Addresses of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Reviews about "main investigation department"

Recently, a deplorable situation has developed in the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, associated with a deterioration in the level of professionalism of the Main Investigation Department team (we are talking about all divisions) and a decrease in the effectiveness of its work. This situation is a natural result of high staff turnover, in which the most experienced investigators and managers with extensive work experience leave the State Investigation Department, and young specialists who do not have the proper professional skills are hired to replace them, while the principle of mentoring is violated and the workload on the remaining investigators increases. I believe that such an attitude towards personnel, the training of which takes a huge amount of both state resources and time, is an unforgivable waste. The reason for personnel turnover is the deterioration of the conditions of service in general and the management policies of the heads of the State Civil Service in particular.

As a result:

  1. Investigators, with the exception of “selected” ones, are not granted leave, this year, nor for previous years (many have not used them). This is the management policy of the State Investigative Directorate, aimed at compensating for the increase in workload, without eliminating the fundamental causes, which entails the appearance of an increase in the effectiveness of the work of investigators, but only in the short term, then there is a significant decrease in performance, which is partly compensated by the unfair involvement of employees in disciplinary sanctions, up to incomplete official compliance . The natural result of this policy was dismissal (including due to at will) the oldest and most experienced employees of the State Administration. Those who remain are “hung up like a Christmas tree” with penalties. I will not give specific examples, since it is not difficult to obtain information from the personnel department. For clarity, I propose to analyze for the period from September 2014 to the present time in the State Investigative Directorate the dynamics of dismissals of managers and investigators (taking into account length of service), as well as the dynamics of disciplinary action and rewards.

The solution to the problem is to establish strict control over compliance with the approved vacation schedule, conduct official checks to establish the reasons for not going on vacation, obtaining explanations from employees and relevant managers. Generally speaking, this problem of “serfdom” has outlived its usefulness in almost all other services of the Main Directorate, and the inertia of the leaders of the Main Directorate, which is one of the leading services, is all the more puzzling.

  1. As such, there is no accounting for processing time and, accordingly, payment. Systematically, orally, referring to a certain order from the head of the Main Directorate, without announcing them (probably the corresponding orders are not issued at all), personnel are recruited to work on weekends and holidays.

The solution to the problem is to conduct unannounced inspections by independent employees of the Main Directorate (for example, ILS).

  1. Service training (sports, shooting, etc.) is disgracefully organized. Once a month, in order to shoot four times, a GSU employee is forced to lose three to four hours of time - go to Petrovka, stand in line and come back. Learning to shoot with this approach is unrealistic, but work time is not spent efficiently. It would be more logical to devote to shooting, even once every six months, but the whole day. As for sports training, there is none at all. Annual tests are also accepted in sambo. At the same time, in order to practice sambo, the personnel of the State Security Service, if they have their own gym, are asked to arrive at Glavk (the round trip again takes two hours). It’s more logical for the instructor himself to come to GSU. Due to the above, the order to engage in sports in the Main Investigation Department is not actually observed; priority is given to work on criminal cases.
  2. In general, in the State Investigative Directorate, an investigator is a person who is obliged to do everything, to everyone and everything. He must line up at the detention center at 6 a.m., along with the throngs of lawyers who often enter the detention centers every day to earn their fees. By the way, in the Butyrsky pre-trial detention center, to put it mildly, an impolite girl at the window for accepting requests sells the line - a thousand for unhindered passage. The GSU office accepts correspondence from investigators only from 2 to 5 p.m., and the Moscow ZIC accepts cards only before lunch and only in person from investigators. I won’t say anything at all about relationships with prosecutors and courts. The question arises, why should the investigator adapt to everyone, and not vice versa? Listed and similar organizational issues, if desired, the leadership of the GSU could decide on its own.
  3. Now about the systemic problem, which, perhaps, concerns the entire structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The indescribable number of documents that an investigator must prepare, but which do not directly relate to criminal proceedings. This probably takes up at least 70% of my working time. At the same time, compiling them is not considered work - this is not an investigative action. Plans – to the point, calendar, summary-calendar. Reports - daily, weekly. I decided to conduct a seizure (search) - provide a report - Where? To whom? For what? (then they may be prohibited from conducting - procedural independence in full height). Timekeeping. Analytical reports on criminal cases for everyone, from the immediate supervisor to the prosecutor. Cards - just an insane number of forms that duplicate each other. At the same time, one crime – one set of cards. Ask how many of them are filled out by investigators investigating counterfeiting (several thousand criminal cases a year). Minutes of operational meetings (on all cases, multiple times). If you receive a complaint or appeal, draw up a conclusion of an internal audit or a conclusion of an inspection on the appeal. Every day, completely without delving into their contents (for there is no time), investigators sign many different statements about familiarization with orders and instructions, about studying reviews and instructions, about conducting conversations about inadmissibility, about not bringing (!) to a meeting mobile phone and so on, so on, so on. All this is filed in thick folders - just in case. Plus an unimaginable number of all kinds of meetings and the practice of writing instructions and reports on business affairs on behalf of the management.

The solution to the problem is to abandon useless documents, clearly regulate the time required to compile (or study) others and classify the time spent as working time.

  1. The established practice of involving investigators in disciplinary liability not for committing actual disciplinary offenses, but for so-called “red tape,” that is, for violating the requirements of Art. 6.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, on a reasonable period of criminal proceedings. The authority to determine the criteria of “reasonableness” has been completely illegally assigned by the leadership of the GSU. Due to the uncertainty of the criteria for the reasonableness of the period of criminal proceedings, it is impossible to determine the presence of a sign of a disciplinary offense “guilty action/inaction” (Article 49 of the Federal Law No. 342 of 3.011.2011), therefore, bringing to disciplinary liability is an abuse of law on the part of the management of the State Investigative Directorate. At the same time, there are cases when, on this basis, investigators were brought to disciplinary liability not even as a result of inspections, in the order established by law, and in connection with the receipt of letters from the Investigation Department with the wording “submit an order to punish the perpetrators.” Often, unwanted investigators are generally deprived of the right to protect their rights by not presenting for review the decision of the head of the investigative body to conduct an inspection and (or) the order to punish, by drawing up fictitious acts about the investigator’s refusal to write explanations,

The solution to the problem is the refusal to bring to disciplinary liability for “red tape”, at least until the legislator specifies the criteria for the reasonableness of the period of preliminary investigation. It is also necessary to keep a log of decisions to conduct internal audits based on the facts identified disciplinary sanctions and oblige personnel personnel to notify interested parties about such decisions. It is also necessary to publicly disclose and censure all cases of managers’ biased attitude towards employees; the author is aware of a number of cases when investigators who did not reach a month before retirement, having exceptionally positive performance indicators, suddenly became “enemies of the people” for not following the illegal orders of their leaders, they dared to defend their innocence, after which they were expelled in shame through a grotesque certification “under the article.”

I am confident that the resolution of these problems will significantly improve the working conditions of State Administration employees and will contribute to improving the efficiency of their activities, reducing staff turnover and, therefore, increasing the level of professionalism in general.

Yesterday in the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, an oral order was announced, seemingly issued by N.I. Agafyeva. about the return of all investigators to duty on August 29, 2015. No one was familiarized with the document; probably this working time will not be paid.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I, the subject of personal data, hereinafter referred to as the User, submit information through feedback forms (hereinafter referred to as Forms) on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), as well as to the corporate email addresses of the Law Firm “Business Fairway” ending with (hereinafter referred to as Corporate Mail), freely, in my own will and in my own interest, I express to the Law Firm “Business Fairway” (OGRN 1167700058679; INN 9705068808), located at the address: 109240, Moscow, Goncharnaya street, building 24, (hereinafter – Operator), consent to the processing of my personal data (hereinafter – Consent) on the following conditions.

1. The moment of acceptance of Consent is marking the corresponding field in the Form and clicking on the button to send the Form on any page of the Site, as well as clicking on the button to send an email containing the User’s personal data to the Operator’s Corporate mail address.

2. Processing of personal data – any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

3. Processing of personal data is carried out both with the use of automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, and without the use of such tools.

4. Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data of the User specified by the User in the Forms, in files attached to the Forms, as well as information sent to Corporate mail addresses:

    Full Name;

    Address Email;

    Contact number;


    Other personal data specified by the User in the Forms or files attached to the Forms.

5. Purposes of processing personal data:

    User identification;

    Interaction with the User, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the Operator’s services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User and establishing feedback from the User to the Operator;

    Answers to User requests;

    Ensuring the User’s work with the Operator’s Website;

    Sending analytical materials to Users and informing Users about upcoming events organized by the Operator, as well as registering Users to participate in such events;

    Conclusion of agreements with the User, including employment and service agreements legal services;

    Sending reference and other marketing information to Users by sending messages to the email address specified by the User.

    Providing Users with advice on issues related to the services provided by the Operator in order to marketing activities and support for Users, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict current legislation Russian Federation and the terms of agreements between the Operator and Users.

6. During the processing of personal data, the Operator has the right to collect, record, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, change), extract, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalize, block, delete, destroy the User’s personal data .

7. The operator takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal information Users from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.

8. The transfer of the User’s personal data to third parties is not carried out, with the exception of the successors of the Operator during its reorganization and persons processing personal data on behalf of the Operator and on his behalf. If Users participate in events organized by the Operator, the latter has the right to disclose the relevant personal data of Users to persons participating in the organization of such an event.

9. Consent to the processing of personal data is issued by the User for the period necessary for the Operator to achieve the purposes of processing personal data.

10. Consent may be revoked by the User by sending a written statement to the Operator (109240, Moscow, Goncharnaya Street, 24) or by sending a written statement to the following Corporate email address: .

11. This Consent is valid all the time until the termination of the processing of personal data.

12. The concepts used in this Agreement must be interpreted in accordance with their definitions given in Federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

For five years, investigators of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs have completely ignored the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, withdraw themselves from conducting an inspection of the material determined by the prosecutor’s office under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For five years, the Altufevsky Department of Internal Affairs has been “checking” the material with the help of the district police officer. Neither the Investigation Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate nor the Investigation Department of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation pays attention to this. Material No. 885/4804, 4805 dated June 27, 2011 - three volumes of material that documented and reliably established...

I ask you to inform me in any form convenient for you about the state of affairs regarding my application dated 03.2013. My application was added to criminal case No. 174440 on the basis of Article 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

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Hello. My name is Alexander, I'm 32 years old. I want to continue my career as an investigator. I have a higher legal education and served in the SU from 2002 to 2004. But, unfortunately, I am not registered in Moscow. Tell me, is it possible to get a job at the State Investigative Directorate or another department as an investigator in Moscow?

Good afternoon. My name is Nagaitseva Lyubov. The Otradnoye Department of Internal Affairs opened a case about the fraudulent actions of R. Vedeneev, who, having misled me, sold me someone else’s car. The State Investigative Directorate opened a case against Dmitry Igorevich Shishkin, who sold someone else’s car to Vedeneev. How can I find out the number of the case initiated by the State Investigative Directorate in order to understand what further measures to take??? Thank you. My phone: 8 (916) 0813635 and 8 (903) 2622825.

Crimean investigator, working or not. He handled the case according to the law and released the criminal. let people know about his negligence. And how did you let him go?

Dear Sirs! Sorry, if I am contacting you at the wrong address, please tell me where to contact. Yesterday, an energetic young man walked around apartments and persuaded people to buy the Biocorrector device for 18 thousand, when its price (according to this seller) was 60 thousand. This businessman had in his hands documents for the residents with their full data and introduced himself as an inspector from the Health Center LLC and the Megapolis State Medical Center. He offered to check his credentials by phone: 998-69-65. I called and asked to name the price of the device -...

Sorry for bothering you, but please tell me, do all employees entering service in the police department undergo additional psychological testing at Novoslobodskaya, after completing the VVC and CPD?