1s upp harmful working conditions for half a day. Reporting to the Pension Fund: Positions with special working conditions. Special working conditions: codes, decoding

In order to open up the possibility of special assessment working conditions (special assessment of working conditions) in the "Labor Safety" section, you must enable the "Special assessment of working conditions" checkbox in the Settings -> Labor Safety setting. In this case, access to the “Special assessment of working conditions” block in the documents “Approval of the staffing table” and “Change of the staffing table” is closed. All special assessment information previously entered into the staffing table is retained.

Conducting a special assessment includes the following stages:

1) preparation for a special assessment:

Formation of the composition of the commission;

Issuance of an order setting the deadline for the assessment;

Determination of the list of jobs subject to special assessment, highlighting similar ones

2) concluding an agreement with an organization conducting a special assessment, within the framework of which harmful or dangerous production factors;

3) declaration of compliance of working conditions with regulatory labor protection requirements, if harmful or dangerous working conditions have not been identified.

The subsection "Special assessment of working conditions" opens up the following opportunities:

1) prepare the necessary set of documents for conducting a special assessment;

2) control the timing of the next special assessment

To implement the stages of a special assessment, the following documents are used:

1) document "Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions"

2) document "Results of a special assessment of working conditions"

3) document “Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions”

The document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” (Labor safety -> Special assessment of working conditions -> Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions) allows you to prepare data for conducting a special assessment.

Procedure for working with the document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions”.

1. Click on the "Create" button

4. In the "Contractor" field from the "Counterparties" directory, select the organization conducting the special assessment.

5. In the “Start date” and “End date” fields, specify the period for the special assessment.

6. On the "Jobs" tab, click on the "Fill jobs" button. The tabular part of the document “Workplaces” will be filled with the approved positions of the staffing table of the selected organization, indicating the employee occupying this position, the date and result of the previous special assessment for the position from the staffing table.

By clicking the "Add" button, you can add certain staffing positions to the tabular part of the document.

7. Click on the “Select similar jobs” button to combine staffing positions into groups, indicating the name of the group. In this case, the groups will be displayed on the "Workplaces" tab. To see the staffing positions included in the groups, you need to open the group.

8. On the "Commission" tab, enter the chairman and members of the commission

9. Write down the document.

From the document form “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” (More -> Print) you can print:

1) Order on the creation of a commission

2) Application for a special assessment of working conditions

3) List of jobs

The document "Results of a special assessment of working conditions" (Labor safety -> Special assessment of working conditions -> Results of a special assessment of working conditions) reflects the results of a special assessment of working conditions, namely the class of working conditions assigned to workplaces. This document can be generated on the basis of the document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” or from the document journal “Results of a special assessment of working conditions”.

The procedure for working with a document when creating documents from the journal “Results of a special assessment of working conditions.”

1. Click the "Create" button.

2. In the "Organization" field, select the organization for which a special assessment of working conditions will be carried out.

3. In the "Date" field, indicate the date of registration of the document in information base. By default, the date is filled with the current date of the computer, but you can change it if necessary. The date of the document does not affect the accounting of the special assessment.

4. In the "Document basis" field, from the drop-down list, select the document "Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions"

5. In the "Contractor" field from the "Counterparties" directory, select the organization conducting the special assessment.

6. In the “Start date” and “End date” fields, specify the period for the special assessment.

7. On the “Workplaces” tab, click on the “Fill in Workplaces” button. If the basis document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” is specified, then the tabular part of the document “Workplaces” will be filled with staffing positions from the specified basis document. If the basis document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” is not specified, then the tabular part of the document “Workplaces” will be filled with the approved positions of the staffing table of the selected organization, indicating the employee occupying this position, the date and result of the previous special assessment for the position.

8. Click on the “Select similar jobs” button to combine staffing positions into groups, indicating the name of the group. In this case, the groups will be displayed on the "Workplaces" tab. To see the staffing positions included in the groups, you need to open the group.

9. Click the “Fill out the class of working conditions” button to enter a class of working conditions either for all jobs or for a selected group.

10. On the "Commission" tab, enter the chairman and members of the commission.

If the document "Results of a special assessment of labor" is created on the basis of the document "Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions", then the fields "Start date" and "End date" are filled in with the values ​​of similar fields in the document "Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions". It should be noted that the value of the “End Date” field of the document “Results of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions” determines the period (month and year) from which the results of the special assessment will be applied, and which will be reflected in the staffing table after the document “Results of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions” is carried out. From the form of the document "Results of a special assessment of working conditions" you can print the "Order on the completion of a special assessment of working conditions."

Document "Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions" (Labor safety -> Special assessment of working conditions -> Results of a special assessment of working conditions)

allows you to prepare the form “Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions with State Regulatory Labor Safety Requirements.”

“Declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection” is intended to provide information on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated February 7, 2014 No. 80n.

From January 1, 2014 in accordance with Federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions” in relation to workplaces in which harmful and (or) hazardous production factors have not been identified based on the results of identification, the employer submits it to the territorial body federal body executive branch authorized to conduct federal state supervision over compliance labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, at its location, a declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory labor protection requirements.

The declaration must be submitted no later than thirty working days from the date of approval of the report on the special assessment of working conditions at the workplaces in respect of which the declaration is being submitted.

The document "Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions" can be generated from the form of the document "Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions" or "Results of a special assessment of working conditions" by clicking the "Create based on" button, provided that the document "Results of a special assessment of working conditions" is completed. In this case, the fields “Organization”, “Base document”, “Report period”, “Adjustment number”, “Executor” are filled in automatically based on the document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions”. You will need to independently fill out the fields “Registration number” and “Details of the expert’s opinion.” The tabular part of the document will be filled in with workplaces from the document “Preparation of a special assessment of working conditions” (tab “Workplaces”), for which no harmful and hazardous factors working conditions.

Also, the document “Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions” can be created independently. In this case, the document does not have the "Document basis" field.

Procedure for working with the document “Declaration of Conformity of Working Conditions”.

1. Click the "Create" button

2. In the "Organization" field, select the organization for which the special assessment of working conditions was carried out.

3. In the "Date" field, indicate the date of registration of the document in the information base. By default, the date is filled with the current date of the computer, but you can change it if necessary.

4. Fill in the "Report period" field. By default, the field is filled in with the period determined by the current date of the computer.

5. Fill in the “Adjustment number” field if changes are made to the results of the special assessment and the document is regenerated. By default, the field is filled with a null value.

6. In the "Contractor" field from the "Counterparties" directory, select the organization that conducted the special assessment.

7. Fill in the fields “Registration number” and “Details of the expert’s opinion”.

8. Fill out the tabular part of the document using the “Add” button to add specific jobs to the document. By clicking the "Fill" button, the tabular part of the document will be filled in with jobs for which the permissible class of working conditions was established in the current calendar year, determined by the reporting period.

To control the timing of the next special assessment, the report “Workplaces subject to a special assessment of working conditions” is intended. It includes jobs that are subject to a special assessment of working conditions in a given period. The date of the next special assessment of a certain workplace is determined based on the value of the "End Date" field of the document "Results of the special assessment of working conditions", which is reflected in the staffing table.

Hello dear visitors. Today in the next article we will talk about how in the program 1C ZUP 3.1(3.0) set up the calculation of insurance premiums for additional tariffs. I will talk in detail about where and how this information is set under various program parameters, as well as on specific example Let's see how contributions for additional tariffs are calculated, and how these contributions are reflected in the regulated report RSV-1.

So, let's talk about everything in order using a specific example. Let’s open the staffing table, here I have created one single position and on the “Additional” tab (the “Payroll” tab opens by default) groups of settings are available, which precisely determine the need to calculate insurance premiums for additional tariffs and their percentage.

Let's take a look at these settings.

All of the above groups of settings for calculating insurance premiums for additional tariffs are available if the checkboxes are selected in the organization’s accounting policy There are employees with the right to early retirement, and also a checkbox The results of a special assessment of working conditions are applied(section “Settings” – Organizational details – tab “Accounting policies and other settings” – link “Accounting policies”).

It is worth noting that these settings cannot always be made at the level of the Staffing directory element. If the program maintains a history of changes in the staffing table and the corresponding checkbox is selected in the settings - A history of staffing changes is maintained(Section “Settings” – “Personnel records” – link “Setting up the staffing table”), then each staff unit (including settings for calculating additional contributions) in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) created and modified using documents Change of staffing or Approval of staffing schedule, those. is not created in the directory itself, but at the document level . I talked about other program settings in great detail in.

In this article we will look at an example specifically in a situation where there is a history of changes in the staffing table.

So, now, let's look at the settings in more detail using a specific example.

We will also fill in the field "Special working conditions", selecting code 27-1 from the list - Underground work, work in hazardous conditions and in hot shops.

Next we will select "List Item Code". Professions for which harmful or difficult working conditions are identified are named in the so-called lists, this is list No. 1 of “productions, works, professions, positions and indicators in underground work with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a pension age (old age) on preferential terms" and list No. 2 of "productions, works, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms." You can open these lists in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) by clicking on the button – “Select from classifier”.In our example, the position is named in list No. 1. Let's open this list by double-clicking the mouse and select accordingly - Metallurgical production - blast furnace production - workers (code 1030100a).

Let's carry out the document " Approval of staffing" and calculate the employee’s salary for June 2016. How will additional contributions be calculated according to the established settings? On the tab - “Contributions” we see in the column “PFR (harmful without s/o)” - 5040 rubles, which is exactly 9% (working with harmful working conditions) of the amount of 56,000 rubles (from the employee’s accruals).

Let's carry out the document " Calculation of salaries and contributions" and let's see how all this information will be reflected in the RSV-1 report. In 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0), this report can be generated from the section “Reporting, certificates” – “Quarterly reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia”. We will generate a RSV-1 report for the 2nd quarter. 2016 First, let's see individual information employee. To do this, open the “Pack of documents of Section 6”, select our employee and, by clicking on the “Edit” button, in a separate window we will see the length of service for this employee - “Section 6.8”. This actually included the “List Item Code” - 1030100a and the “Special Conditions” code - 27-1, i.e. the settings that we specified in the standard unit.

Secondly, in the general sections of the RSV-1 report in Section 2.2-2.3 we will see the base (56,000 rubles) from which contributions are calculated and the accrued amount of the insurance premiums themselves at the additional rate (5,040 rubles).

How to reflect a change in an employee’s working conditions in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0)?

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

Let’s assume that in our organization, from July 1, 2016, a special assessment of working conditions was carried out, and the position in which our employee works received a certain class of working conditions. How can this be reflected in the program? To do this, we need to create a document “(let me remind you that in our example, the organization maintains a history of changes in the staffing table) and on the “Additional” tab in the “Class of conditions (special assessment)” field, select - Subclass 3.1 of the class of working conditions “harmful” (this tariff provides for - 2%) and set the month for registering the change - July 2016. We will review the document.

Let's calculate the salary for July 2016 and see what additional contributions will now be calculated for the employee. On the “Contributions” tab – in the column “PFR (harm class 3.1)” the amount was 1120 rubles, i.e. 2% of the base of 56,000 rubles. Additional contributions in the column “PFR (harmless without s/o)” are not calculated with these settings.

New feature of 1C ZUP 3: temporary transfer to work in other conditions. Directory "Working Conditions"

The 1C ZUP 3 program has very interesting functionality with which you can temporarily transfer an employee to work in other conditions (from harmful/difficult to normal or vice versa). Wherein no need to enter employee personnel transfer to move it from a “harmful/hard” position to a “normal” position (or vice versa). It will be enough to reflect the period of temporary stay of the employee in certain working conditions ( reference book "Working conditions") document "Table".

Let’s assume that an employee (from the example above) who occupies a position with harmful working conditions (where additional contributions are expected to be calculated) worked under normal conditions from August 15 to August 25 and there is no need to calculate additional contributions for this period. How can this be reflected in the program?

The first option that seems most suitable is the following:

  • Reflect using documents " Change of staffing". In the first document from August 15, 2016, indicate that this position does not have any working conditions, i.e. Do not fill in anything in the settings fields. In the second document, from August 26, indicate that the position has appropriate working conditions and additional contributions will be calculated according to the established settings. This option has its place, but it is quite labor-intensive.
  • To use the second option in the “Organization’s Accounting Policy” settings, you must check the box Use special working conditions, then the directory “ Working conditions"(Section “Settings” – Enterprise – Working conditions).

It is in such conditions that we need to temporarily transfer our employee. This transfer can be reflected in the program using the “Timesheet” document (section “Salary” - “Time Accounting” - “Timesheets”). Let's create a timesheet for August and double-click on the line Working conditions are not specified a window will open in which we indicate that in the period from August 15 to August 25, the employee worked under Normal conditions. Click OK.

The program will clearly highlight this period in a different color. Let's review the document.

Let's calculate the employee's salary for August. Please note that the accrual of “Payment by salary” in ZUP 3.1 is divided into two parts, one part is accrued within the framework of default working conditions (subclass 3.1, according to the document Change in staffing table dated 01.07), and the second part for the period when the employee worked in normal conditions.

The bonus for hazardous working conditions is accrued in full for the period when the employee worked in hazardous conditions. This bonus is not awarded for work under normal conditions. This is what we see in the window that opens.

Accordingly, we expect that contributions for additional tariffs will be calculated from a base of RUB 34,086.95. (30,434.78 + 3,652.17). Let me remind you that for Subclass 3.1 of the working conditions class, the “harmful” contribution rate is 2%.

Thus, the amount for additional contributions should be 681,739 rubles. = 34,086.95 * 0.02.

On the “Contributions” tab we see that additional contributions to the Pension Fund (harmful class 3.1) amounted to 681.74 rubles, i.e. the calculation was made correctly.

Once again about where in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) the calculation of contributions for additional tariffs is configured

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

We have just looked at an example in which the adjustment of contributions for additional tariffs took place in documents changing the staffing table, i.e. In the organization from our example, there was a history of changes in the staffing table.

If the checkbox is checked in the staffing settings - Staffing is maintained, but the checkbox is unchecked - A history of staffing changes is maintained, then setting the parameters according to additional contributions should be made at the level of the “Staffing table” directory itself. All fields will be editable.

In the event that the organization does not maintain a staffing table at all (both checkboxes and reference book “Staffing list” in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) will not be available to us), then you should set up the calculation of additional contributions directly in the directory " Positions." We talked about this at the very beginning of the article.

It is also worth noting that these fields in the “Positions” directory are available even if the organization maintains a staffing table. But there is no point in filling them out, because... settings set at the staffing level have higher priority.

This is where I end the article, I hope today’s material was clear and useful to you. See you again!)

Employee Lipkin I.D. hired on February 4, 2016 as a gas welder in a testing shop with payment based on a monthly salary tariff rate(salary) in the amount of 12,000 rubles. in proportion to hours worked. For employees of this department, a reduced work rate has been established. work week(36 hours) and an allowance for work in hazardous working conditions in the amount of 12 percent of the tariff rate.

Setting up the accrual type

To be able to calculate an allowance for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, in setting up salary calculation parameters (1C: Salary and personnel management 8 rev. 3.0 - section Settings - Payroll calculation - link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions) on the Other accruals tab, set the Harmfulness surcharge checkbox (Fig. 1).

Picture 1.

When you check the box in the plan of accrual types, the accrual type Allowance for hazardous working conditions will be available (section Settings - Accruals). This type accruals are already configured and ready for use (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Calculation and accrual of bonuses for work in hazardous working conditions

You can indicate the percentage of the increase in the position card and for the staffing position. Please note: if the program maintains a staffing table, in order for the hazard bonus to automatically appear when assigned as a planned accrual, its percentage must be indicated on the position card. If the percentage is not specified in the position, then the allowance will not be filled in for the assignment, even if it is indicated on the position card.

You can assign an employee a hazard bonus as a planned accrual, and you can also indicate the amount of the bonus using the following documents:

  • Hiring (Fig. 3), Hiring by list, Personnel transfer, Personnel transfer by list (section Personnel - Hires, transfers, dismissals). If the percentage of the bonus is indicated on the position card or for a position in the staffing table, then in this case, information about the assignment of the bonus is automatically transferred to these documents;
  • Changes in planned accruals and Changes in remuneration (section Salaries - Changes in employee remuneration), intended to reflect changes in working conditions (planned accruals) of one or more employees;
  • Transfer to another employer (section Personnel - Hires, transfers, dismissals). The document is intended to register the transfer of an employee from one organization that is part of the enterprise to another, accounting for which is also kept in the program;
  • Data for the start of operation (section Main - See also - Data for the start of operation), which allows you to register the data of working employees when starting work in the program;
  • Changing jobs (section Salaries - Changes in employee pay), which is available if in setting up payroll parameters (section Settings - Payroll calculation) the Use short-term changes in wages depending on the work performed is checked. The document makes it possible to change the planned accruals of employees in accordance with the peculiarities of remuneration at the specific workplace in which they perform work;
  • working conditions card. The ability to keep records of various working conditions is selected in the organization’s accounting policy (in the Short-term changes in working conditions section, the Use special working conditions checkbox must be checked). Work under certain conditions is recorded only by a time sheet.

Figure 3.

The monthly bonus for working in harmful and/or dangerous working conditions is calculated using the document Calculation of salaries and contributions (section Salary - Calculation of salaries and contributions or section Salary - Create - Calculation of salaries and contributions):

  1. To automatically fill out a document, use the Fill or Select button.
  2. When filling out the document, lines are entered in the tabular section on the Accruals tab for all types of accruals assigned to employees as planned, including an allowance for hazardous working conditions (Fig. 4).

Figure 4.

According to the conditions of our example, employee Lipkin I.D. hired on 02/04/2016 as a gas welder in a testing shop with payment based on a monthly tariff rate (salary) of 12,000 rubles. in proportion to hours worked. For employees of this division, an allowance for work in hazardous working conditions is established in the amount of 12 percent of the tariff rate.

In February 2016 Lipkin I.D. worked 121.40 hours for the period from 02/04/2016 to 02/29/2016 with a norm of 143 hours.

Salary payment in proportion to hours worked is: RUB 12,000. / 143 hours * 121.40 hours = 10,187.41 rubles.

The bonus for harmfulness for the time worked is: RUB 10,187.41. * 12% = 1,222.49 rub.

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