a large aviation facility, which they began to develop on the outskirts, where the villages of Parfenovo and Gorshkovo were located. In just two years, three large four-story houses for officers, a canteen, a school for junior aviation specialists, garages, and a runway were built.

In 1937, a division was assembled at the airfield, which included the 44th and 58th aviation bomber regiments and the 8th aviation technical base. In the same year, the first prototype of the future aircraft repair plant appeared - a small aircraft workshop, which employed 7 people. At first, all work took place in a wooden shed, where one drilling machine and one forge were installed. A year later, 50 people worked in this workshop, and the staff continued to grow.

The specialists of this aviation workshop received their first baptism of fire during the Finnish War of 1939. On April 25, 1940, the aircraft repair shop was reformed into a factory. This date became the birthday of the 123rd Aircraft Repair Plant. in 1941, 100 specialists worked here

With the beginning of the Patriotic War, urgent front-line orders poured into the plant. People worked for days, some spent the night right in the workshops. At the beginning of July 1941, the first raid of fascist planes on the city and airfield was carried out. The canteen on the territory of the plant was destroyed, and all the windows from the production workshops were blown out. Later, all the plant's property was evacuated to the city. Bezhetsk. Almost 600 aircraft were repaired there during the war.

The aircraft repair plant returned to Staraya Russa in the spring of 1944. A hasty restoration of the workshops, airfield and utility rooms began.

In the post-war years, not only the plant was restored from ruins, but at the same time, aircraft and engines were repaired using the surviving equipment.

Specialists of the 123rd ARZ worked in Afghanistan, right up to the withdrawal of our troops from the country, servicing and repairing rotorcraft.

Today 123 Aircraft Repair Plant successfully operates for the benefit of the city and the country. The plant and Staraya Russa have long become one whole - a “City with Wings”.