5 professions of the future. The most promising professions of the future. Duke University: Durham, North Carolina

17.02.2016 01:54

Imagine that the year is 2025 outside the window. Who will work in your HR department? A group of HR experts as part of the CHREATE project (a global association of HR professionals considering issues of employment, talent development and organizations) presented their vision of which HR professions will be in demand in the near future.

Today, it is absolutely obvious that as the labor market develops and many processes become more complex and globalized, the HR profession in the traditional sense will soon cease to exist. The next generation of HR professionals will need skills in marketing, brand management, information technologies, finance, corporate relations and even social activities.

The creators of the CHREATE project identified 5 key professions in the field of HR and named the competencies that they will need:

1. Organizationalengineer

  • Understands new methods and styles of work;
  • Coordinates virtual teams (monitors their effectiveness)
  • Engaged in leadership development
  • Tracks rotation and movement of talents within the organization
  • Optimizes tasks and organizational rules based on the principles of flexibility, networking and trust

2. Creatorvirtualculture

  • Builds a brand
  • Aligns employee goals with organizational goals
  • Promotes the values, norms and principles of the company

3. Talent scout, coach and coordinator

  • Protects corporate culture
  • Unlocks talents
  • Accompanies employees in personal growth (life coach)
  • Develops talents
  • Understands new work models (freelancers, temporary workers, etc.)
  • Optimizes the relationship between employee, work and organization

4. Technology Integration Specialist andBigData

  • Predicts what skills will be in demand under the influence of technology
  • Promotes technology efficiency
  • Works with analytics and makes decisions based on data
  • Knowledgeable about algorithms
  • Combines the results of technology, automation and humans

5. Active figure in the field social policy and communities

  • Accepts responsibilities related to community development
  • Resolves issues related to corporate social responsibility
  • Coordinates the interaction of the organization's social goals
  • Influences decision making within the organization by shaping policies and rules that support the corporate culture

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The question “Where should I go to study?” This problem is acute for graduates: often, upon entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they are choosing. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students of foreign schools study widest spectrum subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespeare club.

To choose a secondary school for your child abroad, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, and we will also prepare your child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as quality future profession what they have a penchant for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign schoolchildren already know what they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates lose interest in studying by the end of their studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get more modern education in your field, consider enrolling in a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses according to your specialty. Find out more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most of the higher educational institutions- these are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university gives you the opportunity to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that do not yet exist in Russian universities.

Plans to conquer Mars. The UK is investing millions in robotics. Scientists around the world are beginning to print human organs. And the majority still master the professions of accountants, lawyers, economists, salesmen, drivers...


If you believe the world publication, then in just a couple of years these specialists will be unnecessary to anyone. And their places will be taken by robots and innovative types activities. If you want to keep up with the times and remain a sought-after specialist in the future, then this TOP professions of the future is definitely for you.

1. Specialists in ecosystem restoration and environmental disaster prevention

Tsunamis... tornadoes... forest fires... Every day the planet is rocked by global disasters, claiming thousands of lives around the world. The earth's resources are becoming less and less every day and, according to scientists, by 2020 they will be seriously depleted. It's about not just about oil. Animal species began to disappear at tremendous speed. Due to bad weather conditions and devastated lands, plants become weaker and produce less and less harvest.

Today the world needs recovery and cleanup engineers environment. Their responsibilities will also include the preservation and restoration of extinct and critically endangered species from previously collected genetic material. In the near future, there will also be specialists in weather regulation.

Where is this taught?

The profession of “ecosystem restoration specialist” can be mastered in Canadian Niagara College. This educational institution is located an hour's drive from Toronto, near Niagara Falls. The training lasts only a year, but only for English language. Therefore, good language training is needed. Upon admission, you will be required to provide a certificate of passing the TOEFL or IELTS test.

Upon completion of your studies, you will receive a diploma with the Ontario College Graduate Certificate qualification, which will entitle you to work in 6 areas: ecological restoration specialist, environmental manager, habitat biologist, natural heritage specialist, watershed management coordinator, endangered species and control specialist spread of weeds.

In addition, students who complete one of Niagara College's diploma programs can continue their studies at partner universities in the USA and Australia. If there is no desire to continue studying, then students will be offered employment options. This is a great option for those who dream of living on another continent.

2. Medical workers

What's new here, you ask? - one of the most ancient. But the methods and tools with which these specialists will soon work are definitely from the future. Already today there are specialists who grow artificial organs, tissues and bones. This will make it possible to avoid transplanting foreign organs to patients or placing prostheses.

Artificial microscopic assistants - nanorobots - will come to help. They will be implemented to search for and eliminate complex diseases. Such robots will be able to “remove” bad habits, negative qualities, or vice versa, “grow” some skill or knowledge. For example, write a foreign language into a person’s brain, which he can use as a native language in a few minutes.

Scientists are confident that over time the brain can be filled or cleared of unnecessary information, like a hard drive in a computer. And neural interfaces connecting a person with a computer will become a part of our lives in about five years. We will be able to “record” memories, plans and thoughts, and distribute them on social networks with the power of thought. Bioengineering will make a breakthrough by the mid-2020s. Plastic surgeons of the future will be in demand, who, using new technologies, will be able to “sculpt” exactly the appearance that the client wants.

Where is this taught?

Tyumen State University offers several innovative professions in this area: developer of cyberprosthetics and implants, research biologist, specialist in the creation of artificial organs, computer engineering specialist, biotechnologist. No knowledge required here foreign languages, all programs are in Russian. But you just have to study not for a year, but for five.

3. Space workers

If yesterday we watched Marvel production films as science fiction, then by 2030 these scenarios will become reality. Scientists predict that in a couple of decades it will become as commonplace as flying to the Maldives. Life on other planets will also very soon cease to be a fantasy. Dutch organization Mars One plans to colonize Mars by 2023.

A team of specialists has been working on the project for several years. More than 200 thousand people from all over the world voluntarily wanted to get a one-way ticket and stay on the red planet. In connection with space exploration, a number of space professions will appear in the coming years, the existence of which is still difficult to believe.

Where is this taught?

If you dream of creating spaceships, rockets and flying vehicles of the future, feel free to enroll in the specialized faculties of MSTU. Bauman. Students are provided with internships at enterprises - at the Baikonur complex, RSC Energia named after. S. P. Koroleva, FSUE NPO Tekhnomash, Boeing. Cosmonauts, leading rocket engineers and scientists take part in the educational process. Here originally high requirements to knowledge of physics and mathematics. At the end of your studies, you will receive a diploma as a design engineer.

If you believe that life exists on other planets and want to find it, then you are right in Kazan Federal University named after. Lomonosov. Here you will receive a diploma in cosmobiology. And you will study the functioning of living organisms in outer space, as well as ways to build systems for supporting the life of astronauts.

4. Virtual reality designer or architect

The names of these professions have been used by science fiction directors and video toy creators for many years. With the advent of the Internet and social networks, every day more and more people plunge headlong into a non-existent world of possibilities and emotions. Soon there will be virtual offices, museums, municipal institutions and much more.

Residence large quantity time in a non-existent virtual reality will have a bad impact on mental health, so specialists will appear who are able to provide professional psychological assistance in a timely manner. At the same time, experts predict significant growth in the market for VR devices (virtual reality). After all, in the next 7-8 years it should exceed the $45 billion mark. The popularity of specialists who can improve such devices will grow steadily in the coming years.

Where is this taught?

Today, more than 100 educational institutions around the world offer training in this profession. There is no point in listing them. These educational institutions are returned by any search engine. If you do not want to waste time on full-time long-term study, then you have found your ideal profession. You can earn your virtual reality architect degree in just four months by studying online.

Such an educational platform is contented.cd. After receiving a diploma, everyone is offered employment programs. This is an ideal option for those who dream of working while lying on a sun lounger with a computer on their knees, drinking a mint mojito under the rays of the scorching sun.

5. Developers of robotics and new types of robotic transport

Robots began to enter our everyday life so tightly and quickly that they began to displace... people from it. Yes, exactly people! There are 366 professions in total. Most of them will disappear within 20 years. The more mechanical a profession is and the actions in it are repeated in a circle, the faster it will be replaced by robots. For example, in China there are already factories that are completely robotic. And just like that, in one fell swoop, 750 people lost their jobs in just a couple of hours.

In the near future, robots will replace salespeople, drivers, and even journalists. Therefore, those who create these same robots will now be in demand. Underwater tunnels, flying cars, non-standard types of fuel - this is already a reality, the development of which also requires its own specialists. To master these professions, you will have to understand automated systems, programming, not to mention fundamental knowledge in the field of physics, mechanics and electronics.

Where is this taught?

Technical University of Munich offers master's program"Robotics, cognition, intelligence." The training is based on the principle that when developing robotic technology, first of all, the participation of the machine in human life is taken into account. To be admitted you must be proficient German language and provide DSH certificates. The shortest course of study is 4.5 months.


Ukrainian educational institutions have not yet updated the list of proposed professions. Having scrolled through almost all the websites of educational institutions, it became clear: we are in no hurry to bring the future closer, we live in the present. The only progressive area is . This profession is taught in as many as 9 Ukrainian educational institutions (Zaklad vyshchoi osvіti - I WANT)! At the same time, if you want to master this specialty, you don’t have to wait until you graduate from school. Private educational courses already offer many training programs in the field of robotics. And children from 6 years old are accepted for training. The rest of the “professions of the future,” unfortunately, promise to wait for better times.

VR, AR, MR have been used for marketing purposes for several years now. Developers send clients to their future apartments, automakers arrange virtual test drives. Back in 2014, Timberland offered customers the opportunity to try on new items from the collection without entering the store - on an AR screen.

And at the beginning of 2016, in the Swedish McDonalds, every owner of a Happy Meal could make VR glasses without looking up from a cheeseburger.

Today, unrealistic technologies in every sense penetrate into every home. In 2016, almost 7,000,000 people became owners of VR gadgets. According to experts, by 2020 the annual number of VR software installations will reach 37,000,000 worldwide.

We will come home from work, put on a helmet and go anywhere in the world. Fight aliens in your own apartment. Walk with a virtual dog. But no matter what reality we escape to, advertising will haunt us all the time. Marketers are already working on this.

So, we present to you the TOP 5 prestigious and highly paid marketing professions of the future.

5 unrealistic professions, or What professions will be in demand in the future?

Who it

This is a project manager, production director. The VR editor makes sure that the picture strictly follows the plot, and that the music matches it. He can correct almost everything himself, as he has production skills. Responsible for the timely delivery of a high-quality product to post-production.

What can he do?

Edits scripts and scenarios, audio, video and design in professional programs (like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects). The most important skill is mastering - sound and picture correction of the final version of the product.

Will go far

Today there are approximately 1,400 current VR editor jobs on LinkedIn. Mostly from creative agencies and production companies. There aren't many job openings because it's probably one of the easiest jobs to get into right now. Companies are growing VR editors from existing talent.

Who it

AR team member. A technician with the potential of an artist with absolutely no boundaries in his head - in every sense.

What can he do?

Fluent in all Adobe Creative Suite tools, models in 3D Studio and Cinema 4D. Thinks in three-dimensional objects and visualizes them aesthetically.

Will go far

ABI research showed that the AR market volume will reach $100,000,000,000 by 2020. The market has a huge audience of users mobile devices and even more huge and solvent - the medical and industrial industries. And the minimum wage for an AR designer on Indeed.com is $60,000.

Who it

A wizard capable of creating real reality from digital codes and adding virtual elements to it. Fantastic artist. Knows everything about 3D technologies and can make a significant contribution to the development of science.

What can he do?

Draws and designs with Adobe Creative Suite. Master of 3D modeling, UX professional. What the work of an MR designer will look like was shown in Windows:

Will go far

This is the most unpopular (but no less interesting) profession from our selection. But only due to the fact that technologies based on mixed reality are now the most expensive. The inventors of HoloLens - Microsoft specialists - are expanding their team. So far, their product resonates only in the B2B segment. However, Microsoft plans to introduce holographic reality into all areas of human life: from education to entertainment.

Who it

Programmer top level, a person capable of breaking down every system into algorithms. The significance of this profession cannot be assessed. An ML engineer speaks in code, and machines understand it. Develops algorithms based on machine learning and neural networks. Mathematician, statistician and physicist rolled into one.

What can he do?

Excellent command of Java, C/C++, Python, knowledge in such areas as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining.

Will go far

Today, about 13,000 vacancies are posted on various HR aggregators. The profession is more than in demand. On the Indeed.com portal, Apple, Google, Oculus, Amazon and other global corporations are looking for ML engineers.


Who it

An alien who can hold a conversation between a refrigerator and a microwave. And not just support, but actually set the tone! A visionary and a dreamer with a good dose of commercialism. An inventor who knows how and by what means to combine devices, for whom and how it will work.

What can he do?

Always up to date with IoT trends. He not only understands innovation, but also knows the names of all technological trendsetters (innovators). Anticipates the audience's dreams and decides how they will come true. A competent planner and speaker. Able to lead a team.

Will go far

According to Gartner, by the end of this year more than 8,000,000,000 devices will interact with each other, and by 2020 their number will more than double. For manufacturers household appliances, electronics and cars will need assistants who will explain to a wide audience why it is important to view stories from a toaster and how washing machine she orders the powder for herself.

5 real predictions

1. VR will cover Russia by the New Year holidays, according to representatives of M.Video (the largest electronic retailer in Russia). Helmets and games will go on sale en masse and become more than affordable, which means a niche will be added for product placement.

2. AR and MR should come later. However, the Pokemon Go phenomenon (in less than a week, the application was installed 7,500,000 times in the US alone) is already keeping many marketers awake. We will see augmented reality from brands in large quantities and in a variety of formats: from trying on clothes like Timberland to approximate results of plastic surgery.

3. Scientists from Oxford calculated that within 10 next years approximately 12% of employed people in developed countries will be unemployed. This will happen through process automation.

4. At the same time, 75% of jobs will be improved thanks to the same automation and robotics.

5. Having learned how to create virtual reality, people will begin to teach using it. There are already attempts to introduce VR projects into education systems. So last year, a group of American schoolchildren visited Mars on their way to school. The bus was equipped with dozens of VR devices that turned the streets of Washington outside the window into cosmic landscapes (you can see how it was).

Progress will give us many new opportunities and directions, and it will be damn interesting. In the meantime, we invite you to take our comic test and find out in just a minute and a half which of these promising professions suits you best. All you have to do is take the initiative, the choice is yours!

  • 1 Professions of the future: forecasts, hopes, fears
    • 1.1 A reduction in the number of jobs is expected
    • 1.2 The IT sector is becoming more and more in demand
    • 1.3 Are employee qualifications so important?
  • 2 How to become a sought-after specialist
  • 3 Forward to the future: the most in-demand professions of 2025
  • 4 Which professions will become extinct
    • 4.1 Sellers
    • 4.2 Operating personnel
    • 4.3 Media specialists
    • 4.4 Traumatic professions
    • 4.5 Office plankton
  • 5 Where to study after graduation

Choosing a profession that will be in demand throughout a person’s life is one of the most current issues, which stands before those graduating from high school and their parents. Naturally, few of yesterday's schoolchildren can conduct a deep analysis of the labor market - but everyone wants to get a promising profession that will be in demand for many years to come and bring a stable high income.

Professions of the future: forecasts, hopes, fears

The labor market is a very dynamic and rapidly changing system. Today, hardly anyone can talk with absolute certainty about all the changes over the next 10 years, not to mention more distant periods.

Watch a video about the future popular professions and prospects in the labor market.

The emergence of new technologies and other processes can both elevate professions that are not particularly popular today to the top, and, conversely, reduce the popularity of currently in-demand areas to zero. However, the general trends in market development are such that some conclusions can be drawn.

A decrease in the number of jobs is expected

The reasons for this forecast lie in the rate of demographic growth of the population, which already today far exceeds the rate of economic growth. Scientific and technological progress also plays an important role in this process.

Automation of various areas of activity, previously traditionally considered the prerogative of humans, leads to job reductions. The popularity of online marketplaces allows business owners to avoid owning or renting commercial premises for shops, warehouses and hiring service personnel.

The IT sector is becoming more and more in demand

Taking into account the increasing introduction of Internet technologies into the everyday life of a modern person, we can confidently say that professions related in one way or another will be increasingly in demand over time.

The share of humanitarian professions, on the contrary, will decline. Many humanities specialists are no longer working in their specialty.

Is employee qualifications that important?

Paradoxically, low-skilled professions, which traditionally pay the worst, are not going anywhere in the near future. At the same time, the gap in pay for unskilled labor and highly qualified specialists will grow. In this regard, there may be fewer average employees. It makes sense to improve your skills and move to the “major league” in the labor market.

Where to go to study after school and how not to remain on the sidelines of life? This is what we're talking about Let's talk now.

How to become a sought-after specialist

Fully agreeing with the saying: “It’s better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick,” let’s try to draw up an action plan that, with a high degree of probability, will allow us not to end up as a useless “penguin flipper” in a few years.
You should always try to improve your skills and qualifications. It is necessary to look for any opportunities to become a true professional in your chosen field of activity, because the incomes of a professional and an ordinary employee differ several times, and sometimes tens of times.
For example, we can take the situation with lawyers. Today the supply in this sector professional services several times higher than the demand for them. Many applicants respond to any vacancy and agree to receive minimum payment, just to work in my profession.

However, we should not forget that there is another type of lawyer. They earn fabulous sums, deal with large multinational corporations and manufacturing giants, and know their worth.

So what sets some lawyers apart from others? Some will say it’s luck, but the lion’s share of success still depends on the professionalism of the lawyer himself. Therefore, without knowing in advance when fate will present you with this or that opportunity, you must be ready at any moment to take advantage of the chance you receive. And this means that you need to continuously improve, push the boundaries of your knowledge and skills, gaining competitive advantage before representatives of a similar profession.

You need to be able to analyze the market, study the prospects of certain areas and try to act in their field. For example, now one of the most promising areas of the market can be called cryptocurrencies, blockchain, various digital technologies , which show a steady upward trend in demand.

We live in a dynamic, rapidly changing world. What is considered a new, cutting-edge technology today will be hopelessly outdated within a year. To remain a sought-after specialist, you must not only be able to change and acquire new skills in accordance with changing realities, but also try to predict these very changes and always be one step ahead.

Let's try to move from general concepts to more specific ones and talk in detail about the possibilities of the emergence of new professions and specialties in the foreseeable future.

Forward to the future: the most in-demand professions of 2025

Today's analysis of the Russian labor market shows an oversaturation of young specialists in the field of law, design and psychology and, at the same time, reveals a shortage of doctors of various profiles, engineers and representatives of agricultural professions. Statistics also show that almost 90% of humanities graduates cannot find work in their profession.

There are several areas of human activity in which, according to experts, artificial intelligence and robotization will not soon supplant humans. These primarily include educational professions, housekeeping, and various areas of health care.

In addition, some professions that today exist only in science fiction novels may become really in demand in the near future. The complete list of such professions, compiled by analysts, includes 136 items.

Here are just some of the possible areas that will be in demand in the foreseeable future:

  • airship design;
  • bioethics;
  • robotic systems engineering;
  • IT medicine;
  • architecture of zero-energy highways;
  • cosmogeology.

Today these names sound more than exotic, however, if you look at the pace at which our world has developed in recent years 30 and how many new revolutionary technologies that were not even dreamed of by science fiction writers of the past have become commonplace for us, the imminent appearance of cosmogeologists does not seem so unrealistic.

But there is no need to rush to design airships, especially since it is still difficult to obtain the appropriate profession. It’s better to think in detail about what to do now and where to go to study after school (or even after college, if you decide to get new specialty). To do this, it is necessary to rely on two main factors. The first and certainly the most important - personal preferences. If you hate biology, then it is unlikely that you will be able to become an outstanding biologist or at least a sought-after specialist in this field.

At the same time, one should not ignore the forecasts of futurologists and, if possible, select promising areas so that, firstly, if necessary, you can quickly gain additional knowledge, and secondly, master the necessary skills for maximum quick adaptation to the demands of the labor market in the future.

Which professions will die out?

In fact, the extinction of any profession is a rather arbitrary concept. For quite a long time, a similar fate has been predicted for, for example, librarians, however, nevertheless, they still have jobs. True, every year there are indeed fewer librarians.

Scientists predict a drop in demand for representatives of the following professions:


Due to the increasing transfer of selling business to online platforms, the services of sellers will be less and less in demand from year to year.

Service staff

Soon such irrelevant professions as watchmen, elevator operators and even postmen should disappear.

Media specialists

The threat of lack of demand in the foreseeable future will affect such ancient professions as reporters and journalists, proofreaders and editors, and even those that are in great demand now copywriter profession. The functions of the media are increasingly taken upon themselves social media, and the functions of writers of all stripes are automatic systems acquiring intelligence.

Traumatic professions

The demand for such traumatic professions as stuntmen and doubles will also decrease due to the rapid development of computer technology and web design.

Office plankton

In more long-term prospects Entire branches of professions related to accounting and office work, jurisprudence and management may come under attack.

For example, Sberbank of Russia announced a plan according to which it is planned to replace about three thousand units of the current staff with robots.

Where to study after graduation

So, what professions do experts think will remain relevant in the near future?

  • engineers of various specialties;
  • technical specialists;
  • biologists, chemists and related disciplines;
  • programmers;
  • web designers;
  • ecologists;
  • specialists in the field of nanotechnology.